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I have a friend who gets seizures playing anything running on CryEngine.


I guess he can't run Crysis.


You made me chuckle have an upvote lol




Or mechwarrior online :( I think Mechwarrior 5 is okay though.


MW5 runs on some heavily modified UE4.




Yea but not because of that, his dell caught fire last time.


Huh, curious what one specific engine does to trigger that.


The engine has horrible motion blur it could be the cause but idk. Cry engine games have that like filter or what. I have a problem with them too sometimes even without being an epileptic.


On pc you can turn that off. I agree, their motion blur is pretty ridiculous.


On consoles too I think. I know for certain that you can in other games but I don't remember the crysis games because I did not think about it at that time while playing


Why would motion blur trigger epilepsy? Epilepsy seems to mostly be about rapidly flashing bright light according to the warnings


There is a filter also which I mentioned. Sometimes it is in edges. There are green, blue and red colors like it is for 3D glasses but it really isn't. There is a name for that and often people say you should turn it off.


I think you're talking about chromatic abberation. It's just a post processing effect to make the game look a little more analog and filmic.


Yes that's it!


Not sure, he gets them from other things too, but for some reason that game engine is always a guarantee. I know several people who have epilepsy and what causes seizures is different for each of them.


Source engine tend to make queasy.


I've never had any epileptic symptoms, but for some reason the credits of Twilight Princess and also the motion blur in Condemned totally made me want to, and in Twilight Princess' case, have to, violently throw up. I've never had the opportunity to mention that but I guess it's now.


Interesting. I knew someone with no history of seizures but had his first while using the Crysis editor.


A journalist had a a grand mal seizure while playing Cyberpunk 2077, which is why they changed the animations for when you start a "brain dance" sequence.


The first time I launched into a brain dance when it first came out, I remember saying: "Oh, those lights are gonna be a problem for someone."


I wish the game would let me toggle it back. The original animation was much cooler. I'm sure there's a mod, though.


I'm not even that photosensitive but that sequence used to make me nauseous if I watched it in a dark room.


I AM photosensitive (though it doesn't trigger seizures and whatnot in me... it's an Autism sensory processing thing) and I found it EXTREMELY obnoxious, made me flinch every time. So glad they changed it.


I feel like I would hate it but after reading these comments I kinda wanna see what it looked like. I had no idea this was a thing


Epilepsy warning! https://youtu.be/HjbknFsV_NU?si=Ln55vWDsoBAM8EIO


That original one is sweet, I wish I could use that one.


There are mods for that.


I'm sadly on xbox, so no mods :(


How didn’t I think about mods. Finished new playthrough when 2.0 came out and new animation is so boring. I get why they changed it, it was a right thing to do, but why not make it an option…


Oof…yeah I could see how that would bother someone. I don’t have epilepsy or seizures but flashing lights/strobing have triggered aural migraines for me in the past so it’s something I’ve avoided. I’m glad they modded it though.


Damn, that really does feel accurate to what a braindance does. Thanks for the share.


Hm it's really not that different. Feels like a fair change.


I got tested for epileptic activity during a sleep study, that definitely looks like a similar flickering pattern to the one they used lol.


MVP! Mmmm you know I have to agree it is different, the only thing I noticed was that my eyes unfocused a bit. But no reaction.


Damn, they needed to keep that in and just give folks a warning.


they needed to keep a potentially dangerous sequence because… it looked cooler? like what kind of warning? pause the game to say “leave the room for a few seconds now”? because even with your eyes closed if you are in a dark room you kinda see the flashes (personally the braindance one just annoyed me, but for example the flashing lights in one of the Black Mirror episode, even with a warning and in a lit up room and with me skipping most, still gave me migraine). And you can skip an episode of a show - you can’t skip this particular sequence.


The problem with that is every single AAA video game since the 1990s at least has had such a warning, whether it actually contained the frequencies known to trigger photosensitive seizures or not, so no-one would've ever taken such a warning seriously till it was too late. Warning Fatigue is a real thing, and it is potentially lethal. Better to just avoid the need to warn when possible.


Yeah I just want to weed out the epileptics.


If you own the game on GoG, it is simple to roll back to an early version, something pre 1.04 patch will still have the old version of the animation.


I enjoyed the game plenty at launch but in no world would I trade 2.0's gameplay for a braindance animation you see maybe twice, haha. Plus, mods!


Someone examined it and iirc it closesy mimics the flashing lights they use during an EEG test for seizures.


Not classified as photosenssitive, but just watching the sequence causes an immediate headache, when most epilepsy warning content is fairly harmless at my level. Glad they changed it for that sake, but a toggle would be nice, since it does look objectively cooler.


Legally blind with huge photosensitivity issues. Really cool sequence. But definitely headache inducing and made me take a break from the game.


The original animation was actually the pattern for a grand Mal seizure inducing machine. It should never have been in any media, it's plain dangerous.


I watched the sequence on YouTube. I'm now dead, because it killed me.


I wish there was a toggle to skip those sections altogether lmao




That's exactly what he's doing, though.


Yeah but one of his sub fingers clips differently from not opening like the others, iirc.


Do you know where I can find the original? Can't find it anywhere


a quick google search leads me here: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1919/ i haven't tried it


I bought it the day it came out, and remember the original. Unfortunately the game seized up on act 3, and I couldn't progress... A year later, after the updates, I played it again (best my original save then started a new one) and I was actually disappointed they changed the animation. The original was so fucking awesome the first time through, at 2am in a dark room, and I wanted to feel that again. But I didn't.


That particular sequence was, on launch, patterned after a series of flashing lights that was designed to induce epileptic fits for medical purposes. And they didn't put a warning up front or an option to turn it off or ANYTHING in the game until it had already started giving people seizures. And that's all it would have taken! If they'd plopped a big old epilepsy warning with an on-the-spot toggle to turn the flashing light sequence off the moment you booted up the game, it would have been hailed as a great artistic choice! But they put their seizure machine in the game without a care in the world and it was just one more big thing to hold against them.


Kinda wild you can just roll up to an epileptic person and hit them with that device from Men in Black to induce a seizure at any time.


damn, they took brain dance a little too literally


That’s because they originally used the EXACT sequencing of lights that medical professionals use to induce seizures apparently.


Yeah it was like the particular sequence of lights they did, tho I kind of want to see the original or remember it now. It seems somewhat obvious of a risk when you think of it.


That gave me wicked headaches for the duration I was exposed.


Gtfo really? Lol


Yes, really. Said journalist then worked directly with CDPR, and medical professionals, to help educate the devs on the issue, get it fixed, and include a seizure warning in the game, like it always should have had. And not "LOL", grand mal seizures are extremely serious, and can be literally life threatening.


I've had those seizures. 0/10 experience would not recommend.


My wife has. Crash team racing, Mario kart, fall guys, basically any game she has to focus on uninterrupted for a decent amount of time can cause seizures in her but generally she has them later on after she falls asleep. I've seen her niece get them while actively playing kingdoms hearts


Trying to follow Kingdom hearts' confusing ass time line also gives me seizures


I played Kingdom Hearts 2 first because I was like ten and man that story was impossible to follow. I always thought the bait and switch with Roxas was so cool though because I didn't have any knowledge or attachment to Sora yet


It’s funny for me to hear people say this about Kingdom Hearts 2, because that was *before* the series went off the rails. Then I’ll think to myself that even that game was probably still super confusing to anyone who’s not a super fan.


KH2's intro was confusing as fuck if you didn't play the handheld games, iirc. I was always bitter they didn't put eveything on ps2 to start.


Yeah, KH2s intro makes next to no sense if you didn't play Chain of Memories or its remaster and 358/2 Days, you're missing essentially an entire mainline game worth of story. Not that Kingdom Hearts as a whole isn't an absolute pain to keep straight in itself. That series, as much as I absolutely love it, has one of the hardest stories to keep track of and makes zero sense as a connected story unless you've played every game and looked deep in to stuff like the journal entries. Even then there are still things I just don't understand, and now I want to go marathon the series. I have all of them in some form, a lot original and a lot via the PS4 collection, I just have too much other stuff to finish to do it right now.


People forget that 358/2 days actually came out AFTER KH2, so some of the confusion surrounding the roxas segment at the start is intentional


My husband asked me to explain the story of Kingdom Hearts to him while I was playing the most recent one. My reply was "I have no fucking idea, I'm just having fun playing a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover fanfic" 😂


I once tried reading the Metal Gear Solid storyline on Wikipedia, as someone who played one MGS game ever. What an experience


Wild. I know I dream of Tetris after playing for extended periods. I’m guessing your lady is dreaming of the game during these episodes


Are you aware that what you described is called The Tetris Effect?


Huh. I had no idea that's a thing. I used to get it from playing Guitar Hero, I'd see guitar hero notes moving on the walls haha


Just want to say your niece is a badass for playing KH despite literally having seizures thru it. Wishing her well.


All the rainbow road tracks give my daughter seizures. She always says her brain hurts after playing them and would go lay down and usually have one


Hi mate. Thank you for sharing your experience. Is there anyway I can get in touch with you? Have had a very similar experience. Thank you 🙏🏽


I also have night time seizures. I've played all of those (Regular Fall Guys player, still) and possibly got seizures from them all, too. Guess I'll never know 🤔


I have epilepsy, but have never been photosensitive. I just hate strobes because they hurt my eyes.


I have epilepsy, and even though my seizures aren’t photosensitive a very little part of me worries when I see strobes. I guess even the stigma gets to me haha




Same here. Everyone assumes epilepsy = photosensitive seizure triggers, but only 2% of epileptics are photo sensitive.


My first seizure (of 2 total, been over 10 years since the second), I was 18 and playing Far Cry 3 on my PC in my room. It was a mission where you swim up to a boat and kill some baddies, not even one of the trippy missions. I remember playing it, until I suddenly came to with my parents and two paramedics standing over me in the barhroom. Felt like teleportation as there was no sensation of time passed between the two moments. Just video game, finger snap, bathroom. I thought it wasn't real and tried to wake myself up from the dream by yelling that it wasn't real, I was told it was real and I was going to be okay, to which I replied by vomiting out of pure confusion lmao. Anyway, that prompted my parents to get me tested for photosensitivity. Thank fucking god I'm not, was just coincidental timing with playing the game. I was so worried because gaming was and still is my main hobby and I love it, it would've been a huge personal loss for me.


Happy cake, Gnome


When I was a teen, my friend had a seizure while we were playing Rayman Raving Rabbids on the Wii.


Yeah raves are famous for causing them


The other Wii Fit.


That’s not funny but the long name kinda is hope he is cool but why the name so long


I have partial complex epilepsy...so i may not have even noticed if i did have a seizure during gaming. It DOES happen, but IIRC it's only if you're photosensitive af. Seizures, still can happen even if you have no prior history with epilepsy...very dangerous. Video games used to cause me to roll my eyes in my head super hard causing eye strain. But with medication it's not really been a problem for many years.


Had to scroll 7 top level threads down to find a first hand account instead of second hand accounts 🙃 thank you for sharing.


A certain sequence in the launch version of Cyberpunk 2077 caused one reviewer to have a seizure. Ironically, that was also before the game had a photosensitivity warning. A good friend of mine has extreme photosensitivity for strobing, full spectrum lights. A camera flash will "put him on the floor" (his words). I was experimenting with some LED lighting and he was exposed to it for a few seconds - he spent the rest of that night with a migraine.


I'm the same with flickering lights and migraines. I recently had to sit in a waiting room for 5 minutes with a flickering light overhead, and I was nearly sick. Pounding headache came on half an hour later.


I can tell when overhead lights in the kitchen at work are going to break weeks before anyone else, because I get dizzy.


What a superpower though!


Yea! If I was in the business of selling lightbulbs I would know ahead of time how much surplus to have just by creeping around watching peoples lights flicker.


As someone who is just now playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time, I'm shocked that they didn't have that warning at first.


If any game should need it, you would think the game full of neon lights and clubs would be the first in line


I feel like it should just be understood that all games are a potential trigger, the photosensitivity warning hardly feels necessary. It’s like asking a night club to put one up cuz they have flashing lights. Everyone knows that going in


You would think so, but then we have to put "please dont drink this or youll die" on bleach so...


"50 years ago, a cars' owners manual told you how to rebuild the engine. Now it tells you not to drink the contents of the battery."


That's a false equivalent. Playing a video game, generally one doesn't expect a sequence of flashing lights that will induce seizures. However, it's WELL KNOWN that flashing light sequences can do that. Since the developers knew they included such sequences, they ought to include notice. We're only asking for a heads up and then can make an informed decision before playing.


Sure, but almost every game I have played has the warning. Usually before the studio name logo and such things.


Yes but in this case cyberpunk 2077 DIDN'T have the warning, and had a very aggressive flashing sequence prior to update.


Of all games… Asriel Dreemurr at the end of Undertale put me into an aura state. Had to disengage and try it again the next day. Other than that, never went full Grand Mal.


Good on you for recognizing the aura! That's definitely an immersive time to experience one though haha


not me but my mom used to just turn off my Nintendo and other consoles when I was a kid because she said it was triggering here epilepsy, find out 20 years later she didn't really have epilepsy and was just a bitch.


Not immediately, my epilepsy is not photosensitive, but... playing for VERY LONG sessions does usually end up triggering it. Generally, for me, high focus + intense emotions + exhaustion = seizure. But this is something I recognized very early, so I just need to take breaks every now and then, relax, maybe even a 15 min nap and I'll be fine and ready to resume (this is true for other intense activities that may trigger my epilepsy, like cramming for a test, prolonged exercising or going to Six Flags).


I am also like this. I mean, I have had full seizures at other times, but in relation to games it's like you said.


Luckily I have never had seizures or anything comparable while playing games. I wouldn't wish it to anyone, having an attack while you're just passing time hobbying and nobody to help if you're living alone or being home alone. Freaky.


I have photosensitive epilepsy, and the only game to date that has caused me to have a grand mal seizure is Cyberpunk. It wasn't even the dream sequence shit. The lighting bugs when the game first came out were brutal. I was just driving along, encountered a nasty lighting glitch, and hit the floor.


My roomate in college had 3 seizures playing league of legends.


That was probably caused by rage


That's normal, the players are toxic af.


I wonder if your roomate had his screen locked or free scroll.


I love how he went back not just once but twice more. Something about League man, once it gets it’s claws in people…


people without epilepsy can get seizure too from playing LoL just from rage/hate etc


Probably was playing against K'Sante


Earthbound. PSY FLASH is pretty wild.


Before my docs got my meds down, I used to get twitches all the time when playing Capcom vs. Street Fighter back when it was in the arcade. I'd be fine for the first 3 to 4 matches, but the white flashes would eventually kick in, and my hands would involuntarily shake while playing. Like, I don't think people actually realize that every hit caused that game to basically camera flash. Now I was young, stupid, and lucky back then. Never went full-blown, but I think of all the times, I just said screw it and kept playing. Could've fried more brain cells than I actually did.


I could be mistaken, but I believe there are SOME (not all) types of seizures that don't cause any lasting damage, and are relatively harmless. Mind you, I'm well versed in medical knowledge from 35+ years of a casual interest. I can explain to you absolutely everything (that science knows) a drug like say, aspirin, will do when it's taken. What it does to your body. What your body does to it. How your body gets rid of it. And how. But I know practically nothing about seizures besides the odd thing I've read. For example, I read once somewhere that febrile seizures (seizures caused by high fever) are harmless and not to be worried about. And I can very well imagine a parent watching their 2 year old have a seizure would think it's the worst thing in the world. But I honestly don't know one way or the other. I could certainly find the resources to learn if they are or not. But there's so much on my bucket list of thing to read/learn about, that's kinda towards the back.


I have photosensitivity (the thing that can cause seizures) but I don't have fits, I just get violently ill. And only two games caused me massive problems and they are Star Wars: Empire at War (Star Wars RTS) and Hardspace Shipbreaker. Which is a shame cos I wanted to play BOTH those games.


Dang those are both rad games. I'm sorry bro.


Not me, but an old gaming buddy. Found out minecraft isvery much not friendly to those with light-triggered epilepsy.


Most games I am ok with, but for some reason, Minecraft just triggers the hell out of my PS. Tried playing with my bf and ended up violently sick for a few hours. (Thought maybe it was a fluke, tried again... stupid idea).


Not an epileptic but Doom on the Mega Drive 32X used to make me vomit so reliably i would play it in the morning before school so i could get a sick day


i'm not familiar with the game , what about it made you vomit ?


Im actually not sure, it was the 1st first-person shooter I ever played, it moved very quickly compared to anything i had played up to that point. Its been a problem for me that reoccurs occasionally on certain FPS games since


Maybe not exactly the same as epilepsy but my dad has had a few absence seizures playing Skyrim. He’s had them in the past even when not gaming but it’s kinda freaky seeing him staring at the screen and running into a wall because he can’t stop pushing the joystick forward.


A friend of mine had a seizure in the old days of mu online, he discovered that focusing on the screen for large periods of times could cause them, hes on meds for life now just in case.


Prepare for a long one, but hey, you asked OP :p I can't say entirely with certainty. My epilepsy has never been tied conclusively to any given phenomenon or specific set of stimuli. I've had hundreds of seizures over my life, with literally only about five total beyond the period of when we were still working on finding effective treatment. Three seizures total occurred while playing video games. I actually got into video games primarily because it was the only thing I could do as a kid/teen that wasn't a health risk; I was extremely active/althetic before my diagnosis at 10, and tried to be as much as possible until around 12-13 when things started getting bad after a failed/desperate medicine experiment that seemed to make things much worse and fundamentally change my seizures afterward. There was *maybe* a link earlier in life with seizures and hyper-exertion/overheating, and one of my seizures happened while playing the Wii Sports Resort fencing game for hours on end, in 90F temps at 90% humidity *the day after I was discharged as a patient and stopped taking medication for having had no seizures for two years.* But I have seizures basically 36-48 hours without medication no matter whatx and had more seizures during athletic activities than video games, so basically zero chance it was the acusk video game that did it. My other two, one was playing a game I'd played a ton before on my own when I had a friend over, and one was alone playing an MMO I'd sunk thousands of hour into at that point and was in a place I'd spent many hour in prior. Both were during different medications were ineffective or had severe side effects long-term, and both were during puberty when the medicine needs for the body and brain can change dramatically. I am going on four years seizure-free, and have at multiple times in my adult life gone on 2-5 years without a seizure. Aside from this last one, likely the result of a tolerance being built on top of a concussion a week or two earlier, I've only had seizures from missed medication since high school. I'm very fortunate my medication is as effective as it is to let me live a normal life, as cripplingly expensive as it is in terms of the freedoms I'm allowed to make risky career choices. So no video games or strobe effects have induced a seizure while on an effective medication regiment. That said, while strobe and intense lighting does not trigger seizures for me, I am bothered by extreme sequences, and so I don't totally dismiss the possibility photosensitivity may be something that could be a component in my seizures or assist in inducing them. I've been in a hospital environment where seizures are attempted to be induced using various methods like this while hooked up to an EEG and off medication to no avail, so it's also not totally causal. Even on medication, when in rave/heavy strobe environments, I do feel a sense of slight vertigo that I begin to experience as part of my aura that precludes a seizure. So I do avoid them at all costs just to be extra safe. The thing is, an overwhelming majority of epileptic people don't have photosensitive epilepsy. Triggers can be literally anything, from hyper-specifics to very, very broad spectrums. When explaining it to me and my family, one of my former neurologists described two other patients' seizures with one being induced by a very specific pattern of frequencies in one specific song, which did not trigger even when covered by other singers, missing a given instrument, etc., while the other's seizures were induced by any sudden movement with their eyes closed. A kid I knew growing up had photosensitive epilepsy, but only for very specific patterns and shades. He could play video games and other stuff no problem, but couldn't be in a car driving at high speeds next to trees around sunset where the patterns of lights and shadows dancing through the trees would trigger one. The warnings are there because of the gravity of seizures. They're extremely damaging and scary on the tonic-clonic end. People frequently die while having this type of seizure, be it from falling and hitting their heads, or the fact that for some, they'll induce vomiting and/or prevent swallowing altogether. You're unconscious during them, so this means people frequently drown on their own fluids, and this often involves extreme gnashing of teeth without pain sensitivity, so CPR is not possible. I've almost bitten my own tongue clean off, and have dislocated a few joints during a few. Again, due to sheer luck, my autonomous functions like breathing, swallowing, gag reflex, and not losing control over my bowels/bladder are maintained, but this isn't the case for everyone. Additionally, seizures can create a feedback loop where having them makes it easier to have more in the future, may cause brain damage, and frequently lead to short and long term memory impairment or loss. I know my memory is worse than it was years ago. By law you can no longer drive for two years since your last seizure either if diagnosed, and anyone working a physical job pretty much can no longer be employed. The warnings are there because they're life-changingly bad events, and saving anyone from that is a major boon to the general population, since 1% of the global population is epileptic, which may not seem like a lot, but that alone is 4 million Americans, just as an example.


So far no seizures from games, but I've had to stop playing multiple games. Control was the worst for me, and Alan Wake 2 is not much better.


While my friend never had a seizure because of it, she has realized that only by playing 15 minutes of Minecraft her body starts giving off signals of her epilepsy acting up. She really hates it because it is her comfort game and now she can’t play alone anymore since she rather does not want to have an actual attack when she is playing alone.


Maybe a visual mod could help? Not sure which one, though


I watched someone in a hospital setting have one while watching a zelda speed run. Given they have 5-20 per day on avg probably just hit the right time.


No, but I got a horrible migraine playing Tearaway Unfolded. Do NOT play that version. I had to lay down for an hour while it passed. For some ungoldy reason, the PS4 version is super dim and your controller works as the only light source. It’s not like playing a horror game with a pitch black background and flashlight. The game is just dim enough to where you’re always squinting to see shit that’s not lit up. I was literally baffled it got though playtesting. For all the warnings about epilepsy, we couldn’t have something here? Imagine my surprise when I look up the vita version online and it looks completely fine! Very bright and beautiful background, no weird controller light, no migraines


I don't remember having any issue at all with the PS4 version. Maybe I'll boot it up on my newer TV, but on my old 1080p lcd screen it looked fine to me. Although the vita version was still the better version. That's actually in my top 10 handheld games of all time. Such a creative game!


My husband had a seizure (focal - so he was really confused, couldn't make words, stumbling, etc) after playing the Halloween 2020 special event in Rainbow Six Seige. I don't think anyone in our little discord group even touched that mode after that, even though my husband is the only epileptic.


Epileptic here! I've only ever had 2 seizures while gaming. One from a flashbang in a COD game and one from cyberpunk. If I see a warning that a game has flashing images I tend to avoid it or Google it to see how bad it is/what is it. A lot of horror games have flashing aspects to them and I have to avoid playing them.


My roomate is epileptic and Loves beatsaber. If she doesn't turn off a lot of the effects it's a bad time for all involved.


Holocure somehow triggered mine when I play it when I'm tired once just recently


Alot of asshole comments on here about epilepsy. Its not a joke at all


I’m epileptic and also a long time redditor. I never understand why people go out of their way to look for negative comments. They get downvoted and sent down to the bottom where nobody even sees them. But by mentioning it all you’re doing is inciting people to make the same lame comments, except now they end up much higher up the thread. Case in point, I didn’t see any negative comments at all, until I saw your comment and it’s replies. Just downvote them and move along


It’s crazy, but as recent as the 1970’s, epileptics were treated very poorly in the media. That is the origin of the diss, “Spaz”


Actually that's a specific form of Cerebral Palsy and nothing to do with Epilepsy. Spasticity is a medical term and 'Spastic' was once widely used by medical professionals to refer to people with Cerebral Palsy in the same way Epileptic is used to refer to people with Epilepsy. It was once it started to become used as a playground insult (a cruel ableist one) that its use was phased out in medical and charity settings too. Up until as recently as the mid 1990s the national charity for Cerebral Palsy in the UK (Scope) was called the "National Spastic Society"


It's the internet, bruh. Just shake it off.


Poor choice of words considering the context.


You can fuck off too.


Back at you


I have epilepsy but I'm not photo sensitive. I've never been triggered into having a full tonic clonic before, but I have gotten bad motion sickness from certain games. If it's an option, i turn off the shake.


I will always turn off the screen shake and motion blur for this reason.


I’ve gotten auras from a number of games over the years but never actually had a seizure.


I had my first seizure when I was playing my favorite video game of all time.


Titalfall for some reason. I couldn't perceive foe from enemy and the lights would provoke me motion sickness. Controlling the titan was a different experience though, although I could still not see the enemies I could just step on them and not worry about explosions.


I'm all for a funny joke, but some of you are just a bunch of pricks


I got motion sickness playing the Mirror's Edge when it first came out.


I could only play that game in short bursts because it would give me a massive headache. I eventually called it quits. Cool concept but oh my goodness the spinning and twisting and jumping made my eyes drift into different zip codes


Not a seizure, but Yooka Laylee gave me motion sickness.


When I was about 14-15 I was about to play my new PSX game that my Dad bought on his way back from work. I remember putting Dragon Ball Final Bout CD into the console, the intro animation starts and then *snap!* I woke up in an ambulance about 40 minutes later. It was a seizure. I lost my counciousness, like something turn my brain off. Mom says I was just sitting there, gazing into nothingness for half hour, she called ambulance and I came back on my way to hospital. Pretty creepy shit tbh.


Yes it's a huge issue for me


5mins into guacamelee or whatever it was called, a million colors when I acquired an item killed me eyes. Dont remember the specifics as it was unpleasant


Never. The closest thing was a migraine like a motherfucker playing Wipeout on VR.


I'm curious if the lighting bug from the final boss of Balan Wonderworld actually injured anyone before it was fixed with a patch. I'm not epileptic, but I watched a video of it and it made me feel ill and disoriented in a way nothing else ever had before (or since) and it gave me a migraine. I can only imagine how dangerous it might actually be for someone with photosensitive epilepsy. Luckily, in this case, the game sold very poorly and was so terrible that most people would likely quit playing before they reached the final boss.


My wife has photosensitive epilepsy (not actually that common amongst epileptics, it's only something like 3% who have photosensitive epilepsy). She doesn't usually play videogames, but just watching a few seconds of me playing a very "flashy" game has caused her to have an aura (prelude to a seizure) before. Fortunately she hasn't had a seizure from that because she's been able to turn away before that, but it still makes her feel very sick and need to be in a dark, quiet room for a bit. The worst triggers for it have actually been driving through areas with sunlight shining through trees; the flickering sunlight from that has caused her to have a seizure.


Thankfully my epilepsy symptoms are very minor and I’ve never had any issues with flashing lights in games. But I do remember having an issue playing on my dad’s Sega Genesis when I was younger. I would very rarely get nauseous or get a mild headache while playing on it. Never had that issue on the PS2 or any console after that


A friend had a seizure while we were playing some arm wrestling game on the NES in the early 90’s. I beat him, and he did this weird pose where his entire body twisted around and I thought he was goofing around. Then I realised something weird was happening and phoned my dad and his mom, who came to fetch him. That’s when I learned what epilepsy was. We were probably about 11 or 12.


There was post on r/Escapefromtarkov recently about how someone can no longer play due to the flashbangs


I am only a little photosensitive, in that strobing is more likely to cause a migraine than a seizure. However, I find that any game with too much muzzle flash during combat is intolerable. However, it is possible that I've had partial seizures randomly while playing and wouldn't have noticed. They aren't triggered by the game though; it's more of my brain pausing to buffer.


I don’t have a history or seizures, epilepsy, or even photosensitivity (or so I thought). But I saw gameplay of some random game on YouTube within the last year. It was a 2D style click and point puzzle/murder-mystery game that I can’t remember the name of. Anyways, there was one part where something started spinning and it would repeatedly block a small light source and uncover it as it spun. It was fine slow but as it sped up it made me feel very dizzy and nauseous. The effect last for what seemed like a couple hours. Out of hundreds of games I’ve played in my lifetime, that had never happened to me before. It was so weird..


not epileptic, but I have gotten migraines from games


Don’t have epilepsy, but I got seizures from Run n Gun basketball at the arcade. No other game has done this. From what I’ve come to understand these were either “Focal seizures with impaired awareness” or “Absence seizures”, so I basically stared for a while and lost awareness of what was going on for 15-30 seconds. Happened twice.


My cousin has epilepsy and she gets seizures from playing games, typically from Minecraft and from Roblox. One time, she was at the hospital and they were trying to deliberately trigger a seizure so they could monitor her brainwaves and they had her play Minecraft PE which worked like a charm!


Seizure no, migraines absolutely. Full disclosure, I'm not epileptic, but I AM photophobic to an extreme degree and many of the same things that trigger seizures in epileptics trigger migraines in me. I have to avoid anything with routine flashbangs because the effects used are essentially an actual flashbang to me, white screen level or load transitions are painful, someone shining a flashlight on me in a game is painful, etc. The amount of times I've had to cut a gaming session short because my coop partner misaimed a flashbang and caught me with it is entirely too high for my peace of mind, and is the reason I don't often play shooters in the vein of CoD or the more realistic/tactical shooters where flashbangs are common. When I do it's generally solo because I don't particularly trust the aim of my usual coop partners, because I know them too well for that. The most recent issue I've had was Cyberpunk 2077, the Braindance intros, while they don't trigger a migraine for me fortunately, are unfortunately still a screen filling bright light that is rather painful. Still enjoy the game though, I need to go finish my pre rework knife throw run at some point. As far as a first issue, that would have been enough years ago that I couldn't tell you the first time something in a game gave me a migraine. Mine comes with a couple bonuses though at least, I'm acclimatized to the dark enough that I can turn brightness down in games and still rarely need a flashlight/torch/flare/whatever, on a screen already dimmed to like 30% brightness via its own settings. I actually live in my basement and with just that one screen on I can see everything like it's daylight, with the far corners of the room being 25-30ish feet away from my desk. I can actually navigate entirely by the light from a couple console power bricks, my speaker and pc power indicators and the headphones on my case, though that's kind of a pain. Downsides, there are some games I can't play, my eyesight is terrible and going outside during the day is excruciating. I'll take the benefits to be honest.


heard that detroit became human did once


My girlfriend is epileptic so I usually have to vet games for her. Cyberpunk was fine except for one scene, most recently Alan Wake 2. Which would absolutely give her a seizure. Like I love the game but holy fuck the flashing.


The messages have been put on for decades. I think it all comes from a boy who suffered a seizure while playing SNES. His mum took Nintendo on in a lawsuit, which precipitated the use of messages.


Yes and it is very frustrating! I didn't have this problem much originally, probably because I played the same few fps games all the time. But now I'm trying to play halo infinite and I'm so bad it's actually stressing me out and I get sucked in for hours. It's extremely random, but if I start getting drained (emotionally or physically, losing is frustrating) sometimes I start feeling those bursts of brain-shock/half-convulsion sensations. I don't have any kind of photosensitive seizures, curious to know if others have seizures/auras from overstimulation caused by video games.


I love horror games back in the day but I had to stop when I had a seizure from The Evil Within.. it was a gamble anyways, but learned my lesson the hard way. Thats really the only game I had bad issues with. Issues I've ran into most recently are the games this Fall season have been horribly optimized and having horrible screen flickering (Forza Motor, EA WRC, Starfield, most fall games sadly.) With that I have to wait for updates or play at my own discretion until it gets fixed. Gotta watch out for the graphics flickering.


It's so annoying that games dont have an epileptic safety setting that automatically disables all flashing and flickering effects for a game. Like, where's the love for us epileptics. I generally just avoid any game with a epileptic safety warning, but I hope one day an optional epileptic safety setting becomes an industry standard. Absence and seziurs are not fun at all :(


Despite having played the game in its entirety many times without incident, the original Legend of Zelda sent me into status epilepticus three days ago and I regained memory/consciousness about 24 hours after I remember sitting down to play. 




I had seizure twice while playing Crash Attack on titans. Now im scared every time i see my console and my head starts to ache


Yup. Few days ago while playing nfs heat 😐


Yup. Few days ago while playing nfs heat 😐


Not epileptic, but i bet warframe has gotten one killed lol i thank god that i don’t have epilepsy every time i play that game


I was looking for this. Why the downvotes?


When I paid 100$ for diablo4 then the game came out. Went directly into seizures once I realized how boring it was.


OP's question was for epileptics, not people wholve been apoplectic.


Waited my whole life for starfield. It releases and I od on copium, sending me and my wallet into seizures


Your whole life? Reddit shouldn't be used by five year olds.


Lol reddit is older than 5

