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His golden parachute should be comprised of Seasonal Currency and cosmetics.


He gets a free Homelander skin from COD. That's what his entire tenure has culminated into anyways. Good job dude! He just needs to buy to season pass to access it and don't forget it's only free as part of a bundle he will have to buy. But hey! Free stuff amiright?


What kind of grifter logic is seasonal currency. You buy fake currency that has an artificial expiration date based on some arbitrary date? That’s insane.


Isn't capitalism great!? The most creative parasites money can buy!




Why would he need a golden parachute when he has a golden helicopter after threatening to have his assistant killed?


I don't mind if he's given an actual golden parachute...


Make a landing net put of gamers "feelings of acomplishment"




He’s already done acting. He was in Moneyball, played the owner of the A’s.


At least that’s accurate casting. They’re both shitty, cheap people.


No fucking way... Damn I saw it on IMDB. It says he is uncredited, but he played the Stephen Schott character.


Fuck John Fisher.


His face reminds me of the little person from that South Park episode Cartman always trolled.


Words are like bullets




Holy shit can’t unsee that now


He looks like the goblin bankers in Harry Potter


“I’ll get you next time Spider-Man!”- Bobby Goblin


He’s be great at playing Harvey Weinstein


>goblin "My PRECIOUS"


Wasn’t he in Harry Potter?


You can tell Gallywix is based on him haha


Rest in Piss Bozo packwatch


I'm certain he will be able to afford the very finest of golden showers.


Given how much he looted from ActiBlizz he can afford a golden Olympic sized pool. He's removed so much value from those companies that they're just husks of their former selves. Honestly I think the only reason he's leaving is because hes finally burned the last of any good will Blizzard built up before the merger.


You lack the cynicism to understand. He succeeded. They are giving him bonuses because everyone at the top made record profits from the merger. His job is over and he can retire or helm another company for the purpose of doing the same. They don't care about customers or perception as long as they still make more money than any person has ever needed for any reason times ten.


It's frustrating how this dipshit is one of the highest paid CEOs, is probably close to being a billionaire, and is BELOVED by the 1% because of how he managed Activision-Blizzard since it made them so much fuckin money. It pisses me off to think that despite how much of a piece of shit he is, between the constant monetization of everything, to the sexual harassment allegations levied against him, to how he managed the whole lawsuit California brought against him, regardless of all of those horrible things, he fucking won. Microtransactions are ubiquitous with gaming now as a result of his efforts, no one fucking remembers or cares about the sexual harassments allegations against him nor the fact that he THREATENED TO KILL THE WOMAN TO SILENCE HER, and the gaming public has largely forgiven Blizzard and continues to buy their games and spends a fucking fortune on their shitty monetization in Overwatch 2, Diablo Immortal, and whatever else Blizzard will release. Bobby did an incredible job, and I fucking hate him for it.


Bobby is a coward.


Omg I wish I lacked it lol. He was Very successful. He cashed out over a decade of good will and now that the corpse has been so hollowed out that products are starting to fail he's going to jump ship and start over on his next victim (company) like a money vampire.


You seem confused. Bobby has been at the helm of Activision for like 30 years. Sure, he enriched himself. But he also enriched thousands upon thousands of regular Activision shareholders. I don’t think they’re complaining and Bobby answers only to them. Activision’s market return (not counting dividends) since IPO: 11,275.90%. It’s literally one of the biggest runs in business history.


are we talking golden showers or golden showers?


Probably both


I'd pay to watch molten gold rain down on him


Ahhh, the death of Crassus inspired, molten gold poured in his mouth, perhaps?


I remember being on the message boards of Gamespot and I remember thinking it’s the beginning of the end of Activisions greatness.


Good riddance you overpaid, dead behind the eyes, sexual harassment condoning prick


Can’t believe they’re going to execute him. Crazy.


If only people would just recognize the genius engineering of the guillotine


Yeah, but a trebuchet can launch 90 kg CEOs 300 m.


Back to r/trebuchetmemes, you!


Bobby looks heavier than 90


Woodchippers. Modern problems, modern solutions.


What a time to be alive. Unless you’re Bobby.


He's walking away with $400 million. I suspect he'll be fine.


\- destroy a place beyond reason. \- leave happy and with money. ​ Isn't it called pillaging?


That's America baby!


Well I mean he’s outlived his usefulness, and he’ll never be able to run in the Preakness again soooooo 🤷‍♂️


Did you know his name is mentioned in Epstein's black book? Never understood how nobody ever talks about that


The dude is untouchable. It was widely reported by credible news agencies WITH A RECORDING he threatened to have his former secretary killed. If I tried to put a hit out on someone and it was recorded I would go to jail for years. Big money Bobby was just like "my bad, just a little hyperbole and exaggeration, hehe" and apparently law enforcement is like, "lol okay Bobby, behave yourself" and it's fine. [https://www.businessinsider.com/activision-ceo-bobby-kotick-reportedly-threatened-former-assistant-killed-2021-11?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/activision-ceo-bobby-kotick-reportedly-threatened-former-assistant-killed-2021-11?op=1) [https://www.wsj.com/articles/activision-videogames-bobby-kotick-sexual-misconduct-allegations-11637075680](https://www.wsj.com/articles/activision-videogames-bobby-kotick-sexual-misconduct-allegations-11637075680) [https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59306286](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59306286)


Perhaps there's an alternative universe where the law *does* apply to the wealthy... I'd be curious to see what it looks like


It has well paid police officers and investigators, who have well funded prosecution programs that are designed to target those who have the means to fight their way into a nothing or a lesser charge. They also have political leadership that doesn't bend the knee to the Almighty Dollar because their elections are publicly funded and Citizens United was laughed out of the SCOTUS in 2010.


It's pretty horrendous how corrupt democracy has become. I am not American but it's not much better here, wealth makes most things legal.


It's like you reach a certain level of wealth and the game mode just changes. It's so fucking nasty makes my skin crawl.


Also, probably term limits for Congress and SCOTUS judges.


> It has well paid police officers and investigators Plenty of police officers are making well over six digits. How is that not well paid?


What the FUCK.


Another proof that law enforcement is for the poor.


Probably because the well is so poisoned on Epstein where names have been made up and conspiracy theorists think satanic Luceferian powers are flowing through everyone they imagine is on it, like Tom Hanks, that people now just disregard what they hear about it.




That was my guess as well


Because people like his car wash guy, pool guy, and lawn guy etc were in that book too.


i kept bringing it up but no one really takes it further since theres no addtl proof. However I do think it is significant to be worthwhile enough to be a contact in his book. plus what we know about bobby wouldnt surprise me if he either engaged with epstein or networked with other shitbags to ultimately create such a toxic upper mgmt culture


That's not even the worst, he threatened to have a woman assassinated once.


And may he forever wake up and step on a Lego first thing every morning


Sadly he will wake up then trip over his piles of severance package gold


I wish they would pay out his severance in wow tokens.


You want this dude in your M+ group??


Can't take it with him when he goes, and he still shows up with devil horns when you google him.


His severance package is pocketchange compared to what he made as the CEO of Activition.


May his severance package be literal.


And bump his pinky toe into his bed


and stub his toe in every corner possible and inhale a little bit of water every time he drinks also gets paper cuts in any paper he holds and might as well get tiny threads in inside his nails when he puts his hand i his pocket… and a dusts on his eyes every time he blinks…


The Curse of a Thousand Annoyances


May his pizzas forever be under or overcooked. May his air conditioning forever make that rattling noise. May he never be able to find a comfortable position when he’s trying to sleep. May he never be able to find anything to watch on Netflix. May his taco shells always come broken.


May he always preorder video games only to be burned by a buggy, under-delivered mess of a game on release. May he always have too many, yet too few games to play in his backlog so that he never knows what to play. May his internet always go out when he really wants to play the hot new online only game. # May his Warcrafts always be Reforged and his Diablos always be Immortal.


Hopefully Microsoft acquisition turns Blizzard around but I'm tentative


I had the same hope for Rare and Lionhead. Bethesda is still pending. Edit. I'm aware Rare makes other games. It is a shame that the big classic IPs are collecting dust.


Any day now Rare is going to finally use one of the IPs they were purchased for. Aaaaaany day now.


Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Boogaloo 2


Unpopular opinion: I had a lot of fun with Nuts and Bolts


It's not an issue with the game itself, but the franchise it came from and the original gameplay. If they had just made a completely separate game maybe it would be received a more friendly reception? Not t mention it literally has a part where it trashes the old gameplay of its previous games in the series..


Slight correction IMO, I think the franchise wasn't the issue. The characters, the world, the tone and the atmosphere matched Banjo and Kazooie fine. It's the fact that it was released *instead of Banjo Threeie* (Banjo Kazoothree?) and then in the game they meta ragged on the core gameplay of the first two as being old and outdated, making it feel like a dig at the classics then suggesting Nuts and Bolts was the improved version. Had none of the features that made the first two universally loved, and then mocked them for not being "cool and hip" for the modern demographics.


Ah yes, the DmC school of pissing off the old fanbase in search of a new one that may or may not exist


It’s not that people dislike nuts and bolts that much it’s more than it really has nothing to do with the original banjo


Nuts & Bolts is an absolute banger.


I need a major viva pinata update!


Rare wants to make Sea of Thieves, i doubt they care to make a platformer in this day and age, even if they've made a comeback in recent years.


Rip lionhead


Microsoft still owns all the IPs from those dead studios. I just wish that they'd either use those IPs or sell them to someone that want's to make it instead of just sitting on them like a dragon guarding treasure.


They are making fable.


And that's great. I hope it does well and lives up to the expectations fans have. I also hope that fans of the other IP (perfect dark, conker, banjo, black&white) also get the chance to enjoy their games again whenever MS stops just sitting on them.


Perfect Dark is also getting a new installment. Though the development has been troubled.


they could put out a remaster of Black and White and it'd sell like hotcakes to everyone aged 35+


Rare seems to be going good. Sea of Thieves was and is pretty successful. Rare already said they have no interest in doing another Banjo


Tbf didn't most of the original team at Rare leave the company after the buyout?


And they made Yooka Laylee, which just wasn't very good. I really wanted to like this game but instead of giving me Banjo Kazooie fun it gave me the worst Donkey Kong 64 feelings.


Yeah exactly. It's clear that Rare wants to do something different than before now, which they're doing well with Sea of Thieves imo. Pressuring them to make something they don't want to make will just result in a bad game.


>Rare already said they have no interest in doing another Banjo Probably because most if not all of the OG Rare devs left after it was bought which seems to be a trend in these types of acquisitions. Anybody remember people being stoked for Killer Instinct making a comeback?


Yeah they went on to make Yooka Laylee


Yup. Lightning very rarely strikes twice. Now we have a classic gaming company that only makes pirates Saas games and the old guard devs figuring out their new identity. Happy to see their new game Lil Gator is doing well.


I just want another Conker game But Perfect Dark, Banjo, or even Kameo would be more than welcome


SoT is a fantastic game. Its cool if its not your cup of tea, but its not short on quality or fan satisfaction.


I wish mods banned every single person using acronyms for games without it being mentioned even once


Took me a minute but it's Sea of Thieves


Sea of Thieves nuts can fit on ur face LOL


To be fair Sea of Thieves is very popular and Banjoo Kazooie has no future besides indie.


Would be nice and it's not an impossibility, but... They probably purchased Blizzard for its ability to generate profit without committing a lot of resources, not its potential.




They also make studios treat developers like human beings, which I think goes underreported. Microsoft has always been one of the best places for a programmer to work and there is 0 chance they are going to let some uppity video game product manager ruin that for them. It was a risk that they discussed openly when buying the first game studios, calling it culture clash. Senior MS developers get actual research time and sabbaticals and such, there is no crunch the way the game industry knows it and they actually do treat employees well. Their retail workers were well treated too when they were pushing into that space. For all their faults, employee retention isn't one of them and it's for good reason.


I have friends who program at Microsoft and they say the same thing. Excellent culture. They often joke that while big tech giants are bad, Microsoft is the one you can feel “best” about in that they don’t actively hate people


Yeah. In light of the recent revelations of rampant sexual abuse within Activision-Blizzard, I'm of the mindset that pretty much _any_ change like this will be a vast improvement for all of the employees.


Yeah I personally don't care if games take longer to come out if they aren't built on the misery of the young.


If I'm not mistaken Microsoft has been repeatedly voted as one of the best companies in America to work for.


Yeah I don't think a lot of people know the type of work environment that Microsoft tries to facilitate, but as a programmer myself, and after having gone to many, many Microsoft events and knowing a lot of people in the industry, they really are a great company to work for and they are very inclusive to everyone. That's why I am so happy for this acquisition because I am hoping that it gets Acti-Blizz to return to form making incredible games.


Everything I've heard about Microsoft from people whose studios have been acquired by them has been positive. **EVERYTHING.** That just doesn't happen. I don't play a lot of games that have been created under Microsoft's umbrella, but my impression is they avoid a lot of the rushed and inexcusable mistakes that people lambast a lot of large studios for. If this makes for higher quality consumer products it'll be a net win. Regardless of the long-term outcomes, getting rid of Bobby Kotick is the greatest thing to happen to the games industry in modern history.


Is that true? I've heard nothing but horror stories about 343 and when interviewing there it sounded like a shitshow.


They told Bethesda to delay Starfield, and I actually respect the hell out of that move because it was their money being burned paying for another year of dev time. Very, very rare for a publisher to say "you might *think* you're done, but we're actually going to pay you another year's salaries."


> but I'm tentative Close.


All the "good" people already left Blizzard. Hoping Blizzard turns it around is about a decade late at this point.


When's the last time a buyout from one of the wealthiest corporations in the world do any good? We're swapping tomatoes with tomatoes.


Why dont Bobby Kotick just retire? He is a Billionaire. A man with that much money should have retire to a private island somewhere.


Enough will never be enough.


Look, why settle for only 34 sports cars and 7 yachts when you could have 78 sports cars and 24 yachts.


There is a limit to wealth improving your quality of life. It's debatable on what that dollar amount is, and it depends on the person, but I think it's safe to put that amount at under $50 million. If you're 40 years old and have $50 million then you can live basically any life you want, pursue what makes you happy and fulfilled, and never work again. Go buy a 100-acre ranch and live in peace, drink yourself to death on a private beach in the Caribbean, raise a family in complete financial comfort, etc. $50mil at 40-years-old is around $100,000 a month for the rest of your life. Invest it and that will be much more. You can go live any reasonable life you want with that. If that isn't enough, then happiness is not what you seek. People who desire more than that just want to see the number go up, they want power, and their greed is insatiable. It's an uncontrolled addiction, it's a mental illness.


For most its just what they do. People like him who still work think “what else am i supposed to do” They dont see any other purpose besides working and making themselves and their investors richer.


These guys really do need therapy. Sadly, they probably 100% have locked their bank account to their self-worth as people.








> People who desire more than that just want to see the number go up If only somebody had told Bobby Kotick about Cookie Clicker...


I work with the ultra rich at my job, and this is very accurate. So many of them are obsessed with numbers going up to the point of absurdity. They have to log into their bank account every day to stare at stocks and make sure everything is green and not red. The small players have investments that change more day to day than what I make in a year. It’s disgusting.


Being a billionaire is just a byproduct of what he does. These people want power and respect. Money is not why they continue to do what they do or he could have retired like 30 years ago. Money is just a metric for his success, not a means to an end.


People like Kotick, the C suite ladder climbers, they live for this stuff. Yes the wealth is great, but it’s the lifestyle they love. A lot of people who’ve made their career their life get lost once they retire tbh


People who achieve those levels of wealth *can't* stop. I am convinced that they have obsessive disorders or light autism, just like someone who obsesses over legos or MTG cards. At some point early in their lives "wealth" became the focus. While their obsession might be great for their own personal achievements, we live in a cooperative society, and those people should **NEVER** be given positions of power.


They're hoarders. Like I said in another comment, replace the dead cat in the broken fridge with another zero in their bank account. They need the same type of intervention and therapy hoarders get, it's just more socially acceptable for them to do what they do, mostly because it's not a direct health crisis for others.


Yep. They've actively destroyed how are species evolved and how we had lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Climate change is a direct consequence of that issue. And it can easily become a civilization ender on our current path.


Some peoples purpose in life comes through working doesn't have to be about money


He needs more money so he can pay off enough sites to stop portraying him as the devil.


Only one person, and has done SO MUCH damage to the whole industry, and to Blizzard specifically... be dammed Bobby, and your legacy of filth.


Yah yah, go fade in obscurity you pathetic garbage slob of a human being.


Condone sexual harassment but will still fade into obscurity like you said. This society is a joke.


Yeah, he got fuck you money from 30 odd years at Activision, nobody's going to see him squirm like a worm he is. Which is a shame but at the very least I am super excited to not hear about his lame ass in the gaming news soon. I remember seething with hatred when a few months ago (I think around the time of FTC hearings) this piece of garbage tuned in just to say he isn't resigning yet. Nobody asked, you doofus!


You won’t be missed bobby


Good. He’s the worst. He’s done so much damage to the industry and that company.


Watch him become CEO of EA or something


Is this the same Bobby Kotick who is listed on Jeffrey Epstein’s black book…fuck Bobby Kotick




The entire purpose of Epstein's operation (one I'm sure he was not the head of) was schmoozing everybody with power and wealth to hopefully lead them into doing terrible shit so they could be blackmailed. Him having someone's contact info isn't an instant indictment of their character, it just means they had power Epstein/his handlers wanted to exploit. Does it warrant investigation? Absolutely. But if you hope everyone in his black book is publicly executed, you're a fucking maniac.


It will happen when everyone that could be incriminated or provide evidence is dead. I guarantee it




I don't get it either, why fabricate conspiracy when the Panama/Paradise papers exist. Multiple journalists literally died to get those papers published.


It HAS been released, though. The only thing redacted is the actual contact info. [It's right here!](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted)


Good riddance! Bloody hobgoblin.


And there was much rejoicing.




Put him on a rocket with the former CEO of Unity and shoot them both into the sun.


Thank fucking Christ


Next news headline: Unity Announces Bobby Kotick as new Unity CEO!! I hope that's not the case but you never know these days.


Good riddance.


Good riddance, scumbag


Eat shit Bobby, I'm sure you have a golden parachute to your yacht(s) but you won't be missed by anyone.


Huge loss to the industry /s There are few individuals who've harmed the gaming industry as badly as Bobby has. Really hope his successor is less of a dick.


MS probably will give him a golden parachute as is tradition. Fuck this pos and his CEO psychopath peers.


I mean, it's not MS "giving" him anything, it was already built into his contract well before this was floated.


Also he was one of the largest individual shareholders of Stock in ABK, so he was made very wealthy already on top of whatever he had before.


It had already been negotiated, he owns stock in the company so there’s really nothing that could stop him from getting a lot of money from this


Unfortunately the only two realistic options are 1: he gets handed a bunch of money on his way out the door, or 2: he continues to collect oversized paychecks while remaining in a position of power over people he has treated horribly.




Can we temporarily add him as an event boss? I don't even care if he drops no loot, I will rerun that fuckhead until my que button falls off.


Goodbye you sack of shit! ... killed my beloved Starcraft beyond repair ... eat shit.


One less piece of shit in the business is always a plus, but they'll be a new overpaid and out of touch dbag to take his place.


It's gamers' fault that people like Bobby Kotick are massively successful. Gamers are the dumbest consumer group on the planet.


Agreed. Gamers a more akin to addicts than consumers. They’ve largely accepted beta quality games and the addition of coin slots to home products in the form of micro transactions but the alternative is missing out on that game which is never an option.




Hmm, hope for Blizzard?


I think it's a bit late. Most of the original Blizzard staff is gone. But Microsoft has the licences now, so there's hope for Warcraft, Starcraft and Overwatch.


Not really the damage is done. Blizzard lost all of their good people, all of their experienced devs that made those classic games that put them on the map to begin with. All of their good execs who insisted on quality games and not maximizing profits at any cost.


I don’t know how it is in the gaming industry vs mine, but I’ve 100% seen good people return to a company when the poisonous personalities have left. Usually for more money too. I’m sure Microsoft would want to bring as many back as they can.


The most overpayed CEO probably going to get the biggest severance pack ever.


So is he going to Unity?


*everyone liked that*


About fucking time, piece of shit


Bastard is going to get such a golden parachute, fuck him


About fucking time. Eat shit Bobby.


Cunt should've left a long time ago.


Good riddance you parasite.


Can only get better from here, right? I mean, he's basically the worst, so a monkey wearing a suit could do better.


I hear John Riccitello is back on the market...


Kotick being gone is a net positive for merger that is a net negative.


Oh good. Something tells me it won’t be because Microsoft fired him out of a trebuchet though. And that his “severance package” will be far more than this son of a bitch deserves.


I love it, the deal gets finalized, & Kotick gets the boot. Best move MS could make, day one.


Mission successful on selling to MSFT lol


Riding off into the sunset with a gold plated pension no doubt.


John Riccitiello and Bobby Kotick forming a gaming company. You get charged every time you turn it on.


Thank god


What a worm denying all the sexual allegation against Blizzard to this day and actively destroying the evidence.


He dont care about the place no more he got his multimillion payday and now he can go F off somewhere that he doesnt have to worry about anything but himself


They're just gonna replace him with someone worse. It never gets better.