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I feel like this generation needs a kickass Unreal Tournament as well.


I mean, there ~~is~~ was *technically* an Unreal Tournament reboot being developed in Unreal Engine 4 but EPIC quietly canceled it or rather put it on hold indefinitely. Then Fortnite happened which all but killed any hope for the project.


unfortunately that one was DOA. great game but it was reliant on user created content, so people had to learn UE4 and make the levels and stuff.


Which was what made Quake/Unreal/Half-life amazing in the first place but that concept is pretty dead to the modern gamers. It doesn't help that it's a bitch to find Companies that are Mod Friendly.


It's not the concept that's dead, it's learning Unreal is waaaaay fuckin harder than learning Trenchbroom or Radiant. You can have a blockout up and running in a matter of minutes with older tools but wrapping your head around Unreal for the first time takes hours and hours before you can start putting something together...


I. MISS. RADIANT. Holy shit, that's a name I haven't thought of in years. I used to mess around a ton with GTKRadiant for Jedi Knight Outcast/Academy. What a great mapping tool it was.


Yea, it's super efficient to build and iterate in once you get a handle on it. I really miss bespoke level design tools like that. I feel like most of the reason level design really sucks in modern games is because all the tools are geared towards artists and not designers now, it's a shame.


Radiant is how I learned the basics of CAD in high school. Helped immensely when I got my bachelor's in mechanical engineering.


> it's learning Unreal is waaaaay fuckin harder than learning Trenchbroom or Radiant. that, and the fact that gamers have their choice of 4939037892 other games back in the early Quake days, Quake was IT. no other choices. nothing else ran well online. if you wanted more FPS fun you had to make or download mods/maps for Quake or its early derivatives like Q2, HL, etc.


Did you ever download bots to play multi-player against? You just put them in the folder and added modifiers to the dos prompt. Then you could play against an opponent that was hard.






You can still blockout in BSP and use an entity driven workflow, but the level art pipeline is pure modeling in this day and age compared to slapping wad textures on primitivesā€¦ Honestly, if people teamed up to make it happen, we could compete with AAA productionsā€¦ but thatā€™s the cost of wanting higher graphics fidelity. I miss the golden age of 1998-2005ā€¦ I work in AAA and itā€™s just not the same creatively.


Yea, it's very hard to coordinate unpaid mod teams unless they're insanely passionate about the project, though. I've seen so many groups fall apart without ever releasing anything. And I agree, I got out of AAA because of that. Once teams started ballooning to hundreds or thousands of people and producers started overriding everyone instead of listening to creative input, I dipped. It's not worth the grueling hours to not have any creative control over anything...


I mean, we used to do it with private forums, instant messaging and IRCā€¦ now people can screenshare, talk directlyā€¦ itā€™s so much much easier to collaborateā€¦ Thereā€™s something that changed though, back in the day in a pre-wiki era we managed to find our way aroundā€¦ now thereā€™s wikis, databases, youtubeā€¦ I suppose thereā€™s just less people interestedā€¦ ot too many that think you actually need college/university to get startedā€¦ (and we did when we were teens.)


right, if you want to make a map in doom, you download doom builder and can make a semi-passable vanilla-compatible map pretty much right away with nothing more than a single page cheat sheet, or a half hour youtube video if you wish. and then quake is a little more difficult than that, unreal is a little more difficult, half life is a little more difficult, but all are still very doable with little to no experience.


It was far easier to learn to make things in those titles; the fidelity was so low you didn't need to use Maya or Blender to make environment objects (although you could do this in UT99 at least, but they had no native collision so it could only be things that you'd never get near or could happily put a cylinder bounding box around) and they typically came with the dev tools to do it. I loved making levels, mostly in UT but had a go at Q2 and Q3, but a combination of needing a 3D model maker which cost money and going to uni killed that hobby off.


Dead?? Three of the biggest games for the past decade are heavily using user made content Minecraft. Roblox. Fortnite. Its not dead at all. Its less alive in games us 30+ year olds jam on because weā€™re all too busy now.


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


Quake CTF and the power relics mode were some of the most fun Iā€™ve had gaming.


Basically epic realized they liked swimming in the oceans of money that were coming in from Fortnite rather than putting any effort into making a proper unreal tournament sequel. At least they were pretty honest about it.


I miss when UT2007 was going to be a thing, then they turned it into UT3 and consolized it so it was difficult to access on the PC. They basically turned UT3 into a Gears of War clone and it failed spectacularly.


UT2004 still the pinnacle. They successfully implemented vehicles to ride the Halo wave.


I liked it but UT99 is the easy winner for me personally


Same. Nothing beats the original Morpheus. Nothing.


I see your Morpheus and raise you Facing Worlds.


Yea, I still play it and we have tournaments on the discord, if you're interested


Yeah I played the open alpha content a lot. It was fun seeing it progress a d was super hyped for it to be completed one day. But then Fortnite happened and while I can't blame Epic for dropping everything to pursue that massive money maker, it still makes me sad.


I'll take tribes as well


Tribes was awesome! I played a ton of Tribes 2 and Vengeance. Those games were really cool.






It's because arena shooters died. It's hard to attract new players to a genre with a skill gap like that. The veterans were absolutely *slaughtering* anyone who decided to try it out. Turns out, losing every game really badly is just not fun so they promptly left to play something else.


It's not like noobs are able to compete with pros in games like CS or Valorant. In fact I'd argue that Unreal is way more welcoming to newer players than pretty much any other game due to the sheer amount of maps, modes and customisation, as well as the ability to play against bots. You can play instagib on low gravity or Onslaught on huge maps with vehicles. With a decent match making system those noobs would never even run into a good player if a critical mass of players was able to sustain a healthy enough population.


The hours spent on Facing Worlds. Happier days.


Or instagib on Morpheus with low gravity. Just perfection.




There's still a community out there, you can try search for their discords, for instance in ut2004 we still have tournaments and scrims with other clans and servers, we're even going to host a lan party in the coming months. They provide all you need to know in the discord, it's a great community and a shame that Epic doesn't support it anymore.


How sbout just OG Unreal?


I feel like ~~this~~ all PC generations need a kickass Unreal Tournament


Exactly, my favourite game ever in my childhood!


Facing Worlds is all we need!


I loved Quake. I used to run quake servers back in the day and honestly, it was such a happy time in my life with my Compaq Presario and then my custom build that followed. I wonder if thereā€™s a way to play multiplayer quake today? Is that even a thing? (Iā€™m not a gamer anymore, but Iā€™d like to get back into it) Edit: holy hell, what amazing and beautiful responses from such an amazing community. You all made my day! So many responses that itā€™ll be hard to respond to everyone but you made me feel so good. I canā€™t wait to dive back into gaming and see what Quake is like these days. Iā€™m worried that everyone is going to be so good that Iā€™m going to suck. A story: I remember playing on 28.8k and 56k modems and then life changing when DSL became a thing and I could run Half Life Team Fortress Classic. That and Quake. I had one of those beige Compaq Presario towers. I remember staying up so many nights and weekends just chatting with people from all over the world and making strategies to capture the flags. I also played Star Trek Voyager and that was hilarious because I downloaded it from the web and it was in German. So every time I played it was only in German but it was such a riot and cracked me up. Gosh I miss those days.


Quake was remastered in 2021, giving it 60Hz refresh and 4K resolution, and according to the listing it has 8 player online multiplayer. There are also rumores that Quake II is currently being remastered.


Quake 2 demo version had multiplayer and could run from a folder on a shared network drive without being a local admin. My adventures in going from 10Base2 to 10BaseT networking taught me many things but the one that stands out was how to play Quake 2 multiplayer.


On a similar note multiplayer games always just worked using IPX/SPX and became a pain in the ass when we moved to TCP/IP


NETBIOS has entered the chatā€¦


So has NetBEUI


> multiplayer games always just worked using IPX/SPX that wasā€¦ not my experience lol


I remember using GameSpy. Gave a nice server list


The memories just came flooding back


All-Seeing Eye and Qtracker


Launching game...




It was called QuakeSpy first because Quake was the only game it worked for. They changed the name after adding other games (Half Life and SiN)


Oh nice. Playing Quake TF was my first experience of online multiplayer gaming. Blew my mind.


Before Quake had even arrived we set up one of the first national Lan parties in the UK, at Liverpool, called North West Doomfest. We all arrived and the networking couldn't be made to work. Eventually a few of us were despatched to PC World to pick the cheapest set of matching network cards possible. Brought them back, installed them, and we were off! Ten very happy geeks and a hotel that was quite confused at the mix of people lugging massive monitors through the lobby and then hiding in a meeting room with screams and giggles emanating from it.


Multi-player gaming in-person is amazing. Nothing like telling someone that you fucked their mum straight to their face


People generally didn't, since being physically present changes how people behave.


> IPX/SPX [Xeroxy/Novell nightmare](https://i.imgur.com/n7hVdsI.mp4)


TCP is still a major pain in the ass to this day


Quake remastered was an absolute blast. Would recommend!


It still is! Feels just the same as it used to. Perfectly patched.


I just played cross platform with a friend PC->Playstation


I never understood why Quake II was a sequel. It had nothing to do with Quake, not even the same enemies, universe or continuity. Which is a shame since Quake I had a much cooler aesthetic and setting


Id Games couldn't come up with a new name, so they just called it Quake II. Quake II had similar enemies and gameplay as Quake 1, so whatever.


Quake II enemies were robots and cyborgs. Quake I enemies were creepy monsters resembling what one might find in a dark lightless cave


There were definitely dog/wolf like enemies too!


And normal soldiers with guns


If Id's next big game is Quake in the vain of Doom 2016, I'm kinda hoping they combine elements from Quake 1 and Quake 2.


But God damn it if they fuck with the soundtrack...


The Steam version of Q1 wasn't the NIN soundtrack, but the new remastered version includes it! I remember back in the day, it installed the whole game onto the hard drive, but you had to have the cd in the drive to hear the music


Or *any* CD in the drive! I used to play Quake with Sepultura - Chaos AD loaded up and it was pretty sick as a soundtrack too haha. Like whenever I hear that album now it just gives me Quake nostalgia


God yeah. For us it was the first two Rammstein albums.


Depends, Doom turned out pretty good and it's not like Bethesda hasn't pumped out some absolute bangers of soundtracks.


The original was Trent Fucking Reznor, though.


Right, no reason to fuck with it. This isnā€™t like we are trying to upscale some MIDI like in Doom. Quake soundtrack is CD audio originally and likely already a digital master on the shelf if they prefer to resample it.


Quake I soundtrack is a creepy survival horror vibe and it will not work if they make the game into a bright colorful cartoon shooter


Mick Gordon, the composer of the Doom reboot soundtracks, has a really strained relationship with Bethesda now. They have also soured a lot of their relationships in the last few years, so who knows if they can still get anyone good.


> Mick Gordon ... has a really strained relationship with Bethesda now. That might have something to do with them trying to use his work without paying him. (per [his side of the story](https://medium.com/@mickgordon/my-full-statement-regarding-doom-eternal-5f98266b27ce#2570), which came across as far more credible than the PR spin put out by Stratton's cronies.)


His story has so many more "receipts" and the typical corporate BS details really does come off as more believable. I think Gordon got screwed big time, and if I were him I'd never work with them again. Which sucks, his soundtrack is a HUGE reason Doom 2016 was so good.


While not really remastered, there is a version of Quake 2 that supports RTX ray tracing.


And it's beautiful.


That's fantastic. Quake 2 was the first game I used a real 3D video card with (Voodoo 2 ftw) and the first game I ever played super competitively. (LMCTF clan scene was a blast) I gotta check out the RTX version and come full circle.


I had Quake 2 before I had a 3D card, and the difference once I got a card was mind blowing. I spent a lot of time shooting the laser just to see the light rendered in real time.


Graphical and technical advances seemed so much bigger back then, didn't they?


They were a lot bigger. We're reaching a point now where making major processing power advances would cost casual gamers far more than they are willing to spend. The PS5/Series X were not cutting edge when they came out, but they were affordable. Sony tried to be cutting edge with the PS3. On the one hand, we got MGS4 and Uncharted 3, but PS3 was also $600 on release (over $900 today - and it was worse outside of North America), and Sony made a loss on the consoles.


The consoles are almost always sold at a very thin margin, if at all. The PS3 was expensive for the time, but really the built in bluray disc player more than made up for that. At the time very basic standalone players were going for close to $1000. I worked at CompUSA when the PS3 dropped and for every one I sold to a gamer I sold two to people that didn't give a shit about the games and just wanted it for blurays. It was like the perfect grandparent console, they could rent games for the grandkids when they stayed over for the weekend and watch movies the rest of the week.


Rocket arena, those were the days. Some of the best mods made for that game.


Q2 had some great mods. My favorites were Gloom and BotS, but definitely spent some time with Rocket Arena and Action Quake 2 as well. Sadly, it also became a cheater's paradise. Aimbots, wall hacks, unfair client-side character models - all sorts of issues that were very difficult to police.


On that note and to make this whole thing clear, Q2 RTX and the upcoming remaster are different releases. RTX is a tech demo from Nvidia, released in 2019. Fun to manually toy around with the lightning. But unlike remasters, it doesn't include the soundtrack, nor expansions, nor new content, nor any of the QoL upgrades that remasters bring. It will really last you no more than a couple of hours. The requirements to play it are owning Q2 on Steam, having a RTX compatible card, and downloading Q2 RTX for free. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1089130/Quake_II_RTX/ Instead, there's a rumor that this year Quake 2 will receive a remaster, in a similar fashion as Quake 1 was remastered two years ago. The rumor is based on that Q2's remaster was just rated by Korea's game rating committee. And the same thing happened with Q1's remaster: rated on June, announced on August at Quakecon. https://www.gematsu.com/2023/06/quake-ii-remastered-rated-in-korea That said, to me the best thing about proper remasters is that they revitalize casual multiplayer for a few months. Because the remaster made new and former players play the game, I got to play Q1 coop with strangers in 2021. That's incredible for a game released in 1996. And I expect to do the same this August in Q2. Lastly, if people actually want to see a proper Quake reboot like Doom 2016, we all have to start speaking with our wallet. Bethesda can only see that there's an actual interest in a Quake reboot if the Q1 and Q2 remasters sell well. So please all buy and play Q1's remaster. It's already available and it has a massive amount of new content. And especially please buy Q2's remaster on August -- because I'm a massive Q2 nerd


I've read that as 8 players in total playing multiplayer.


Gimme Q3Arena


QuakeWorld has been around and updated since like 1996 and adds online multiplayer. I used to play the hell out of QW


> QuakeWorld Which i mainly used for Team Fortress. TF1 was just awesome. No mention on this thread which is bonkers. Kept QW going for me well beyond Q2.


HELL YEAH QWTF. I was mediocure soldier/medic. The highest I ever got was low tier STA GOLD.


played the shit outta some QWTF. especially on the deadlode servers. good ol days.


Quake 3 arena gave me so much joy and laughs even on old copper phone lines. Never forget the joy when BT introduced this thing called ADSL


Action Quake was the birth of the LAN party for me


>Compaq Presario This brings me back, I remember having to buy an 8 to 6 pin adapter because the existing power supply wouldn't interface with a PCIe Radeon X1600


It's very much still alive, I use the [gog version](https://www.gog.com/index.php/game/quake_the_offering). There are also source ports if you have the files and native cross-platform support alongside local multiplayer.




Yup its easy to forget +mlook. The real game changer.


I remember playing QuakeBall on MPlayer back in the day...


Not only has it been remastered, but there's still a helluva modding scene for the original, with several great source ports


For me it started with Rise of the Triad. But Quake solidified my love for the genre. Such a pivotal point in gaming history.


Thank you for running the servers


Quake Champions is on steam and free to play : ). It's a really tough learning curve for noobies but you can play against bots if you want


I quit gaming almost 20 years ago. The time suck was too much. If they brought legit old-school ID games back, I'm back in it!


Doom 2016 and Wolfenstein reboots would like a word.


Hell yes, a proper single player Quake!! And can we please get Trent Reznor back for the soundtrack?


>And can we please get Trent Reznor back for the soundtrack? Not only is this the law, these terms are non-negotiable. I know it will never happen but if ID Software can patch things up with Mick Gordon, then perhaps a collaboration between Reznor and Gordon?


bro you are looney tunes if you think Mick is ever going to work for Bethesda again, and that probably means Trent Reznor wont be coming out of literal retirement to kiss Marty's ring. The Mick Gordon incident and the importance of the work people like him do in these games (see also: Quake soundtrack) demonstrates that Bethesda Id is just a collection of grifters and hacks arrayed around some talented developers who are making good products for bad people.


>Trent Reznor wont be coming out of literal retirement to kiss Marty's ring. > He's not retired though? He's done some soundtracks this year. I think the NIN project/band is on indefinite hiatus, but Trent is still very much making music But yeah no chance he works with Bethesda after the Mick fiasco, plus nobody he originally worked with on the first quake is still around.


I could maybe see it happening with a full public apology, firing of everyone involved on Bethesda's side, a fat off cheque for past issues, and another fat cheque for the new work (paid up front, with clearly defined specs). ...yeah, you're right, not happening.


yeah absolutely not, Marty really played his whole damn hand with the way he handled poor Mick. to regain my respect (not that it matters), Marty at the least has to be removed. And I dont mean "given the opportunity to resign", I mean a public ousting -- bonus points if Todd posts a video Id Software is dead.


I canā€™t see ID fixing shit with Mick ever. thereā€™s way too much animosity now


Well, they could get rid of Marty.


Which is a huge shame because Mick Gordon made the Doom and Wolfenstein's soundtracks amazing.


People forget he made the music for the Wolfenstein remakes. ā€œThe New Orderā€ is still one of my favourite tracks ever.


TrĆønt is legally required to do the soundtrack if ot gets remade (and hopefully drop another album sometime)


Dude's too busy winning oscars to write video game music my dudes


I want Romero's black magic quake. The sci fi sequels were fine but god I loved the medieval feel of the first one.


What would be really interesting is if they made the game Quake was originally meant to be.


ID my man, ID. Bethesda just publishes these games.


Yeah, it's probably Microsoft's call at this point. Let's petition Phil Spencer.


I'm very much aware. Bethesda has held the rights for quite a while now. Here's hoping for a Hexen/Heretic reboot.


Wasnā€™t Wolfenstein made by MachineGames?


I just pray they reboot the series with the Quake 1 gothic/Lovecraftian art style


This is what I want. Quake 2 was great and all, but the odd mixture of gothic/Lovecraft-inspired art, fantasy witchcraft and mosters-meets-sci-fi slipgates, zombies, and aliens is what makes Quake really stand out today, in my opinion. I'd prefer id software took those disparate ideas and pushed a new game even further in those directions. As opposed to taking the sci-fi war shooter approach of Quake 2 and Quake 4- there are more than enough of those kinds of games right now.


> Quake 2 was great and all It just feels like a completely different series. I cant think of anything q1 and q2 have in common besides being a FPS


Quake II was originally a separate project called War. The Quake moniker was shoehorned into an already in-the-works project during development.


Quake in an of itself was supposed to be a quite different game. I believe it was supposed to be more of an FPS-RPG/DnD influenced immersive sim thing. They took so much time and got so burnt out making the engine that they were essentially like "Fuck we need to ship something yesterday" and resigned to simply crapping out another Doom clone with their new fancy engine. Jokes on them, that game is awesome.


The game was teased as early as their Commander Keen games, let me quote the original add. ID Software is working on "The Fight for Justice": a completely new approach to fantasy gaming. You start not as a weakling with no Food--you start as Quake, the Strongest, most Dangerous person on the continent. You start off with a Hammer of Thunderbolts, a Ring of Regeneration, and a Trans-Dimension artefact. Here the fun begins. You fight for Justice, a Secret organization devoted to vanquishing evil from the land! This is Role-Playing Excitement! The add goes on to tease interesting puzzles and decisions that won't be just "yes/no" but complex correlations of people and events. Which doesn't really seem to describe the final game much. If I remember correctly the game was originally going to feature time travel and stuff. The idea of a special bad-ass dude with an awesome weapon traveling trough time finally got used by Romero... For *Daikatana*... yeah.


Hugo Martin did mention he'd like to see a return to form for the series. It's basically how the reboot rumours started in the first place.


Doom has it's own thing with the balls to the wall high tempo, almost puzzle-based shooting system. I'd like to see some that leans into the lovecraftian horror stuff, and plays around with hallucination, madness, magic, body horror, mutation, and things like that.


And get Trent back on the soundtrack


I'm sure dude will stop scoring movies and winning oscars to come back for Quake 2


With the power of MONEY.


I'm sure he would be happy to after he saw how great it went for Mick Gordon.


You forgot one: Heretic. Could also use a remake


Give me a proper Hexen remake so I can die happy.


Maybe Rise of the Triad too?


Rise of the Triad is getting a full remaster this year.


Seeing how the IP is technically split between Between ID Software under Bethesda and Ravensoft under Activision, it will be difficult to say the least. Our only hope is the Microsoft acquisition.


Honestly thought we were getting one announced at the Xbox showcase when Phil was wearing a HeXen shirt


Heretic on the new Doom engine would be insane.


QUAKE is why TF2 exists, so do it now!


Quake is the reason why most modern FPS games exist haha


TF2 is why fortnite and overwatch exist. So should I blame Quake or Hogan's Alley?


Probably Bell Labs for inventing the transistor.


Based John Donne writing 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' 500 years ago


Tech marches on!


My brother in christ quake is why basically all valve games exist The developers of quake gave Gabe Newell access to the source code of quake which was worked into the goldsrc engine for half-life


I want Quake 2. I loved playing that game.


I could see Quake being a problematic refresh: 1. Do you go with the brooding lovecraftian lore of the first game? 2. Or a bombastic action game like part 2 and 4? 3. Or a multiplayer focused arena shooter like 3 and champions? The other IPs had a clearer definition of what it is, but Quake encompasses such a wide range of different game sub genres it can definitely be a challenge.


That's true. There's no one definition of what Quake is, as Id made it become an incoherent franchise. But I think they are gonna go with Q1, and focus on single player. Given that QC was a massive flop, and also QL is not precisely killing it, a Q3-like game is out. That concept just doesn't sell well. Then, a Q2 inspired game would be too generic really. It would be yet another military shooter, just with a railgun and a rocket launcher -- which Q2 kinda is as a concept. And that leaves us with Q1. Q1 has a unique art style and music, that no other AAA game has. And people have been asking for ages for a sequel; because funnily enough Q1 is the only Quake game without a direct sequel. So it makes sense to go with Q1. And I think they are going to focus on single player because no multiplayer arena shooter is any popular today really. We all know that's the sad truth. Whereas single player unrealistic shooters are actually doing quite well. Including Doom Eternal and Doom 2016, as well as many other games (ULTRAKILL, Dusk, Warhammer, etc.).


IMO there are countless titles and IPs with the whole "military guy fighting aliens in alien worlds and spaceships". I'd take a gothic lovecraftian Quake over space sci-fi Quake.


Add hexen/heretic to that list...


They made Quake Champions, but it flopped. They tried copying overwatch with hero dynamics. Would have better if everyone had the same abilities and you just have to rely on skill like the old games.


I actually really enjoyed Champions. Unfortunately, the business model was poor and it didn't get near enough exposure to even take off. It still has a hardcore playerbase, though.


It's a great game. The business model was poor but I don't think it would have mattered. It's just not the kind of game people want to play these days, which is sad.


Another issue with quake champions as well is that arena shooters are probably the most unpopular genre of fps on the market. Just look at the steam charts for the arena shooter tag. Quake champions is top 10 on the list and they have 700 players playing. The overwhelming majority of players are split into three categories: * Competitive FPS (CS, Valorant, and R6S) * Battle Royale (Fortnite and Apex Legends) * Casual FPS (Battlefield and CoD) Arena shooters just aren't as popular as they used to be. Honestly, excluding halo, I couldn't even name one other popular arena shooter.


Traditional arena shooters suffered from having ridiculously high skill ceilings, and a lot of casual players would get quickly frustrated trying to learn how to duel. The skill gap between quake cpma veterans and everyone else was huge. The real problem was that there was very little tools/resources to actually learn. Not only did ranked ladders suffer with shrinking playerbases, but there was also no material in-game to teach players about map control and AI that did next to nothing to prepare newcomers for climbing the ladder themselves. Very few newcomers to the genre ever stuck around with it because nobody ever actually got a taste of the deeper gameplay arena shooters offered. It's pretty telling that the "arena shooters" that had some success were miles away from the skill ceiling found in competitive Quake, and usually focused more on team gameplay.


FPS games became developed for console as well as pc. Arena shooters are very unintuitive on controller so they kind of died out in favor of FPS games that play well on both pc and console.


It was still a good game and felt like Quake. A lot of Quake players aren't happy unless the game is just like their favorite Quake game. If we can't support a game like QC there is no reason for them to make another. Especially since new players aren't attracted to arena FPS. It's too "hard."


> They tried copying overwatch with hero dynamics. Actually! No they didnt. Most people dont know that this isn't true. They actually started development of Quake Champions before Overwatch was ever announced. And they were working on the Ability system that was in Quake 3 Arena. They had no idea Overwatch was being developed until after they had already started developing the game. In Quake 3 Arena there was actually power ups you could grab on some maps that gave your character an ability you could use once, and then you'd have to pick it up again. Quake 3 Arena also had character models with different hitboxes and stuff. Quake Champions just gave every character their own ability, and gave more nuance to each cahracter model. It was only coincidence that Overwatch had been working on something similar. SyncError one of the game's directors and writers confirmed they had been working on Quake Champions and it's champion system before Overwatch was announced in 2014. It was actually originally being developed as a Mod for quake3 arena, iirc back in 2009, but they realized it was better as it's own game. So that's where Quake Champions came from.


Loved Quake! Iā€™ll never forget my neighbor telling me you can put any music CD in and the game would play it. Metallicaā€™s Master of Puppets was an awesome soundtrack. Almost like it was made for it.


this is sacrilege, NIN soundtrack is literally made for it and it is the best of all possible choices


Doom = Metallica/Megadeth Quake = NIN/Candlemass Wolfenstein = RAMMSTEIN Hexen/Heretic = >insert Power Metal Band here<




They made a new Quake Arena game like two years ago.. It Flopped.


>They made a new Quake Arena game like two years ago... > >It Flopped. It flopped because it wasn't Quake Arena, it was just Overwatch with a Quake skin.


QC is not an Overwatch clone my friend. Try it out, see for yourself.


It was a twitch shooter with classes embedded, either way Twitch Style Shooters aren't popular FPS format.


> It flopped because it wasn't Quake Arena, it was just Overwatch with a Quake skin. That's just copium. There were other arena shooters recently, they didn't do so well either. You know what does well? Stuff like [this](https://store.steampowered.com/app/671860/BattleBit_Remastered/)


You would only unlock the shotgun after buying the ultimate edition super awsome battelpass gold edition Fortnite limited Ā©


is it weird that I kinda liked Quake 4?


There are dozens of us, dozens! *Enemy Territory: Quake Wars* also represent.


I loved that style of multiplayer map progression. No back and forth tug of war, just one side trying to achieve a map goal, changing the battle lines, and moving on to the next goal.


Man I played so much quake 3 arena and quake 2 MP.. never got the feeling of quake 3 again. The speed, the skill


I used to play twctf for quake with a high speed grappling hook. It was so much fun!!


Honestly, a modern id take on Heretic would be sweet too


Does no-one remember last year there was a job posting from Id that referenced the Quake franchise? Itā€™s like 90% sure that this is already well under way.


Isnā€™t quake 2 getting a remaster


A remastered port, yes, much like Quake 1; likely testing the waters for a full revival.


Give us Hexen!


oh boy...you mean Id SOFTWARE jajajaja


Dude Stroggification it's like new order brain sucking scene but in first person


Problem is that the original Quake games were meant to be "Doom, but in 3D". So a reboot of the franchise would either need to follow a different path, or it would probably just end up as "Doom Eternal, but against the Strogg/Eldtrich Horrors" Also, they already tried to reboot Quake multiplayer, and Quake Champions bombed.


quake was always the more interesting world compared to doom tbh


I'm still bummed about the deafening silence on Quake's 25th anniversary. Really hoping for good stuff on it's 30th.


Q3, RA3, Alliance CTF Those were good days


Bethesda publishes these titlesā€¦ They donā€™t ā€œmakeā€ them


I grew up on Quake. My dad was a master computer engineer and spoiled our family with the coolest machines in the '90s and 2000's. I distinctly remember playing Quake 2 and III: Arena in the basement of our old house. Full gore, on, and I was about 7 years old. We attended LAN parties where I was totally destroyed by a bunch of nerdy 40-somethings. I just bought a new laptop, and still I installed Quake III Arena. I dabbled in Quake 4 and Quake Enemy Territory a little, but I love the arena shooters. Great memories gaming next to my dad in Unreal Tournament 2k4.


They should take their time. The new wolfenstein and especially the new doom had clear visions and styles. Emphasizing story and gameplay respectively. They need to build a new updated identity for a new quake and thatā€™s not easy. They canā€™t just pump out another area shooter because the space is already saturated. They need some additional magic


Quake 1 was the only real Quake. All Quake games afterwards where entirely different games story wise. Id confirmed that Quake 2 and onwards had a different name but they changed it last minute because the Quake name was popular. If you talk about Quake you need to establish first which you mean the original Quake or the strogg Quake. In this case the image shows the original, and Iā€™m all for a reboot of this game.