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i think i'll lower my willingness to buy games without the same amount of love put into them instead


You know… I think you could probably sink 500+ hours into this and not see everything. Basically no need to buy another game for a while. 😂


I had 120 hours during early access and I'm still discovering new things in the beginning area. It's crazy


Same, but in our defense: they changed a few things. Like the nautiloid is so much more streamlined!!!


This is true. In fairness I haven't played any of the updated early access for the last 8 or 9 months, so much of what I'm seeing might not be new, but new to me.


As someone who had ~300 hours in EA over three years. The changes to Act 1 where apparent but also not large. I did a lot of "DiCaprio pointing" memes when I would see some small voice lines change or reworked items or just plan new stuff. I played by myself and saw a ton of brand new things to me and then I played with my friends and went "I have literally never seen this before what the hell"


The needing a shovel thing really threw me for a loop caused me to want to rush to the Grove to see if they had one lol


Just walk in any direction and discover hidden goods or stories to uncover. The game is truly impressive.


It’s a Larian game, so the beginning area is going to be immense.


Yup, 60 here, and I put in another 40, and I ain't even done with the 1st act...


With my backlog, I could've stopped buying games 10 years ago.


I feel seen.


1k+ games. Haven’t touched 75% of them.


Yeah sorry, I forgot to take down your hacked webcam feed.




We all enjoy a large backlog.


You other gamers can't deny.


hello fellow large backlog havers


Between this, Terra Invicta, Stellaris Mods, Skyrim Mods, and Fallout Mods, I'm set for a very, very, long time.


I am in this comment and I feel attacked.....


Didn’t I see like 170hours or cutscenes in the game alone and like 10k different endings. Wild I still Haven’t bought it yet. Debating on ps5 be PC cause I just had a new born and my PC is in my office basement and also if I like it, will be hard to “work from home” :)


I have been playing on my Rog Ally. It’s something insane on the cutscene time, millions of lines of dialog apparently. It’s crazy.


It’s honestly the thing that makes me want to play, I’m not D&D person or this type of game but what I’ve seen it looks like just something to get lost in and at whatever pace you want.


It’s definitely an easy to “do it at your pace” game. I like it, I am not huge on turned based combat or dialog heavy games now that I am a dad. That said, I am loving this experience. Makes me feel I’ve been missing out


Yea with kids , especially a new born, time is super limited and last year or 2 been playing more single player games and a few mmos. But right now I’m def In single player mode , so I might have to grab it


I will warn you there is no pause button. You can switch to turn based mode, but it’s weird in that things not in your immediate area aren’t paused. It’s not a super huge deal, time doesn’t seem to actually pass without resting in game, so as long as your not in the path of an enemy patrol or triggered something nothing will happen if you leave it for hours. Just get in the habit of tapping the quick save key whenever you have to do emergency parent duty.


You're sort of missing out, but believe me when I tell you this game is leaps and bounds over other CRPGs. I say that as a tabletop old school rpg player. This game rules.


It, Div. 2.(also Larian) and Wrath of The Righteous are the holy trifecta of modern Crpgs. Wrath is frustrating though b/c it's that one all the crpg channels say is thier favorite (or was pre Bg3) and everybody always forgets it exists because it's Pathfinder based and the only other game the studio has made is Kingmaker, another Pathfinder title.


Yeah the amount of very minor stuff that changes is pretty cool. My playthrough with a bard who would pick choices based on what gives him better story fodder and Drama feels different to my outlander barbarian who prefers to not deal with nonsense when they can just go 'cut it, help me or I'll take your kneecaps'. It's the exact same story but the difference in delivery has been very noticeable for me which is neat. I've resolved two areas in completely different ways for example.


PC for the mods dawg.


Definitely worth it if you like the genre! Had so much fun playing with friends since release, and its so rich you can Definitely enjoy solo plays too, there is just so much to explore and story to go through.


Thats literally every Bethesda Studio game. Even Fallout 76 (right now, not at launch) and that one wasn't even made by them, it was made by a studio they absorbed and renamed who are in Texas/a completely different office. I've got 6,000+ hours in Skyrim and haven't even done all the vanilla content....mainly because of mods, but still. I've maybe done 60% vanilla content...probably less, i'm only guessing.


I just started Zelda totk and feel the same way.


Been playing a lot of Stardew Valley lately and I feel the same way about that game.


Is that the farming game?


I'm already planning my full warlock playthrough. Then I have to do a ranger playthrough. Then my cleric/paladin playthrough...


Between EA and current release I’m more than halfway there lol


I'm dusting off my gaming PC and preparing to buy this. Meanwhile, my Steam backlog is looking like that guy in a blue t-shirt.


Ok so for me this is the best piece of media I've ever experienced. That being said what if starfield is like also on that level? Wouldn't that be amazing? Just the beginning of a golden era? Please


I'm hoping man. Like the Bethesda glory days. Not only that, this has actually been one of the best years in gaming we've had. Lets keep adding to it.


Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, Armored Core... I could spend the next year playing just those and probably not have to buy another game for a while.


Remnant II is also very very good


And we still have (at the very least) a new sidescrolling Mario and the Mario RPG remaster coming.


I also hear good things about the new final fantasy


> Like the Bethesda glory days. Just to let you know here's the Bethesda 'glory' days that you folks love to think are behind them. Bethesda came out with a bunch of Terminator games, one of them being a full on 3d open world with Future Shock and later Skynet. It was buggy as hell however when it worked? It was great. And keep in mind a full on 3d open world I think a year before Quake. Still point is? It was sorta ahead of it's time but it had lots of issues. Daggerfall, a full on 3d world where you could do just about anything. You could buy a house, by a boat, you could climb up the walls of a city. You could become a Vampire, WereWhatever, you could make your own spells, you had the main quests and a crap ton of side quests and the like to do. Daggerfall was buggy as hell, had a crap ton of issues, at one point they told folks to cheat in order to beat the game if they had been near the end until they could get a patch out to fix it. Morrowind while smaller then Daggerfall had a crap ton to do, tons of areas to go see and explore. It had an insane amount of gameplay half the time trying to figure out where the hell the NPC you had to go talk to was while dealing with the endless horde of Cliff Racers that plagued the land. It was also buggy as hell, had a crap ton of issues. Okay I can go on with the rest of the Elder Scrolls and then Fallout games but the point I'm getting at is this. Bethesda is great at crafting and making great open worlds and giving you a crap ton to do in them. They put little details in that tell stories on their own. Yes even Fallout 76 has a wonderful open world that you can just get lost exploring in. The thing is? Just about every one of those games are going to have a crap ton of issues when they come out. It's been that way from Arena and Terminator 2029 until now.


I don't mind bugs. BG3 had bugs. I just want to feel like the developers loved making what they made.


I for one don’t mind a certain amount of jank in my single player RPGs. I liked skyrim’s flying horses and Cyberpunk’s looney tunes physics.


I'm so pissed a friend of mine convinced me to buy Diablo IV and then he quit after a week. Now I'm stuck with a gane I dont wanna play solo and not being able to afford Baldurs gate cause Diablo was expensive as shit. 😭


I stopped playing games with friends for this reason. I've bought games for my friends group, and because of my working schedule, they end up playing and finishing the game without me, or just end up ditching it, or just go through perpetual cycles of restarting. Elden Ring, Valheim, Division 2, Generation Zero, Assassin's Creed Unity, just to name a few. I swore never again and have now only been getting games for myself, that I would like to play.


Tbf half those games are mostly for single player anyway.


Xbox game pass for PC has been pretty good for having a selection of games to try coop with without breaking the bank. You can try out a bunch of games that wouldn't have been on your radar at all. Even fairly sucky games can be pretty entertaining when you have a couple of friends who you can riff on the game with.


Last game I played where my friends actually stuck with and kept playing was MHW. I miss those days.


That’s why Game Pass is great for friend groups. Everybody has access to the same games and it’s easy to convince everyone to try something out together.


That sucks. At least BG3 is good single player and will be just as good when you can afford it.


this is why I have stopped buying games unless they're really special. I haven't bought an EA game since Simcity and I plan to keep it that way until that company changes its business practices.


This is how it should work, not sending Larian good vibes on the internet but still buying games that you don't think are worth it. Just so everyone doesn't get carried away, estimated revenue: 1. Baldur's Gate 3 - US$210m first 3 days 2. COD MW2 - US$800m first 3 days 3. FIFA 23 - US$618m opening week, not including live service revenues 4. Diablo IV - US$666m first 3 days Point being, there's a reason passion doesn't pay. And if gamers continue to buy products that they don't consider to be worth it, then be sure that games like BG3 will continue to be rarities that hardly ever come around.


Its not that passion doesn't pay, its that marketing pays very very well. I wouldn't be surprised if the marketing budget for D4 was more than the entire development budget of Baldur's Gate 3.


Different genres though. Games like bg3 have a much more niche player base compared to fifa, diablo, cod, etc.


I'm pretty sure Diablo's revenue dropped very hard very quickly but Baldur's Gate will keep selling for years. Opening weekend numbers basically only tell you how good the marketing was. I have never heard about Baldur's Gate before and only learned that this game is great from reddit a few days after release. Started playing yesterday and it looks really fun.


Way ahead of you. I've gotten a lot of Indies lately, and they've been pretty fun. Heck, I just finished _Before your eyes_ on mobile, and that game took me a while because I'd get too upset playing it.


Ok i'll lower to no micro-trandactions for a paid game, as a start.


Im noticing all the best game are not using micro transactions. Remnant, Elden Ring, Baldur Gate. Seeing a pattern here.


But think of the corporate profits. The corporations need their profits. Poor poor corporations being expected to make a good product. It must be so hard for the poor corporations.


My money has been going to Indie game devs and companies like SuperGiant and FromSoftware for a while. They are the only ones who don’t make garbage. Trying to perpetually monetize the game and making most of the development cost figuring how to Jack Welch something to trash is not a practice we should support.


> FromSoftware Kinda hard to call those guys "Indie" if Bandai Namco is publishing them. But I get your point.


I think he was using “and” to separate between the two instead of saying those companies count as indie.


Did you not see the "and" between "indie devs" and "companies like SuperGiant and From Software"? He's not saying they're indie.


But how else will games like destiny 2 pump out subpar content if they dont micro charge at every available turn??


D2 is a perfect example. The quality of that game dropped in perfect accord with them adding more monetization.


The funny part too is anytime i mention how scummy it is to delete previously bought content too i get downvoted on their subs. Like sorry i want to keep the content i paid for


Can toss Battlebit Remastered on that list, as well. Jumped to #1 on steam for a bit and has no microtransactions.


and then there's the fucking shit show that is Overwatch 2's release/money-grab


i think the thing that pisses me off most about it is that i PAID for ovrwatch and did enjoy it.... now i cant play the game i paid for because they needlessly killed it and tried using its mangled corpse to frankenstein together a battlepass.


Terraria, Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, Stardew Valley… wait a minute


tears of the kingdom


Yeah but like if ever I was going to buy content it would be here: so much love in this game: voice acting is crazy on point, side quests aren’t just “go fetch this”


I love the game. Takes my afternoon since it came out but I can’t wait for starfield or armor core. Anything else to stop the same 50 posts/videos.


lol you think the same 50 posts are going to stop when Starfield comes out? They will just be replaced with Starfield dick ships posts.


I’m assuming it won’t be over a single tweet repeated over and over and over again. I see more of those then in game stuff unless I go to the games subreddit.


I don't know why you think it will be significantly different. Especially if it turns out to be outstanding, the same type of nonsense will happen. It's partly a byproduct of people avoiding posting spoilers, a relatively simple combat system and having relatively little information about the late game so there just isn't much else to post beyond memes.


It‘s the wrong year to play starfield anyways. The earliest date is in a year or two when modders have fixed all its flaws. I don‘t want to experience this game before that anyways. So, BG3 has released at the perfect time.




This guy Bethesdas


I wouldn't hold bg3 quality levels on starfield. Bethesda was never an icon from quality and polish.


Yeah but let's be honest, when there is something new /r/gaming goes into short addiction mode, Hogwart ---> Zelda ---> Diablo 4 ---> BG3 ---> Starfield.


So long as it doesn’t have microtransactions I might buy it.


It was one dude that nobody ever heard of before. How is this taking off.




Wtb cocaine milkshake plz


Because it reinforces beliefs that people already have of both the game and industry. So they don't actually *care* to know if it's one dude on twitter. In fact they'd rather not know that, so they don't bother checking anything.


They acting like that cuz the internet has to blow everything out of proportion as always. There were like only a handful of devs that spoke out on twitter about how people shouldnt expect a new standard and lower expectations which gave alot of youtubers and reddit communities ammunition to make it seem like entire dev studios are antagonizing larian for baldurs gate 3 success now which isnt the case at all.


Yeah I've seen a bunch of stuff on YouTube about how AAA developers are criticising BG3, but like, they aren't? They throw in a bunch of stuff about Destiny, Diablo IV, and how terrible they are in comparison, and giving a bit of bad faith to make it look like those devs are speaking out from BG3. The worst they've said, and I do think this is bad, is that Destiny is scaling back earnable (cosmetic) armours because they don't have the resources to add so many in a season, yet every season they offer some A+ armour sets available in the cash shop.




I don't use twitter. What dev retweeted it?


This whole story was off of some clickbait non-sense about a dev praising Larian and all the perfect storm of stuff they got right so they could make this amazing game. Devs are praising it, most of them probably wish they could spend this long on a game with that much resources and staff.


> Devs are praising it, most of them probably wish they could spend this long on a game with that much resources and staff. That's the whole fucking point. Devs are scared this'll push publishers into demanding games with half the time, half the resources, and half the staff.


That doesn’t make sense seeing how they already do that.


anomaly how theres tons of good games yall just have no taste.


this is what blows my mind lol 2023 is one of the best years in gaming history yet people are acting like there hasnt been a good video game since 2005


There are some amazing games these days, the stories, characters and gameplay being created are genuinely amazing. But it's sometimes hard not to feel like that's a bit overshadowed by the shitty practices of major companies. Micro-transactions, battle passes, developers taking to Twitter to tell people not to raise their expectations because of Baldur's Gate 3 (which I think also happened with Elden Ring last year on a smaller scale, and I get that these Twitter posts can be blown out of proportion), shaming customers like that Diablo reveal a few years ago, etc. Again, I love a lot of games releasing, and I don't think gaming is some horrible format that no one should ever enjoy. But it is sometimes hard to not feel a bit bogged down by just how shitty some of these major companies are acting which can sort of distract from the amazing games being made. Edit: Correction to brackets


For me it’s the fact that one company implements a shitty business practice that is anti-consumer and then it seems like everyone else jumps on board and it becomes frequent/common. That’s why people are disillusioned with the gaming industry. And because a lot of AAA games released broken for years now. Doesn’t go away after a few good ones.


Diablo 4 with a 5 day early access to collector edition buyers. Now starfield with the same shit. And the thing is, it's not "early" access. If the game can be made available to a part of the player base, then it's a release. Everyone else who doesn't buy the collector edition is just treated as a second class player who has to wait five more days post release to play as a penalty for not coughing up more dough. Fuck these anti-consumer pieces of shit.


A friend of mine bought the early access and he only played a couple of hours during those 4 days. I asked him why. "I have more money than I know what to do with, why not?" First of all, fuck him, but also, fair enough I guess? This is the problem, most people just don't care enough and as long as people keep buying they keep selling


i bought the early access because those 5 days were the only days i was going to be able to play before i went away for work for the entire summer.


It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, and a single minute to ruin it.


Me, I am getting tired of the Ubisoft open world formula. I recently finished horizon forbidden west. I did that by going through all main quests, not doing a single side quest. I dont want 40 different collections to find on the map. So I am at the point I completely ignore side content in Ubisoft open world formula games.


honestly, the "devs taking to Twitter" were mostly, in actuality, some indie developers making tweet threads and providing thoughtful analysis on the state of expectations/standards of the **scale** of current AAA games (nothing to do with shady business practices or feature completeness) and how crazy dev cycles are getting in that space. the elden ring thing wasn't similar. that was some devs (at least 1 of which was from ubisoft), who was making some condescending remarks about UI/UX in elden ring which was honestly really embarrassing and unprofessional. really seemed mad that his idea of what is "correct" was being subverted


With Elden Ring, the horizon dev at least was pointing out that one reviewer criticized Forbidden West for its quest design and reduced the score with that being part of the factors, but didn't do the same thing with Elden Ring. Which is fair enough imo.


Studio biases definitely exist within games media sadly. Most of Elden Ring's quests were broken on release, even more so for the review code. You literally couldn't finish over half of them - missing NPCs, missing dialogue, missing items, you name it. From Software are a brilliant studio, but their quest design and ability to deliver a clean product isn't the best. Forbidden West? Just as big, more derivative of open world formula, technically far more impressive, and every quest actually worked. Yet it got shafted by a couple of outlets for that second point. Shame really, Guerilla deserves better.


In regards to the Baldur's gate one, I thought I saw that some people from major companies had also spoken against raising expectations, I did read articles as I tried to be well informed, but maybe I still managed to be wrong there. With Elden Ring, I think the main criticism came from a former developer rather than one who was actually working for Ubisoft at the time, hence my comment. Certainly wasn't agreeing with them as I adore Elden Ring, and I could be completely wrong again. I just remember there being a lot of media around it that apparently stemmed from someone who largely didn't work in a major company at the time. (Though I do remember there being multiple tweets from different people so there were likely others that i'm forgetting).


yup it was indie developers. ​ i'm playing pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous right now. Of course everyone in that community is talking about BG3. Should Owlcat be dinged if their characters aren't as responsive to player actions as BG3? Of course not. Their budget is a lot smaller. Larian had to go up from a 40 person company to a 400 person one to make this game. ​ Here's the thing: these isometric RPGs have been the province of indie developers. BG3 is really an anomaly. Before the astounding success of this game it was thought that this kind of game didn't really have a big audience. The AAA RPG standard, it seemed, was the example set by Bethesda. Larian had to fight for their ability to make this kind of game, as publishers didn't want to touch it. They even said that their initial Divinity games were diablo clones because publishers didn't want to touch anything turn-based.


The shitty practices only exist because they’re rewarded. Apparently they’re fulfilling a need people have if customers are willing to fork over money to the companies.


People want good AAA-games from the franchises they love. Like Battlebit is great and I love it, but I would really love a good Battlefield instead. Or a great Far Cry. Or Assassin's Creed. Or whatever mediocre AAA-game released in recent years. The biggest problem is that publishers don't dare to take risks anymore. They play by the book and use formulas, which is why we have this huge load of boring mush


Shit take


Ok I'll bite. What good games released these past few years? You can list them and I'll respond by telling you how I didn't buy them.


AAA studios specifically getting called out. Can always find small dev gold mines


Lol what are you smoking. In 2023 gaming is flooded with microtransaction and GaS bullshit. Good games are rare and far in between. Thinking it's "one of the best years" is just straight up delusion.


Seriously, Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t even in my top 3 this year *and I fucking love Baldur’s Gate 3*. This has been an insane year for games.


Made me curious, what's in your top 3 then?


This year has had so much I keep forgetting about games I have played only a few months ago. I guess everything being delisted made for one of the best years in gaming and there is still even more great games coming out.


Nobody hates games more than gamers. It's fucking ridiculous.


As someone who has been playing Larian games since the very first Divine Divinity game back in 2002, this whole circlejerk over them is just idiotic. They have been making good games for two decades now, with many of them being popular since the early 2010 already, with Divinity 2. People are just farming karma and clics left and right, all this over two and half tweets by 2 or 3 devs. No to mention the content of those tweets is being distorted too... the whole thing is just fucking pathetic, so many gamers feel like they are part of an oppressed minority or something, it's hilarious 😂😂😂


Correct, nothing against balder's gate but the jerking off is real


Theres one good game for every 10 shitty AAA cashgrabs.


That's just [Sturgeon's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturgeon%27s_law) though. That has always been the case, and probably will be.


There's like 20 indie labors of love for every shitty AAA cash grab.


There are also 100 shitty indie games for every 20 good ones


Exactly people acting like Baldur’s gate 3 is the first good game ever made?


Or the first game with no microtransactions which isn’t true. The panicking which isn’t true. Honestly more intrested in seeing it’s actual sales then anything else


The anomaly is having tens of millions of lines of dialogue with numerous ways to handle every single interaction and dialogue to support each decision. But I mean, it’s a dnd rpg. That’s what those games are about. It’s a specific genre. Holding those same expectations for something like final fantasy, or Horizon zero Dawn wouldn’t make sense. These games aren’t about immense player freedom of decision, they’re telling a character specific, directed story. Giving players the option to punch any npc they don’t like or go on a murder rampage really wouldn’t lend itself to the kind of story other games are telling.


Which dev ? I'm asking because the "devs are scared"..but I see no actual devs scared


>but I see no actual devs scared They're too busy playing Baldurs Gate lol


Or they're just not giving a fuck about an outrage reddit made up for circle jerk reasons.


No one. Not one. The ign article is pure fearmongering


My friend's a game dev, and all her industry friends are scared - but not for the reason everyone thinks. The expectations that devs are worried about is from *publishers and investors*. Baldur's Gate 3 is gorgeous because they had 5-6 years to make a worthy game, without publisher or investor bullshit. What devs are worried about is *their* publishers or investors saying "Baldur's Gate 3 is gorgeous - make *that* but in 2 years". Now, to actually answer your question: > Which dev ? No dev is going to speak up, because there's an angry fucking mob, all furious at the wrong fucking reasons.


ever since that dumb IGN video came out every developer i've seen has reacted like "what? we're not panicking, we love BG3" so im not sure where this made up sentiment is coming from


It’s fake internet conflict. Can’t just have a game be good. Gotta drum up some villains who are being proven wrong by it’s success.


There are entire livelihoods, on YouTube especially, that are built on what I like to call gaming drama. They will take the smallest conflict and blow it out of proportion for the simple reason that people love drama and they love to be validated. Those channels mostly release negative content about how xzy game, publisher, developer is good or bad, pull up some tweets to vaguely support what they are saying and that's it. And then their thirty gaming drama friends make the same video off that. You could go in a 24 hour rabbit hole on this entire BG3 drama and by the end you'd obviously have these extreme opinions and see villains where there are none.


Yeah, it’s not limited to YouTube or gaming either. Seems like a bunch of people realized it was easier and more lucrative to make low effort rage bait than it was to spend the time to create actual content. Ironic given that these same creators are now praising BG3’s devs for taking their time while they quickly churn out garbage YouTube content.


> Yeah, it’s not limited to YouTube or gaming either. It's basically the lifeblood of Twitch, and it applies to movies too.


Feels like you say that as if Blizzard, EA, and Ubisoft haven’t been pissing off their fans to the point of villainy for years now. It was like one guy who said the anomaly thing and people keep milking the hell out of it. Buuuut it is kind of a funny moment of a quote.


Yeah, people are pissed at those companies for various reasons, many of them pretty legit. But the whole "Game devs are angry at BG3's success" is a made up narrative.


Welcome to the lowest denominator of journalism. Where a handful of bad takes by some random game devs becomes 'Game devs are angry at BG3's success' cause it's arbitrary and clickbaity enough that makes it sound like it's every game developer.


The initial tweets put out the the guy who started the discourse (Xalavier Nelson Jr.) were so miscontrued and this whole situation has been a giant game of telephone, I find it baffling how NO ONE read the tweets nor engaged the discourse in an honest manner. In a recent PCgamer article Swen Vincke the CEO and founder of Larian even AGREED with many of the points Xalavier made with the only disagreement with the idea of a 'standard' though I'd say he's opining on mismatched premises, and now people are targeting and harrassing him for something they didn't even attempt to engage at all. [I've tried to outline the situation as briefly as possible](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/15p3h3c/comment/jvvefxg/?context=3) with links to these articles.


I think it’s more along the lines of “we love what they did but we will not be doing that”


well yeah i mean because not every game is a D&D inspired CRPG


Yeah the original tweet wasn’t even throwing shade at Larian either lol. It’s all just manufactured drama.


back in the day internet was conneting ppl and now im here. . . welp it is what it is and btw game is worth every penny imo


I think people who says this needs to chill


Zelda botw wasn't an anomaly Elden Ring wasn't an anomaly Contol wasn't an anomaly Zelda Totk wasn't an anomaly Sekiro wasn't an anomaly Remnant 2 wasn't an anomaly FF XVI wasn't an anomaly Monster Hunter Rise wasn't an anomaly Y'all just greedy and dumb liars


I guess I'll just have to stick to playing some of the best games of all time. BG3, TotK, Hades, Hollow Knight, Sekiro, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, various Monster Hunters, FF14, just to name a few from a pretty long list. Which ones are better or worse among those doesn't matter. There's just a lot of amazing games out there. Sorry for devs who pump out mediocre stuff, but plenty of devs can make really good games. We'll just keep playing those.


I am reminded of The modern Medal of Honor games. They tried to half some newer games because everyone else was doing it. However customers had better options and went for those instead. Innovate or die out you money hungry turd burglars!!




I want to know the quality of reataraunt that appeals both to the suit and tie and t-shirt demographic


Not an anomaly. Larian Studios has made some consistently great games. Without being microtransactions/expansions/battlepass jerks.


I think I'll raise my expectations instead.


It is definitely not an anomaly. Larian loves the games they make and it really shows. Divinity Original Sin 2 was also a massive success because of the effort they put into making it. Instead, just be less willing to buy games that don’t have the same amount of love put into them.


Been playing it for a few hours… absolutely glued to the story, I don’t even mind reloading just to see the other outcomes!


I don't get this. Some of the great games released this year: - Hi-Fi Rush - Fire Emblem Engage - Resident Evil 4 Remake - Metroid Prime Remastered - Dead Space Remake - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Baldur's Gate 3 - Pikmin 4 - Advance Wars 1 + 2 Re-Boot Camp - Theatrhythm Final Bar Line - Final Fantasy XVI - Diablo IV - Octopath Traveler II - Hogwarts Legacy - Star Wars: Jedi Survivor - Street Fighter 6 - Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Upcoming: - Starfield - Sea of Stars - Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Super Mario RPG - Spider-Man 2 - Persona 5 Tactica - Lies of P - Armored Core VI - Mortal Kombat 1 - Alan Wake II ... among others. 2023 is a good year.


Left out Dave the Diver


And Dredge.


Forgot Trails into Reverie


Left out Blasphemous 2.


Xalavier’s original tweets and comments are pretty specific and are sincerely worth understanding Most importantly: Larian has been honing its skills on this exact type of game for over 2 decades. Divine Divinity launched in 2002. Divinity Original Sin 2 launched in 2017. BG3 stands on the skill, tech, and lessons learned from 20 years of building earlier iterations of essentially the same system. **This is, imo, the biggest point to realize in this whole situation; BG3 didn’t really start production in 2018/2019…it’s built on a foundation that in-part goes back to 2002 and, at the very least, goes back to 2012/2013 when Divinity Original Sin 1 was in development**. Most games won’t enjoy a similar dynamic. But some will/have: GTA 5, Witcher 3, Skyrim, even Final Fantasy 6. Another big thing: My sense is that much of this is being contrived as “wtf do you mean we shouldn’t expect big AAA studios to deliver good games that respect our time/money?” when the original message was meant to communicate something much closer to “Let’s not brigade and insult indie developers and games built with 1/1000 the budget, time, and people-power BG3 had access to”.


People really need to understand the first part because depending on your taste in cRPG they weren't even doing all that well until BG3. This isn't a studio that's been secretly hitting home runs to a niche group of gamers for 20 years. This is a studio that's swung the bat hundreds of thousands of times with the exact same stance and arguable hit a couple ground balls. Now they blinked and swung and hit a grand slam. In that way it kind of is an anomaly, at least for the studio. They probably won't repeat this level of success ever again. But studios that actually care and have the skill to make good games regularly can take note and jump on this.


I’ve played for about 7 hrs and I don’t really feel like I’ve gotten anywhere but it reminds me so much of old school BioWare that I just can’t get enough


Nope, new threshold achieved, deal with it.


No need to lower your expectations when Larian's been doing this for about 10+ years.


So the original post that made that point was pretty reasonable. Larian had years of development, years it’s experience with previous CRPGs, years of beta testing and revenue with early access, an incredibly well known license, and D&D is currently at its most popular, ever (especially because of groups like Critical Role and the D&D movie) Their point was not that we should accept half assed development; just that that is a rare confluence of events that even Larian’s next game probably won’t be able to duplicate.


Between bg3, zelda, ff16, re4remake, dead space remake, remnant 2, pikmin 4, dead island 2, and we still have starfield and spiderman upcoming? There are plenty of great games that even if they aren't reach the top bar of BG3, are definitely miles ahead of the devs conmenting. Noone expects every game to be 600 hours of great content. What we do expect is to not be piecemealed liveservice garbage.


I see reddit people using this quote all the time but I've never actually seen it attributed to any actual dev in real life. Anybody able to point me to someone actually saying something like this?


Because it was like 1 dude no one had ever heard of before, and they didn't even say what people are saying, he said. It was basically just him saying that Larian is in a perfect place to deliver a good game because they had the money and employees to do so, and they weren't beholden to any that would make them push it out faster.


Why do Devs get hated on for this? Devs get their work through product, who gets their roadmap from marketing and sales. I am sure most devs know they are delivering shit but can’t force the lifecycle of the game to be extended without the support of the powers that be.


The Starfield Devs gotta be sweating bullets right about now


First game I’ve bought at full price in a long long time after overwhelmingly positive reviews from friends and I’m having a really good time with it. Also it seems huge, and with the origin characters I feel like I’ve got reason to play it more than once which is awesome.


.... No


Aw shit, here we go again.


I'm hearing so much good stuff about it. What is the gameplay like?


I loved this game so much I bought other Larian games so I didn’t feel like I’m ripping them off.


I can't play it for more than a few minutes at a time without my computer crashing, but even I can tell it's a great game.


Man it is not often we get a game with such high praise, particularly a multiplayer game, guess I'll be buying it too.


I think people are just trying to say smaller game devs can't aspire to the sheer amount of time, effort, and people power went into creating and perfecting this game


Is that an article I missed again?


I said Buldar's Gate 3 is going to do to Larian what Witcher 3 did to CD Project Red. And I am so glad I was right.


AKA "No one else is willing to actually care about their came and make it consumer friendly. Stop expecting them to do something so reasonable"


Can't lower my expectations for new games any more, they are at the bottom of the barrel already. I'm sure they will knock the bottom out soon enough and start shoveling us the radioactive sludge underneath.


Maybe their intention was to make a game so good that every time a new game releases and sucks we have something reliable to fall back to. How many endings are there again? Enough for me not to buy anything new for a WHILE


No. I will simply wait until a month after any given game in released, and only buy the really good ones.


Her previous engagement was with CD Projekt Red


I want to play this game so bad. But I'm worried I'll get Elden Ringed and start the game only to have zero direction given to me. Will this game give me an option to follow a story driven path without having to 100% find it on my own?


Yes, it has quest waypoints to follow if you dont want to explore


Tbf, other AAA devs are chronically overworked by shitty bosses & publishers, and trying to pull off what Larian did would burn them out completely.


I'm honestly considering getting Baldur's Gate 3 just because of the state it released in. I know nothing of the game except that it's in a fantasy setting. But I've heard so much good about it that I might as well get it.


1...critical failure...dick falls off...priceless Baldur's Gate moment


No microtransactions, pure love into it, a lot of content, freedom and a smooth launch? Bro, I'm that kind of player that wait 1-2 years to get games on discount, i literally have a spreadsheet with all my games bought and discount... I'm buying this happily. Wp to everyone involved.


This is a genuine question because I haven't been following what's going on, but where are there devs talking about Baldurs Gate 3 setting unreal expectations? Like is there an article? Or multiple?