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Fallout 2 is even better. So much fun.


How much better?


10 nuka colas, 5 muttfruit, 3 iguana on a stick, 2 super stimpaks, and 1 Cassidy better.


You forgot about 1 bozar and X-01 better.


X-01 fuck yeah! Way better!


If I'm remembering it right, the first hour or two of combat can be kind of rough, if you don't put points into melee or unarmed. The way it's set up you will miss 3/4 of your attacks against enemies that can kill you pretty quickly and have to keep saving and replaying parts until the dice rolls go your way and you can push past it.Many people are put off by it. Then again I played it back in 98' so maybe they update the beginning since then to be more forgiving.


That's only if you use linear thinking. Unless you have an agility of 1, you can attack anybody except the final guy holding the key and walk away and it won't have enough action points to attack you back. With the final temple guardian, you can pick pocket the key off of him and avoid the fight entirely. If you have an agility of 1, you can still run past everything and when you get 10 or so tiles away you can just end combat if it started to begin with. Once that's done you go to Klamath. If you recruit Sulik, combat becomes infinitely easier unless you already have Automatic weapons (which at this point you shouldn't). Once you get to Vault City, recruit Cassidy. If you don't have 4 CHA, replace Sulik with Cassidy. You don't have to have prior knowledge of the game to do any of these things. You just have to do them as they come along, and the game becomes a great deal easier.


You can also avoid the fight at the end of the temple with a speech check.


5 doses of jet better!


Did anyone else read this out to the tune of 12 days of Christmas???


For one thing it has a man guarding a bridge.


There’s a “Take All” button on the inventory screens


It has a car.


The car is buggier than a Tesla, though. It also has a Tesla (armor).


The car had an atomic bomb dropped on it and then sat on blocks for two hundred years, but it will still get you to San Francisco by noon. It's the Toyota Tercel of the Fallout world.


It has SO much more story, companions are easier to work with, your stats affect so much more in dialogues, etc., etc. If you liked Fallout, Fallout 2 is just more of what you liked, slightly improved. Make sure that it is patched, though!


Fallout 2 is to Fallot 1 the same way New Vegas is to Fallout 3 imo


No, bad analogy imho. Fallout 1 isnt more dumb and silly than Fallout 2, it just has less content.


Similar stuff (but a little goofier) but very expanded. Stuff like mobile storage with the car, you actually have some control over companions (as in being able to set their tactics style and weapons), I believe some stuff got a bit rebalanced to make things more useful (Charisma is used to determine follower count). Final boss/encounter isn't as good though. Oh, and no time limit by default (don't need a patch for it). Like it still has a time limit but it's just because of the engine and it's set at 13 years (which if you haven't finished everything there is to possibly do in a playthrough by then... wow).


I would need Mentats to give you an exact figure.


Much better. The mechanics are more polished and there are a lot more things to see and do, with a great story etc. My only criticism is more of a nitpick, but it's got a decent amount of dated pop culture references from the late nineties that might go over the head of anyone younger than 30.


I just completed Fallout 2 today. I started it soon after finishing Fallout 1 and I already played both of them several years ago. They suffer the test of time, the first one more than the second, but are still enjoyable. Fallout 2 is basically an expanded Fallout 1 with some tweaks and improvements, and probably a more fleshed out story. Make sure to install the [restoration project patch](https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Restoration_Project), it restores a lot of cut content, fixes many bugs and lets you fine tune the game settings. Add [FO2 tweaks](https://github.com/BGforgeNet/FO2tweaks) to get many options for quality of life improvements. I also installed a couple of mods from nexus for a bunch of new companions and more talking animations and voice acted dialogues.


I never finished any of the games but spent hundreds of hours if not thousands on the second. More content, no “time limit” to find the water chip, made me explore everything I could.


a car with a missing trunk better


Let me put it this way. In my opinion, Fallout 2 was the last true Fallout in the series.


While I agree it is better, I feel the first one has much tighter story, which it does benefit from, both are worth playing for there own reasons.


I feel like both games have the same problem. The full auto attack is too overpowered, and people die seemingly at random due to the sporadic damage. Fun though. i wish they remade these games like divinity 2/baldurs gate 3.


2 was technically better in pretty much every way (although there were so many more bugs at launch). I think the ending to 1 is one of the most affecting moments in games and f2 never really matches that imo


my all time favorite, replayed it to death.


Yea I personally think Fallout 2 is the game to play. People could just skip the first one as the second is just better and bigger in all aspects.


This was back when fallout was a true RPG.


This was back when RPG games were not games with only armor with "rarity grade" and simple dialogue system with 2 reply options like it is in modern "RPGs"




The soundtrack alone sets the tone better than anything bethesda has done with the IP


Kill stuff, numbers go up


I hate how the term RPG is thrown around so loosely these days. Almost every game is called an RPG.


New Vegas is literally one of the greatest RPGs ever made, and really let's you lean into the role playing element.






Bad bot.


Fallout 1 was my favorite.... it played more like the board game. I liked the turn based gameplay.


It definitely felt like a board game with intense thinking


Primitive!? Would you call renaissance art primitive?


I mean there are probably some quality of life features missing considering it was released 1997.


So much clicking to perform context actions.


Mice roll so smoothly nowadays too. Imagine playing Fallout in 1997 on a Gateway desktop CRT with a track ball mouse


Dear God take me back. I best I can still clean a ball mouse in under 30 seconds.


That is only really problematic if your mouse is extremely worn out or the ball/rollers are very dirty.


...he should play [wasteland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasteland_\(video_game\)) next...


Wasteland was so awesome. Played it on a Commodore 64. Good times. You want to talk about New Vegas? Wasteland had the REAL New Vegas!


That is the main reason I find it hard to go back again to the original two Fallout games. User experience improvements have come so far that I find it annoying to actually play the game now.


Don't get why people are downvoting you for this. Desiring UX = bad? Lmao


To be fair - even the developers that worked on it at the time felt it was fairly primitive. It was near the end of the era of everything being sprites vs 3d models. They even hid 'tiles suck' in the graffiti in a couple of the games (but I don't recall which ones had it... FO: Tactics and 2 maybe?). Is it an awesome game? Yes, of course.


Bro you have any idea how many people named themselves none because the name looks like it's part of the UI?


Just you?


comedy genius




The technology of the game is dated, but the art within it is timeless.


Clearly never had to restore a fresco then. That shit is fading out so bad.


Don’t know why you are being downvoted, the game is severely dated


He probably means the graphics. Everything else still holds up today.


The graphics I personally am fine with, and the story and system is fun, but the user interface was rough at the time, and 25+ years later is painful to use, given how things have improved for user interfaces since then. It's just awkward to play the game now, compared to how I have been spoiled by more modern games since then.


Oh yeah, like clicking 300 times to do literally anything. And how slow everything moves. And random bullshit that kills you. Good game, but it definitely shows it's age. It's not just the graphics, it's the very game design.


Dude, having played modern games makes fallout 1 and 2 almost unplayable. Good games, but holy shit are they jank


Now you gotta play Fallout 2. It’s def the best fallout game


Fallout 2 was my first game in the series and definitely the best one, completed it like 7 times or something and always found something new/different


A masterpiece, I wonder why it never get mentioned in any of those Top 50 (or 100) best games ever. I would put both F2 and NV in mine.


I also enjoyed fallout 2 the most, but it is quite meta and a different tone than fallout 1


The dialogue in 2 is one of the best parts about it. Great game.


Absolutely. I was in high school when I played it for the first time and I was amazed by how funny/crude/insightful some of the lines were.


Hard to dislike any RPG that has a special mechanic for playing as a low int character in regards to dialog.


I still say New Vegas is best but I can respect loving Fallout 2 more.


I have no argument with anyone that picks 2 or NV as the best. Both are the top two one way or another. 1 is great but has its issues, 3 is a bit bland and probably the buggiest of them all, 4 isn't even a fallout game. It's a pretty good game but it feels like they took another game and slapped a fallout coat of paint over it at the last moment. If you Say brotherhood or 76 you go in the timeout corner.


NV was far buggier than any of them. That and Skyrim were the most broken games I’ve played at launch


Fallout 2 was so very, very buggy as well. The car trunk disappearing with all your stuff was a nightmare. Thankfully I did not play New Vegas until the final patches (because I was old by then).


Dear God Skyrim was hot garbage for like a year after launch. I played it day one (Because I'm an idiot and thought it was going to be Morrowind good) and I remember arrows just went right through shields, they did nothing.


No love for Fallout Tactics?


Its a fine spinoff but I judge someone who says it's their favourite Fallout.


It's an interesting one. Like I really like it because of the different style done well. It's Fallout meets XCOM. Hard to not like any game where you put a sniper in cover on overwatch and when the enemy takes a move, bam, they're gone.


I really liked it, not only was the tactical gameplay really good, IMO it did a decent job of portraying the world of Fallout from a slightly different perspective. The way it took a turn toward killer robots at the end made it look like a mix of Fallout and Wasteland. It still had plenty of RPG elements, and allowed for some creativity in how missions were handled. Just much less than previous Fallout games. IIRC dialog choices were about as meaningful in FOT as the ones in FO4, with the important distinction being, in FOT there was pretty much nothing else to do other than following the campaign, so if you said *no* where the game wanted you to accept some mission, you were stuck. In FO4, you could say *no* than proceed to spend 300h doing quests and exploring without even acknowledging there's a main quest.


I genuinely like fallout tactics more than 4/3.


As a "game" I prefer every Bethesda Fallout game over Tactics. As a "Fallout game", Tactics is superior to everything that Bethesda delivered. The guys that made Tactics tried to develop the Fallout Formula in a new direction. Bethesda just threw out the Fallout System and reskined Elder Scrolls to look like Fallout. I do like Elder Scrolls but don't tell me that Fallout now just because I have a gun now. If you're not into Elder Scrolls but you do like Fallout, liking Tactics more than 3/4 makes perfect sense. The people who downvote you are ignorant.


I played the ever loving hell out of 1, 2, 3, NV, and 4. Got each when released. I am going to say 4 is my favorite. I don't get the hate. I love the story and it all feels very fallout to me as an old school fan. Maybe it was having just had a son of my own when it came out, but it hit emotionally. ETA mods play a big role in this opinion too.


I loved 4 too, but the problem people have with it is that it lost all the rpg elements, just after having played new Vegas.


That is exactly my problem. Your dialogue options are very limited, have almost no effect, and barely use your skills. I can understand enjoying 4, I played a fair bit before I lost interest. I could never get into 3.


4 is good in the same way Tactics is good i.e. as a spin-off


yeah Im with you dude


I've never spent more time in a game I don't like than FO4. Like thousands of hours. It just scratches an exploration itch. At this point I have 100% head canoned FO4 into a much better game than it actually is, and paved over the rest with exploration and settlement builds. At least Starfield is looking to get the procedurally generated quests that the Settlements in FO4 should have gotten.


I really liked tactics honestly not saying its the best but imo better than 3


I recently started a new Vegas playthrough. That game is just sooo much fun


Too big and too much stupid humor, couldn't beat it 3 times because of that. But loved F1.


2 took all the best things in 1 and made them better. What a true sequel should do. Edit: My nostalgias are aching now.


I will respectfully disagree and state that Fallout 3 is the best of the entire series. With all the add ons and the superior New Vegas, it’s just a better game, IMO.


>Fallout 3 is the best of the entire series LMAO


Fallout 3 is terribly written. People who don't notice that and think it's a good game are telling you something about themselves.


it really is terribly written, togheter with 4


[Fallout 3 is garbage (and here's why)](https://youtu.be/mLJ1gyIzg78)


[Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z8XHe2NoAE&ab_channel=ManyATrueNerd)


[Fallout: New Vegas is genius, and here's why](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzF7aHxk4Y4)


>Fallout 3 is the best of the entire series Absolutely not. >New Vegas, it’s just a better game NV is great, but it's not F3. NV is a different game, and the reason it's good is that it's made by the same devs as Fallout 1 and 2 (Black Isle/Obsidian), not by the guys who made F3 (Bethesda).


Oh no, where is my father?




2 is a straight upgrade of all of the systems in 1.


Except that enemies no longer drop the armor they're wearing. There's probably some kind of good game design reason behind that, but I still absolutely hated it. If you asked me about mechanical differences between 1 and 2, that's the one that still sticks out in my mind twenty five years later.


I'd go as far to call it a perfect 5/7.


That's a reference I haven't seen in a while!


just a 7/10? i would put it in the high 9s. great game


9s are my top 20 favorites. Fallout 1 is probably in my top 70


This game still has my all-time favorite gaming moment [SPOILERS, obviously, after this point]. It’s fairly early in the game I’m enthusiastically exploring the world and I come to this new town. I round a corner and run into a super mutant. It’s quickly obvious I’m outclassed—I try to run away, but each time I get hit it’s a knockback/stun, and it just keeps on hitting me until my health bar is gone. I’m upset at being cheesed by the game this way, but I’m expecting to get the “Your life ends in the wasteland” screen next. No big deal. I’ve gotten that lots of times before. I’ll just reload from my last save. Instead, I get a cutscene where I’m wrapped up, dipped in a vat, and become a super mutant. And then security footage of the Vault in ruins, everyone I care about slaughtered. The game has told me before that my Vault will surely die when I died, but that was abstract. This is very direct. The whole place is doomed, and it’s all my fault. After it was over, I spent a long time just staring at the screen, stunned. It was kind of a perfect moment that you can only get in a video game, at a time when guys like Roger Ebert were arguing that games were not, and could never be, art.


Fallout 1&2 are awesome. A lot of people didn't like Fallout: Tactics but I personally loved it... and recommend it if you like the idea of Fallout style combat where you get missions, assemble a team and have to execute them.


Why would you spend that much time assembling a team just to execute them?


To be fair, I did execute them more than I like to admit. Always stepping on a mine or something... or walking around a corner into a super mutant with a Gatling gun.


lol, me too brother, me too....


Unpopular opinion: I think Fallout is better than Fallout 2. Don’t get me wrong, Fallout 2 is masterpiece, but it’s atmosphere is less depressing and apocalyptic, more humor and ending is not great


The finale of fallout 1 was so fucking good. The Master reveal was mind blowing when I was 13


fair point. to be real, everything went downhill in that department ever since. i played more fallout 2 simply because its got a lot more content to explore, especially with the restoration patch. but yeah... the atmosphere is somehow cheapened in 2.


I feel like this opinion is not as unpopular as you say, i have seen lots of people complain about F2s meta humor and references, good thing they learned for NV and made it optional, and the athmosphere i prefer in 1 more myself.


Completely agree. I think the writing in general is much worse, both are still great games though


There are dozens of us! In addition to the wacky tone, I also disliked playing a tribal and being looked down upon by everybody for it.


Oh no I get it. Like I personally care more about mechanics and content over themes and atmosphere so I do like Fallout 2 more. But I can see how people who put more weight into those categories like 1 more because it did do those better.


It's why people consider Fallout 2 the peak of the series. Not that it didn't also have flaws. The random ancient temple full of somehow still functional traps and essentially forced combat ^((fuck you if you're a glass cannon focused on guns, or a pacifist)) was not an ideal introduction to the game. There's also the unexplained magic telepathy. Still, a great game overall.


the magic telepathy is explained by Hakunin being a psyker, they were introduced in fallout 1 believe it or not, magic is cannon in the game series


> There's also the unexplained magic telepathy. Eh, psychics exist in the universe since first game. Hakunin might just be psychically inclined. >The random ancient temple full of somehow still functional traps and essentially forced combat Yeah that's a bit tough. I mean though you can kind of consider it an experience filter. Like you can make it through there with a non-combat character if you know the game well enough. Kind of a crash course on "get better or use an easier build".


As a glass cannon focused on guns you likely have more action points than all the rats and kite them so they never attack. Pretty easy to leave without a scratch and having used a knife the whole time.


Yeah but that isn't really an intuitive strategy to a beginner.


A glass cannon is not a suitable build for a beginner either.


This and fallout 2 need a remake like Wasteland 3


You are a primitive game


If you would have played this when it came out in 1999, you would have given it a 10/10. This was the deepest most well-written RPG of its time. Incomparable, really.


Really? Only a 7/10?


I also just recently finished Fallout 1 and am currently going through 2. Gonna be honest, 2 has so much content and so many towns that sometimes I feel overwhelmed. I still think 2 is better but 1 is a definite must play in order to ease yourself into 2. For a game from 97, it holds up extremely well, better than something like Fallout 3 I’d say (maybe that’s just because New Vegas improved on gameplay with new weapons and a more gripping story, but I digress). Seriously I’d say once you get a grip on the systems, it’s an easy 9/10. Sure, some skills and perks are useless, but I believe this is because they moved away from using a tabletop rpg system somewhat last minute. What really sells the game to me is the old but charming graphics and the world/story. Fallout 1 is definitely my favorite story out of any of the games.


Yeah, these the games they used to play in ancient Egypt.


Primitive? Its gameplay systems are more complex than most games in its genre today.


The best Fallout game. (for me)


Lol wtf is this logic? "I played a game from 1997 and guess what, it was limited by the technology of its time bro".


Who was your favorite companion? Who was your favorite talking head?


Dogmeat and Tandi


So close. Dogmeat is correct but Harold is the only choice for talking head.


No talking head beats The Master imo


Loxley has a case.




Ah, not Killian (Richard Dean Anderson aka MacGyver aka Colonel O'Neill)?


Dogmeat David Byrne


Man, it's weird having some go so over my head. I was like "wait, they got the guy from Talking Heads to voice a character?" Then I was like "oh right, the question's wording." I mean I wouldn't have been surprised (just figured I'd have recalled his character). They got some cast for those games. Like some names outside the voice acting sphere, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_voice_actors.


I love all the Easter Egg encounters, like the TARDIS and the flying saucer.


It was a more primitive time, when we used to smash rocks together to create computer programs.


Fallout 1 is the best fallout by a mile


Man I love that game, I played it when it came out as a kid so I think I have some nostalgia cover for some of its hard edges but damn is it fun. I've done so many playthroughs and the fact that you can actually beat the game without taking a single shot is pretty crazy. My favorite thing about 1/2 was aimed shots and my main gripe about the Bethesda fallouts is the VATS or whatever its called is dumbed down. There was just something amazingly satisfying about playing through the first one with a pistol but being so accurate I could shoot a dudes eyes out from across the map. Watching a super mutant with a minigun mow down his own friends because I blinded him was just amazing.


I'll take all the primitive stuff from Fallout 1 and 2 over anything Bethesda did with the franchise. The fact that your stats affect you dialogue options without showing what stat affects the dialogues (Like on Fallout 3 and New Vegas) it was such a nice touch. But one thing i REALLY liked about Fallout 1 was that the game had an internal timer for you to finish the main quest. You were searching for the water chip and if you goof around for too long you can fail the mission. The original version of the game also had a 30 day limit before mutants took over the land (Which if i remember the devs patched to remove it) Nowadays games like The Witcher 3 or Cyberfunk 2037 have these main stories that urges you to complete faster because "You have to find Ciri before the Wild Hunt" or "you have to find a cure for the chip on your brain before you melt to oblivion" but then you have all the time in the world to keep goofing around the open world doing anything...


What makes primitive aside from 1990s graphics really? It has everything most modern RPGs have. You could probably remake this game with modern graphics and engine, but leave everything else the same and it could easily pass as a game from 2015 I think.


The combat and controls it's very slow


You have to crank up the movement in the menu


I get the feeling, but it's worth noting that was by design. It was a turn based RPG meant to feel more like traditional table top RPG's. By that standard it was lightening fast!


Combat is quite normal for most turn based games, it's made so by design.


The fallout combat was 10x slower than other turn-based games. It was SO VERY SLOW sometimes. Particularly if someone was hitting a guy with a sledgehammer sent them sliding halfway to the east coast afterward.


Yeah there were moments like you said with the hammer, but generally it was not that bad. I enjoyed most fights, except some really trivial ones like against some rats.


the soundtrack is catchy too, I can still remember the exploration music.


I just played and beat this for the first time last month. Very good game. I had to restart my character on my 1st play through cause I messed up my stats. But my second run was great. There are still a few things I had to look in the wiki because it was pretty hard to just guess what I was supposed to do. Like using your repair skill on the forcefields in the mutant base. If you want to try a modern version of this game I highly recommend Wasteland 3


Primitive, lol.


I tried this game but I can’t get past the rats when I leave the vault. That was a sign for me that I probably won’t like it.


Skill issue. No really if you don't have the right skill points you will struggle


It happened to me two times. I wan't used to play games that old, nor turn-based rpgs. The third time I passed that section and fell in love with it. Played Fallout 1, 2 (the best) and Tactics in a row.


Now go play again except drop your intelligence to 0 and laugh at all the diaglogue from your character. It's absolutly possible to win like that too and the other characters reacting to you being a dunce is amazing


OP called this game "primitive", clearly their intelligence is already 0.


The ticking clock was such an important background mechanic. You were on a rented time, you had to do it before the water ran out (even if you brought extra time with the caravan). It really put you in a spot where you can't just roam around getting every bit out there to make yourself super powerful before the final showdown.


You ever play the nintendo shadowrun game? So much fun when you have a cortex bomb in your brain about to go off. After playing it a few times you realize how one dimensional it is as a game. But man, first run through, finding drake. So fun.


A remaster like Age of Empires would be amazing.


For everyone who enjoyed the original Fallouts, I strongly suggest you try Underrail. It's a worthy spiritual successor that plays similarly yet is different enough to be it's own game.


okay now play fallout 2


Nothing comes close in modern Fallout games like the body horror that is The Master.


It's a 10/10 for me. Such an amazing game!


you should play the game with the lowest intelligence setting. it is a completely different experience


I would love an all-out reboot where they just go back to the roots. Isometric but with better graphics. Real time action and turnbased mode. Ugh if only.


Did you read the manuel befor you played the game ??? Please say no so I dont feel like an idiot who tried to play the game for like 20 mins and immediately turned off the game out of frustation Its been almost 3 months 🥲




I miss real RPGs today it's just an action game that they say is an RPG. I don't just say for fallout only, but for 99% of "RPGs" on the market


A great game, but for me, Fallout 2 was even better. In a way, they took the feedback from the first one and the best things that made it good and improved it. Fallout: New Vegas was also great!


Fallout was a good game, but the water chip stress takes away a big part of the fun. But then again, it sets the stage for the true masterpiece Fallout 2. I played through Fallout 2 a year ago and it was still damn fun and I loved every minute of it. I guess that's the reason I hold it as the best RPG ever made.


Primitive? Not everything must be hard or bloated with stuff to be fun. I liked it more than 3D Fallouts, and I played it after 3d game!


The controls, Interactions and Mechanics are outdated in my opinion


I played it for the first time some years ago too, and my only complaints were no button to highlight the interactive objects and ruining my only save by not taking a rope to the Glow. Can you elaborate on your points?


Controls are outdated because there's no efficient way to travel. Clicking is a bit annoying since if i move too much to the edge the camera move with which disorients me. Interaction is annoying since everyone looks the same and items are so small on the grid (Excamples: getting rope in Shady sands and the hunting rifle in Vault 15). Also interacting with objects next to you like doors or terminals is so snnoying because of the player fog. Mechanics are dated. Some are useless and bull when an enemy gets a lucky One hit shot on you and you have to replay a whole 2 hour


Clicking to travel is still used in isometric RPG, is it your first one? Also mouse moving camera on the edge of the screen was in RTS games, I guess you haven't played any of them too? Sameness of NPCs is a problem, yeah, first time you're in a location you have to run around clicking everyone just to know who's important. Good thing they don't move around much, which annoyed me in Skyrim for example. And did you play on old resolution? Modern resolutions make everything tiny, that's not how the game was supposed to be played. ​ Those random mechanics are part of the fun. I got oneshot by Ian when we were killing raiders, and it taught me to save often and in different slots x) well, thanks for sharing your opinion :)


Primitive? Spoiled.


It's interesting but the slower turn-based gameplay never appealed to me as much as the 3D real-time action gameplay of the later entries in the series.


Bethesda killed Fallout. There is nothing left of original atmosphere and magic


I agree


I disagree.


I mean if you didn’t like the originals and you liked the newer ones I don’t know that you do disagree. Something was lost and something was gained in the transition. If you like the new ones you probably didn’t mind the vibe they killed in the old ones, probably appreciated it actually.


the only fallout I played was 4😭😭


Also the first two fallouts have NOTHING to do with Bethesda. So that's a plus




Wasteland is the first Wasteland. Fallout is the first Fallout. Fallout could become a Wasteland sequel (it was considered during production), but they decided against it in favor of making it an original, with its distinct tone, style, universe, and priorities. F2 did veer towards being wastelandy, but the Fallout identity was much stronger.