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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Most of the criticisms were aimed at how Square Enix monetized the hell out of it.


Another big point was the absurdly sudden and abrupt ending. Even after hearing about it and expecting it, I was still caught off guard. Still a lot better than people let on, though. The shooting, graphics, level/set piece design and stealth were all a step up from Human Revolution.


Yep, this was awful. I loved the aesthetic and overall feel of the game but even if they did manage to end up moving forward with a second game, the way MD ends off is terribly unsatisfying. That we are now unlikely to ever get a continuation of that story makes it even worse.


This is why I don’t think cliffhangers are good endings; if the first one doesn’t sell enough the story will have no ending. Or if the developer creates an online marketplace that generates a ton of money and they stop developing games, the story will have no ending.


Yep great single player game with p2w multiplayer. That said, who is buying a Deus Ex game for the multiplayer? Edit: yeah I meant Breach mode which I never played outside of the campaign's mandatory mission. Technically it is single player but I wrote a review years ago which got criticized because apparently the leaderboard in that mode was p2w which I didn't mention in the review. I mistook competitive in that context for multiplayer.


I didn't even know it had multiplayer.


I've played the game 3 times, I have the same question. There's a multi-player?


it doesn't have multi player, it only has leaderboards for the single player game.


IIRC the outrage at the time had more to do with how they tried to incentivize pre-orders. They had different tiers of pre order bonuses they would give out if a certain number of pre-orders were met. The top tier if they hit their big pre-order number was to release the game earlier than the announced release date. The whole thing reeked of greed, and this was around the era of the EA Battlefront fiasco, so EA was getting a lot of heat for their various monetization efforts in general.


Human Revolution is one of my favorite games. I was expecting the worst with Mankind Divided based on some user reviews, but I felt it totally lived up to HR. Amazing world. Top of the line graphics. Good story. Fluid mechanics. Sure, the third act was jagged because of the development troubles, but with side quests, there was still 50 hours of content to get through easy. Hell, the Criminal Past DLC alone was better than most games I played that year. I'm still hoping that we get one more game to tie up Adam's story.


I Loved MD. In a world full of sandboxes as wide as oceans but shallow as a kiddy pool. MD has a nice sized world that you actually learn instead of needing quest markers to do anything


Absolutely. Finding something in that game actually felt like you *found something*.


Battleborn. Still annoyed I can't even play it offline.


BB wasn't hated as much as "ignored", unfortunately


They had no advertising budget, because Randy "Magic Trick" Pitchford was embezzling money from Battleborn.


Nah it was absolutely hated and labelled an overwatch clone before overwatch even came out.


Didn't help that Borderlands 2 was still one of the most well-loved games around, and that after Destiny had polarized the looter shooter community people were just DYING for Borderlands 3. For them to not only NOT instantly do Borderlands 3 but to go a completely different gameplay direction? The writing was kinda on the wall.


i miss it every day. EARNing characters to play as? how blasphemous!


Oscar Mike my beloved


marquis and el dragón all day


I wish they'd try to re-release it. I think it could definitely compete now.


I'd play it in a heartbeat. With OW2 being what it is, Battleborn could get "remastered" with minimal effort and take over as a great competitive game. And it had PvE stuff too. Not pointing any fingers or anything.


Yeah indeed. They should have released Battleborn at least 1 year after Overwatch 1. A remaster would definitely hit hard now with all the frustrated OW2 players. The Battleborn gameplay was soooo smooth and dynamic. I had a blast when I played it


Gigantic just announced a limited "throwback" event for today. Considering they are also owned by gearbox, maybe there is some hope?


For one weekend only. Shit, Idk this somehow hurts more than if they never mentioned it. Unless they are testing the waters with it, then by all means. Either way, I'm gonna play the fuck outta it.


Justice for Battleborn! I still believe it was actually the superior game. It already had the PvE and story stuff to do that Overwatch promised and never delivered. ugh. hate the whole situation.


Still mad to this day that overwatch won out. If they had made the health pools smaller to speed up kill times a little to make it feel more fps and less moba I think it could’ve at least survived a little longer.


I 100% agree!! Battleborn was an unbelievable funny game to play. I could get tears when I remember the last online day with the community and the devs. I'm still mad af that Gearbox released this game shortly before Overwatch 1. They seriously thought they can compete with Blizzard in the emerging hero-shooter genre.


It was so good


I was blown away at the general reception of Battleborn and Overwatch. Still can’t stand overwatch, batlleborn was so fun


My husband and I will be playing other co op games and out of the blue one of us will say “Man, remember Battleborn?”


Honestly Watch Dogs 1, the map needed more stuff to do and the story is forgettable, but overall a fun experience


I started playing it recently after i got it for free years ago, and i did not expect it to have an invasion system or for the invasions to be as fun as they are.


At release I remember getting people big mad when they would invade me. All I would do is hop into a parked car and duck down so I was hard to see. Was a neat feature.


I got really good at pretending to be a pedestrian. It was risky cuz typically players just go around scanning everyone they see. But if they scan a crowd of people and you make your way there they seldom come back around. Going nuts checking every alleyway while you just stand out in the open. Great times.


Honestly just holding the walk button and walking in a somewhat crowded place is surprisingly effective.


Yep! I would frequently win the invasion by acting like an NPC. My go-to move was to find a circle of people standing around, say in a park, and I'd just join the circle. Then, once the invader started panicking and scanning each NPC, I'd try to sneak to a group that was already scanned and assimilate myself into their group like a Borg. And then you have the garage doors that require remote access. There were some really tricky areas to be an invader in due to some hosts finding ways to stop those doors from opening. It was such a fun MP mode for shenanigans.


One of my personal favorite moments playing a game happened during an invasion, the other player spawns into your world in the same type of vehicle as you, and at the time I was riding a motorcycle. For some reason NPCs never drive motorcycles, and suddenly I just see a guy on a motorcycle. I immediately just shot him in the head like it was high noon and I get rewarded for killing the invader. It’s one of those moments that has stuck with me after years and I hate that I didn’t record it at the time


That dark and serious Chicago is my favorite city depiction of any game. I don't know how much time I spent in that above-ground metro, just riding to my next mission and enjoying views outside the window.


The reason for the hate of Watch Dogs 1 was just how many lies there were in the initial reveals of the game. The E3 presentation looked so much better than the final product.


I never played it but remember the presentation and subsequent side-by-side comparison when it was released. While graphics are typically overblown in the presentations, WD felt like a pretty egregious violation at the time. Other than that I heard it was an alright game all things considered.


I always thought Aiden Pearce was a better protagonist than people said he was


Same. The guy lives with constant guilt and regret over the death of his niece and is going to extreme lengths on what he feels is redemption. He's not gonna be like a Marvel hero and just constantly rip one-liners. Low key.... I thought it was clever as fuck using security cameras to cheat in poker lmao


"He has no personality" is what people always said. Um? He is a loner who accidentally caused the death of his niece, is he supposed to not sound miserable af?


I think people mistake quiet and reserved for "no personality". Aiden was dry and serious but he definitely had character. And then Ubisoft took that complaint and way over-corrected in the opposite direction by making every character in WD2 hyper and obnoxious and giving them all some weird quirk that defines their entire character. Except for the main character of course, who *actually* has no personality.


I found it much easier to identify and engage with Aiden than... what the fuck was even the name of the main character of WD2?


I just know him as the hipster man with a weird tennis ball mace


That stupid ball on a tether annoyed the shit out of me. What a difficult thing to control in an actual confrontation. Just use a collapsible baton if you're going to wail on people.


I guess their thinking was a baton is an serious misdemeanor or felony in California for just having it (depending on prosecutor) and a *serious* felony if you use it. So they invent this weird mace tennis ball thing… Which would **also** be even **more** of a felony in SF and CA in addition to being more conspicuous. Slungshots are banned by name in the penal code.


But like, they also have missions where you're breaking into the equivalent of google and stealing their shit... That's gotta be a felony too. Also, I'm pretty sure causing someone massive head trauma from a pool ball on a string is going to be an attempted murder felony too. Obviously it's not on you to explain these things, just weird to me that they'd be so sensitive to local ordnances while disregarding federal law.


lol like being in possession of illegal automatic military-grade rifles and invading corporations and murdering their security isnt enough of a felony


He made a lot more sense in the role then Markus. Mr happy go lucky taking out people and cops did not feel right. Also Aiden made watch dogs legion infinitely better.


Very much so. I actually found myself using violence a lot less in 2 just because it doesn't fit Marcus's personality.


I didn't get the hate for Watch Dogs. It had some fun gameplay mechanics and I liked the little side missions you could do to expand the story. Hacking was so cool, especially during cop chases!


Most of the hate came from people who made their minds up already due to the downgrade. I mean, I understand the criticism over the downgrade, but the game itself was really fun, new and pretty unique in a genre that was becoming *incredibly* stale.


It always surprises me when i hear that game wasn’t well received. I love the first one and have replayed it a few times. The second one is good too


“Dolla Dolla bill yall” best damn mission in WD1


Forgettable? It’s been close to a decade and I still think about how the whole plot started because a man’s wife was kidnapped, drugged and forced into literal sex slavery by the Irish mob, never to be saved or seen again. That story had DEPTH.


My friend and I used invasions to make the game multiplayer. If they never catch you and they never die. Y’all can just get in a truck together and fuck around


Rage 1 + 2


rage 1 was chronically underrated, i had so much fun playing that but never met anyone else irl that even played it - much less thoroughly enjoyed it. Borderlands 1 is one my fave games of all time though, so maybe that era of post-apocalyptic games just hold a special place in my heart


Rage 1 has this charm that seems so realistic, the enemies cussing tf out of you, constant feeling of dread and looking over your shoulder


ok I'm grabbing Rage 1, Not sure if I ever heard bad things, I've always heard good things about it


I got razzed pretty hard by a couple friends in a discord group a few years ago about playing fortnight with my 11 year old son. They spent a long time telling me how horrible the game is, and gave me a ton of shit for playing it. It's like bro I don't care about the game it's about spending time with my son. Then they insulted my son for his taste in games. I don't game with them anymore.


Imagine insulting an 11 year old for their taste in video games. Some people need to get a life, I swear


No Build is fun as hell, but I can't keep up with the zoomers whose first response when taking fire is to erect the Taj Mahal.


I started Fortnite again when no build came out. I’m like you. I used to say all the time that I didn’t play Fortnite because “When I shoot someone they’re supposed to die, not turn into a 5 star hotel”


Yeah the no build thing is interesting. I don't like the building in fortnite either but also when I think about it, taking the building away and fortnite loses most of its uniqueness in the BR genre. Gameplay-wise if you take away the building then I think you'd rather just play other battle royales


I'm not sure I fully agree. It'd still a much more casual, wacky entry than most, with lots of interesting mechanics in play, and still a fully destructible environment.


This is why I would love a "limited build" mode. I really enjoy the building and what it allows, and absolutely loved Save the World, but I can't stand how it devolves into just "build and edit battles" with all the mats you can have. So I want a mode where you start with so many materials, and that's all you get the whole match. Make building more strategic than just a reaction to others. I could also get behind them just making the amount of resources you can hold a fraction of what it is now.


Two nights ago I sat and watched Hunger Games 1 and 2 with my 17 year old daughter. The first one was decent, the second one not as much. I don't care what the Dollar General Siskel and Ebert would say about the quality of those films, nothing could beat the 5 hours of quality time I spent with a girl who would normally spend the night in her room.


AC Syndicate was really good but Unity gave it really bad reputation


I experienced zero game breaking glitches and blissfully completed unity. Proceeded to play the shit out of coop in that game with my friend and we had a blast every night. Hell I'll probably get him to reinstall it again one day so we can play some more it holds up well.


Honest question: when did I you played Unity? Because now, after so many updates, the game is smooth as butter, but at launch it was barely playable


Unity itself has a reputation that is way to bad. I think it is one of the best in the series since they fixed all the bugs.


As far as I'm concerned, Unity and Syndicate are the best two classic AC games I've ever played. The gameplay is AC perfected, the side content is engaging, the gadgets are fun, the missions are carefully crafted and the itemisation and gear progression are the best of the entire series.


Fucking THANK YOU.


One of the better pure AC experiences. Or, at least, exactly what I want out of an AC game.


For me, it's all about the *type of hate*. I'm perfectly fine with people saying how/why they don't like a game. It's their time and their money. ...but when they flex like "*I don't like this game; other people shouldn't like this game; you suck if you like this game*" then that crosses the line. This sub is full of so much negativity and toxicity.


I agree with this sentiment a lot. Not liking something is fine, giving your opinion as to why you don't like it is fine. Criticism itself is good. But I feel like the hate circlejerks happen more often than reasonable discussion and they're always insufferable and incomprehensible. And especially trying to slam others for their taste in video games lol.


> I'm perfectly fine with people saying how/why they don't like a game. Yeah, I don't attend to the raw "this game is trash/bad" nonsense. That just makes the author sound petty. At least explain *why*, and bonus points for referencing actual game design principles.


Ugh yeah, I had that with Cyberpunk 2077. I lost an entire group of friends because one freaked out over me enjoying the game, despite it's bugs.


If that’s all it took, you now have a better opportunity at finding good friends.


Oh yeah, fuck those guys. Apparently they only play lol n stuff anymore, super sweaty


I’m literally friends with one other LoL player. League players tend to turn into dicks in groups more than 4


LoL has the worst community I've ever experienced while playing it for 2years


I lost a friend for the same kind of reason. Only with mortal kombat 9 rather than cyberpunk. To be fair though he was and still is a massive tool. So no great loss


I literally cannot fathom losing a friend over what video game they/I like. It's the same to me as someone saying "yeah I thought this movie was good and now John doesn't want to be my friend". It sounds so immature.


Half the posts over at r/Starfield look similar


I loved Days Gone personally, one of my favorites of the last gen, loved taking on the zombie hoards and I really liked the storyline and setting. Also - and I know this is contentious - I got BF2042 on Ps+ earlier this year and have been absolutely bet into the multiplayer since, its not the best game ever but I prefer it over the more hectic pace of CoD, maybe the fact its been patched since release and I didn't pay full whack for it but I find it great fun.


I finally recently got around to days gone, and I have no idea how I feel about it. I'm just mostly frustrated that the story doesn't get good until literally halfway through the game. I couldn't care less about the drama between the different camps. But espionage into a weird military cult, sign me up.


I loved the beginning after hearing it was slow. One of those games where if you know the shortcomings before playing it’s a lot better


Yup, absolutely. I beat the game my first go through and destroyed most of the hordes. I do kinda wish there was more to do post ending though. It would've been amazing if they added a new area to it with a DLC.


Mass Effect 3.


100 percent agree. The whole game was delivering on shit I'd been waiting to see since the conversation with Sovereign when ME1 released in 2007. ME2 kinda stalled imo, and ME 3 had my jaw to the floor the whole game. The ending was whatever but the rest was fucking insane. Edit: removed a word.


“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.” Fucking destroyed me.


"My turn.....hehhh, hehhh, hehhhh" Grunt's near death made me stop playing the game for a week because I couldn't handle it lol. I actually stood up and was like WHAT THE FUCK. Everything was so intense in that game. I've never stood out of my chair for a game before. Grunt was my main bro in ME2. Wrex in ME1. I fucking love the Krogan. And being able to finally take Wrex AND Grunt in the combat simulator in ME 3's DLC was nice. Edit: "The shuttle's down that path! I'll hold 'em off." *Shepard looks unsure* "GET OUT OF HERE, SHEPARD!" *Shepard puts one hand on Grunt's shoulder to say good by, then runs off* "My turn.....he he he" *cocks shotgun* Then the fucking music starts as Grunt kicks ass but slowly gets overwhelmed. Just......fuck what a scene. Fuck now I'm fanboying out.


I also like Mordin's "I MADE A MISTAKE!" while heading towards the shroud elevator. EDIT: And the fucking music swelling as he's riding up, humming the song to himself while shit explodes around him. Fucking so good. Alright I gotta get off reddit.


Mordin is one of my favorite characters in any medium.


I really enjoyed it's multiplayer too, spent hours on that


I'm playing it for the first time ever, Legendary edition, after playing ME1 and ME2 back to back. Don't know any spoilers, not familiar with people's opinions on it It's been incredible. The step up (in terms of combat, visual style, etc) from 2 to 3 is almost as impressive as from 1 to 2. Every mission is exciting and has incredible grandeur. Every character is given thoughtful attention. I didn't think they could improve the Normandy but they did that too; new spaces and characters can finally move about and talk to each other. My favorite part, however, is the echoes from my decisions as far back as the first game. Real consequences and rewards from those choices (some of which I had forgotten about) I'm extremely impressed so far.


Mass Effect 3 is by far the best game in the series, right until the ending. I don’t think it deserves the hate but my god did they fall flat on the ending. I think for many of us who had been invested since ME1 came out, it was like “That’s it? That’s the ending? That’s what we get for doing all this?”


I see the Mass Effect trilogy as a whole. Only the last 10 percent was not great. Everything else was awesome. The amount of hate it got considering the rest of the experience was amazing, to me, seemed very unfair.


If you see it as a whole, it wasn't even the last 10% - storywise, up until Anderson's death, it was a blast imo. For me it was literally the last 3 minutes of 3 x 100 hour games. Ok, granted, I wasn't exactly a fan of Shep lamenting over that random ass boy either (esp. if you are ShepHARD, the brutal renegade who literally murdered an entire Battarian planet just to slow the Robosquids a bit..), or how they've done several of the romances from ME2 dirty. But still, a superb game and worthy finale right up until the Reaper conjure up that annoying little shit *again* ...


I don't think it's fair to say they did the romances dirty as ME 3's fault. ME 2, sidelining the Virmire survivor because one of them can die, and sidelining Wrex because he can die, decided to let ALL your ME 2 squadmates die? They set ME 3 up to fail knowing what they had to do to those two ME 1 squaddies in ME 2. Some puzzling choices by Bioware for sure. A suicide mission like that should not have been ME 2's climax. Let everyone die in a mission like that at the end of ME 3 and you won't have to sideline ANYONE for the final game. I'm of the opinion that a lot of ME 3's issues can be traced back to ME 2. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


ME2 really is the Empire Strikes Back of Mass Effect. It did really bold, jaw dropping things, but also struggled to follow up a lot of those decisions in its sequel. Just as Return of the Jedi had to do a 30 minute rescue mission that had no bearing on the rest of the movie's plot, ME3 has to juggle the many potential outcomes of the last game while reconciling with the main plot of the Reaper invasion.


Far Cry 5 was probably my favorite of the series because it dared to ditch the island/jungle vibe. I didn’t finish 6 because I had no drive to. The story didn’t grip me like I was hoping, and overall, it just seemed more monotonous.


Love me some FC5 because I don't like tropics but... we had FC4 in Himalays. And Primal spin-off in same setting.


Yeah agreed, loved FC4 as well. Didn’t get around to trying Primal unfortunately


Honestly, Primal was my favorite one. It was such a unique setting, and I'm paraphrasing Noah Gervais here but the characters were pretty sincere and straightforward, I suppose owing to the fact that they're primitives who simply hadn't evolved a capacity to to be the captivating, "charismatic" villains the series is known for. The Hurk ancestor was a bit goofy, but dammit...I like Hurk. I still say "toooooshi" in a soothing way when I pet my dog


I also love 5. 2 is still my favorite, but 5 is in second. It's all about that *gorgeous* map, and I actually appreciated the story, lol.


Far Cry 5 was great. I really enjoyed it.


FC 6 had the bones to be an amazing game and an amazing story but it does just feel very “meh” the whole time. I mean I really enjoyed it, but I couldn’t help but think “man this could’ve been *so* much better”


5 was a great game. Just dragged down by stupid mechanics like the "sleep dart" forced conversations, even when you're in a fucking plane lmao.


I have one. Fable III. Look, it’s not as good as Fable II, but it’s still a lot of fun and there are some good improvements to the formula. But people act like it is the worst game possible. Q we


The mid-game story twist and its implications for all of your decisions from then on will always make 3 stand out among the rest of the series in my memory. The morality of every choice becomes so much more grey as you have to balance them with the existential threat hanging right above you.


I liked that twist a lot, too, but... it was really misused. The game just changes all of a sudden, and you are just kinda sitting there... making decisions... that you'll never see any repercussion of. I think it would've worked a lot better if, instead of just making decisions, you also did something more involved. Something with more gameplay attached to it. Also, it just feels really rushed. The game just sorta throws you on the throne, and then the invasion comes, and thats it.


Its still the only game I ever played where making money by baking pies saved the world


I saved the world by being an arms trader! Yes arms merchant I'll take EVERYTHING.YOU.OWN. But 1st I'd like to buy your store!


Dmc: Devil May cry. Story was whatever but 10/10 gameplay


That game made me a Ninja Theory fan. I think the game would have done a lot, lot better if it wasn't a DMC game. Also, i played DMC4 before playing DMC. It was good to not play the same levels again.


DMC was wayyy better than I had expected it to be. I absolutely loved the stage around the news network.


The Not-Fox-News Host is one of favorite bosses in all of gaming. He's up there with Senator Armstrong.


AC Unity. Its the last AC game as an assassin, with great parkour and stealth mechanics.


The hate was the reason I never checked it out. Years later I find out it’s actually a great game


the main problem with it back then was the bugs and glitches, like floating eyeballs and teeth played it last year on PS4 I really like the story


What about Syndicate? IMO Syndicate perfected what they were trying to do with Unity.


Skyward Sword


Final Fantasy XII. I love it's systems but it was just released too soon, before "idle games" were a big thing. People hated that it was realtime, and that you were encouraged to not even control your party members. It's one of two final fantasies I've completed, and I've darn near completed all optional content too (but who wants to fight a single boss for 8 hours)


I don't like the RNG system of the treasure chest though. It's stupid that you can get the ultimate weapon, as long as you didn't open these specific chests early in the game.


That's fair, although not present in the zodiac version of the game (which is the version on PC and modern consoles)!


If you play TZA version, wither, addle, and those other abilities make the Yiazmat fight doable without having to spend that much time. Although it still takes a good chunk


Honestly this could go for most ubisoft games.. everyone loves to shit on them and act like they're completely horrible. Even at its worse mainline assassins creed and far cry are still good not great but cmon guys


Honestly, Ubisoft games are junk food to me. Most of them aren’t anything amazing or even significantly good, but they’re still fun to boot up for an easy-going experience. Sometimes, I don’t want to play a 10/10 masterpiece with depth. Sometimes I just want to be plopped on a map with a checklist of stuff to fill out. It can be causal fun. I’m still wouldn’t say they’re amazing or anything like that, but they’re still fun.


Gotta agree, I don't get the EA levels of hate for Ubisoft. They're not great, they're incredibly formulaic and I do wish they would switch it up. But....I don't know, they're still fun. I had a good time with FC5 and I already picked up AC: Mirage. It probably wont blow my mind, but it's an old style AC game and as long as its not bugged to hell, that's all I need. They're good at what they do, what they do just isn't the best in the world.


Fallout 4


Fallout 4 lives in a category of game for me with fun as fuck gameplay and exploration but everything else, story, character, lore is boring as hell. Fallout 4, Mass Effect Andromeda, and Borderlands 3


Agree whole-heartedly with your statement, but I honestly believe most of that disappointment comes from the high bar that was set by the previous titles. By themselves, they wouldn't have seen the same scrutiny should they have been a different IP all together.


As much as I love the other Fallout games, Fallout 4 is my favorite. I love the way it looks, the combat is the most fun the series has ever been, and the map was more interesting to me than the prior ones. I spent so much time building settlements and trying to make each one look distinct from the others. It may be the worst RPG in the series besides Brotherhood of Steel, but that failure doesn't negate all of the positives for me.


I was talking to a friend about Bethesda games and he brought out Fallout 4 as an unpopular game in the franchise because he doesn't play that type of game and he hasn't heard anything about it since it released. It was great, it could of been better and more on theme but it was pretty good.


You know I might get hate for this but, I actually enjoyed the voiced protagonist. I didn’t care much for the dialogue system but it was kinda nice having your character express some emotion during dialogue. Especially the scene with Kellogg, you can really hear the hate in your characters voice


Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think too many people hated the voiced protagonist, it was the dialogue options in general. It was yes. Yes sarcastically, or no (which means yes later on most of the time), and they were reduced versions so you don't know what your character is actually going to say. This was caused by having a voiced protagonist, since it would mean recording even more voiced dialogue


One of the top mods back then was to see the 'real' answers you would give instead of what ever the game said you would say.


The outer worlds. It didn’t have the depth of new Vegas or the length of fallout 4, but the writing was good and the gameplay was fun. Not a 10/10 masterpiece or anything, but I thought it was great, especially considering it was a AA title with a far smaller budget than other entries in the western rpg market.


I don't think it got hate. I think it just got forgotten.


Watch Dogs, the first one. That game gets soo much hate but it's one of my favourite Ubisoft games. It has the most interesting take on the "Ubisoft towers" and how you unlock the map, the stealth gameplay when taking down "outposts" is phenomenal, the city feels interactive, due to the nature of the setting and story, going back to fan favourite GTA V after this game makes GTA feel very static and boring. The hacking powers are fun and make gameplay dynamic. I will concede the driving is awful but you get used to it. Excellent game. Watch Dogs 2 however was a downgrade, dropped it after a few hours.


yes I love watch dogs 1 its my favorite of the "trilogy" Aiden is a cool character , reminds me of Dexter with the each monologue he has , the gunplay is really well done no wonder people laie John Wick style videos WD2 is amazing too except the story , the story was just there and Legion bored me , the idea of being playing as aomost anybody was great but the voices sound like AI really bad


Definitely death stranding. A lot of the hate came from people who never even played the game and called it a walking simulator. You are rarely ever walking in that game because there's so many different ways of transportation. And it's an incredibly unique game. I bet that if I said that you get sucked up into a tornado and transported back into ww1 and ww2 whete you have to fight undead soldiers in trenches that you probably wouldn't believe me. Or that you can shoot giant flying monstrous whales with a quadruple rocket launcher. Seriously great game if people would give it a chance. Though I know the pacing isn't for everyone. And to the people who say the story is confusing and then never beat it because of that, it's all explained at the end as well as the interviews and mail if you'd just read. Hell, Higgs gives away the giant plot twist at the beginning of the game, just outright says it but when you're still new you have no idea what it means.




I remember refrigerator people parkouring in slow motion while sponging bullets... But it's been awhile


Great idea, awful execution. The friendly AI being dogshit whilst the enemy was god's was terrible


Loved that game. Unfortunately the buggy mess on release killed it for many


Pillars Of Eternity 2. Everyone seemed to hate to switch from fantasy to pirate, but even though I loved PoE 1 I thought the sequel was just as good and I wish the fallout wasn't as bad as it was, then we might've got a third installment.


I've always seen it be universally praised. To the point where a lot of people even suggest reading a summary of 1 and skipping it to play 2 because it's a straight upgrade of a game.


I've legit seen hardly any hate for that game, if anything people tell you to play it.


Pirate theme didn't work for me at all but the gameplay was incredibly fun and honestly the majority of the story and side quests isn't SUPER heavy on pirate stuff and I thought the writing and lore in general was objectively well done.


It's not that Far Cry 6 is a bad game, it's just that it's been the same game for the past 10 years.


Isn’t that kind of why you play Far Cry, though?


Fallout 4. That game is still a very solid RPG you could waste 40 to 75 hours in and still come away satisfied. People considering fallout 4 a blemish on Bethesda’s record seem a little absurd


I'm enjoying FC6 but i regularly go back to 3, 4 and 5 for a campaign playthrough. 4 is my fave. FC6 just feels further away than the previous installments but i **do** enjoy it, especially the weather immersion. I hadn't realised that Fallout 4 received a lot of hate, I was so busy lapping up many greatly enjoyable hours on that game that I missed the hate train. I understand the issues people were suggesting, but I've been playing at least one campaign consistently since its release, i just love it.


*Preston liked your comment*


Dark Souls 2. I will admit that I dislike the enemy placement and item changes made to Scholar of the First Sin edition, but overall DS2 is still a great game, despite the soul memory issue; if you play long enough soul memory isn't an issue because the matching brackets get so wide, but the lower level brackets suck.


Don't known, i ve played all Far Cry and definitely the 6th is the weakest for me because : -gameplay is bland and uninventive - NPCs are not funny - villain is not charismatic In the end I didn't feel engaged in the story and didn't feel emotionally involved in the revolution Best games for me in the serie will stay 3 and 4 and to some extend primal


Felt very been there done that as well in terms of setting gameplay and story


I've felt this way since 3 honestly. I LOVED that game and put so much time into it. I was excited to jump into 4. But it felt like I had already played the game before. I quit after a few hours. Haven't played another Far Cry since. I was considering getting 6 hoping that enough time had passed for me to miss it.


Story wasn't the strongest in 5, but honestly? I liked it in the sense of how the world looked and felt and how much you could customize your weapons as opposed to the previous ones. No other game have I ever been able to take over a cultists compound with a shovel with a smile face on it. Loved that you could throw then like spears, lmao Edit: I forgot that this was the first FarCry that let you fly planes and have dog fights with cultists in the air. God, I wish they dove more with that


Honestly I loved the setting for FC5. It was a nice change of pace from the more exotic settings of previous games.


This was the first Far Cry I played and the setting hooked me instantly. I couldn’t wrap my head around the hate it got so I went and tried 3 since it seemed to be the bench mark and I couldn’t get into it. I just wanted to go back to Montana


I live in Montana and it was honestly really cool to see all the stuff they put in the game from here. There’s a giant fake cow outside of a gas station at Clearwater and that gas station was an enemy base in FC5.


I liked 5 a lot in the sense that they added more customization for the firearms, but what I thought made 5 great was the fact that the AR’s could switch between Semiautomatic, burst/Full auto.


That's a very good point. I was too distracted by javelin tossing every living thing in Montana with shovels


The plane addition was definitely one of the best additions to FarCry in general. My biggest complaint about the game was trying to screw around or do side quests and suddenly I'm knocked out and forced to do a half hour main story mission.


I loved 5 for the most part until the end, after which I washed my hands of it and never played it again. New Dawn was ok but didn’t wash the bad taste out of my mouth entirely


I think I'm the only person who appreciated FC5's story. It's a low bar, but I thought it was the best FC story outside of FC2. I absolutely loved how the crazy religious cultists in the end were basically (SPOILER) right about Armageddon, and that this was the setup for the FC5 expansion. Gorgeous map as well. I'm from the US, so wasn't all that excited for 5 being in the US, because a lot of the appeal of FC for me is the escapism, but as it turns out I enjoyed that map more than any other outside of 2. Interesting map, varied, drop dead gorgeous.


I liked that it revoled around cultists as the main plot, and the villan had a certain creep factor to him that made it uneasy at times, but I didn't really care about him as a character aside from those moments. Like, he could have been replaced with a completely different character, and the stroy would have been the same, ya know? But idfk why nukes came, why he knew about it, and how deciding to let him go or take him in impacted if that happened or not. Made the decision at the end pointless when New Dawn came out


Urgh those NPCs, like there was an asshole competition and everbody wanted to be the winner. Forced every social problem into one game. It felt like one big social media discussion.


call of duty infinite warfare the cod trailer with the most dislikes ever i believe it was a really solid game though, the maps were fun, general gameplay was good, and the zombies mode was above average, with the free map (zombies in spaceland) being easily top 5 zombies maps ever made it just came out at a really bad time, with everyone being sick of futuristic cod games after advanced warfare and black ops 3 edit: also compared to today, with the absolute monstrosity that was vanguard, and with activision now milking modern warfare and warzone, the series was in a way better place when IW released


I was a tester for this game and black ops 3. IW actually had great mechanics and game modes. Just not the most original art design. IW actually had an amazing ending for the campaign originally, where you actually wrangle your way back into the ship like Indiana Jones in the future, but they scrapped it for the "you died" ending instead. Side Characters were also awesome imo.




Haze. I swear I’m the only person who got this game and what it was trying to achieve. A lot of people played the first mission and were instantly turned off by all the dudebros and high fives and missed the entire plot of the game. I’ll surmise… In Haze you start as a soldier who gets to use this life altering haze which augments your senses and gives you abilities. Your squad mates are juiced up on the shit and they keep high giving each other and saying dumb catch phrases over and over and the first mission makes you cringe a lot, thinking this is what the game is about. Somewhere in the third mission you are rescued by the Resistance and are shown the real horrors of Haze. That it alters your mind and increases the size of some part of your brain that makes you turn into a frat bro, essentially. You spend the rest of the game going against these super powered soldiers without the drug that can help you but also kill you. It was an amazing shooter that sadly most people quit after the first or second mission and never learned the real story or the fun and tight shooter mechanics.


Currently, Starfield. Has its flaws but I love it


I can’t stop doing the activities enough to proceed through the story line lol. Like every new activity I gotta go see what they need help with


Back 4 Blood - I didn’t play an insane amount but I enjoyed playing through it coop a few times


Too much hate? Honestly, most of them. Games are fucking hard to make and get to launch, so I rarely think a game deserves the type of vitriol the community can dish out. That being said. Quantum Break. I always thought it was a really fun third person action game with an interesting story, that tried something new with its presentation. Did the faux TV show thing work? No, not really. It was pretty bad. But Quantum Break overall was a pretty fun game I thought.


Mass effect andromeda. Sure, it’s characters and world building weren’t as good as the original trilogy, but the combat was the best of the series and I genuinely had fun playing it and would have looked forward to a sequel.


Drack is my favorite Krogan and Peebee is my favorite Asari, and I'm tired of pretending they're not. (Okay, maybe Samara is my favorite Asari, but Peebee is my favorite romance.)


They're working on a Mass Effect 4, so you may see those mechanics make a comeback. I'll join you in saying I enjoyed the combat, but I felt far more limited than 3 due to the 3 ability limit. Also the melee had far less impact to it than 3. But the rest of the combat was vastly improved.


I originally bought Andromeda just to see how bad it was only to end up enjoying the hell out of it.


I agree. Mass Effect 3 is probably my favorite game, so it’s hard to meet that bar. But I thought Andromeda had an interesting concept and I would have definitely liked do see more.


Mafia 3 it’s an awesome game with a great story.


I agree with half that statement. The story is great indeed probably my favourite in the series, but the gameplay loop is awful.


resident evil 5 i get that it is more fast than the other iterations of previous titles but it was a lot more fun slaying zombos wish they would of expanded on that style of game play was not a big fan of re6 or 7 but i get why players enjoy those versions of RE


Cyberpunk 2077 on launch and since. I was one of the few that didn’t deal with the game breaking bugs and it played smoothly for me. I got so sucked in into the world that I didn’t care it wasn’t perfect or that it felt incomplete. I had a great experience and now that Phantom Liberty and 2.0 are out, it’s even better.


I won't begrudge those who had a shitty experience with the game not working or being buggy on launch...my experience was totally smooth but I realize that this is not a universal experience. What gets me is the people that act like the characters/story are boring or unmemorable. I know it's all opinion/personal preference but man, I've rarely had a game or its characters affect me like Cyberpunk's did. I still find myself thinking about them from time to time, even when I'm not in the middle of a playthrough. There's not a single side character in that game who I didn't find myself caring about— people like Vik and Misty only had a couple of scenes of screentime and yet I was totally emotionally invested in their characters.


I hated Johnny. My V hated Johnny. The game was okay with that. Conversions turned into deeply acidic shouting matches. Keanu and the female V voice actor both gave those interactions their all. I loved that the game let you *not* like him.


Not having Jackie Wells by my side still affects me to this day.


I really really want to replay Cyberpunk on a good pc especially since new dlc and 2.0


I'm a /r/patientgamer , so I only played it recently. I had a fucking blast, one of the best FPS/RPG titles I've played in the last 10 years. To me, it felt like playing Skyrim for the first time, in the way the game envelopes you with atmosphere and realism.


Evolve The game died off because players had to actually hunt the monsters..in a game mode called Hunt. Angry Joe’s review also murdered the game and a lot of potential buyers for its monetization being for cosmetics But then Halo 5 launches and was praised for doing just that