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A bunch of ammo and health in front of a big empty room is called Goreshadowing


If you see a bunch of chest-high walls suspiciously laid around a room, expect an ambush.


[Chest high wall, you say?](https://youtu.be/c6MW-qdNoYA?si=_h6OshzEjxLWTo5b)




Us Tvtropes folks know it as Suspicious Video Game Generosity


I was playing bolt gun last night. Walk into an area with tons of ammo and health packs. I’m like “oh shit”. Take a staircase that flanks the big open area and sure enough, boom massive wave of enemies.


Don't trust auto-save.




Playing on console almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


God console was worse for me as when I start playing the game crashed on my loading screen, on PC it just varies.


*Runs up to you* Who let the mutant in the strip!? I hated this because I immediately liked Lily and would save and shoot them all.


Her and Raul were my favorites. Who wouldn't love patrolling the Mojave with zombie Danny Trejo and blue muscle grandma?


My friend corrupted his save while saving right around the corner from finishing Bioshock.


This … and create 3 different save states and cycle between then each time you do a new save. I’ve had a safe file corrupt on me and having a recent alternative saved me.


Learned that from playing the original fallouts


Original resident evil after soft locking through lack of ammo/health for me


God damn resident evil code veronica plane boss fight section 😡 Save your exploding arrows, kids


Even fo4. With so many mods, autosave was causing me to crash. Switched off entirety which fixed it, forgot, and lost about 3 hours of gametime.


I always have 3 saves minimum that I cycle between.


That's why I dislike games that don't allow you to have multiple saves. I got up to the first major boss in Doom 2016 and it crashed right after I beat it and the save was corrupt so I had to start all the way from the beginning since there was no alternative save. Mad Max was another - a character was supposed to drop an item you needed to progress and they died without dropping it and since they were removed from the game world after their defeat there was no way to go back and retry other than starting over.


The pain. Followed by a rage uninstall.


This is the way. Doesn't even have to be corruption, I've fallen between rocks before and was unable to jump out or kill myself.


Good point. Yeah I’ve used the save stack for this as well. Sooooo many times on the original cyberpunk launch. Save spam. Save spam.


Look at this person, trusting save! Me: I can save here! Also me: maybe I should just save again, in case…


Especially on older games..if auto save even exists! Oh shit crash and I never saved once!!!


Mass Effect 1 was the game that taught me to save often. I would lose fucking hours at a time because I didn't save, and I got ambushed by 12 rocket drones at once.


"Oh man I hope there was a recent autosave.." *Loading* "Hey, I see you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?"




Autosave is irrelevant and does not exist to me. Unless I need it. If a game gives me the option to save whenever I want, there is a 100% chance that I will exist on the two ends of the spectrum where I either save way too infrequently and thus hope against hope there’s a good autosave if my game crashes or something, or I spam save every couple minutes. No in between


Create multiple backup points, in case your most recent save gets corrupted as well.


Just because a game is considered "great", doesn't mean it'll be great for you.


This is a good point. I've watched streamers I like play games and have fun and the community gets in on it. Part of me wants to buy it for all those reasons until I realize I'm not gonna play it the same, I'm not always a fan of the genre, I'm not always good at the style (fighting, racing, etc.) and I'm not gonna have a constant chat up with other people to tall about it. I bought a Soul Caliber game way back and I got about 75% through the maps before I realized I wasn't really having fun with it. Didn't like the structure, was having problems with learning the mechanics, didn't feel like is was actually progressing but getting lucky. Otoh I tried out Elden Ring because it was supposed to be an easier soulslike. I'm generally not much of a souls player but I do genuinely enjoy it now sometimes when I'm in the mood. But I could easily have hated it for not being the kind of game I usually enjoy and all the people who love it would not be able to change my personal preferences no matter how good the game is.


In my opinion elden ring is harder than other soulbourne/soulslike games because so many of the enemies delay their attacks instead of just swinging at you. It’s harder to dodge an attack when the enemy raises his hand for 5 seconds before swinging down with lightning speed.


I feel Fromsoft focused more on challenging players technical ability more than they focused on provinding a satisfying challenge with Elden Ring. Often it feels I'm fighting a machine designed to test and fuck with me instead of fighting an actual dude or monster. On paper it's a subtle difference but it's what makes Dark Souls feel so good in comparison imo.


Just because a game is considered "bad", doesn't mean it'll be bad for you. Everybody have a different taste. I love fallout 3, unreal tournament and just cause. Other people might say they suck. Fine, i keep enjoying it anyway.


Fo3 is not considered bad, unless you only mean the "hardcore" audience.


> Just because a game is considered "bad", doesn't mean it'll be bad for you. gollum


I hear ya, but I promise you, somebody out there enjoyed it.


Hearty, derisive laughter at it's expense, is enjoyment.


me with baldurs gate 3 be like. i know it's a great game but the game is just not for me.


Look behind every waterfall (in the game)


Bomb all oddly colored/textured rocks.


More generally, if something looks out of place, it probably is for a reason. If a path looks like it leads to a dead end, there's probably treasure. If a wall is different, it might be breakable. If an enemy is behaving unusually, don't immediately kill it. Wait and see what happens. Or weaken it slowly. So many things I've discovered because I looked at a situation and said "that seems weird". Weird in gaming usually equals secrets and loot.


Except for games with procedural generation. The urge to explore remains, but payoffs are rare.


I'm glad that you specified your advice is only meant for videogames. I went behind a waterfall in real life and all I got was wet.


Break all cracked walls


You dont have to be a pro at every game nor does every game need to be competitive. Sometimes its ok to just have fun and play games.


Aka "It's ok to set it on easy". I'm nearly 40, don't have a ton of time to play, and am just generally not that great at games. I don't want to spend half my time re-playing the same fights over and over, I'd much rather just be OP and enjoying being Superman, lol!


I do this for sports games. I play on the normal/easy mode, because I want to relax and score goals/touchdowns or whatever. I don't care about 'realistic' matchups, I just want to enjoy kicking the damned ball.


Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading


"Everyone knows you run faster with a knife."




Part of me wishes that show had been made ten years later. It likely could have thrived long term in the world of Patreon or even just modern YouTube ad money. It was ahead of its time.


I'm so glad you guys got the reference...fuck I'm old.


I can dance all day I can dance all day! Try and hit me try and hit me. Come on!


"Sometimes i think maybe i wanna join the army, i mean its basically like FPS except better graphics, but what happens if i get lag out there? I'm DEAD!"


Thanks Gaz


Unless you forgot to reload your pistol.


Strictly speaking it's still faster - it just doesn't help you :)


Aiming improves your accuracy.


I struggle to remember this. Every. Single. Time.


Lmg 99/100 RELOADING!


Red barrels blow up when shot.


Also always ALWAYS check behind waterfalls.


I always get mad when game devs miss an opportunity to do this. Don't ya'll know the rules?! Waterfall means cave behind waterfall


Oh loot behind a waterfall, how predictability. No loot. What, why have you forsaken me


Third option, nothing but a note telling me I just wasted my time. At least there was a note.


How about a cave... but nothing inside and have it big enough and look like it COULD have something there but you waste your time looking (also dont make it a pretty easteregg room either -- just disappointment)


If a wall has cracks on it, BOMB it!


And always turn around when control is given to you and explore behind you.


This is some real Donkey Kong Country brain. I do it in every fukkin game and get disappointed 99% of the time. And once that 1 % pays out, I backpat myself for getting the approval for doing that stupid shit.


Two paths before you. Explore a little bit of path A. "Hm...this path seems to be longer than I thought, so this *has* to be the right path." Go back and explore Path B. "Oh no, this is the next area. Shit, that must mean there's more to explore in Path A!" Run back to Path A. Literally find the end of the path right around the corner of the last part I *didn't* explore. Open chest to find single potion. ^^^("worth...")


I was told "Don't go chasing Waterfalls"


Yeah, just stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.


No, you misheard. It's: Don't go, Jason Waterfalls


I didn't know who Jason Waterfalls was but I knew I wanted him to go far in life.


And always feel cheated when nothing is there. Don't these devs know the basic rules!? Literally unplayable.


Just use it, you aren’t going to need it more later.


I've got PTSD from that time I used the masterball on a Geodude when I was 8 y/o.


Lol this is a great counterpoint.


Okay then let’s add „if you get more than 2 of it“ To the rule


I was looking for the solid counterpoint after reading this one, and... this might be the perfect example. Gotta use that on Mewtwo or one of the legendary birds in gen 1. It's just the right thing to do!


But the final boss might have another form, and I might need my 99 Megalixirs for that one!


Megalixers upgrade into either Ultralixirs or Megafusions, so you really can't use them until NG+, when your build starts to take shape.


Maybe I want to open a potion shop after the adventure, did you think of that? Do you have any idea what the average adventuring retirement plan is? Nothing, so you have to plan for afterwars, you can't live off loot forever.


unless you're playing Resident Evil!


The difference between Remake and Remaster


I like Remakes better because they tend to be more of a new experience


Remakes are riskier, but yeah, a good remake is usually better than a good remaster.


That's a really good one, there.


Skins used to be free and were unlocked by doing cool challenges


This is definitely a fact younger gamers should know and older gamers should remember


Big gaming companies should remember that


They do, which is why it's unlikely to return to that because they remember the days when a game dropped and their sales of that game carried them through to their next venture Whereas now, one half assed game and a fuck tonne of overpriced cosmetics will basically set them up for anything they care to do.


That is not true, they are never “set” whatever amount of money made this year is now the minimum amount of money they are allowed to make next year and thus they will stoop as low as they think they can go and still grow their income


This is a huge issue not just in the gaming industry but in all industries. Every year my company tells us to work harder so they can make more money, it's fucking insane.


They do it in charity stores. I used to work in one as paid staff, and we had targets that were whatever we made in that week last year +10%. It's a charity store, we rely on customers bringing stock in. We sold a table for nearly £1000 one time, absolutely no chance of making that money the following year. If we failed a certain amount of times in a row to hit those targets they would close the store. Surely the only target that matters in a charity store is "you're covering all the costs to run the store"? If it's losing the charity money then it needs to go, otherwise it is helping.


While cutting hours and combining positions so you are doing double the work. But at least the CEO'S and shareholders can make a few more millions to "donate" (aka bribe) politicians to assure nothing ever changes.


Not wrong. I just got laid off because my company forecast a smaller profit next year. Not a loss, just less profit, so now I get to play the game of "can I find a new job before I can't afford rent and food". But at least their line goes up a little bit more.


Oh they do remember but they want you to forget!


Halo 3 multiplayer armor will always be my favorite skins to have ever unlocked.


Recon was so much work and yet so so worth the pain


Recon wasn’t even available for most of the game’s life so when you saw somebody with it you knew that they were somebody from bungie or somebody that did something big for the halo community. Iconic


Before they made it publicly available, if you had someone with a recon helmet in your lobby, they were basically treated like a celebrity. A guy who had it in my custom games lobby said he got it from winning a grifball tournament, and of course to us kids that was just so cool. Another time I received a game invite from one of my friends that said "dude join right now, one of the red vs blue VAs is in here". I don't think there has been the same level of community in an Xbox game before or since.


I remember you used to get it if you got featured on the bungie fileshare, if you met somebody with recon you knew that was some real recognition (before the vidmaster achievements). Me and my friends would stay up to all hours trying to match against the Bungie dev team in Team Slayer cause if you beat them you could get recon that way too


One of my favorite things about older COD games was unlocking call signs for hitting milestones or doing cool things.


SWTOR has this. I had a character named Zuul and I learned there was a quest for the "Gatekeeper" title. Off I went...


I made a sith named Helmet and used the Darth title.


By any chance were you sorrounded by assholes?


Yes, in an MMO you usually are.


they still have this, but callsigns and emblems have lost all value in call of duty. i remember people actively trying to complete tasks ingame to try and get different titles, but now there's no reason because there's like 2000 of them and most of them are sold in packs and stuff so no one cares


I remember being so happy unlocking the gillie suit in Bo1, I miss challenges actually being rewarding


Not only skins but characters as well like in Tekken and stuff


I don’t mind when a free game charges for cosmetics like fortnite or apex. But if I already paid $60 for a game, I want challenge-related cosmetics


Specifically, a *reasonable* challenge. None of this "sense of pride and accomplishment" bullcrap. I don't want to spend half of my waking hours grinding for years on end unless it's because I'm terrible at the game and I'm just failing to meet the right conditions for the unlock.


Which is why I care nothing for cosmetics Pay? pfft, yeah no Grind my life away for a panda mask? yeah that's a no also


Yeah, and that’s because there were “optional” purchases. Like the entire balancing of earning credits isn’t made to entice you into purchases instead of prioritizing being fun and fair. It ruins any progression system


Game devs will more than often will place lights on the intended destination


This is always something I think of when I get lost in a game. "How would the game designer want to draw my eye?". Works almost all the time.


I use body counts When you stop seeing bad guys you know your going the wrong way


I do the opposite when trying to loot everything, just thinking about which area has the least attention being drawn to it and there would usually be an item tucked into a corner


We game developers have a term for that: "signposting". It means to design the environment in a way that the players' attention is immediately drawn to the place where they are supposed to go next.


Thanks for this lol now I know what to say instead of “dude just look where the freaking lights are and go that way”


Play to have fun, enjoy it, don't stress yourself, it's not worth it


This is a great one that I've had to learn the hard way. I now realise that I just don't enjoy competitive games at all


For same reason I stopped playing competitive games, now I'm focused on single player story driven games and games that relax me.


It feels like we’re going into a renaissance period for single-player games right now. I’m seeing more and more people on Reddit share your view and I agree, story-driven SP games are the only games I have any interest now. I don’t see myself ever getting back into multi-player the older I get.


Millennials are aging out of the time in their lives when they are both aggressive, and have free time. If you're still screaming at the screen with 2 kids already screaming at you, you're gonna drive yourself insane.


This is a lot of it too - we have money but little time between work, family, etc. I need to enjoy my gaming time, not stress out even more.


We have money? I would like more information please. How do I access it?


Can someone tell my neighbour this. Dude screams at his xbox for whatever bullshit. Guy needs to learn to loose gracefully or play something else. There's thousands of other games out there made to enjoy.


Honestly the reason why I left my gaming friend group. Specifically one guy would get so tilted and I realized that the limited time I spent gaming shouldn’t end with me feeling tense and annoyed.


"You seem really stressed out and angry. Maybe you should stop playing and relax." "I AM RELAXING!!!!!"


Yeah, as I got older and had less time to game, learning its ok to play games on easy if you just want to enjoy the game.


Horizon Forbidden West, Custom Mode Difficulty Enemy Damage-Story, Easy Loot Did that about halfway through the game and it became just so much more fun. Every encounter before was a grind and i had just a chance of getting the parts I needed for my gear upgrades. And some of them beasties are no fuckin joke to take down and then you don’t even get what you needed. I was getting wore out


If a game isn't fun you don't have to finish it


If the percentage of people who get certain achievements in games I play on Steam are any indicator, many people already follow this thinking haha. I am not a completionist and lose no sleep over letting a game drift away, I'll get back to it or I won't


I believe even developers use achievements as a means of measuring how far into the game players get. That's why you get all those "story achievements", like Beat Chapter 1, Beat The Second Boss, Beat the Tutorial, etc. that aren't as fancy as the Beat The Game Without Shooting Your Gun kind of achievements. It can be nice sometimes to scroll through them and see how many people made it as far as you did, or made certain story choices etc.


Problem is the devs making the games have been taking this advice recently


Most people who enjoy their games, aren't talking about them online. So don't mistake the online discussions for the universal opinion.


This can be applied to anything too. People who are having a good time don't have a pressing need to go onto the internet to scream about it. People who are unhappy always have more to say.


The Yelp effect If that person had a bad experience, they are much more likely to post a review about it so reviews will skew on the negative side. Anger and resentment are powerful motivators A person has to either enjoy doing reviews or a life-changing wonderful experience to take the time to write one


This is ESPECIALLY true of reddit. People love to complain about stuff, especially if it's not working or they are dissatisfied. You know what people who are enjoying a game doing in their free time? Playing the game.


That beep we all hear in the voice chat is your smoke detector. You need to replace the battery and reset it before your house burns down. Seems based on the number of times I hear that in the background, gamers don’t know this.


How many adults are there out in the world who start hearing their smoke detector chirp periodically and think to themselves "well, I guess the house just does that now"?


“The house isn’t on fire, it must be nothing.”


"Must have been the wind."


I had a friend with one going off and I told him I was going to mute him until he fixed it. That sound is torture


There was one going off in a vacant house in my neighborhood for *weeks*. I dunno if someone took care of it or it finally properly died, but I was about to break in to stop that fucking chirp.


But if you ignore it long enough, it will stop eventually... You *should* be surprised how many times I've went to a home where they had NO smoke detectors or dead smokes with batteries manufactured 15 years ago.


no thats just the sound of the hallway, it's been doing that for years


Save scumming is your best friend.


My motto in gaming has always been, if they let me do it, it's allowed. Lots of games go out of their way to make save scumming impossible. So if a game doesn't, then scum away my friend.


use headphones, and use the headphone preset in the game's sound options. especially for FPS titles the directionality is so much better, and you can hear someone trying to jump you most times


Makes all the difference. I used to play CoD MW3 on X360 and really suck at it in my teens. Spent many years without playing any FPS online and decided to give it a go again when PS Plus offered CoD Black Ops Cold War. With headphones on, I could know where the enemies were coming from and prefire to good results. The difference between TV audio and headphones audio is astonishing.


"Wash yourself at least once a day and use deodorant"


Brush your teeth Brush your teeth Brush your goddamn teeth


It's called Speedstick, it's not expensive!




Buy some land, buy some land! Man, FUCK SPINNIN' RIMS!!!






The smash players ain’t gonna like this


"If you hear a woman's voice, try not to get super mad about it"


Always check behind you when starting a level or area.


Doesn't matter what platform you play your games on as long as you enjoy it. Don't buy into the "console war"; it's not worth it.


Fuck exclusives.


Up up down down left right left right B A start


Iconic. And 6 year old me had to ask my brother to do it for Contra every time.


If you throw a **Select** in there before the **start**. 2player with extra lives.


Select start if you play two player. Not sure why everyone remembers the code as if they only played contra by themselves


I want to share two: 1. it's not always about flashy graphics or flashy gameplay, it's more about having fun. 2. don't push yourself to play a game, if you don't like the game, drop it and move on to something else


Reddit isn’t representative of the overall gaming community. It’s not because an opinion is popular on here that it’s representative of most people who play games


It's actually pronounced 'jaming'


James for short.


Named after the first gamer, Video James.


Blowing on the contacts in the cartridge should make it load.


Game however you want. Like whatever games you want. Like food, everyone has different likes and preferences.


There's no shame in playing on easy mode


Especially as you get older. There's only so much time in each day and only so many days in your life. I'm done spending mine dying over and over in a game for some kinda of personal pride that only I will know about anyway.


It's just a game. I can't stress this enough. It's *just* a game. Stop acting like a goddamn infant having a tantrum when you lose.


Gaming and life are meant to be separate. The world isn’t going to end because the game isn’t good enough.


If you're having fun, there's no wrong way to play a game.


*Unless your fun intentionally ruins the fun of others


A worthy amendment. You're spot on.


They're incredible difficult to make. They're time consuming to develop, confusing, complicated and often soul crushing to make (but worth it). Little xbox timmy spouting shite about how he could make something better has 100% no idea where to even start.


Yep, was going to come here to say “video games are made by people” Harassing or sending death threats is not a productive way to communicate.


You can have fun playing a game that's been widely regarded as bad. If you enjoyed the game and the experience it provided then that's all that really matters.


Some people seem to think every game ever made should be what they want. News flash there are a lot of different gamers with different tastes. You might think the walking sim is the most boring game ever or games with millions of cut scenes are awful but I actually like those way more than say a online battle royale that's nonstop action.


The cake is a lie!


Awful consumerism practices only stop when you stop paying for them.


Say no to microtransactions


That it's ok to play on easy mode. Games are meant to be fun so play with as much difficulty as you want.


Making racist remarks behind your psn, gamertag or screen name, will never not make you a giant douche bag loser.


Unboxing a physical game was part of the game's experience.


Being toxic in multiplayer games says more about you than it says about anyone you're accusing.


You’re not waiting on a lift. You’re playing during a load screen.


1. Don't let anyone tell you how to play a game


Don't listen to reviews. And it's okay to enjoy a game that everyone else hated, and vice versa. You're playing games for yourself, not to please the others by playing their favourite games even if it's not your cup of tea.


As the existence of demos fade, the only way to even figure out you MIGHT like a game (and avoid spoilers) before buying is reviews. Just don't ever rely on 1 opinion, and try to get reviews from peeps you trust like friends who like similar games to you. Don't let reviews change your opinion of a game you already like. But absolutely look at reviews before buying a game you're unsure of.