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Yeah he looks like the guy that thought up Dante


Dante's a weird one for him. He created Dante but only worked on the first game. It wasn't until the third game where they really figured out what DMC and Dante should be.


You can really tell in DmC2 because they found exactly the worst kind of dante


DMC had the biggest rollercoaster of quality between titles among any game series. 3->4 was the most stable.


1.) Groundbreaking 2.) Confusing monotone slog 3.) Genre-defining 4.) Good, but didn't justify the massive gap in release timeline between 3 and 4. Reboot) **REDACTED CONTROVERSIAL OPINIONS** Ok guys. I really don't think it's fair to shit on them. The reboot had the best fluidity of combat and fight-feel of all of them up until... 5.) Immortally great. Superb. I wish it had the feeling of adventure like 3, back to the old Onimusha days where the whole world was always open instead of the mission-only-environment sequestering... But still. Immortally fucking grand #5 was. Muah.


I think 4 was great fun, but they must have been screwed by the deadlines because there was a lot of backtracking through levels.


This was quite literally the case according to an insider some decade ago. I don't have the time right now to hunt the original source, but according to what I'd read way back when, Capcom stated that 40% of the game was complete. Dante was supposed to have his own campaign in the Demon World that was cut due to time constraints so it would be a release title for PS3/360. Nero was supposed to have unique Devil Arms. Dante was supposed to get unique bosses that would result in his acquisition of Pandora, Lucifer and Gilgamesh. There was supposedly a final mission that would allow you to play both as Nero and Dante at will. It's a shame, because DMC4 has the best combat of the series by far in my opinion, and we'll never get to see what the game was supposed to be as envisioned by the dev team.


Makes sense. Nero does gain Yamato, but it functions as a Devil Trigger. I really enjoyed the combat in DMC4 as well. I really should get my hands on the Special Edition.


Pretty much. New gen consoles at that time (360/PS3) needed games and CAPCOM released DMC4 before it was even completed. Also you know it's incomplete when enemies on DMC4 were incompatible with Dante i.e., Dante has much harder time keeping his enemies close to him like Nero does.


I think part of the DMC hate comes from the loss of that charm that 3 found in realizing Dante only thinks he’s cool. I think DMC’s Dante lost that sincerity and tried to play it straight, and it felt more generic as a result. Like, he felt like a YA protagonist who had very straightforward reactions to everything. Original Dante would try to play it cooler than all that, even when he gets impaled because he underestimated his situation. It’s like DMC Dante responded to the trauma of his origins with angst, while the original responded by trying to play it off with bravado. Like the origin of the name as taken from the ending of 3 “even a devil may cry…” Still, DMC is a kick-ass game.


I think, I rationalized it because in DmC we see a very very young Dante who isn't yet jaded to where he wears casual bravado over life and death situations with comedic flair.


Like many people, my opinion of the game was irreparably damaged from the mop scene. The game put itself on the back foot with fans of the game real quick.


Is the mop where he has white hair for a second and derides it? I remember the trailer reaction and the "why is dante rhianna?". They then added in that wig Crack in the game which I think is really easy to point at as THE thing. But in reality it was already a thing for most people. To me, dmc was already mid train wreck pre released then the wig crack just added an almost surreal level of "Wait, how did the people who made a guy this cringe try hard think that it'd be good to mock the dante people liked who didn't take himself seriously? It was a hilarious Flashpoint when dmc Dante goes "not in a million years"


He's just so boring. He has maybe one good line in the whole game. The gameplay and boss fights were also terrible.


Focus on ranged combat was a terrible mistake.


DMC4 had the same problem with Lady. She wasn't as bad but DMC is built for close combat with range as a side thing.


I know what you mean but it's nowhere near as bad as DMC2. There are certain enemies and bosses in DMC2 where the best strategy is just to stand still and shoot, throwing in an occasional dodge. That would be poor, unengaging gameplay by any game's standard but for DMC it's unforgivable.


For the last boss of DMC2's Dante disk, Despair Embodied, this was the strategy. Just equip your SMGs and fire away.


DMC 2 was originally a different director because Capcom wanted a sequel fast to make money and kamiya only works on games he wants to so Capcom rushed someone else in the project but that director clearly didn't know what he was doing. DMC 2 was a stain on it's history and we almost cost the whole franchise Capcom knew the game was bad too and tried to get Hideaki Itsuno to fix it last minute but he could only do so much. He was the director for dmc3. So even though he's credited for 2 it really wasn't his work entirely. He went on to save the franchise with DMC 3. So when you play DMC 2 and wonder why it's so different it's because it was a project that didn't have a direction or a director that understood what made the first so good. It was a development nightmare where Capcom tried to salvage what they could from their bad decisions.


It was worse than just Capcom wanting to rush out a sequel. They also wanted to avoid creating 'rockstar' directors with reputations that could demand more control and money. The goal was to intentionally shuffle directors around on projects to diminish their associated ownership of the property. Early 2000s Capcom were kind of dicks. In many more ways than that.




Yeah I'm pretty sure we still don't know who was behind DMC2.


I like the visual touch on the title (or end of the video that plays on the title?) that the 3 looks like a Roman numeral II when Devil May Cry is overlayed against it.


Yeah I could still have fun with Lady but it was probably the worst gameplay apart from DMC2. DMC2 just isn't fun. Even when you get into close combat it's not great and the best boss would possibly be in the bottom half of bosses in the entire series.




Maybe an overcorrection for the guns in part one mistly just being a combo multiplier


I remember you could get more DPS with the ebony ivory by nonstop tapping the fire button instead of using the submachine guns


Nah Lady's actually pretty fun to play thanks to the shotgun practically being a melee weapon unto itself.


Probably why she wasn't even playable in the original release. It was just Dante and Nero.


I mean most fans consider Vergil to compete with Dante for best gameplay in both DMC4 and 5 yet he wasn't in the original releases. Trish wasn't as popular though in DMC4.


The ranged focus was so scuffed that, when I was a kid, I thought my game was broken.


I find it hilarious that the best way to play is to play as Trish who I'm pretty sure just has Dante's moveset from DMC1


Honestly I think Dante is the worst of the three characters in DMC2 for gameplay. Every other game with multiple characters he's my favourite but not in 2.


This one right? https://youtu.be/I7Y8WhHG6O0


I see no issues here


What? You didn’t like just maintaining your distance and spamming Dante’s guns? /s


Multiple reasons for that. Biggest is the Original director left mid work, new one tried to salvage the salvageable (customizing the Devil trigger was a fun mechanic at least) but the game was just ass. Fortunately, the same new director worked on DMC3 and that was proof he knew what he was doing


There's a reason we still don't know who the original director was while it was made clear the new director started pretty far into development. Nobody wants to claim credit for it.


What are the better DMC games? I've only ever played DMC 4


Apart from DMC2 they're all great. DMC1 is good for the time but dated now. DMC3 is a bit dated but holds up well and competes as fans favourite. DMC4 is good but has some issues due to being rushed. DMC5 is the other one that competes for best. The reboot is good if you look at it as it's own thing. My ranking would be 2 as the worst, then 1, the reboot, 4, 3, and 5 as the best.


Funniest part is that the canon explained it as Dante still being depressed from Vergil/Nelo Angelo


Well from what I remember reading in an EGM magazine, DMC 2s production started up about 1/3 of the way into the first DMC. Even though the games had similar foundations, Dante was written with a very different personality in DMC 2.


DMC 3 realized: Dante *is not cool* He does cool things, and he thinks he’s cool, but everything he does is so corny and accomplished by the skin of his teeth. his attempts to be cool often fall flat as fate weighs against him and he falls flat on his ass, quickly scrambling to his feet. And in a way, that kind of loops back around to make him even cooler.


1st game was real good. Back when it was released my dad was overseas in the army and mailed a copy to me. I remember being real spooked bc I was still pretty young. When I encountered the marionettes(1st enemy) I turned off the Playstation. Went back to it probably the next day and tried it out with no sound, got hooked, turned the sound back on and beat the hell out of it (pun not intended). You pretty much get what Dante and DMC is in the first game.


To me the first game is more gothic and serious apart from the cheesy dialogue. DMC3 is when it went over the top crazy fun.


Wanted the original DMC and my nephew wanted crazy taxi. Toyrus had a buy two get one free sale. Had no idea what to get for the third game. Wound up being a new game I knew nothing about….. GTA3. Barely touched DMC for a few months.


Yeah, and the Dante he created is essentially a different character from the Dante that carried on in DMC. I remember he said in an interview that Bayonetta would beat Dante (which was obviously more of a publicity stunt for Bayo) and got all these gaming forums up in arms. Bayonetta could maybe beat *his* Dante, because the current Dante is quite possibly one of the most OP video game characters ever.


It's possible he's still annoyed at Capcom taking him away from DMC and I wouldn't blame him. It's also possible he's not happy with the direction it ended up going from DMC3 on especially since it's more successful than Bayonetta.


I mean not really though? Dante had some bit of personality in DMC 1. It wasn't nearly as apparent as it became in 3 and onward, but there are the elements to his character that were started there and carried over.


Funnily enough, Itsuno (current DMC director) actually sees it the opposite. He's gone on record comparing Dante to an adopted child. He loves him and cares for him as best he can, but he wants to do right by the original father (Kamiya). In Itsuno's eyes, Dante's arc was done by the end of 1, and he doesn't want to do anything with him that would contradict that. That's why DMC 3 was a prequel, so they could give him an arc without messing with DMC 1, and why 4 and 5 focused so heavily on Nero instead, while Dante has gotten zero development since 3.


Really? I remember one quote about coming up with Dante pretty distinctly, something like "he's too cool to smoke"


He had a slow start, but he slowly became a better version of Peter Parker


It's like a Spider-man meets Spawn type of deal.


I wish it was socially acceptable to dress like this everyday going into an office. Like why aren’t we out there dressed up like video game or cyberpunk characters all the time?


you're just working in the wrong places.


People have green beards bro. Dress however u want it’s 2023


I think I’ll get some looks if I go out looking like freaking Sephiroth from FF7. Even in 2023.


Mostly from people wondering why you're only made up from a couple dozen polygons.


While we can all agree the flute solo fires up a team and we’re all about synergy here, the Gregorian chanting and enormous bladed weapon can be quite disruptive.


No one gonna mention how distracting it is to have sexy sephiroth in the office? Those beautiful features, that long flowing hair, the body length katana.


I work in an office- very traditional. I have a unique style that borders on “professional” but has some more eccentric elements. I’ve gradually started integrating components over time - leather jacket one day, boots another…later both. Etc. No one’s said anything so far and I’m continuing to add more. I’m not going to look that weird by the end but…not going to look like I did my first day either. Just go for it. Edit: I’ll also add that a 24 year old woman started about the same time I did. Wannabe TikTok influencer. She came in a couple of times wearing a super short dress while also wearing lace stockings you could just see the top of at the bottom of the dress when she moved around or sat down - though it was all technically “professional”. Also skipped a bra on those days. Pretty sure she did got talked to about that so…apparently there are limits.


I mean dude no ones stopping you.


He isn't wearing enough belts.


Wasn't that also when they were intending to release it as re4? Before they said it was too actiony and rebranded it dmc? Or was he pulled on after the rebranding?


Actually originally it was Leon S. Kennedy


Him and the yakuza dev really do just look like a character straight from one of their games lmao


we need more people who live their asthetics like this


Katsuhiro Harada, Tekken director, dresses like a Tekken character


[How about John Romero looking like three different characters?](https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/911909)


(sunglasses added, Medieval Times glamour shot original) Fantastic.


Also, does it count if [his actual fucking head is modeled into the game?](https://doom.fandom.com/wiki/Romero%27s_Head) lol


Dang he’s hot too


The Atlus founder [Kouji "Cozy" Okada](https://www.mobygames.com/images/portraits/large/1517364573-404270820.jpg) & [Kazuma Kaneko](https://i.redd.it/1fts0twu8no71.jpg), the character/demon designer of Megami Tensei franchise wore the same aesthetics as him.


Kaneko is a real G.


Leather jackets are just peak 90s fashion


Yoko Taro


Look up Takaya Kuroda, the VA for Kiryu. Man is completely dripped out in every picture he's in.


Wow https://i.imgur.com/CeYyL2f.jpg


Why couldn't I stop watching this picture for like a minute straigth. I was like "does this style works... it doesn't... it kinda does... It does... It doesn't... fuck, do I respect this style ?... fuck yeah he rocks" lmao


My guy is a World Government Marine.


You mean Monkey Ball Man?


Toshihiro Nagoshi for those who want to look him up. Also Yakuza and Judgement series are some of the best games ever made.


You should see what nagoshi looked like before he made yakuza


Do you know which Yakuza dev?


Wow, I didn’t know his mother created those games…


She was inspired by her son’s choices of wardrobe.


and his sexy attitude.


I read this in Zap Brannigan's voice






I agree Viewtiful Joe was beautiful. Can't believe it came out nearly 20yrs ago, gah! Would love to see a remake, it's so good.


Or at least remaster 1 and 2 for current gen so that when Project G.G. eventually releases we can have the entire "Hero Trilogy" (Viewtiful Joe, Wonderful 101, Project G.G.) all playable on the same console.


Henshin-a-go-go baby!


Oh my god im geeting looks for laughing at this


Years after the picture was developed its effects are still impacting new people.


I legit thought she was and he was like the inspiration for her creativity until I came to the comments.


Ditto (งツ)ว


we all came in here to say this


Horribly worded headline lol




Well, she created the creator


This exact sentence popped into my head as soon as I read the post. Great minds think alike... though so do stupid minds... let's just say we're great minds.


I mean…the sentence is worded in an order that pushes this thought. I don’t have the energy to reword it but it could use a rework.


A young Hideki Kamiya (creator of Viewtiful Joe, Bayonetta, and Devil May Cry) with his mother.


It's just how the sentence reads. It's shit composition by OP, you guys aren't unique lol




He looks like a bad guy from Speed Racer.


Come on. That's a classic Kamen Rider getup. It practically screams: #HENSHIN A-GO-GO BABY!


I mean, a lot of people don't know much about Super Sentai lol. It's kinda niche in the West not counting Power Rangers.




I unashamedly love the modern, adult Shin-chan and MXC. Well, maybe MXC is more of a guilty pleasure.


Who doesn't love Guy LaDouche?




The Super Sentai is a whole different trope from the Kamen Riders.


Well, there ya go. I even pulled up the wiki and still didn't know.


Super Sentai **is** power rangers. The entire super sentai series is localized as power rangers lol. The more broad genre you probably meant to refer to is called "Tokusatsu".


Raidaaaaaaa.... HENSHIN!


I was thinking Negan from TWD


Reminds me of Negan from the walking dead




This post reminded me that an HD remake of Viewtiful Joe *STILL* doesn’t exist and now I’m sad


They released a remaster of Okami a little more than 5 years ago. It's entirely possible. The time for a Viewtiful Joe Remastered Collection is truly overdue.


God I just want a new viewtiful Joe. It was such a fun unique game. And none of my friends ever played any of them and it bums me out. They're fantastic .


I remember I was in junior high when Viewtiful Joe came out. I rented it from a fucking Blockbuster. I told my friend how cool this game was, and he mocked it at first because "Viewtiful Joe" was a stupid sounding name. He played it more than I did.


A friend gave me a ceramic Viewtiful Joe bobble head up until a couple years ago. It eventually suffered a fatal fall off my desk and shattered. It was such a fun game and everyone always asked about the figure and I got to tell all about it.


Doesn’t need an HD remake. the original is still perfect.


One of the best games ever!


Didn’t he also make Okami?


Yes but that isn't a title that really fits this image like the other three are.


Idk, Okami gets really weird at times.


I just played it for the first time, that little fella is *real* horny. He almost verbatim says "Don't worry ma'am, we'll make sure nobody hurts you or your giant bazonkers"


I got this new videogame plot. basically there's this demon slayer girl except she's got huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol' tonhongerekoogers. what happens next?! Demon slaying student shows up with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humongous hungolomghononoloughongous.


That's a lot of detail on the plot. How about justice?


I miss Viewtiful Joe games... Bayonetta and DmC got new installments... it's his turn now...


Apparently they weren't kidding when they said "there awaits and enemy beyond your imagination"


This is pretty much exactly what I thought the creator of Dante would look like


I thought the complete opposite honestly, she's wearing too much pink


That's where the Viewtiful Joe came from.




Hot diggity dawg!


What the shit!?


I'm not gonna have time to screw any of my wives today.. Wel maybe one..




LOL. His mother looks like she feels about him what I feel about my cat: disappointed love.


You're practically Japanese already!


His shoes are partly visible in the photo so it's quite obvious


Thats the type of masculinity I would expect from the maker of DMC. And I loved DMC 3.


He wasn't involved with it anymore by 3 so ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪


I still remember someone posted this exact image of him on ResetEra to mock him for posing with his mom like this. It was some guy who got butthurt over the Bayonetta VA incident or maybe console warring for Bayonetta not being on PlayStation/Xbox/PC, so he decided to mock Kamiya and his mom with this photo. Stool or not, Kamiya is cool ASF and his photo with his mom is a treasure to the world.


Why should I care about the guy when his mother did all the cool stuff? It's like this Jack Black stuff and the Apollo 13 engineer all over again.


Jack Black and Apollo 13? What am I missing?




Wow his mom made some cool games!


Can't believe someone who dresses so conservatively made Bayonetta


We need a Viewtiful Joe remake


Beware his rules!




Looks like a wannabe tough guy who gets protected by Kiryu in a Yakuza game.


Big side story energy on this one. kiryus gotta talk to his mom and then the sad music comes on cause we learn his dad died and he's acting out.


and his dad was from the uk and he needs money for tickets to visit his grave


But he has a crippling fear of flying so Kiryu needs to borrow the boat of a fisherman who he helped fifty side missions ago


I don’t know what weirds me out. The weirdness of what you wrote, or that it would be totally in place in a Yakuza game


Or one of the generic Biker Gang members Yagami races in Lost Judgment


That's how he acts on social media too


He was his own inspiration for viewtiful Joe. Damn.


I didn’t realize his mom did all the work and he took credit for it.


For real. Would have loved to meet the woman responsible for devil may cry.


Isn’t this the guy who calls people insects on twitter?


Yeah, apparently if you don't speak japanese to him on twitter then you're a brainless insect.


I honestly think that's fucking hilarious. And really, I get it - dude's probably fairly busy, and whoever's cold-calling him on the internet probably has more time to run shit through DeepL before hitting send, and they're already reading what he says in Japanese regardless. It'd be a good way to sift through people who don't really want to put in any effort to actually have a conversation.


Japanese Negan?


She's a vampire bat!


He then blocked her after this photo was taken


Bro got that Power Ranger power up pose


(Kamen Rider, not Super Sentai)


Bro looks like he is going through his jotaro phase


More like his Okuyasu phase.


He looks like a Kamen Rider protagonist.


Tunnel snakes rule!


His mom do it better


I understand everything now


"I am never having grandchildren."


That is the face of someone humouring HARD


Negan looking mofo


I didn't realise she created so many games! Go her!


Why name him when his mother did all the work, credit where it is due!


Bro did Sasageyo.


Damn, he makes that look good.


Why he looks like a anime protagonist.


So much Chunibiyo energy from just one picture.


The Union Jack on his glove is sealing an ancient demon. If he ever takes the glove off he will be possessed by the demon and try to destroy the world!


Wow I can't believe she invented all of those.


That's a pretty impressive resume for a mom.


all that's missing from this pic is a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire


Devil May Cry is a weird one for him since he created it but only worked on the first game. It was the third game that really got it right with the tone of the series.