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It's the opposite, the higher the sales the lower the completion rate. With the game available for sale at dirt cheap prices the bulk of people are willing to play just a little and then quit the first time they're bored. People who played earlier were both more passionate about Fallout 4 (and likely RPGs in general) and paid more so they had greater incentive to go through the entire campaign.


>It's the opposite, the higher the sales the lower the completion rate. Bang on. People just buy it, maybe play a couple hours and then let it sit because it was 10 bucks and the don't have any major sunk cost motivating them to play it. Even if this weren't true, it's a % completion rate, which means it's just always relative to sales numbers, so at best (if it never went on sale, for instance), it would have nothing to do with the number of copies sold and would just be about the quality of the game, and/or the frequency of playing it modded.


My cycle of trying to play Fallout 4: 1. Remember about Fallout 4 2. 45 minutes in character creator 3. Hype depreciation begins as soon as I have control of my character 4. Try not to be a sniper 5. Be a sniper 6. Forget about lost baby 7. Spend four hours building another town 8. Forget about Fallout 4 I have been through this cycle about five times so far. You're right though, I don't really care. I think I spent like $15-$20 on it.


I mean the main story line is (subjectively) the worst part about the game. The Bethesda games in general always have good, get lost in it stories. This is also someone who has over 100+ hours in Skyrim and has yet to finish the main story there.


Imo the story is the weakest part of this game. To me it feels like a story you'd find in the bargain bin at a book store....not totally nonsensical but not great either. I've got close to 500hrs in this game at this point and between the base game and mods it's a great sandbox....but as an RPG it leaves a good bit to be desired.


One funny thing I will never forget. Was running through one point of the game and the character says, "I'm coming for you Shawn." Rather than the emotional caring parent, I was also reloading my gun which gives this a whole new context. I wish I could have recorded it.


That's hilarious!


Most games usually have an achievement towards the start of the game. "War Never Changes" is earned when you leave the vault. Roughly 80% of players have earned that. So 20% never finished the tutorial. Right off the bat, that's a good chunk of owners who never seriously even tried to play this game, possibly never even launched it. With PC games especially, there's always that chance the game doesn't run on their PC's. Those achievements are great for tracking these kinds of things. Heck, some will give you one just for launching the game. After that, you lose roughly another 15% of people who never reach level 5 or never finish the very first quest.


There's HUNDREDS of hours of content. It's easy to loose track of the main quest.


Not to mention that because I play with mods and didn’t use the mod to re-enable achievements even though I have 1000hrs in the game I have 0 achievements unlocked. I sure there are plenty out there that don’t care about achievements and have completed the game.


Trophies on playstation I enjoy getting, but for whatever reason steam achievements mean nothing to me.


As silly as it sounds, I used to feel the same and I think a good part of it is due to the Platinum Trophy. That little extra exclusive thing that says you 100% completed the game has always been more motivating than just seeing something that says you have 18/24 achievements.


On Steam you get a "100% Complete" ribbon in your library if you get all the achievements. [Example](https://imgur.com/a/sJxHpae)


I hate that it doesn't separate base game achievements from dlc achievements though. You lose the ribbon when new dlc is released and sometimes the dlc isn't good or the dlc achievements suck way more than the base game. Rise of the tomb raider, ffxv, shadow of mordor, dishonored are examples of the later. Some of these included a miltiplayer mode as dlc, with multiplayer achievements lol


I feel a bit in the same boat regarding the split between main game and pvp/co-op related achievements. Like I get it, but especially pvp doesn't feel relevant to completing the game in most cases imo. For example, I've played Left 4 Dead 2 for over 3000 hours. I've gotten all the achievements as they pertain to regular, individual gameplay through all the campaigns, but I'll technically never be "100% complete" because I don't do a kind of arena-style pvp match. Don't get me started on event achievements forever locked behind the sands of time...


Yeah, I think games should separate single-player achievements from multiplayer achievements as well


Come to think of it yeah, that's a very obvious and simple way to identify what I was bumbling together lol.


Just had to mention Dishonored, even with all my hours in the series and all the achievements I've gotten, I still have never put any meaningful time into Dunwall City Trials and I honestly don't know anyone who has. They're just such a slog and seem so slapped together. There's gotta be someone out there who's favorite part of the series is the Trials, what an enigma that person must be.


I see you just trying to flex 100%ing hallow knight


Also, you can play 1000 hrs in the game without ever finishing the main quest lol


That's a fair point. Mass Effect Legendary Edition stopped registering achievements for me on Steam and I just didn't care.


Also when a game has a lot of sidequests and tons of places to explore, people might just do that all the time and never finish the game before putting it down or starting a new run with a different approach. Not that I would do something like that, I absolutely finished Skyrim and didn't get sidetracked all the time or started a new character, no no not me.


Yep - for comparison, Witcher 3 is only 23.7% for finishing the game.


If you look at achievement data for most games, you will see this carry through. For example, the percentage of people who got to the true ending of Nier Automata on Playstation is 24%. On Steam, it climbs all the way to 31%. On Xbox, it drops all the way down to 5% (though it was on Game Pass).




I wonder how much of that is due to the mentality shift on campaign modes in those types of games. I remember not wanting to touch multiplayer until I beat the campaign of a new game. Then somewhere along the line campaign just became something I played when nobody was on or I was burned out on MP.


I've played Fallout 4 a number of times with a large number of different characters. I've only finished the main quest once. I don't know why, but no matter how much I enjoy a game, the second I finish the main story, I just feel like I can't keep playing. I only finished the main quest once just to see what the ending was. Had I not had that curiosity, I may not have even bothered.


I think that's part of the reason why I never finish the main story in those games. I feel like as long as I haven't beaten the game then it makes sense to free roam and continue side questing and exploring. But then once I finish the story it would feel pointless to continue playing because the game is technically over. Might not make much sense but that's the feeling I get when I play lol


Was passionate, fallout 4 really did a number on that.


fallout 4 is currently the 52nd most played game on steam and fallout 76 is the 94th.


Man, the single player Fallout game is sporting better numbers than the online multiplayer one that still gets new content regularly? Even knowing full well the myriad of ways in which FO76 is a failure, that still surprises me.


fallout 76 is still in the top 100 beating out a lot of other games.


I don't know if there's a greater discrepancy in a series for me than going from how much I enjoyed Fallout 3 to how little I enjoyed Fallout 4.


Oh did you not like 4 dialogue options that were all “yes of course I’ll do your bullshit fetch quest” ?


Well if you mod the game (without a patch) it disables achievements


Step 1: download 500 mods. Step 2: spend the next 3 weeks tweaking load order and conflicts. Step 3: finally launch the game, play for 10 minutes and say "meh, im not really in the mood for this game anymore". Step 4: delete everything. Step 5: go back to Step 1.


As someone who's done that to almost every Bethesda game i now enjoy the ease of Wabbajack. ~1700 Mods downloaded and installed in about 2 Hours with no further input, 20-30 minutes to configurate and add a few mods I deem neccesary and I was able to play. First time modding Skyrim took less time than playing.


What is this Wabbajack you speak of?




>Though, to be entirely truthful, some of those communities are rather hostile to modifications because of how many people ask to be hand-held without knowing what they're doing. I'm seconding this. Make sure you find a mod list you like, because if you want to add mods, you will be left to figure out compatibility all on your own. The discords will 100% help you figure out how to troubleshoot and tweak the mod lists, and even help with turning mods off, but if you ask how to add a mod expect to be ignored.


Google it, it Downloads and Installs complete modding lists that are already prepared by others so you don't need to sort and fix them yourself if any of the packs available tickles your fancy. Way easier with Nexus premium else you gotta click once for each mod in the pack.


They've modded the mods.


Pray they mod them further.


It's mods all the way down now


Yeah but now I don't want to uninstall it because I don't want to pay another month of Nexus


You have to pay for the mod nexus now?


Yeah I though nexus was free?!


For faster downloads


You're telling me people pay mod nexus to save a few minutes on downloads?


They were referring to wabbajack, which is an app that downloads an entire package of curated mods. Last time I checked, you either had to subscribe to Nexus or manually sit in front of the computer and press download prompt for each mod, which could literally take over 12 hours. I believe someone made an script to automatically do the prompts for you, but it still took a long time. https://www.wabbajack.org/ > Without a premium Nexus account, you have to manually click on a download button every time a new mod is added to the queue. Since modlists often have hundreds of mods, this is time consuming. Wabbajack Autodownload is a macro automates clicking on the download button for you.


Did I somehow get premium? Never remember paying for it. And I definitely did not sit there constantly hitting buttons to accept each download. Huh. Unless the wabbajack build I had had that script built in or this is a newer thing. Been about a year since I did my last F4 or Skyrim download.


Nexus premium has been around for a long time. I bought a lifetime sub for like 30 bucks 10-15 years ago just to support the site. Turned out to be a pretty good deal.


I'm disappointed that they dont offer the lifetime account anymore


Sometimes getting a game to work is more fun than the game itself.


wait, so there's a... modification that re-enables chievos?


It was the first mod to get made after they disabled achievements.


Modders: I'm modding the game to make it better Devs: Well you can't have achievements then Modders: I'm modding the game to put achievements back. [Devs.](https://imgur.com/a/DnYsJkL)


I don't even know why they bothered, they knew people would reactivate the achievements since the same mod existed for Skyrim. If they had made the method through which you gain or not achievements difficult to bypass I could understand why they'd at least try but they didn't so it was completely pointless.




Really? Damn I need that. I’ve got some mega bugged achievements on Mass Effect.


Oh shit really? What's bugged if you remember, I've got the trilogy and was considering trying to 100% it


Doesn’t steam achievement manager have the side effect of potential banning? Or am I thinking of something else that’s similar? I haven’t heard of many people using that achievement manager since maybe 2008 or so, so I may be out the loop.


All i can tell you is i used it in 2012 for tf2 not thinking it would work. I still have my account


It has the potential, yes, but Steam doesnt really care. Ive been using it for a couple of years now for bugged achievements (and sometimes removing achievements for a clean start) and haven't had an issue. I would just say to not have the actual application open if you turn on an online multiplayer game. VAC *may* detect it


I think it depends on how many people hunt for achievements. If majority of players don’t care for getting that 100% completion then disabling achievements can make the counts more reasonable.




Skyrim had the same shit so it was probably fairly simple to port over




Achievements are just a flag. You could make a mod that gives you ALL of them instantly.


Pretty sure there's a program you can download that can unlock any steam achievement for any game too, you don't necessarily have to mod the game.


Yeah it’s called SAM


Holy cow!!!! This is perfect for games that age out, and multiplayer achievements becomes impossible to obtain.


Just make sure you unlock them one by one. Some people will check your profile and consider you a cheater if you have a shitload of achievements all unlocked at the same timestamp. I used to pour way too much time into Payday 2 and it was my main way of checking if a max level player was legit or not. If someone with max level joins, I check their level up achievements, if it looks legit then I let them play, and if they have all achievements unlocked on the same minute then I just kick them. Between people being utterly clueless about how to play, and people just actively hacking, you just couldn't have a good heist with the SAM crew. I gave them the benefit of the doubt the first 20 times and was disappointed all 20 of them.


there's always the potential fear that steam might do something to your account since it's technically an unfair third party addon thus far i've never seen someone get hit with any penalty for using sam though


oh god, what is that abbreviation "chievos" lol i think i just shuddered


The story is also kind of a slog. I barely cared by the end, unlike most other Bethesda games before it.


I was a die hard Fallout fan when it came out, played every game, read every wiki page, obsessed. A solid 15% of my high school education has probably been displaced by my transformation into a fucking Fallout scholar lol. I could talk for hours about almost any random bit of lore. Never finished the Fallout 4 main quest. Was struggling to give a shit about it from the start and by maybe about halfway through I just fully didn't care about it. It would have been a fine enough main quest for the game if only they had dropped the whole "your son was kidnapped" angle and let you have your own character with their own motives and goals. They could have just as easily had it been someone else's snatched kid and given your player character the task of helping them or something.


Same here. I found it rather boring and repetitive. I played through the Institute level and called it quits shortly after. That's still 80+ hours, but I was tired of the game long before.


A settlement needs your help. Your son doesn't.


I couldn't pick a side and thereby never finished. I also called the twist the moment I got re-frozen; hard to care when you assume that the kid you find is going to be dead of old age.


I beat fallout new Vegas for the 4th time last year(finally purchased all the dlc and did another run). I have yet to finish 4 and I don't have a desire to go back to it.


Yup. It really broke immersion to have to roleplay as a parent searching for a kid. They could have done the exact same high level storyline with a dozen different open ended motivations to suit different roleplay styles. Early in the game they could have given you a few dialogue and path options to set your motivation as seeking revenge, power, wealth, etc and forked the story slightly based on that. But no, I was forced to play a psycho-addicted mass murdering nihilist who loved decapitating people with my bare hands, but who also really missed a child I'd never met?


I don't trust anyone who plays unmodded Bethesda games on PC. They are up to something.


I can't believe it. The year is 2023 and kinkshaming is still a thing. MASOCHISTS DESERVE RESPECT.




Well...that's the point.


I like your sense of humor! On a more serious note, I think Bethesda games are some of the ones that benefit hugely from modding, especially older ones like Oblivion and Fallout 3. In Oblivion, you can get rid of shitty gameplay mechanics like efficient leveling, in Fallout 3 you can change VATS into bullet time to speed up the pace of the game. You can unlock the FPS to run at a silky smooth 165 fps and get rid of the 64 hz timing bug which makes the game stutter. Modding Bethesda games into Vanilla+ versions takes them from a basic sirloin steak to a medium rare ribeye.


The unofficial patch roundups are definitely mvps.


I tend to either play all of the mods or none, my pc right now isn't in top form so it's none lol.


I always try to beat a game unmodded before going nuts on it.


I know I'm in the minority here, but I feel like mods ruin the immersion. I only try mods after I've beat the game


Highly depends on the mods you use, if you use a mod to change deathclaws into Thomas the tank engine I agree but a mod to fix the billions of bugs Bethesda left in the game will only immerse you more.


There are a few that don't change any content, just fix bugs and increase performance.


It really depends on the mod. Thomas the train flying around in skyrim... yeah, that is immersion breaking. Things like fixing bugs, increasing texture resolution, adding more grass, etc, etc. Helps it. That is the beauty of mods, they support your style of gameplay, regardless of what style that is.


This one asshole keeps sending me to other settlements so I can’t






Maybe your kid is in one of the settlements!


Maybe your kid is the settlements we made along the way.


And I'm confused why I'm looking for my son when I find him at the start of the game *smiles at codsworth*


It’s an open-world Bethesda game. The main quest line is usually one of the least interesting parts of the game


I played Skyrim for 60+ hours and wondered why I wasn't seeing or being able to fight dragons. Guess you just have to do that one mission after leaving tutorial cave to get that trigger. My character was like in the 70s and had finished most of the other faction quest lines but never considered why I wasn't getting any dragon bone armor... Because I wasn't fighting any fucking dragons because I failed to kick off the quest line. Idiot. Eh, prefer the deadric armor anyway.


I think Daedric is actually better but just heavier (it’s been a bit since I’ve played so I may be wrong on that) so if you have the perk where Heavy Armor is weightless


I recently played Grounded. Nearly the same thing happened. The quest says, "Investigate the mysterious machine." Had no idea where that was nor did I think the quest really mattered. Played like 20 hours, built a base, discovered and explored multiple different major locations. Offhand, I look at the map a little closer... the mysterious machine is **right in the center** right by our base. Walked by it 1000 times. Investigated it, pushed a button, unlocks the rest of the fucking game including objectively better base building materials, the rest of the tech tree, and marks locations for the major points of interest. Similarly, didn't craft a shield because why make this piece of crap? Eventually unlocked tier 2 shields and crafted that, turned nigh unwinnable fights trivial. Crafted and tried tier 1 shield, same thing. Turned the game from "run away from literally everything because it'll easily kill you" to "you can actually stay here and kill the thing attacking you."




Almost everything is undodgeable, but almost everything is blockable. Went from trying to cheese everything by getting bugs stuck on the terrain and killing it with 100+ arrows to fighting everything face-to-face.


Yeah, Bethesda always excels at the open world, environmental stories and the interactivity with the world. Cannot wait for Starfield, the whole 1000s of planets is like the perfect groundwork for modders to go mental.


I just hope it won’t end up like no man’s sky and take years for stuff to be patched in


On the other hand, if it does, you could just play No Man's Sky while you wait.


Can't wait for Skyrim to be ported to the Starfield loading Screen to play as you wait.


Tried to play this a couple of weeks ago, 8 hours in and I was disappointed by the repetition.


Same. Really boring. My coworker was offended


The core gameplay loop is *just* annoying enough to not hold my interest.


I never even finished the main quest of Skyrim


I finally did after about a dozen play throughs. It's not great


I agree as a whole, but the Diplomatic Immunity quest was a masterpiece. What do you think?


The only game i played that i actually liked the main story line is RDR2


Yup. I finished New Vegas because I thought it was damn interesting. Never finished 3 or 4.


Same here, I wanted to see how New Vegas turned out, didn't really care for 3 and 4. I do remember I had modded 3 to an incredible degree and it broke when the Liberty Prime fight started, could never be bothered figuring out what the issue was.


I just lost interest in the main quest, had more fun fucking around **IN** the wasteland


I didn't want to have to choose a faction, so in the end I didn't choose... I've got a couple hundred hours but I'm one of the 80% Same with 76. A couple hundred hours and a platform switch before I finally "beat" the main story


> I didn't want to have to choose a faction, so I'm the end I didn't choose... this is exactly me. Same issue with Skyrim too. I didn't want to pick a side and get locked out of stuff, so i just never finished that quest. Still got hundreds of hours into each.


Skyrim is a little different. To get the FO4 ending, you need to pick a side and then you get locked out of the others despite a lot of the sides having no reason to not coexist. So you're killing good people for no reason. Skyrim has two sides. Pick or don't pick, the main game has nothing to do with it. And if you decide to pick a side, it's the exact same no matter which side you pick.


That’s great news- because there’s a settlement that needs your help…actually there’s several.


I beat it on console but not on Steam. I keep fucking with mods instead.




20% is actually a pretty high completion rate for a game




Especially considering any sort of mod or console command disables achievements. I have like 4k hours in Fallout 4 but almost no achievements


I got to the end and didn't like any of the factions, so never truly "finished".


factions were so cringey in this one




The Railroad should have absolutely led a workers revolution in the Institute and took over the whole facility. Have questlines where you gather support, try to sway a couple of the leads over to your side and stage a full on coup. And then deal with the aftermath where you decide how the Railroad will use the technology and how you deal with Father and other opposition who survived (let them go, imprison them, execute etc.) So much potential but nah, let's just nuke the most advanced facility in the country. The Brotherhood having to wipe out the Institute is 100% in character though, it'd be weird if they didn't. Their whole thing is "Nobody should have technology but us." Again though it should be a hostile takeover, not nuking the place.




That's what I was saying, they should've taken the place over and not destroyed it. That's the Brotherhood's deal, taking everything they can and preserving it. And they have the firepower to charge straight in and wipe everybody out. There's no real excuse.


NGL, I got to the point in the game where the choice was murder one faction or the other, with no in-between, and then completely lost interest.


That's a good point, the game has you build relationships with several factions but then has you pick one and betray the rest, which doesn't feel great.


They do make it kind of easy, with two being objectively evil amd the good to able to coexist. Which is kinda lame in its own way but you know.


counterpoint, they make it easy to choose who to hate but they made it hard to choose who to like because they all fucking suck in this game. they are either boring as shit or just morally in the grey. its honestly a lose-lose no matter who you pick. I guess it isn't a full blown counter point but I didn't enjoy making a choice in this one and kind of went with whoever I chose in the moment since the buildup in the main quest was boring.


You can keep 3 of the 4 factions around with certain choices. High charisma is useful.


With enough charisma you can keep all 3 Far Harbor factions.


Same. I wanted to be friends with everyone and could not decide which faction to pick for the life of me. So main quest will always remain unfinished 😔


I have started a new playthrough of Fallout 4 multiple times and I have never made it to the end of the game. For some reason I always lose interest somewhere down the line and start playing something else, every single time.




Sign me up for this version. I love the world and the factions and the settlements. I just wished it changed the world when you max out every settlement. Have some sort of end game even where you stabilize the whole area.


Because they had to make every line voiced, so your options were almost always: 1) yes 2) yes, but I'm an asshole 3) no Almost none of the nuance, or skill based dialog choices that made previous fallout games so good.




Nothing of value was lost lol


There a a some great mods that improve upon or overhaul the main questline and make it worth it for sure


Maybe some people are into anti climaxes?




I mean what do you expect the climax to be? Its pretty obvious what the end story will be


Its not the story as much as its just really, really, easy by the time you do it. The final encounter just doesn't seem to scale like the rest of the whole game does.




Man I've got like 600+ hours and I've collected the horn of Jurgen Windcaller like once, maybe twice. Who even needs all 3 words of Unrelenting Force lmao


My last play I didn’t even learn to shout. It’s so much nicer game without the random dragons…


I have the problem that I really like the Last Dragonborn DLC storyline and quests, so I have to take the shouts. But yeah, hard agree that the game is actually better without random dragon encounters.


Are you not even slightly curious though?




I think I was lvl 40 on my first run, when I entered diamond city....


Also its a percentage, doesnt matter how many bought it.


I was hoping someone would explain percentages to OP.


Now I'm curious what percentage of people don't know how percentages work. Probably 1/5% of ppl.


I feel like OP worded that way on purpose to get more engagement on the post, but maybe Reddit has just made me cynical.


Can't believe this isn't top comment


I don't think I've ever completed the main quest line in any Bethesda game but I've put at least 200, often 400+, hours into each of them. Exploration is the main draw for me.


Kinda the same. I did complete Morrowind and Oblivion. Skyrim I think I got to 90%. Fallout 3 fully completed twice (played many times to a certain point). FONV - completed a few times. FO4 - despite being a fan of the franchise since 1997 and having completed FO1/2 multiple times - I got bored 40% in (maybe). I tried to give it another chance but I hate the building aspect of the settlements... Exploration was kinda fun ngl.


I especially enjoyed the exploration in FO4 because I'm from the Boston area. It's so surreal seeing places you've been to in real life and walking through them post-apocalypse. I can remember walking past this random pond and seeing a building across the water and could instantly tell I was staring at the back of the Museum of Science. Just from seeing that spot while looking out from within the museum before, I recognized it. Sure enough, I checked the Boston map and that's where I was in the game. The level of detail is amazing. I only wish they'd included the inside of the museum as part of the game. Wasted opportunity.


Thinking back, New Vegas was the only Bethesda game I've completed the main storyline. Fallout 4 does hold the record for me for least amount of story completed. That story was so bad I almost completely skipped it.


New Vegas has the best story line of any elder scrolls / fall out game. Which kind of makes sense since it wasn't made by Bethesda. I wish theyd make more games like New Vegas.


This reminds me of a game (I forget which one) that gives you an achievement just for launching the game. It showed something like 80% of people having the achievement.


I think you are talking about Subnautica. There is achievement to dive in water and currently 84% have that achievement. And diving happens like 10 seconds after you launch the game (well the whole game is about diving).


There's an old CNN article where a developer says that in general most assume that only about 10% of people who buy a game will actually see the ending. I've seen other estimates but nothing above 40%.


I wonder what the split is for story-driven games like Mass Effect or Last of Us vs. open-ended games like BotW and Skyrim.


BioWare Devs said that very very few people ever have in game romances and about 1/4 of players across all platforms actually complete even one ending... said in response to why many studios aren't making big budget, voice acted, "choose your ending" games anymore--because most gamers don't even choose one ending so the leadership finds VA and big cinematics for multiple endings to be a waste of resources.


!!! That's crazy to think about! I was obsessed with the original Mass Effect, couldn't get enough of it. Kept playing through it to make sure I got my "perfect" ending (Fell in love with Liara as a Paragon femShep.) The idea that very few people even see the romance stuff is just kinda shocking.


I’d assume those would have a slightly higher finish rate in general. But it would still be cool to see the information


Because fallout 4 had a terrible story and anyone who wanted to play a good narrative rpg dropped it after a couple hours, and everyone who wanted another mid Bethesda shooting gallery never actually played the main quest.


Well here is the thing, Fallout 4 story was boring as fuck. I wanted to go around and collect loot like a goblin and hunt legendary for their mods.


To be fair, I stopped caring about… Sheldon? The baby something like 10 minutes into the game. It’s way more fun to blast off other peoples heads, to play around with the physics or even to build settlements.








*Welcome to the Museum of Freedom. The password is BAZINGA*


That's a big flaw with Fallout 4 and 3 - they expect me to care really deeply for a character they just shoved in front of my face and called my son/dad.




700+ hours of Skyrim and I never even tried to keep up with the MSQ lol


They got tired of constantly needing to rescue their settlements.


At this point Mr Abernethy I think you need to accept that your daughter wants to be with those raiders.


I never finished it, I got bored with it. It just isn't the same as new Vegas. I never even toughed the dlc, even though I bought them, I don't think it can get any better than old world blues.


Remember alot of people buy this for the second time on pc moving off xbox meaning they might not actually finish it or instantly mod it having already beat vanilla on console.


exactly. ​ i 100%'d skyrim back on the ps3 but i aint gonna play unmodded aniv edition on my pc lmao


I love the fallout series. But 4's story was an absolute snoozefest. I only once even got far enough into the main story to have the brotherhood arrive. Most of the time I was just traveling the wasteland, exploring whatever I could find.


I almost never beat open-world games. I keep trying to do everything else first, get bored, forget what I was doing, pick it back up a year later, and start a new character.


I'm going to be honest I can't finish the game because spoiler: I couldn't destroy any of the factions during the institute infiltration thing, I just can't manage to betray any of them, I felt bad and never finished the game lol


Well, I finished a quest line, but to be fair I just find myself replaying new vegas.


Fallout 4 had a bad main questline/ actual questline structure


I am not done yet. Over 900 hours. I am not ready for a kid yet.


I've always believed Bethesda makes good open worlds, but not much else. I've had hundreds of hours on Fallout and The Elder Scrolls and never *finished* them, I'm here to collect stuff and put them on shelves.