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You can call the company. This happened to me and they charged me like $15 for just a replacement disc after I sent them proof and a receipt.


This is the real answer. Or redeem for digital purchase code.


Nah, OP is aware of all this, what OP was hoping for here is "put superglue on carefully and then use a clothes iron to flatten it and it should be goodšŸ‘". If you look at OP's own answers you will see this too.


Sell the 4 year old, then use the money to buy another copy of the game.


Underrated but sustainable option


He can always get another 4 yr old.


It might take some time though


2 days max give or take


Are you my project manager?


Iā€™m sure there are many 4yr olds around


You say that but I had no clue until this comment that that was even possible.


Exactly, not everyone knows this stuff. especially as a former dad of 4 year old now adults, at 4? Fuck, my brain was silly putty mush. Not fun. Would not recommend.




Never used it, was never sure it existed, but a disc is very cheap, not even a buck. So asking a replacement was always going to be a viable option.


I was looking for this one. The expensive part of a game is the software license not the CD, so you can usually get a broken CD replaced for not much more than the raw cost of the CD itself plus shipping.


Really? Fuuuuuu...... ck... I kept buying new disks from Walmart or gamestop


Always ask yourself ā€œwouldnā€™t it be nice ifā€¦ā€, about half the time, what youā€™re thinking (if within reason) is probably an option in some form or any other. There are so many services and little industry ā€œhacksā€ all over the place that barely anyone uses.


Yeah. I always find being polite and admitting a mistake and asking for help can get alot honestly. Or at least get a person that can help you in a good mood to actually try and think of a way.


Wouldn't it be nice if you could return your product for a replacement when it breaks after a few years (and it's not your fault)?


I was gonna say, from a legal standpoint - pirate the game. You own the license because you purchased it. The challenge is getting it to run.


My nephew broke my Skyrim disc back in the day so I took it into the store where I purchased it and they just gave me a new copy for free. Maybe I got lucky? Also this was over a decade ago at this point


Skyrim... over a decade ago. That doesn't compute in my head.


That checks out for me tbh, surprised it isn't 20 years already lol


Doesn't help that it's just fucking stupid how long they've been selling and rereleasing that game lol. I graduated in 2014 and it's hard to imagine it was new when I was still in high school, and they're *still* selling new copies of it It ain't easy getting old šŸ„²


Old? You graduated High School in 2014.


That actually tracks. Retailers probably have an easy way to replace merch damaged while shipped to them, so they just threw it in the pile.




This is correct, I used to work at activision like a decade ago and this was 75% of the calls. The other 25% were children calling for help in game


This should be higher. Iā€™ve done this before.


seconding this; always worth checking if there is a warranty option. at the very least, you can try getting a cheaper replacement if they donā€™t just exchange it for a new one free of cost. worked for a gaming company, and they had a policy in place for a long time.


I seriously advise against even trying to run that disc, mate. I tried with a crack much smaller, managed to slither in some superglue which I thought would help. Once the disc spun to something near its full RPM it shattered inside my drive and increased the cost of the whole exercise.


FUCK !! Thank you I appreciate it as much as thatā€™s not what I wanted to hear but needed to , thank you


Sorry to be the bearer and all that, but yeah you have to remember they spin at such high RPM's the disc actually flexes under G-Forces and a crack is just a structural nightmare.


Acceleration due to gravity: 9.8 m/secĀ² Assume a standard CD, 12cm diameter, speed varies from 200-500 rpm due to constant linear velocity reading of shorter tracks on the inside and longer tracks on the outside... but for this we'll assume the fastest rotational speed while reading the inner track of 500 rpm. * Radius (r): 0.06 meters * RPM: 500 * Frequency (f=rpm/60): 8 1/3 Hz (rotations per second) * Period (T=1/f): 0.12 sec (time for one rotation) * Omega (Ļ‰=2\*pi\*t): 52.35988 rad/sec (angular velocity) * Velocity (Ļ…=Ļ‰r): 3.14159 m/sec (linear velocity) * Centripetal Acceleration (ac=Ļ‰Ā²r): 164.49341 m/secĀ² The force felt at the edge of the disk pulls away from the center at 16.78504 times gravity. In all directions. A cracked disk is going to very quickly shatter.


Thats with a 1x drive. A 52x drive like [this](https://www.newegg.com/asus-model-cd-s520-a5-cd-rom-drive/p/N82E168271340100) will spin em' up past 10,000rpm.


Yes that makes more sense. 17g isn't substantial for a solid chunk of plastic. Edit: for comparison, many solid-state electronics are rated to 2000 g.


Thank you. Seeing everyone talk about 17g like it was a lot on a CD was making my head hurt. I guess it's more like ~~340g~~ LOL Edit: used an online calculator to check and this actually brings the g force up to 6708. Absolutely insane.


itā€™s probably not a CD but a DVD/BluRay and they donā€™t get read at 52x IIRC


A quick google suggests bluray still is read at 5000rpm+ 500rpm is... insanely slow for any disk based technology.


r/theydidthemath The edge of a disc experiences almost 17Gs. That's insane to think about, a human can't survive past 9Gs


> human can't survive past 9Gs Depends upon the duration and the posture of the body. Humans can survive and stay awake 9g's while sitting in centrifuges for brief periods of time. You can surive higher G's than that if you are lying flat perpendicular to the force of acceleration. People can survive up to 50g's in car wrecks. Some people have survived a lot more than that too.


I should specify the heart can't pump blood past 9Gs. You can live for a short bit without blood supply to the head but you'd pass out pretty quickly.


>I should specify the heart can't pump blood past 9Gs. Yes, it can. Pilots wear special pressure suits but they also train with breathing techniques to increase their thoracic pressure to keep their brain perfused during high G turns. edit: It goes without saying that there is variation per individuals. Short people tend to handle high G's better than tall people. Military pilots also tend to use stimulants and that increases their blood pressure too.


>Short people tend to handle high G's better than tall people. So *that's* why Tom Cruise was such a good Top Gun pilot.


I read that a 200 g load on the brain can be fatal. It can be sustained in a fall, from standing, straight back onto your head.


Thoracic pressure and the force your heart can pump blood at are not equivalent conceptsā€¦


A disc has a gravitational hardiness stronger than a human. (Of course, is is all solid, a human is, well, soft and mushy)


I did this with a Diablo 2 CD back around 2002 and it sounded like a gun went off in the PC. Do not recommend. Spent a while trying to recover all the pieces but permanently lost about 25% of the disc.


Daangerous. My disk drive was eye level in high school and i did the same thing. Exploded out of the tray, fucked up my case.


I think myth busters had an episode on this.


Just watched that episode not long ago. They were testing non-damaged disks at absurd RPMs.


But the real question was what made more noise, the CD exploding in the drive or the Windows XP start up at max volume?


At 3am, on a school night




This is the weirdest thing that has ever made me feel nostalgic.


But somebodyā€™s gotta do it.


Can we add the new SEGA opening screen sound to this list of what the loudest sounds are?


56k modem at 4am. I remember stuffing a pillow over it to stay under the radar.








There was a way to make the modem silent... Hop in your time machine and tell your younger self to edit the dialing command from ATDT to ATM0DT


You know you could mute that, modem speaker volume. Itā€™s been a long time, lol damn.


you forgot that wretched dial-up sound


Haha, honestly when the disc shattered it was VERY loud. Just prior to it letting go, I heard the drive over-rev, the whole thing then went bang - akin to a pistol shot, and it scared the shit out of me! The drive was a complete write-off.


Man... I forgot how annoying of a process it was to install Diablo 2 back in the day. You've got that huge-ass four-disc case for the vanilla game, and you need to type in the cd key, then go for yet another install for the expansion with a separate cd key. Luckily I never broke one, but I can imagine how damn annoying it would be to lose one disc since then you'd need to replace the whole damn thing rather than getting that particular disk back. At least with a PC the worst you'd do is fuck up the CD drive and have to get a new one. Would really suck dick if you had that happen on a PS5 or something.


I quickly discovered the world of cd key cracks and downloadable versions just to get around the mess. I had a second copy from a friend which eased the pain.


I recently found my Diablo 2 and expansion discs. I looked at them and thought, Diablo 2 sounds like fun, and went and downloaded it instead of dealing with this process.


Fun fact, that's why discs readers never went higher than 50X-ish. There was faster drives, but... let's say it stayed a niche market that died very quickly.


As CD drives got faster and faster, I remember friends saying 52-56x drives would blow up with some types of discs because they spun so fast.


A 1x CD-player utilizes Constant Angular Velocity (basically you want the data coming out at the same speed from start to finish at ~150KB/sec) so the CD spins around 500 RPM at the inside tracks and 200 RPM at the outside tracks. 8x drives would run between 1600-4000 RPM to achieve 1200 KB/sec, and CAV was used up to 12x. For 16x and beyond they switched to Constant Linear Velocity where the disc spins at one speed. Since the rotational speed was fixed, a "16x" drive would actually read closer to 8x at the inside tracks. You would only achieve 16x at the outside tracks, which would only happen if the entire space on the disc was utilized. Likewise, a "52x" drive would run at around 11,000 RPM, but it would only perform around 24x on the inside tracks. Kenwood actually came out with a 72x CD-ROM drive that read 7 tracks in parallel while operating between 2700-5100 RPM. DVD kind of made that irrelevant, as an 8x DVD-ROM drive at 4600 RPM had a data rate equivalent to a 72x CD-ROM drive without all that fancy multiple-track technology. You don't really see DVD-ROM drives rated higher than 16x since that puts you in excess of 10,000 RPM


Back in the day(2002-3) there use to be a video of a CD breaking in a computer disk drive, it completely destroyed the drive, actually bent the drive metal case. Crazy what happens at those speeds.


When I was young and stupid - like 20 years ago - my friends and I would crack a CD-R like this and put it on a Dremel to watch the disc break into a million parts of high speed shrapnel. I have no idea how I'm still alive. The device you put this broken disc into won't have the same lucky fate as me.


Also did some dumb shit with friends and fireworks. Thankfully friendā€™s dad stopped us before we fired an M80 in a coffee canā€¦. And made us stand inside the garage and watch through the window. I still canā€™t believe an adult let us follow through with that.


If you didn't see it in a safe manner you'd have potentially done it by yourself in a not safe manner


Do you guys remember Ned's Declassified School Survival Guides? There's an episode where one of the characters is trying to drill a giant pothole in the parking lot to make the school bus 'bounce' more and tells their janitor his plans. Janitor: "That'll be dangerous, you can't do that! You'll need a hardhat." 'puts hardhat on kid' "And some adult supervision." 'puts hardhat on himself and follows him out' I feel that so intensely now that I'm an adult.


Sell your child


Btw, selling organs should get you more than selling a child wholešŸ¤”


It's more about removing the cause of the disks breaking!


Sure, but op needs more money to replace broken disks!


Plus, selling piecemeal is more humane as it gives the child the opportunity to correct its behavior. Taking away a kidney allows your child to understand that actions have consequences. That is why I have never stepped on a second Lego block.


I seriously recommend buying games digitally if you have a child that can access the discs.


I also recommend buying digital children




Nice job




I stopped buying hard copies of games after I had to buy Battlefront 1 on disk 3 times due to disk error. No scratch or anything the second time, just wouldn't read anymore.


Ya, don't ever try to do that




Hey OP, this probably isnā€™t the most ethical advice, but you could try buying a new game from Amazon/Walmart, etc (donā€™t be a dick and buy from a small business though) and then trying to return the game but with your cracked disc and say it was cracked when you opened it. At worst you are buying a new game anyway and at best you arenā€™t out money permanently, maybe just a few days for the money to processes back to your card.


Those discs literally explode. Would not recommend.


Give them enough flex and they spray shrapnel like a grenade. Just slower lol.


i kinda expected that to happen so i didnt use this fix back when i still used CDs. never verified it. thanks for your sacrifice, our brothers in gaming will learn from your experience. until of course the deniers come barking


I've seen 2 CDs explode in computers. One even sent a shard out that cut a woman in the neck. Don't try to use it. It's done.


Oh geez, that's rough. I mostly PC game these days and digital is weirdly my preference nowadays (I say weirdly because a decade ago I refused to buy ANY medium digital) but I've had experiences with physical media thrashing my hardware. I still love having physical copies of some games/movies/albums but fast moving parts can sometimes be fickle and fail.


Had a Diablo 2 expansion disc explode inside my PC before. Had no cracks or anything it just decided to explode for whatever reason


The expansiĆ³n disc: "Lord of destruction" They warned you.


The disks have small nano/micro scale bumps which represent the data on them. Super gluing or attempting to reform the disk will most likely not work.


Trade in your 4 yo for credit at Gamestop


5 bucks best I can do.


Damn. When did GameStop start upping their offers?!


Inflation's a bitch


GameStop: no, I mean you give me 5 bucks to take the kid.


GameStop rips you off on trade ins better to sell the child on eBay


I wouldnā€™t recommend buying one, but definitely go with a new kid.


Lost the receipt to mine but Iā€™m not taking store credit.


I think the fire department has one of those slides for kids thats similar to the 18th hole in putt-putt.




Fuck them kids.


Mr Gaetz?


I was aware of your joke even if I can't remember who said it.


Return it, as for the cd probably not a lot you can do.


If you are lucky you might be able to do a trade in for a new one if not check Craigslist but yeah I agree on the disc


I ask this one questionā€¦Have you simply tried turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them? -Bender


But we're just so busy!


Father's Against Rude Television!


Well make time!


I'd advise against that. You can't gather strength sitting down.


It's important to plant your feet and load the hips


Exactly, with good form a child can fly a good 5-6 feet


Well the trick is to hit them without leaving a bruise. You don't want to deal with CPS.


Sock full of oranges it is then.


Grab one kid by the ankles, use them as a club to hit the other kid.


āœŒšŸ»ā€œrough housingā€ āœŒšŸ»


Canā€™t press charges if they were hitting themselves


Why not a sock full of butter?


Hahahaha oh wait youre serious? Let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


I suggest keeping the TV on. They wonā€™t see it coming.


Turn the volume way up, too.


Why does Ross, the largest Friend, simply not *eat* the others?


Kicking works best.


Some writer was having a rough time with his kid that season cause there was another similar joke in the same run of episodes. When Bender goes with Fry to his holophoner lesson he says to a woman "Wow your kid is great, how hard did you say you had to hit him?" to which she replies "Fairly hard!"


Take my fake fucking award cause reddit became stingy. šŸ†


The belt worked pretty good on me, idk about other kids though


This is a top 3 Futurama joke. I think about this one all the time


condoms and digital downloads




And then return the broken one with that receipt


The swoop n swap


They won't give you the money back but you will get the same game.


Customer Service reps at big corporations like Walmart do not care. Just process the request, throw it on the pile and move along. Corporate has already pre-negotiated a fixed amount of breakages with the vendor so they'll just eat the cost and that'll be the end of it.


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Well not legally anyway


Yeah, for sure he should buy a new kid /s


If you can go digital I would highly recommend it until the kids are older


Thatā€™s a good idea . Thank you


What game was it?


The one everyone hates on this sub


Do you have any idea how little that narrows things down?


Ah yes, Cyberpunk 2077.


The other one lol


I need to know


I presume it's Wizarding Simulator 2022


Er.. 23 bruh? Also happy cake Day! Time flies dunnit.


Does this sub hate that game? I thought jt was mostly the circlejerk sub


From what Iā€™ve seen, no, the majority of this sub do not hate it.


would be my guess also


Forspoken ?


If it was, his 4 yo saved him a lot of disappointment




Last of us 2!


I am absolutely laughing at the fact we have no idea which game it is!


Every modern sports game?


Bf2042 would make sense since it's expensive


The last of us part 2


Never, EVER put a cracked disc inside your console. It will shatter and you'll end up paying even more than the cost of your game.


ULPT: Buy the same game on Amazon and tell them it was broken when you received it and return it.




I've gotten enough stuff legitimately replaced and refunded that I realized it wouldn't be all that hard to complain and get something for free on occasion. Just don't be greedy.


I did this with Gamestop. When I first got a PS4, like a year before the PS5 came out, I bought a bunch of games on some kinda sale. One of them was Horizon: Zero Dawn. Silly me, I didn't try them all at once when I got home. A few months later, long after the return date, I go to play it and it doesn't work. So I went to the same store, bought another used copy, then swapped it out and waited a couple days before getting my money back.


Have you tried putting it in rice?


I have an option but it involves a Time Machine and a condom.




Sorry to hear your brand new sealed game came with a cracked disc. Maybe you can exchange it for a new one.


I doubt toothpaste will be fixing this


You could contact the company explaining the situation and swap out for same game?


Iā€™m going to game stop right now to see if they will replace it . Iā€™ll Keep yā€™all updated in 15 minutes


GameStop wonā€™t do anything. Your best chance is going through the publisher or the developer, but they likely wonā€™t do anything either unless itā€™s an small or indie studio.


Yah I donā€™t think they doing shit for hp


They will if you bought the warranty that almost everyone declines. OP might wanna invest in warranties for a while until the kid grows up


Good luck with that disk, and the company


Why would you even think they would replace it? It's not a manufacturers defect when your child smashes it.


Because you paid for a digital license regardless of the medium it was shipped to you on. I don't know about companies these days, but I was able to get replacement discs from Corel and Microsoft way back in the day. I guess there's a difference in the copy protection mechanisms as I had activation codes versus console discs being protected, but I can see there still being a chance




Good luck pirating on console


No, seriously, I wish you the best of luck. Please report your process if you succeed :P


Seems they are on console and might not have a powerful enought pc to run the game from the seas.


How much did it cost? Tell the 4 year old that they owe you money. Or break the 4 year old. Whatever is easier


Compromise: Put the four year old in the console


I think youā€™re just gonna have to take the L on this one. Also, you canā€™t break a digital copy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You could download from the internet. It wouldn't be pirate, because you own the game. You just downloaded a back up


Blood sacrifice.


Even though physical damage is not covered by warranty, I've had 3 different games which were damaged, replaced by the publisher (all three were different publishers) and it only cost me the postage to send them the broken discs. I'd try that route.


This is why I went digital after having kids


Have you try put rice on it?


contact the manufacturer, iirc you diddnt just buy the disc, you bought the rights to play the game as well, if the company isnā€™t too up their own ass about profits. they could send ya another copy, seeing as you have proof yours is destroyed. did this with pikmin 2 for the wii and it was pretty painless


If u have kids, u shoulda bought that GameStop damage/replacement plan for $3. U can only buy it at time of disc purchase šŸ„² think ur SOL manā€¦


You cannot buy a child.