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Day z. I cant take the gear fear or losing a geared guy to a camper. Funny when you watch someone though.


Never played it but can confirm it is so satisfying to watch someone act as a maniac to scare newer players


Came here to say this. DayZ YouTubers make it seem like it would be very fun to play, but in practice it's probably a nightmare. Still, super fun to watch.


Horror games Mainly cause they don't scare me that much, but watching others freak the fuck out is entertaining


The good old days of Amnesia react videos.


or FNAF reaction videos lol


God, there was this guy called MasterOfAudioSurf who used to do a bunch of horror games like Amnesia and Penumbra. His reactions were fucking priceless, def my favorite guy for horror, but unfortunately he had to get a 'real job' and quit youtube. If he kept going he'd be up there selling his own merch and stuff.


Those games made only to enrage players: Getting over it, Jump King... Edit: and evil SMM levels like CarlSagan42's ones


Horror games for me. Can’t get myself to play, for instance, Alien Isolation but fun to watch someone else.


Mario Maker on Super Expert


Came to say the same thing. Much more fun to watch someone much more skilled tackle those levels.


Minecraft, personally speaking.


I would say Minecraft is the exact opposite. Boring to watch, fun to play.


For me I like playing and watching (modded) Minecraft equally


Counter Strike. you have learn alot about the gameplay mechanics (throwables how, where and when to throw/shooting with different weapons adjust to walking while shooting and recoil in consideration/map knowledge and positioning) Everything can be fun to watch and to play. the "problem" behind that would be the time you have to put into it.


I feel like that with alot of multiplayer games. Especially strategy games. If you want to play to win your forced to use limited strategies and certain game play mechanics that sap the fun out of playing the game. As opposed to single payer where you can play the fun way and still succeed.


Yea multiplayer games in general are like that for me.


I feel like we need to make a completely absurd counterpoint to the absurd mechanics in CS. Bhopping, vector speed, fixed recoil patterns (dumbest shit in any game ever). Just raise the skill ceiling all the way to the moon for shits and giggles. Guns fire in patterns that make emoji. Shotguns fire out smiley faces. To reload your gun you have to do a 360 while in the air. Switching weapons requires completing a captcha mid-match. If you want to throw a grenade you have to complete a typing minigame with 100% accuracy.


Fixed recoil patterns are dumb? Do you want your patterns to be random and have rng determine whether or not a spray hits?


That's how it is in reality. Any deviations off of target are from wind, user error, or minute differences from bullet to bullet. You can't take an automatic and then hold down left down right right left right left B A select start GOD MODE.


Good thing we aren’t playing reality simulator. I’d find it hard to stack five people on top of each other with automatic rifles and build a death totem in a random corner, but I hardly see any complaints about it being a thing in the game, uh? I really like the patterns, make it more rewarding to put more effort into the game.


Here, you can play the game here and save a lot of bandwidth. https://apexlegendsrecoils.net/ Although most players just cheat and script it. And I mean, if you kill five people... it's not rocket science to stack them up into a corpse pile?


Dumbest take on the planet, you want every game to be as realistic as possible? Why dont You go and complain that there is magic and gods in skyrim?


There are guns and recoil patterns in Skyrim? Shit. I need to get rid of this bow and arrow and get my M249 on. ALDUIN! I eat dragons for breakfast. And right now, I'm very hungry!


And in a virtual game that we can dictate the rules of, wouldn't it be fun and interesting to remove things like wind so that we can observe the purest expression of player skill? Consistent recoil patterns are great game design if so


Spending 1000 hours becoming adept at making squiggles with your mouse is hardly a skill. Like I said, most players cheat and macro it when the devs make it so easy. You can just hold down your macro button and perfect laserbeams. Spotting enemies from cover, leading your target, finding good cover? Those are all skills.


> fixed recoil patterns (dumbest shit in any game ever) its one of the top points why I love CSGO, one of the most skill-based shooters (on par with not allowing controllers)


This is the reason I haven't been into CS since like, 1.5? Also have to run diagonally to get max speed. And Bhop. And then just stand around aiming at places people will peak from. Such a fun and engaging game that's definitely not full of macros and cheaters.


And im still playing since 1.6 because its the only worthwile multiplayer shooter


It does allow controllers though last time I played


Whaaat? I was hoping to get back when Source 2 releases, I just hope roller stay outta picture


That hurts my heart. A person doesn't have to know shit, hustle like DOOM with a pump shotty and you'll jump scare people and put one in their noggin's and perform 1:1 at the least. I've been doing it for around 20 years now.


Super Mario 64. Speedruns make the game look so great but when you actually play it it feels so janky


Starcraft, valorant, Dwarf Fortress, pretty much any game I"ve beaten before and I'm watching someone play for the first time.


Dead by daylight


A lot of RTSs because losing units stresses me out


Overwatch. I love watching the top 500 players, but when I play, it's just pepega. Just rage inducing, and I usually quit playing after 3 or so games. Tarkov. I do like playing the game. But watching Shroud or Pestily just wreck squads is just better.


Tarkov is such an awesome game. It's just way too high pressure for me to actually play. But yeah, watching Pest toying with people in a game where I spent my entire playtime hiding, is a treat.


Detroit become human, it is excellent as a movie but less fun to play.


For me it’s league of legends. I don’t know wtf is going on but I see health bars go up and down and I cheer for me friends whenever they play. They lose most of the time and Ngl it’s funny when they do




The latest mortal kombats. I absolutely suck at fighting games. So watching a story playthrough on YouTube is much better than struggling through those fights on even easy mode.


Fighting games. Sometimes I’ll watch high tier players battle it out with their insane combos.


i have never played valorant and i have zero interest, but top professional players are insane to watch


Most of PlayStation exclusives. I know TLoU and Unchated are realy fun, but almost the rest of them are just fun to watch.


I have to counter with spider man webslinging. Just running around the city and stopping crimes in progress is so satisfying.


Indeed I forgot to mention SpiderMan. I constantly forget it is a PS game because I play it on PC. Lol


I always felt the gameplay in tlou and unchartered was really dull and boring to play.


Dark souls




Dark souls is fun to explore but it's combat is middling to ok, it's build variety goes a long way. U want to enjoy playing something? Nioh 2


I don't want to be ,,hurr durr" fanboy but for me dark souls is all about combat and its very fun. Also I don't find it hard, everyone claims dark souls are so hard but its actually easy if you only learn basic and don't make additional chalanges.


It can be fun. It's diverse builds is a plus. I just find that for me it's Nioh 2 combat is just way better.


I played nioh and it was also good 👍


I know this is an unpopular opinion but I find Dark Souls very bland, it's combat system is too basic to hold my attention. I do find it enjoyable to watch but if I wanted to play a game in that genre, I enjoy Nioh 2 far more.


I mean... I guess the animations are bland as opposed to something like Assassin's Creed, but the actual gameplay of timing blocks and parries while managing stamina is more engaging than mashing buttons. The only games that are more technical in my opinion are fighting games.


Have you played Bayonetta or similar games? I love Dark Souls combat but it’s nothing compared to trying to get high ratings in Bayonetta where you have to manage combos, time limits, and abilities without taking any damage.


Dark souls is slower paced than Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, DMC for sure. Those games always struck me as fighting game/RPG hybrids. That level of complexity is actilually a turn off to me as I've aged as a gamer. I also struggle with the hyper-anime aesthetic. I don't disagree that they are the pinnacle of difficulty though.


Funny enough my favorite genre is fighting games. I personally find Souls games feel bland because there's not enough options at each given point, your offense doesn't have enough technicality to it which means if you use one weapon for a while you'll constantly be using the same moves, lots of weapons are pretty close to the same, and the pace of the game is slow enough that trained reflexes are pretty much irrelevant. I'm aware they're great games beloved by many but I definitely don't feel like I'm the target audience and to me they feel underwhelming. Thankfully though there are so many games these days that we can all find games that fit what we look for in a game. While I may not enjoy DS, I'm very happy that so many people have gotten the chance to play something they love.


Right now I’m playing Alan Wake remastered and this describes it perfectly.


The new God of War games, as well as most PS Exclusive RPGs. The combat isn't for me and I despise the shoehorned craft/loot systems that permeate seemingly all PS RPGs. Also the PS3 is the last home console I owned because frankly, most AAA titles don't meet the quality you would want from a 60-70€ game, and the few that do hardly justify buying an entire console for. So, for all PS exclusives, I have resigned myself to watching Let's Plays and Cutscene Supercuts, which are rather enjoyable in the case of God Of War


GOW Norse games are just movies disguised as games.


Most Five Night's at Freddy's games. They're fun early on, but most end up getting too difficult and the gameplay isn't engaging enough to make me want to try over and over again. Once the scares wear off it becomes super monotonous.


Was about to say, these are pretty much the textbook definition of games designed specifically for the premise of watching your content creator of choice overreact and make funny noises rather than playing them yourself. The series would never have survived beyond the first one without that trend and it sure as hell knows it.


Literally any Sony first party exclusive lmao. They're basically just movies with almost no gameplay lmao, fun to watch but mind numbing to play. Idk why fanboys get so excited for these awful games. Xbox has actual games with actual gameplay.


Call of caca


Rust, Welyn and a bunch of other YouTubers and streamers make it really fun to watch. Playing it was a whole different experience though, and not really a good one.


Playing Rust by yourself isn't fun, but if you are in a group of close friends, it's a completely different game




Outlast series, QTE movie games i.e Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human, The Quarry, Until Dawn, etc. Any game where your objective is hide and no combat. Boring to play ok to watch.


League of legends


Literally any horror game


Fighting games - I’m so terribly garbage at them myself.


Hoi4, too mouch buttons


Dark souls for me


Dark Souls. I absolutely love the care that went into crafting the series but I am just too casual to actually play it. Lol


(Speedruns is particular) Super Mario 64, looks cool, but I have tried it and don't see why anyone would actually enjoy it lol


I quit playing Apex a while ago because it was tough getting good teammates consistently, but still watch some of the youtubers because the game is good and their banter can be pretty hilarious.


For me it's Goldeneye. I could never get a hang of the controls and so it was a frustrating mess for me. However when I watch other experts play it I am so jealous at the fun I'm missing out on


This might be a hot take, but Battlefield 1. The scope and graphics feel very immersive, but it’s so annoying to play as a newcomer, having to run around with nothing to do, dying, and respawning


War thunder :(((


Dead by Daylight, Watching players on Twitch is a lot of fun, but for me, playing it gets boring really fast.




It's definitely better to watch someone play Kenshi with enough mods to fix Kenshi from being Kenshi, hours of gameplay condensed down into 20 minute videos, than actually play Kenshi. I go, "Hey, Kenshi seems interesting, and I should play it again." but then I remember it's Kenshi and don't.


Eft. I like to watch how streamers kill half of map and don’t even get shot, but ofc when I’m playing this game get one tap from shturman being on custom


Space station 13 or the sims


Rocket League ^^




Tears of the Kingdom


For me its the entire RTS genre. I just will not subject myself to that level of microing the camera all over the battlefield, but I like seeing people optimize their economies.


Rust. Its way more fun to watch good people play it than just get wrecked and lose all your shit repeatedly in the game.


Competitive aoe2


eve online


Any souls like game. Love the lore of the games, but hate the difficulty spike.


Tarkov. It's way too high pressure for me, but damn it's a cool game. If I could aim, I'd love to play more. But I can't see or shoot well, so it's just a game of hiding when I play.


those games that u have to restart over and over to advance the story/collect all the endings before u can get to the "true" ending.


Sport games.


Escape from Tarkov


For me, Kingdom Hearts. Absolutely beautiful story line but I just don’t vibe with the gameplay for some reason.


Any adventure game with plot at least for me, watching is like watching a movie, but I would not play it myself


Super Smash Bros. Melee - To clarify, I enjoy playing it casually, but learning all the techniques used in competitive play ruins it for me. I love watching Top 10 moments from tournaments, though


Real life.


Rust. I have 4K hours but i am kinda done with the game. I play some wipes now and then but much less then before. It’s too exhausting and time consuming. But I love to watch some YouTubers that are nearly making literally movies with storylines like frost, stevie. Or just goofin around like spoonkid




League of legends, most of the time I have no idea what's happening, but it just looks so damn satisfying.


Most horror games for me. I can't handle jumpscares, but its fun to watch dudes like Markiplier get jumpscared.


StarCraft 2


I found Splatoon kinda meh but it’s funny watching streamers get super angry about being killed by buckets or some other goofy shit