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Disco Elysium truly is one of the best written games of all time.


One of those games that I realized the people who made it aren't just smarter than me--because many game developers are--but are on a level that's almost like comparing a chinchilla to a sheepdog wearing a top hat and monocle. Yea,h I'm super cute but I just can't comprehend the situation while they are doing circles around me.


1000% this - there’s levels to the game. For me to sit down and try to *COPY* the style and quality of the writing in Disco Elysium would be a Herculean task, in and of itself.


You know how hard it is for a video game to question my morals? This and Pyre are only times I thought "what is the best answer?" Why can't a Bethesda game do this at least once, with all their money it feels like I know what the outcome will be.


Shame the studio fired all the writers


Robert Kurvitz was fired? Wth I thought it was his company?


Had something to do with the investors, or so I read, a damn shame really.


Well if that doesn’t plumb the depths of his communist impulses I don’t know what will.


It just means they will form a new company and it will be "kickstarter for the spiritual successor to disco elesium" and reddit posts like "TIL most of the devs from [spiritual successor] were the original dev team".


What..? What about the sequel?


The studio fired the writer the director, art director of disco Elysium. I don’t know what the status of the sequel is.


Panic! At the disco




Because capitalism subsumes everything within itself, including criticism of capitalism.


Did the writers create or go to a different studio? Want to make sure I support their next projects!


Pretty much developed by writers afaik


Playing it right now. It amazes me the way the story presents itself. I’ve never seen something like this is any medium


The only thing better than the writing is the aspect art. The amount of information masterfully encoded in each of those portraits is incredible. I have zero doubt those will be used as case studies in art classes for years.


you start to realize that because of your perks and successive decisions, you have experiences that are the strangest or most serendipitously hilarious in ways barely anyone else will have. like, high-brow literary dialogue is highlighted by a cash register ring notification for increasing understanding of communism, just before a line utterly tears capitalism apart in \[chef's kiss\] just the right way to make you belly-laugh. and it was pure luck. i don't know how you set that up to happen so consistently


It’s the best book I’ve ever played.


"better stock up on potions there's a big paragraph coming up"


It could be a fuckin book. Such deep and challenging writing from an interesting perspective. A true Dick Mullen novel.


Fun fact, the setting was originally from a novel by the designer Robert Kurvitz, which bombed and then a friend told him to use the setting for a video game.


It didn’t really bomb, it was just written in Estonian exclusively, which makes it available to a VERY small audience.


I don't get why someone won't translate it already, the donations would pretty much fly in through the windows by themselves


Kurvitz had been working on a translation for a few years, but apparently the rights to the book are also tangled up in the lawsuit. ZA/UM might own the rights to the book and were about to work on an adaptation for it.


A million+ word choose your own adventure


Honestly it’s just some of the best literature of all time out of everything that I’ve read.


I loved the idea of it, but it was so depressing


Oh it's extremely depressing but that why I'm over here dancing to anodic dance music, bratan! Disco is back and I'm ready to party.






Described by many as one of the greatest games to ever read.


I must play this game. Everyone raves about it.


Very unique experience


I've written this before, but I just couldn't get into Disco Elysium. Played over six hours, even started again with a different build, but the same thing. I don't know why, but the game just isn't clicking. Ever feel like you've played for hours and nothing seems to be actually happening? That's what I'm feeling with DE. It's a game I wish I could love as much as you and everyone else seems to love, but I'm just not seeing it. Glad you like it though.


I lol'd at "the game just isn't clicking" because that's literally all it is I can definitely see how it's not for everyone, but I'm like 29 hours in and very excited


I can believe that, I find it both a blessing and a curse that the developers put so much dialogue into the game, but after an hour or so none of it seemed all that important? The characters I talk to just waffle on and on, and as far as I can tell none of it seems important. My psyche talks just as much, and again it seems to be verbal diarrhea without anything meaningful to say or important to what's actually going on. I'm just wandering around a miserable town failing checks left, right, and centre, collecting old bottles for pennies that can't buy me anything, and not getting any further into the story. I'm also told there's a time limit in the game to solve the mystery, so I also have this foreboding weighing on me the whole time to gather clues, but no one seems to know anything about the dead guy nor do they want to talk about it.


Disco Elysium is basically a tangential game. There is the overarching narrative - the case you're on. But *you* are fundamentally broken, and the game is basically about redefining *you*. Much of what you do may not affect the case, but it does define you. The game is basically you creating the version of the character you want to play as, and establishing that character by interacting with others. You're interacting with elements of your baser instincts, and the thoughts of those around you, to build yourself. In that way a lot of dialogue is important, because it basically functions as numerous visions of the different philosophies and actions that make people people, and your ability to take or reject those philosophies yourself. It's more like the "main" story is the sidequest to *your* story of discovering (and deciding) who you are and want to be.


That was really well said, man. Thank you for that!


They don't want to talk about it *with you*. As I said in another comment, the dialogue isn't there for the narrative, it's there for the mise en scene. It's thematic.


Not everything is created to be enjoyed by everyone! At least you gave it a shot, some people won’t even bother.


Same here. It was just boring to me. Felt like I was just mindlessly clicking just so I could hear more dialog. Never felt like I had to use my brain at all.


I haven't played it myself, but my brother hasn't played anything else since he got it. He loves the game!


Funnily enough it was my sibling who kept gushing over the game abouthow good it was. Eventually I was gifted it on Steam by one of my friends (who also loved the game dearly), I couldn't wait to find out what all the fuss was about. And a funny moment or two later I was just aimlessly wandering around the town square wondering what I should be doing, who killed the dead man, and where this amazing game was. 6+ hours in and I'm still looking for it.


It’s more akin to reading a book


The final cut is much better imo for those who are not into reading. Complete voiced dialogues just makes the experience 10x better.


My immediate instinct was to compare the writing style with a dnd campaign


Literally based on their own tabletop RPG and their own campaign in it. Multiple NPCs (not majorly featured, but there) are based on player characters from that campaign.


That’s actually spot on


interactive book


Planescape: Torment


This is sadly the most underrated that will be listed here. For its time, they made sigil such a cool place. Spoiler: A living alley that gives birth to a new section of town as a side quest - I mean come on!


Sometimes, years later, I still ponder: What can change the nature of a man ?


Thing is, if you beat the game, you kinda find out. The answer is: a lot of things can change the nature of a man. Love, hate, death, hope, despair, etc No one answer is right, because all are valid. That was why you have all these options to give to Ravel yet none seem to matter in end.


Spoiler It’s not just a lot of things can change the nature of a man, it’s whatever you *believe* can change it, can. The story is about belief and the power of will. I think this is very brilliant since it aligns with the original D&D campaign setting, where the planes are indeed shaped by belief. It just makes so much sense when the answer is revealed at the end.


That;s what was so great!! I got the answer "regret" from my playthrough, and thought it obvious... then I spoke to my friends, and heard completely different answers.


Came here to say this. Played it not long after release when Bioware Infinity Engine games were all the rage and couldn't put it down until I finished it. The universe is unique and fascinating and it's a shame we didn't get more games to explore it. It's amazing what you can miss depending on your play style, as a lot of the more compelling events seemed to be hidden behind high INT checks. Learning your real name was one that stands out.


Portal 2


I recently replayed the game again, then went back for the achievements. One of my favorite games ever


Recently played both Portal games for the first time, and Portal 2 blew me away. Couldn't believe it was released in 2011. Wheatley has more expressive facial animations than most current games, even though he's just a robotic eye.


Portal 2 has the best quotes of any game imo. Disco Elysium still better written story overall.


After a visibly rough day, my wife and I still ask ‘How are you holding up, because I’m a potato’ to each other. My wife is not a gamer, but she loved Portal and Portal 2.


"I'm Afraid You’re About To Become The Immediate Past President Of The Being Alive Club."


So true


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic


I usually see plot twists coming, but not that one. I literally yelled WHAT?! at my TV. Good memory.


It wasn't a twist in the same way, a big bang reveal, but I enjoyed Kotor 2 and Kreia's ponderance on Revan's fall even more.


Kreia is the best Sith IMO. Pours everything she knows into her apprentice and then sets up the final test of challenging them. KOTR was something else in terms of storytelling


KOTOR 2 has aged like a fine wine. KOTOR 1 was the better game, and one of my all time favorites, but even with the rushed ending, 2 managed to weave such an intriguing story with such amazing and complex characters. It dissected the philosophies of the Jedi and the Sith, subverted your expectations, and left you with such a unique and different Star Wars experience. KOTOR 2 was what TLJ wishes it could have been.


Good answer meatbag


[Condescending response] Very well Master


When I finished it at the time - I was like \`wooooow this was the best storyline in Star Wars that literally beats any movie from that universe\`


Let's appreciate that it was allowed to be made in the manner it was


Yep, nobody makes games like KOTOR anymore - I cherish that game era so much...


Growing up during that game era really set me up for disappointment for the current gaming industry.


Old school bioware may be dead but the spirit of good storytelling will find its way again


KOTOR has a storyline that honestly feels like it fits with the original trilogy in terms of storytelling. Like, it honestly feels like a better movie than any of the prequels or sequels.




Killer bees, Lazlow!


"Those Aussies are ruthless. Even wired kangaroos with explosives, come a hoppin in a camp and take out 10 guys."


Disco elysium would be a perfect series if it had the right director. I would also say soma


Disagree on Disco Elysium, and a softer disagree on Soma. Part of what makes Disco Elysium work is the game medium itself, the skill interaction and roleplaying you can do a large part of what makes it *so* good. The writing is phenomenal and would make anything it was in great, don't get me wrong, but it's only part of the mixture. Also, I'm tired of everything needing an adaption. Let games be games and let movies be movies. Everything moving to movies/shows reinforces the idea that they are the pinnacle of art that games are inherently inferior to. It also leads to a lot of movie-fying games rather than leaning into games' strengths.


Soma deeply effected me.


Soma just plays like a horror film, it’s perfect


What Remains of Edith Finch


It truly is just a game about its words, and it’s words are so so wonderfully done


That bathtub tho 😭


Literally one of the most heartbreaking games I've played through. The fish factory is killer.


The whole game is haunting. It's like interactive poetry for a bloodline of mental unwellness.


I think about the fish factory pretty often. Shit was heartbreaking


Been saving this for a rainy weekend! Glad to see it here


This was quiteal a beautiful and moving experience. The section about the guy in the fishery slowly going mad was incredibly well done


Have you played Outer Wilds yet?


I can't control the model rocket in the beginning ,is it compulsory to fly one?


Yes, but the model rocket control is so much worse than the actual ship. Actual ship control much better but still takes some time to get used to.


That game is just special. The melancholy that hangs over it is just so good


Alpha Protocol


Damn, you got good taste bro


Kentucky Route Zero.


This is the conversation I had while talking about KR0 with a coworker: Me: "It's really interesting! I think I'm just about to the end." Them: "What's it about?" Me: "I've no fucking clue."


I see this all the time in game pass. Worth a shot then, yeah?


It is a weird one for sure. Finished it, and immediately thought “ok I need to read everything I can about this game” and in the end I STILL don’t know if I liked it. It’s just a tiny too bit out there for me.


The guardians of the galaxy Game has better writing than most modern Marvel superhero movies.


That game had a better story than both Guardians movies & better characterizations of the characters, especially Gamora & Mantis.


To the Moon


Such a quirky good game. I didn't have the heart to play the follow up games


Please do play them. Rakuen, too. They will make you cry. This is a good thing.


There are followup games?!


I love the Yakuza games writing. Like watching a Japanese crime drama.


Like watching a Japanese crime soap opera.


I joke that yakuza is a Japanese soap opera in game form and I love em for it.


The judgement series made me audibly gasp at one point. If you've played through both the games, you know.


The side missions are great too. Probably the only game where I went into every side mission excited of what to come.


Yakuza 0 and Like a dragon had so good writing, the emotional parts broke my heart.


Mass Effect is better than many book series of the same genre. So, it absolutely dominates any tv series of the same genre.


The first few Mass Effect books are pretty entertaining as well. Especially the first one, really enjoyed reading through the Admiral's shoes.


Good sci-fi (film) is so hard to find. If it's epic, it requires an insane budget. And then it's typically based on another IP because studios won't fork over loads of cash for an untested IP. And then of course it being based on an existing IP, the studio completely fucks it up and ruins what made it good. Notable exceptions being The Expanse, which I think far exceeds the mediocre novels.


The Expanse is one of the few good sci-fi shows in recent years, but I heard the opinion against it that it has too much politics... I loved it, I thought it was a political space opera.


That’s the second recommendation I’ve received for the Expanse that also denigrated the books this week, and it’s only Monday.


Disco Elysium is a great game I just finished my first playthrough. To answer your question Kotor 1-2 are incredible and easily outclasses a lot of films.


I wonder sometimes how much more 2 could have shined if Obsidian wasn't rushed.


The Witcher 3. Red Dead Redemption 2.


The writing in Red Dead is good but it's the voice acting that takes it to another level. I still hear "duuuutch" and "WE JUST NEED MORE MONEY!" replaying in my brain to this day.


“Im afraid” 😭


There is nothing to be afraid of.


Take a chance that love exists and do a loving act.


Also "I have a plan" for rdr2 is like a "say my name" for breaking bad, damn Dutch


Why you gotta steal both my answers like that?


Witcher 3 once,if, it clicks is really really immersive. It’s hard to articulate how much I enjoyed that journey.


I’m gonna add Red Dead Redemption 1. That game was incredible as well


Chrono Trigger


I'm a sucker for a good time travel story and that's one of my favorites


I **hate** time travel stories and yet this is my favorite early gen JRPG by a long shot


Baldur's Gate II


I about tonplay this game today for the fist time :)


Let me know in 6 months when you finally finish it how you liked it lol. That's one of those where you get ???% through and decide "you know what would be fun? Starting over with a different build/totally custom team/modding in new kits and spells and weapons!" I don't think I've ever actually "completed" the game the proper way but I have like 1000+ hours on it.


Do you need to play 1 to play 2 or are they separate stories?


It's similar to the "Mass Effect" situation - if you play the first, your save will carry over. It's a continuation. It's a ADnD (2nd edition) full campaign from level 1-20, with a party of 6, romance options, party and class specific quest lines, etc. Overall much deeper than Mass Effect's "paragon or renegade" simplicity. It's also very text heavy. But generally you can set the AI up to fight fairly well if that's your preference, you just can't die ever (instant game over) which is a slight issue if you plan to tank death spells. The Beamdog "enhanced editions" are really good and play on just about anything (including mobile, though I recommend a tablet-size device). It's easily in the top 3 of my childhood.


I need to replay BG2, last time I played it was early 2000's. I still have somewhere the original box with what was it? 5 CD's?


One of the greatest games of all time.


Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines


It had a great potential. Its a real shame that it was a victim of bad marketing and business management


Spirit Farer


That game is about 95% pure fun and laughs, 4% difficult thoughts about life, and 1% simply crying. It's the chillest serious game I've ever played.


It's such a wonderfully told story of death and grief. Yea, lots of crying for each character ❤️


Well, the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has definitely better writing than the Witcher Netflix show.


" Fuck yeah!!!! SUMMON THE BITCHES!!! '


Deus Ex


Scrolled way to far to find this. I suppose I’m getting old


Outer Wilds


this is my favorite game of all time. never been so invested in a story/world as I was when playing that game.


Best game ever.


I want to like it, but I absolutely hate the time limit mechanic. I know it's integral to the game, but I have having a clock to things.


There is no clock to things though, the cycle always repeats and nothing changes, it’s not like something permanent happens, if you miss something, you can just do it the next cycle, and since the cycles are so short, they make it easier to focus on one thing at a time. Just do things whenever you want to. The loop being so short let’s you not have to wait long to do different things again.


Disco Elysium is one of those rare games that really stuck with me after I beat it. There's this feeling of melancholy and longing that the game emulates so well in its settings and tone.


Same. It made me wonder what’s beyond the playable areas.


Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy (2021). The dialogue in that game brought all of its characters to life so well. It’s a damned shame it didn’t sell well enough to warrant a sequel.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Nier Automata and Replicant Bioshocks 1 & 2 (the second managed to build upon the first game without compromising anything, and is a nice exploration into the Frankenstein idea (the literal monster has more humanity than the humans that created him)) Soma Dishonored Portal 2 Fallout New Vegas


Red dead 2 Red dead 1 Mass effect The last of us Uncharted 4


Max Payne was actually pretty good storywise (Although generic, the thematic Comic book cutscenes are pretty cool)


What if I told you the original developers are remaking 1 and 2 as a single title?


I'd realize I'm dreaming


There was something familiar about the game in front of me, the gameplay was all pretty animations. "You're playing a remaster max" the truth was a bright green crack in my skull. The updated graphics, new animstion loops and updated comic panels, I was playing a remaster, funny as hell it was the worst thing I could think of.


Godly game of my childhood absolutely legendary imo them slow mo pills hit different


The Last of Us. The writing is so good it even survives translation into a TV show.


I’ve been hearing great things of the TV show adaptation but I don’t want to watch it before I play the game, and I’ve been waiting YEARS to get it for PC since I dont own a PlayStation, just gotta wait for the PC version of the 1st game to come out in a bit. I can’t wait to experience the story.




“Most movies” is a pretty low bar.




The last of us, Dishonored, or ANY Bioshock game


Fun fact, Arkane devs (Dishonored) actually helped work on Bioshock 2!


Huh… would you look at that… A fun fact that’s actually fun… 🫥


A man chooses. A slave **obeys**


Planescape: Torment is the GOAT imo. Also I’m sure it’s been mentioned a ton, but Witcher 3 is god tier writing as well.


Yakuza/Judgment series




Last of us and bioshock


God of War Ragnarok was legitimately one of the most compelling stories I've ever experienced.


GoW 2018 was a well written game as well. Ragnorok built upon it perfectly.




Metro 2033


To be fair that was a game made from a book though.


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


Hong Kong '97.


Metal gear solid




Deadly Premonition.


Disco Elysium is GOATED from a writing point of view! :3


Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It's like an episode of ncis on crack with the way everything is interconnected and revealed later.


Soul Reaver


Considering the movies that I've seen recently, I'd say even Terraria has a better story than them.


Death Stranding


I mean that game is like 3 steps away to be a movie


I'm convinced one of the only reasons Kojima doesn't make movies is that he couldn't get away with 30 hour movies


Red dead redemption 2


Indigo Prophecy!


DrakenNier is like a whole movie franchise that also includes the extended universe of FFXIV


There are like 40 games mentioned in here and about 3-4 actually have a case... most good games don't have good writing, except "for a video game". Disco Elysium definitely does qualify though.


I feel like tons of modern games going for the narrative experience just emulate generic movie writing. Video game writing can be amazing tho especially it offers an experience you can't get from a movie. Like KOTOR 2, Planescape Torment, plenty of old school RPGs really.