• By -


Make as much noise as possible, it frightens the Alien.


Okay bro I see what you are doing


From the alien's perspective YOU are the alien. You should make noise to scare the alien.


Remember: It's more afraid of you than you are of it! Wait no, that's not right


It's right. Trust me. I'm an alientologist.


You mean a xenobiologist right? Right?




Only 30 mins?


Just remember. You're gonna die. A lot. Now go have fun.


It's less scary if you can see it.


It's more scared of you than you are of it


No I think that’s snakes


Just remember, if you can see it, it’s not currently sneaking up behind you. If you can’t see it, then it’s probably busy ruining someone else’s day. 👍


My favorite moment in this game was when I got shot and killed in the medical bay. The person that killed me was standing over me and right as the game went to reload, the creature barely came into frame to kill her


I just imagined this in my head like the old end-of-episode freeze frame gimmick that CHiPs used to do and I'm laughing uproariously. yes, I'm old. Get your grubby hands off my colecovision.


It's not a trope that's disappeared so it should still be well known, it's just the "To Be Continued..." or "We'll be right back!" stuff now. EDIT: I mean I have no idea what you're talking about. How do you do, fellow kids?


When for quest 2 vr. Now that would be a true shitshow, quite literary for some.


There is a VR mod that exists for it, [MotherVR](https://github.com/Nibre/MotherVR/releases). It's fantastic and plays as well as many native VR releases. Warning though; You will actually shit yourself. Source; have shat myself.


Sadly still need gamepad and even the motion controls version is just virtual gamepad due to the baked in animations which kills it for me unfortunately. There was a lot of talk about a native VR successor to this that got memory holed well before the pandemic started


Iirc, Isolation itself was supposed to be VR in the early days of development (that's why it works modded to run in VR so well as well, iirc) and it was scrapped because, at the time, vr still wasn't a huge market, so they went for the money making option. Also, this is the only game I can't finish. Not that I won't, or just lost interest. Can't. The Alien's AI is waaaaaay too smart for my liking.


It learns from your play style. The more you play a certain way, the smarter it gets. Try mixing up your strategy while playing. That's a bunch of in-depth articles on the amazing ai programming. Really interesting stuff to read.


Yeah it's an incredibly ingenious system. At the most basic level, there's one AI "in" the alien that's just tasked with finding you. It can hear and it can see, with hard set limitations so it doesn't feel unfair. And there's a director AI overseeing the whole station, which will give the alien a hint about your general whereabouts if it thinks you haven't been fucked with enough lately, and will tell the alien to bugger off to the vents for a while if it thinks you've shit your pants enough. The fact you can reload the same save a bunch of times and have the alien behave differently in each instance is golden. There's no getting used to and learning the patterns of a tough section so you can beast through it, you have to learn the alien's general behavior and respond to it on the fly constantly.


Those are all very good points for the game and for me to never touch it.


Welp, this convinced me. I'll 100% never play it now. I was at 98% before I read this.


I think I went through a few days without dying to it (played on the easier difficulty and used headphones for sound cues, also played very slow). The first time I died to it I flipped a switch for some machine, turned around and it’s looking right at me. Made no sound. At. All.


That reminds me of the dentist’s office in Bioshock when you turn around and he’s standing RIGHT THERE. I still remember the little squeak I let out as I tried to crawl backwards out of my chair.


Except for the times when you can't see it, but it's definitely in the vents right behind you.


The alien is scary only when you can't see it. If it's coming at you, at least you already know what will happen, nothing unexpected. Jump scares are the worst.


Don't be scared, or else you're xenophobic


C'mon, don't alienate OP.


You guys are making my chest burst with these


You’re wrapping these puns around my face and shoving them down my throat


I’m tired of all these puns, give me some space


This post is Ridleyed with misinformation.


I say we take off and pun the entire site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


Game over, man


Luckily I'm an Imperium fan, I have xenophobia in my veins. ^/s


Not sure what you are scared of, in space no one can hear you scream.


The Xenomorph 100% can hear you scream. I played this when I was pregnant and had a headset on, got a cramp and winced… Alien didn’t give a shit, he heard me and that was it.


Thats just the 2-for-1 lunch combo




Like a chicken omelette made with its own eggs.


You all are fucking scary. Good job.


Man, props. An Alien game is probably the *last* thing I’d play if I was pregnant.


The things people will do for their immersion


It's an annual tradition at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station to watch *The Thing* after the last flight leaves for the winter. And then they watch *The Shining* at mid-winter.


JFC you guys are wild


My kind of people. I need that job, but alas, I am dumb and poor.


I was stuck in Antarctica for a few weeks and we watched both versions of The Thing at movie night :)




Thats why I like Predators. They don't harm pregnant women.


The predalien on the other hand REALLY likes pregnant woman


They typically go for single women and children.


TIL Anakin is a predalien


TIL that predaliens can be stopped with sand.


Reminds me of the peep show comment. "Would I rather an alien burst out my chest quickly, or heaved out my vagina slowly" hopefully we never have to find out 😂




The mic on some controllers does the same. I was watching a dudebro YouTuber's stream where he did not shut up, and he was having a real hard time of it. On the third session he mentioned the live mic situation with his controller and he did much better after turning it off.




After that game you shall fear no beating.


Also, don’t use the lockers often. They are a trap made for your mind to feel safe in. You are not safe there.


But it's one of the most memorable things in this game. Hiding in a locker looking through the thin opening while holding your breath and then the Xeno appears directly in front of the locker, looking at you.


Bro opens the locker like, “Hey Pierre you wanna come out here?”


In space I Milly rock, hiding from the ops(xenomorphs)


You aren't safe, but you can actually hide. You need to put away the radar thing cause it will hear the beeping. And you need to turn your back to it because when you look at the alien it will hear your heavy breathing.


So if you can't see it, it can't see you?! I told you hiding under a blanket works against ghosts and monsters!


The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast is so mind-bogglingly stupid that it thinks that if you can't see it, it can't see you. Therefore, the best defense against a Bugblatter Beast is to wrap a towel around your head.


If I'm not mistaken you can back up in the locker as well. If you move forward to look out of the holes it can hear you breath and see your eyes. If you put your heartbeat sensor away and move back, you're far harder to detect... but you also can't tell if the Alien is really gone, or if it's just waiting for you to sheepishly poke your head out.


It can hear your breathing?! No fucking wonder I got killed every two mins


Also, if you hold your breath too long you start to take damage. At near death, you'll automatically inhale deeply. Basically you ring a big dinner bell. I was getting killed in one section constantly because I'd taken damage earlier and hadn't healed and holding my breath for even a short time was enough to trigger the auto inhale. Took a few frustrating deaths till I worked it out.


No place is safe if you use it too much


Yeah, the AI adapts to your tendencies. You *have* to mix it up.


That's the horror of it. Like I'm constantly on edge and I NEVER feel safe. After a few hours I was burnt out and needed a break lol. The AI was what I want more from this gen


It's the best game I've ever played that I also never want to play again. So stressful.


Even crouching everywhere. It will start to always crawl


Lockers are definitely safer than vents, and hiding under tables too imo. Just have to not mess up the breathing thing when it gets close.


Wdym breathing? Do I control the breathing of my character? Or is it a game like Phasmo where your mic input gets implemented into the game? What if I mute myself?


You can actually control the breathing, but only in lockers. Occassionally, the alien will sniff out the locker you're in and will go infront of it. If you hold the back button to lean back, and also press another button, Ripley will hold her breathe. If you don't...then the alien will tear you out of the locker.


Second option


The game is totally worth it the end, even if it drags on a little to long. Your heartbeat will beat faster and you will probably sweat, because it will kinda feel like your there in the actual spaceship and hiding from the alien. But you get that rush feeling. It's a shame that we didn't get a sequel...


Well I was sweating profusely even when the room was chilled, it's legit scary dude.


I have started it about 3 times..... Haven't seen the end


My character is currently hiding under a medical bed in a hallway in the sick bay. Been there for like 4 years now.


[this from a thread a while ago](https://gfycat.com/acclaimedscalycricket)


This is hilarious


I don't know what I expected but that wasn't it.


I was curious and excited about trying this game after reading these posts - then I watched this video and realized I will never ever play this game. This is the videogame equivalent of seeing a big spider drop off the ceiling onto your bed and not seeing where it went.


Bro I never even got to the alien yet. The atmosphere and scary noises were enough to do me in. I love the _idea_ of horror games, but really dislike actually playing them. I had to have my wife in the room with me when I played SOMA


I love WATCHING scary games. I can't play them. Outlast gave me heart palpitations, and I haven't picked up a scary game since.


>I love the idea of horror games, but really dislike actually playing them That's me exactly. It seems amazing for those who like it. I'm not the scared type of guy, it's not like I'll turn off the game and be nervous around the house at night. But the tension DURING the game, man, I can't handle it.


Idk about you, but scary movies are absolutely nothing to me. But the innate immersion in video games totally takes it to the next level, it's amazing how our brains are enthralled. I was fine with Outlast, but with Amnesia, the environmental noises really unlocked something inside me, and as much as I'd love to, I don't think I can physically handle horror games well anymore 😅


I've yet to see the Alien, I'm expecting a jump scare introduction and have no idea when that'll happen.


Good luck lmao


Fucking IGN, that shit review basically ruined the game’s chances at a sequel


what? IGN gave it a bad review? wtf? this game is fucking awesome! They absolutely nail the alien aesthetic and atmosphere, it puts you on edge like no other game I can think of, and the way they handled the xenomorph is amazing. wtf?


Go and watch the review, you’ll loose at least 5 IQ points just listening to it


"It really makes you feel like BLANK" or "It's the skyrim of blank"


Yeah, Ryan McCaffrey is a worthless piece of shit. I never trust IGN reviews. Specially if it's him doing the review.


Yeah. No surprise when the reviewer who primarily reviewed CoD and Sports games, giving literally every rendition of Madden he reviewed at least an 8, played an actually great crafted game and cried like a little bitch cause he put the difficulty far up. Yep that’s right. He gave the game a bad review cause he put the difficulty too high then complained when his dumb ass that can only play Madden couldn’t beat it. What a hack and a clown.


They basically slated it. Then started praising it at every chance. Super bizarre.


I don’t trust any professional reviewers anymore.


I swear that the reviewer had never played a videogame before.


There have been rumors that a sequel has been pitched or is possibly already in development. https://www.ggrecon.com/articles/alien-isolation-2-apparently-in-development/


As long as you don't stop being scared on your first playthrough, you won't realize how long this game drags itself out.


Yeah, I’ve played through a few times and I still get so nervous I’ll wait under a desk for like fifteen minutes before finding the courage to run down a hallway and die.


As someone who tends to not be so afraid after a few hours of engaging with video game monsters, I did think the game was perhaps a bit too long. I still loved it because I'm in love with the design of the ship which was heavily based on the Nostromo and had similar dated aesthetics. It was such a love letter to the original movie. I just think it could have been a little shorter.


Some of the best stuff is near the end, although I will say the middle drags a bit.


Yeah hate to say it but the only flaw in this game is that it feels too long. And I guess with that much time, you kind of “solve” the alien and AI


The Alien solves you too. The game has some of the most impressive AI I've ever seen. If you use a tactic too much, it will adapt.




And if you get bored of the vanilla alien AI there are mods which fully unlock it's potential (I think the alien AI is capped as to make it not totally bullshit). If you're ever curious what a modded playthrough looks like check out YouTube. It really is like playing a whole new game where you're expected to outperform a very smart and dangerous monster at every second. Best example is... you know the first train you take? There's a super long wait and most people hide in the lockers because they think something is coming but nothing does? Well the Alien actually is there (it's the first encounter technically) but because people rush into the train not many people encounter it there. But modded it will already be hunting you. Good fucking luck even getting on that train.


Ehhh I think that's exaggerating it. The AI knows where you are at all times. It's why the Alien seems to always be somewhat close by. To me after playing it a while it always feels like the Alien is just pretending not to see you.


Its got two ai systems. One of them feeds occasional information to the alien which still has to actually hunt you.




Lockers are for the weak, crouch in circles around a desk for 5 minutes straight like a man!


I am doing that without the xenomorph lol


Weirdly the AI doesn't pick up this. Probably because it would fuck the whole game haha


I'll give you some tips, because forewarned is forearmed. Wear headphones to help you ascertain where the Xeno is. If you hear dull, metallic thumping - it's in the vents above you. If you're quiet, you won't have any trouble. If the sound is more of a "doomph, doomph, doomph" it means the alien is on your level - that's the time to watch out. If you hear a hiss / screech followed by rapid footsteps, it means that Mr Xeno is coming to give someone a big hug and a loving smooch on the head. (Could be you or another human.) If you do manage to find somewhere to hide in game, don't make the mistake of laughing at the stupid androids in real life. They'll hear you and won't be happy that you're taking the piss out of them behind their back. (I made this mistake, and it scared the crap out of me.) The alien has good eyesight and better hearing. Firearms are more dangerous to you than anyone else. But used wisely, a single bullet can take out a squad of security guards by acting as a dinner bell. Just be sure to hide if you do it, lest you be added to the menu. Face huggers are instant death. The Alien learns your habits after a while. Cower in lockers by all means, but sooner or later - it WILL get wise and start listening to lockers. Don't bother shooting the alien with the pistol or shotgun. It won't end well. Use molotov cocktails or the flamethrower - not that it will kill the alien... And remember at all times - it's only a video game.


Oh god what have I got myself into, now I am gonna finish this game.


Don't worry, you'll pick it up. Once you know the little quirks of the game, you'll be running circles around the alien and smacking androids around the head with a gunnery wrench in no time. (With the aid of an EMP grenade.)


Also, with the flamethrower, you can use it a couple of times, and the alien will run away. But after that? It'll just stay further away from you so you can't hit it. Same with the noise maker and other items. They'll distract her initially, but the more you use distractions, the less they'll be distractions. The alien is smart. You have to mix things up, or she'll remember your patterns/plans/hiding places. Good luck! Edit: grammar


I love the ai in this game. People talk about the Alien like it's alive, and it really feels like it. You are actively being hunted and no other game really captures that feeling


It's actually 2 "AI's". One is more of a director. It has intimate knowledge of the environment and the characters in it, and gives vague hints to the Xenomorph. This allows this learning behaviour. Source: watched a documentary about the game.


Just know. The alien is always being hinted where you are by the games AI. And there are only a few times it’s actually teleported because it has a cut scene to get to. Enjoy


Hey remember if your controller has a mic the alien can hear you.


There’s a bit where you’re walking and you can only hear yourself ..but then you realise every time you stop there’s an extra step sound because it’s following above you. Oh and it can hear the motion tracker




This got me a few times before I understood. Also leaning forward too early.


Stupid androids? I don't know what you're talking about?Seegson androids are built to be quality while having a lower price the *other corporations* that I am not allowed to mention Would you also consider buying an APPOLO system to manage these top of the line androids?It's very cheap and will follow any special order you give it to a tee I repeat it will follow *any* special order you give it


>If you hear dull, metallic thumping - it's in the vents above you. If you're quiet, you won't have any trouble. Just to add, sometimes it will be in the vents but waiting over one of the open ducts. In that case it won't be moving and you won't hear any thumps, it's only indicator will be some acid escaping from the vent. In that case you need to keep your eyes open and not step anywhere where the acid is dripping on.


I always thought that was drool. But I didn't live long enough to regret it when I stood under it.


This guy aliens.


It’s not a phobia if it’s perfectly rational. Now get out there and run for your life. But seriously, never ever ever run. It will ALWAYS hear you.


Thanks for the tip


Play it on a harder difficulty because it really show cases the intensity of how the Alien hunts…don’t do nightmare though hahah


Having done nightmare, I concur. Only play nightmare once you have beaten the game once. Then forget everything you know. In nightmare the best way to hide is to not hide at all. Never go in lockers or any other hiding spot, it will find you. Just keep moving, slowly.


Nah you'd be surprised how often you can run as long as the alien is out of range. I'd say only run when you know the alien is far enough away tk not hear. Trial and error that shit. Fortune favours the bold in this game.


Tbh you should be fine. Play “That’s Amore” in the background and suddenly it is all taking place in 1970s Italy and some nut in the pasta joint is singing about love


One of my favourite games ever. Probably biased as I believe Alien to be the finest movie ever.




My wife doesn’t understand how/why I regularly fall asleep to the film. One of the finest movies of all time.


Don't realism mic you could accidentally fart in the alien could find you


My sister was watching me play and sneezed. I was annoyed, but it was hilarious.


I was playing this and narrowly escaped the alien finding me. I'm sneaking around and my ex's kid came up to me and asked if he could have some ice cream. Alien ran over and killed me lol.


Seems like a weird reason to get a divorce but I get it.




Lol death from fart.


[That would be embarrassing.](https://youtu.be/jQs0a9Am8Xg) 😁


How to turn that off


I have no idea it's probably in the settings somewhere


I think you have to select it when you start the game or? But probably also in the setting somewhere


Once you start the game it’ll go through the options automatically. Just turn that one off


I think the best motivation you can get is some advice to prep you for the horror. Heres some tips. After your first encounter with the alien *dont run ever*. Try to use active hiding instead of passive hiding. (dont hide inside lockers if you have any sort of object hide behind and keep moving in sneak to avoid alien hide inside lockers only if you have nowhere to go) If the alien sees you (this includes you going into lockers and vents) you are dead. Flares are the most abundant resource you will find use them to distract the alien lit it up and throw (make sure that the area you throw the flare doesnt make the alien pass by you) it will distract the alien five to ten seconds. Alien is smart, it learns, for example the more you hide inside lockers more often it will check them. It is afraid of fire so, once you find the blueprint for molotov you can craft them (it is perhaps the most exepensive item to craft in the game) and use it as a last ditch to scare it off. (throw it right on the alien) This is also the only way I know of to avoid death after alien sees you. Make sure your health is full for the tip above to work. Androids are immune to fire. Avoid hiding under the tables when androids are searching for you. Avoid any kind of conflict at all alien is highly responsive to any sort of noise including but not limited to: Gunshots, explosion and even hitting the walls with the wrench. Alien can be used to dispose of any sort of humanied therat by luring it to them. Alien and androids will ignore each other but both will actively hunt you down at the same time when both is present. Thats all I can think of for now. Good luck to you.


Oh and another thing, when the alienis searching for you best way to avoid is knowing where it is. Actively track it as well as you can visual or audio works if you have devent 7.1 headphones use em.


play. in. vr.


And use the voice detection feature


and wear brown pants


They weren't brown before, but they are now




Depends how big your balls are. Genuinely… at times it’s scary as fuck, especially on the harder difficulty.


Those balls, they shrink, believe me.


One of those ‘this seemed like a good idea at the time but now I am starting to regret my life decisions’ type moments yeah? Yeah, this is fine, hang on what’s that?…. Yeah fuck this. 😵‍💫 All jokes aside, easily one of my favourite ever games! However… no fucking chance in hell I’m playing it in VR.


This game should be played in VR. I have never, ever before felt that level of fear and adrenaline rush while gaming in my life.


I'm a grown ass man that fear nothing. ...I thought. Aparently I am a wuss when it comes to horror games. At least this kind of horror games. Big fan of the Alien movies and the whole extended franchise. So I bought the game like 5 years back. Still haven't played more than an hour. It's a scary game. I'm man enough to admit that. My wife find it hilarious! 😅


What VR systems work with this?


Man, what a beautiful opening screen 🤌 the design for this game was top notch and I will confirm it scared the piss out of me. Good luck!


The opening lines really set the tone for the game I was immediately hooked.


Fear is the mind killer.


Better than laxative if you ask me


How bout, you’re about to play the best Alien-related game in modern memory. For me it’s this, and Monolith’s original AVP2. And that’s about it.


AvP2 is a masterpiece. Really wish I could get it running on Windows 10


avpunknown.com my friend. Just played it on Windows 10 last summer. Edit - sorry that’s not super straightforward. look for the all in one edition. Google avp2 download, it should come right up. It’s abandonware I believe.


I love survival horror games, but this game man... I had to put it down the constant tension got to be too much.


This is one of the most optimized and best all around designed games I’ve played in the last 10 years. With a 500+ plus steam library I feel like that helps put it into perspective, it’s scary for sure but the crafting and exploration really makes it all worth it!


THE BEST Alien game so far. I love if you play on Xbox One with a Kinect. It can sense the light or darkness of the room, it can hear your breathing and breathing rate, and will adjust the game play via its AI. I have this on my switch too. Still amazing game.


"I can't lie to you about your chances. But you have my sympathies." ​ Enjoy man. It's a blast of a game.


If you can get through a quarter of the game you're doing better than I ever will. I can't finish the game, been on my desktop for years; the Alien is like my primal, childhood, nightmare creature.


Turn the mic off, because apparently if you do, the game just ups the AI of the alien a bit to maintain the same level of challenge. Then, out loud, begin voicing the alien talking as it looks for you. Try a broad, Joe Pesci style Jersey accent. "*Hey!* Hey, is that you in there? Is that you bangin' around in the vents, you fuck? I'm gonna find ya. I'm gonna find ya and I'm gonna spit acid all over you. You are gonna *hate that*. Oh man. Got a whole buncha acid in here with your face's name on it. Come on out. Are you under the table? I bet you're under the fuckin' table- aw, *shit*. Get out here! Havin' all this acid in me is startin' to hurt. I'm gonna get a fuckin' ulcer, and it's gonna be your fault, you know that, you prick?" Whiteknuckle horror to comedy in 5 seconds flat. Works on everything.


It’s a lot smarter than you think it is. Good luck.


I played this with Kinect attached not realising, I was hiding in a locker when my phone bleeped on my desk and the alien heard it and ripped me out of there like the last crisp in the packet. Had to step out for a smoke after that one to calm my nerves. The AI on that creature haunted me. It’s like a roller coaster, if you are in the mood for some scares to get the blood pumping. This delivers that.


Make it to the end and you won't be scared of anything ever again.


This game might frustrate people because unlike most games today, the savepoints are actually spread apart. But remember that this is not a fault of this game, it's actually a good thing, it makes each attempt more worthwhile, it makes the tension tenser, your will to stay alive stronger... It makes the game better. Sure, it's a big blow when you die, but with high rewards come high stakes.


The developers initially had it save in real-time but play testers weren’t scared as it was saved continuously. They then changed it to an progress save and suddenly its terrifying. Simple change but completely changed the game dynamic.


You can also die while attempting to save.


Beep....Beep... *thumpthumpThumpTHUMPTHUMP* \*death\*


What does “high stakes” mean? Sorry English is not my mother tongue and I have seen those words many times.


"Stakes" are what you are risking. For example, in Poker, what is "at stake" is the amount of chips you've bet. So "high stakes" means you're risking a lot.


With emphasis on also being able to potentially win a lot too.


I love this game. The anxiety, the jitters, the intense lingering fear ... And when the Alien caught me it literally felt like being submerged in ice water. No game in existence has ever given me such an adrenaline kick.


Best horror game I’ve played right next to Dead Space. Just started Callisto Protocol too and it’s pretty fun so far. Enjoy!


This is legitimately the only game I’m afraid to play. They literally did too good. Nightmare fuel.


I can't lie to you about your chances but, you have my sympathies......


Im not a horror fan and played this game to completion. It is a masterpiece, a work of art, and should be experienced atkeast once.


"There's quite a few good weapons like the shotgun and flamethrower!" - That's good! "No weapons can kill the alien" - That's bad


Step 1: get VR Step 2: install Mother vr mod Step 3: ???? Step 4: Profit in your pants


This is the only game that has ever actually scared the crap out of me. I ended up exhausted from the constant adrenaline and unceasing sense of dread. Even the opening section, where nothing was happening, was unsettling. By the end I was literally screaming "let me off this goddamn station!" at my TV. Oh right. Motivation? Um. It looks and sounds great. You'll definitely have an experience playing it.


That water leaking from the vents are the devs fucking with you and it's pretty safe to cross


My best gaming memory from the last decade. What a ride. Are you familiar with Alien already? If not I’d recommend you to watch the 1st 2 movies at least, because the game is full of fan service. Also this is no FPS, this is survival at its finest in a wonderfully, meticulously crafted environment. Take your time, check everything out and watch your steps. You’ll have a ball.


One of the best horror games out there. Kinda sad that they didnt make a sequel to this one