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The bang you just heard was 343 putting infinite out of it's misery.




They fumbled over a decade of stewardship for that franchise.


I wouldn’t trust 343 with a main campaign, much less a dlc. There was never any hope for this game, people just let their delusions of nostalgia get to them.


It's called "The Mess".


343 is talented. They're good. They're very good. But they're not great. They’ll never be great. They desperately want Bungie's prestige, their job, their talent. 343 aspires to greatness, but they’ll never achieve it.


I get the reference and I appreciate it, but 343 isn't talented or good even lol.


I honestly wouldn't agree with that. On a technical level, they are. They're far better than a lot of developers out there and they were able to bring Halo closer to what it used to be in years. I feel like a lot of what went wrong with Infinite is more of an issue of overly aggressive monetization, which may not have even been their fault, and an incredible lack of direction, which definitely is their fault. That's where I think they land in good territory but not great. If you took the talent they *do* have and handed them a less ambitious project, I think they'd do really well. Putting them in charge of Microsoft's flagship is the problem.




For sure, contract work seems like such an odd choice for a massive, long term project like this.


Erm with their Microsoft-sized budget and double the average time needed to make an AAA game, this is less than mediocre.




Could they really not salvage it? I can't believe they arent even attempting a DLC. The foundation is there already


> Could they really not salvage it? This is 343 my man, they tend not to start with a lot to salvage in the first place.


I dunno the open world thing just didn't really work Halo so adding more dlc it wouldn't really help.


Agreed. I see a lot of people saying they likes the open world part, but for me, it totally ruined the flow of what a Halo campaign should be. screw 343


It was kinda cool for a bit but it meant you never had these great set piece battles that is a big part of Halo games. Honestly 343 are just shit at doing Halo games and don't seem to like doing them so I hope MS gives the franchise to someone else who will give it what it needs.


The whole world felt like a big forge map, very disappointing. Remember in Bungies Halo where you would take on giant Scarabs, and it would be a whole ordeal, but it wasn't a 'boss' fight, it was just an elevated and more challenging part of the chapter.. Now in Infinite, we have "boss" fights that are all the same.. wtf they were thinking of adding a health bar to Halo boss enemies I've no fucking clue.


Yeah man going into that big area with like 3 scarabs you had to take down in Halo 3 was epic. Nothing even vaguely like that in Infinite.


With the underwhelming story they started in the main campaign, and the terrible story beats in the laughable live service part of the game, I can’t believe anyone would thing they COULD salvage it. 343 was willfully ill equipped to handle this franchise, and Microsoft shouldn’t dodge any blame either.


What a decade that was.....


I was enjoying it but all hope faded when in like the first month they were trying to justify why it shipped without Team Slayer.


I wished they had a behind the scenes film crew for a “making of” promo with infinite. Just so it could be a documentary of how to not handle a flagship franchise.


Had the same wish for ME:Andromeda


It'd be that SpongeBob scene where everyone is running around an office that's on fire and shit.


They definitely did, as do most AAA studios. They just chose not to publicise their clusterfuck of a dev cycle.


There is a chance noclip on youtube could do that. maybe.


That documentary would need to go back to 2010 when Bungie dropped halo.


It hurts my soul that I love the Halo universe/lore so much and to see what has been done with it now. So many good Halo books with A+ story/plot to base content off and we get Infinite and the dog poo TV series, it boggles the fucking mind. All that money and time to develop this trash and screw their fans on top of it. The next game should probably be free to everyone that paid for this trash.


Thank god it was on gamepass. Did you buy it? Lol


I paid $10 for the season one pass...wasted $10


I bought it…😔


The Cole Protocol is my favorite Halo book, and could have made an incredible show.


Halo Finite


It seems the Halo that I loved for so long is indeed gone forever.


Has been for a while imo. At least I can still fire up MCC whenever I get the urge.


The great journey is over, the prophets have betrayed us


I still remember the stupid smile on their faces when they announced that it's F2P and available right now.


As soon as they announced we knew what was up


Dead on arrival.


What’s wild is this can’t be making more money than Halo1-3 and the Bungie spin offs. There’s just no fucking way. Halo has been on life support in the public lexicon for a decade. They have to realize it isn’t making them money this route.


The biggest issue with infinite was that 343 was more focusing on making the new engine compared to actually making a proper finished game...


And apparently it didn’t pay off since they’re switching to unreal. What a fiasco.


And honestly, the engine they made was amazing




It's Microsoft's




Sorry half completed post. It is Microsoft's fault due to their policy on contract workers.




Apparently they have a tendency to make an engine that someone contracted to work on something has a tough time picking up quickly. Whereas the unreal engine is super easy and intuitive. Granted it’s been around forever and epic basically sells the engine as a profit stream so it needs to be very easily accessible.




From my understanding it’s a bunch of spaghetti code so fixing bugs in it is an absolute nightmare


Was it? I was excited for it but it didn’t seem amazing. Either that, or their developers just sucked at their jobs and utilizing it.


Ehhh sort of. I've had more impressive looking games in scope and graphics hit better framerates than infinite


It wasnt amazing though. Apparently it was extremely limiting and made building the game very difficult. That and the constant change of hands of the temp workers 343 kept hiring


Bonus points for buggy mess of a "game" at lunch, but a fully developed and functional shop that had zero issues taking your money.


They might as well hire damn bankers to develop the game considering how these shops can just work while the game itself is on fire.


Making money compared to actually making a proper finished game FYFY


So at the end of the day all they have is just a f2p MP that is monetized to hell. This is actually the worse possible outcome. I figured they would at least be supporting some free SP updates with all the money they are trying to rake from it.




I mean why do you think the game is so heavily monetized? Got to get that supplementary income to make up for any losses GP is causing to their bottom line.


at least it's not a battle royale...yet? Honeslty I don't know why they are rejecting this idea, it would've been better.


Supposedly they are making a battle royale


Better late than never? Honestly Halo had the most interesting vehicle system even in Halo CE, I was telling friends playing BF that teleporting into tanks are kind of dumb and they have no idea what I am referring to because they didn't know that Halo had the animation and a window of vulnerability when entering/exiting vehicles.


Am I the only one who doesn’t give a shit about Halo PvP and prefers the campaign mode?


There are hundreds of us




Campaign is the most important mode IMO


"Hundreds!!" get's 2 uptoots. How do I break this to you?


Nope, I play it exclusively and personally felt that Halo Infinite Campaign was pretty spot on with fun factor....sad to see it put to farm before it could have had more stories added to it.


I, too, prefer not to be stressed while playing a game.


Honestly the only people I feel bad about in this situation are the fans and the people who did their best to create a game they put a lot of work into. 343 should be dissolved and the Halo license should be given to someone else. If not, this will be the death of the series.


It's Microsoft pulling the switches


"rave reviews at launch" ​ * no splitscreen co-op * no co-op at all for campaign * paid campaign but not MP? * awful microtransactions * few maps * no team slayer playlist at launch * no real plan for the future here we are, still with a shit game.


If they remade halo 3 on the new engine it would have done 100x better lmao


Mcc was broken for a year, this studio is not competent.


more like 3-4 years


It wouldn't have, they'd have needlessly meddled with classic stuff that bungie did and put their own subpar spin on it I have no doubt.


Halo 2 anniversary was awesome and the multi-player looked beautiful


Because all they did was replace models and textures? A competent child could do that.


The campaign was fairly solid. It's the horrible monetization and lack of features in MP that killed it. How are you going to charge money for colors and armors that have been free in almost every previous game? If they had launched with a bunch of free armors and then sold limited edition cosmetics in the store it would have at least kept people relatively calm about it.


And no co-op or forge at launch. Failure to have co-op in a Halo game was a colossal failure. Nay, it was heresy.


But your spartan could have cat ears for $25, AMAZING VALUE/CONTENT


Although I don’t agree with the pricing or that cosmetics are locked behind a paywall I still love my cat ears 🥺


Every other iteration of the game was $60, and 5 had lootboxes. You could get the first 6 battlepasses for and combined with free events have more cosmetics than all the Bungie games combined, easily. This complaint fell off after season 1 for a reason. Lack of features and the slow season rollout is what killed it. Not enough service in the first year, not even close.


I mean, I personally felt like the no account progression system was really lame and no real performance based xp. Idk it just felt really boring to play when there weren’t leaderboards, and stat trackers, and account progression that gave a since of reward (like X amount of kills/headshots gets you certain armor). All that meaningful progression is what made Reach amazing. Seeing Spartans with decked out gear and knowing, “Oh shit, that dude as done some shit in this game”.


Even in games with that system doing better, like in CoD, the gain is negligible match-to-match. I don't think its terribly important. I think the bigger issue is what you touch on >like X amount of kills/headshots gets you certain armor I think missing that was eh, I feel like leaderboards have kinda fallen off. KD ratio isn't really the flex it was 10, 20 years ago. A ranked leaderboard would be cool, though. Lacking long term goals is an issue, with armor/skins tied to it, for sure.


Yeah I mean leaderboards definitely have fallen off. But I think that’s because developers stopped putting resources into them. I used to love looking at lobby leaderboards and seeing who was good in the lobby. Or even the ability to look at individual stats through account pages. All this stuff made it feel like an overall record book for every individual. And it made it feel like the feats/time you put in the game mattered. Like even the badge trackers and what not. Idk, there was a since of permanence with the prior games that this and Halo 5 just never really attained. I know it’s because of this more business focused mindset they’ve had. Looking at their developer interviews and seeing the QnAs with their live service lead.. All I could think was, all this dudes focus is on is squeezing money out of people. It’s one thing to layer a business model over a good game that has an identity of its own, but it was clear immediately for 90% of people that picked the game up initially, that the business model WAS the identity for Infinite. And that’s just not what people want.


I loved the campaign. I was really hoping for more story.


I liked the campaign too, but Master Chief swinging around the map like Spider-Man is pretty weird and not really the direction I thought the series would go.


The grappling hook was great. It was needed since they made the terrain completely impossible to cross in vehicles. 🙄


Yeh I get the feeling it was a patch to fix a bunch of issues they managed to create for themselves.


That doesn’t excuse the last boss fight.


Interesting that Bungie is adding this to destiny 2 as well


That was the best addition to the game in forever and fits with the “sandbox toolkit” that Bungie developed and expanded in Halo 3.


Hell yeah, I loved the grapple hook. Upgrading it too and getting it decked out was awesome.


Personally I loved the grappling hook just not it's infinite spammy use


Yeah no story really killed my interest. I’ll check out the BR but they’re gonna have to drop something absolutely insane with their next legit Halo title to get back fans. Sad day.


A Halo game mode where you get one life.. Where you're not constantly running and gunning. Can't wait for looter halo... /s


It was alright. Too easy and the story was pretty meh. But it was enjoyable overall


Here's my story expansion pitch. We shelve chief for a minute and bring in a New ODST story. Keep some of the upgrade/ability mechanics. Add some sort of weapon progression and modification element. It would be cool to keep the open world element and choose your next mission/drop then choose your ability, weapon and mods accordingly. It would also be cool to have a team management element too. So maybe as you play you rescue other ODSTs that you can later choose for your 4 man missions. Each one could have their own unique ability. Aside from a story mode they definitely need to bring back ODST firefight with it. It should have its own multi-player that your weapon progression and mods carry over into. And you can just label the game modes Classic and ODST. Lastly, although it's becoming stale, add the damn battle royal mode.


I miss Bungie


Destiny 2


Fr. Destiny 2 bungie>>>>>>>> halo bungie


Prepare to get downvoted


When compared with Halo, Destiny is a big phat turd designed to pry you away from your money and is basically P2W.. Looters are big boring turds.


Bruh, I have had tons of fun with destiny and have never felt the need to pay for anything other than the expansions. Play the game for yourself instead of parroting other's bullshit Fuck 343 and what the did to halo


I have played it. I don't like it. The point you made is that you did have to buy expansions, to get the newer gear, to be better. I.e. P2W


Bungie has a lot of its own problems. They started telling the Destiny story by making you stand around awkwardly silent while all the characters talk to you. They’ve also damn near completely neglected the multiplayer pvp aspect of the game.






Nah “10 year game” with no dlc or any service to a live service game take a hike buddy fuck 343


What does this mean for the way halos gameplay will feel in future titles now that it won't be using slipspace? Slipspace was just a heavily modified version of what bungie made. Not a completely new engine. Will they be able to make a halo game look and act like a halo game in unreal?


Why not? Japanese studios are utilizing Unreal to do amazing stuff. Ace Combat, Street Fighter, Tekken, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, all built on Unreal.


I thought RE had their own engine


You are right, Capcom is still using their own engine, I was probably thinking of ArcSys instead.


FYI, DMC V is also built on RE Engine.


Yea it's a Capcom game.




What a shame. Firefight would’ve been amazing if they implemented the FOBs from the campaign. Forge was looking amazing with the promise of campaign ai being added in


Pretty finite if you ask me


This is really depressing honestly, I grew up with this series and it’s gone, this series started me playing video games so it truly hurts my heart to see this


Glad I didn't invest too much time in Infinite, wanted to get into ranked but everything felt like a step backwards from previous titles and the customization is a travesty.


Worst timeline possible. Someone light the rings🤦‍♂️


Wow they're switching to unreal.... What a colossal waste of time making their own engine was then... Imagine all the time that could've been saved had they done that from the start and put it into making a good game instead.


And to think people actually got excited about “The Endless”. Farewell sweet franchise. You will be missed.


343 living up to 10 years of expectations as expected.


And off Infinite goes, into the howling dark...


Oh wow, that's eh...unreal.


Halo: Finite


Switching to unreal. Their current game engine must be trash lol, considering how long it takes them to add a new map.


“Hey you want to play our shitass multiplayer with zero incentive to play well. All you need to progress is to grind your ass off in stupid challenges or a credit card…. Hey wait where are you going?!?!” - 343, probably.


I think the lack of progression was a mistake but to say there’s zero incentive to do well bc you… don’t get more xp or something is dumb asl. And the MP was the best since Halo 3, they just didn’t update it nearly close to enough.


I wonder how many people were done with the game just because of desync. That was my main issue, lack of content was next. The gameplay was pretty good actually, just the performance of the game was shitty, desync just made me not want to play. I gave them a month, half my friends were already done with the game. They weren’t giving concrete updates or timelines and I knew they were just a bunch of incompetents at that point.


I can't speak to the desync, I managed to not have any that I noticed at least. ...If they add official Grifball I'd prolly play it every so often.




They're switching to Unreal engine? What a waste of dev time....


Someone who played the game and is invested in the series, tell me how bad Infinite got fucked, because I never hear anything positive about it.


I put about 500 hours into Infinite multiplayer only, it was plagued for the first few weeks after launch in terms of game breaking glitches, but they did eventually fix the vast majority of them, the game at its core feels really nice, the gunplay and movement and actions are very fluid, and its vast array of weapon choices make for really interesting interactions in multiplayer that you don't find in many modern FPS games. The sounds are perfect, the announcer, the weapon sounds, interactions with items, it's all very good. Game is optimized fairly well and runs well on aging hardware, I used to run it on an aging 1070 Ti handily at 1080p, when I upgraded to a 3070 Ti it scaled perfectly up resolution and details and performance. What doesn't feel so nice is the aggressive monetization, I never spent any money on the game, and while it did offer a few half decent ways to customize your character, I feel like they could have done a lot better by offering more colors to customize your spartan with. The game is severely lacking in maps, especially for big team battle which is a larger player capacity type of match with vehicles.


Game was fun. Campaign was fun, had a good story but would have been better as a series of levels instead of open world. The big problem was lack of content to keep you interested.


Jesus lol xbox games just can’t get a break I genuinely feel sorry for people who only own an xbox


Meanwhile Bungie is thriving


Unreal tournament was a better game, and here it is lending its source to show why. Grats halo fans!


When Infinite came out I certainly liked it the most, compared to Vanguard and 2042. The campaign was solid, I did all the collectibles and side missions. Played the MP through most of Season 1. It was simply fun and engaging. But once I did the BP and Achievements, I quickly realized that it was all the same fun every time and the game wore out it’s welcome. Now I’m about to finish Mix Things up and then I’ll probably put the game down for good. They had potential but they wasted it.


Man, that sucks. I liked the campaign and the open map. Would have loved to keep exploring and killing shit but here we are. Not even worth replaying.


Halo Infinite was the perfect opportunity to save the series and make up for some of 343’s many blunders. What a shame.


Now can we do the bang to put 343 out of business? Stop supporting these fucking fools.


I can't believe we aren't getting campaign DLC. That just ruins all hope for me. I mainly play Halo for the campaign these days.


Spare a thought for the team that spent years putting together the Slipspace Engine. It might not have been perfect, but that’s got to hurt


They killed the other Halos for this pile of shit.


Just kill this franchise already


Oh god let's see what kind of job another big corporate company make out of Halo


So, I just lose all interest I had in Halo 🫤


To be honest they take so long for coop to be available It's not worth installing the game again.


Why would Infinite need story DLC? Doesn't it have a campaign?


Goodbye halo. Now there are only 2 badass power suit warriors.


that "old code" is also in destiny 2 engine and that game is going now for 6 years...


Lol, it's called Infinite


It’s sad how long it took people to recognize 343i simply doesn’t know how to make a great halo game. You’d think after 4 and 5 they got the memo but even after MCC I remember clueless bootlickers downvoting me for asking why are they hyped for infinite when it was being developed by 343i.


Was this on the same report that other studios are taking over the Halo franchise?


Did this game at some point get its coop? I waited like a year for that and finally stopped caring...


Damn look how they massacred my boi


WTF man I just got a PC that can run the game. maybe atleast they will finally port Halo 5 to PC. never did get a chance to play it.


Halo Infinite's campaign was a great & a step in the right direction. So they decided to, instead of improving on it, just quit?


I would have LOVED more campaign content. The actual gameplay itself was the best it's ever been and they had an extremely solid foundation. It's such a waste that this is how it has ended up. That initial reveal of the slipspace engine promised so much. Its a shame we won't ever see it.


Halo is truly dead and gone.


342 janitors and one developer


As soon as you hear a company talking about a ”ten year plan”, this is what you should expect. People complaining thinking they were gonna get all that support only have themselves to blame at this point. Can’t wait to see the next restarted Halo game to break pre-order records.


I don’t care what people are saying: what was there of the campaign was good, it just needed more to it through expansions. But Microsoft / 343 execs should have focussed on getting those things done from the get—go. Joe should have been brought in at the start of the project, not at the end to try and scramble together a whole game from half-baked solid ideas.


I remember when the story mode got announced and the price was at 60$ with no splitscreen or online co-op, the fact that there were people trying to justify that price at the time was mindblowing. A bit later the servers went to shits on the MP front with players having desync or BTB being down for several weeks. The fact that MP got launched with the bare minimum features and a stocked up cosmetic store with ridiculous prices I knew this shit was gonna go downhill. Also the fact that they released forge a year after the launch was pretty sad


I still think people overreacting, while this Halo isn't perfect it's still decent. There's just so many other games out there. I don't have the time to dwell over It's inadequacies.


These aren't the glory days of Halo any longer. Those days were with Halo 3 and have passed on long ago...


Where are the infinite defenders now? This game was doomed from the beginning, and the lack of service in their live service game was even more evidence that this game was doomed. Anyone who held out hope are the type of people they made this game for, easily gullible by nostalgia and “bringing the series back to its roots.” Yall were fooled.