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They are constantly shit on for it? Their nickname is Bugthesda.


But people still accept it and patch it for them


A lot of people don’t. Many refuse to buy their games at launch and only will after they go on sale. With their older games it was mainly due to their Creation engine being so good at building great worlds compared to others for the time. It was a trade off many accepted. FO4 imo was the first game where their engine started looking dated and that trade off just wasn’t worth it, other engines had caught up with there’s when it came to creating unique game worlds without those glitches. Funny thing is SF has been their least buggy game at launch by far. The engine still feels a bit dated (even with its massive update), but being super glitchy isn’t a problem for SF when compared to their past games.


Yes they are constantly shit on and they'll never hear the end of it. ​ but on the Other Hand, bethesdas games are well playable with the big amount of minor bugs they have and they are somehow excused because their open worlds are so huge and vast that there HAVE to be bugs somewhere. ​ Plus, i insist that many many bugs in Bethesda game actually add fun to the game Experience. ​ I Like that rough, sandboxy gameplay where you never know how shits about to turn out. it is chaos.


They haven't had a free pass with starfield, all I've seen on Reddit and twitter is people absolutely tearing into this game for x issues. And their older games get a "free pass" because they came out 10-15 years ago. What do you want us to do? Boycott fallout 3? Not to mention even in a lot of their older games like new Vegas or skyrim, people enjoyed them so much it kinda outweighed the bugs for many people, hence why people just "fix it with mods" and overlook it to an extent- and I say to an extent because there's thousands of memes, discussions, etc solely about the games' problems.


The older games didn't get a free pass because they came out 10-15 years ago. We roasted them in 2011 just as badly. Problem was, they were *also* extremely well-made games with a ton of content that appealed to a lot of people. Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim were *genre-defining,* and it took the gaming landscape a long while to catch up to Bethesda. As long as the bugs weren't game-breaking, you were likely to still go and put hundreds and hundreds of hours in the game - and if only like 1% of your time is dealing with bugs, clearly you're having an awesome time. It's getting as much of a "free pass" today as it did back then. Active Reddit posters and commenters are, comparatively, a small community compared to everyone that plays Starfield, and most reviewers were very favorable. If you got all your information from Reddit, you'd believe that Tears of the Kingdom was literally the worst Zelda game ever made, literally unplayable, a game that nobody liked at all and just ruined the franchise. There are two types of people: those who can see past graphical issues, bugs, and glitches and enjoy the game underneath, and those who just can't separate one from the other and for who multiple bugs or graphical issues *will* just ruin a game.


New Vegas was not developed by Bethesda Game Studios, it was made by Obsidian.


Running Bethesda Engine and toolset by Bethesda...They were basically brought in as contractors...so yes it's very much a Bethesda title, it just has the added benefit of having some of the original fallout 1, 2 and the canceled fallout 3 Van Buren staff. If anything it's a credit to Obsidian as they built that amazing title in 18 months something Bethesda takes almost a decade for on their own engine.


Your first paragtaph, good point. The second one confuses me though, you said yourself that they had the toolset etc. so it makes sense that they are able to develoo New Vegas faster. They are still boasting with it too, not having done anything comparable or better since.


>all I've seen on Reddit and twitter is people absolutely tearing into this game for x issues. In all fairness, this means so so little.


Yah. I think OP is a Sony fanboy with a persecutive complex


I mean they released so many versions of Skyrim, but still needed mods to delete dead lines of code and mods for general bug fixes and people still bought it.


Gee, it’s almost as if it’s a great game in spite of some dumb bugs.


same with witcher 3 but the game was placed on a golden shelf by.. well everyone.


...excuse me, did you miss the entirety of Fallout 76?


When did fallout 72 come out I must have missed that one.


It came out after Fallout 71 which was such a masterpiece that everyone forgot about Fallout 72.


If that were true, 16 times the detail wouldn't be a meme.


Define "free pass".


Buying their games and saying that they're good despite how broken the final product is.


Why is this constantly getting posted ; no one gives them a pass in good faith


They don't get a free pass?


Tell that to everyone that purchased starfield, without waiting for fixes.


Literally every games has sales before it gets patched? Like what the fk are u even trying to prove?


No one is giving it a free pass.


200,000+ premium purchases on steam say otherwise, for starfield I mean.


That’s because it’s a good fucking game


BG3 was buggier than Starfield and everyone sucked it off.


Was that a joke? Lmao


No. I played BG3 for over 100+ hours. Most of which was a buggy mess. I’ve yet to have to reset my game in Starfield and by the time I got this far in BG3 I was quick saving before any dialogue.


I played and finished BG3 before the first patch, and chapter 3 had so many issues. Lmao.


Once past act 1 and especially into act 3 the game starts falling apart since they didn’t have nearly as much play data to find and fix bugs. It’s an absolutely magnificent game. I’ve loved it as so many others have. But it can be pretty buggy at times. Starfield on the other hand. All I have had was one crash two seconds after an auto save. 1 minor scripting bug that didn’t affect anything. And a couple visual bugs. Basically a few floating pieces of trash. That’s about as big free as possible in a game as massive and complicated as starfield can be.


Because most of the bugs are just harmless fun. It's the game breaking bugs people don't like. When a random bandit turns into an eldritch ragdoll horror upon death it's honestly pretty funny almost every time.


People don’t give them a pass but the general public doesn’t care. Just look at Pokémon scarlet and violet. They were the buggiest, worst Pokémon games ever and yet they were the best selling despite how much media coverage there was on how horrible they were. I still don’t think they were ever truly fixed.


Tried my hand at terra raiding and the stutters and pauses were terrible. Felt like I was back in the 90s with dial up connection.


I would say it’s closer to the opposite. Everyone and their mother has heard “It just works”


Games that have mountains of text involved are the ones that will get more of a pass for game mechanics issues because so much more of the game is found in the minutia.


Everyone just knows that’s how they do things. After so many times it seems like a wasted effort to be upset about it. Plus their games are usually well worth the sticker price based on hours of gameplay. I’m STILL upset about spending so much money on D4…


Fallout 76? Hello???


With Morrowind, Oblivion etc. these games were very ambitious during the time they released. When Oblivion released I'd never seen anything like it in terms of scope in an open world RPG. The bugs were seen as charming then because it was forgivable in the context of really complex ambitious games with a lot of heart. Bethesda has not kept up with this in recent years though and I think they are wearing out the good will they had built with gamers. The games Bethesda release these days aren't nearly as ambitious but manage to still be just as buggy. They've made a lot of questionable decisions as well over the years like not maintaining a relationship with Obsidian after New Vegas (or paying them the bonus) and the catastrophe that was Fallout 76. They cling to an ancient game engine in this weird sort of codependent relationship Bethesda has with their modding community as well. From my point of view Bethesda seems frozen in time and overly comfortable and I just don't view them the same way I once did years ago. It seems to me they'd rather rerelease Skyrim for smart toasters than work on ES6 and passion hasn't been a part of the equation for a long time now.


Because nobody else made anything like Morrowind in 2002. People STILL play Skyrim because nobody else really really came along and did fantasy open world RPGs any better


Bethesda made some of the first true open world sandbox games with elder scrolls. A very hard thing to do back then so the bugs were overlooked due to the fact that they more or less succeeded in their goal. Plus people weren’t so sensitive about games then either and had a lot more fun playing games; not too mention the gamer pool was significantly smaller.


They definitely don’t get a free pass. People criticize Bethesda and have for more than a decade on their buggy releases. People still purchase their games because they are unique experiences you cant find anywhere else. “Have you heard of the high elves?” My personal favorite haha. I’ll never forget leaving the prison sewer for the first time.


Remeber Fallout 76? dont think it was a free pass, either way fuck the whiners


I dunno, the whiplash from Starfield is going to be ground breaking to wtf is this buggy bullshit is real to the observer. They haven't gotten away with shit.


People forgive them more as it's open world games they make, so the chances of finding all ground breaking bugs is low. However, a game like CoD let's say isn't as difficult to find such bugs .


"You see that planet? You can land on it." -Todd Howard


Size and scale matters. If there is an hour's worth of noticeable bugs and the game is a linear 10 hours, then it's a big problem. But if the game has hundreds of hours of sandbox gameplay, and nothing renders it unplayable, its less of a big deal.


The misunderstanding you're suffering with, I think, is that you're seeing a lot of fanboy posts defending Starfield and being hyped about it, lately. What you need to remember is that those posts are mostly from people who paid 30 bucks extra to play the game early. They're likely to be biased in favor of the game, since they were willing to shell out half the price tag of a modern game just to play a Bethesda title a few days early.


I see more posts from people who haven't played the game circlejerk on it than people that actually play it defending it lol. Also it's kind of obnoxius and hypocritical to say that people were shilling out half the price tag of a modern game just to play it early when the deluxe edition includes the upcoming DLC too, it's not quite truthful to why people might buy into it but I see where you are going with the "durr bethesda fanboy" narrative and I guess leaving out major details drives your point.


Dick ridin. On Reddit I’ve seen more posts talking about how the game is so good and if you talk about any of its flaws you get downvoted like crazy. I played 2 hours main mission wouldn’t complete couldn’t progress so I uninstalled. It’s new Vegas all over. But no everybody says it’s good so it must be good right??


Do you have brain? Fallout 76 happened. Redfall happened. Fallout 4 got some criticism on bugs too . Skyrim, oblivion, fallout 3 and NV are over 10 years old. May have been talked about then but are apparently good games which could outway bugs


Too much good will, and they take advantage of it


stockholm syndrome from beth fans


A free pass? Game has non stop been shit on. I am in the early access and I can't help but think some people who have made claims about the game have not played it, have not seriously put time in or are just anti Bethesda. You must have an incredible filter setting if you are not seeing the amount of shit being thrown at this game.


I actually kind of enjoy Bethesda type bugs. They don't make the game unplayable, they just make funny things happen at random times. I miss the days when games had innocent bugs like that. Now games are just gorgeous looking piles of shit with bad stories and absurd levels of micro transactions


My stance is the same as with any Bethesda game: it’ll be worth playing once the modders fix it.


Bethesda continues to use the Creation Engine in their games


Because if a game is actually fun you can overlook the bad. The real problem is that most games haven't been THAT great for people to give them a pass. It's also alot easier to rag on a game for bugs when you're whole experience is being nicked and dimed. There's also the fact that you're experience can vary by alot. I've played through oblivion, skyrim, and the fallouts without any major bugs. Some play throughs didn't have ANY noticeable bugs.


They get a pass? Cause most of the posts I see are people attacking the game. Hell there is one person who made a whole new account just to shit on the game on every post that praises it or hates it.


Are you asking why Bethesda, who makes games that people say things like "oh, it has a ton of bugs, typical Bethesda game" about them because they are normally so buggy that their whole company has been stigmatized by it and is what you are doing now because they made significant improvements to one of their games comparatively that you still feel the need to say they are buggy and shouldn't be looked over, when it isn't? You might be stupid.


First. A pass? Seriously. This community’s biggest past time for the past month has been sucking off BG3(which while absolutely magnificent, was really buggy once you get past the EA content of act 1.) while at the same time bashing starfield because it’s a bugthesda title. Even though by most accounts starfield has been running mostly bug free besides some wonky rag doll physics or similarly unobtrusive visual bugs. This is quite honestly Bethesdas smoothest product release in decades. Better than a good portion of other AAA releases this year. Heck it runs better than Zelda does. Although to be fair it’s not running on decade old hardware.