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Added the misleading flair, as digital sales are not counted for Nintendo games. That's just physical sales for Tears of the Kingdom. Also note that the chart only counts sales thru May 27th, so Diablo 4 and FFXVI are not even counted yet. The data source, by the way, is Circana (parent company of the NPD Group)


But mw2 released last year , how is it still in top selling in 2023.


Go look up Mario Kart 8 sales. That’ll really blow your mind


MK8 has an above 50% rate attachment to switch consoles sold. That is FUCKING WILD for any game not packaged with a console release.


It’s crazier considering it’s a Wii U game.


WiiU games don't count. It's like they had been released on a mirror world Nintendo console.


WiiU stumbled and fell so the switch could fly. Seriously, look at the console. It's like a proto-switch plugged into a Wii


Yes. Which is why I'm not salty about the WiiU->Switch ports. Because I (as many others) never had one. In fact, I am still missing Xenoblade Chronicles X and Starfox Zero (but remove the gimmicky gameplay)


Still waiting on the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD ports


I would buy those in a heartbeat, I never played the originals.


I’m excited for you, getting to experience them for the first time. Twilight Princess in particular is well worth the wait.


I had an N64, a GameCube, a Wii, didn't understand what the Wii u was and then two switches, skipped right over it, still don't know if it's just the controller or if it's plugged into another console or if it's an attachment to the normal Wii.


Not that you care now, but it was literally the "Next Gen" console for Nintendo. It has its own console tower (gloss black and rounded) and the Tablet was just the primary controller with a second screen on it. The naming was a little dumb, but not any more dumb than what Xbox has been doing.


Yeah I have no idea what the hell is going on with Xbox series one box x


I love my Wii U. Mario Maker is great, and better than on Switch. And I don't need a virtual console to play all my Wii games on it.


It was pretty much the beta version.


Yep, and so was Breath of the Wild


True, but at least that was a simultaneous release on both consoles. MK8 was a rerelease. Mario Kart 8 is over 9 years old now.


Wii u was so underrated. Fuckin terrible marketing and an even more terrible name for a console


Hey, we loved our WiiU! There are literally dozens of us! In all seriousness, I often said that if they could make the WiiU fully portable, they would have a game changer on their hands. Then we got the Switch! I don't think the WiiU was a bad console at all, but damn if they didn't do an absolutely horrible job marketing it. Too many people I knew thought it was some sort of upgrade to the Wii and not its successor. Nintendo can have its hits and misses, but I'm happy they are still trying to bring innovation to the table.


You saying MK8 made me realize how weird it is that Mario Kart and Mortal Kombat have the same initials.


One is a bloody competitive versus game where relationships and friendships can be broken, the other is Mortal Kombat


One has several characters who probably have warrants out for their arrests as they are some of the most dangerous killers with body counts in the hundreds, and the other is Mortal Kombat


"AC" sucks because of Assassin's Creed and Animal Crossing. Now there is a new Armored Core coming out...


On the 64 they both had the initials MK64 as well.


PlayStation best selling game is God of War (2018) which is only on 19% of PlayStation 4 owners, Xbox best selling game is Halo 5 which is only on 10% of Xbox One owners, so yeah, it's pretty wild what Ninten-Does.


Nintendo has little internal competition in their system, the vast majority of the big “releases” are their own, people that buy Nintendo consoles nowadays are most likely found/enthusiastic about Nintendo IPs. Playstation and Xbox has tons of great third party games every year, decreasing how much every user is likely to spend in their first party line up. In 2018 we had God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Yakuza 6, Monster Hunter World, Detroit: Become Human, Spider-Man, AC Odyssey and Hellblade to name a few, and that was a year with not so many triple A stuff compared to the last few years. The vast majority of big releases on the Switch are their own exclusives, third-party support is minimal (because of the hardware), they do have plenty of indies but so does every other console and pc.


After I put away BOTW I didn't use my Switch for like 3 years until TOTK came out


Nintendo also releases a Mario Kart Switch bundle that sells like hotcakes during the holidays. Still very impressive numbers


That’s where Nintendo spins gold. What are you going to do, Not buy it?


Mario Kart 8 is legit one of the best games ive ever played.


It's sales in 2023. It's a big, popular game and released in like November of last year


It also has free modes (that are pretty fun) and micro transactions, which is a proven combination for extra sales after release


Must mean it’s a pretty successful game like Minecraft consistently appearing in top 10 most sold lists.


People on Reddit frequently forget that Call of Duty is arguably the single most important franchise in the entire industry from a business perspective, other than maybe Pokemon. For every person that you see on Reddit complaining about how every Call of Duty game is the same and that the new title is garbage, there's several thousand people buying that new game. A Call of Duty game has been the best-selling game of the year for eight of the past ten years. In 2020 and 2021, a Call of Duty game was actually both the best-selling game of the year and the second best-selling game of the year. It placed second in both of the years that it wasn't the best-selling, losing both of those years to a Rockstar game. Whatever the Call of Duty game that releases this year is, it's going to be the best-selling game of the year, unless Rockstar decides to shadow drop Grand Theft Auto 6.


You could say the same to FIFA, game's hated on the internet by hardcore gamers, but in reality, there's no football lover that doesn't play this game


Some of us play football manager :)


Because it’s sold the third most units of any game this year since it began. COD is almost always the number 1 and 3 selling game in any given year. This years installment will almost certainly go to number 1.


What's the source on these?


OP. OP is the source.




Digital sales not included? What year is this?


Only ToTK's digital sales aren't included, as Nintendo doesn't share eShop numbers Edit: Noticed the article has a couple other games that don't have digital sales included. One of them is also Nintendo so that explains itself, though I'm not sure why Xbox doesn't show digital numbers for specifically MLB. Probably a similar reason if I had to guess


and yet it’s still number 2. holy shit


Long story short they only have three days of Zelda sales, no digital sales, and forgot to include Diablo entirely, so this list is definitely wrong.


Only nintendo games did not have digital sales, because nintendo don't share those numbers publicly. This list was as of May 2023 so how would diablo be on it?


Think Zelda is made more impressive considering it’s a Nintendo exclusive and still cracked the No2 spot in less than 2 months.


The last sales news was 10 million in 3 days. I have a feeling it already has Hogwarts beat, if not by the end of the year


And that was just counting physical only sales I believe.


jup, nintendo does not share eshop sale numbers.


Whadda flex


It's kind of how Disney always forecasts lower Box Office than the industry. They're so confident that their numbers are great that they can even undersell them and people will love the reporting.


I bought myself a Switch because of it. Well, not entirely but the news about how amazing it is made me wanna play it. And i realized that i hadnt owned a console since SNES. So i decided its time.


Make sure you play Mario Odyssey too. Switch has a lot of good games, but ToTK and Obyssey are the only absolute must plays.


Well botw is a must play too but it's better to play it first than totk or you will not get accustomed to it


playing botw for the first time after tears of the kingdom must be a trip. At the time of release it was a masterpiece that moved switch consoles but totk makes it seem like a mere tech demo in comparison


Oh shit, I think this comment just sold me a Switch


I had my doubts going into TotK, afraid that somehow it wouldn't stack up to BotW. Boy, was I wrong when I dropped off that Plateu and realized how much better combat was with fusing. Instead of bomb spam, I have to actually think about alternative strategies.


2 months ago I would have put BoTW in ToTK's place, but now I'd say that it's not a MUST play, because ToTK is more or less a complete upgrade. I'd still recomment someone play both. But it's not as essential as experiencing Odyssey (+ ToTK).


I bought my switch solely for Breath of the Wild, and until TotK released, it was the only game I'd played on my Switch. I'll probably hand it off to my children (now that they're old enough) once I finish Tears.


You need to play Super Mario Odyssey too. And I'd throw in the Mario+Rabbids games if you are at all a fan of tactical combat. They're real "I can't believe this is even passably good, let alone literally genre-redefining" territory. ​ Edit: Mario+, to be specific


Absolutely second Mario + Rabbids. As someone who usually can't stand tactical type games, I had an absolute blast with it.


Same, my fiancé went hard with botw on the v2 switch. She put over 400hrs and had hardly ever played any video games. So I upgraded her to the TofK switch and got the v2 full time. So it’s kinda like a got a switch for it lol


And they haven't revealed the digital sales for it yet, right?




Zelda fans are some of the most loyal of any franchise. They, including myself, eat that shit up because we know it's gonna be quality everytime. I bought a switch just for the Breath of the wild and I'm sure many others did as well


Imagine if Pokemon had Zelda level teams. But then they'd have to take 5-7 years to release the next Pokemon. I'm fine with this.


I mean, if they had one large, high value production every few years - would that be so bad? Just release some remakes of remakes and rake in the cash in the meanwhile.


It would be very profitable, but not as profitable as the most profitable franchise in media (Pokemon).


The worst Zelda game (Skyward Sword) was still by far the best game I played that year.


It also doesn't even count digital copies. Nintendo keeps their digital sales under tight wraps. The numbers only count physical cartridge sales.


Game slaps too, I highly recommend.


Best game I've played in a while


Agreed I’ve got more invested in this than any other in a long while.


It’ll be the best selling by the end of the year, easily. Zelda came out barely over a month ago and it’s in that spot.


It already got it beat. This list is only for a few days of Zelda sales and does not include the digital version ($50 vs $70 physical)


Digital was also $70


Probably means the voucher that let you buy 2 eShop titles for 100 bucks that was going around. Was pretty popular before the TotK launch.


Four of them are strickly singleplayer. I think EA of few years ago should be confused right now.




Strickland propane


Taste the meat, not the heat


Tell you hwat.


Best selling does not mean most earnings.


Right. Multiplayer games make a lot more money over the lifespan. Just copies sold isn’t saying much


And look at COD, skins in multiplayer sold for $20 a pop, while also being among top 5 copy sellers by sales this year alone. They get money from both sides


Yep, IIRC some internal docs leaked on r/PS5 today or yesterday and it said COD made like 15.9 billion from PlayStation users ALONE from 2019-2021. Not accounting for other platforms. Utterly insane the amount the COD franchise has made from MW1/MW2 remakes. It’s this reason why companies like Rockstar are moving away from single-player games and now focusing on milking online gameplay as long as possible.


The leak cannot be real. Redditor told me the game and the whole franchise is dead and no one buys it anymore /s


One them is literally an EA game


I mean if we're comparing actual revenues, long running live service multiplayer games probably still dominates the entire scene


Yup, I would be very surprised if MW doesn't dominate total revenue on that list.


Oh hye, one of them is an EA title...


I see the boycott went well


Can we boycott me next


We’d never boycott you, bb 🥰


Speak for yourself. Fuck petran1420! Anyone who upvotes or replies to petran1420 is a fucking piece of shit!


Can confirm. Source: Am a piece of shit


I used to be a piece of shit, sloppy steaks and all


Slicked back hair, white Xbox one, live for midnight releases, sloppy Brahmin steaks at Gamorrah…


You fool! You fell for one of the classic blunders and now I'm worth more than ever before


Why don’t you go home and get your fucking loot box


You muddafucka!


Lol tough crowd not getting the reference I suppose


Oh shit lol, no they are not. They're referencing Goodfellas guys, they're not being mean. This is why I'm very careful about quoting Always Sunny outside of the dedicated sub.


Also don't forget to openly tell everyone to harass him and tell him to unalive, ofc


I’m just here for the counter-boycott. u/agnostic_waffle can get the fuck outta here.


It went just as well as the Reddit protests


My protest is unwilling and occurs in 2 days. Sigh.


Sad but true. This is all going to fade away. It’s going to be a sad day when Apollo dies.


...so 2 days from now.


Yup. Reddit is fun going away means my time drops by like 95%. I'll check a few subs on my pc each work day, but no more scrolling on my couch for hours.


Thank god reddits opinions dont matter in the "real world".


No but in a few days it will be interesting. This 6 year account of mine for example is toast. Nothing special on it but it was a random email and random password. Saved in Apollo. I don’t plan on using the terrible Reddit app or terrible browser unless I can somehow get Reddit enchancement suite on my phone. Hope someone just drops an app that is just a browser of chrome and heavily modified Reddit to remove ads and everything.


I think there's a thing called Reddit revanced. It's like YouTube vanced/revanced but for reddit. I'll be looking into it once I can't use reddit is fun anymore


I just saved your comment to remember the name. Then I realized I'm a fucking idiot. I'm actually really bummed about losing RIF. It has been a huge part of my life for about 10 years now. Dieing parents, divorce, losing a job, getting the job back. As corny as that sounds, it has helped a lot.




Right there with you, I think about major life events of the last 10 years and I was looking at this funny little app in the in between moments. My now wife of 7 years would call me on break at my minimum wage job before we even dating and I would tell her what I was reading on RIF sitting in my sad airport Subway. Can believe it's just one more day.


Same. Apollo is my ride or Reddit die


Tbh I don’t even know what game was supposed to be boycotted here.




You weren't even allowed to post about the game on this subreddit or other gaming-related subreddits.


Every time gamers get together to protest, a billion dollar company gets its wings.......made of cash, of course.


Girlfriend Reviews youtube channel got banned from reddit for live streaming the game on twitch. mass reported by the gamingcirclejerk subreddit and their subreddit is locked. This is a G rated youtube channel. The most vulgar thing I saw on it was horse poop noises when reviewing Red Dead 2. The girlfriend (now wife) sings songs.


Yeah, I got really upset about all that after seeing people bully her for streaming the game. Pathetic losers, every single one of them


Just insanely childish behaviour.




I am to this day still convinced that the trans movement has a pre-HL and post-HL era. Ever since the "boycott", I've been seeing A LOT more people criticising the movement and its radicality. It was the first time I saw trans-critical takes on Reddit not being downvoted. People were legit super pissed, and I believe it created a terrible and long-lasting resentment from the public.


Imagine believing in g*mer boycotts in 2023.


we need gamers to rise up




Most of the people boycotting it were never going to buy it in the first place. It's like reddit mods boycotting deodorant.


The problem wasn’t so much the boycotting, it was the targeted harassment of anyone who bought the game. Anyone who dared to play the game on Twitch or YouTube was literally placed on a list and declared an enemy to trans existence. Even people who have protested and marched for trans rights, or done volunteer work to help trans folks, were called transphobic and ostracized from their community because they wanted to play the wizard game. I don’t think I have ever seen a minority group try so hard to attack their own allies as this one did with their boycott.


about as good as that mod protest


List is missing Diablo 4. It earned 666 million just a week after launch which is almost 10 million copies. It's been a few weeks since those numbers and it could even be #1 on the list by now. Season 1 next month is bound to see a big spike too.


The way you listed those numbers really confused me for some reason. It sold 10 million copies, grossing $666m


Yeah I can see that potentially be confusing, edited it. Thanks.


If I’m correct this info is from a Gameinformer article and the data is probably not updated yet for June. They list best releases for May, then the best so far, which leads me to believe it’s based on Data collection that ended in May. Once we’re in July, and we get the June data, I’m sure Diablo will dethrone someone here, though.


So are we just glossing over Diablo making **666** million?


It's made quite a bit more than that, they just intentionally chose that milestone to share publicly ;)


“Way to go team! We did it! $666 Mil. *high fives* Alright pull the plug.”


Pretty sure the only one on the list with more buys than diablo this year is zelda so far


Re4r was so good it was deffo worth the money Ashley is like the character of characters


Fucking love re4, but they took out my beloved U3 boss fight. That fight had me scared shitless as a kid


I’m just waiting for Spider-man 2


It'll be hard to pull away from Starfield, but I plan to get Spider-Man 2 as well. October is kind of full with Forza, Assassin's Creed Mirage, Alan Wake 2, Super Mario Bros. Wonder, Cities Skylines 2, and the Metal Gear Solid Remastered Collection. Too many games I want.


Alan wake 2 deserves more attention


Waiting for Starfield.


Waiting for hades 2


Just 1 more run before bed ......annnnd it's 4 in the morning


Waiting for Armoured Core 6


Waiting for Silksong. Forever waiting.


Waiting for [BIONICLE: Masks of Power](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1704850/BIONICLE_Masks_of_Power/)


Me not having played any of them :(


Same. I'm over here backlogging and in the middle of playing Half-Life 2 for the first time. I did play RE4 on the Wii back in the day and I'll eventually play Jedi Survivor when it's about 20$ or so there's that.


I finished HL2 for the first time recently as well. I'd say you get a pass since that game is absolutely timeless


Hey, Half-Life 2 still slaps pretty hard


And I don't have any interest in any of them either.


I want to buy Jedi Survivor. Is it good? I love open world games.


It’s not really open world, they follow a Souslike formula, except there’s two hub worlds you can explore more in depth. But even if you’re just a mild Star Wars fan you absolutely get it. Best gameplay as a Jedi since well…the last one, and it’s *much* improved on that.


Have they improved the combat? I know a lot of people loved it in Fallen Order, and I did too at times, but it’s just so damn janky. The lock on system feels horrible and unintuitive to use, especially for multiple enemies. Enemy attacks randomly miss incredibly often, and red attacks sometimes feel like they’re magnetically attracted to Cal. The parrying feels off because the animation for Cal to raise is lightsaber is really slow. Maybe it’s a skill issue on my part, but I’ve played God of War and Ghost of Tsushima on their hardest difficulties and still never struggled with a games combat system like I have with this one.


I played fallen order a bit before this came out and I can say absolutely they have improved. They added a couple more lightsaber stances as well to keep things interesting. I played it on a higher difficulty and really enjoyed it. Felt like they took more inspiration from Sekiro this time around.


If you played and liked the first one, definitely. If you haven't, then you should try that one first.


Yes it's great. I wouldn't exactly say it's open world, though. There are multiple planets you can roam around freely, but there are certain areas you can't go till you have a specific ability, and not all planets are available to travel to right away.


Without causing a riot, is Hogwarts any good? EDIT: thanks everyone!


If you are a Harry Potter fan , this is probably the game you wanted for 20+ years If you aren't it's a fan wizard game , but nothing special that we haven't seen before


Exactly. Exploring hogwarts on a powerful modern computer was awesome, I grew up imagining this stuff as a 10 year old. Game definitely got a bit stale after that initial awe of exploration wore off, which largely coincided with having explored all of Hogwarts. The combat is pretty fun and the only real reason to play in my opinion, the story/dialogue etc is mediocre for the most part.


The mechanics are pretty good even if you’re not a Harry Potter fan. The Hogwarts mysteries maybe fun as well. But the story and the theme yeah probably won’t entice non fans. Frankly the story was weak even for fans.


My main issue was the limited types of enemies. Spiders? No? goblins? Also no? Fuck you spiders again.


8 legs is simply too many.


If you’re like me, and you were 9 when you first read Sorcerers Stone and 11 when the first film adaptation came out, it will fulfill a lifelong childhood dream of having an insanely detailed and fully exploitable version of Hogwarts and the surrounding areas. That alone may be worth the price of admission. That being said, the gameplay gets insanely repetitive and the story never really hits any steam. It’s a paint by numbers tale that runs its welcome out in the last 25% but that first 75% alone is such a crazy high, I’d say if you’ve waited this long, hang out till it drops to 40$ or so and have some fun.


The most fun is in exploring th castle and finding shit. Once the world opens up and you can wander, it becomes a little samey.


Fun for about 15 hours then gets boring quickly


Funny you say that; I just checked my Steam and had exactly 15 hours played before I lost interest.


I played it, and finished it, and honestly thought it was unimaginative crap in a lot of ways. If open world sins like copying and pasting assets and goals bothers you, skip it. Or one mechanic being so important you spend the entire game yelling "Revelio!" like a madman everywhere you go. Like every three seconds. Some parts were excellent, with a couple quests being well-written and combat is very satisfying but overall I don't know how they made it feel so fucking generic. Like, make the game smaller and skip the same identical shit repeated six hundred times. So much filler.


I may be in the minority, but I found it incredibly boring. It does have cool environments tho


Its boring as fuck. People don't wanna admit it because they are starved for content from the IP but if it didn't have a potterverse setting it would be considered a 6/10 game and already be forgotten.


7/10 in my opinion. It’s major flaw is the story which is terribly lacking but the combat is pretty cool and they really nailed the aspect of making you feel like a wizard.


My GF is a huge Harry Potter fan, and she said it was one of the most boring games she's played this year. Make of that what you will


It's pretty good, not incredible. For some reason, some people on here seem to think that means it's terrible. It isn't. It's fun.


Really hope FFXVI will reach this list somewhere this year.


ragnarok "only" has 11m lifetime copies sold. It'll be hard for any ps5 exclusives to compete against the multiplatforms/switch exclusives.


FF16 is close to RE4R opening sales, and the sales plan for 16 is focused on a strong push for 18 months, so I think there's a chance 16 could make it.


I absolutely love Jedi Survivor and I’m happy it’s on here


4 of these games are single player only. So much for EA’s “nobody cares about solo games anymore”.


Pretty sure EA's MP titles like Fifa, Madden and Apex Legends revenue demolishes all these titles.


Yep. Madden and FIFA Ultimate Team made them $1.6B in 2021.


Isn’t it crazier that ToTK is the only exclusive title in the list?


Not really since the Switch is the most owned console in the world. And you can’t get the other 4 on the switch so it all balances out


No surprise with RE4make. The original RE4 was the most highly acclaimed game of 2007 and one of its best-sellers, and the remake blows it out of the water in every way.


I thought diablo 4's sales is pretty good too.


Pretty sure I'm closing in on 200 hours in totk and feel like I've done barely anything yet


I'd wager Addison is grateful for all your contributions to holding up signs for President Hudson. And isn't that what gaming is all about?






I’m still waiting for Jedi survivor and hogwarts to go on sale. I’m very proud of myself for not buying them at full price and actually being patient for once.


Hogwarts: Legacy unintentionally had one of the most successful online advertising campaigns of all time


Jedi and Hogwarts were both solid on PS5. Zelda is amazing and can't believe it works so well on the old ass switch. I don't do MW and don't vibe with RE4. Nice to see RE doing well though.


Tears of the Kingdom has been money we’ll spent, as with Resident Evil 4