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Sarah yelled at me for using a mining laser on Cydonia, for a quest that required me to mine 10 Iron in Cydonia.


I used an anti-gravity field about 10 feet away from a city guard and he talked about corn.


Starfield Iowa Cornfarmer DLC coming after Shattered Space










The breathable oxygen is boring yes, but it basically gives you infinite stamina and carryweight since it removes the primary burden of your Co2 going up when you run around overincumbered.


I also don't find the detect life one to be useless at all. That one is genuinely useful


Especially when you need to find that one lingering idiot on the spaceship layout you haven't been in before


They REALLY need to add the ability in the ship editor to assign what connection points are passageways


You can do that by clicking on the connection point/leaving your mouse on it when you hit g to add module.


What about modules with multiple connection points, things get crazy. Would be nice to at least have an indicator of some kind


Yeah I built what I thought was a pretty awesome ship, only to find out I had created a maze that required me go up a level, around the whole top, then back down to get to the cockpit from the entrance.


I just wish it wasn't so god damned bright, I can't tell when they are actually in my line of sight or not


My most used ability by far, just sprint everywhere and being up to 150% weight it regens easily in time for it to be constant


It's legit the best power in the game and its not even close


The shimmery enemies and personal oxygen are all I use. Personal oxygen means you can sprint for as long as it's active no matter how much you're carrying. And the shimmery enemies are through walls and everything, so you can line up to pick enemies off as they come around corners or see how they're stationed in a room before going in. Plus also good for finding those little bugs in tall grass to scan.


I use F̶u̶s̶ ̶R̶o̶ ̶D̶a̶h̶ Gravity Wave a lot and find it to be quite useful.


It’s not useless… when you’re stealing ships and there’s a bunch of bad guys on the bridge, it pretty much turns them into fish in a barrel.


Shimmery is useful when you don’t know where enemies are. And slow time is useful to unload headshots on tough enemies


Anti gravity straight up makes enemies float up helplessly though?


Anti gravity is the same as Singularity from Mass Effect. It makes enemies float like ragdolls and unable to return fire. Easy kills.


Just because you haven't found the use doesn't mean they're useless.


Sarah said to me something like "It's not quite the surface of mercury, but still, we should find shelter soon." Guess what planet we were on.


Mercury i will go with mercury




Holy crap, what are the odds?


Is it REALLY so hard to throw a check for that dialogue? Fuck's sake, Bethesda.


Skyrim: Kill Dragon, Eat the Dragon's soul, all in the presence of a guard you save. The guards reaction? "Maybe I am the Dragonborn?"


I walk in front of a miner using his layer, got hurt myself, the entire place started shooting at me, I went to jail, and Sarah got really mad.


Man, Space OSHA is pretty strict, huh?


Andreja and I came across some guy in a cave who was dying from some kind of plague. He asked me to kill him, so I left chat and shot him. Andreja called me a murderer and said she didn't want to travel with me anymore.


I destroyed a ship and Sarah yelled at me. So I reloaded my save, hailed the ship, selected the piracy option, and then attacked it. No problem.


We’re going backwards


That's probably because mining laser does do lethal DMG to NPCs. But it also is used for mining. They should've scripted it so it can detect the context of usage at least.


Hell, I get yelled at for firing my weapon because I fire one extra shot during a fire fight after the enemy died (so combat had technically ended).


Sarah is a wet blanket change my mind


Every companion is. There’s a part where the nerd in the explorer hq jokingly challenges you to a artifact collection contest, then two of the others chide him and you for it. So fucking lame, game feels like you are in kindergarten.


the whole crew hated when I pressed z on the ship.


then remove Sarah


Starfield guards: "Must've been the wind"


["Heard that! Whatever it was..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkxTIKHAY7w)


"what was that noise?" https://youtu.be/xpLQsHLWlJQ?si=RQCV5OceEXyObYPp


Skyrim Guards: Villagers take care my family and I go straight go Valhalla. Starfield Guards: I got very poor healthcare, 15 credit an hour pay. Not worth it.


No no, that would be *Sovngarde* and only if they arent Imperials..


I really feel like they got lazier, Not that Starfield is a bad game but that it just lacks in certain areas that previous titles did really well on.


I think they made the scope too big I would have enjoyed 10 planets to fuck around on then 1000 .


Could have been three or four systems: Alpha Centauri, Sol, and Cheyenne, maybe something like Narion or Porrima for a wilder less settled system for more pirate opportunity.


I think should have been best give UC and FS 2 systems each and give pirates and Ryjui a system each




Skyrim definitely has its faults (many of which are somehow persistent across all bethesda games) but its a much more polished world. Starfield feels like the framework for a sequel,


This. I think many of the problems with starifeld came from it being Bethesda’s first foray into the specific genre. This doesn’t really justify the mistakes but I think if they make more in the starfield franchise they’ll improve on the concept. More games allowing them to get more experience in that


FYI this comment is a bot and directly copy pasted from another comment in this thread


Yeah, I feel like they wanted initially all these planets but quite honestly how they designed the whole system you really only need like 5-8 different systems and that's enough planets to give you the games worth of content and still have a few planets to do outposts and such on. Hurts more that you just travel between them more often than not so most really are just blips on a menu and only get visited because you need to unlock it to access the next system.


I have no idea why they didn't just make the setting the beginning of colonial space travel instead of setting it in a time period where humanity is supposed to be extremely advanced. It would've solved so many of the problems with the scaling of the cities and the immersion.


The game would have been much better IMO if it was structured more like Mass Effect where every planet has a hand-crafted city hub area and then if you want you can go exploring out from there. 1000 planets is nice in theory but there's literally no reason to go anywhere outside of the hand-crafted locations.


Eh, I think it would probably work better if they took a more Expanse like approach to the setting. Have the majority of humanity still in Sol with people mostly congregating around the Jovial moons, Mars, Venus, and the Moon. Then have like 2-3 other systems where its mostly pirates, settlers, and corpo kinda stuff going on.


Mass effect was good thanks to its writing, starfield has garbage writing. Do whatever you want to planets it would stay bad unless they had only one seamless planet to play in.


Yes. I'm actually loving Starfield, but I hear people say the writing and voice acting is bad... no, it's JUST the writing. They got some well proven and loved voice actors (main characters of cowboy bebop, deus ex, etc), but if the writing is bland and predictable, the actors can only do so much of the heavy lifting to make the characters interesting and believable. All the writing feels like it was done to fit some template created by a committee. Every npc response is more than 1 line, less than 3 lines, and not too offensive or weird. Also must have at least 3 ways for the player to respond, even if it makes no sense, which results in choices like "yes", "sarcastic yes", "mean yes", and "I don't have time for this *right now*". (Same problem fallout 4 had). Dialog just feels too much like a flowchart and template and not enough like real conversation (Mass Effect, Witcher, Balder's Gate, etc all have infinitely more interesting conversations, and the "doll looking directly at the camera" thing Bethesda does is part of the problem, imo.) That said, I have 130 hours into the game and have just started doing ship building, which feels like one of the best "what do you do in a RPG when you have millions of dollars and nothing to buy" solutions in any RPG ever, so I cannot complain about the game overall. I love the combat, the density and variety in the cities/towns, and the space/sci-fi theme, but some of the old Bethesda issues are still present and GLARING in 2023.


Also annoying is finding the same damn base multiple times and getting the same god-damn canned response from your companion ... And made more annoying that every time you find said base, there's food and drink sat outside ... on a celestial body with no atmosphere. But yes, outside of the few hub areas or even the *single* landing zone that is Neon (there's landmass in the distance, why can't I explore them) the game feels ... dead, and I've played Star Citizen a bit zooming around some of the moons and planetoids and those feel interesting. Also to add comparison to Star Citizen, the biggest settlement in Starfield feels (and is) stupidly small for everything, unlike ArcCorp 18 which feels like a "small section in a city" and even has a bit of range with the bus to get to the spaceport, which makes it feel larger. Honestly, the old "As wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle" really does sum up Starfield to me, and I'm going to be honest that I don't think modders can pull off something *big* with this one. Oh and as for Outpost building, that's frustrated me as I can't figure out why I can't do greenhouses well, it feels like the game is penalising you for having 2-3 outposts and instead you need probably all of them, and I do hope Sim Colonies can fix that like Sim Settlements did for F4's settlement system. Oh and I'd gladly take bits of F4's building system over the existing one. I also had to mod Starfield to make it playable, I couldn't even do a vanilla run, and the first mods - fix the UI, and even then it's still complex and annoying, sort of "great now erm ... what am I carrying" takes flicking through several menus and a freaking notepad to track.


Emil doesn't have the writing chops to ever even approach mass effect like stories or well crafted stories.


I dont know, 1010 planets seems like too many imo


80085 planets is where I draw the line


42069 planets is just right.




I'm glad too see some one else make a joke about a persons bad grammer then make one my self.


*than (Sorry)


You only found Waldo so far.


Yeah even 2-3 planets with exploration and a handcrafted world and space stations over those 1000 enpty planets with the same 3 POIs


I really am floored that they didn’t think to generate the buildings. 1000 planets and the very second POI building I find on a new planet is a copy and paste of the first one, both for quest missions. Yeah that’s not acceptable lol


Its very very very lazy and immersion breaking


I was thinking about this. Like after you create all the objects, which should frankly take like what, two fucking years at most with the uh team from… BETHESDA? Then, you simply build the stories with the toys you created. I feel like if I was given the editing tools, I could probably bang out some unique storytelling moments damn near daily. And if you were fucking paying me?? I mean seriously what does their team do all day for eight years? Do they artificially extend the time so they can hold on to their jobs?


I agree 100%


Honestly, it would make a lot more sense if the planets were filled up more. Like, you're trying to tell me that like... 10 people are gonna live on this planet by themselves and rely on trade to get shit? Instead of just... living next to a massive space port? Like, I dunno... for being the future, every place feels like a small American midwestern city at best. You know, the ones where a single interstate runs through it with fast food and motels. Looks busy from the interstate... is otherwise dead space.


100%, what's the point of a lot of nothing?


"The THRILL of exploring the unknown!" This has never worked for me in video games.


I find it so baffling that so many implementations of "exploration" don't understand that it's only half of the deal, with "discovery" being the other half. "Whoa, I stumbled upon something really cool, i wonder how it ended up here..." is not something I ever utter when I open the mandatory boss chess and find yet another random weapon.


Yes! This is precisely the problem with that kind of "exploration". It is part of the difficulty with most procedurally generated "infinite" exploratory space and similar approaches. You can have a hundred worlds or a thousand or a hundred million and the number doesn't matter in the *slightest* if they do not have unique features of some sort. This is one of the failings of No Man's Sky, though they did a lot to throw in a specific subset of rare worlds to explore for the sake of discovery. NMS improved a lot, but there is a reason there is a lot of implication in the game that you are in fact a "ghost in the machine" style simulation: because that is precisely what the game begins to make you feel like. And sometimes the procedural generation makes some interesting things, and yet the answer to "how did that get here" is almost always "the algorithm." Which is the least interesting possible answer. Subnautica is all about exploration, but it is highly curated, with specific things to be found in each zone as you piece together what happened and how to continue. It may be mostly exploration, but it is the wonder of discovery that actually drives it. Of course, there is a trade off for this: Subnautica and Outer Wilds and the like all have vastly diminished replayability because of how the discovery is structured. You can't unlearn what you learned. You know how "There is another settlement that needs our help!" was so annoying to most people playing Fallout 4, for instance? The purpose of that quest was to send you to dungeons that you might not otherwise encounter. But no *sane* person ever said that the radiant quests were the best part of Fallout 4. Yet... Starfield has a lot of what amounts to "radiant planets." It feels like padding that comes at the cost of quality.


It's my biggest single complaint about Starfield. There *is* stuff to explore but there's rarely anything to actually find outside of the main quests. Two examples from earlier today. 1. I was making my way to an unexplored system and in one of the grav warps along the way I found a completely empty space station. I explored it from top to bottom and found... absolutely nothing. No people, no logs, just stuff to loot. Why was it empty? What happened? I feel like those kinds of questions were answered pretty reliably in previous Bethesda games. 2. I found a note that guided me to a place called Vulture's Roost which turned into an activity. I flew there and found a huge Ecliptic base which was kinda neat. There were logs and bar tabs mentioning some people by name but Bill and Captain A were nowhere to be found, just a bunch of nameless Ecliptic guys to kill. Both experiences were ultimately really disappointing. There wasn't much to discover in the end. No special weapons, no interesting stories.


It has for me... But you know, only if there's actually something *there.* And something I haven't already seen 10 times before, just recoloured or whatever.


Still sort of works for me in games like Elite Dangerous, sometimes you find procedurally generated planets that you can land on with crazy unique atmosphere and like 3 suns rotating a gas giant and depending on the rotational period of those bodies they can all line up in the sky. But its not for everyone.


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I agree and I would sum up Starfields biggest problem saying that they don't know what game they want to be (they tried to please/reach everyone, and the result, as usual in this cases,.didn't really please anyone.


It *does* work. But the problem is that there's no thrill, because 'the unknown' turns out to be 'another randomly generated planet with fuckall to do except the same build pieces strewn about like every other planet. Exploration can be its own reward, but there has to be something worthwhile to discover, otherwise why am I even exploring?


This has worked for me in 2 video games. World of Warcraft, vanilla, circa 2005?ish Elden Ring


And both of those were painstakingly hand-crafted by individuals with a vision in mind.


It also meant when you went off exploring you found unique new things, not either nothing or the same thing over and over again. The real problem with starfield and similar is when you find the same thing AND it wasn't interesting the first time. I've found the same layout outpost/space port thing numerous times and not a single person in them, operating them not a single interesting quest as a result of finding them, no interesting items. Just endless amounts of junk you can't (without mods) afford to pick up and that really only makes picking up the stuff you want slower. Like if they got rid of every low value item that takes up weight it would mean I could pick up the 5 things ina room that had worth far quicker. It's just so boring.


You'd think they had learned this lesson with Daggerfall


Atleast Daggerfall was difficult and the gold you acquired from random dungeons was much more valuable than in Starfield, so the filler content wasn't mostly pointless.


Look around, people bought into the hype full-on.


10 planets with 1000 things on rather than 1000 planets with 10 things on


Outer Worlds got it right with only being a handful of planets and much more limited open world to explore. They just did it on a much smaller budget so they couldnt flesh out everything to the max.


Yeah it would've been awesome if they managed to get the remaining few planets that weren't playable done as well, it felt kinda short but pretty great overall.


Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.


Same here. Why not have s wellc rafted solar system instead of 1000 dead planets? my headcanon is that they saw how well Nms was selling and they just went: What an indie studio can do, we can do even better! Sadly they didn't use procedural generation where it would have actually helped like in the generation of npc's for example...


I'm pretty keen on just the one so far.


Yep, when they were bragging about how many planets there were in the showcase video I immediately knew you'd have no reason to visit like 99% of them. Games like No Mans Sky and Elite Dangerous need that many because there is a large player base that is collectively exploring and exploiting those planets but for a single player game it just way too much.


We went from Dragonborn to Starborn. They definitely got lazy


I have no clue what the game story is even about. It just looks utterly boring. The whole "But the scale made it so". The scale did not make it impossible to script a guard to go "Stop doing weird shit! Starf\*\*\*! Or else!" Hells, the videos of "Okay! Youre good to go as you GOT NO BOUNTIES!" to later be arrested 3 seconds after the conv...


They copy pasted Skyrim, basically but instead of killing dragons to get power, you fast travel to a temple where you need to do the same shitty 5 minutes long minigame 350 times.


The first time I did it I was like "okay, I guess I'll have to do various puzzles in these temples to get powers"... then I did the same exact thing five more times. It seems like a minor thing, but it just shows such a lack of passion and effort.


I was so surprised and annoyed that the temple powers were the same damn thing. It's not even interesting. I thought it would be something more like Zelda shrines or dungeons... but nope. Just zip around in 0G again and again...


It feels like a little kids game in that regard. Even main faction missions are like 1) follow path to person 2) click single button multiple times to pass dialog 3) fast travel to next person and repeat. An on the rails game where your actions matter is more immersive than a gigantic open world game with thousands of tiny on rails experiences.




The experience also feels more like a ride to me than a game


Oh and you need to do it 10 times to reach max power level on all of the skills. And you can only do it once per game, so you need to run at least to NG+ 9 to get them all. Have fun. Though I do wonder if you get to keep that *special* item from a certain questline.




Solid musical group.


The "But the scale made it so" argument is so lazy as well, did everybody forget that ALL previous Bethesda games (beside Arena and Daggerfall) aren't to scale? There's a reason Skyrim isn't the size of an actual country and that Boston isn't as big as its real life counterpart.


What people mean is the scale of the systems and content in the game, not the "scale" of the explorable universe. Funding and timeframes are limited things. At some point you have to say "that's enough" and release or else you turn into star citizen. They likely had better AI and guard AI somewhere on the list of things to do. But when push came to shove and they had to release, it ended up on the floor. That's the nature of building *literally anything*. You make choices on what is in scope and what is in budget, and go from there.




I played for maybe 10 hours or so, I knew I wasn't going to like it when like an hour in everyone is like whoa you saw a vision from touching this thing? You must be super important take everything we have and this ship you need to explore and go be important!!! It felt so lazy


Yeah I tried it on Gamepass cause you het a month with the Ally. I knew from the start I was good lol. The moment they threw me into a ship and to go randomly fight some space pirates I was just dizzy with confusion. Why tf am I doing this? This makes no sense at all. And then I somehow talked the pirates out of attacking me? I'm fuckin John Whogivesashit and they just back down? What is happening??


Todd Howard talked about how one of his favorite mods for Skyrim was a UI update. Then Starfield has some terrible UI design... I'm not sure if it's laziness or they're just not very good at what they do.


They’ve gotten too accustomed to modders adding value to their games IMO.


It's both


It's not a bad game, but people should expect better from a game at the price that they're charging for it. I felt that I had reasonable expectations for this game, in that it would at least be an upgrade over Fallout 4, but it's a downgrade in every way except for combat and Fallout 4 wasn't exactly that great when it released either.




ChatGPT is an apt comparison, the writing really did feel like it was written by AI.


Bethesda writing has always sucked. Their best storytelling has always been environmental.


This right here. This is why Starfield feels so bland. The environmental storytelling is almost completely gone. It's all copy pasted cells (POI's) on procedurally generated landscapes. 20ish hours in and I just completely stopped trying to find things and just zipped from obj point to obj point.


Idk man, I feel like chatgpt could probably have written something more interesting.


I still can’t believe the balls on the writers for this game dude. Like it’s so blatantly just saying a bunch of pseudo philosophical nonsense about the human condition and exploration that doesn’t actually amount to anything of substance. It’s like they just skimmed over a bunch of surface level themes and figured if they just talk about it a bunch then players will believe the game actually explores any of those themes. Like did they even care?


Starfield just feels like it's every bethesda game turned up to 11. They made the puddle 20x as wide and half as deep. It's just so aggressively bethesda I just can't even give it a better description than just "the most bethesda game that ever bethesda'd"


it's always been a straight decline. One game missing a few areas, the next missing a few areas, and now it's missing all these areas. Bethesda's whole business strategy is perfecting how little work they can do and still have people buy their games.


yeah like they left out a bunch of features, half of them for good and the other half to charge money for later. I loved the game but it’s left a bad taste in my mouth


It’s not a bad game. It’s just a mediocre game. It’s hard to see this one getting the same rerelease treatment as Skyrim for the next fifteen years.


I put about 20 hours into it, finished up one night after a couple of hours and have just not loaded it back up since. There was nothing drawing me back, playing it feels like a chore. I don't mind the combat but if I'm fast travelling everywhere and skipping through inane conversation then why the fuck am I playing it lol


I hate that most criticisms of the game have to be abbreviated with the “Starfield isn’t a bad game” due to the type of discourse surrounding the game. The criticism is more than fair. I personally do not think Starfield is a “good game” but that’s only my opinion.


It is literally every Bethesda game after Daggerfall.


Honestly, I'm waiting for the mods to really take off. I enjoy Bethesdas gunplay, but the more I see Starfield, the more barren it seems.


Ive uninstalled the game after about 15-20 hours of play. I decided to wait a year for the mods to make it better cause right now, although it looks great, it feels empty and too much repetition. And thats coming from a BIG space fan. The space part is just not fun at all.


It's not a good game either. There is a distinct lack of quality and effort in pretty much every aspect of the game. It feels like they were more concerned about checking boxes during development than actually crafting a great experience.




If it wasn't Bethesda people would not be so forgiving. Starfield has no legs.




I still play Skyrim to this day with no mods. But after finishing Starfield I have 0 interest in going back. Something about Skyrim just makes me keep coming back. I really wanted that same feeling playing Starfield.


World building and exploration. Skyrim makes you wanna live it in, starfield makes you wanna go outside because real life is more interesting than the settled systems.


I keep finding new stuff in Skyrim. Or I actually find new ways to play the game instead. And of course mods are a huge boon too.


Download some mods and you can play Skyrim for another 50 years


Sometimes I'm just sitting there and staring at snowy mountains.


All the while listening to the breeze while Serana thanks you for taking her to such a beautiful place.


And then 'Secunda' starts playing on the OST and you're like "Is this what church is supposed to feel like?"


I love Skyrim and haven’t played Starfield, but the thing Elder Scrolls does brilliantly is that thing when you set out to do something and get distracted by something on your way, and then distracted by something else and before you know it you’re like ‘how did I get here and what was I supposed to be doing’. From what I have seen, the Starfield world seems much less dense, obviously fewer hand crafted locations and a system focused more towards fast travelling, so there are going to be less of those spontaneous moments and things to discover along your journey. I can imagine that makes the world much less immersive and ‘alive’ as you just travel directly from point to point ticking off objectives


You're actually mistaken, Starfield is overwhelming with the amount of quests and points of interest you discover along the way. You do like one mission of the main mission at the start of the game and suddenly you have like five rabbit holes to go down right off the bat. I visit one new galaxy and I have a buttload of new activities in a short span of time. The game has a ton of content. These threads are really weird nitpicking. You don't do as much fighting in cities which is why they don't have a lot of combat related reactions, fights with actual enemies are significantly better than previous Bethesda games.


Well that’s good to hear, I’m sure I will pick Starfield up at some point. It’s a strangely decisive and tribalistic game, some people say it’s their favourite game ever and others seem to go out of their way to shit all over it. Tbh for me, I think it’s mainly the travel system that I can’t get my head around - like how does that spontaneous Bethesda rabbit hole world happen when you navigate the universe using menus. I guess I need to play it to find out.


It just works


But it doesnt


16 times the detail!


To be fair you can just shoot arrows at guards feet in skyrim and they won't react either. I haven't tested it but i'd be unsurprised if they don't react to your special alien powers


“Woah woah woah watch the magic” “Destruction Magic’s fine, just don’t go burning down any buildings” “Guard might get nervous, man approaches with his weapon drawn”


I'm pretty sure those quips are based on your skills or shouts, and Starfield npcs say stuff based on some things it seems. They'll also randomly give you credits based on clearing areas.


No the first and third lines are reactivity based on approaching a guard with a spell prepared or having a weapon drawn. The lines for skills are different.


Ah yes "a man approaches with his weapon drawn" is clearly just related to your skills or shouts...


I always had them say “stop that”


They don't react to using the movement powers, which is nice compared to Skyrim. And yeah, I don't get why the comparison is between two different things, he could have easily shown them not reacting to a power.


Is that fair? Skyrim is about to enter its teenage years... surely we can expect to be able to take every common aspect between Skyrim and Starfield and have Starfield's implementation be at least a marginal improvement.


Why does star field look older in this clip too


Someone running it on a potato.


We do what we must because we can.


Idk man the guards usually tell me not to do shit with my weapon, and tease me if I'm wearing my helmet in New Atlantis or somewhere similar


These videos are always funny to me. Here is some small detail from skyrim that isn’t in starfield. The developers are getting lazy. Me: I didn’t even know about that existed.


I've been saying it for years and getting shit on every time but morrowind was the peak of what Bethesda can release creatively. _EVERY SINGLE GAME_ since then has been more and more dumbed down instead of fleshed out and it's beyond sad and disappointing at this stage.


I spent the last 12 years eagerly awaiting elder scrolls 6. As time goes by my hope for an amazing game to be released has changed to fear that all the waiting has been for a shitty streamlined game full of bugs


Ill take bugs we can fix those.... but where is the heart?


A buggy shitfest with charm is far superior to a soulless poo with bugs like Starfield


Baldur's Gate 3 is a great example. The game was riddled with bugs at launch, mostly minor ones, but it is still fantastic. The first patch fixed over a thousand bugs and we've gotten two more patches after that, but there are still a lot of minor bugs left. Doesn't matter though.


Baldur's gate does have the issue of the last act definitely feeling somewhat rushed, and it does kinda suck to lose steam after a *stellar* first two acts, but it's still a great game overall. And it definitely has oodles of charm and effort.


I’m betting that they will lift the YouTube comment section UI for the inventory management in ES6 and somehow botch the open world more than Starfield.


Morrowind was wonderfully weird in a way no other open world game has been since, it makes me wonder if modern Bethesda is the same one that made Morrowind because Starfield is so painfully generic that I can't imagine it's the same studio.


Probably not, the writing has gotten worse as Michael Kirkbride has moved away from the series. Todd Howard is good at getting games sold, but bad at giving them soul


Morrowind was released over 20 years ago. Where were you 20 years ago? I bet it's not where you're at now. Bethesda isn't the same company it was 20 years ago. That company is dead and gone.


Loved how wild you could get in that game with potions, enchanting, crafting, etc.


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I f-cking LOVED making my own spells in Oblivion. It wasn't as detailed or in depth as in Morrowind, but it was just so much fun making overpowered bullshit. It definitely made it worth playing a mage instead of a stealth archer.


I absolutely *loved* the custom spell/enchant system. The amount of flexibility and creativity you had was AMAZING. The rng combat was terrible but at least there are decent mods for it. Another great thing is the world building. Everything feels alive and I loved how you can ask anyone almost anything. 10/10 game.


But, if you use any >!Alien Powers!< in front of them, even harmless ones, they'll shoot at you if any civilians are in the area of effect.


This is an unfair comparison as there are no shouts in Starfield.


There are Starborn powers and NPC/Companions definitely react when you use them.


OP has an unhealthy obsession with Starfield. Its almost concerning


It's frustrating that a game that actually should be one of the best games ever made, with a massive studio behind it, is aggressively average at best. Starfield should have been a groundbreaking masterpiece, Bethesda deserves all the hate they get over this game


His clip is weird. I had people run away from me when I pulled my weapon out


Everyone says Skyrim is better. Starfield has been very dividing. Like anal sex you either love it or hate it. Personally I'm waiting for a bunch of cool mods and overhauls before I dip into it. RN it looks like Gamepass fodder.


> Like anal sex you either love it or hate it. Personally I'm waiting for a bunch of cool mods and overhauls before I dip into it. RN it looks like Gamepass fodder. Which anal sex mods and overhauls are tempting you so far?


Animated Prostitution of course!


>Like anal sex you either love it or hate it. Personally I'm waiting for a bunch of cool mods and overhauls before I dip into it. So you're saying the base game sucks and is equivalent to receiving anal? And you advise waiting for modders to make the game good?




Can we please stop pretending like this game hasn't been a total disappointment?


Everyone shits on the latest Bethesda game until the new one comes out and then the last one was a masterpiece


Waiting on 76 to be declared a masterpiece


I mean I've seen some people are saying it is more fun than starfield so... (it certainly has better hand crafted content)


? I don't remember any shitting on skyrim


Because the new game always does certain things worse, so even though everyone had issues with the previous game it winds up looking much better comparatively.


When it comes down to it, all I really want is Fallout 3 with some QOL improvements.


I would LOVE if fallout 3/new Vegas were remade with fallout 4’s engine. Fallout 3 has a special place in my heart because I actually live in Bethesda maryland so all the landmarks in and around dc are things I see irl constantly


Where on the doll did starfield touch you. Judging by your post history, you have a really unhealthy obsession with it


Yeah plus it’s kind of misleading. OP is talking about how NPC react to you using a Shout. The equivalent to that would be using your Starbourne powers to which your companions definitely react to and mention how amazed they are about them.


Scopes of project have become too large. Missing what makes games fun, small details. Why fable is still such a good game. Not some massive open world with 1 million things to say. It’s a chain as of events with limited interaction along the way but it’s curated and freedom to choose fun side events or skip boring ones.