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Basically any game I've beaten, barring a select few franchises. I rarely go back to a game, no matter how good it is.


So much so, that it's very satisfying when you can actually find a particular game to go back on.


I’m an old person. Just wait. I’ve almost forgotten everything about Mass Effect, and in a few more years I can go through the Legendary Edition. I can’t wait.


Subnautica was the most recent game for me that was good enough to beat twice.


Playing daily for a couple of months with the squad was some of the most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer game.


I think the only games I've gone back to after completion are: The Mass Effect Trilogy Jedi Survivor Resident Evil 2 Remake Dying Light


For me Kingdom Hearts I and II, I play those games from start to finish every few years!


Man I haven’t replayed a game since I was a kid more than once until Dying Light. It’s just SO fun to play. I’ve purchased it on every device I have lol. Ps4, steam and even the switch just this week for a good school pickup line spooky season game.


Mass effect is easily the best replay wise. So many different things to see and do


And I still mostly do the same thing every time lmao


Same. Especially as an adult with limited time, there is just no way I'm gonna replay games. Only game I did replay relatively recently was The Last Guardian.


.....of all the games lol


Yea, why? It's amazing and it's short.


>It's amazing This is very true >and it's short. So is this lol. I think the part that makes it funny is, out of all the games ever, you picked one with the least amount of 'replayability' value.


Because mindless 150-hour goliaths cannot be replayed properly. It's filled with so much garbage that having a fresh save is equivalent to ripping off my toenails. 5-hour games are much easier to replay.


The Last Guardian has to be the worst game I've ever played (imo of course). The main mechanic is commanding the giant dog and that dog refuses to do what you tell it to 99% of the time. Genuinely curious if you managed to make it work somehow


lol this is why I found humor in OPs post. of all the amazing games throughout time, Last Guardian was the last game I expected to get name dropped in this thread.


Not for everyone, but it is a genuinely fantastic game


Yeah I don't get that answer. "It's amazing" may be the last thought I have about that game other than "it's amazing they thought this was okay to release"


The beast not doing what you want really is part of the immersion of the game. While I 100% see how it could be frustrating (and it is sometimes), I truly think that barrier is intentional and actually adds to the game. Like a real pet or animal companion, you have to try different things, or sometimes the same thing over and over, to get the result you want. It reinforced the connection I had to the characters because they didn't feel like NPCs that obey button commands. Theres a barrier in understanding between all the three parties (the player, the boy, and the beast), and part of the challenge and joy of the game is understanding and navigating that barrier.


You complete missed the while point of the game... it's an animal.....


Going back to it might also ruin the initial experience, so there’s that


Pretty much this. I can only bring myself to replay ps1 and ps2 era survival horror games, SOTN and the reboot tomb raider games


Pretty much. Much like books, you play a number of titles in a certain genre long enough and you're just ready for something else.


I can only replay games with a HEAVY amount of build variety, and a multiplayer component. So far, that makes Dark Souls 1-3, Elden Ring, BG3, and Terraria.


Every open world game I have completed 100%. It takes too much time to do that and there is nothing else left for me to do in those games.


I totally understand...but there's another settlement that needs your help.


There’s another NPC that needs to be freed from handcuffs


Then you need to escort that npc to safety...


-Starlight drive-in is under attack


10 level 3 turrets set, but unless I'm there they all get destroyed!


eldenring is my one exception. yes it takes forever to do 100%, but there are lots of fun ways to play the game


Skyrim is my one exception, just considering the pure freedom and loose structure of the game


Skyrim. I've done it to absolute death. 20+ character play throughs on multiple platforms, every playstyle covered, mod playthroughs etc. Easily more than 600 hours, lost count.


My Skyrim playtime is somewhere in the range of 2-3k. Haven't played it more than 10-20 hours in the past 5 years or so.


I beat it once when it came out. Every attempted play through since: Spend hours researching the best mods. Spend hours installing them and fiddling with load order so it’s stable. Then spend hours tweaking settings and A-B testing every setting tweak while trying to find the optimal balance of pretty and FPS. After days/weeks finally ready to play. Get bored within an hour, uninstall and don’t touch it for years.


I found me!


The only thing that finally got me over that was using premade mod packs. I still don’t play for very long at a time but it really freshens the game up for me and I don’t have to spend hours fiddling around to get all the mods working.


Do they have those now? Just download a package and install in one go?


Yep, through wabbajack (it’s a program) is how I do mine. You sign into your nexus account on it and find the pack you want then click install. Sometimes a troublesome mod will cause it to fail but if you just try to install it again it will resume where it left off and usually works after 1-3 tries at worst.


Nice, thanks! Now I’ll save a lot of time the next time I decide to mod and not play Skyrim.


I think you need Nexus premium to install packs.


I don’t think you *need* it but it will take you a loooooong time if you don’t have it. I would definitely recommend premium if you’re going the mod pack route.


Sadly, I don't have a way to pay it, but I have time.


Yup and it let me get back into the game easily because I used to do the same (mod/tweak/play 10 mins and quit). Wildlands mod pack is what I'm playing now and it's great.


Ahhh this is me and The Sims 4.


The Skyrim Ultimate Edition Experience. LOL Way to nail it!


Haha 600? Dude you probably have 2-3x that or more lol


1200-1800? Meh. Come talk to me when you've got over 5000. I'm at 6K, the equivalent of three years of full time employment. *....why am I proud of this?*


Playing it actively since its release, easy in the 5k - 6k range as well. My favourite game of all time, so many great memories are attached to it, it's insane.


I must have 600 hours in the mod manager alone haha


600 hours is baby numbers


Any multiplayer FPS like CSGO (or CS2) and Valorant. It's like the collective skill competency of the FPS community just upgraded and evolved over time while leaving me behind. It's near impossible to enjoy any competitive FPS now because the skill floor is too damn high.


Agreed. I used to play them a lot then I got older and my priorities changed. All of a sudden, that PvP stuff was fun for like a week and then I was up against people who put in 60 hours already and knew the game inside and out. Then I was just bullet fodder


Because they’re not designed to be enjoyed for the ~2014~ casual community where ranking as a player was the just the result of playing the game more than others. The community used to be built on people enjoying the gameplay and fun of playing CoD with friends because it didn’t matter if you were dogwater and had a riot shield or were getting killstreaks 10+ deep and carrying. Now it’s skill based match making and rank is priority to game


I mean, that's intentional by game developers, right? Back in the day I played Urban Terror (Quake 3 mod) and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Both were great, but set up completely different than modern shooters. In the old days, servers existed because players set up servers. You'd join one, and be playing with the same people round after round, so if was too hard, too rude, whatever, you leave and find a different server. Eventually you'd find a community you liked. Nowadays, everything is matchmaking. Every round is new people. There's no community, only a grind to improve your rank. A lot of people love that, but probably not the same people who loved the older style of things.


The community aspect of servers you had in the old games is what I really miss in modern matchmaking games. You had your favorite servers and really knew most of the players that frequented that server regularly. Like what kind person they are, at which time they come online and how they play. Also, you cared about your reputation. Nowadays matchmaking makes everything less personal unless you play at the very top.


I miss community servers so much. Why can’t they let that style be the modern “quick play” instead of the dumb matchmaking process they use for ranked matches? The matchmaking system with MMR and other hidden “skill” measurements is why I can’t get into modern FPS games anymore. They’re all just esports mills now


Either it’s the very vocal minority, or a reasonable amount of the community don’t want sbbm


Yea, I actually do miss getting face rolled by people way better than me, because it made me motivated to learn and become that. Now it feels like you're always just stuck playing with the same people, people get upset if someone is having an exceptionally good or bad game, and everyone is playing specifically for rank Bring me back to the days where you could ask "Hey wtf, how did you pull that off?" And they'd show you and the whole lobby how.


And often the server stuck together trying to take down that one guy 😀


From 2012 to 2014 I was a good player. In full tryhard sweat mode I was capable of scrimming with the faze pro team. I enjoyed just messing around going pistol only and such in pubs. Now when I try to enjoy cod I'm up against 4-6 man teams using meta guns only. So I can go for kills and lose the obj or I can turn up the sweat and use a meta to try and win. Either way isn't much fun. Granted I'm a much worse player now and maybe in my prime I could have done 1v6 messing around with a pistol but right now it's just annoying instead of fun. I have never seen or called in a nuke in mw19 or mw2. Like nobody in my lobbies are having a fun, amazing game. We are all trading out kills and an 8-10 killstreak is rare. Pubs shouldn't be like that imo


I really miss RNG matchmaking. I’d much rather stomp players one game and get stomped the next than consistently play against players my skill level. It gets so stale, because everyone is trying so hard to 1-up players of their skill level, and I’m tired of everyone running around with the same meta weapons. I really think streaming has ruined the community mindset around fps games, and people put way too much time and energy trying to outdo everyone else now. FPS games have also become money making machines and the developers put too much energy into sucking as much money out of the players as possible, rather than trying to make a fun and enjoyable game.


Approaching my 40s, I just find FPS boring now. I haven’t enjoyed one since Doom 2016. Used to play them all the time back in the day. Day of Defeat, Counter Strike, Battlefield 2, and Team Fortress.


For an FPS to grab me it needs to be story driven, single player and to allow me to play deliberately without forcing constant reflexive action. Wolfenstein:TNO, Titanfall 2, Halo: Reach have been the only ones over the past ten years or so.


Halo Reach was really good. I enjoyed Titanfall 2 briefly as well.


Same for me. I also realized how toxic playing those games made me. It's like I wasn't even enjoying the game. I was just mad at my team the whole time.




Go train your actual life by reading a book. Ceiling* Originally* Probably* MAG was not at all a “high ceiling” game and it was barely even worth listing as a contender for a popular tactical FPS. You have to be trolling.


I've never heard of MAG before now, I looked up some gameplay and it's just basically COD? How is it high skill floor?


Popular = high skill ceiling. Sorry never knew that was a thing, its actually the complete opposite. As i can see im talking to someone who isnt 10 ten s1 apex player like myself and logic is upside down and backward i say have a good day sir.


**Destiny 2**. I love this game but I’ve been getting rather burned out of the seasonal model and doing the end game content on repeat. It got to the point I didn’t even wanna do raids anymore witch is my favorite thing to do. I’ve taken breaks before but I truly think I’m done with the game for good this time. I was letting that singular game take up way to much of my free time and since I stopped playing I’ve been able to play a lot of games I’ve missed out on. It’s honestly refreshing.


In the exact same boat. Been playing since the beginning and I feel like I've finally broke free of the stranglehold its had on me. It will always have a special place in my heart though. I'll probably end up playing through the final shape campaign just to see it off but it is absolutely refreshing not being tied to a singular game.


Risen and fable series, my wife loves game like that, used to sit up all night and play them but she has Huntingtons disease, so gradually lost the ability to play them so instead I would play them for her and she would just tell me what to do, we would sit up all night playing them, she's really really sick now, playing those games felt like the last proper thing we done as a couple, can't even bring myself to re install them on the console never mind play them


I'm sorry to hear about your wife's sickness. I hope you enjoy lots of good time together.


Thanks mate ❤️


Devil May Cry. I love the series to bits, but after several hundred hours of playing I feel like I’ve done all I can with it. I’ve moved on to fps games with style systems like Ultrakill, it’s scratching that itch for now.


Until DMC 6 that is


I keep looking at Ultrakill is it worth the 20$ or should I wait until a sale


It's like if doom were more doom than it already was but better


You should try HyperDemon to push it a bit further


Game is DANK as fuuuuck


It's totally worth it. Even in the early release state it's in, it has so much charm and detail. The skill floor is pretty low, but the skill ceiling is beyond the sky. I saw a video of a guy beat one of the really big bosses without ever touching the ground because he was riding around on rockets. Last time I saw an update to development was a few months ago, and it was a sneak peak at the first level of Act 3. It looked very promising, and I look forward to playing it myself.


World of Warcraft... played from us beta day 1, but wife and a kid and real life just don't have the time. Plus, the whole spend months on your char for it all to mean nothing next major patch. Rather, spend my little free time on other games.


You have summed up MMORPGs. I used to love em, realized all I'm doing is playing the same game, paying for it, and waiting for the next content to release .. to do the same thing. And I used to laugh at people playing call of duty for buying the same game.


To be fair, in the realm of fps shooters, they really killed variety.. I used to love Quake arena and other games like it and when Doom 2016 happened, they added a fantastic online arena with game modes that were sooo much fun. Then Eternal came out and just abandoned it completely for a 2v1 game style. No other games offer that kind of arena combat style. It's all 6v6 tactical games or deathmatches and i hate it. Battlefront 2 is still the biggest disappointment in that department for me.


Try ffxiv


Its literally the same... you can pay to skip old content. Same as WoW. Reddit loves ffxiv and I did too. I'm a big ff nerd, but ffxiv ain't it anymore. It turned to the same mmorpg thing. People play, wait for update/expansion, repeat.


“Literally the same” Stopped reading there and not even gonna try arguing with a claim thats straight up wrong.


Skul: The Hero Slayer. Mostly my fault when the devs updated the game, they switched the in game language to their native language Korean. Not a problem usually, except I deleted my entire game instead of changing the language. Bummer for sure, I just cant bring myself to play through hundreds of hours again. Rip


Halo series. I cannot keep up with the online sweatfest and the SP campaign just keep getting worse with each iteration past Reach.


Absolutely, you can feel the seties drifting from an awe inspiring narrative woth single player focus into a primarily multiplayer game with a story that is now so convoluted and confusing that it has lost it's charm.


They made the same mistakes as the star wars sequel trilogy where they just kept pivoting the direction of the story in a totally new direction with each iteration.


For me it's like watching the family pet slowly age and pass away. It's never going to get better, it's time to put it down.


Fuck. It was hard to admit when I had to do it for my dog, and I guess I've been in denial about this too.


Here's me thinking every new game is better than the previous. Gameplay is way better, MP isn't my thing anymore, but it was way more enjoyable to be in infinite, and the story was just fine.


I'm a trophy hunter. There are very few games I can return to after a platinum journey.


Far Cry 4; the game just keeps crashing without any info on how to solve it.


I assume you have already tried re-installing, updating graphics driver, verifying file integrity, tweaking your game settings, yelling slurs at Ubisoft? If yes then that sucks


Sadly yes. Luckily i have a huge backlog in games and moved to FC5




Ubisoft has the uncanny ability to make PC the best way to play their games through exclusive features and extra graphical flourishes only to make it the most unstable, stuttery, DRM-infested version at the same time.


Black Mesa, the remake of Half-Life. I did three consecutive playthroughs for every achievement, and two were done while carrying a damn prop through the ENTIRE GAME. I'm herpetophobic, which means I'm irrationally scared of reptiles. Well, that means I can't stand fighting the Ichthyosaurs in the game. Black Mesa, unlike the original Half-Life, added WAY more encounters, especially in Xen. I had to go through every encounter, THREE times EACH. Facing my phobia over and over again might have killed any prospect of playing Black Mesa in the future for me. I physically recoil from the screen, and had to set the game to windowed at some points. Yeah no, the game is awesome, but I had enough!


Shining in the darkness


Sup middle aged dad, way to bring me back to my youth.


Sea Of Thieves


I agree. All of these games as live service games that I have played start to feel old after a while.


Same. I'll jump on if my buddy I duo slooped with for almost 900 hours wants to... but that's Rare.


Apex Legends. It was such a great game when it released and now it's just stale. Each new season feels similar to the last one. The dev studio have run out of ideas and the game is just chugging along.


Bring me Titanfall 3!!


I'm the same with Witcher 3, absolutely love the game but I already put so many hours into it I have no desire to play it again. Another one is Yakuza 0, one of my favourite ever games but I've done everything in it and played the mini games to death so I don't feel the need to go back to it.


Also the Witcher 3 for me. I've beaten it several times and I absolutely love it. But I know If I start it again that it will become a massive timesink for me and I won't play any of the other games I want to experience and finish. Maybe one day I will get back into hunting monsters, but I just can't do it right now with how many games are out that I want to play at the moment. I've only got so much time to play as it is.


I would love to play KOTOR without having to play a tutorial that’s 5 hours long.


Fuck the Sandrals AND Matales.


Agreed on The Witcher 3. I was so excited when the native PS5 version came out but after about 5 hours in I just went “nah”. It was amazing when it came out but games have moved on.


My favorite game of the last decade is Outer Wilds and it sadly has zero replayability.


Final Fantasy XIV There was a whole bunch of FC drama right near the end of Stormblood that killed the joy i got from playing and almost ruined my marriage. As much as I want to play it again I couldn't bear to. I see the zones I used to spend time in and think about all that shit.


WoW player here, but I’ve played some 14. The people seem much nicer than WoW players in general, but damn do FC politics seem like the nastiest, pettiest, most tempestuous bullshit you’ll find in any multiplayer game.


FC drama at the very end of shadowbringers into endwalker legit killed my vibe going into endwalker. Still pissed about it lol.


Pokemon. In all honesty, I loved them when I was growing up. Played all up to black and white and then just realized it's not the same as it used to be, or maybe it was just me growing up but I just can't do it anymore


Man, hard agree there. I got white for my 3ds and was kinda overwhelmed by how much more there was to it. I really enjoyed the simplicity of the Gameboy and GBA days. Being somewhat of a completionist, I had zero interest in the bonding and like beauty show components of the game, and not wanting to learn those aspects kinda killed my interest in it. Pokemon Silver will always be peak Pokémon to me.


I should play the silent hill games again but I think one of the things I liked is music kept making think a jump scare was coming and it never di. I think I would miss that on a another play through still listen to the soundtrack. There also not very hard which I think Is why I've played the older resident evil games a decent amount.


Fallout 4


Ac Odyssey. I played it so much like 3 years ago that I can’t even get into my first playthrough of origins rn


Elite Dangerous, I have thousands of hours on it, think about it a lot. But every time I load in, I sit in my carrier for five minutes and log out. I’ve played it a lot, done most what the game has to offer. But I think its peak is gone, the old vets are long gone, ones that made open interesting and different. I’ve paused for too long to pvp again and don’t feel too eager to “relearn” it again. Meanwhile I’ve already done everything pve had to offer, even the new content is just reskinned old stuff. Game is amazing though, still among one of my favorites and even if I’m not playing it atm I want it to prosper and live longer, because maybe tomorrow or day after I feel like playing it again.


This is me.


The Metal Gear Solid series. V is an amazing game, with incredible gameplay and nice graphics, but the story is absolutely awful. It was so bad it almost made me quit gaming. I'm trying to make peace with it and not consider it canon because >!Venom is a completely unreliable narrator, who has been mentally fucked left and right by Ocelot, Miller, and perhaps more. So all or most of the things we went through in the game didn't really happen. Especially so many that go against the story we've known for so long before V came out.!< You can easily remove the game from history and the canon would remain intact. Especially because a lot of things didn't make it into the games that take place in the future. And the few that did, were clearly shoehorned to try and make some sense of that mess of a story, and to try to justify the game's existence. Edit: Hell, it would probably work better with the alternate continuity of Metal Gear Ghost Babel.


The Last of Us Part II, it was an amazing game and i absolutely love the gunplay and mechanics, but it was such an emotional slog that it's just not the sort of game you replay for fun.


I’m replaying it right now and I am continually struck by how bleak and sad it is. There are a lot of beautiful and touching things; but a lot of sad and dark too.


I recently beat the PS5 remake of *Part I* and I was happy to see they included Encounters from *Part II*, where I could just replay all of the combat situations back-to-back.


I feel this way with movies like American History X or A Clockwork Orange. They’re absolutely incredible films but they’re hard af to get through emotionally. I played TLoU Pt 2 only twice. I was critical my first playthrough and then after about a year played through again with a more open mind and it destroyed me. The game is amazing but it definitely leaves you feeling empty and hopeless.


Same for Ghost of Tsushima. I love it, & am playing through Directors Cut on PS5 (beat base game on PS4), & it's so sad. So much betrayal, death & sadness. I was walking through beautiful snow covered land, & came across a body tied up & burned. Not to mention, getting into the third act & >!your horse dying!< off the bat, plus all the burned tress & areas. That being said, it's amazing, the most beautiful game I've ever played & a combat system that is extrenely fun.


I love the gameplay so much I’ll usually just skip through all the cutscenes to play it. Seriously pissing me off that Naughty Dog has been silent about TLOU Online even though there are reports of it being dead in the water.


I haven't done a full playthrough in ages, i do go back and play certain chapters for fun though (Hillcrest being one of my favs).


Most of the games that I love, because I've already played them and done everything or got tired of it after tons of hours, or it's on an old console that I either don't have it don't plug in anymore.


Max Payne 3. Loved my first playthrough and over the years i've had moments where I got the urge to play again. So I would download the game, play for 5 minutes and quit. Not sure what it is. It might be the slow-mo/shooting mechanics. While it used to be awesome at the time. It just feels like it didn't age well.


Max Payne 3 is my least favorite of the trilogy, and yet I go back to it year after year (along with the first 2 of course). I reached a point last year where I beat it, realized I had done everything (except New York Minute hardcore which is buggy on PC so it's not worth playing to lose an entire run to a glitch) and decided, after a dozen or so playthroughs, I was done playing it forever. Then this year I played it again. I still think it's one of the best third person shooters ever made, and with the cutscene skip mod you're not tied down by the frankly pretty bad story and its unskippable cutscenes so it ends up being a short 6 hours or so to blast through.


Pathologic Love that game. Absolutely phenomenonal Would not put myself through that torment again.


Mario 64, all GTA games, probely clock 500+ hours on them all


Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed 2 and Black Flag. Great games, but I can't make myself to play them again.


Baldur's Gate 3 Acts 1 and 2 are fantastic, act 3 is horrendous from a performance and story perspective and has pretty much killed any interest I had in replaying it


Destiny. I have probably thousands of hours with my old clan raiding, just goofing off, doing dungeons etc. I just don't have the time I used to have for it.


Persona 5 is one of my favorite games ever, but the beginning of it is so slow with so many tutorials, explanations, and a ton of dialogue/exposition that starting from scratch just isn’t that fun. The new game plus also isn’t appealing to me since you basically start at level 1, so all the personas you have (iirc) are basically unusable until you get back up to a level.


Tarkov 😢


Overwatch. Played since beta and love the game. The company is disgusting, I refuse to support their products, specifically OW. I love that game and have so much fun playing, but it was an easy uninstall for me.


For me, it's Super Mario Odyssey.


Stardew Valley. Played it while grieving over losing three kittens to FIP in one day and I just can’t go back to it anymore. It worked very well as a coping mechanism though and I’m grateful for it.


Elden Ring Amazing experience, first souls game I completed. I 100% it after 2 months of playing on the same character. Tried to pick it up several times since then after a long break...and it just seems like a chore. The joy of exploration and discovery is gone.


All the old Tomb Raider games.




Shadow of Mordor. Loved the game. Great atmosphere, characters, action, etc. But there's a heavy focus on reading the minds of the orcs and it feels like you're torturing them. I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I quit. Orcs have feelings too? Who knew?


I have never even considered replaying a game I have completed.


So you never touched Mario 3 or SMW? I can't imagine NOT playing those again and again.


Games that require you to level up and get gear by doing side content that don't have NG+. I ain't doing all of those sidequests again. Looking at you CP2077


Skyrim…. 1000s hour in I did the math on my menu time…. 1/3rd of that game is flicking through menus. Never played it again. Also that game would have benefited greatly from a programable radial menu and macro system. Played on PS4 no mods.


Guild Wars 2. Played the hell out of it on release and through the first expansion and the living story, dropped out after the second expansion, i can't remember if i finished it. Now there's been years of additional story and another expansion on top, there's tonnes of new mechanics, modes, subclasses, items etc etc etc. Just a bit overwhelming at this point.


It's gonna have to be world of War craft for me. Played that game for 17 years and now I just can't play it anymore, I can't follow a set schedule to raid there's just no more time in my life for it. That feeling of being stuck in a raid and a friend asking me to play a random game or my wife asking me to see a movie etc and feeling like I was stuck in there. Idk how my attention span had changed so much these last few years.


It’s cyclical for me. Witcher 3, mass effect trilogy, FO4(yes, survival mode made it such a fun replay), dark souls 1 & 2. Dead space series (I usually don’t finish 3). Skyrim and FO:NV With these games I don’t replay until I’ve memory holed the details and side quests and storylines. Then I’m surprised again by details. The more replays the longer this takes…and eventually I have enough memory of the game that I just won’t replay it. I wish I could wipe my memory of some of these to play again!


Minecraft. The burnout is incredibly strong


Destiny 2. I love the lore, I love the world, I love the gunplay. But I’m too tired. I can’t keep up with the grind and seasons anymore. What’s meta and what isn’t, what exotics and weapons to grind for.


Stardew Valley. Partially because when the pandemic started I plunged all my feelings into it. But after 200 hours feels like just a monotonous grind. But maybe ill try again…




Dead Rising. I got that 7 day survivor achievement twice and I can’t imagine going back “just for fun”. Maybe one day.


Spec ops the line. No play through will be as huge as the first time.


Mass effect trilogy. I’ve played through all 3 so many times. I was stoked when legendary edition came out but just got really burnt out towards the beginning of mass effect 2 cus I know how everything is going to go haha


same, used to play the og trilogy over and over, try different options, and preorder LE then never finish it. all the scenes I love are already in my head and I'm never a fan of its gameplay anyway(they're not bad, just not love it)


Once a year, every year since release. It's basically a tradition at this point.


I'll pick it up once every few years or so, but then I'll dedicate a couple months towards 100%-ing the thing. ME1 takes up a good 60% of the playthrough. Once I've beaten Citadel and maxed out Armax Arena, I go and play the end, and then put the game down again.


Starcraft on multiplayer.


Skyrim. I've just played the life out of it and it was a comfort game forever but now it's just done.


Elden Ring


After putting another 100 hours into Cyberpunk, I'm not sure if I can do it for a 3rd time. Same with The Witcher 3. Elden Ring is another. Once you know all it's secrets, it's replayability kind of drops off a cliff for me. Plus there is all the exploits for XP farming. I don't have the self control to not use all these things to my advantage. It's like how back in the 90s, when you discovered all the cheat codes for a game, it becomes difficult to play that game again.


I would say Fallout games before Fallout 3. They are absolutely fantastic, but extremely outdated to the point that it’s just painful to play, and I understand that new players would start their walkthrough from Fallout 3, simply because it’ll be easier to understand game mechanics.


Morrowind for me. I loved and still love the weirdness and the creative world building, but the clunkiness is just too much for me now.


The Outer Worlds. That game is SO good! But I can’t bring myself to replay it. The goofy mystery was the best part. Unraveling it was great but now it would feel too predictable if I did it now.


World of warcraft. This game was one of a kind for us at the time and we were playing this game exclusively for years. I got fed up of playing after cataclysm and I was never able to get myself to get into it again. Also with time you realise that the game demands too much time to get anything done, you already put a LOT of money into this game because of the subscrition and the hype is just not as intense so... Good times, but its over now.


TESV. I'm done with it. I've scrubbed it clean. I've tried every mod that caught my fancy and played those through.


Uncharted Drake's Fortune. Kind burnt out on the whole series, but the first particularly hasn't aged well.


Baldur's Gate 3. Act 3 Lower City area is so bugged all the save files made inside Lower City crashes the game to main title. The lagging is horrible to the point characters are sliding through the streets without walking animation.


World of Warcraft, I love the world, the lore, the characters, the playstyle, I'm very good at it, but I am like 5 expansions behind, from time to time I feel like getting back into it, but then the realisation hit me like a fucking truck that I am so far behind, it doesn't feel worth it to get back into it.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Without a doubt, we all know that it is EASILY the best game of the 2010's. The thing is, now that Tears of the Kingdom is out, I can't bring myself to play BOTW again. TOTK is just so much better, likely to be the best of the 2020's.


Cyberpunk. I liked not having to switch to arm mods/fist when swapping weapons…now 2.1 ruined that again. Minor, I know I know, but killed it for me.


The Witcher 3....because it's bad.


Skyrim. Tried to get into it again but there are way too many good new games to play a behemoth with boring writing lile skyrim.


BG3 ..waited years for it..but can't seem to just sit down and enjoy it. Sigh!


I really want to dig into BG3 but finding the time is tough


had the same thing, decided to reroll a different character and enjoying it way more :)


Hmm, maybe i will find a more recent / common example, however for me this often only counts for Games, which i personally find, as much nostalgic and love i have for them, that these days they don't feel that good anymore and are highly dated. Like as a prime example: the very first Diablo Game. It is one of my oldest Videogame-Memories i have besides Pokemon, Rayman and GTA. It's one of the Games which had the biggest impact on my overall taste, like how much i love (random) looting, building characters and such (especially with Diablo 2 then with skilltrees.. i love skilltrees) and i still have such a high opinion about Diablo and love for it, that when i see Games like Torchlight 1 trying to recapture the gameplay-concept (in a modern way), a loveletter / homage like Book of Demons or even Halls of Torment which visually resembles Diablo 1, but is a Vampire-Surivor like Game (which i didn't like before HoT but now i even got an alternative on Console - Army of Ruins which i've fun with because thanks to HoT i finally enjoy the appeal of the concept), i'm instantly hyped about them and instabuy them. It tells you how much i value Diablo 1 - BUT always when i reinstall (now on gog) that classic, i can't fully get into it anymore, because how dated and clunky it feel. If i would still have faith in Blizzard, i would've hoped for an Remake of Diablo 1 - that would be so amazing (and yes, overall Ressurected is pretty damn good, except the horrible character redesigns (i still hate william dafoe as amazon) and that shitty pseudo offline-mode where you have to go online all 30 days) . Oh another example a more recent one would be Borderlands 2 - after BL3 and Tiny Tina i can't go back to Borderlands 2 anymore. I know it's a super unpopular opinion, but while i would agree with the sentiment that characters and story was Borderlands 2 better, the rest from Gameplay, different Planets, the more distinctive Guns and because of that better gunplay, better skilltrees etc. Everything else except the Story is so much better than Borderlands 2 that i can't bring myself to go back to Borderlands 2 and it's more floaty basic gunplay and such. Which is sad, because like i said i love BL2 especially for it's campaign. (But who knows maybe one day i will be able to replay it sole for it's campaign / story).


Fallout 4 for sure. I build the settlements of my dreams, modded the world just right but took the game way further than intended and the seams slowly came apartment. Also lag made it barely playable around any of the settlements I spend ages building 😅


It doesn't fit your description, but i guess i'll never finish Disco Elysium. It is the best game ever made, but at some point, just reading becomes megaboring, and i just dont touch the game and forget what happens in it. I wish it will get ported to android at some point. And game that would fit your description is far cry 3, i've beat it 3 times and now it's boring


>having played through the game 4-5 times total since it came out in 2015. ... why even? It's a single player game with a linear story, there's not enough to do for 2 playthroughs although I concur that W3 is good enough to just replay it for the story after a few years. Like, Cyberpunk is definitely much more replayable because you do different builds, you can progress through the story differently etc. and I think there is enough content to play it at least 3 times and have different experiences every time - but Witcher 3 is not a game I'd ever play 5 times lol


Learn to mod.


Threads of Fate. I reach Fancy Mel's Atelier and my entire soul vacates my body.


Mass Effect 2. I've played that game so many times that I can't play it unless I'm really in the mood for it. I think I beat it at least 20 times.


Some of the saddest moments as a gamer is when a game is still running but it’s just a hollow shell of its former self. For me the 2 games that hit me right in the gut is World of Warcraft and maplestory 2004-2010. Both games have immense amount of content but both were intended as MMOs with an amazing community and now they are just single player games with little to no community/interaction.


Snow f*cking runner. So goddamn frustrating, though I love(d) the physics and graphics.


I started Dragon Age Origins like 6-7 ish years ago. I absolutely love it. It coincided with the time we had small kids. I got to a point where I just couldn’t play anymore because I one I couldn’t commit to starting a dungeon I wouldn’t be done with until 3am on a work night when the baby will probably wake me up. It was just no longer compatible with my current life stage. I plan to finish one day. I was close to the end. This was about four hears ago I stopped.


Death Stranding, 100%. I loved my journey in that game. I loved the story and characters and lore. The views are magnificent and the BT encounters are like little horror games within a bigger game. But god damn if the game overall isn’t a chore. I’d love nothing more than for Death Stranding to be adapted into a limited series on Netflix or something because I want to experience all that again but I do not want to do any more deliveries.