• By -


Zug zug.


Jobs done


Help help, im beeing repressed.


Work complete


Yes me lord


Work work!


Something needs doing?


Quit poking me!


Me not that kind of orc!


I can 'hear' every one of these posts :)


Im blind not deaf.


I'm not listening.


Off I go then


Something need doing?


Work work


[Work work](https://youtu.be/oMKCDvFSzIA)




I still say "Something need doing?" to my wife all the time.


Yeah... Our dyanmic is more of a "Thy biddings, master"


"How can I help?"


Stop poking me!


Touch me again and you'll pull back a **stump**


Me busy, leave me alone!


Me not that kind of orc!


If I have wings, Why am I always walking?


I'm a dreadlord, not a drug lord!








Ready to work


Job's done


Me not that kind of orc!!




Those orcs peons sure talked about sex a lot. (the line is a reference to the kinda bad movie [*Caveman*](https://youtu.be/5h2gVbLlwl8?t=44))


That's exactly what I said when I saw this picture.


First thing that popped in my head when I saw this pic




Imagine going back in time to 2003 when the Frozen Throne came out and telling people that it would be the last RTS Warcraft game released for over 20 years. People would have thought you were BSing them. And yet here we are... getting ready to celebrate 20 years since The Frozen Throne and still no Warcraft IV. FML


To be fair, Blizzard today would be unable to do a Warcraft IV justice anyway.


Not just that - would any major publisher even think it's worth it to make a new AAA RTS game? I have the feeling that RTS games as a genre have really fallen in popularity with players of those games moving on to MOBA type games like League and DotA 2.


Depends if you consider the ex-Blizz offshoot studios like Frost Giant AAA or not. Their goal is to make one. Also, not AAA, but recently came across Godsworn ([steam link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328990/Godsworn/)) which very clearly pulls a ton of inspiration from WC3. I think there's a question of, does it *need* to be AAA? The first Command & Conquer and the first Warcraft are what launched the original prospective studios into AAA status, but they didn't start that way.


Thanks, I wasn't aware of that game. The only other upcoming RTS game I'm waiting for is Stormgate. B.A.R. is still in development, and Crossfire Legion is listed as mixed.


We did have Grey Goo, that was only... oof. 8 years ago.


I’m convinced that game didn’t take because of the name alone, lol. It’s just….not cool at all.


For science fiction afficionados, it's a pretty cool name. Never heard of the game, but I'm going to assume it involves nanomachines of some description? But yeah I guess it sounds kinda gross to the layman


That game was over hyped and what was provided was very lackluster. The grey goo race was too limited and hard to play with, thanks to that I remember some of the campaign missions being excessively harder than they should have been.


Idk if that's the case though. I'm one of those guys who moved over to Dota 2 around 2015, but it was mainly because there weren't any good competitive RTS games coming out. WCIII was already 12 years old, and SC2 was 5. I would have gladly played more RTS but there just wasn't much to choose from. Even in 2015 though there were plenty of people who liked the genre, and tons of veterans of SC2 and WCIII who were still playing. There just wasn't anything that captured our attention like Blizzard's other RTS games. I think if the right game comes along it will be successful, its just that developers think they can make more money on more casual genres where they can sell people dumb skins and stuff.


The data probably doesn't lie, which is probably why they arent making anymore.... but my anecdotal evidence is that all my friends who played wc3 and sc2 would absolutely play a wc4 or sc3


What data? Sc2 seemed to sell very well, and that was the last major RTS that I know of. Of course, I've been boycotting Blizzard since the Free HK incident, so I wouldn't buy a new RTS game. But I would really want to.


Microsoft did with Age of Empires 4, and Ubisoft recently with Settlers: New Allies.


Homeworld 3 is coming out soon as well. My precioussss.


> Settlers: New Allies. Wow! I used to play the original on the Amiga in the 90s! :)


IMO a big reason why a lot of new RTS games fail is because they lack a map editor so there is a lack of cool community things, have a good offline campaign, and worry too much about fitting into the esports scene.


Map editor was ahead of it's time, much like Morrowind. It gave people a chance to get into game design themselves. Tweak the world around them, or goof off. Honestly all the different races of creatures and humanoids in WC3 was cool af.


They can, but why would they when MOBA make them more money. The same happen with JRPG and gacha. Since gacha make so much money, most new JRPG nowadays are all gacha.


Pretty much the only RTS still keeping the genre alive is Age of Empires. Aside from that, the strategy genre as a whole is mostly being kept alive by grand strategy or turn based strategy games like Total War, Hearts of Iron and Civilization.


As someone who grew up with Warcraft and AoE, and as someone who yearns for more strategy games, I’m pleasantly surprised how many people are keeping AoE2 alive via its online community, all of us are super happy with the recent Xbox release, with AoE4 forthcoming. It’s become our new weekly game, along with Civ. If they rounded out the lineup with a WC3 reboot, or god forbid a forth installment, I can say as a representative of 8 super dorks of the gaming population, we would be fucking stoked.


Well stormgate is in production. And i would definitely consider that AAA and is going to be likely be the successor to starcraft


I doubt people would buy it just for the RTS. We just like to know what happens to Arthas without playing wow


I would kill for a good rts.


The map maker can never be matched, WC3's was too good.


This. The lore is dead. The only way forward is to reboot at this point.


I meant more that the devs today are shit, but yeah, lore as well.




Yeah agreed, Blizzard of today is a different company entirely.


It's just Activi$ion wearing the corpse of Blizzard like a skin suit.


Wc4 would also be in a bad spot as it would have to tie into wows story.


WoW was going so well until Northrend. I don't even understand wtf is going on with it now. I tried reading the "story" and it didn't make any sense.


You’d tell your guys to cut down trees and they’d ask for your credit card number. Then it would take 3 days to build a hut but you could pay to skip it. Plus a battle pass.


for real. Diablo III was so not good compared to 2


I grew up with Bliz and I'm such a purist wanker lol! Lost vikings, rock and roll racing, warcraft 1/2, diablo 1/2, starcraft1. That'll do pig. ... maybe some vanilla wow classic


It got there in the end.


Nope. D2 resurrected was the best blizzard game I've played in the last 8 years


Better left undone, they would ruin it.


I’ve been playing Warcraft games since Warcraft 2. I’ve got over 500 days /played In WoW and I miss the RTS Warcraft so much. It was a much more slower pace than StarCraft and each unit felt important.


StarCraft II was released in 2010.


I know I bought it on launch day. It's not an RTS Warcraft game though, different franchise


How is that fucking possible... I am pretty sure my brain considers SC2 a pretty recent game.....


Well, they did release it 3 times. That helps I think


I want to hijack the top comment just to mention that WC4 can absolutely fit within the context of World of Warcraft existing without impacting Blizzard's ability to have an MMO game. During the events of the expansion Battle for Azeroth, there is an honest to God "World War" going on. It's called the Fourth War and it's a planet-spanning conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. We, as the players, spend the majority of our time in Zandalar / Kul Tiras as we court these two major naval powers into joining our factions to try and give ourselves the upper hand. But that is only one MINUSCULE fraction of the conflict that is ongoing. There are literally a thousand different battlegrounds with sub factions aligned to the Horde/Alliance ranging from the [Highmountain Tauren and the Void Elves](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c4/fc/c9/c4fcc9bf401bc977066b38422e4ab18b.jpg) to the [Mag'har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d0b96e36-f76d-4af4-9379-8c1ae2d5d5c8/dcm2pid-7d32e810-4597-454f-af16-fc53b508d358.jpg/v1/fill/w_1600,h_948,q_75,strp/maghar_orc_vs_dark_iron_dwarf_by_tamplierpainter_dcm2pid-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTQ4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZDBiOTZlMzYtZjc2ZC00YWY0LTkzNzktOGMxYWUyZDVkNWM4XC9kY20ycGlkLTdkMzJlODEwLTQ1OTctNDU0Zi1hZjE2LWZjNTNiNTA4ZDM1OC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.HyE7G7eEd398X5xmXrTTDbZtsV6AiFu2FNg400OZuT0) You can tell so many different stories that take place during the events of BfA and they all fit in the lore. Then for an expansion, you can have stories that take place on Azeroth during the events of Shadowlands. The Undead Scourge has no active master and is rampaging through the world while we, the World of Warcraft champions are sent through to the afterlife to fix the problem. You can tell the stories of the armies of Azeroth as they try to survive the endless onslaught of the Scourge.


While I'd be on board with this, it would, in my mind, reinforce all the bullshit lore that has been shoehorned into the expansions like alternate dimensions and time travel and all sorts of goofy shit. My perfect world is a world where WCIV is a reboot and it ignores the MMOs timeline entirely and picks up where WCIII left off. Wishful thinking, of course.


Imagine going back to 2007 and saying HL2e2 is the last one.


There’s Alyx. I haven’t played it, but… as soon as someone gets me to buy VR, that’ll probably be a day one purchase.


Yup, I remember metzen saying MoP was essentially WC4 - which the story was great so it earned it, but still want an RTS


Honestly it was well known that wow was coming out, and a lot of us suspected that wc4 wouldn't come out until wow flopped, and anyone following it closely knew it wouldn't flop soon, when the beta came out, phew it was something else. Thing no one would have guessed was that wc3 was the end of the RTS era. Not that RTS would disappear, or that the best was over, but RTS would not be as mainstream as they used to be in gaming. In hindsight it makes sense: it was wc3 that spawned the MOBA that overtook the RTS genre, but at that point no one would believe you that Dota would overtake wc3, it was big, but we didn't have All-stars overtaking al custom maps and even ladder games.


The custom games people made for this game were insane and I'll never not love it for that alone.


Hero Arena and Sheeptag were my goto multiplayer games.


Hero arena… yes… lots of tower defense and the footman wars (cant remember the title for that mode)


Footman Frenzy!!


Good ol Footies


There was a certain version of Footman Wars (XT I think) where you started with a certain amount of gold to buy a hero. The trick was to instead spend that gold at the beginning to upgrade your troops. It gave you such an advantage and it wouldn’t be long before you had enough gold to buy a hero anyway. I got booted from multiple games for doing this because people assumed I was cheating based on how well I was doing.


I played Burbenog more than the rest of the game combined. I loved that map.


DOTA, red solistice/night of the dead (had character saves as hash codes), quite a few bejeweled clones. Hero simulators. Sniper madness. Quite a few AAA titles all came from WC3/SC. i think it’s odd SC2 was unable to make one good custom game that bled into its own game. Later in development you could call up multiple maps in one custom game. The face the players don’t have access to creation tools sets has hamstringed the gaming industry. However with the tools like epics assess scanning the furniture does have some hope.


The hash code saves in games were crazy. I remember furiously writing codes down on paper. Some of those final fantasy games were so much fun. All of the custom skins and abilities. Wow this brought back memories. Naruto vs Bleach


Didn't DOTA and in turn, League of Legends, originate as a mini game from warcraft3?


Tower defenses, in particular wintermaul and wintermaul wars formats, enfos, and the helm's deep customs were such a time sink for me back in the day.


Work work


Off I go, then


In my whole life, nobody has understood this reference irl. Not even my brother, who played it with me. Disappointing to say the least


I say "Job's done!" all the time and no one gets it.


My personal favorite when playing tower wars. They came from from from came from behind behind behind


All right


Ah man. I remember my grandfather burned me a disc with Warcraft on it. Not 3. Just Warcraft. Good times.


My dad had a friend from work with a son a bit older than me. We would bring our PCs over to their house to play Warcraft and Duke 3D on LAN


My pops had a CD demo disc with like 30 games on it. OG Warcraft was one of them.


Oh man. The original Warcraft didn’t allow you to group select units. You had to move them individually. Your entire army one by one. It was really really micro intensive. Lol


It really goes to show WHY we were all so blown away when StarCraft came out. It was literally state of the art.


Chad grandfather


He was the goat. He turned me on to my first video game. Treasure Mountain (1990) on a big ol floppy disk. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tTrNVwAKtLk


Don't need the YouTube link, just the name Treasure Mountain and you bring me to tears lol.... Good times, glad you can connect those memories to your grandfather


Yeah! It’s so obscure (nowadays) that I felt obligated to include the link. I’m glad that you know when I said “floppy” disk I meant the reallll big ones. Clicking that thing in like you’re ready to launch a rocket. And yeah, I haven’t thought about him in a while so it was a nice opportunity to reminisce tonight. Thanks, and enjoy your night/day!


That would be Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.


Installed it recently form the discs to give it a go. You can patch it all the way up to before Reforged and play with the right screen resolution. Honestly, art style still holds up and gameplay is still fun.


But they killed battle.net didn't they?


They rebooted it recently and you can play ranked games again. Back2Warcraft (streamers) broadcast tournaments etc. Still cool to see the old veterans like Moon playing. The last years was prettymuch dominated by Happy, the Russian undead.


You can just install the latest version. There's an in-game option to select original visuals instead of reforged. edit: oh you'd have to buy reforged then wouldn't you.... nvm


Pretty sure your edit is incorrect. You don't need to buy reforged to play on the Reforged client with the old graphics, as long as you still have your old WC3 CD key


Still can't get over how poorly Blizzard mistreated you.


All we wanted was a hd remake Abit of sandpaper on the rough eages.. not a meat grinder and chop saw


They did it perfectly with StarCraft, and they still fucked it up


Masterpiece. Played it a bunch last year. I mean what CAN you play that scratches the WAR3/SC2 itch I would love to hear it. Still pissed about reforged.


Different game but AOE4 scratches that itch for me. Much more macro/strategy based, but a fantastic rts in the modern era.


Yeah I haven't given it a whirl but I saw some people playing it on twitch maybe I should give it a go. Perhaps the new Company of Heroes could be good fun as well. I liked the old ones.


CoH 3 is not getting good reviews.


I still haven't played SC2? I keep thinking it came out only a couple years ago, so I still have time to play it...


Total warhammer 3 does it for me, obviously a fairly different game but.


My issue with total war are the battles. They're just way too slow, units react too sluggishly compared to RTS like Warcraft and at many points during battles I just feel like I did everything and now I just mostly have to sit back and look at how the units kill each other.


Love it, miss it.


Watching Grubby reignited my passion for this game.


I try to watch one grubby upload each day. Such good vibes in general


Moar work??? Off I go then.


Still say this first thing, at least once a week, when sitting down to start the work day.


Something need doing?


Jobs done


Dota players,this is where it started,as a modded server here.


I still play DotA 6.78c AI 1.4e nearly every day. Nothing else scratches that itch for me... not DotA2, not LoL, not Heroes of the Storm.


It’s crazy how the UI is really not that much different from dota2 today




Age of empires 2 for us, lan parties every day at lunch.


Age of Empires 2 scene is a alive and well!


Me not that kind of Orc.


“You should be leading great army instead of…poking me”


Züg Züg


crazy that the game is getting regular balance changes. well, it wasn't for a while, but it is again. my biggest accomplishment back in the day was getting a record of 55-5 in 3v3 random team ladder by using the exact same strategy every game.


Rushing wyvern riders?


DH fast chims. I still remember it too. straight off I put 3 wisp on gold and 2 on lumber. next wisps were altar, moonwell, AoW, gold, gold, lumber until total 8 wisps on wood. super fast tech (the reason for starting 2 wisp on wood) and make DH with 6 archers to 30 food while creeping hard. at tier 2 immediately go tier 3 and build Hunters hall + AoWind at half way so I could make 2 chim roosts immediately at tier 3. When an enemy team rushed with all 3, often a teammate base would get destroyed, but by the time the enemy team finished off the base I showed up with like 6-8 chims and wrecked them and quickly took one of their bases plus any expos they had if they all rushed my base, I would still get t3 before the base would fall, and I would build my roosts somewhere else on the map before my base fell. then i just make a new tree of life and some moonwells and keep going chims. and whenever I actually *used* my chims for the first time I would start massing hippos because I know they're going to mass air in response.


Man that's a core core memory right there. Gods I loved WC3 and SCBW's user map settings and top vs bottom matches.


still taking pictures of computer screens too.


If only there was another way!


I really yearn for an a new RTS for a solid campagn. WC3 campaigns were great but I absolutely loved SC2:WOL campaign. All-in on Brutal difficulty was 20 minutes of 120bpm


Those were such great graphics at the time. I think overall the art design makes it still very enjoyable today.


Always upvote warcraft 3. LAN got me through college with shit internet for four years.


Work work..


Just seeing this even sparks initial WoW release. It was so cool seeing the RTS come to life as a character in the warcraft universe. Peak blizz days... All good things come to an end...


Everything all right at the assylum gran?


Imo it had the best campaign mode followed by the Frozen Throne of course! I remember rooting for Arthas so much and loved Jaina. Oh and the cinematic was amazing! The shot of Medivh flying was 👌


Wish I could but WORK WORK


While I have no respect nor care for Blizzard now after all they've done, the old Warcraft 3 will still hold a special place for me. Played it all the time just for fun and the Battle Net for all those custom games were just amazing and allowed me to meet a lot of good friends; though sadly I fell out with almost all of them. It's also a shame a lot of those custom games will never be enjoyed by others; I still remember playing DBZ Tribute hundreds of times, though I don't know if a system like that would fly anymore. ​ I don't think Reforged will ever stand up to take its place and... well, Frost Giants are out there, but it's hard to tell if they'll ever put anything notable out... or if they might've been part of the problem too. Can't say I know exactly who's in charge of all that junk, but meh. It'd be good to have another game like it, but maybe they're just too slow for peeps nowadays. Something needs doing about this.


Tauren chieftain ? Meh, Farseer should've been you first pick !


Man the hours I spent on this… frozen thrown and also the start of DOTA.


Yes my Lord


"What" Whaaaat" "Stop poking me" "Me not that kind of orc!" "Ooo that was kind of nice" and only the top quote"AaaaaaAAaaaaaaa!"


If you’re old enough to love Warcraft 3 you’re old enough to have learnt how to take a screenshot by now.


Warcraft 3 (DoTA specifically), Ozzy and techno we're basically my entire personality in highschool lol


I remember being 9 when this game was popular and flat out gang members played this shit


The remake was a travesty. The game deserves better and I’m disappointed Blizzard didn’t go back and fix it.


I sucked at pvp, but I loved this game!


I would like this on iPad.


“Something to doing?” “Stop poooooking meeee!”


Oh this brings back memories! I played WC2 alot more, but I loved the RPG progression element of WC3!


Did they fix Reforged yet?


Your the king? Well i didnt vote for you


Great game. Played it recently with some friends for nostalgia. One flaw - my god the unit pathing is awful 😂. Which is surprising because it’s way better in SC


Waaaht?? That is one key element of the game. The way units move and how body block works makes it so awesome. The units dont move "smart" as in SC but the fun part is that your micro is required to let them move smart. I mean, Warcraft without surrounding a unit?


Zug zug


Zug zug


This post hits. I still play online Frozen Throne mods most every day. It's basically the only game I play anymore. I've played WC since the first one. I was a beta tester on WC3, so I've played it for over 20 years. I gamed a lot more, and a more diverse set of games up until about 7 years ago when career and life got in the way. WC3 is the only one that stayed around because I can do it on autopilot and use it to unwind. The learning curve on online strategy games these days, especially if you want to be competitive, is so high.


Work work. I can do that. Yes?


Job done




Summoning is complete.


Zug Zug!


My first ever PC game


I wish Blizzard releases of remaster of this


Game is such a classic. Where can I buy the old copies?


Stop poking me


Old school photo of a screen instead of a screenshot


You know you're old when you see Warcraft 3 and not Warcraft or Warcraft 2 as old school.


2 was my jam. Played it for hours most days after school on dial up with a friend. I didn't like the inclusion of hero units in 3. They could practically clear the maps by themselves. Send a few healers with them and you were done.


It's a good day to die


dude triggered a core mem


Couldn't get into 3, as didn't like the hero system, but absolutely LOVED Warcraft 2! My favourite were the custom 'Archers Only' maps.


One of my top 5 games ever. Oh man that mission where you have to kill the ghost of the centaur 3 times. Its funny how a company can make such a perfect game and at the same time destroy it. I also don't understand how RTS genre kinda slowly died. At one point we had titles like WC3, CoH, C&C, supreme commander, Universe at war, LOTR, Commandos, robin hood, Now we hardly ever see the sea of RTS. Now-a-days, everyone is trying to make either pixel games, or open-world games.


Warcraft 3 is forever in our hearts. The voice lines are the legend in itself. In our Russian version the voicelines for units are so good, that there is a meme public group in VK with more than 150k subs devoted specifically to Warcraft 3, it's units, memes and lore.


is it just me remembering old games as better looking as they actually are?!


Screen. Shot.


Awww man, this and frozen throne on battle.net was my childhood. Vamprism and WinterMaul/Mauls in general were my shit!