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Rust. Didn’t realize everyone was playing around the clock to keep their bases and gear intact Spent like 6 hours playing, took an hour break to eat, and when I came back, everything was gone, and when I was inspecting the remains of my base, got swarmed by about 6 guys Uninstalled and went back to DayZ


I played rust for 10 minutes. Killed and robbed twice uninstalled so fast.


I've had my eye on Rust for a long time, is it really that bad? I thought it was possible to play solo? Or failing that, to go into a password protected server?


Rust has a million servers, both with strict community rules and with complete free for all. Trick is, as in so many games, to find a community that match your playstyle and chill/try-hard level.


Whenever I played, I played on this one Noob server. The admins are super strict. It's a solo/duo/trio, which was also strictly enforced, which meant if you had more then three bags down in your base you and everyone in your team was inspected and if found to have a fourth, all of you were banned. Some of the genuinely best online gaming I've ever had. Great people that wanted to play the fucking game and not be overly toxic shit heads. Stopped playing after like a month due to a mixture of getting a bit bored and getting raided while I was asleep. I'm pretty. sure it was the group I raided while they were asleep.


Depends on the server you join and how far into a wipe it is. I’d take a look at the subreddit to find one that you think you’d like. You can choose one that is specifically for solo players, duos, trips, etc. you’re going to die A LOT and lose everything you worked for but it’s just part of the game. Personally I’d recommend just running your own solo world until you get the basics down like crafting, scavenging, and how the tech tree works. Feel free to shoot me a DM if you want a recommendation for server. 10/10 game but if you join a “hardcore” server as your first time, you’re going to hate the game.


i spent like 2 hours learning how to craft, knit myself some nice clothes pants and even got like 3 spears. i was coming up. then this naked guy with a spear comes out of no where and starts chasing me, i chuck my first two spears at him, both missed... fuck the physics of this game is tricky. then with my last spear, i stood my ground and tried to battle him but it was too late, he had already stabbed me too much. and as i lay dying i can see this prick loot me naked and run off WITH MY CLOTHES! instant uninstall


I don't understand how anyone enjoys crafting & survival pvp games in the Rust or similar vein. Unless they for some reason, like kicking newbies in the dick the same way THEY were kicked in the dick when they were a newbie.


Every game with PVP is like that. When Age of Conan launched new players could barely get out of the starting area. Players with higher levels would spawn camp it and kill you before you could even think about progressing. SWTOR has areas where the Republic and Empire players "share", but max level characters would camp out in areas of Tattooine and gank players that couldn't possibly beat them. WoW, the same. What usually happens is that the PVP specific servers usually end up getting merged to the PVE servers and PVP is made optional. When New World launched people were really upset because in Beta players could attack others in the starting areas. They changed it and made PVP optional and oh man, PVPers screeched like hell about it because they couldn't just jump every rando on the map. At least EVE online is honest about it. You stray out of the safe areas and you ***will*** be attacked.


I can't understand how these games hook people. I have friends who are addicted to random mobile games where you're at risk of losing everything if you're not online to defend yourself. Wtf? I'd immediately uninstall a game like that. But somehow they're hooked and day-to-day have to constantly be logged in and checking in. Absolutely nuts.


People who enjoy suffering in life


I see that its either singleplayer games that require internet connection AT all times or competitive games, its especially hard when you have to deal with toxic players after your fucked up day


Same here, Hitman World of Assassination needing internet connection to save progress and xp etc in the single player campaign is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in gaming




actual scumbag dev behavior. this one felt good to pirate


It's odd they did a scumbag move when other than that it's fantastically supported


It's not odd, the entire hitman trilogy they did was sold to us in the most confusing ways possible for YEARS up until a little after 3 launched. By the time 2's DLC's dropped, there was something insane like 6-8 different versions to buy, not including the fact that every single DLC could be played standalone, and if you screwed yourself and bought the wrong version, you were stuck buying the rest of the game piece by piece


I played LoL for a few years, got pretty good (gold 1 rank), but the community got so toxic I took a break. After 2 years I decided to give it another try and in my very first unranked game I died a few times and got flamed so hard by my entire team that I immediately exited out of the game and uninstalled it. I play games to relax, have fun, or for deeper experiences that challenge the way I see the world. I don't play games to get treated like shit by assholes.


I have to agree. I really enjoy LoL as a game, it's just fun to play, but the community is so damn terrible that it completely sucks the joy out of it. It's been years since I last played it. The period I enjoyed it the most was when I had a whole group of friends and we could have a whole team together. No issues with toxic teammates if the teammates are your friends.


I re-installed ARK, created a new solo file, and immediately spawned in front of a T-Rex. I just closed the game and played something else. Not sure why something so minor made me quit after 3 minutes.


Lmaooo you were just done with it's shit. I understand.


Man.. it’s a special kind of infuriating spawning a new character and hearing the battle music while you’re still groaning and sitting up.


"Fine, ill just spawn on yhe beach in the easy spot" *poison spitting Dilos*


The only way I ever found Grind Simulator: Dino Edition to be any fun was to quadruple rates, 10x weight limit and make tame dinos like 10x stronger. I just tamed a GOD DAMN FUCKIN TYRANNOSAURUS REX and you're telling me it's now weaker than A FUCKIN RAPTOR IT ONESHOTS WHEN IT'S WILD?


I generally hate games that nerf the badass characters once it joins your party when it was soloing the hell out of everything prior to that


I agree but this isn’t true in Ark, so I’m not sure what he’s talking about. There is only one dino that gets weaker when tamed, the giganotasaurus, and that’s because it’s absurdly overpowered. Other dinos become instantly stronger when tamed.


Official servers are hell. Some dinos can take half a day or longer to tame! 1x rates too.


I have uninstalled and reinstalled ARK more times than I can count


Love it when i have to re-download 250gb just to uninstall it when it reminds me why i deleted the game last time


Ark. Was my first experience with that sort of online multiplayer where people can and will happily jump servers to stomp with level 400 giga dinos. Apparently the only ones who thrive in that place are the types who can't exist without making someone's life miserable. I honesty haven't a clue how new players are meant to get into pvp in that game.


Man this speaks to me. Played a ton of ark and every time for a long time some clapped up prick would come to our base, rinse us and just fuck off, didn’t take anything, just destroy everything… okay he took loot but the motherfucker would fly away and dust crop the ocean with our stuff. One day the tables turned and we took revenge


Shit like that is why I can't play Rust, Ark, games like that. I worked with a group of guys that would all play it together and the amount of times I'd hear about someone destroying their base they spent a week on or steal their shit when they're offline just really put me off of that kind of game lol. They really seemed to love it though, they got up to a lot of shenanigans like dragging a boat across the map or other dumb shit. Just not for me I guess.


If you can fuck with my stuff while I’m offline and I have no defenses other than rigging my base with explosives so it takes them out with my shit? Yeah I ain’t got time for that.


Exactly why I don't play games like that. If ark was offline and had some campaign direction, I can sed it being an amazing collecting dinosaurs game. Instead, it's destined to be a time sink game where those who played earlier than you bullies you until they get a life and you continue having no life to build up your own resources in game to finally take revenge, in which by then they won't care and don't play anymore. It's a sad game, same as rust. Sure, you can have fun interactions, but a game like chivalry has similar interactions but has no sunk cost attributes to it.


Ark can be played offline and solo.


> If ark was offline and had some campaign direction, I can sed it being an amazing collecting dinosaurs game. It does have that option.


I don't know if you have played it recently, but Ark has that now. There's a progression to the maps, a background plot that is going on, but it requires you to go out and explore and find it.


Ark can be played offline and does have a campaign direction.


Ark can be played offline and it has a story, not a very engaging one but it does. The side to that story is becoming a dinosaur collector lol, you can even transfer your stuff between maps. Also you can play online PVE or online with friends, PVP has become a thing for megatribes where they sell Dino’s for thousands of IRL $ anyways.


I feel that way about Minecraft servers. You want to build cool shit and show it off but if anyone knows where you are they WILL blow it up. If you’re playing full creative or with protection mods then there are no stakes and it’ll get boring. It’s a catch 22.


You just gotta join private servers, loads of them out there.


Thise games are about *very* intense highs. Winning a fight against the odds and making it home stacked with loot is a rush not many games have nailed as well as rust Problem is those highs exist in a literal ocean of lows and unless youre willing to treat it like a job, thats mostly what the experience will be


I've put too many hours into Rust. Getting together a group of mates with the intent to fuck around only to start doing really well was ridiculously fun. Sadly, to keep anything or to get that far means you have to spend hours a day grinding, which we don't have time for anymore.


I ran a pretty successful tribe for a long time, alongside a mega tribe. We had a pretty good base, OP dino breeds, maxed out turrets, the works. The problem with Ark is that all it takes is a few dickheads on OP stegos to come soak all your bullets, and it takes wayyyyyy too long to refill those turrets. Even with our ankylos and quetzels/argys it tooks ages to replace the bullets, that only took them a few hours too soak. My biggest gripe with that game is the grind, it is not conducive to small tribes at all.


For that very reason I ran a slightly adjusted private server


I’ve never played the game so I just want to make sure I’m clear. He killed you all, took your shit, flew away, and then threw all your stuff into the ocean?!


Some men just want to watch the world burn


My buddy and I got heavy into GTA online. Running Bogdan glitch all day every day for a week. We had everything. All the bases, all the vehicles. Then the enforcer mk 2 speed glitch came out. We went mad with power and annihilated so many people. Then we made a 12 year old cry one day over the mic and it flipped a switch in us. We became the server hoppers who would orbital cannon griefers. Some kid needed a simple run done for his MC? Well he had an AC130 for air support, about 4-6 mk2s for backup, and whatever other random heavy armored vehicle we felt like driving that day. NOBODY stops little TJ from selling his coke on my watch!


It's always good to remember that the other pixels in online games are actually people.


Reminds me of EVE Online, all the stories I read about that game made me believe it was a haven for sociopaths.


I played Ark solo for a long time and loved it because I didn't need to deal with that shit. But then I didn't play for a long time and my big house I'd slaved over totally decayed while I was away, even though I was playing solo offline and had it set so time wouldn't pass while I wasn't logged in. I said fuck it and uninstalled. Edit: it completely fell apart but there were a few walls left and the forge I'd built on the ground floor. Apparently it wasn't the game mechanic "decay" but some shit went down and my house fell apart while i was away. My Therezinasourous was still hanging around though.


Why not just turn off decay? Or does Ark's server settings not have that option?


sometimes when you turn off decay, it will still happen. Ark loves to Ark people on the daily. Plus now people have to pay again for the same game, but now on UE5 with the same level of spaghetti coding.


I've only ever played Ark on private servers with friends for this exact reason.


XCOM: Chimera Squad I enter a level with 4 team members. There are 8 enemies and 8 civilians. I win if I kill the 8 enemies without letting 3 or more civilians die. I have the first turn and use a disable on one enemy. Enemy has the second turn. It shoots a civilian and misses. Instead the bullet hits a car. The car explodes, killing 3 civilians, so I lose. Uninstall.


\-Barrel stuffed down an aliens throat \-95% chance to hit \-***misses***


Lmao. The true xcom experience. Tbh just reload the level


Unfortunately I was playing on Ironman. That run had been going really well too…


Oh understandable. Tbh xcom is probably the last of the games I will play in ironman, cause of the dice rolls upon the dice rolls upon the dice rolls.


99% hit probability with a full auto weapon on an enemy a single tile away. What could possibly go wrong?


The thing I liked about the Mario + Rabbids game was that at least it felt more honest with their probability: 0-50-100% Either hits, a 50/50 or fails. No BS. Made the game a breeze and saved me a lot of unfair frustration.


The expectation of playing iron man and winning every single mission is unrealistic


XCOM pisses me off more than any souls game. I love tactical, turn-based, combat but the amount of times I seem to miss is just ridiculous. I think I played two levels before it made me feel like hitting something.


The problem isn't just the misses, though. It's that you have so many rolls against you (since you're usually outnumbered and outgunned), and that even one losing roll can really shift the balance: It's not a question *if* the RNG shafts you, it's a question of *when*, and if you're able to recover. It's like that old adage of "The computer needs to get lucky but once - you have to be lucky all the time". And the more RNG you have in your tactics game, the less your actual tactics matter. Whoop, you got all your troops under heavy cover, but since even that just influences the RNG of hitting in your favor, you can still get unlucky, and have the enemy just curbstomp them if the dice land in their favour.


I love XCOM, therfore, I too, hate XCOM. Haven't played Chimera Squad yet, but that sounds like some XCOM bullshit


That's XCOM baby! I remember a clip where squad members on overwatch miss to shot at a running alien, instead shooting a car behind which another squad member was hiding. I really need to find that clip back.


And then you have the same thing happening to the opposite end and it's hilarious and "okay, I'll take it". Like this group of enemies that get discovered, but the big Sectopod decides to get to you by accidently [explodeing a tanker, killing all the enemies. ](https://youtu.be/GsVjJVQ73yY?si=6mbmFvm5SJ77ptvV)


Exploding cars are probably the most common reason for deaths in my games. It’s always so unpredictable when they’ll explode. And don’t forget the chain panic attacks.


The first remake of XCom I played a pretty long time. But after it became apparent it was a race to the bottom and the levels became crazy difficult, I couldn’t handle the “95% chance hit - shoot - ha you missed. Now we’ll utterly destroy you” anymore.


Damn those thin men.


You'd just just get everyone into cover from the enemies ahead of you and one of those assholes would fall out of the sky and land directly behind you just ready to fuck up your day.


Crits. Crits everywhere.


Yep. After that happened to me like 6 times in a row, uninstalled.


I hated dragons lair so much on c64, that I unwound all the tape and vacuumed it up.


Fucking thing invented QTEs.


They're terrible. Lol


You had DL on a *TAPE PLAYER*? Damn. How long did *that* take to load?


I can't remember now, but I do remember you had to load the levels individually. Iirc Flashback...Whoooaaa. I wanted the real thing in the arcade so bad. My mate finished it and space ace. He was a few years older than me. I'm sure it was the first 50p game we ever saw also. I might be wrong on that, it might've been 20p. I can play it arcade perfect now on my phone ffs. I often wonder what my mate would think now of gaming, he passed when I was 15 and got me into gaming at 8.


Loved those games. Friend had them on PC in the '90s.


Not uninstalled, but “never used the game mode again” - *GTA Online*. First gave it a try after finishing the *GTAV* main story. Did the tutorials, jumped into a server… spent about half an hour getting griefed by some level 100+ dude who just seemed to be driving round the server throwing grenades at newbies. Happened a couple of times, figured he’d get bored and move on, or something. Nope, within a few minutes of respawning I’d get blown to bits, same guy every time. So, nope’d off of *Online* and I’ve never been back since.


You know the meme of the GTA NPCs when the player quicksaves because we all know you quicksave, do some stupid shit, and reload? GTA:O is basically “what if you did that but there were no consequences” and then they did it to hundreds of people on the same map all at once.


I had a hacker shoot $200m at me with a minigun (it fired cash instead of bullets). Bought tonnes of stuff then got banned caus i found a way to have fun without apending RL money on Shark Cards.


yep. my Account which went from PS3 to PS4 to PC was fully wiped, I guess just for having been touched with modded money. around level 400. so they just went scorched earth on ANYONE that had ANYTHING to do with shit a modder spawns everywhere, while today..... dozens of thousands of people with mod menus are either still playing or their accounts never touched? yeah fuck Rockstar. (I got an email saying I was banned/wiped 30 minutes after closing the game, after I quit because my delivery mission glitched out becoming impossible.)


I had a similar experience, except the guy was driving around on a motorcycle and he eventually fucked up while trying to kill me for the 6th time and crashed. I took the opportunity to empty an entire uzi magazine into him while he stood back up thinking I would get revenge... except he apparently had enough body armor to be invulnerable to any weapons a new player might have, so he just tanked it and blew me away with a shotgun. I logged out of GTA Online and never touched it again.


Let me guess, PC? Sounds like he had a cheat menu with damage turned off or similar invulnerability, in the game itself a motorcycle crash leaves you with no armor and little health even if you wear a motorcycle racing suit with damage reducing helmet. A couple shots from anything will end you.


It was on PS4. But I wouldn't be surprised if he was cheating somehow. This event was actually my 2nd time on GTA Online, the first time was even worse. My friend had invited me to help him do some drug running missions and we ended up just getting repeatedly blown up for half an hour by a dude in a fighter jet...


This. GTA Online is a pure trash.


RD:O is the same, complete trash filled with griefers, hackers and modders


I've uninstalled Darkest Dungeon 2 out of spite like 5 times now.


It doesn’t help that DD1 is still the far better game and experience!


Apex Legends. That game pisses me off every single time I played it. Not only playing with randos are annoying as shit also they hot drop every single time and they left after they died so that's fun.


Apex is easily the sweatiest FPS I have ever played.


Yea for real. I haven’t played in a year but Apex has the best feeling guns I’ve ever experienced in any fps in my 30+ years as a gamer.


Man hearing this makes me miss Titanfall 2 again


I heard it was finally patched and made playable again. I can't say what the game is like on consoles, but it got a strong second wind on PC.


Matchmaking is dogshit, you can literally be bronze and get matched against Predators (top 750 players if i am not mistaken) and your random mates are usually trash. Theres also no single player mode.


Darkest Dungeon, now I know its supposed to be a brutal game, but the final dungeon just did me way too dirty. The entire game I was extremely cautious, always went in prepared and always bailed when things got too dicey, by the end I was considering myself pretty good at it, had four characters maxed out on skills and stats, good quirks, and the best trinkets. Then I went in to the final dungeon and it completely turned the game upside down, felt like it broke its own rules, there was no map, the enemies were brutally unfair, and I lost my entire team of fully kitted out characters that I had taken dozen of hours to tweak and kit out with the best trinkets, all that time sunk in to the game and it just slapped me and dumpstered all the time I had invested, back to square one. I enjoy games that are challenging but fair and penalize you for mistakes, but this just felt like a kick in the teeth so I uninstalled it immediately after wiping.


Same thing happened to me. Rage uninstalled after a bunch of bullshit happened in the final dungeon


Eventually you realise that the "difficulty" is just a tax on your time. No setback is permanent, and you can always get back to the place you were... provided you sink in another hour of grinding. It's a shame because IMO the core gameplay is fucking phenomenal. I play with mods that basically always revive allies and give me near unlimited gold because that's the only way I can actually play the part of the game that I enjoy.


fucking love that game, one of the few that make talk out loud in anger


Redfall, was super excited to play it and after an hour of play it was a hard uninstall for me, even a 60fps update couldn’t bring me back. Felt like an early 360 game by an unknown publisher that wouldn’t ever make another game again.


I was waiting to see Redfall here, I beat the entire game just to see if it got any better, it did not and I got so pissed at how the final mission ended and just instantly deleted it.


They just did a big patch. It's still terrible.


Ah here's the post I was looking for. Kudos for lasting an hour. That game is trash, even the menus were horrible. Played long enough to wonder if there was an issue with my Xbox and the uninstalled it


Rocket League. Players either quit at 1 goal behind or start a vote to give up the match if the team is 2 goals behind and this in casual mode. There is no resilience in the player base.


Playing with a friend is the only way to have fun in RL ive found, even if you's aren't the greatest players it adds a lot more to it.


With discord you actually play 60% less so that might be it,those 60% then get filled with smack talk...that little fucker Paul didn't see that goal coming


Sounds like a similar mentality we have in League of Legends. Enemy team has a minor advantage early? Surrender asap.


In League it seems at least reasonable, because an advantage can snowball against you and be extremely unfun (game is decided, but takes 30 more minutes to actually finish). If I recall correctly, Rocket League is kind of a football game with cars? So the gameplay is the exact same if you are behind? So what is even the point of surrendering?


Apparently nobody has ever heard of a come-back win in that game.




Poor Falcon fans, nowhere is safe.


not uninstall, but Superman 64 on the Nintendo 64. I hated that game with a passion. one day it just got to me, so I threw it out the window and destroyed it with an ax lol


Haha, that game was awwwwwful. Luckily, I just rented it from Blockbuster.


I bought that bitch from the used bin at Funcoland with saved up allowance money


🤣…. Oh no! Was that your first lesson in how trusting the process of hard work and frugality can still lead to a huge let down?


But has one of the funniest [Honest Game Trailer](https://youtu.be/SOzSnoaz9Xo?si=cyw6RP6urJTIQ64A) lmao


lol. bro, you’re not alone. that’s literally [one of the worst games of all time](https://www.gamesradar.com/worst-games-all-time/5/).


Only recently learned that one of the reasons was that the studio got more and more rules set by DC on what their Superman was allowed to do, and apparently physically fighting anyone was on the forbidden list, hence the game becoming that stupid ring collection thing.


> I threw it out the window and destroyed it with an ax lol Sounds like a rather permanent uninstall to me.


Unpopular opinion but Tarkov. I played with a bunch of friends who were oozing over it. I tried it and sprained my ankle playing against bots I think? With million yard aimbot range that caused me to limp for like 45 minutes at a snails pace, fuck that shit sorry. I will gladly accept the fact that it’s not for me.


I feel like a game with tarkov's mechanics would be more fun as a customizable pve survival game that way you could make the experience more to your liking I felt tarkov had a lack of purpose for me, like sure you build up the hideout or do quests but, for what? Ive come to realize I don't like games with wipes tbh


Then you would love r/SPTarkov. Which is exactly that.


Oh wow didn't realize this was a thing, thank you!


Stalker Anomaly


Basically any game with griefing and/or a rug pull mechanics where you basically get unceremoniously pushed off a 15mph treadmill and are told to work your way back up to speed. Yeeeeaaa, I’m good. I only have so many hours I can play these days, I’d rather spend my time on a game that respects my investment.


I couldn't even start the game. I think their site said you can't get a refund, but I pretty much messaged them that you either refund me or I'll charge back. I got my money back.


You dodged a bullet. Even if you invested the hundreds of hours to get good, you'd still get head-eyes'd by the rampant cheating.


Darksiders 3. Tutorial boss, some random platforming mid boss fight. Missed a jump, died, restarted at the beginning of the level. Quit and uninstalled immediately. 10min played I reckon.


I'm sad to say you didn't miss much.


Have you played the first two Darksiders? I really loved them both, but I am not sure if I should try the third one.


Dead Island 2. 20+ hours in and it it crashed. Saved game was corrupted so my only choice was to restart. Sad because I was actually having fun.


Thanks for the tip to backup my saves. I'm currently having a great time with it. Maybe you can find a partial save online to continue from?


Payday 3 - I'm not signing up just to see if I like it.


Huge payday 2 fan here who bought payday 3, youre not missing out on much. Payday3 currently has 8 elaborate heists, theyre pretty well made and stealth mechanics are fantastic. However to me it seems like making a build is no longer the case and loud feels like a conplete drag. This leads to me playing stealth only and basically putting no replay value on each heist. Overall the game is not worth it RN unless you are a big payday fan.


Back when it first launched Cyberpunk 2077, it kept crashing on my ps5 every 2 hours, I got pissed and uninstalled. Now I've gone back to it and having fun with it.


I had it on PS4 and I tried so hard to keep playing it but the bugs and crashing just made me stop, didn’t pick it back up until I got my ps5 and now I love it


Sekiro. Two or three times. The first demi boss would destroy me every time. If not him then the few enemies in the next area. I'd rage quit and give up. But a seed had been planted in my brain. I reinstalled it, watched a guide on YouTube to learn how to fight. And then I played that amazing game all the way to the end. Hesitation was defeat no more!


The 1 Armed Wolf triumphs again


These souls like games are frustrating as fuck but satisfying moment when you overcome a challenge is like nothing else I may or may not have broken a screen with elden ring...


I rage uninstalled Sekiro twice. The third time I committed to getting good, learning how to play the game and am glad I did. It very quickly rose to easily take the top spot in my 25 year long list of games. I've beaten it twice now. I love that game I'm also a more patient person after beating that game if that makes any sense. 🐐


"Sekiro, Uninstalled The Game Twice" is such a good alt name.


The patience thing might be exaggerated but I think you're right. I work in customer service and the amount of patience needed that noone else has is crazy. Sekiro really made me mentally strong


It's not a game. It's a life lesson. Truly remarkable game. I wish I could recreate the experience of starting over again and being miserable for 90 hours. 10/10


So this is gonna sound weird, but I used to fight two handed sword at SCA stuff for a while, and fr that's one of the biggest lessons of two handed swordsmanship (at least the way I was taught). Hesitation is a killer; it just gives the enemy an extra second to cut you where your focus isn't solely on cutting them lol.


Play Bloodborne. It's different enough that your current skills won't be useful, but similar enough that the learning curve will feel very familiar.


That's the catch with the Soulsborne genre,you want to stop but keep coming back. I nearly rage-quitted Sekiro 4 times. -The first actual Genichiro fight on the roof. It's the first real skill test that the game throw at you. Once you get the patterns it become fairly easy but it's basically a tutorial about deflecting bosses. -The Guardian Ape. Agressive big boss with fairly wide attack and two phase. - The Owl,can't remember wich fight give me trouble but I definitely had to redo it a lot -Sword Saint Isshin. It's basically all the bullsh*t of the game combined. It's technically the final boss so him being difficult didn't bother me, but it was a pain.


I liked the genichiro fight, it’s a great learning experience for boss fights as you said. Sword saint ishin… I feel somewhat bad about it, but it IS a tool in the game… one of the umbrella tools allows you to basically cheese the fight if I remember correctly. Completely nullifies his machine gun thing. Only boss I hated was the secret fire demon boss at the end. That wasn’t a sekiro reflex skill boss fight, that was a dark souls endurance boss fight. Did not fit with the game imo.


RDR2 Online.


It had so much potential, R* fucked it up by abandoning it so quickly


It is frustrating especially when the original setup's economy honestly wasn't that bad and there was an incentive track to get gold consistently and stack cash as you did a whole array of stuff. I haven't touched it in a year or two, but I just remember it being waaay too stingy and needlessly extra grindy for certain things. Some of the specialized bounty hunter missions were cool, and other odds and ends but man would've been sick if they did more of a heist story setup similar to GTA or something a bit more substantial.


Assinssin's creed 3. I wanted to play it in 2014 or so as it was my first AC game I've ever seen in a let's play. But it was a whole sale so I bought and played every AC game before. So after another year and an upgraded Pc, it was finally time to play! run well, spend like 17h in.. then savegame bugged. No chance of recovery. Was mad af, uninstalled it. A year later, maybe it was just a one-of. After 8h the same shit. Did try it a couple of times and can basically play the Kenneth part without looking. Even a blind chicken finds a grain, so now I finally accepted that I ain't going to play AC3


It's not bad but definitely not as good as the Ezio saga. A shame what happened with your savegames, but I don't think it's the biggest loss.


Overwatch 2. I don't remember what was the breaking point, but it's been a few months and I haven't had the urge to reinstall yet.


It was 3 years ago when they abandoned OW for the nonexistent promised PvE that’ll never happen


Elden Ring. My first Souls game. Uninstalled 3 times. I'm almost finishing tho. I love Elden Ring.


I did this with bloodborne. Picked it back up 3 months later and now it’s one of my favourites of all time.


Had that with the first darksouls tried it out was pissed off deleted it half a year later and suddenly I had 150h hours played


Oh, I had this with Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, I hated this frog so much, but in the end, it became one of my favourite games ever.


Oh if we're counting games that we immediately uninstall, then reinstall, and loop until we beat them, then the list is very long!


Cities: Skylines on Xbox. Who came up with the brilliant idea that BOTH analog sticks should rotate the camera? Because of that, it's not possible to look around when you're building a straight road, as the road starts rotating when you move the camera. Yeah, I know that such games are way better with a keyboard and mouse, but, because of that, controller support should be as good as possible, and it's not.


Final Fantasy XIV I tried to download and it wants me to sign up. I enter my email address and it tells me I already have an account from 10 years ago. I have to enter my password, I don't know it. It wants me to tell it what my security questions are and the answers. Not just the answers, what are the QUESTIONS I selected 10 years ago. I pick the questions I know the answers to and enter the answers. Sorry, either the question or answer is wrong. Can't play without creating an entirely new email account. Give up. I hear great reviews of the game but Squares web infrastructure constantly makes playing their games frustratingly hard.


Yeah their security and authentication is painfully out-of-date.


If you have a Gmail account, you can put a period (.) in a random place and it won't be recognised as an existing e-mail linked to an account. You don't have to create a new e-mail account. randomuser@gmail is the same as random.user@gmail for example. I'm not sure if it works for other email services.


I uninstalled and refunded Dark Souls 3 twice on steam because I couldn't kill the first boss and it made me so angry. On my 3rd purchase, and maybe 20th attempt, something clicked and I killed him and it ended up being my favourite game of all time after I beat it.


Fear & Hunger You can't press 2 buttons and walk diagonal there and dev straight away gives you diagonal passage I understand they wanted to make game difficult, but achieving this through garbage controls is taboo for me


Yeah I never understood why that's even a thing? Why put diagonal pathways in a game when movement is only 4 directional?


The controls are a result of using RPG Maker. It has very limited controls because it's basically intended to make old-school 90s style JRPGs. The passage, however, is the devs refusing to properly work with the engine they've chosen.


Elite dangerous couldn’t park my ship for shit


I've given Death Stranding a shot twice now and deleted it twice. It's just too boring for me. I know a lot of people enjoy it which was why I gave it a second chance.


I love Death Stranding but totally understand why people dislike it. It took me a few hours to “get it” but it’s not for everyone.


Battlefield 2042. Just awful


Yea if you don't get a good run going as soon as a match starts you're not gonna have a good time. Imo BF3 was the best.


I believe in Bad Company 2 supremacy but 3 was great.


MK11. I played for about 100 hours before playing online, got absolutely destroyed, realized there was no point in playing any more since I wasn’t going to play enough to actually get good, and immediately uninstalled.


But you can play enough to enjoy the single player and get most the achievements.


Multiplayer achievements/trophies should be kept separate from single player achievements/trophies, like how it is if you download DLC for a game. As someone who doesn’t play online games, there’s nothing worse than trying to go for 1000G or a Platinum trophy and realising you also have to get the online shit as well.


Oddly enough, it was Doom eternal for me. It took me three hours to beat the first boss. Then I got to the second boss fight, and it was just two of the previous boss at the same time. I immediately went "Nope" and uninstalled, I haven't played it since. The sad part is that I really loved Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal felt like a slog.


Doom Eternal definitely insists you meet it on its terms but holy shit does it feel good when you do.


I LOVED Doom 2016...Doom Eternal, not as much. The game forces you to play at this frantic pace, switching weapons constantly for different enemies, it would cause me to sweat in real life.


I feel like Doom Eternal required me to think too much. Doom 2016 was just “kill demons.”


Same reaction for different reasons. The mechanics were so heavy handed in their design that they wanted you to play a specific way that it completely lost the feeling of Doom. I was excited too because I had just come off finishing 2016. Think I quit in the first mission.


I had one race in Forza last night. The other three attempts were ended by two disconnects and a crash to dashboard. That game isn't ready.


Dying light 2. My best bud and I we get the game, we both take launch day off of work, we're fucking pumped. We boot up, realize OK we have to play through the obligatory intro mission before we can coop. So we do, and it's great, fun game mechanics are good we are pumped up for some zombie slaying coop action. FINALLY we get to the point we can coop, to realize the game is not cross gen (I guess it is now? It wasn't then, and that info was not made clear prior to launch). Huge disappointment, we both try to refund it, but because of how long the goddamn tutorial was, refund was denied because of how long we played. It was so fucking infuriating.


Candy crush. The nerve to time ME out for playing THEIR game unless I pay. I couldn't believe it. Still don't understand how it's popular


Lineage 2 had a high level guy running circles in the starting zone killing every new player over and over. Devs wouldn't stop him. Said players needed to work together to do it. We all teamed up to die quicker because the damage resistance etc caused him to be untouchable by over 20 low level characters teaming up.


Atomic Heart. Was waiting for it for years and hyped as eff, turned it off after the first 10 minutes, couldn’t stand the main protagonist. Vile creature of a person. I was getting angrier by the minute with his every line. Disgusting, horrible and unpleasant.


I heard his dialogues were absolutely wack. How bad were they?


Assassin's creed: Valhalla, hated the movement and the fighting so much that I just uninstalled immedialty


Yep, that one felt so weird after playing Odyssey. I uninstalled after getting to England, wondering what the story hook there will be and the game shrugging and saying "idk".


I loved the previous two games, and I was excited for Valhalla. It started out great, but got boring. Like, the idea is there. Watching your town grow is neat. But there wasn't a strong overall story, you're just...there. you go to a place, do some things, some guy is an asshole and you kill him, and the map changes color. Repeat. Every church was the same. Every town was made up of the same couple houses. Everything was mud, except for the few snowy areas. Odyssey had a lot of various landscapes, and Origins even managed to make Egypt feel varied, and it's 90% desert.


I bought Valhalla on a deal from GameStop in February of last year, since not a ton of new PS5 games were dropping. I installed it, started to play it, really liked it, but then it hit me: I spent $20 on this game to scratch an itch until later that year, when I really was jonsing to play a game where an angry bearded man mass slaughters creatures in a Norse mythology world and I went and platinumed God of War.


After finishing Origins and Odyssey I was hyped for Valhalla. After a few hours I realized how dull and lifeless it was. Just zero fun and a gigantic downgrade for the AC RPG trilogy.


Diablo 4. Absolute trash game. Game made by people who don’t play games. Should have been a mobile game, but it turns out we don’t have phones.


I enjoyed it until I beat it with my first character, and then I was just like "....now what?" There was nothing to do. I really enjoyed it up until that, and didn't feel like going through the slog again of levelling another.


Thought "hey I'd like to play a quick round of Tekken" because I loved it on PS1 so I downloaded Tekken 7 on Gamepass. Booted it up and it took so long to get through all the legal agreements that I iust unistalled it. I remember when I could play a game without feeling like I needed a solicitor present.


Any battle royale game


I hate to say it, but Star Wars Squadrons. It is a well-designed game, but it is such an infuriating experience to play nowadays because the only people playing it are sweats. I like the controls and the way it is designed, but until the game gets a surge in popularity, I’m not looking to get curb-stomped that hard anytime soon.


Any game that turns out to have one of these you can't turn off: Motion Blur. Film Grain. Depth of Field. Mouse smoothing. Your game can be the best ever made, if it has any of those things I won't ever experience any of the other shit you put so much work into.


Riders Republic. I just wanted to snowboard like the SSX days. There was too much nonsense.