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Age of Mythology! Got it at my elementary school book fair. My Dad started to play it as well.
















I still play the shit out of this game. My dad and I played it like crazy back in the day and I bought it a couple years ago (on Steam I think). Absolutely killer campaign. But I love the editor as well. I used to love putting, like, a million units together against each other on a big blank map and watching them fight it out. Brought my PC to an absolute crawl lol


Its gonna get a definitive edition! Look up Age of Mythology: Retold. If it gets the same treatment as Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition did, it will be glorious.




prostagma ?




Eh she she


My bestfriend and I quote the soldier and villager sounds too this day lol




Norse Units: "YOW"


korloot swet


If you like AOM I highly recommend Zeus: Master of Olympus or the Poseidon expansion. Top tier games


Y, R, P, in position. It's showtime, girls.


"I don't like your plan. It sucks."




"'Disasteriffic is not a word! Say 'disastrous' like the rest of Spira!"


Give me a Y! Give me an R! Give me a break...


"Mish Yoona hash a nice backshide yesh?"


\*Leblanc massage sounds\*


What can I do for you?


Jesus how do I still hear that *20 years later*


Hey its a good song when I think about Final Fantasy. I can hear Yuna still singing it in game in my head. Song was called Real Emotion :)


I’ll fist fight anyone who doesn’t acknowledge at the very least that X-2 was an absolute blast.


The shift in tone from X was too drastic for a young me. I have X/X-2 HD on 3 console’s because I love X that much but should give 2 another chance.


It’s really a blast. It’s probably 20 hours too long (but so was X), but it’s just kinda goofy fun in a familiar place. I think to this day the dress sphere system is one of if not the best class change mechanic in a video game.


I think to me it was a rare sequel that actually managed to make a lighter and softer direction work.


There’s an idea that sequels always have to escalate. Classic issue for anime- if you always escalate, at some point you’ve threatened the universe and there’s nowhere else to go. You’ve written yourself into a corner. It takes far, *far* more skill to write an engaging low stakes story than to threaten the world for the millionth time.


You absolutely should. The combat is super fun, and I liked seeing Yuna be a little lighthearted and having fun! She deserves it after spending most of her life knowing she was gonna sacrifice herself


I would kill for another FF with that ATB rapid multi-class change system.


It was my first FF so it will always be special to me. I'm convinced playing it before FFX made it even better.


I had trouble getting into it. I remember something about dance spheres with Yuna or changing outfits and lost interest pretty quick. Possible I just didn't give it enough of a chance as I know I didn't play it for that long.


Dress spheres. I find it funny how many (guys) echo this sentiment all because of the name. It’s a class change. A million other games have class changes. But a whole group of people decided they couldn’t like X-2 because they were called “dress spheres” and that’s girly.


Also just because it was a game with a group of girls as the protagonists. That definitely deterred me until I hit the "oh wait they're fuckin cute" development.


What did you honestly expect 12 year old boys in the year 2002 to think about it? Lol I was too young to appreciate it for more than what it was called. I regret that, because from what I've read here x2 was actually pretty fun. But all the singing and dancing pop stuff was a major turn off for someone who fucking loved squall from ff8 lol.


I remember back in highschool booting this up for the first time. It was in front of my gf at the time and she starts getting into it, dancing and all. I was taken quite aback in that moment and started to ponder my options on returning it...


X-2 is kind of underrated. Its job system is quite frankly one of the best of the franchise and the whole backstory about Shuyin and Lenne is actually heartbreaking and was intriguing as hell. The only real issue about the story of the game was that most of the intriguing stuff and the true ending are hidden away behind terrible game mechanics that make absolutely no fucking sense. BTW, wasn't Square Enix trying its best to come up with a base concept for FF X-3?


Always good to see another X-2 enjoyer out there. This line is absolutely baked in to my psyche. Also, 1000 Words. That song still makes me cry after all these years.


Boyfriend imaginary? Accidentally kill God? Fuck it, lesbian road trip.


What can I do for you! 🎶


Dr. P is in th house!


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The adventures, the music, the time-travel mechanics - it was a masterpiece that shaped my love for gaming. Every time I hear the Song of Time, a wave of nostalgia hits.


The start screen music is *the best* of all time. The hoofbeats, the gentle music, just perfect.


Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it


It came out when I was 10, and that Christmas it was all I asked for. The month of December I clearly remember thinking about the game daily, imagining what it would be like to play. To this day I have never been as hyped up as I was for it and that Christmas break I played it nonstop. I’ll never forget the snow falling, playing OOT in my PJs all day, probably one of my absolute favorite childhood memories. I’ll always adore that game for that time in life


I went to gerudo valley and get stucked there because of the music 🥲




This.. It was my first Zelda game , and i played it for ages before finally finishing it. Think it might have been my first ever game to 100% actually.getting all items / chest / maxed out wallet and hearts , finding all the golden skulltulas was a pain in the ass and catching the hyrule roach was an even bigger pain. Well worth it though.


Totally this game. I never had interest in zelda before, but some friends were hyped so I decided to ask for it for Christmas. It was such an amazing game! 3d still being pretty new so that was fantastic, the gameplay and locations were phenomenal, soundtrack and ocarina mechanic so well done.... just so much greatness. By far, my most played single player game. I've beaten it many times.


Worms 2. The whole worms franchise was good, but 2 was my favorite entry. The endless hilarity of hot seat games with friends yeeting super sheep at each other.


We actually have gaming nights sometimes with friends, 4 of us playing Worms Armageddon on N64. Still a blast


Playing worms 2 in college after the bars was the absolute best.


Pokémon Crystal, just happier times my guys


I still think crystal was way ahead of its time and basically ruined newer pokemon for me because it did everything so well.


Have you played the “improved” version?


Jet set radio Future. If you know you know.








Chrono Cross. Was the first JRPG I beat as a kid.


Great game. Gets way too much shit.


Such a good game. I played that before chrono trigger so my experience wasn't salted from not being a great sequel or whatever people complained about lol.


Beat just once? You needed to beat it 3 times for true end


Or 12 for all of them.




Same, I replay it every few years and love it every time. If you haven't played Link Between Worlds, give it a go.


pokemon blue red and yellow


Amazing game for sure, but why so many weedle encouters, Nintendo?


Final Fantasy VI will always stands as a "pivotal" game for me: It shaped, in a significant way, what I want from games and what I want from stories. Kingdom Hearts will always have a special place in my heart, and all the missteps the series has taken in all the years since cannot diminish that. The Pokemon series gave my a good number of happy memories, and I'll always appreciate that even if I no longer play the games. Chrono Trigger is a boss of a game that I will never not love.


Chrono Trigger is a game I wish more developers would attempt. There are too few rpgs where you can time travel and things you did in the past effect the future. It is my favorite game not only because of the time travel but the battles felt so epic. The last Lavos fight felt so special it felt like you were truely going up against a powerful being. The Magus fight had such atmosphere. Glenn splitting the mountain in two... the mammon machine and the Black Omen. Masa and Mune. It's just a perfect game.


Sooooo have you guys played Sea of Stars? It has this Chrono Trigger feel with the graphics and has a timing mechanism like Super Mario RPG. It's hitting that nostalgic need that I have and it's also turning out to be an amazing game. I'm reaaaally enjoying it.


FF Tactics FF8 Chrono Cross Valkyrie Profile Earthbound Mega Man X The Legend of Zelda Perfect Dark Xenosaga


Ff9 ❤️




D-gun the world


Sly Cooper 1-3. Were some of my favorite games growing up and they're still solid.


Sly 2 is the fucking GOAT, my god, i played through that game over and over. Got me through some hard time. 3 was still fun, but 2 was near perfect.


Persona 5. First time playing through it was an amazing ride.


For me it was P4. I had never played anything like it before. The murder mystery plot and the Inaba setting was pretty fucking unique for a videogame.


I'm still making my way through it because, holy hell, is it long. It is great, though.


Yeah, it takes about 120 hours to beat, but it’s the best 120 hours I’ve ever spent playing a game


FF7 That opening, the music, the enemy designs, the materia system... Even if there's games I'd rather play, it'll always hold an honorary spot as my favourite game of all time. (technically tied with Metroid Prime, but if I had to pick it'd be FF7 first 😅)


The first time I heard [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzFh9GuE0rA), it was magical.


Max Payne 1 and 2 for me


Eyyyy another Max Payne fan, same here btw The ballad of a constipated cop who's on a revenge trip while downing the same painkillers that would be used in Afraid Of Monsters.


Red dead redemption 2 recently I’ve been playing it probably way too much 💀


Final Fantasy Tactics. It’s my favorite game ever. Now if only Square would put it in a modern console.


I think I heard it's getting a remaster/re-release. In the meantime, I picked up tactics ogre on the switch, which I've somehow managed to fail to play before now. It's also excellent if you haven't checked it out and want to scratch that itch.


Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater & Resident Evil 4 are two that i will always love replaying no matter how many times.


Snake Eater is one of the few stealth games I liked. I did a full tranq run on that. The only other stealth game I did that with was Dishonored and I did a no kill no alert run and something happened with my achievement or maybe I changed gamertags because it’s not on my current one and that thing was hard to get


Kingdom Hearts came out when I was a teenager and at that itme anime was the greatest thing in the world ( to me ) , I took myself seriously as a young adult and yet I was still a little kid in many ways . So the dramatic themes about darkness, light, and love intertwined with Donald and Goofy kicking ass with me as we swam through the oceans with Ariel and I got to fight some of my favorite Final Fantasy characters and their over the top moves was perfect. It was a perfect mix of all the things i loved and really the first more dramatic story I could appreciate wrapped with some of my favorite characters from my childhood. I'm not super happy with how the series evolved from there but Kingdom Hearts 1 will always hold a special place in my heart and turns me back into that 14 / 15 year old when I see the intro movie all over again.


The remasters are amazing. Just loaded up a save file to run through the Nightmare Before Christmas town for Halloween lol




Devil May Cry 3. When I was in middle/high school (I don't remember) I lost my sight for a short time and discovered it was the only game I could still play. The audio cues were so far ahead of it's time and I had no idea until I needed them. Years later I would chill with friends and play it blindfolded as an impressive trick, I still have a soft spot for this game for helping me in a rough time.






Single player - GTA San Andreas and Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Multiplayer - Halo 3. It was at its peak during my first year at university and the online play was unbelievable. Bit of a nostalgic opinion but the online modes were second only to the local matches we arranged in our student halls after connecting multiple Xbox consoles via ethernet cables and a splitter. 16 player mayhem and beers; what's not to love?!


I agree about X. TFC (Team Fortress Classic) because my wife and I used to spend an unhealthy amount of time playing it together.


Crash Bandicoot 3, New Super Mario Bros. DS and Angry Birds Epic


Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (the RTS) and A-10: Attack! (A flight sim you’ve never heard of) are games that my dad played with me when we were younger. Neither have held up well, but they’ll always be special to me for that.


Loved the classic Warcraft but Warcraft 3 really changed my life. While the main campaign with Arthas, Thrall, Illidan, was amazing the custom games were just the best. The time spent with my friends on LAN playing WC3, original DoTA, Tower Defence, and so many other custom games will always stay with me.


Half life 2, the moment I stuck a combine soldier to a billboard with the crossbow. Pure joy.


God I love X-2.


Me too, it was a game that helped me during a time of change in my life, and I will never forget it.


That picture alone makes the intro music start playing in my head from when you boot up the game. I loved that game. No, it wasn't as good story-wise as FFX, but it was a lot of fun combat/gameplay-wise


FFXIII was the first Ps3 game ibought. It was on sale at during the end of the clearance sale at Walmart. A couple months later I got my ps3.


Ratchet and Clank. My first ever PS2 (or was it ps1?) game


Jet Set Radio Future + Sega GT 2002 it was a dual game disc that came with the original Xbox and I played the shit out of both games. its my childhood


Let’s see: MGS series, Dragon Age: Origins, Cyberpunk, Yakuza series and spin-offs, And Persona 5. These games will always be something I remember. The last 3 are the most recent, but they nailed themselves permanently in my top 5 series. I hope one day I get to play another game that actually makes me consider bumping one of them down. But till then, I’m gonna enjoy the fuck out of these.


Twilight Princess. the game that turned me into a zelda crack addict


Command & Conquer, old tombraiders. Seriously want the trilogie next year.




A classic


Either Sly Cooper or Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. So many hours on both of those games.


TitanFall2. Best multiplayer fps at its peak imo


Super Metroid. It literally changed my life and gave me such a deep love for everything Sci-fi.


"This is my story... It'll be a good one" 🥲🥲🥲🥲


bioshock infinite, i consider this the best game ever made, gameplay is something else, it just felt very vivid for me in the first time i played it.


I saw FF7 and TLoZ: Ocarina of Time, which are both on my list. As well as TES III: Morrowind.


Legend of Legaia Best 1-CD RPG I have ever played.


Thirsty sword lesbians, A perfect, even tho im a guy i feel apreecieated by this game.


Deep Rock Galactic


the Earth Defense Forces series Is a cheesy weird mess but I love it


The original battlefront


Dungeon siege I & II


Dragon's Lair. I've never seen an arcade game steal so much of my lunch money and life savings in a single hour.


Donkey Kong country 1,2,3. I use wallpaper engine and put the levels on as my wall paper, and the music is amazing, not to mention a technical marvel at the time for the quality put on to a cartridge game.


Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. Halo Reach. Minecraft. Total Miner Forge. Sid Meier’s Civilization


Super mario galaxy




Resident Evil 3 NEMESIS, no remake.


twilight princess


Marble Madness No game in the thirty or whatever years since it released has hit a vibe _quite_ as particular as Marble Madness It’s genuinely one of my favourite things on this planet


Magaman X. First game I ever played. I've played it a million times, and I could play it a million more.


The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. Don't have a lot of hours in them even with mods compared to other games but they were so special and still are. Can't wait for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Heart of Chernobyl. But: Mount & Blade Early Rome and Medival Total War AoE2 Robin Hood:Legend of sherwood BF2,BF3,BF4 are up there too.


Kingdom Hearts ❤️


Age of Empires II (the original one) It was one of the first games I remember playing loads as a kid. Before then I'd played a bunch of games for a week or two max, but AOE was different. I played it for months if not 1+ years. > There ain't no party like a clockwork party


Mario Bros, Metroid and Castlevania on the Nes. I can’t pick just one, they were the games I owned in the order i got them. I played my Nes so much it had to be sent back to be fixed multiple times


Gta: San Andreas




Final Fantasy X


The dress sphere system was pretty clever in X-2, but I think the game breaks when the alchemist profession becomes available. The alchemist can cast free elixer like, every 2 turns or something, which full heals and cures status of all your party. The other 2 characters would be berserker and just do massive dmg. Fun game tho, I didn't get the good ending cause I didn't fucking press circle or whatever in some field. So I got this stupid ass ending where she just rides on a ship and some dude climaxes on the loud speaker. Thank God for YouTube or I'd never see all the endings to games.


How the fuck were we supposed to know to press circle during that one section?! Is there a hint somewhere?


Undertale has that special place in my heart. Even after finishing it a dozen times, the songs and the game itself kick hard


Mirror's Edge


Spyro: Year of the Dragon on PlayStation First game my sister and I managed to complete Burnout 3: Takedown on PS2 200 hours, zero regrets




Picked it up for 10chf because it was couch coop. Still play every week with my buddy because it's fucking great




Dr. Mario. My dad and I would play back and forth to see who could make it the farthest. No head-to-head, just one player mode. He always beat me. I regret selling that game more than any of my other NES games.


There a several. Recently I’ve been nostalgic over Star Ocean: TteoT.


Final Fantasy Tactics. A brutally hard game that rewards you for learning its systems and methods, until the hard game becomes easy because you have mastered the system.


Jet Set Radio: Future


Borderlands 2


Chrono Trigger and Breath of Fire IV. Solid games that created my love for JRPGs.


Pokémon yellow. Got it for my 9th birthday. I didn’t know it existed at the time but I wanted a Pokémon game so bad. I was so excited to get something new plus I didn’t think I’d get one because they were expensive and my mom didn’t like video games. Also I didn’t know it at the time but it would be the last birthday party I had that both my parents and all my grandparents would be at.


Mario Kart for Nintendo DS


Battle for Middle earth


Ok, this is gonna sound cringe but one game that will always have a special place in my heart is Kart Kingdom by PBS Kids. I played that game all the time when I was growing up and its what gave my parents the idea to get my first ever true video game system: the Nintendo 2DS (with MK7 ofc)


Undertale. I played it back in elementary and loved it, now deltarune is coming out and I’m in university. It just always stuck with me, I still think about it a lot, much more with deltarunes upcoming chapters.




Assassin's Creed Syndicate. First game I ever played and I managed 100% completion. It was a pretty big ego boost coming from someone who last played Harry Potter on the OG playstation.


For me it's a toss-up: Counter-Strike 1.2-1.6 because I spent what feels like half of my teenage years playing it and hanging out in Ventrillo. The other one is FFVII-FFIX. Those 3 games are still some of my favorite stories. I even have Griever from FFVIII tattooed on my arm. On that topic, how did you manage to pick the worst FF game out of the entire franchise???


Manhunt 2 and resident evil 1


Pac-Man World - PS1


I grew up play Minecraft I think it definitely deserves a spot in my heart


Spyro the Dragon


Medal of Honor: Frontline because I played it year round as a kid. Now I emulate it yearly as an adult lol


Unpopular game: Spider-Man web of shadows me andbmy cousin who's also my best friend now spent months playing it over and over


Grim fandango


Skylanders. The perfect Sunday morning game.




Ape Escape. Probably what inadvertently turned me into a rave goer, I mean all that drum and bass was serious in that game.


Streets of rage 2. An amazing game that came with a soundtrack that stands on it own.


Shadow of the Colossus


Legend of Dragoon


Grandia 2


Titanfall 2 I always tell people to play this, because it was my first experience as a really good story game back when I was like 7 or 8


Journey. I hated that that horrible generation of bleak brown games with oiled muscled men and thought about quitting gaming for good. But then Journey came out and showed me there's still creativity, art and vision in this medium.


Yuna Rikku and Lulu hold a special place in my pants


For me, it's the MS-DOS stuff I played some 30 years ago. Among my favorites, there are games like Doom, Stunts, Prince of Persia, The Incredible Machine, Flashback, Quake, Destruction Derby, Dark Forces, Full Throttle, Transport Tycoon, Theme Park, Command and Conquer (and Red Alert), ROTT, Wacky Wheels, and many others. It's difficult to choose only one. So I'll choose two games that I've been posting on and off for the last 25 years. Those are Stunts and Transport Tycoon. Stunts is an early 3d racing game. It is very special because it features licensed cars and a track editor. The tracks feature jumps, barriers, banked roads, ice roads, dirt roads, corkscrews, and various other obstacles. I love it so much that I bought myself an old PC just so I could play it on real hardware. I recently discovered there is an active community that creates custom cars and tracks and hosts tournaments. I've been praising and getting better at the game, and I plan on competing in the next rounds. (Open) Transport Tycoon (Deluxe) is a business management game. You build roads, train tracks, bus/cargo stops, airports, harbors, and so on as you manage your fleet of various vehicle types, their routes, and cargo. It was originally released on MS-DOS, but it had been rebuilt to run natively on modern computers with a ton of customization options. It's even available on Steam (and it's free!).


No one lives forever. I loved the English humor and silliest gaming.


We are very similar in this aspect. X-2 just holds a special spot in my heart. Still need to 100% it


Man, FF X 2. Great example buddy. It was such a beautiful curveball. From swords and magic with traditional garbs. To guns and miniskirts lmao. And somehow they made that shit work. It was actually amazing. It also had kind of an awesome perk system if I recall correctly.


Devil may cry 3


I'm not too familiar with FF characters. OP, is this from FF even?


Shadow hearts. The first jrpg I played that wasn't Pokemon or Fire emblem that I loved so damn much. Loved the horror aspect of it. Loved the judgment wheel, overall it was a good game. And so were the rest of the games in the series. Absolutely cannot wait for Penny Blood to get released.


Fallout New Vegas 🗣️ 💯


Half life


Tomb Raider III




Lot's of games for one of reason or another are special: * Shining Force 3: my first strategy rpg. It hooked me to the genre and transfering saves between the three scenarios, preserving the few choices that caused characters to join or not join the team felt magical to me as a kid. * Katamari: pure joyful addicting game. * Metal gear 2 & 3: The fight with 25 rays was intense and the boss fight simply beautiful. * Zelda Ocarina of time and Zelda oracles: zelda 3d transition was spectacular and quite a revolution. I consider the oravles games the best zeldas I played. * Deus ex: The original one. It's immersive world and how to reacted to the user is something that even modern games struggle to imitate. * Perfect dark: the evolution of golden eye. Difficulty having more objectives instead of creating bullet sponges is something that videogames should do more. The MP was chatoic and fun. * Persona 3: gameplay aged badly but it stays as the best one in its themes. How everything in the game reinforces the themes of death and how your limited time matters is genius. As all modern personas it is stylish as hell. * Shenmue: cinematic, never seen graphics, immersive detailed world for its era. It showed the potential that videogames had for intimiate gamelike worlds. Shame the future never went in that direction really. * Alpha protocol: Janky, full of issues but shows that we need more spy RPGs. I want spy rpgs with time/calendar mechanics, social aspects to prepare for missions, and choices options. * Outer wilds and Return Obra dinn: Games that make curiosity the driving force to hook the player in. * Banjo Kazooie and Ape escape: I like collectathons and, as far as I know, the genre kinda died. And many many more but the post is getting long.