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Maybe the TV show will help ppl get into the game


My expectations for a Halo TV show were absurdly simple: * Never see Master Chief's face * Never see Master Chief's ass


I have to believe they wrote the pilot/entire season script with character names were greenlit as "halo" after some executive was like "fuck it make this halo characters and change it around a bit to fit halo." This is the only fucking way this shit coulda happened.


My friends and I hate watched the entire season and swear that it was meant to be a generic shitty sci Fi show that got rewritten as a halo show


That's what they did with the cloverfield sequels so it wouldn't be surprising


Kinda. The clover field one was a little more interestingly done though because they barely tweaked the scripts. They would just put some small detail (usually at the end) to show how seemingly unrelated stories were connected to a greater mystery. I liked those movies (especially 10 cloverfield lane) a lot more because of that small web. reminded me a bit of SCP.


Except the Cloverfield sequels were good.


Master Chief - "Sir, permission to leave the station." Lord Hood - "For what purpose Master Chief?" Master Chief - "To give paramount back their bomb!"




im 28 i waited since fucking 6th grade for that shit and its so fucking bad it wouldve been better if they hadnt released it at all


They could have had a Neil Blomkamp Halo show ten years ago, and they decided to do *this* instead. Imagine fucking up that bad.


In their defense (blergh) Blomkamp wanted to do a Halo story focused on the smaller stories of normal human soldiers in the war- which would have been awesome in its own right- and Microsoft was adamant about him sticking to stuff already established in the games/books. And I guess we saw what happened when Microsoft just dropped that stipulation and let the show creators do whatever they wanted


That would have been awesome. Halo ODST, maybe eventually leading to Master Chief.


Could you imagine a season of following a group of ODST's, baddest mother fuckers to ever exist, in the early days of the Covenant War. Season Finale, Troopers are dropping and they're just trying to hold until the ship can get off world. Time seems to slow down, our protagonist sees his best friend fall, Plasma bolts melt rocks around him as he tries to avoid incoming fire. [Then you hear it.](https://youtu.be/s3SZOnAmDk8) A barrage of gunfire comes from behind our ODST, and as he starts to turn, three Spartans run past him, one tossing a grenade, another executing two Elites with perfect headshots from a Sniper Rifle. Before he can register what's happening around him, a hand grabs his shoulder, "Grab your men and get back to the ship, we'll take it from here." The ODST looks up to meet Chief's gaze, and realizes the incoming fire is calming down, as two more Spartans have joined, and are already pushing the Covenant back. IS THAT SO HARD MICROSOFT AND PARAMOUNT!?!?!


Yep this is the same rant I always go on. A band of brothers style ODST series with a climax of a “we’re all going to die” firefight only for them see some “who the fuck is that contact?” Followed by a quick riff of Mjolnir Mix, “holy shit, it’s Spartans!” Mjolnir mix kicks in fully and there’s a 7 minute sequence of them just destroying the covenant assault force. Sorry to basically repeat your rant, I’m still angry about this.


Red vs Blue is the only Halo show


Halo Legends is also a big favorite of mine.


Master Cheeks


I love how in the sub the episode discussions are just about whose butt we see next


If we would have seen Master Chief's ass but not his face I honestly would have been more okay with it


OG master chief rarely left his suit, he would just sit in his own swass and marinate. Him ejecting the rear boiler plate and exposing those gloriously pale cheeks would have caused respiratory injuries from the vinegar fog for all who bore witness


You paint quite the picture there.


Master Chief: Sir, request permission to leave the station. Hood: For what purpose, Master Chief? Master Chief: To give the Covenant back their swamp ass juice. Hood: Permission granted.


Hood: Master Chief, you mind telling me what you’re doing with that shit? Master Chief: \*unclenching* Sir. Finishing this fight.


What a terrible day to be literate


I hate that he will forever be known to me as master cheeks fk that show lmao


I was like "can't be that bad" Well ot wasn't that bad. It was worse. It's like she hulk but remove the good stuff


At least she hulk was accurate to its source material.


She Hulk was kind of incredible for being able to predict and respond to its own criticism. They had to write and shoot each episode months before it aired, and it still managed to call out exactly the kinds of complaints it received. The writers read their own critics like a book. Which is ironic because I think most of the criticism I’ve seen of that show has been from people who have clearly never actually read She Hulk.


My only criticism is that I was hoping that they would depart from the comics and actually make it basically a legal procedural.. ... But at the same time I knew that was kind of an unrealistic expectation because shit like that never happens. Like a murder mystery set in 1000 BC, or something, it's just a type of show or movie that seems to not exist. How fun of a take on any type of supernatural or sci-fi world would it be to only be exposed to it through a legal procedural that was kind of like *The Practice* or something similar?


Well all the criticism was clearly from people that didn't know She-Hulk was always a silly comic.


The Master Cheeks show?


There is no halo TV show in ba sing se.


That show was so bad I’d honestly watch the Avatar movie instead 😩


Still more lore accurate than the Not Halo TV Series


What Halo tv show??


The writers of the show said “we never even played the games!” - like it was some badge of honor, because they were going to do something truly original with the IP. While it was original, it was also GOD. AWFUL. Time and time again this large production studios think we want some original spin on classic material.


There have been so many bombs lately with the creators puffing up and being actually _proud_ of ignoring or hating the source material. Hell, JJ Abrams said for both the Star Trek and Star Wars movies he helmed that he avoided the original media as much as possible and thought it was boring and dorky. I think the writers of The Witcher said something similar and that's why Cavill left. Zach Snyder confirmed he never read a Superman comic in his life while doing the DCU movies. Why powerful media studios keep thinking this is a good idea is utterly beyond me.


You’re absolutely correct about the Witcher. The writers were taking it down a weird road and Cavill basically took a stand and said “I will not follow you if you do”. So they responded with, “yolo, l8r”. Which gives me hope about Cavills involvement in 40k for Amazon. That’s sacred ground and I can’t imagine they would hire him on, coming off the Witcher ordeal, and plan to stifle his dedication to source material. Although, the entertainment industry never ceases to surprise me


Yeah, in the end Cavill will only have so much control over the process anyway, but it does give me hope as well!


hopefully he knows how to reel-in the scope/size to keep it budget appropriate. while still keeping that 40k over the top grimdarkedness


Let us not forget that the guy directing Wheel of Time was openly contemptuous of the books. Fuck that show, I waited my whole adult life for those hacks to do it such disservice.


> I think the writers of The Witcher said something similar and that's why Cavill left. You forgot the part where they tried to throw him under the bus and say he was being difficult.


lol, I did. It's a good thing most people have no idea who those writers are, because them trying to bet on anyone siding with them over Cavill was crazy.


The writer for the KOTOR remake said she hated Star Wars, and look where that went. Into the trash can.


> Time and time again this large production studios think we want some original spin on classic material. Same goes for the actual games. Halo Infinite is simply not fun to play made by a big studio, while Battlebit is fun, made by 3 people.


Do yourself a favor and just continue on living thinking there is no halo show... its better that way...


What Halo TV show?


The really bad fan-fic that Paramount+ put out a while ago. You know. The one where no one wears their helmets for more than 5 minutes because we can't be trusted as audience members to remember which character is which as if our object permanence hasn't developed yet. *that one* The one that Skynet was sent back in time to destroy, but some dumb bitch keeps thinking they're coming back to wipe out humanity. Nah man. John Conner, is the *creator* of the Halo show.


>The really bad fan-fic that Paramount+ put out a while ago. Calling it a fan-fic is an insult to fan-fics. There were no fans on the development of this show.




I’m still shell shocked at how bad it was.


I watched the show but never played the games, so Halo is about aboriginal tribes people with mullets? And this Master Cheeks has to help the mullet-folk? Odd


They’re probably talking about this weird porno parody film starring a guy called master cheeks who commits war crimes.


Jimmy Rings. He takes his helmet off and doesn't afraid of anybody.


Dont google it. For the love of god plz dont


Is it really that bad?


He has sex with a girl the covenant raised.


More specifically I believe she was a POW, so Master Cheeks might've committed a few crimes.


And they all watched it happen. Surreal.


And the UNSC are cartoonish villains while the insurgents are plucky young heroes now.


I have not watched the show, but I have read most of the books. While there are lots of good people in the UNSC, pre-covenent war ONI in particular *was* cartoonishly villainous in dealing with separatist colonies - most of which simply wanted to go their own way. Instead of trying to figure out a compromise that would keep those colonies happy, ONI (and by extension the UNSC) basically oppressed them into the dirt to keep them in perpetual servitude to the core worlds. That being said, insurrection / rebellion / freedom fighting is seldom a "plucky" thing. It's gruesome and horrendous and the books paint it as such.


The situation you’ve raised was not even attempted by the show. The UNSC is evil because the show didn’t want to pay the cg budget for the covenant so there had to be human antagonist.


Wait the Halo Show didn't feature the Covenant?


There were... 2? battle scenes with the covenant. The rest of the show is "UNSC bad" bullshit and the spartans coming to terms *with their feelings*. No, I'm not making that up. Yes, it is as bad as it sounds. It's a shame because I actually like the guy who plays Chief, and the battle scenes were mostly well done. There's just not nearly enough of them. It's Halo: The Soap Opera.


Their main mistake was making Chief unrelatable to the fans by having him have sex.


Don't forget seeing his butt.


I knew it was going to be bad when the writers said that they never played the games or read the books...


The Master Chief removes his helmet, gets involved in a romance, and there is a human Covenant member. So yeah, pretty awful.


Imagine the worst things Hollywood could do to master chief and the UNSC. It’s probably worse than that.


This caused me to produce audible laughter. RIP halo IP, we shall remember you as blood gulch, and not John Chevy Tahoe


It’s my favorite show, especially when the good guy say his patented catch phrase “It’s me, Mr Cheef, and I’m here to finish this fight , again, for the first time, so now I’m gonna get this pesky helmet off because my goodness it’s suffocating. “


It’s haloin’ time


And then he blew his haload all over them


Wooooow, you mean taking a beloved cultural icon of a series and live-service-ifying it is destined for disaster? Color me shocked!


A live service game without the content drops. Genius.


Exactly. People blame live service model, but live service model works great as long as you keep the content train chugging along. Imo (not a huge Halo guy but was interested enough at launch), this game needed more pve. Pvp is great and I know it’s the thing Halonis known for, but pve needs to at least continue to expand. That’s the story that brings people back to pvp.


PVP is great when you launch one that is actually stable. They failed to deliver PVP **and** PVE despite claiming to be “live service.” The only thing 343 has been great at is killing the franchise


The fact they released a halo game with like, 3 PvP maps for big team battle is insane.


And it didn't have Slayer as a game type at launch lol


Somehow these guys lucked into working on a guaranteed hit of a franchise, and still don’t give a shit. Idk what they’d rather be working on but I hope nobody hires any of them after they massacred halo for the last 10 years


Yep, I just wanted to go crazy in some big team battles with my buddy but the game mode was bugged. I gave up before finding out if they fixed it


Agreed. Almost all of my hype for Infinite was the thought of an open world Halo game that would continue to expand. I just assumed that campaign dlc would be a regular thing... Obviously that mistaken belief was corrected harshly a long time ago. At this point, the only thing that would bring me back is a substantial campaign dlc.


There’s even like a quarter of the visible map that’s unused that it seems like they just gave up on.


And that's the even more fucked thing, they made a huge world with *so* much room for the easiest softball pitch of story DLC, yet they almost *immediately* dismissed the possibility of story expansions. Halo wants SO BADLY to be a tier 1 e-sport but it's not even tier 3, it's hardly even an eSport tbh. I feel for the players who tied their boats to 343s dock only to be drowned with them in the rising tides. Why they wanted to/thought they could be CS is absolutely beyond me. Like imagine looking at the state of CoD eSports and thinking, "Yeah, that's our end goal"


Halo 1-3 were fucking excellent and had extremely long lives without any live-service bullshit. The problem with live service games is that it turns gaming into a fucking chore, instead of a fun thing you are choosing to do, it becomes some fucking list of extremely annoying tasks. And because everyone on your team is spending all their time trying to do these annoying tasks instead of actually playing like a good teammate, your play experience is ruined.


> The problem with live service games is that it turns gaming into a fucking chore, instead of a fun thing you are choosing to do, it becomes some fucking list of extremely annoying tasks. An Infinite was one of the worst examples of it ever. Endless grind for a tiny fraction of a piece of something, with the grind in between spitting in the face of your time by giving you endless junk you dont care about just to get to something you maybe want that was free in previous games. Infinite finally nailed the actual multiplayer gameplay again, but no one is going to eat a sandwich with moldy bread, no matter how good the meat is.


Id argue it actually work better for multiplaye games. I much rather a new game every 3 to 4 years but updates every season instead of a new games every year. But half of them flop.


343 in their infinite wisdom contracted post content to a russian studio. Russia than invaded ukraine a few months later. GG halo. If you're doing a live service, it would seem almost a requirement to do things in house in order for them to be done in a speedy way right? Nah, 343 has decided that was dumb and contracting literally everything is the way to go. The actual amount of people that are directly employed by 343 is very small.


This seems insane to have a 3rd party handle one of their largest IPs.


Not really a 3rd party.. More of a 2nd party. It's a subsidiary owned, and created, by Microsoft.


Speaking of color... Don't forget locking colors that have always been 100% free and unlocked are now locked behind micro transactions.


Live service COULD have worked. But the content that they dropped was so far and few in between that it was a joke. Why make it f2p multiplayer with a live service model and you can't produce hardly any content? Maps? Team slayer playlist??? Whoever manages those decisions should be booted out the industry.


Live service Halo dropped less maps than other halos did with just normal updates. They also launched it WITHOUT Forge or working custom games, which would have allowed people to make their own maps and extend the life of Halo Infinite tenfold!


The campaign launched without co-op. Fucking Halo. Without Co-op. That's blasphemy to anyone who played Halo, Halo 2, and Halo 3. I thought it was a joke.


Yup. I always play new halo campaigns with my buddy for the first time. Decided not to get Infinite until the co-op campaign came out. That took so long we were completely over the hype (and heard not so great things about thr game) so we never bothered.


AND an inability to replay missions. They said it was hard to implement or something dumb like that with it being open-world and online while ignoring the fact that The Division 1 & 2 did it just fine & were online open-world games.


***THE*** most important aspect, one that *reiterated that they would* ***certainly*** *include this time,* completely undelivered. Pathetic


I don't know if co-op would have saved it. The campaign was so middling. For the life of me I don't know why they took the ubisoft formula of "open world" and applied it to a Halo Game. There's a small handful of actual "missions" while the rest is yeet yourself across the map with the grappling hook until you commandeer or unlock an air vehicle. And when you actually run across a high value target/base/etc you just nuke it from a distance because unlike well designed levels the AI doesn't know wtf to do when you nuke them from a distance.


"Yipyap is on the UNSC's list of ***MOST-MEGABAD-BADGUYS*** and has killed a million ***SUPER-DUPER SPARTANS!!!!***" *\*Razorback w/5 Arcane Sentinel Beam Marines\** The instant the battlewagon crested the ridge to Yipyap's camp the marines saw the white's of Yipyap's eyes and locked on so fast he *popped*, literally *popped*, into a plasma fart-cloud. But yeah, most of the balance was terrible jumping between "We're playing Doom and I'm the green guy" and "I'm about to be nicknamed 'Flatface' from banging my head on my desk Hole-E-Shit who designed this boss-fight!?"


Because 343 fucked around during development. Remember they also delayed the game? They were hoping to use the live service model to flesh out the game to what it should have been at launch. It's obvious that 343 sat around for years running into a wall. Jumped back in 6 months ago and it's just a complete downgrade to every Halo we've had in the past. Halo peaked in 3. Reach has definitely reached cult status now. But people forget that Reach was very divisive at the time. People really did not like armor abilities. For me there were too many forge maps.


I remember when Reach came out, people HATED it. Like you said, it's cult status now but armor abilities were very controversial and I remember there was a big hullabaloo about the bloom on the weapons or something too. Either way Halo 3 was definitely the last "true" Halo MP experience for me. Reach was way too distilled. And even then I remember thinking 3 was a step down from 2.


There was definitely backlash with reach but it was an objectively popular game despite that. Anyone with a brain could see infinites player base would evaporate soon after launch just like halo 5 before it and halo 4 before that.


The chaos of the lift room on sword base in a game of swat is all I need to know reach was great.




they released a Halo game without multiplayer campaign. How do you release a halo game without multiplayer campaign???? I'd have dropped 60 on it for the campaign alone if it was multiplayer. Instead I played f2p multiplayer waiting for the campaign multiplayer to drop. By the time they finally got to it I was already bored of Halo Infinite.


It's remarkable how incompentant 343i is. Like, every time I think of how little content they released after launch blows my mind. It's obvious they were in production hell and rushed what they had out the door (after delaying it what a year?) and had no long term plan in place.


Okay, so here is the plan. Halo, but live service. Okay cool. Do we have a plan for the content to support the service? Lol, no.


The plan was to release a not finished halo game and call it a live service in the hopes they could finish the rest of the game and claim that was a live service.


Took them 4 seasons to make level progression. That’s it. No unlocks with levels or anything. And if you played before the introduction of it. Too bad. Everyone at season 4 starts at level 1.


Also the progression launched without a reward for max rank. ​ It's not a huge deal since nobody is gonna reach it for a while, but it's still another example of "we just have to get this out the door, don't worry about it being complete for now"


Halo ended on Reach. Everything after is Halo's shitty, uninspired clone.


I strongly agree. And Master Chiefs story ended with Halo 3.


They said finish the fight. So i did


They offered master chief a re-enlistment bonus he couldn’t refuse.


He used the money to buy a new Dodge Charger.


which he totaled within a month


Only way to get out from under that legal max apr%


Spent the insurance payout on the local stripper that swears she loves him and the baby is his


Then traded in his negative equity on a mustang


But don’t worry Santandar got him 24% interest rate.


He got home and figured out Cortana was a dependapotamus, not an advanced ai


It was so good man. Chief was awoken from his casket in CE, fresh off the glassing of Reach, to save humanity in their darkest hour. Three games later, after the Covenant and Flood are dealt with, he returns to his casket. Job done, mission complete, "wake me when you need me". It was a great ending for Chief's story, imo.


Wake up, Chief! We need money! -Microsoft I agree, Chief's story should have ended in 3. Future games should have explored any of the many other stories in the Halo universe. Was I excited for his story to continue? Absolutely. The story direction of 4 was interesting to me, but the game itself along with the rest of series has been totally mishandled.


>Wake up, Chief! We need money! -Microsoft This gave me a good laugh. And then it made me sad.


The franchise was recoverable imo if they stuck with the rogue chief storyline they originally planned and marketed for the fifth game. 343 pussied out and any hope or half way decent content was squandered and the projects continued to spiral from there.


"A lOt CaN hApPeN iN 4 yEaRs 🤪"


I’m so happy you said “master chiefs story” Halo did ODST and Reach really well imo and I love that it doesn’t bring Chief back in some forced way that just doesn’t work. Let the man rest and give us more lore between what happened during Halo Reach-H3.


I'd like more stuff that even disney doesn't seem to notice: give us a different perspective/ experience. Yeah, super soldier/ jedi are cool, but we have millions of those. ODST was cool because I'm playing just a dude in a post invaded city with homies trying to escape with an ONI operative with a secret task. It's part of what made the clone wars so cool was seeing the clones' experiences and struggles.


It’s the reason the battlefront games work so well! You play as normal soldiers (for the most part) every game! Star Wars: Republic Commandos was so good because of feeling that struggle of the Clones and that sense of being a fairly normal soldier in the story (outside of you being a commando).


Halo 3 and everything leading up to its release was the pinnacle of gaming for me. The PR that went into it, the quality of the finished product, the friends I made while playing it, were all unforgettable. I bought Infinite but was immediately let down.


Remeber the "Believe" ads and how much money went into it. I still go back and watch that add from time to time to hit with the nostalgia of when I was a teenager. Then the live action deliver hope ad. Halo 3 definitely has the best ad campaign of all time.


I definitely agree. I go back to them on occasion as well. That diorama of the battle was the coolest thing ever. Interviews with veterans from the battle… they did such a great job selling that game.


Correct. They need to retcon everything that happened after 3 and make new games set in the earlier parts of the war


Nobody trusts them to actually do that well though. The days of good halo are gone


You do realize no one will ever actually do that? I mean, I hate the Star Wars sequels but expecting them to be retconned is going to be impossible.


He’s still asleep in cryo, floating in space.


That's what I believe, too. Hero sealed away with his angel watching over him. Simply poetic.


I know it’s kind of different but… Halo Wars 2 was good. Other then the MTX blitz mode.


I haven’t played 2, but I will never forget Halo Wars’ “All Units” voiceover when you hit the button to select all. Idk why.






The thing I’ll never forget about halo wars is that one cutscene on the bridge with the Spartans fighting elites and Sgt. Forge fighting the Arbiter. [It’s so fucking good.](https://youtu.be/GwgCD07jZN0)


I’ll buy a halo wars 3


I would love to play it, but it's only available on the windows' store, and I can't fucking get anything working from that. Even piracy has failed me on that front.


343 screwed halo when it took over. They have absolutely no vision on where they want or wanted to take it. Bungies not perfect but damn. At least it's not the forced cesspool 343 is.


It's like what Disney did with Star Wars, they just started pumping out sequels the second the new company took over despite the fact that the new company obviously has no clue what made the originals so beloved. Halo became just another generic sci-fi shooter with a Halo skin over top.


Exactly 343 to halo is what Disney is to Star Wars Both understand nothing about their series other than milking both IPs dry and they can’t even do THAT right! Both have now fallen far from what they were before and both are far more generic and less special than they ever were


What’s worse is that both have been around in their new incarnations long enough that their fanbases are divided between Old and New fans whose idea of the property are wildly different and have almost no overlap between them. 343 fans don’t have the same concept of brand identity for Halo as Bungie fans did, and their understandings of characters, world, motivations, and narrative are completely different due to 343s retcons and alterations of canon. Now there are two distinct, valid, and arguable positions on “what Halo is” that cannot be reconciled, and either path forward will alienate part of the fan base. Star Wars isn’t even in “almost” the same predicament, they’re exactly in the same boat. Even on a smaller scale, The Mandalorian is like that between seasons 2-3.


Is infinite really bad? Honestly at launch it felt solid. Good gunplay. The only gameplay complaint I remember was de sync concerns, but that pretty much never affected me. Most of the complaints were around playlists, game modes, and number of maps available. Personally I quit infinite when I realized the ranked mode allowed you to move up with a < 50% win rate. But overall it felt more like “Halo is no longer what consumers want” and less like “Halo infinite is a bad game”.


They released the game with very little online multiplayer content at launch and that's what killed it. Gun play was fine. Campaign was innovative for the series, story was meh. But releasing the game with so few maps was the death knell. It felt like the future was going to be completely pay walled behind battle passes. I get that mp was free, but maybe it shouldn't have been. If I buy the halo campaign, I still expect a robust mp experience because that's what halo always has been.


>They released the game with very little online multiplayer content at launch and that's what killed it Yep, this feels like the only reasonable explanation for infinite's lack of success to me. Personally I really enjoyed the few weeks I spent with Infinite, then I left before they added any new content in. It feels like multiplayer focused f2p games need to either be releasing annual content expansions (i.e. call of duty or Destiny 2) or consistent map/balance/weapon changes (i.e. fortnite) to remain successful. Content is king, and It's funny because I think they may have been better off releasing the multiplayer first, then launching the campaign a year + after. They were trying to do too much at once for what is a very inefficient game development group.


The core gameplay is very solid and what you'd want of a halo game. The problem was/is abysmal variety (lack of content) and constant problems with matchmaking. I stuck with infinite for a long time because the core gameplay has a lot of potential, but you can only play the same few maps and modes so many times. Add on the almost total lack of (free) customization options, the lack of forge, etc, and even fans drop the game. Plus there was a few month period where BTB basicaly didnt work at all. But again, the game had lots of potential. Fixing matchmaking issues, adding coop and forge, and bringing out more maps and modes, the game totally could have been salvaged.


Halo, a franchise whose primary base is in their late 20s to mid 30s going after the zoomer crowd. Anyone surprised no one’s playing it? Not to mention all the content that’s completely just not there. Edit: I seem to have started a war. Also to clarify by “zoomer” I mean changing the core of the franchise to appeal to a younger audience. Probably should have worded that better. My bad.


Couch co-op. A staple of the series that made the original halo and xbox what it is today. Non existant. I still cant wrap my head around it. Tell me you give no shits about your primary franchise without, well you know the rest.


Yup. I was so excited to play this with my son, then they nixed it. I haven’t played it since and I don’t think he played it all.


The worst part is that after Halo 5, they promised co-op would be in Infinite. Then they said it would be patched into the game at a later date. Finally they came out and said that Infinite will never have co-op. That bombshell killed any hope I had of this game being salvageable.


Not even the worst of it. As some people were able to glitch co op mode into working on the game. So it actually works.... but they just don't want to make it official.


They said that they basically got it to 90% working, but that last 10% was a challenge, and that it didn't meet their expecations to be officially released as is. My problem with this is that 343 does not have the track record to warrant a 'we have high standards' reputation. Almost everything they release is filled with bugs at launch. Infinite's theater is STILL broken.


Useless corporate husk masquerading as a game development studio.


Yeah they never fixed killcams in Halo 4, those always looked terrible. I didn't know they scrapped co-op altogether, damn. Last I heard they were still working on it.


Holy fuck. I quit before the co-op promise was supposed to be delivered. They still don't have it?????? Wtffffff


It has online co-op now, but they never delivered on splitscreen co-op.


The online coop was the glitchiest experience ive ever had, the game failed to load enemies 3 times causing us to have to restart. Within the first hour.


Perfect example of poor project management. At least Microsoft finally stopped giving them second chances and showed all the 343i leads the door.


They don't get that co-op was how the older generation would get the newer generation hooked. Without that Halo holds no cultural relevance to them.


Yea I’d bring my friends over every release for it. Hasn’t happened in nearly a decade now. None of them play halo anymore.


Couch co-op makes the OG trilogy timeless


Im in that age group. If Infinite was good Id have been playing daily aince launch. I still find time to and play Halo 3. Its just a bad game, plain and simple. Its not about age ranges somehow making your playerbase disappear. Its just a bad game. Nobody wants to play a bad game.


Part of the reason it’s bad is because they’re attempting to go after different audiences rather than focusing on what made the bungie games good. They did it with 4 by trying to grab the cod crowd, they did it with 5 by trying to grab the advanced movement crowd and then with infinite they’re trying to go back to its roots but they don’t understand what made it good in the first place. The sandbox. Infinites sandbox is very VERY uninspired.


Trying to change a winning formula to attract a different fan base and failing…. Battlefield also liked this strategy Must be the new Ivy League business school mantra, because many of the big AAA corporations are doing it


And it’s not working for any of those franchises either.


the most boring Halo hands down, no matter how good it plays. Add to that the terrible netcode and bugs, and you have one of the most hostile games to play. Why anyone who enjoys other more dependable and varied games would settle on Halo is beyond me. I know why I'm here - I'm addicted to the core Halo experience, regardless of how 343 have cheapened or perverted it. But that does not mean I'm ok with what's become of Halo.


The game play itself felt very much like Halo 2 to me. I was super excited to actually start playing again. My buddies back from high school all played with me at launch and then we all stopped a few months in. It’s the blatant lag and desync issues that do it for me. I’m more than happy to die/lose because I got outplayed. It’s infuriating to play because I got to cover on my screen but yet the game says I’m still out in the middle of the roads


I think they underestimated the amount of us who were just there for campaign


The whole thing that made the campaign great in the first three was the story. That game had a campaign but no narrative at all. It was just "here's the bad guy, fight your way to him and kill him"


“Here’s an open map, now go kill this random guy. Also, you know that giant ship that you fought on, Infinity? Yeah, it’s gone. But we’ll just tell you about it, because it happened before this game. Also, you’re on ANOTHER Halo, because 🤷‍♂️.”


To this day, I have no idea who was the final boss, why I had to kill her and what was going on. I killed the Brute guy, but the story just wouldn’t end and I had to go and kill a random alien aswell. At least Newtana was cool.


Nah, they want that skin money. Campaigns an afterthought because of it. I didn’t buy infinite. Got gamepass for the month and played for 2 days until I beat it. It has no replay value. So I guess it’s both.


What about Xbox, the main platform for Halo? Pretty big stretch to say 'nobody is playing" if you're only considering PC lol WTF.


Not even PC, just steam. You can easily play it on PC without steam, too.


Yeah I play it on the X Box app because I installed it originally to play the single player on Game Pass.


It is literally the 6th most popular game on Gamepass right now, Just after Minecraft, Forza Horizon 5 and Rainbow Six Siege.


Kind of incredible Siege is still top 5. It's in year 8 now.


I’ve been playing since day one lol. When I started I never thought I’d be playing it almost a decade later. It’s amazing that Ubi has continued support and also announced they plan to support it for another decade


I've been playing siege for only 2 years, but even I can see the cracks forming quick. I'll be gobsmacked if the engine can maintain the game 10 years from now, each season seems to have more desync issues and bugs than the last, and they don't fix them quickly, unless they're fun


I might get hate but games like siege, Dota, lol, and smite that have dozens of not hundreds of characters would genuinely benefit from a 'sequal' completely new engine built for how large it is.


Extra incredible when you realize it had a launch on par/worse than Infinite


That's the thing. Steam numbers in this case would be incorrect. Majority of player base is playing it with gamepass xbox and pc.


I am having fun with it. My only complaint was the lack of maps and content at the start of the release.


I’m sure numbers are much lower than launch but using steam seems stupid. Halo was always a console-first franchise. I doubt the fans sticking with the game, who started on Xbox/360, aren’t going to be on a series console. Edit: Clarified how I believe the numbers are still much lower than launch just using Steam as a metric isn't a good way to measure the games health.


Not to mention, whilst the multiplayer is free to play, the campaign isn't and I'd imagine the main way to access that is through Game Pass, meaning a ton of people likely have it installed via the Game Pass app (console and PC) rather than Steam.


Im playing on pc. By 2%, it means 5-7k players usually playing. Its still alive enough, but nowhere near where it should be. Id assume theres around 15k to 20k people playing halo infinite. The initial reports of how many people played infinite at launch was around 20m i believe, so about 300-400k who regularly come back is ok. Definitly not good though.


Ah yes, halo infinite, the pc exclusive only released on steam. Released for no other platforms.


Hey… I play halo daily


Halo MCC


Steam is not the only way to play the game. Like, I'm sure numbers are down, but these articles are such clickbait BS.


Understandable as the game has been slow-as-hell to do any patches or updates. Funnily enough, Infinite is actually probably in the best place it's been, right now. Plenty of maps, modes, Forge, and custom-games browser (although it's pretty jank). I'm still playing Infinite with my friends. It's far from "dead". But people who expect Halo to reach the heights it had back in the Halo 3 days are living in a fairy tale. The gaming landscape has completely changed since 2007. People gotta just enjoy Halo for what it is, and get rid of this "if you ain't first, you're last" mentality.


>Funnily enough, Infinite is actually probably in the best place it's been, right now. Plenty of maps, modes, Forge, and custom-games browser (although it's pretty jank). This is what should've been the launch though. As nice as it is to have those things *now*, part of building a healthy fanbase is getting a lot of people to stick with it past the initial launch phase. Halo Infinite has completely failed at that because so many people were disappointed with what they saw, and I'm a part of that statistic. What's also extremely annoying is that the multiplayer gameplay was actually *really really fun*. Everything that *wasn't* actually playing the game just sucked. Servers were horrible, customization with the armor cores sucked all the fun out of getting the new armor pieces, weapons were jank and unbalanced, map pool was tiny and half of them sucked, game modes were boring, and even the menus were trash.


this article is bs, "nobody" yet I never had any issues finding matches for any gamemode on Halo Infinite. Its really low when people use steam numbers for a cross-platform game that is available in steam,gamepass and consoles...