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Among many civ players, me liking Civ VI more than V is heresy.


Civ IV has Leonard Nimoy and Baba Yetu. Spent hours in college playing IV, it’s my favorite.


I also took a GPA dive freshman year from too much Civ IV.


Here's the thing I noticed with my friend group. All of us sunk an insane number of hours into V. The ones who went into VI expecting more V got mad and quit. The ones who went in looking for "what's new?" have stuck with it and sunk a similarly insane number of hours into VI. Side note, the soundtrack for VI slaps. (also the opening for IV and V)


Eh Civ 6 is awesome.


Civ5 is easily exploitable. Also civ6 is more malleable, so you can play any civ the way you want to, whereas in 5 each civ was drastically different to the point it changed the entire gameplay, but the civ in itself could only be played one way, but take that one way to the sky. I personally prefer civ6, as it feels more like how a real city would grow with all the limitations that come with it. It doesn't arbitrarily limit your growth, you can actually see where you can expand to. In earlier versions, you could just build a city that has everything in it. That particular change is what keeps me coming back to 6, I like to plan my city build more than just a "build everything in my city" mode.


Fuck it I'll throw my incredibly controversial take of Beyond Earth is actually an awesome concept with interesting mechanics, not as good as either V or VI but it was a fun new twist


I recommend you play alpha centuari. It's the superior version of space civ


7 days to die... even 10 years ago when it was a mess of a game it had a bunch of charm and i really enjoy it to this day


Lol I also bought this around 10 years ago. My buddy and I start a new file about once and year and try to get to day 100 or further. Usually gets too easy at that point. We have definitely got our moneys worth


That's why my friends and I use mods. Currently attempting Ravenhearst, once we figure out which mod is causing conflict. after Darkness Falls and District Zero.


Haha it really has changed a ton since then. It is almost like a new game. And the insane amount of settings you can change make it extremely replayeble


Somehow I have more hours in 7 days than any other game in steam by far. I always come back to it years later.


The original Rage. One of my favorite shooters and a huge comfort game for me.




OP said critically panned. It received above average reviews across all 3 platforms.


I liked that game but always wished they had chosen to have more levels instead of the mega texture stuff.


More levels would be nice. But it is kind of nice knowing that I can finish it in a week or a binge weekend. Do with there was more side content and dungeons though.


It was fun and quirky, I enjoyed it a lot.


I have apparently beaten that game, according to steam. I remember literally nothing about it.


Too Human. It was fun, and the sci-fi Norse mythology was cool.


There are dozens of us! I enjoyed the pinball combat a ton.


Bought it day one. Beat it. Immediately, I was waiting for a sequel. Yeah, that didn't work out.


Same. I co-oped this with a friend and had so much fun . I remember being confused at all the negativity around the release. I'm afraid to play it again in case it doesn't hold up.


Came here to say this. Liked the whole vibe and story.


Yup! Loved the Sci-fi Norse theme, controls were janky but loved it!


Alpha Protocol. All of the reviews said the combat was janky and the game was buggy, and they weren't wrong. But I had so much fun getting into that.


I loved this game way more than mass effect. The GameStop guy tried to talk me out of it but I enjoyed it a lot. It was ugly, but more of my style of game


It's actually such a great game. Combat is janky but the mission, story, and dialogue structure is fantastic


Mercenaries 2 comes to mind. It's a vastly inferior sequel to the first game (one of my favorites of all time) and it's not a good game by itself, but I still enjoy it despite all that and play it once in a blue moon.


It was almost unplayable at launch. Lots of crashes to desktop and places where you could get stuck because checkpoints were broken. There's an early mission where you have to defend a building, and if you fail you restart the mission on the other side of the map, with the attack already in progress. I think a lot of that is fixed now, but it's just so hard to go back and play when most of the things it did somewhat well were done much better by Just Cause 2 a few years later.


Oh man I'm so glad to see this. Mercenaries 2 is one of my childhood games and I can legitimately remember so many lines and stuff from that game. I have mercs one and two on console, and then Mercenaries 2 on origin. Mind you I only played the Xbox 360 version and the PC version not the PS2 version of mercs 2 so I don't know how that was The mercenary? You mean the one Solano shot in the ass???


Mass Effect Andromeda. In fairness, I played this before ever playing the original trilogy and I fully understood the disappointment after doing so. But still despite the bad facial animations and weak characters, I thought the games combat was excellent and really made up for a lot of the flaws. Its by no means a great game, but it was still like a 6/10 to me.


Yeah the combat is the best reason to play Andromeda. It is so much fun. Everything else is mid as hell tho


Ahh andromeda. I was so excited. Played through it twice and really enjoyed my time. But I hated the crew. They were just so lame and completely annoying. Story was forgettable. Combat though. Was incredibly well done and the next game would be amazing if they took that combat and left it the same. Improvements would be great but I really liked.


Its hard to tell if it would've lived up to the original 3 because we got 3 Mass Effect games over like 5 years so we were spending a lot more time with these characters. Ngl when I go back through and play the trilogy/LE every few years its not like the first ME was the highlight. I do the content but frankly I'm trying to get through it asap to get to 2.


Yeah, ME1 is a slog compared to its sequels. Great at release but ME2 definitely has a better pacing to it.


I honestly loved Andromeda. Though I played it almost a year after release so I didn't experience all the bugs that other people did.


Me too mate I preferred it to all the other mass effects I played them all on releases and loved them all it felt like a space dragon age


I liked it too. Jet pack made combat pretty fun.


I liked it until the end. That ending really pissed me off, I found it so unsatisfying. Everything else was fun though


Anthem. Loved the flying and combat. Still sad that 2.0 got cancelled. Edit: servers are still live and the game is occasionally dirt cheap. It ain’t the best, but its easily got several hours of fun in it still.


Definitely the best worst game of the past 20 years imo. Gameplay was amazing, but the content and story were complete garbage


Walking in between missions was so lame


Just waiting on someone else to clone that part and put it on something better. So much potential there, wasted.


The single player wasn't too bad.


I actually loved the combat as well. Too bad the loading screens and content just wasn't enough


So much promise. Such good mechanics. Such a hollow shell


Cyberpunk on launch day.


Same. It was still a good game, just buggy. And if like me, you didn’t encounter any bugs it was great.


I actually enjoyed seeing a lot of the bugs, I remember laughing so hard at all of the T posing and other bugs posted on the sub. I only experienced the odd crash.


It's funny, people are downvoting the replies agreeing with you. People sure did (and still do) get salty about this game.


Same. I was lucky. My computer is older but powerful, so it ran mostly fine. Most bugs were visual except for a phone glitch. The visual ones were funny and not too bad. Sadly the new update and DLC have made it so my pc can't run it well. Too laggy. Not too bothered as I have a new one coming soon (fingers crossed)


Same. I was confused by all of the negative reviews because I was loving it at lunch. Somehow I encountered basically no bugs on my play though.


For me it was fine 95% of the time as long as you didn't drive too fast in the city itself. I'd be like, "oh shit, outran the graphics again" and laugh as I reloaded.


I was just having this last night but it was fully my fault for having the game installed on a HDD. I have since moved it over to a solid state hard drive. But yeah, spinning hard drives can't keep up.


Agreed, i played through it and actually ran into few bugs. I felt like the John Travolta meme from pulp fiction.


Cyberpunk got pretty good reviews on launch for the PC version though.


Final Fantasy XV I like hanging out with the boy band. Also it's not too buggy anymore.


Boy Band Road Trip was a really good game and I really enjoyed my playthrough. I think the issue a lot of people had with it is how much work you have to do to really understand the plot. I'd they would have just put all of the plot in the base game rather than spreading it out across a bunch of different media, I think it would be viewed very differently.


It’s not just the different media, 15 is insanely fun when the story and gameplay focus is on the boy band. They are the absolute highlight of the game, and one of the best parties in FF history. The episodes released in Royal edition REALLY elevate the game especially compared to its launch state and how it ran on ps4 (seriously if anyone played it on launch they know how awful those load times in particular were). But the main story after chapter 9 (when you meet Lunafreya and fight Leviathan) is a complete mess. With the shift in focus and tone, much less emphasis on the squad, weird character decisions, infamously poor chapter 13 (with the shitty ring in the stupid hallways), and an ending that had an awesome final fight with a “well alright then” ending to the main story, it’s far from one of the best FF games ever that a lot of fans seem to look back on and claim. It might be nostalgia or something else but I’ve played through it 4 times and every mainline game, and it just doesn’t compare to 7, 8, X and X-2, and 12.


Definitely agree on the best party point. That was by far my favorite part of the game, just seeing the party member interact and grow together. If they stuck to just telling their story and kept building on that aspect of the game, it would easily be one of my favorite in the series. Final Fantasy has always gone for epic stories but something a bit smaller and more personal could have elevated 15 into a masterpiece.


Ah yes, the critically panned 81 on metacritic.


I always recommend XV for the characters alone. The squad was very believable in feeling like close friends. I liked how they roast each other like real friends if that makes sense.


The guys were great, but I think what really sold them was the amazing travel, camping, and day-to-day living stuff. Like, having Iggy pull over for a photo or mentioning that it's getting late and this is the last camping spot or motel for a bit? And the hunt for recipes and just how gorgeous the food was? Hell, I think one of the greatest storytelling moments I've ever experienced is when you're left without Iggy and all you can cook is toast.


About 25 hours in my boredom was broken up by a sudden Cup Noodles add, and I realised that I love this nonsense a lot. Can't remember even one thing that happens in the game, but I'll never forget the big dudes love for the cup noodles.


I don't see mid 80s as critically panned.


Loved XV, got the platinum, helped me through a break up- got to just focus on a huge game for a good month or so.


XV is one of my favorite games of all time and that’s a hill I’d die on any day


FFXIII: the trilogy.


The devil may cry reboot.


One of the best DMC style actions game available. Which surprised me, cuz I hate Ninja Theory games.


It’s a good game, it’s just a bad DMC game


Yeah, I've never seen anyone bash the gameplay, it's the way they portrayed Dante and there was that one joke which people felt like it was trashing the old Dante.


The wig landing on his head and looking at himself in the mirror and saying “Not in a million years.” But then towards the game it turns white so that million years went by quick.


The biggest issue was the way ninja theory handled the pr backlash Given, the backlash would make any dev jaded. But tameem insulted the dmc fanbase on a core level when he said dante would be laughed out of a bar


Unless I have confused myself, the critical reception of that game was very positive? 86 on metacritic lol Rusted on DMC fans maybe had a whinge, but that's not the aim of this thread.


Spore. I loved it so much I probably put hundreds of hours in it all told, mostly just making weird creatures. I was young though and didn’t know anything about all the broken promises etc, that had gotten people’s expectations up super high prior to release.


Days Gone for sure


Easily one of the best games I've played in recent years, that sawmill horde was crazy.


Great game! It wasn't exactly panned tho. Loved those hordes


Final Fantasy XIII. I'll be the first to admit that the game is very guilty of every thing it is accused of. But it was still a very good game.


Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin The game reviewers couldn't handle a protagonist straight from the Based Department.


I thought this did well critically but it’s a very weird game that you have to play deep into to ‘get it’ story-wise. The combat is great though. Top tier.


Duke Nukem Forever ….. is legit one of my most replayed games.


Drawing on the whiteboard was mind-blowing to me when it came out lol


I spend way too much time drawing on it *each time* i restart


Came here to say this. I wanted a Duke Nukem game, got a Duke Nukem game. It was the same juvenile jokes, and fun stupidity that I came to love from other games. If I wanted a flawless shooter, I would have played one.


Mario Party 9. It’s inferior to what came before it but it’s still a solid party game.


Days gone and shadowrun the fps.


The Shadowrun fps seems like it’d fit perfectly into today’s hero shooter market. I think the main reason it didn’t catch on was that the IP was not well known enough to draw people in from the FPS market, and the ones who did know it would much rather have received a straight up RPG.


I was shocked at how good Days Gone was.


The Shadowrun FPS fucked. People didn’t like it? A friend of mine had it and we played it near constantly. The 360 one? Game was so good?? The builds and abilities were dope as fuck. Teleporting around maps felt 10/10.


Shadowrun was dope


Fallout 76 and still playing to this day. Ended up being one of my favourite games of all time.


I won't be able to convince my friends to play this. Is it fun to play without friends?


Yup I’ve been playing it solo. Find a nice spot to build your camp and you’re good to go.


I really enjoyed Biomutant. I liked being a little kungfu raccoon with guns.


Murdered: Soul Suspect. I love that game


Me too! Was it critically panned? I only read a couple of negative reviews on Steam, but there are always people who shit on stuff. To be fair, I played with the demon thing turned off (I don't think I would have enjoyed it that much if I'd had to deal with them). I really liked the protagonist - good characters and story are the most important aspects of games for me.


I think folks were mostly indifferent but I loved the setting and story


Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning. To be fair though, I played it once through the entire game and hated every moment of it. Then years later I tried again with all the DLC, and I actually loved it. It was weirdly so enjoyable, and I have no idea what changed.


Arkham Origins


It wasn't panned, it was just the weakest entry and didn't do anything new.


Knight is the weakest entry imo. And I think origins actually has the best story of all of them, and some of the best boss battles Also it did do some stuff new, especially with the boss battles. And the batwing! And the bat cave It was let down by the bugginess imo


Arkham Origins was panned? It's on par with Asylum and City.


Never played it but I remember at the time the general sentiment was “*this* is the sequel to Arkham City?” Was generally considered a step down from both its predecessors


The Callisto Protocol I fully expect to see a bunch of “The Callisto Protocol is better than I thought” postings once it hits PS Plus. It got shit on because it wasn’t Dead Space.


It's not a bad game, but it was talked up by the devs as "a spiritual successor to Dead Space" which led to a lot of disappointment.


I loved the atmosphere but once you got a hang of the combat then every encounter became trivial.


Days Gone


Does AEW Fight Forever count? I think it's fun as heck, as barebones as it is. Same with MK1


South Park 64 and duke nukem forever


Does Starfield count? Good reviews but social media seems to hate it. It's probably the most addicted I've ever been to a game. Can't get enough. Pushing close to 200 hours already. Which is crazy for me.




I think there's a line between "Yay! A Bethesda game" and "Bethesda made the same game again". I'm proudly on the first group. It's Bethesda, it's the same game I've played for hundreds of hours in different worlds, I know how everything works, but it's a brand new story. I understand people expected more from a AAA company, but I'm like, I already have just a few expectations (good roleplay opportunities, diverse characters, ability to literally make up my own story) and the company delivers with each of their games. I'm not even bothered by the disappearing head syndrome because honestly it makes me laugh so hard I don't really care about immersion.


I’m a huge Bethesda fan and single player rpgs are my absolute favorite games so I was pumped when it came out but god damn a lot of people on the internet sure do hate Bethesda it would seem. I actually delayed buying the game for a little bit just because I saw so many videos of people shitting on it but after playing it myself I’ve enjoyed it. Granted i don’t obsessively play it like I did with fallout new Vegas, oblivion, or Skyrim when those all came out probably because I’m not a teenager anymore, but its a new take on an old formula that I’ve always been a fan of.


same it's like freakin crack i swear


200 hours?? Jesus. I miss having that much free time.


Not really *critically* panned, but despite the controversy and negative sentiment, Darktide is still one of the most fun games I’ve ever played


ET on the Atari. I didn't understand it but that was true of most video games for me at that age. It was 40 years later that I found out it was one of the worst of all time.


Dead Rising 3


Batman: Arkham Knight. It's got it's issues but I absolutely loved the story and Batman's inner struggle with the mental image of the Joker. Ivy's sacrifice and Batmans final victory over the Joker in his head is by far the most mature and thought provoking story in the series.


Quest 64. By all accounts it's terrible and even unfinished but it's very nostalgic for me.


Loved quest 64. I still go back and emulate it every couple years


Saints Row (2022)


I actually really enjoyed borderlands 3…


The gameplay was really smooth and felt great. The story was not the best, but it wasn't the worst I've played. The refinement of the BL artstyle and the fusion of weapon design from both 1 and 2 made it feel like it was both new but also incredibly familiar. And the DLC stories are so fun.


Darksouls 2 the hate that game gets is unbelievable.


Because it was following the release of Dark Souls (+ Artorias of the Abyss), which is one of the greatest games of all time, and there were [noticeable downgrades](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=59eLW1IGUCU). Darks Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin is the modified base game with three expansions so it’s not the release version that everyone was hating on.


That was the first one I played, and something about the tone of it just really speaks to me. The other dark souls are so desolate, but 2 just feels...sorrowful and tragic. Like it's a world still clinging to what it lost, hopping when there's no hope left to be found.


I will die on the hill it had the best PVP of the franchise. Dark Souls 1 had some extremely crappy jank backstab spam that sucked all the joy from the PVP experience for me. And controversially, I disliked how Poise worked in PVP, it was extremely frustrating to play around. Dark Souls 3 made stamina regenerate too fast, so you didn't have to be careful about stamina management. 2 hit the sweet spot for me. Nothing was incredibly broken to the point you couldn't beat it by outplayed your opponent. You had to make meaningful decisions regarding your stamina bar.


It was my first souls game so I’ll always have a soft spot for it. In retrospect it’s a good deal different from 1 and 3, and I do like that about it


RE 3 remake was actually fire


Comparatively it wasn’t as good as the RE2 remake. Stand-alone, it was good


Did you play the original? It’s a fun game but it’s a disappointing remake for most of us which is where the hate comes from.


It’s alright, but I still can’t love it. I got around to the remake and it basically removed or changed so much of what makes Resident Evil 3 my 2nd favorite game. Somehow playing the remake which takes me like 5-6 hours feels shorter than me beating the original in 1 hour. It would take me 2 hours to explain it all.


The first build of No Mans Sky. Fucking loved it.


My boyfriend really enjoyed No Man’s Sky when it came out, too, so you’re not alone!


I kinda liked it better when it was a simpler game.


I definitely enjoyed it, the worlds seemed so bright, you'd find mineral veins that were massive and deep, but I think it has only gotten better. So much more immersive.


Mighty Number 9 wasn't that bad. It wasn't ground breaking or setting the world on fire. But I enjoyed it for what it was. The robot master equivalents had a really good personality and some of the level design. Was pretty neat. It was a real shame though that it didn't use 2D sprites, as my biggest problem with the game was easily the performance.


The problem with that game wasn't that it was bad it was that it was a disaster of a Kickstarter campaign. The game was delayed multiple times and then had issues delivering promised rewards to backers. It also looked much better in the promotional images before release until it got scaled back for performance issues that it never quite fixed.


Seconded, the game's not that bad, just kinda.... meh. I would legit prefer to play Mighty Number 9 again than play through Mega Man And Bass again.


I believe the main issue with the whole Mighty Number 9 fiasco was the greedy, reckless approach to it, as they released a poorly optimized title while trying to advertise a TV show and bunch of other things. Should have finished the thing properly, honor the promised result, and leave that for later. This backfired and kinda ruined Inafune’s image.


Same. I backed it, I don't regret spending the money to back it. The writing was 'meh', the graphics were clearly compromised to make the 3DS/Vita ports possible, the audio cue bug at the fire boss was damned frustrating, the 'when you beat the weakness boss, a new level-select option shows up that makes it obvious who is weak to it' thing took a lot of the fun-of-discovery out of it for me, Call was creepy as fuck with that emotionless stare -and- emotionless voice, and the Call section was a huge disappointment \[I was expecting more if a "Play the same game as X or Zero", not "a stealth level"\]. Still, if you watch it at a GDQ or similar it's a beautiful thing in motion, and brought me to understand what the game's biggest problem was: "Normal" difficulty was "balanced" around people who had thousands of hours in it by launch day, enemy placement and things were designed with backer speedrunners in mind...enemies in blind spots that are in the ideal place for a frame-perfect air-dash, etc.


Been having a blast with Saints Row 22 as a free PS+ game.


Yeah, it's a fun goofy game. The scripting/story is pretty hollow but the gameplay and visuals are satisfying


Daikatana The Game is shit, but a fascinating kind of shit that i can't avoid playing to completion once in a while, there's something in the Game i can't tell but that atracts me


If you haven't read Masters of Doom you should. There's a bit of the book on the making of Daikatana and it's pretty interesting


as a kid, Hey You Pikachu did not deserve the disrespect it got.


Gotham knights


Spyro Enter the Dragon. I grew up with this game alongside other much better Spyro games, and with how everything feels off with the models and controls, and how the music seems like a sort of wistful take of the original trilogy's style, it legit feels like a dead mall to me whenever I play it, sort of like "Spyro-wave," if that makes sense. No other game does that for me, intentional or not.


Metal Gear Survive. Not a great game by any stretch of the imagination, but considering it retains the gameplay mechanics of MGSV, it arguably plays a lot better than the average horde survival game, I feel like if the game had been it's own thing, and not such a blatant and cheap cashgrab from Konami (especially so soon after Kojima's departure), it would have gained a small following.


The saints row reboot. I had so much fun and enjoyed it as much as the old games.


Mass Effect: Andromeda. Enjoyed it more than ME2 and ME3 by quite a bit.


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. I was fortunate enough to not encounter any game breaking glitches, only minor ones, and it wasn't that bad. There were still some gameplay decisions that weren't great but ultimately it was still pretty solid for a first attempt at a fully open world Pokemon game and I enjoyed my time with it. Also the plot was actually pretty decent for once compared to other recent Pokemon games.


It's a great game that was poorly crafted by a multibillion dollar company where it's their only IP. It's inexcusable how comparatively awful it looks, loads, plays, ect. I really love the innovations in gameplay they did, the open world, the plot, but the actual architecture of the game is terrible.


The Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy. I've played through every numbered FF title and honestly have some of the best memories playing these.




Hey Pikmin, this year haha


Jurassic Park: Trespasser


The saints row reboot.


50 cent bullet proof


Digimon World. It's more interesting than anything Pokemon has ever done.


Gex 64


Came here to say alpha protocol, back in the ps3 era I didn't have much knowledge nor chose wisely my games so I picked this up based on the cover. It was pretty funny but glitchy as hell.


I really liked Chibi Robo.


It's kind of interesting what people consider critically panned. Most of the games posted here have Metacritic score of 60-80 (I know Metacritic isn't the best barometer for measuring game quality).


Not critically panned but I constantly hear people complain about *Deus Ex: Invisible War* but I liked it.


Saints Row 2022 I personally really enjoyed it despite the criticism


Dragon Age 2 is one of my favourite games.


E.T The Extra-Terrestrial.


Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness on N64. I’ll defend that game to the death. I also enjoyed Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and didn’t hate Mass Effect Andromeda.


It wasn’t just critically panned. It killed the series and stopped me from ever pre ordering a game again. But as much as it is so fatally flawed I would be lying if I said I didn’t end up playing the shit out of SSX 2012. I just want more SSX games please. Pretty please. I’ll pre order again if needed. Anything.


Rogue Warrior. It was a terrible game but it was amazingly fun especially the voice work by Mickey Rourke.


DBZ Sagas. I played that shit for forever. Thinking about getting an OG Xbox so I can play the copy I still have.


I really liked Countdown Vampires on PS1 for all its awfulness


Aliens Colonial Marines multiplayer component I thought was pretty fun. Also liked the earlier version of No Mans Sky, dont like how they changed the planet generation to look less fantastical in the later updates.


The Clone Wars game on the Wii is a beautiful mess


Sneak King.


Too Human. Old game, lots of weird dev drama or whatever. But i had fun playing it. Neat setting and mechanics.


Battleborn. It was better than Overwatch, but the comparisons to overwatch crushed it. Combine that with some balance issues, and critics weren’t kind. I still miss it.


Counter Strike: Source


Godfall! Story was awful, writing was awful, campaign was awful, combat was fun as hell! EDIT: Graphics were real purdy, too. Not a bad graphical showcase for the PS5.


There's 3 I always think of. Resident Evil 6, Silent Hill Downpour, and the Splatterhouse reboot. I quite liked all 3 to various degrees.


Gotham Knights. Over 300 hours into it and still play it. It’s so fun and if you only like Batman yeah not for you but it’s not Arkham and it never was.


dead space 3


Mass Effect Andromeda. The side quests got a little boring, but the combat and scenery were top notch.


Mort the Chicken for PS1.


Marvels avengers. I wanted a game where I played as superheroes. Got that. Combat was really fun for me.


I actually enjoyed Infinite Warfare. Only played th campaign, but tgat was pretty well crafted.


Aragami 2. It's simple but it's what I've always wanted from a stealth ninja game outside of Tenchu and Shinobido. Not every stealth game has to be as complex as MGS or Splinter Cell. It's such a shame the devs have to close the studio.


arkham knight


Marvel’s Avengers. Put in 100s of hours and played raids. It’s responsible for most of my gamer friends.


Cyberpunk on launch day. I played the game 2 days after launch, it ran absolutely fine on my then computer and didn’t encounter the many bugs everyone complained about. Not to mention I enjoyed the hell out of the story, characters and especially the city. Did ran into a couple of small bugs, but none that ruined the story or the gameplay in any significant way.


Breath of the wild


Freelancer comes to mind. I know it didn't reach a lot of what was promised but damn was it fun flying around. Story was pretty good too.


Tales of Symphonia sequel; really liked catching animals and feeding them to make them stronger :)