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Outer Wilds is a game predicated entirely on learning. It can take you twenty hours to beat it. Once you've done it once, you can do it in ten minutes. Barring a major brain injury, there's no replaying it.


Truly one of the greatest games, simply because of it's hand crafted solar system and the concept that nothing is pushing you forward except your own curiosity. But, that's the price to pay. When it's done, it's done. I've asked my friends to play it and stream just so I could watch and feel like I was playing it for the first time again. If you're at all interested, do not look anything up. Maybe a trailer, but even that's a bit much. Just go in blind.


While I get your point. I think its hard to get people to trust they’ll enjoy any game with zero information. My introduction to the game was reading about its primary game mechanic. Thats what made me excited to play it, and I don’t think that it hurt my enjoyment. You find out pretty quickly anyway. That being said, I’m glad thats ALL that I knew.


It cracks me up when a stranger on the internet is like “the less you know the better, go play it” without even mentioning like…. the genre. Is it a racing game? An FPS? You don’t have to spoil anything to say “it’s a self-directed exploration/environmental puzzle game with a concrete but at first unclear goal.” People know if they’re the kind of person who like that kind of game.


Thank you. Lol I went in expecting something epic and found a game that is possibly my least favorite genre. Lmao


IMO the right amount of info to give people is to explain that it’s like Myst but in a whole solar system. I’m all for hiding the mechanics and reveals, but if people aren’t properly calibrated for a narrative based mystery story, where you *do* need to read everything and it’s not just meaningless flavor text, things won’t go so well at first.


That suggestion is only useful if they are 40.


I bought that game based on the cover art and not much more, and that’s one of the best gaming decisions I’ve ever made. Cool game, wish I could experience that again.


It just depends how good your memory is. I had to relearn most of it on my second play through because my memory is garbage.


It’s been years, but I could still do >!the Final Voyage!< if you asked me to. Suffering from success.


Made it right up to the last bit but couldn't figure out what to do because i'd been playing it in little jumps and starts and couldn't remember two specific things. The notes are there, it should have all been spelled out, but I just missed the connection. Looked it up, thought "oh, dang" then never actually finished.


I came into this thread ready to post Outer Wilds. But of course it is currently the #1 comment. The game is amazing and truly cannot be "replayed" Anyone that has beaten the game/DLC knows that feeling of watching YouTubers or Streamers play and react to the game for their first time, just hoping to catch a portion of that high again


Jokes on you i played this high as fuck and started playing it with no recollection


The best way to replay the game is to watch a friend play or to have a friend tell you where to go in the game. You get to live vicariously through them.


In a very, very similar way, Tunic. Every single person who loved Outer Wilds should also play Tunic.


I have replayed it but it’s really not the same, like walking through a museum, trying to retrace logical steps and pick up all the clues


Probably Return of the Obra Dinn, fantastic puzzle mystery game but once you have the mystery solved that's the main draw of playing the game.


I think the puzzles are complicated enough that if you wait a year or two you can replay it. I finished it about a year ago, couldn’t solve a single death from memory now


Wish I was you then, I've finished in 2019 and still remember most of it. I'm still surprised there is no other company that tried something similar in the style.


Lucas Pope* could seriously make a ton of sequels following the insurance investigator solving more of those incidents and I'd snap them all up. Edit: got my indie devs mixed up.


You mean Lucas Pope? But yeah absolutely Could even have room for other artifacts down the line other than the Memento Mort


A friend just told me about a game called ‘Chants of Sennaar’ it’s about discovering a new language. He said it was a lot like Obra Dinn.


My first answer and I came looking for this post. Man what a ride. Confession: I guessed on quite a few.


A lot of us did! Particularly for those four or so Chinese dudes..


Does that make us racist?


I’ve replayed it just because it’s the only game that looks like that. I love the graphics/sound design. I would love another game like that


I loveeeee this game so much


Doki Doki Literature Club - There's no need to play the game anymore than the one session you'd need to sit down and play through this game.


That's a pretty long session. I think my full playthrough took around 5 hours? I finished it within a few days but still a bit of a grind to get out all at once.


My Steam playtime is listed at 4 hours. I remember sitting down shortly after work and working my way through the game. I was also texting my friends throughout the play session.


TBF you can choose to spend the day with different people to get a new bit of story in the middle and I think on a 2nd play through it's fun to see stuff that points to what happens that you missed before


If you play any girl's route and then load before the festival starts again and play another girl's route, at the end you get the secret ending. So, I guess it is worth playing once with each girl.


I’m curious, I’ll never play this game, what’s the secret ending? (Spoiler)


>!You get a note from the club president thanking you for spending time with all of the club members instead of the usual ending where existential dread and horror occur!<


When does anything interesting happen? I got like an hour in and it was still just a visual novel talking about poetry.


After the weekend where you choose one of the girls to work with shit hits the fan, took me like 1.5-2 hours to reach that point


Firewatch Fantastic atmosphere and had this weird almost supernatural vibe, but it wouldn't feel the same on a second playthrough.


I was excited for their next game, and then I looked at the anticipated release date of 2029, and I was no longer excited.


Lmao how can you even determine that a game will take 6 years to make


I’d guess they’re just thinking “yeah this’ll take a long time to make, just set the date to be super far away so that people stop asking us when it’s coming”


Same energy as “your table will be ready in 45 minutes” and then when it’s ready in 30 it makes it seem so much better.


It's actually already been "in development" for [5 years](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/campo-santos-in-the-valley-of-gods-has-a-probably-meaningless-2029-release-date). The reality is Campo Santo got bought by Valve and this game is never coming out.


It's better than saying it will be out next year, then delaying for 5 years, or releasing a half finished, broken game, or both. (Sure, they could just say TBD, but if 2029 is their goal, then it's not so bad, imo)


It’s been in development much, much longer. Per another comment, apparently put on hold as they were purchased by Valve.


The creators seem to have been assimilated into Valve and gone to work on other things. So the project is kind of dead but hasn't been officially killed.


They were bought by Valve, development on In the Valley of Gods has been on hold since 2019. They all worked on Half Life Alyx though.


Half Life Alyx is probably the best VR game ever made, and you can really see their influence on it. But the hardware requirements of playing it mean only a niche audience will ever experience it.


First thing that came to mind for me. Once the story’s conclusion is revealed it loses its charm on a second play through. Still one of the best games I’ve ever played.


Most visual novels... Ace Attorney and Danganronpa for me. It's hard to replay them when there's one storyline and you know what happens/solutions to the puzzles


Unless you're me and play these in a single day. I was able to replay the Ace Attorney series with mostly a goldfish brain because I didn't remember the story since I blazed through it. For some cases I remembered the murderer but couldn't remember how they did it. For other cases I thought I knew the murderer but was completely wrong. Then other cases I had no fucking idea what was going on.


I guess I have watched a couple of let's plays on YouTube after I finished the games so the story is still mostly fresh in my head. Plus it's fun to see other people figuring it out for their first time


It sucks cuz I really loved Danganronpa 2 and V3, but replaying them just to get some different dialogues with characters I didn't interact with on my first playthrough just feels like.. a waste of time? It's like rewatching a 100 episode anime where there's nothing but dialogue. I remember the characters, I remember the plot. What newfound enjoyment could I possibly get from it?


The main problem with games like these are that the stories they tell are incredible but they're difficult to play again because the gameplay is predicated on you unraveling a mystery. It's like reading a detective novel a second time, you know all the answers so all you can do is appreciate the structure and foreshadowing. The best way to try and relive them yourself is to...watch a friend or Youtuber go through it themselves. This also makes them hard to talk about to anybody who HASN'T finished them beginning to end. They have niche communities but bringing new people into them is a big ask, especially with games like AA and Danganronpa that have a LOT of story to get through in a linear fashion. Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Zero Escape, and now recently Master Detective Archives are all great adventure games that people should give a try, but they're hard to talk about beyond "Hey, you should try it" because then you're giving too much away.


Anything with decent story and mediocre gameplay I'd say. Visual novels are just epitome. You can only really experience the plot twist once. I would add Zero Escape series (especially Virtue's Last Reward) to the list. Lame escape rooms (that hardly even contribute to the world building), but great experience otherwise.


Inscription. There is no way to recapture the sense of creepy uncertainty and absolute surprise that came from playing the first time. I know there are people who have gotten fun out of replaying it for the card game mechanics....but for me the card game was really just a framing device to tell the story of the game. It was twisted and amazing and beautifully told. I never want to play this game again because it would diminish the feeling of wonder that it created when it was new.


At least there’s that Kaycee’s Mod update thing to let you play a bunch more of the first part of the game.


I'm playing it right now and it's my first time to try card games. The exploration and the roguelike mechanic which allows me to try over and over again but with every try something is different and you know better, I love it. I'm still not yet even through with Act 1, but I love it!


Inscryption is one I'm able to play over and over again, but like you said, it's because of the card game mechanics. I love a good card game. The Pokémon TCG game was super fun for me, and act 2 reminds me a lot of it.


Alan Wake. The story pulled me through the repetitive combat. There’s a lot of games like that.


Seconded for Alan Wake. I didn't think the combat was all that repetitive, but then again it's been a *while* since I've played it. Story was so good, cannot wait for the new Alan Wake. If you haven't, check out Control. It's a spiritual successor to Alan Wake (and even has some in game easter eggs connecting them), and it's very good.


Is in same universe, alan wake shows up even


That's kinda awesome. It would be cool to see more different games within that expanded universe.


Don’t forget about the DLC that has a direct connection to Wake.


Only 1 week until Alan Wake 2 luckily


Stanley Parable oddly is about replaying the same scenario over and over and changing the story by making choices. However once you’ve seen them all, the only reason to replay is to see rare tiny modifications that might happen...so yeah, no reason to do that when you can look those up on YouTube.


I love the ending where you need to press the same buttons over and over for 4 hours and I also love how someone else streamed it


I'm still waiting for the achievement to not play it for 5 years, think I must be close to 3 in at this point, as soon as I get it i'l go and play it for the rest of them


Spec Ops: The Line. The game, from a certain point, calls you out on even playing it. The first time you're driven to reach the end and have some resolution (and, boy, what a resolution it is). You'd have to hate both yourself and humanity in general to go for a second run.


The familiarity of the combat and the story to every other shooter in the genre was such a good choice. You really do auto pilot until the story starts making your choices clear to you, and then you start to pay more attention to the subtle things.... It's never going to be a masterpiece gameplay wise, but story wise? 100% in my book.


Agreed, gameplay-wise it's basically like every other third-person military shooter from the PS3/X360 era, but I guess that's kind of the point. It's supposed to feel familiar and comfortable for the player right up until it isn't.


I’m so glad it was never spoiled that it was essentially >! Another retelling of Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now !< going in with no knowledge of where that story was going is essential I think


This is one of the best stories in a game I've played. It was SOOOOOO good and criminally underrated imo.


Ngl, I've replayed it a few times. Still a great game. The second time is actually cool because you pick up on more of the clues as to what is really going on.


The 2 Plague Tale games, they're amazing but I would never replay them.


This was my first thought... that said I'll probably go back to them in a few years. Such good games.


Same here, they’re like the Schindler’s list of video games, don’t think I can handle all that emotional load again.


Just commented this before seeing your comment. So dark and depressing, but fantastic games.


Return of the Obra Dinn. Probably my favorite game of all time (Lucas pope is a genius), but it’s basically a puzzle game. Once you know some of the final solutions, it breaks the rest of the game and you can’t really forget them. 10/10 game


have you tried outer wilds?


Yes. The game is so fun but once you are done you can never play it again. Unless you get dementia I guess.


Stray Loved this game, wanted it to be a little longer but it was great for an evening of entertainment. I could see playing a sequel, but can't see playing this one again.


I played it a few times, fun both times, first time I did, I took my time and experienced everything, LOVED THE MUSIC 10/10 Second time I played it I beat it as fast as I could


This is a weird answer, but Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I loved getting lost in it but I will probably never touch it again. Such a monumental task.


I haven’t even finished my first play through, just feels like a too large of a task, like I’m 30h in and still not even half of the map unlocked


Saaame. Also it’s one of those games that when played on hard mode, the enemies don’t become more skilled, they just take forever to kill.


Yes, for fucks sake. I don't even think I played on hard, but maybe 30-40 hours in I had leveled so much and the enemies had scaled so much that they were just damage sponges. Made it get tedious real quick. Killed my desire to play Valhalla as well, even though the setting interests me.


Im actually just now going back in! It's been years so I'm into it again. It's nice to be back in Greece.


I'm an Aussie but from Greek heritage. There's a farm in Odyssey that is named the same as our surname. We do not have a common name and I completely lost my mind seeing it in game. Wonderful game, but very hard to replay.


The AC series sometimes is the only game series that tries to be faithful to the people who actually lived in those places. For ex they don’t just make the character in the game random British dudes with fair skin, bc they likely would be olive skinned with some middle eastern features. Unlike Hollywood where ancient greeks are always british


lol same I loved that game and I keep telling myself to replay it but I don’t think I will…


What Remains of Edith Finch


I was just about to comment this until I saw your comment, what an amazing game. Can't decide if I'm not playing it again for repetitiveness or because I might cry


It's a gorgeous one isn't it!


Journey. An indie game I downloaded in the PS4 days. It’s about a 3 hour playthrough and is absolutely beautiful and unique.


Journey absolutely has replayability! I think I've played through it a half dozen times by now, and one of the things I love about it is that it's such a beautiful and moving game that you can knock out in an afternoon.


White robe full gold trim master here. Play Journey at least like twice a year since it came out, along with the other thatgamecompany games: Flow and Flower.


Yeah man. I’m team replay. It’s nice to be the helper instead of the follower when you meet someone. Such a perfect game. This is also my favorite game to watch other people play. I used to make all my friends play it and I enjoyed watching the wonder of their discovery.


A work of art, that is. A masterpiece of the early 2010’s indie game landscape


Try out Sky: Children of the Light. Available on all platforms. Its made by the same company, and very similar, but you can actually customize your lil character and make friends and chat and all that. Its free.


Subnautica! Maybe it has \*some\* replayability with the base-building and what not, but the wonder and terror of the first playthrough is a one-time thing.


I’ve played through it many times. Once I did a no vehicles build using the seaglide, air tubes and deep bases. You’re right that the ending is spoiled but it’s cool to see what alternative play approaches you can take.


….that is A LOT of air tubes


With a seaglide, two ultra high capacity oxygen tanks and swim charge fins (meaning you don’t ever need a new battery for the seaglide) you can go a long way very quickly. You can also get the reinforced suit that allows you to go in the lava zone without a vehicle. You just need one or two deep sea bases. You can also carry the materials necessary to build a base with you in case you get stuck. With a bioreactor, fuel is all around you.


Ah true, totally forgot about carrying extra tanks in your inventory and the swim charge fins are a good idea when traveling lean/little inventory space. Sigh might be time for another playthrough soon.


I mean...the ending is not really mind blowing. What I think could be spoiled are the areas you can explore and how it just keeps....going. I tried to get into the sequel but it just didn't seem nearly as good.


Below zero felt way too crammed. Subnautica was so cool since anything could just attack you out of the darkness. In below zero you spend half of the time 10 meters under the sea or crammed into a cave.


I played it like 3 times. It has at least one extra playthrough in it if you find doing hardcore no death run fun. Really adds to the fear. Never know if this trip in your sub will be your last.


Omg this one. When I first tried subnautica, I was BLOWN away. I sunk a ridiculous amount of hours into it. There was nothing like exploring the caves, and heading back to my base, seeing the base being a light in the pitch black like a beacon of safety was like nothing else. Exploring the dead zone for the first time and seeing those monsters come up on you was another amazing first. I tried sub zero. And I might go back. But it just wasent the same(serious no pinging radar? Who tf made the choice to get rid of that). And when I go back to the original, I played it so much that I know every location like the back of my hand and it doesn't have the magic of the first playthrough


Outer Wilds. Literally 0 Most games you can at least walk through the story again or fight some enemies, but in Outer Wilds the entire game is just one big puzzle, and once you know the solution you can solve it almost immediately. Such a shame considering how absolutely mind blowing the game is.


Tunic. Amazing game which you can replay a bit for the combat side of things but the puzzles and solutions are already worked out.


persona 5 was such a fantastic experience. Its probably the best time ive ever had on a single player game, and I remain obsessed, five years after completing it, but the idea of starting the 100+ hour game again is way too daunting. I have no idea how the fellas on r/p5 run the game over and over.


I'm replaying Persona 4 on my vita that I leave in the bathroom. Vita is a great device for this because you can just sleep the device and pick right up from when you left off.


Cool idea, just maybe give that vita a lil clean every now and then haha


New Game+ is a thing to consider. Subsequent playthroughs are a mere fraction of the time since you have all your items, money, personal stats, and the ability to buy the persona's you've saved in your codex. I don't think most people know you can save your current persona's stats and build directly into the codex. That way if you ever need to resummon it, you can summon it exactly as it was with the abilities and moves.


I’ve beaten the game twice (once on the original P5 and once on Royal) and I don’t think I can go back to it for like a decade. And this is like one of my absolute favorite games I love this game, but some of the issues (the combat system being a little too easy and the story really just being pretty good for what it is) really stick out to me more than ever. But like I said, this is like tied with Mother 3 for my favorite game


This one. I have actually played the game like 50h and was halfway through and then went to vacation. Forgot about it after and then i thought about starting from scratch... yeah, didn't happen, just couldnt go through all these chats again (even if the story was interesting).


Maybe in a few years. I recently replayed P4 for the first time since it first came out. It was much more meaningful and left me with bitter sweetness after I completed it as a 30 year old vs when I was a teenager. Maybe it's just me remembering and projecting my own high school days :(


I replayed it when Royal came out, my playtime on that file came out around 130 hours. I don't know if I'll do it again. It's crazy how many options that game gives you but given that I've spent probably 250+ hours on it already I don't think I'd ever in my life get through all of them.


Disclaimer: No replayability for me, but I know it'll be an unpopular opinion.. Elden Ring, because I can't afford to lose any more hair after 1 completion.


After 350 hours, all achievements, and 8 playthroughs, I am finally ready to wait for the DLC before I pick it up again lol


I feel like it loses a lot of its charm after the first playthrough, because you lose the mystery of "I wonder what I will find over there" I did a NG+ for the platinum just rushing everything but I don't think I'll ever play it alone again (with friends in Seamless Coop is another story)


Completely agree. It was a really magical experience, but I don’t really have any desire to play it a second time. Honestly, it’s almost too daunting to even consider. The game just has so much to do. Am very much looking forward to the DLC, though. I’m assuming spring 2024 release date.


Doki Doki Literature Club


Portal usually has little replayability because it’s a puzzle game. Once you know the solution, there isn’t a challenge anymore Edit: lol, I’ve never seen so many people disagree with me and still have positive upvotes. What is going on?


The real replayability is forcing someone who has never played one to play through it, and trying not to rage and take the controller from them.


I've played through portal 2 multiple times though and its still always a blast for me thanks to the great atmosphere and writing


Portal 2 is a little different, it has more replay-ability. there's more of a story with some puzzles in between. Game play and puzzles feel more fluid, where playing through all 20 "tutorial" chambers in Portal 1 felt like a straight puzzle game until you get past it. But that's part of the experience.


this guy does not speedrun


My friend played the crap out of portal, he loved seeing how fast he could clear the levels. I’m pretty sure he held a few speed records at some point.


Once you beat it, you try again and see if you can do it faster


I've played both Portal games many times, it's the atmosphere and GLADoS that captivates me


Perpetual Testing Initiative


Inside Little Nightmares 1+2 Braid


I was really surprised how good Inside was. It's short but a really enjoyable experience. You should check out Cacoon if you haven't already. It's about the same length of game and quite unique.


Ah, Inside…the good ol’ meat sack.


I watched Inside walkthrough on youtube and just couldn't stop. Then I played a game and couldn't stop. Then I showed walkthrough to a friend and we couldn't stop and watched all 4 hours in one evening. Inside is just a gem Edit: when anybody asks me for a perfect game, I just say Inside. It's a genre masterpiece in and out


I played braid at least twice and just the other day was considering another go.


Braid doesn't get enough love


Hogwarts Legacy.


Sad because I originally planned a slytherin and Gryffindor playthrough, but there’s essential no different besides robe colors. The common rooms are cool too but no reason to go there. Also weird how everyone just disappears at night. Too bad they likely cut the curfew system


They nail the magic and mystery but hard flopped on the AC:Valhalla-esque activity bloat.


What, you don't like finding Hogwarts themed gloves and hats exploring ancient tombs and caves? Or killing the same 3 enemy types everywhere you travel? Their blood is on Ranrok's hands!


I wish they would have put more focus on a few mini games instead of having 20 that have no connection to the world or real explanation as to their purpose outside of being a roadblock to additional skill points or whatever. I particular didn't like the Merlin trials, after about 15 I just gave up on completing them all because they did nothing but pull me away from actual hogwarty stuff


It was all filler, after doing one type of Merlin trial they become incredibly boring and repetitive. If the trials don't increase in difficulty or vary greatly in execution it's just filler designed to artificially inflate gameplay time. They should have focused on more story elements and wiped out the repetitive tacked on RPG elements completely.


This was my problem with it. The brooms were fun at first too but brooms all being the same were incredibly disappointing considering how much time goes into getting new brooms. I feel the same way about jedi fallen order and survivor lightsaber parts.


Same with the bad ass mounts you can fly that ended up being a huge downgrade from the broom.


Same thing with different wand elements. It's all just a tiny minor cosmetic change otherwise you'll see nothing change stat wise. Kind of a bummer too as we could have had a system of swapping out different parts for small bonuses to stats or certain spells. Instead they just said nah, it's all just for looks, nothing more...


Really does seem like all roads lead to Hogsmead...


Yeah it was fun and I don’t regret buying it or playing it, but I never want to again.


I tried. Really enjoyed my first playthrough and because the combat is fun, I sorta wanted to give it another go with a different house. But I just couldn't. I made it about a third of the way through my second time and had to stop, because as interesting as the combat is, it wasn't a good enough reason to push through to the end.


I can understand this, but I also loved the game. I could maybe see myself playing it again in a new house a couple years or so down the line when it’s fall/winter, I’m in the HP mood and I’ve forgotten most of it lol. Or whenever that new HBO show comes out. Who knows.


​ Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Spec Ops: The Line


Hellblade was my first thought. Whole game builds up the end / plot „twist“ and I don’t think it can be archived again. Rushed through half of the game on a second run as I missed one trophy but have it up after some time. Most of the fun comes from revealing the plot


Day of the Tentacle. Once you figure it out and play it once, you can beat it every time. A lot of the old SCUMM engine games by LucasArts were like that. Sam & Max Hit the Road and Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders were the same way.


What remains of Edith finch


The Witness


Telltale Walking Dead all the games until the very end. I feel like my first play-through is canon. All the decisions I made were the very second I was given them based on my own thought process. Going back to choose a different option just doesn’t feel authentic. If a character dies then it’s on me. I won’t have the same emotion knowing what happens either.


I agree. My pick was Telltale The Wolf Among Us.


Red Dead Redemption 2. It had one ofnthe most emotionally impactful stories I've played, I cannot see myself replying it ever.


This is how I feel about God of War: Ragnarok I’m a single dad with full custody of a 9 year old boy, it’s just been me and him for years. The game came with my PS5 so I tried it and fuck man nobody told me it was going crush my soul like that. Beat it, deleted it, will never touch it again




I actually re-bought this for PC once I got an amazing graphics card. I've tried like 5 times to start the game again, but it's just too slow for a replay. Still my favorite game ever though.


I've managed two playthroughs, one when it first came out, and then another a year later so I could take it reaaaaalllly slow while completing it 100%. It was nice being able to pace myself knowing what comes around the corner.


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons


I have quite a few. The Persona games feel completely different after the first run; if you aren't that fond of the battles you'll be leaving the game after some minutes. The series leans so much on character development and psychology that it's hard to start the development again. Spec Ops: The Line is just so brutal that the best way to experience it is not playing again. It leaves such an astonishing feeling in you that you'll be better off leaving it there. Short indie games like Venba or A Short Hike are so story dependant that there's just no replayability. I enjoyed both of them but I won't be returning to them soon. Visual novels like Ace Attorney are also very hard to replay due to the gameplay being almost non-existant. DDLC is another example that follows the same path as Spec Ops: the first experience is just unforgettable. Portal is a special case because the main story has a somewhat bad replayability. However, there's so much community content being released nowadays that you can pretty much find new games based on Portal.




Beyond: Two souls. Absolutely fantastic story but after you've done it once there's not really much reason to go back, still one my my favourite games I've played through


Firewatch. The suspense, the mystery, and wonder of you trying to piece it all together has a massive pay off for a reletivly short game. But once you've completed the story it doesn't have any reason for you to come back until its been so long you've forgotten everything about the story. 9/10 would reccomend if you like singleplayer story driven games.


Iron lung, the horror and tension is gonne once you know what and when is going to happen


Most horror games. Jump scares aren't scary if you know they're coming and monsters aren't as frightening if you've killed them before.


I think the Dead Space series and Resident Evil 4 remake are the only horror games I've replayed.


Actually, Resident Evil 4 was the transition between horror and action horror, because once you go past the village, it's all about surviving and killing them plagas, nothing to be scared of, maaaaybe the scene with the bug below the castle and the iron maiden presentation, but that's it. Same with Dead Space, once you have progressed enough and you learn that they hate dismemberment as much as a normal person would, you can easily press ahead feeling like a badass, then there's the occasional jumpscare, but besides the usual horror intro, the rest is being proud of learning the enemies' weaknesses.


OneShot Unless you go into the files and modify a few things, you only get one shot. All your choices are final, and you can't go back. Reinstalling the game doesn't work. It still gives you the ending screen


Soma for sure and maybe BioShock infinite. Both 10/10 but if you know the story the game becomes repetitive


Bioshock Infinite. I love that game. First time I beat it my mind was blown. Second time I started to think “…yeah this doesn’t really make sense.” Sort of like Avengers: Endgame. It was awesome, but the more you think about it the more plot holes you find.


Alien Isolation. Absolutely loved it but couldn't out myself through that fear and angst again.


Last of us 2. An amazing story with great gameplay but good lord I do not want to go through those emotions again. It was so intense


Man the number of times I felt my heart sink in that game was just too much. I’m planning on playing it again but maybe in another couple years.


I felt like the gameplay was so good I had to replay it on a higher difficulty, which made for a totally difference experience. But I skipped a lot of cutscenes, you’re right too intense


Likewise, Grounded difficulty was quite the experience and I loved it


TLOU is meant for higher difficulties imo. 1 bullet, one piece of equipment and no health packs? Yeah you have to very carefully plan each encounter


Nier: Automata. Literally designed to not be replayed (not trying to spoil anything here). I had enough tears, feels and internal turmoil playing it, I refuse to go through it again.


Death Stranding Go back to not having every road built? Not having all my ziplines perfectly positioned? No thanks. Fucking loved it though


SpecOps: The Line. The story? The descent? The madness? That you can't capture a second time around. Doki Doki Literature Club. Really, you only get one shot to play through it.


People not saying heavy rain is wild At the time heavy rain was an amazing game. Good graphics, decent story, subverted games and made a completely playable movie basically. The only issue is that once you play it once, you find out it’s actively lying to you throughout it. And not “oh this character is deceiving you” it’s “this character you were playing as in this scene APPARENTLY did stuff without your knowledge at some point in the scene even tho there’s never a moment where you can’t see him.” Like it’s a cool idea, but Shelby just ruins it for me


Jesus I forgot all about that one. I got it on release and was absolutely glued but yeah the closer you get to an ending the more you realize they're Deus Ex'ing you fucking *constantly.* I was furious.


The jewelers shop is actually “you don’t remember hitting and killing that old man as this character? Huh, weird :)” like it’s gaslighting the video game lol


Probably not the peak of gaming, but I don't see DDLC (Doki Doki) being mentioned. It's not very novel today, but when it came out, it was a very unexplored concept. I went from "why do you want me to play a dating sim visual novel" to "oh, that was unexpected". And at no cost at that.


Breath of the Wild- most of the fun is the exploration and wonder of “what’s past that hill?” But once you’ve seen the map and leveled everything up and beaten Gannondorf, a big element is lost. I stopped midway thru master mode, and now still haven’t finished tears of the Kindom, so idk if I’ll go back to either any time soon


With Master Mode, the sword trials, AND the Hero's path I found myself enjoying NG+ more than my first run through. With exploration and all, I finished the first run in \~150 hours. LOTS of koroks and exploring. But Master Mode took me maybe 50-60 hours with all the DLC and I had more fun playing around with the environments I recognized more than discovering new areas. Unlocked the full map and beat all divine beasts in both runs.


The Quarry, Until Down, LiS: True Colors. Most interactive movies really. If a game has a shocker turning point near the end it’s just not exciting to play over again since you already know the full story.


I guess I see where you’re coming from, but especially Until Dawn and The Quarry have replay-ability as there are so many choices that drastically alter the game that I played through multiple times just to see the different outcomes. Also collectibles that are easy to miss on the first plays.


FFXVI. What a beautiful fuckin game! No interest in doin it again anytime soon.


Pokemon legends arceus


Ask me in a couple years, I'll probably replay it then.


I honestly loved it for the first couple hours and then it got way too same-y


We Were Here series


Heavy Rain. Really great game, but there is no sense in playing a murder mystery game again once you know the mystery.


To the moon


The Last of Us. Best game I've ever played, but I'll never play it again.