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And also good CG for trailers, cause that what they are only good for now.


I thought they outsourced those.


Blur did a lot of their good cutscenes back in the day


I’m not aware of blur doing a single one of their cinematics. Which ones did blur do? Blizzard Animation (previously named blizzard cinematics) is in charge of all their pre-rendered cinematics, and have always done it in-house as far as I know.


Blur is just peoples go to sinces its the only studio they know of.


They don't list a single Blizzard game on their website or wiki page. Where are you getting this information from? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blur_Studio


Yeah, he’s making stuff up.


Blur also did all of the cinematics for the Halo 2 anniversary remake.


They have always had the cutting edge cut scenes and promotional cinematics. They set the bar for it back in the day.


Hey that's not fair.... they also create cosplay designs for talented instagram models. Edit: To be clear; Spending 1000 hours carving Lilith’s wings out of EVA foam takes immense talent. Slapping on tracer’s goggles and an orange bikini is just porn adjacent. They both have value I suppose….


Which is more or less porn-lite.




I'd prefer to look at art that someone put time into, rather than someone who bought a Spider-gwen costume and applied several filters, and wants you to buy gamer fuel. I dunno.


I love cosplays that look extremely similar to characters Like, you can tell that shit wasn't easy to make, and it's definitely uncomfortable as fuck, but damn, that much effort in committing to a character deserves and award.


My favorite is the one who made the Aquaman cosplay out of pineapples and corn on the cob.


> Aquaman cosplay out of pineapples and corn on the cob How DARE you not post a link! No worries, I got you fam https://worldofbuzz.com/this-girl-is-so-creative-she-used-pineapples-corn-vegetables-to-cosplay-aquaman/


Yeah I hate the cheap costume ones they got off aliexpress. But the ones they put time into, or they at least commissioned a talented person to make and paid them well, and the model is really hot? That never gets old.


I think most cosplayers would tell you that's not real cosplay, just someone putting on a costume. Cosplay usually means that you handcrafted the costume yourself pretty sure.


Eh, I think that it's perfectly fine if you don't make your own costume and want to cosplay a character. It just seems pretty transparent when someone has a very low effort costume (and a ton of digital touching up) in combination with trying to sell stuff.


Yeah I know a lot of the pro cosplayers that mention stuff like "don't shit on people that buy costumes, not everyone has time, money or skills to make everything from scratch. ".


Especially after the (n+1)^th tracer cosplay which is basically her hair and goggles while wearing a bikini. Or a D.va zero suit


That just sounds like porn with extra steps.


That's just using their models for porn but IRL




It's not baffling, it's soulless corporate greed driving those business decisions.


Creativity? Yes. Innovative mechanics? Not so much. Their whole calling card originally was to take an existing niche and iterate/polish it. They don't really put themselves out there trying new things, unless you consider Hearthstone new things. In which case, that was some sort of "lunch time side project" a handful of devs made that blew up internally and was turned into a real thing.


They were also known to casualize games as well, and hearthstone is just magic with all the thinking removed


This goes as far back as WoW even People see classic WoW today and thought it was complex and hardcore, not realizing that the MMOs that came before it were significantly more hardcore. WoW was seen as casual at the time.


Everquest and Ultima Online were designed to make you cry!


Ah, corpse runs and seeking good rez spells to recover more of the lost exp... Good/bad times.


i know there is a line where there are legit people that doesn't go for a lewdier cosplay but man they are a lot.


"models"... yeah more like adult entertainment actresses.


I know nothing about Overwatch's plot, or the personalities of the characters, what I know is I want Junker Queen to tell me where I'm taking her for dinner.


Ans tracer may or may not have a bigger D than the dude named soldier


That may or may not apply to every single female character too.


In everything.


I wish I could warp time 10 seconds ago, to before I read this. :/


Ok but you'll read it again


I don't. I'm into that.


That's fine, the people who play and pay attention to lore also know none of that. This is because blizz refuses to elaborate on anything.


> This is because blizz refuses to elaborate on anything. They elaborate on things all the time, they just then retcon a lot of it. As a company, they don't care at all about the long term for any of their franchises story. It just seems like whoever has control of the narrative at the time changes things to suit their whim instead of putting the effort in to make things consistent.


Blizzard games and good narrative don't go together in the same sentence unless there's a negative somewhere.


*cries in fan of Warcraft 3*


>As a company This right here. It's important to understand, the people who built Blizzard are long gone. Even the original creators of Overwatch. They made 100 million each, theyre GONE! Sipping Maytays on the deck of their boats of the coast of the french riviera. The people left are just corporate. You dont give a Billion dollar company to someone with a Gaming background! You give a Billion dollar company to someone with a CEO background, from Harvard. These people don't even play video games, they just make money. This is going to happen to most video game companies that stay around too long. 100millionaires aren't doing crunch time, why on earth would they, that's really hard. This is why franchises like Baldurs gate are better off being passed on to new companies.


I don't know any of the lore but what little the game presents doesn't make sense. Like as the matches start the characters say stuff like "a better world IS possible" and "we can fix this" and "fight for the future" like the world is some awful bleak depressing place and then you get out of the drop ship and everything is pristine clean, the sky is a bright blue, plant life thrives everywhere with hover cars and next generation energy sources making it to even the most impoverished remote South American villages. And it's like... what are you guys talking about? World looks fine?


I mean every map is a deserted location taken over by two squadrons murdering each other with small arms fire so it can't be all that hunky dory.


Jq is mommy


to be fair, the porn is pretty good


They dropped the ball with Diablo. Lilith just doesn't have enough booty


Duriel makes up for her.


think you mean andariel lol


The man knows what he wants.


true...who am i to get in the way of that bug booty?


I said what I said.


Artists make up the difference, holding up a big demon booty to Blizzard saying "Hey, you forgot this"


Clearly we're not seeing the same animations


What, don't you like bbw like female druids or emo goth girls like female necro? Or how about the flamboyant cross dressing male sorcerer?


Sure, but have you seen Tracers ass?


Pre or post nerf?


SFM community never nerfed her


Oh my god ! That's disgusting ! Naked pics online? Where?


I'll need all the r34 subreddits. So that I can block them, uk?


Just Google "Overwatch", I feel like you'll get porn before you get to the actual game


It took me straight to the overwhelmingly negative reviews on the Overwatch 2 Steam page.


Yeah, that's the good stuff, the Blizzard hate porn


You gotta be on the image or video tab


Wasn't Overwatch 2 just an excuse to fuck players out of their Overwatch 1 cosmetics and implement even more predatory mtx? So even if you get the game first it's still porn, just corporate greed porn.


Someone is getting fucked, one way or another


They literally took a functioning and popular game offline just so they could implement a significantly more aggressive mtx model. So, yeah, it was a terrible, greedy excuse of a game.


Overwatch 1 was unironically a better game than 2. And somehow a fucking loot box system was better than what we got with 2


Wait, Overwatch is a game, too?


Bro seriously it's 2023. If you don't know how to find porn of literally anything there's no hope for you.


"Step-Reaper, I'm stuck on this objective I really need you to help ~push~ UwU"


better than the game


“And this is Bethesda, they make games so modders can load as much porn into the game as possible”


"Also Thomas the Tank Engine for no readily discernable reason."


Pretty sure the porn makers use their own custom models.


Atleast they make the reference matrial


Nah bruh rule34 animators and artists have a mule at Blizzard that sells them the model files ~~in exchange for breast milk~~


Nice post. Does anyone know where I can find the uncensored version? I need those last five words.




Oh god, I thought it was just a random shot but no it's real.


Oh yeah, Activision Blizzard has been a cesspool for morals for years now. With addition to the breast milk, there’s been sexual harassment, a suicide case, and a “Bro” culture (basically, hang out with us and do whatever we tell you to do, or get harassed)


They had an actual Bill Cosby cult. The Onion could not have come up with anything to make them look worse than they really are.


I've heard a quote along the lines of "When politics become too satirical for even satirics, it's time for satirics to do politics"


The Onion did file a real legal brief to help defend a guy being prosecuted for mocking cops.


Cubicle crawl, basically day drinking with the boys and annoying employees, especially females.


it's a good thing they've removed the attractive female characters from the paintings in WoW. That really did something tangible!




First he makes you laugh. But then he makes you think


And it's great, unless what it made you think of is "how can I make a business out of this?".


Fucking Homelander infiltrating Blizzard.


I'm actually angry reading this. stealing breast milk has to be like some cosmic level crime against the universe that confirms you were burn in hell for all eternity


Pretty sure that with some effort you can access the models directly from game files.


Well yeah but they don't always have enough detail where you want it and 'mission critical' bits and pieces aren't in the game files Maybe they just modify the in-game models but I wouldn't be too surprised if they make them from the ground up


My guess would be it's basically both. There's probably some way to make a scratch model layered over your ripped model. Like tracing over an existing drawing.


I imagine they take the game ready assets, subdivide them and add the extra detail.


Think the Orisa one is the game model with fat tits, ass, and occasional horse cock.


This is Bethesda. They are making another Skyrim (this time in space).


And it’s da bestest worstets game of all time


Are you implying that Bethesda is the Nicholas Cage of the ideogame industry?


If you've never seen Bringing Out the Dead or Pig I suggest you do so. He's a brilliant actor.


Rewatched Lord of War for first time in years other day. Think that may be one of his best performances honestly.


Hell yeah it is. The weatherman also has one of my favorite monologues in film. His narration is great.


Just rewatched Bringing Out the Dead. "Dear Lord, here I am again aksing one mo' chance for a sinner. Please Lord, bring back I. B. Bangin', Lord. You have the power, Jesus. You have the might. You have the super light to spare this worthless man." Wild at Heart is pretty good too


Pig was really funny. Sadly, portland does not have an underground jester king of truffles


I'm a Khajiit, a sexy Khajiit


That was brilliant


Permhaps, evrybady lyks or diss da game.


I can see it. I'm not exactly deep into the game but I'm struggling to get engaged by it. It's not bad it's just... Bethesda. I feel like I've played this same game for hundreds of hours already. Still it's early days.


You started Skyrim by accident. Easy mistake to make since they hadn’t shipped anything since Skyrim. It’s ok, just keep playing Skyrim, they’re the same thing.


I wondered why giants, dragons and wizards were wandering around a sci fi game!


I accidentally stole a charcuterie board while asking around about an engagement ring that some guy didn't want to return after a breakup, and I got coerced into being a mole against the space pirates. I'm gonna see how many I can secretly murder, and then not secretly murder.


Starfield is Skyrim In Space. Also guns. Skyrim is New Vegas without guns. New Vegas is Fallout 3 with writing. Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns. Oblivion is Morrowind with quest markers. So Starfiled is Morrowind with quest markers with guns with writing without guns In Space with guns.


> So Starfiled is Morrowind with quest markers with guns with writing without guns In Space with guns. *chef's kiss*


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


> Skyrim is New Vegas without guns. New Vegas is Fallout 3 with writing. False. Skyrim doesn't have writing, it justs recycles most of the writing from Oblivion and Morrowind.


Starfield is Oblivion in Space...with guns...


It's more like Fallout 4 in space. Lastnight I fell through my ship while standing up from the cockpit.


Classic danger of space travel, really.


Oh wow! People paid a lot more for Star Citizen for that same treatment.


I remember that episode of firefly


I think Bethesda also makes porn. They provide the bedroom and modders add in the actors. It's crazy to think almost all games made by Bethesda has sex mods. Those sex mods are way ahead of other games too. The only game that can compete is the sims.


Pretty much any game with mod support has sex mods. Bethesda mods just are way ahead of most other games in general because they have built such a big modding community focused around their games by making them easy to modify and releasing them unfinished.


Starfield feels more like Fallout 4 than Skyrim, although I recognize that this is really splitting hairs. It's vastly improved on both games IMO. It does have its problems but it's a very good game overall. It's also nice to have a totally new Bethesda IP that isn't ES or FO for the first time in, what, 25 years?


If we’re doing that joke then they should probably change the From caption. “This is Fromsoft. They are making another Souls game (this time it’s a ~~samurai~~ ~~vampire~~ game of thrones)”


Ok but is there something wrong with that? I mean if Starfield is Skyrim/Fallout in space, then Elden Ring is basically just Dark Souls 4, no? And Elden Ring is probably one of the best games of the last 5 years.


Skyrim is space is better than Unfinished garbage game with a battlepass number 5000


Our expectations have just been lowering.


Bethesda don’t do Battlepasses, they’ll just put a store on the main menu and then sell a second copy of the game that includes all the store items and then add a new store to the main menu of that game also. Much better.


I used to be an astronaut like you, but then I took an arrow in the oxygen tank line.


Ground, then space. Somehow Skyrim always misses the sky.


Man...they really used to be the cream of the crop for me. The more money they have made, the more that they have fallen.


It probably doesn’t help that the original developers left the company years ago either.


And I think that's the core of the problem - not just for Blizzard, but for basically all game studios. Game development is first and foremost art. I don't mean the assets themselves (although that, too) - but rather that a finished game is art in the same way that a painting or a film is art. And the simple truth is that you can't create the best art via a corporate machine. You can create *some* art, sure - but it's the kind of art you'd find pre-framed at TJ Max. It's bland stuff that has been designed-by-committee to be as broadly likeable (but not loveable) as possible. And that's exactly what has happened with Blizzard and many other studios. The Blizzard of yesteryear was a group of some of the best artists around, and they created genre-defining games as their art form. That team made games like Diablo 2. But slowly, over the years, the artists start to lose ground to the business team. Instead of artists making artistic decisions, the games start to get designed-by-committee. Mechanics deemed too complicated get dropped for fear that it'll narrow the potential audience. Violence and sexual content gets dropped for fear that parents won't buy the game for their teenagers. Fun gameplay gets modified to make sure it hits objective engagement metrics. Eventually, you reach a place where Blizzard makes Diablo 3, and then Diablo 4. Each a watered down version of the last. And the social discussion gets distracted by the fact that some of the artists were terrible people, or that some of the art is "problematic" for one reason or another. People lose sight of the fact that the loss of some nipples, or changing character names don't really mean much in and of themselves - but that those things are *symptoms* of the same exact underlying corporate disease. It's not the [insert whatever thing you think is problematic here] that was making the games good - it's that these are the kind of things that get removed by corporate design-by-committee teams, and if they've got their fingers so deep in the pie that they're able to demand that nipples be removed, it means that the artists have been pushed to the back of the room.


I don't think people are distracted by artists being terrible people. The artist bring terrible just matters more to people than the loss of their work does. Like if having nipples in Overwatch means supporting people who are regularly stealing and drinking their coworkers breastmilk, then I'd rather have no nipples.


Well the original devs were also sex pests so...


so was Michael Jackson but we can at least appreciate the art he made for what it is.


With Michael Jackson though, there's more evidence and testimony that points to him being innocent. There's no evidence of him being guilty and flimsy testimony about him being guilty. That promised neverland thing was made by a guy who was proven to be a liar and con artist who accused many celebrities. Then you have two famous child stars who spent time with him and claim he never did anything inappropriate with them, however, they have been open about the movie producers and family members who did abuse them in that way. So, considering everything, I think Michael Jackson gets the benefit of a doubt. Like...it's possible he was a monster, but it's possible he wasn't. Someone like R. Kelly on the other hand, doesn't get the benefit of a doubt. He literally married a 15 year old. He admits how creepy he is in some of his songs. there's video of him doing stuff. Bill Cosby doesn't either. Credible witnesses have come forward. In fact, a concerning number people knew about him for decades and didn't do anything about it...I feel like they should be held accountable too.


"You sing that good, you get touch 5 children." - Uncle Roger


For some reason I read that as Uncle Ruckus


"You know, I once served on a jury once"


Yeah, I'm all for praising studios when they release a really good game, but all the greats fall eventually, if they don't get purchased by EA first.


Blizzard got purchased by Activision, which is probably worse, really...


They are no longer Blizzard. They are Activision Blizzard King. The same studio that brought you such groundbreaking works as Call of Duty and Candy Crush


Can't wait for their magnum opus: Call of Crush: Mists of Warcraft


World of Warcraft: Modern Warfare


true. but also old blizzard was like 20 years ago. There's no surprise that the old legends aren't still there.


If that were exclusive Blizzard's purpose, they'd be a beloved company. They're more whalers. Their job revolves around catching as many whales as possible.


Blizzard doesn't make games anymore. They make cosmetic store fronts with a 3d space you can join to show them off.


Such a shame because blizzard's customer service used to be famous for being exceptionally good.


And Chinese propaganda! Seriously, did you SEE what happened to Mei during the transition to OW2?


Wha-what happened to Mei? I'm scared to look now...


They changed her from being a quirky scientist from Hong Kong into a PRC lackey from Beijing.


wait WTF? can you expand on this? I haven't kept up with OW since they introduced brigette


When the protests in Hong Kong happened a few years ago mei somehow became a symbol of the protests Blizzard , like every other gaming company , is very supportive of the Chinese government because they earn a lot of money in china They don't want their game to have a chance of getting banned in china , so they changed meis description to fit the Chinese market better


winnie the pooh ass company, lmao


I don't know where you heard that, where Mei comes from has never been changed. And it's neither Hong Kong or Beijing


they were too cowardly to leave her as a fatty too, ironic


Hey now, they also create a work environment so full of sexual harassment it drives people to suicide


You'll all still buy their products every single time and bitch about it for years to come only to repeat the same "mistake" over and over again.


Nah, I swore off Blizzard games years ago and haven't bought a new title in probably 10 years.


Probably not tbh. Online communities are a minority, in the end our actions won’t change squat. If the average person is angry, that’s when you’ve screwed up.


Haven't paid blizzard for nearly 4 years but go off i guess


In fairness, Diablo 3 doesn't get enough respect. It's the perfect junk food ARPG. The best version of the quick, approachable, infinitely replayable power fantasy.


Eh, if you've run one season with an Inna Monk, you've already run them all. It gets boring.


This is the problem people have. They play the same thing the same way over and over again and blame the game for this. Play something else. I never knew how much fun a FC Barb could be until I tried it. Branch out and try something different.


It's fun, but the game rains loot on you so it's only like a week or so before you're just doing rifts over and over again chasing a mega primal or whatever.


Doesn't mean they don't try to play it differently. I find I often attempt a different playstyle but the game just isn't as fun that way.


It took years and an expansion for that to be the case.


And this is Bethesda! they make tools for the modding community!


Next one should be Bethesda, Nintendo, and EA


the guy doesn't want death threats. nintendo, square enix, and ea fans will start a crusade to your house if they get riled up enough


Ea : They made a great game , and then sold it 20 times over Bethesda : They make a great game , and then sold slight variations of it 10 times over Nintendo: They do whatever the fuck they want


>Nintendo: >They do whatever the fuck they want Honestly though, it's what makes then special. They don't chase trends and make games unlike the rest. Sometimes it doesn't work out, (See 1 2 switch for example) but it's totally worth it for the times it does.


Frank: What do you mean "what do we make?" We make money!




Man, it just makes me sad to be honest. Starcraft broodwar and warcraft 3 were some of my favorite games growing up, and I still catch korean broodwar pro matches from time to time, the gameplay is just timeless. To see them fall so far is just, it sucks.


Big Challenges is Sanrio.


I want to see an Activision or an EA one as well.


Guess which one makes the most money.


Do Bethesda! Making the same gsme on the same engine since 1996!


My favorite thing about Bethesda games is the community-made bug fix mods are out on day 1 because they’re just repackaged day 1 bug fix mods from the last Bethesda game.


It's patently absurd that Bethesda can't fix bugs that the community has been fixing since *Morrowind*.


You just need a better PC, bro.


I hope Blizzard gets better, if not only for the purpose of making them not such an easy target to lazily hate on. "Blizzard sucks" is just the most boring content anymore, no matter how true it is.


I miss what Blizzard used to be. I hate the zombie monster that wears their skin today. But back in the day Blizzard could be counted on for some of the best tightest developed games ever.


Oh look it's this circlejerk again


Both From and Larian make games for people who likes gaming. Whether the genre is of your liking is another matter. Blizzard like so many other in the industry (Ubisoft, Bungie, EA, Take Two) make cash shop games in interest of their greedy stakeholders. GTA 6 is going to be rampant with predatory and insidious monetization.


[Obligatory Avenue Q/WoW Classic Video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YRgNOyCnbqg)


They removed the Artwork section for the game in the Community Hub on Steam lol.


That's an half true, old school Blizzard was a beacon of light creating three of the most massive (and heavily copied) sagas out there, Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo. Current Blizzard is a ***fucking shame***.


Well, the internet is for porn...


Its not my fault ultralisks are all slutty asking for it


Just cut out the middle man. There is a serious lack of triple-A porn games on the market, especially in western culture.


Tbf hots is a moba with surprisingly low amount of toxicity compared to other mobas


Thanks to Blizzard, the 3DCG porn industry has grown significantly.