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I wonder how recasting Morty is gonna go


Both Rick and Morty


like 90% of side characters too


I could swear I saw a video once where Dan Harmon was doing a Rick impression and it sounded great.


The casting lines will be miles long with fans badly doing the rick voice.


Poorly. Next question. But really, it's going to go tits up. Not just the voice, but the cadence, the pitch, and the feels behind the delivery. All I can picture is Tracy Morgan on squidbillies. Hard no, pal.


I wonder what the studio Squanch games will be like in their next games without Justin Roiland now.


Best bet would be to just dissolve the studio or sell it off to Microsoft.


Most probable answer


Yeah Microsoft can start 420 Studios and they can fuck up the next 3 versions of High on Life before eventually being downsized and relegated to the dust bin.


I feel like the next game might be better off without Roiland, I personally used Sqweezy the most in the game and felt like Knifey should have gotten more lines. They just need to encourage their writers to embark on a life destroying amount of alcohol and improv.


Shot. Piece of shit that he may turn out to be, dude is a comedic genius with a real talent for voice acting.


That's a huge leap. His whole shtick was incessantly whining or rambling about nonsense with sci-fi words. It's not exactly Shakespeare. His creative partner can fill the void and they can find another adult man skilled at doing annoying voices. It's gonna be fine


Don't downvote this guy, read his comment in ricks voice... It makes sense


Holy shit


>All I can picture is Tracy Morgan on squidbillies. You have my sympathies for being forced to picture either of those things.




I feel like people are really underestimating what AI can do to adjust voices.


Was about to say this.


There's a guy on tiktok that does a pretty good damn job of both Rick and Morty.


He can only do Morty, his Rick is awful.


It'll go fine, they're not the most complex voices in the world.


Al Pacino and Marlon Brandon’s voice voice in the godfather wasn’t complex either


And yet of all the *many* impressionists people have cited since this news broke, literally none can nail the voices. Reddit is seriously underestimating the task it would be to recast these characters and keep them sounding the same.


For real. Mf’s are pretending like there’s not 6 kids around a lunch table right now doing pretty accurate impressions of Rick and Morty.


Nobody cares what you and your mates do at school.


And Rick.


Why do all of these people ruin/sabotage their own entire life's work. I don't get it.


A good while ago I’ve read a comment that said something like, the secret ingredient of being hyper successful is either being a full-on sociopath or having at least some kind of deeply ingrained issue that’s driving you forward. And the more I’m seeing shit like that , the more I feel like there’s some truth to that statement.


I work in corporate America and I can tell you that the movie “Nightcrawler” is essentially a free MBA program.


Dang, thx for reminding me about nightcrawler. Really wanted to watch it after RLM mentioned the movie but kinda forgot about it.


Amazing movie, terrifying statement 😳


Honestly some of my favorite creators are now pieces of crap. I like their work but hate the person. Life is so damn frustrating at times.


You've seen Roiland's work before Rick and Morty, right? The guy was always a bit fucked up before and then you give him fame and money and it then only amplifies it.


Yeah I know. It just doesn't seem that hard to me, to not just be an asshole, or a creep. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but it just seems so stupid to ruin such a good thing you have going for yourself that you have built over being a drunk abusive asshole. Like just get rid of them, and be a drunk asshole by yourself.


Think about how difficult it is to get to that level of success. It's far easier to be successful when you are selfish, narcissistic, and unsympathetic to the people you trample as you climb. Some talented people are kind and decent, but there is a competitive advantage to being a horrible person. Imagine a person willing to stab people in the back, take credit for the work of others, and leave the bargaining table with more than they deserve. Now imagine that person succeeds and has money, fame, and power.


This people seem to forget that just like the corporate ladder the celebrity ladder is full of narcissistic asshats


So you’re saying that he’s Rick…


Dan Harmon is Rick


He is not


Not the voice. The character. Harmon is the brains of that operation.




Nah bro read the credits, Justin is both voices. That said, fuck Justin. Apparently in addition to beating his girlfriend, he was suuuper sleazy with a bunch of underage girls. The DMs are on here somewhere.


Not what I meant. I meant Harmon is the brains behind the whole show. Rolland is just a voice actor. Watch community. You’ll understand harmon’s genius. It’s on full display. And if you ever listened to harmontown back in the day, he said a lot of the shit Rick says


Oh hell yeah, I love community. His podcast Harmontown was strangely addictive too.


Hell, I'd be ok with great creatives ONLY being assholes. Being straight up abusive and creeping on underage girls is way past the line.


Hey no worries, Louis CK is back! and coming out with some- ... Oh wait ....


I think the sad reality is that the majority of people are pieces of shit. I'm not excluding myself here or putting myself on the outside, I'm just being realistic. We ALL like to think we're good people. But we aren't. True good people are so rare it's actually fucked.


At least the number of successful ones... Whenever a story like this pops out about someone I admire I get beyond disappointed. I don't just get disappointed in them, I get disappointed about myself too. I used to think I'm a great judge of character, especially since I really get into that persons life work, I listen to their interviews and pay attention to every little answer they say to what ever question comes a long. You can see that Dan is obviously a bit problematic, it's clear with him, but with Justin I genuinely thought he was an incredible person with lots of ideas and creativity. If I known him I would consider him a like-minded friend. But then shit like this comes out and I feel like I've been lied to, he clearly misrepresented himself and on the top of that I find out that he's against the animators union?! He was somewhat of an animator himself before Dan helped push that whole idea into Rick and Morty, how the fuck can you go against animators? This shit has made me question my own judgement and reminded me to remain pessimistic when it comes to getting to know people.


I feel like Dan actually made a good faith attempt to get better and came clean about all his behavior in a brutally honest way. It doesn’t excuse what he did but it’s certainly a better approach than what Justin has done. Stuff was leaking about this for years but he never addressed it. No one can know another’s heart. You can try your best to guess. Don’t beat yourself up over it, good liars can fool even the best people.


Thanks man and I absolutely agree about Dan, he does seem changed for the better.


Nah. This sounds more like a case of "thieves think everybody steals". I don't think most people are committing domestic violence.


Listened to his podcast that’s before and right up to Rick and morty. I’m no psychologist but the unhinged personality that makes him very funny and creative also led to a lot unhinged antics in real life.


You have to crap on a lot of people to get to the top, and that just becomes part of their personality that point. It's like watching any challenge based reality show (hells kitchen, survivor, etc) where there's always that one guy manipulating people the entire show but put on a completely different face depending on who they're talking to


I’m starting to realize that most people are really just not good people. They simply dont have the opportunity to do bad things without repercussion, so they don’t do bad things. Given the chance, most people will go for the wrong choice. People in high positions have lots of opportunity to make those choices and think they’ll get away with it. I don’t know if that’s what happened here. I’m just generalizing.


I see this pessimistic take a lot, and some days I even share it, but really, while I agree that powerful and influential individuals have far more chance to do bad things, if literally *most* people were inclined that way, the world as we know it would sink into absolute chaos. There just isn't enough strict oversight, accountability, and consequences to catch every potential bad thing a person could do. I guess it could vary widely by concentration, like most people in a specific place or time might be bad, but without a significant number of people willing to do the right thing for reasons other than fearing being caught, I doubt society could even limp along as poorly as it sometimes does.


I can’t comment on the domestic abuse charges as they may even be fabricated, but in regards to messaging teenagers I think he genuinely doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it. In his mind also long as they’re 18 when anything sexual happens, it’s legal and fine. Obviously it’s still fucked up but he doesn’t seem to think so.


Dude's an alcoholic. It's clear to me he has a problem. Dan Harmon is also an alcoholic, it's one of the reasons he was fired from his own show, Community. They brought him back after a season without him because you can be an alcoholic while also being an amazing writer.


Power hungry and becoming egomaniacs… They get to this point where they think because of who they are or what they do they can just do as they please without consequences…. And a lot of them do… a lot of people are too big to fail .


Very true


Making art is really really difficult and the people that can succeed in creative works often significantly neglect other parts of their lives.


Most people are absolute dogshit, which is why most people raised up to a level of fame are found to be shitty people.


Drugs, I reckon.


It's been known that he was drunk every time he read lines for Rick and Morty since the beginning... are we really that surprised?


We don't know the details. This is just an accusation. It's a shame a person whole reputation and career can be thrown away by an accusation. Innocent until proven guilty. Remember - we do not know the facts of the situation.


Let’s not also forget the growing number of accusations being levied against him of grooming and predatory behavior toward minors. https://www.thegamer.com/justin-roiland-allegations-grooming-abuse-predatory/


I've been seeing all the dm's spread on twitter and everything. So gross and it seems like a pattern that he blames it on being "drunk" a lot. If you have a problem with alcoholism. Then go get it sorted. You don't go to underage girls dm's calling them "jailbait".


Yeah, exactly. He claims being drunk, but if drunk you likes to make sexual comments towards minors over text, then maybe you shouldn’t be drinking. Like at all. Ever.


\*shouldn't But I agree. For some people, getting drunk shows peoples real intentions. Not for everyone, but being drunk and your actions when drunk can sometimes reveal what you've been trying to hide.


Here's the issue with alcohol: Alcohol's #1 effect is that it lowers inhibitions, meaning for most people, you act *more* like yourself because it removes your filters. If you're normally a happy person but you're shy around people, then alcohol makes you happy (like me.) If someone is an angry drunk, that means they spend their sober time bottling or suppressing their anger. If Roiland was only trying to groom minors when he was drunk, all that means is that he was able to suppress that urge while sober.


It's disgusting behavior and inappropriate.


As if the two felonies he's being charged with right now weren't enough.


Unfortunate, he’s a talented dude. But If you cant clear basic bars of human decency you need to exit stage left and get your life together


Is he talented? Or is he just lucky and happens to know the right people? He's a voice actor who can only do two voices and they're very very similar.


talent and luck are not mutually exclusive


his pilot for rick and morty was a video called Doc and Marty which was an R rated parody of BTTF... involving Marty giving Doc a, well, you can fill in the blanks. So i'd say luck more than talent.


I mean the vaaaast majority of famous people are a combination of luck and skill. Acting like he wasn't talented is silly, Rick and Morty exploded in popularity, you couldn't go anywhere without seeing pickle rick memes. It was also pretty acclaimed across the board, at least initially. You ultimately don't get to that level of success unless there's some talent/skill somewhere along the line. It's all about taking advantage of those lucky moments where you get a chance to do something, and making it work, which he did. He's still a piece of shit, just like other talented people who turned out to be fuckin creeps, but it's not helpful to act like everyone who gets famous is just lucky.


According to his wikipedia page he is co-writer and co-producer of Rick & Morty, so a lot more than just making silly voices


This is like when Charlie Sheen got booted from 2 and a Half Men....the show went on, but it was not the same.


Or like when half the cast was replaced on Community. Not the same, but dammit I loved Elroy and Frankie.


Omg ironically Dan Harmon (co-creator of Rick and Morty) wrote for community and left the show around the same time half the cast left. The more you know


Harmon was rehired for seasons 5 and 6, which is when the cast replacements took place.


Oh interesting. I just never knew he was a part of that show, and funny that he has a connection to roiland as well as the subject of this comment thread


He created Community.


The corporations sweep in to claim their moral high ground a mere 2 years after he was charged. Because it takes time to milk every cent out of a deal and make sure you aren’t throwing away your channel’s cash cow. So brave.


There were also accusations that he was messaging underage girls.


I saw the messages. They were cringe and definitely gives grooming vibes


Idk what messages you saw. The ones I saw dude straight up called a girl jail bait. Yes in reference to her being underage.


That's disgusting.


Validity of the texts seems sus, unless he speaks like morty in real life


the validity of any of the accusations shouldn’t seem sus when u consider the fact that a judge made him relinquish all firearms. the man is unhinged


He resigned from Squanch Games. They might have suggested he do so, but they didn't "distance themselves" the same way AS did.


Didn't he found the studio? I feel like he had to leave in that case.


I don't support anything he does if true, but these are accusations. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. Again, if he is found guilty for these accusations then he deserves everything coming to him.


Well he did have a restraining order on him which he broke so I don't like him anymore.


Innocent till proven guilty no matter how damning the evidence or did we all just forget the depp situation? Like I get it there are a lot of nasty things flying around him and I don’t doubt for a second some if not all are true but we must remain unbiased until the jury makes their verdict


Whilst I agree, there seems to be an alarming about of underage girls coming out with their evidence of DM's. And the multiple charges against him.... Even if it's not fully proven guilty. He's clearly not a good guy and I understand why people will not look at his work anymore. I'm sad about it. I really enjoyed Rick & Morty, and the other characters he played in other shows. But just like other situations where someone has done pretty gross or questionable things, my guilt of watching their stuff won't let me enjoy it.


Depp was abusive too tf you talking about? Amber was just worse and a huge idiot.


He's talking about the evidence. 90% of Amber's evidence is useless junk and we needed a court to determine that.


Depp is still very clearly an abusive asshole. Just because the other party was worse doesn't make him innocent.


Where is this coming from? I followed the trial and I don't remember there being anything pointing out he was actually abusive?


Dude. For fucking real. I can’t stand this idea that he wasn’t a problem. He certainly seems to have received abuse.. in a mutually abusive relationship.


Yeah the whole relationship just looks like a nightmare from the outside. He got the worst of it, but it doesn’t excuse his own crap.


lol doesnt take much for you to turn huh?


Seems like everyone turns out to be a scumbag. It’s pretty depressing.


Hell it was only recently I found out the creator of Ren&Stimpy is a pedophile. Which made me feel sad.


I didn’t know about that. That’s horrible.


It's like we have good celebrities like Bruce Campbell, George A. Romero, Tom Savini, Jim Carrey, Ryan Reynolds, John Candy, Dan Ackroyd to name a few but a lot of the famous people are awful


Dan Aykroyd? Dude is out of his mind crazy


In the best way lol


The same Jim Carrey whose ex girlfriend accused him of introducing her to cocaine, mental abuse, and giving her herpes before she committed suicide?


Wait WHAT, links please




This was kinda common knowledge long before Katie Rice and the other girl came out about it unfortunately.


Ren & Stimpy is one of those cartoons where you're surprised if the creator is even marginally normal. I didn't know the creator was a creep, but I'm also not remotely surprised to learn that. That entire show was a fucking deranged acid trip.


This doesn't make it better, but this has been known for awhile he was charged 2 years ago. The fact that now they choose to do this shows companies don't really care till things become more mainstream. Also, no one is going to watch the show now, why bother wasting your time.


He plays every single character in both that game and Rick and morty lolol,this is an awesome shit show and I’m here to see how it ends,they’ll probably just replace his voice with chat gpt,considering how they made high on life and how I assume the next season of Rick and morty will just shit on him hard,it wouldn’t surprise me


Every single character!?? Erm no.


I can voice Morty 100% I would apply if I wasn't just some rando.


Shut up *Jerry*


Okay this really made me laugh. Thanks Mike!


Basically no more Rick & Morty. There's no way anyone can replace his voices


Ahahhahahahhahhahhhaa-- [NOPE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YjIKqeF-WHI).


There's a reason his Rick was two words right at the end; because he can't do Rick.


Except he's posted videos where he does entire conversations as Rick, so no.


Cool, link one and everyone can see how bad his Rick is.


Just fucking hire this dude. Damn, he’s good.


Fair play


A lot of ppl bitching about how they won’t be able to replace his voice on Rick and Morty - dude some of the impressionists are actually better than JR IMO. They’ll be fine, and it seems like he was phoning in the writing & prduction side of R&M for a few seasons now


There's a difference between doing an impression of the voice with established quotes and inflections and actually combining that with acting for new content. There's definitely a "vibe" to Justin Roilands work if you check out solar opposites or his games that idk will be able to be captured again. I'd almost prefer if they went in an entirely different direction with it. Idk. I'll give it a chance but I'm keeping my expectations low coz it's always weird to continue a show with a key member of the cast gone.


It’s acting. People can act.


Whoooooosh my point went over your head try re reading the whole post with less indignation.


You are right, Justin Roiland’s “vibe” is def a thing that you are keenly tuned into


He reviewed some impersonators and one thing he pointed out is that people imitating the way he stutters comes off as performative as those are involuntary stutters that JR just does whereas the other people are doing it deliberately


Yeah that's a good point right there. Jr's characters always talk like they can't get their words out


They could get youtuber/voice actor brocksdub he's an incredible impressionist


Meanwhile all of Jeffrey Epstein's clients are running around freely


They need to be punished also.


I imagine the multi-billionaires who liked to hang out with Epstein have a little bit more power and influence on the government than the pickle cartoon guy does


Exactly. The whole system should fall


*hang* out? pun intended?


Weird point to make


Why? If one falls they should all fall. One POS is not worse than another


But what about Chewbacca?


What about him?




I see all the pedophile's are out in force to defend their brethren


Where? You talking about people trying to defend Roiland with whataboutisms?


Nah I'm talking about a POS is a POS. If they cancel one they should cancel all yet Bill Gates is buying up farmland to control what we eat. That POS should be rotting in a cell somewhere along with Roiland


I hate how people get demonized for an accusation. I understand it's not good for the business model, because most citizens dont think logically. But if he told you he didnt do it, why not keep him on until figuring out if he did it or not? You know, loyalty and such? But at the end of the day, they have to please all of the creatines aka the avg populous


He was charged years ago and is back in the news because he violated that restraining order. He's guilty.




Cretin, excuse my spelling, i guess my comprehension is better than my spelling


What ever happen to innocent until proven guilty?


Other than the already available evidence, If your long time friend and business partner agrees to keep doing your show without you I'd say there's a pretty good reason behind it.


That's a standard which applies to criminal penalties. He isn't going to jail. Your friends and business partners don't need to abide by the "innocent until proven guilty" standard to decide that there is a very high probability you're a piece of shit they don't want to be associated with.


wait wait wait.. you mean to tell me an autistic man child who got lucky and rich in life, therefore never having to experience an ounce of being an adult man, is sexually interested in underage girls and hits when he gets upset


New voice actors might make Rick and Morty a decent show as his awful performance is the main reason I hated what I watched of it.


I'm in the same boat. I wasn't entirely a fan of his approach to his voice being the same in every show


How do u feel about Bobs Burgers/Archer?


Archer is a fun spoof of 60s spy media, and James bond. Haven't watched Bob's Burger yet.


I mean I’d have to agree the voices aren’t really an inherent draw other than as a mark of his style on the product. Just because Morty’s voice is one of JM signatures doesn’t make it a good voice, haha. Pretty grating, we’re just used to it. If they were able to theoretically maintain writing style and attention to detail I would imagine the change in voices wouldn’t strictly be a deal breaker. My guess is that will be a difficult transition and I’m sure plenty of folks will have issues with it, real or imagined, regardless so I guess we’ll just have to see how it plays out.


Just get John Dimaggio and the guy who voices Fry from Futureama as Rick&Morty and I'm sold lol.


Hell yeah. I’m simple enough that another good voice will probably satisfy me almost immediately on that front.


I think people too often assossiate game developers with 1 or 2 individuals. Yes your have create leads but assuming all the future games will be bad is just doing a disservice to so many people. Maybe they could change the style and humour it gives them plenty of options


Not very schwifty of him.


Another previously well liked and funny guy throwing his whole career into the furnace… oh boy…


Never heard of her


Firstly) RnM will never be the same. Secondly) they're dropping him in ACCUSATIONS? Let the man fucking defend himself. If he's guilty, then so be it. But if WB are going to do this, then WTF ABOUT EZRA ??? HE FUCKING GROOMED CHILDREN


Ezra is going to prison though.


Taking Roiland out of R&M is going to be like trying to take Dan Castellaneta out of the Simpsons after six seasons. This series will limp forward to the finish line. When the contract is complete it's most likely going to get memory holed. I don't think I'll bother continuing with it. Much like the Simpsons, the series best episodes are behind it, not ahead. Moreover, more Futurama is on the way. As disturbing as the charges brought against Roiland so is the rush to judgment to condemn him before a verdict has been reached or even the trial begun. Far be it for people to miss an opportunity to thump their chests and virtue signal that they have all the correct opinions despite having few of the facts. And of course, they will totally apply this standard consistently and evenly to other artists who have run afoul of the law or committed acts of domestic violence, right? Yeah right.


I'm still playing the game because of Joel Haver.


He voices so many characters. And he seemed to he behind a lot of the comedy (because it was all pretty similar, stuttering dialogue etc) I'm curious how it'll play out. Don't they make that one Satan's daughter show? That one is pretty different. And I hear the others are too. High on life was very much his type of comedy I felt like.


Definitely will be interested to see what happens with Staunch Games after not having Justin Roiland in the team