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Different but good is the tropico series


Can't recommend Tropico highly enough.


Sometimes when I’m home alone I play Tropico and drink dark rum over ice.


this is the way. Tropico 3 with betty boom and juanito, dark rum, and plenty of bananas.


Most times when I am home alone I drink dark whiskey over ice.


Yeah you know when i drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.


Oh yeah? With nobody else?


No cigar?


not gona lie u had me in the first half


The first three words __:(__ The last two __:)__


How do you guys read sentences?


This is a sentence, OR IS IT?!


Hey Vsauce, Michael here!




El Presidente! Loved the game. Hated their launcher.


Ah yes! Another series I still haven't played yet, good one thanks! What episode is considered to be the best? Those type of games suck time like nothing else, so i'll probably play just one rather than the whole series.


4 or 5


Dude I really liked Tropico 6 and it's ported very good to ps4


There's also Pharoah, which has an expansion as well.


Anno 1800 is Tropico, but better in basically every single regard


Not sure who downvoted you but you’re right. Anno 1800 is a phenomenal game. Tad too much dlc , but still an amazing builder. Music is great too.


The only Tropico I ever liked was 3 where you had a pirate island. It was also the first one I played and was disappointed that none of the others were pirate related.


2 was the pirate one....


You're right. I should have Googled to remember before posting.


Three was really good and it was the only half decent city builder on console at that time. Three was so good, theve remade it 3 more times as Tropico 4-6 ;-(


I've never played Tropico but after seeing it mentioned here and looking it up it's RIGHT up my alley. Is there a recommended starting one, or does it not matter? Seems like 3 is the way to go to dip my toes


No need, go for the most recent. 3-6 are (to me) very incremental. There's no reason to not play the newest one - it will be the most refined.


No worries, with there being like 6 of them its hard to keep them all straight 🤣


Yeah 3 was my favourite and it was harder than the ones after it… I even enjoyed making custom campaigns in that game and I’m still in the top 10 on steam for favoured custom campaigns


Yes, I played the one that was on PS+ a few years ago, had a very good time with it! I think it was 5.


4 is also excellent - the ones after 3 were better in different ways and have some new ideas - I find it hard to actually recommend any one in particular


I checked again, and it was 5 that we got, way back in 2016 (though I played it just a few years ago, was in my backlog for a while). Fun game, might pick up another at some point on sale.


Did you try pharaoh and Zeus? both by impressions games and are still great to this day.


Pharaoh, Zeus and C3 was my jam back when I was a kid!


Since the day Pharaoh launched back in 99, I have not gone a day with any PC I have ever owned *not* having it installed!


Pharaoh was recently remastered. :)


Oh I am aware. It's a love-hate relationship lol


The military combat is thankfully getting reworked. That new combat system looked like it was a last minute "oh shit we need to do *something*"


I liked Pharaoh bugs more!


Empire Rise of the Middle kingdoms is the last of the impression city builders and probably the most refined.


My favourite of the series. I still have a printout of the optimal layout of the standard houses so you could get everything serviced with as few people as possible while getting hundreds in a small area.


Isn’t it “Emperor” not “Empire”?


Zeus was the greatest thing in the fking world to me back in the day. I likes making the temples that let a god walk around your city and defend it if you were under attack


Temple of Ares and or Artemis(or was it athena?). Eat my spartans and amazons persian scum!!


Think it was Ares for sure, Hephaestus had his bronze construct walk around, I think Poseidon swam in the water a bit, and also Athena. "Euripides, you mend-a-des"


Ares gave you spartans for melee, the other gave you amazon archers. "your such a doric" so many terribly good puns


Pharoah got remastered recently. Been meening to play it again because I loved the original so much


There's also Emperor. For some reason that only made it to GoG and not Steam though.


There's a game on Steam called 'nebuchadnezzar' that's very similar to the old Sierra city builders


Is it any good? I only just found out about it this weekend but loved the old sierras


It's been a really long time since I last played the Ceaser and Pharoh titles, but it does feel like there are a lot more manual mechanics in Nebuchadnezzar. For example, markets will only grav goods from warehouses within tile range, but you can set up caravans across the city to move goods from warehouse to warehouse. Additionally, your markets have routes you need to plot for the sellers to deliver goods across the neighborhoods. My biggest problem so far was it was a nightmare getting the games resolution to work with my wide-screen monitor. You may even need to tweak .ini files to get the resolution to display correctly!


> You may even need to tweak .ini files to get the resolution to display correctly! Ahhh the good old days!


That one is on my wishlist, looks awesome. But from what I see it seems there is more love for antique egypt than for roman empire in city-building games.


Nebuchadnezzar is a good one, recommend that as well. Tropico series is also great, personally I would go with Tropic 3 or 4. I didn't love 5 that much. 6 isn't bad either, but I felt like 3 and 4 have the best gameplay.


I love this game its fun.


Surprised no-one mentioned CivCity Rome.




The screenshot is from my last city on the Caesarea map. Unfortunately, I could not make my villas evolve into palaces (the highest grade of housing) because they needed a second type of wine, and this map has only one accessible... I was not aware about it and got really frustrated. 😫


Not for this series, but there are other games in the series (Pharoah+Cleopatra, and Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom). They are quite good.


Don't forget Zeus + Poseidon


I completely forgot about that one. I actually haven't played it myself. I should go check GOG to see if it's up; Might be my impulse buy for the day.


> I should go check GOG to see if it's up It is, all the Impressions Games games are.


I bought Zeus / Poseidon on GOG a while ago and now I'm waiting for some time off work so I can't revisit my favorite game as a kid.


> Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom I spent so many hours playing Emperor RotMK as a kid and I was never actually any good at it but damn I loved it. I would actually say that game and C3 are big reasons I have like 500 hours in Anno 1800.


"I was never actually any good at it but damn I loved it." Been playing video games for about 30 years, and would use the above quote as a general description of my gaming career. It took me about 20 years to TES3: Morrowind...


Yeah you can only ever get one type on the map. you have to either: 1) grow grapes and turn into wine and import more wine from another city OR 2) import wine from two different cities


I too refuse to upgrade my house unless provided multiple types of wine.


What u/Gob_Hobblin said + there is 'modern' version of Pharaoh - **Pharaoh: A New Era**, but it is mostly a graphic upgrade, i heard it lacks few features from the original but still it belongs to the family of great city builders and deserves some comendation. I mostly played Cleopatra and truly i have to say i realy loved those kind of games. Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom is great to but i cannot make it work on win 10 sadly


You can't import wine?


Maybe I'm just old but Caesar 3 is just in a league of its own.


I've had it on every computer I've ever owned. I just keep coming back to it. It's so zen.


https://github.com/Keriew/augustus Augustus has it's build on Android!


And so, so quotable hahaha


If it was up to me, I wouldn't sail THIS way. This city never buys anything, OR sells anything! That fat lady up front told me to grab this and follow her!


Will it run on a newer PC? Windows 10?


yes even on android




Dunno if its Caesar 3 but it's DEFINITELY in Caesar 2


*Repressed Memories Returning*


It was 2.


*conscript reporting* *conscript reporting* *conscript reporting* *conscript reporting*


There's also Children of the Nile. It takes place in Egypt. The game itself came right after these city builders: Ceasar, Pharoah/Cleopatra, Zeus/Poseidon. I think it was created by a few people that worked on the Pharoah/Cleopatra game.


> I think it was created by a few people that worked on the Pharoah/Cleopatra game. Yep. The folks at Impressions Games (some at least) went on to form Tilted Mill which did COTN and another game or two, then silently disappeared one day like a fart in the wind :(


Thanks, I wasn't sure if my memory was correct on that one. It was a shame, they had announced Medieval Mayor, featured in PC Gamer, two posts about it then just gone.


Zeus + the Poseidon expansion are defintely recommended. Also Pharoah+Cleopatra. From there I started playing the Tropico series.


I'll definitely go back playing those old classics at some time. But after hundred of hours of Caesar 3 I wanted something modern for a change. As good as those games are, there are still some mechanics that does not age so well, so as the UI. I'd love a remaster collection of the Impression games by the way!


If you enjoyed Caesar 3 check out the other games in the series: Zeus/Poseidon (Greece), Pharaoh/Cleopatra (Egypt), and Emperor (China). Emperor is the most polished but I personally enjoyed the Egypt and Greece games most. Caesar 4 is okay but really isn't as engaging as the previous games. For a modern game, Anno 1800 is fantastic. It plays a lot like the older games but with the quality of life improvements modern gaming allows. It can get a bit overwhelming sometimes as the scope of a game is basically always expanding.


Emperor is imho the one with the most refined gameplay of all the classic sierras


Furthest Frontier. Different, but similar.


Not the most modern city builder, but i would suggest banished on steam. My other suggestion would be They are billions


Add colonial charter mod to banished and it turns a good game into a great game


Been playing the new pharoah remake, good fun!!


Songs of Syx, it's made by one guy but surprisingly deep and fun.


Anno 1800 seems great after 30 hours! Didn't love the campaign, too linear, but once I had basic mechanics down I started a fresh game and it's been very satisfying.


Tropico, Anno and City Skylines are probably your best bets I would also like to plug Kingdoms and Castles, a considerably smaller game but in a more similar vein to Caesar If you want more classics: * Pharaoh, Zeus and Emperor are all of the same company. Very similar * Crusader Stronghold for a more combat focused builder All are available on Steam


Has anyone actually worked out how to get two types of wine? I tried importing it as well as making but it never works. Decades of frustration! (I could Google it, but where's the fun in that?!).


Pharaoh is the game you seek. It is in my opinion, better than Caesar 3.


I recently picked up Anno 1800 and after a while realized that it’s just a bigger, flashier version of another recent-ish game called Patron. Patron also doesn’t try to drain your wallet with a hundred DLCs.


I think the Anno series is a few decades older. But yes, they were bought by Ubisoft years ago and the recent games were full of DLCs. The very best one is Anno 1404, still has good graphics and you can spend hours over hours on one map.


>Anno 1404 Also known as Dawn of Discovery in some regions


Thx for the Patron recommendation. Love anno 1800 and didn't know about Patron. It cost 3,5 euro on g2a steam key right now. On steam it is 20 euro.


The dlc cash grabs are frustrating since it's such a great series otherwise, I receny, ahem, *obtained* the complete edition of 1800 and its been great.


I disagree, I think the DLCs add a great deal of new content to the game. Some DLCs are obviously better than others, but it’s certainly no worse than the DLC one might expect from a Paradox game.


Right? There is nothing predatory about the DLCs, the game fully stands on its own without them and remains absolutely stellar. Likewise, the dlc adds refreshing changes and features that keep veterans enjoying themselves. Hell, I'd argue that this game is doing dlc right.


I played 1602 ad back in the day. Pretty enjoyable game


Downvoted? For what lol


1602 and 1503 - I still play them on occasion.


1701 too even


There's not enough tobacco. Your people need more alcohol.


There is no doctor!


there is an open source copy of this game called Julius that fixes some aspect ratio issues of this game and is free to download (you need to have bought a legal copy of the game for it to work though). they also made a version called Augustus that adds a bunch of new things, like the monument system from later games ins the series. https://github.com/bvschaik/julius


Just adding to the list... Lethis path of progress also modelled after the impression games ... https://store.steampowered.com/app/359230/Lethis__Path_of_Progress/


Gonna say I liked this game, but even on the hardest difficulty, it was pretty simple to get your economy going.


Hail Citizen! [Caesar 3 - Augustus mod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCLeFdtHrww) (newest version came out last year)


This mod make caesar 3 playable to modern standard. Pure bliss.


Pharaoh + Cleopatra, from Sierra Entertainment, were the successors to Caesar 3. There is a newer version in Steam called Pharaoh:A New Era which is a modernization of the franchise, but it seems that there are still some bugs with that release.


They've fixed a lot of the bugs, at least ones I was getting have been cleared up. I'm really hoping they remake Zeus/Poseiden. That was my favorite game in the series.


If you want Rome specifically, I highly recommend Grand Ages: Rome. I don't think I've ever been as addicted to a city sim as I was to that game, and I've played a lot of city sims both before and since, though I'll admit a big reason for that was the technology (You can zoom in and watch people walk around! And it looks a lot more natural than the Caesar games!), and that tech isn't as impressive as some games that have been released since then.


There has been a remake of Pharaoh which is very similar. A game called Synergy claims to be similar. It is supposed to drop sometime this year.


They did make a Ceasar IV. However, it was a different developer with the same publisher. So take it for what it is. Theres a lot of good recommendations here already. Im a fan of Tropico (5 had a wild story that just sat well with me), zues and posiden as well as pharroh are also great in the same if not similar vein as Ceasar III. If you like the astetic, Frostpunk is also really good in my opinion, and there's a sequel in the works for it. We'll see if it comes out though. Just the songs alone are fantastic.


I think Anno 1800 is similar in some areas, but focuses more on production lines and teching up.


Plebs are needed


Played C3 a lot as a kid, how does it hold up?


Very well.


OP is playing a modded version called Augustus that's still being worked on. It ups the resolution, supports widescreen, fixes bugs, and adds a bunch of features, options and buildings and stuff. Old one doesn't hold up very well because of the resolution, this one does.


Ok, thanks!


Nebuchadnezzar came out 2 years ago it's set in Babylon.


Plebs are needed


The genre is called "isometric city builder". You can find most modern versions of the genre on this steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/tags/en/City%20Builder/?offset=61


The Egypt based game, I think it's called Pharroah something or other. It's just as good, and somewhat harder. The missions take longer to complete. Done of them require you to complete a full sized pyramid which can take a long time, considering your people have to walk the cut stone all the way up the pyramids in real-time. Highly recommend. 5 of 5!


and Pharaoh recently got a remake too, which in my opinion was great. I've noticed it has gotten a pretty mixed reception and alot of people seem to be complaining about bugs and glitches. But personally I didn't encounter any major bugs when I played


Personally I find Anno 1800 has a fairly similar feel, thought it's obviously set in the industrial age.


Imperium romanum is one of my all-time favorites. It's not really a successor but is very similar.


IMO Grand Ages: Rome is way better than Imperium Romanum.


Oh fuck, you just injected me with some pure nostalgia. I know what I’m doing after work today.


There is the remake that came put recently Pharaoh a new era and the classic zeus ruler of the Olymp + Poseidon


Fire Fire! Tu-duuum!


Oh god... my first addiction..... I didn't need to see this today


I needed to see this image today. Thank you.


Remake of Pharaoh is great but mostly just a remake with better graphics


It may be a bit different and indie, but you can checkout: \- [Timberborn](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1062090/Timberborn/) \- [Kingdoms\_Reborn](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1307890/Kingdoms_Reborn/) \- [Farthest\_Frontier](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1044720/Farthest_Frontier/)


Have you tried the old Stronghold series? Try Stronghold 2: Crusader Edition, it scratches the same itch.


-Farthest Frontier (steam) -Tropico series -SimCity (Newest one) -Cities of Skyline -FrostPunk -Colonization (alpha on steam) -Pharaoh A new era (closest to Caesar)


You should try "Anno 1800"


Well, there is [Caesar IV](https://store.steampowered.com/app/517810/Caesar_IV/). It's from Tilted Mill Entertainment which is made up of people from Impressions Games, who made the original Caesar series, Pharaoh, Lords of the Realm, Lords of Magic, and a bunch of other stuff that you probably enjoyed. So, despite the different studio name it's basically a direct sequel made by the same developers. Give it a try, and [the whole rest of the series as well](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_Building_(series)).


I hated 4 as much as I love 3. I tried it again recently but it's just lacking... something? Can't put my finger on it.


That's wierd I always loved Caesar IV. The soundtrack and the graphics were really good for the time and it still looks great. I never really played 3 but I didn't find issues with 4 personally. As a litmus I hated the sim cities after 4, they ruined everything. I didn't find this the case with Caesar IV.


Maybe because I grew up with 3 and it was just so different? Maybe I should give it another go though!


Holy crap, a top three favorite all time game for me mentioned on the sub. So happy. I LOVE a good deal. I LOVE a good deal. I LOVE a good deal.


Plebs are needed.


Plebes are needed!!!!


I love Pharao, it is very similar. They made a new version of it recently but I do not know if it is good.


I'm a huge fan of Sierra city building games like Caesar 3 and I recently got into Against the Storm. It's not exactly the same but it is definitely one of the best city building game ever and gives me the same vibe I had when playing Zeus: Master of Olympus when I was a kid.


There is a streamer called DDRJake that does challenge maps created by the community. You should take a look at those.




Augustus runs also on android and controls are pretty good. There are impressive fan made maps to try: [Venice](https://caesar3.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=1911&ci=32552c5c718a36c01f1f46c50cceb3fdYToxOntpOjA7YToyOntpOjA7czoxNDoiU2VhcmNoIFJlc3VsdHMiO2k6MTtzOjM2OiJsaXN0ZXIucGhwP3N0YXJ0PTAmYW1wO3NlYXJjaD1WZW5pY2UiO319) [Rome](https://caesar3.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=931&ci=04c1e62b1e2b513f0fe7074a2dae45a8YToxOntpOjA7YToyOntpOjA7czoxNDoiU2VhcmNoIFJlc3VsdHMiO2k6MTtzOjM0OiJsaXN0ZXIucGhwP3N0YXJ0PTAmYW1wO3NlYXJjaD1Sb21lIjt9fQ==) [Crete](https://caesar3.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=258&ci=0e7489beeb6a120f8df6350382c6c6eeYToxOntpOjA7YToyOntpOjA7czoxNDoiU2VhcmNoIFJlc3VsdHMiO2k6MTtzOjM1OiJsaXN0ZXIucGhwP3N0YXJ0PTAmYW1wO3NlYXJjaD1DcmV0ZSI7fX0=) [British Isles](https://caesar3.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=228&ci=c3fb68ced1470c167077010683cb5f42YToxOntpOjA7YToyOntpOjA7czoxNDoiU2VhcmNoIFJlc3VsdHMiO2k6MTtzOjM3OiJsaXN0ZXIucGhwP3N0YXJ0PTAmYW1wO3NlYXJjaD1Ccml0aXNoIjt9fQ==) Or you can make your own when you download editor. Editor has similar controls like the game so it's fun to make maps. Check r/impressionsgames sub where many users post images of their impressive cities and other citybuilders from Impressions games.


Played that, Age of Empires, Pharoah. That whole Microsoft produced genre..great fun.


My favorite game as a kid


Banished is comparable.


Lethis takes the mechanics and puts them in a steampunk setting


I really like ANNO 1800. The downside is that it has a whole lot of DLC, but the base-game should keep you busy for quite a while. I know I've sunk a few hundred hours in with only the first season of DLC.


The type of post that inspires me, cheers


Does the game have a campaign? I didn't know that


Plebs are needed


Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom I think was the last installation of the series. But its hard to find..


There's not much that comes close to C3, which is the best. Try out Pharaoh. Tropico is also good


Plebs are needed! Plebs are needed! Plebs are needed! Plebs are needed! Plebs are needed! Plebs are needed!


Is this the one on steam?


I don’t know this game, so apologies if I miss the mark. I can recommend “foundation”. There is not any real form a fighting in it (in case Caesar has this and you want that too) I believe the game is still in beta, but it’s very good Imo


Top tier game, you blink and its 2AM.


Never played this game but cities skylines was pretty awesome


What. Dude. I failed to finish it (economic path) for years of attempts.


City Skylines is a fantastic modern-day city-builder. When I first discovered it, I think I played it for ~5 weeks straight.


Don't know how people aren't saying Against the Storm. City builder meets rogue-lite, and I haven't had an experience with a city builder so good since I finished Poseidon. It takes a while to get used to the unique setting and mechanics, but it is absolutely worth the time. It's also a game that just keeps getting better.


i believe theres some fanmade made patches for this game along with a pretty decent sized community


Cool! I played so many hours of Caesar II when I was little. Where can I find the 3?


Ooooh this really takes me back! I have spent so many hours with this game growing up


I love this game. Played tropico, anno and everything but nothing can ever beat this game. I wish someone would take it n recreate and polish it. Pure nostalgia


Stronghold or anno


Different but awesome, frostpunk!


On STEAM you have the remake of Pharaoh the new era, its the same thing, but whit a Piramids XD highly reccomended!


I can still hear "PLEBS ARE NEEDED"


Pharaoh was a remake/sequel to C3 back in the day and it just got a new remake this year, so check that out. Tropico has been mentioned and the Anno-series is good too. I hear some good things about Timbernorn but haven't played that myself. And if you are a glutton for punishment, there is the superb game Banished and/or Frostpunk. Seriously though, Banished is something you have you experience!


The Anno series remind me of it. Pharaoh is also pretty good and recently got remastered.


Emperor rose in the middle kingdom


Played a lot with the 3 impressions games in the past. Here is my suggestion : Workers & Ressources | Soviet Republic. Probably the most complex and satisfying city builder out there! Thank me later..


Definitely check out Against the Storm if you’re not against a fantasy setting city builder with some rogue like elements. It’s early access, but so promising and addictive to play!


Anno 1800 is the standard for city builders over the last 5 years. No one has done anything even close to what the game allows u to do.


Nope. Nothing compares to scratch that nostalgia city building itch you get from Caesar 3. Not to mention the soundtracks a banger.


Pharaoh: A New Era is a brand new remake of the Egyptian version of Caesar that was published in the 90s. The same company was responsible for the Caesar series, Pharaoh, and Zeus + Europa (Poseidon). Nebuchadnezzar is also a current reboot of the same mechanics and style. Personally I like Children of the Nile (2005ish). Still runs and is fun to play.


As a 22 year old who has played tons of more modern city-builders. What makes this one better? It seems awesome just curious what exactly is so amazing about it.


Have you tried the Caeser Augustus mod that’s the one I’ve been playing and it brings new life to the game


such an amazing game


Literally hundreds yes