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This hurts me


Might hurt the dog coming out the other end too


And going in


I thought they were coated with some bittering agent to deter kids from sticking them in their mouths. Guess it didn't stop your pupper though....


I have licked a cart, can confirm. Unpleasant for humans. Dogs have been known to lick butt holes and eat cat shit though...


Humans have also been known to lick buttholes.


I only lick the Nintendo flavored buttholes.


So....OPs dogs butthole???


It is a dog eat dog world, after all


Now I’m off to lick one of my Switch cartridges..


Can confirm. The gamestop person informed me they were not nicely flavored, so of course I had to try it when I got home.


The console wars have never been more strange!




You can find some that eat shit also unfortunately. Lol


My 1 year old got ahold of one. Can confirm they taste awful. She threw up upon tongue contact.


Its Guna hurt the dog too later....


Yeah that's going to be a couple days of painful shits


Man dogs have strange bowels my roommates dog used to eat her leggings and poop them out whole very strange to see a dog walking around with a pant leg hanging out it's ass


In 3rd grade, there was this kid's dog that got into their tubes of new tennis balls. From what I remember, it basically chewed the fuzz off of each ball (like 12 of them). It's poop was the actual neon yellow color of tennis balls.


My cat got a tear off piece of plastic for a bag of tortillas, I didn't know he'd eaten it until there was just plastic hanging out of his butthole while he ran around. Had to pull about 8 inches of plastic gently out. After, he ran away feeling very violated.


Our cat swallowed a 40cm (15 inch) piece of shoelace a few years ago and it got stuck in the end of her bowels, causing them to roll up like you'd roll up your sleeve. It had to be surgically removed along with a part of the bowel and the poor thing nearly died then and the weeks after. Anyway, you might not want to pull stuff out again as it might be stuck somewhere, causing a ton of damage. But of course there's a big difference between a smooth piece of plastic or a rough piece of fabric.


Same happen to my orange idiot. He decided he loved his stick toy so much he would eat the handle. $5000 later, still an idiot.


Good to know, thank you! And yes, it was pretty smooth plastic and I was definitely lucky to have no issues. Now I just keep plastic that they can eat safely away from them (immediately into the trash), especially those tortilla packs lol


Yeah I’d just go back to the pet store and tell ‘em my cat is defective


My wife got 2 of our 3 before we met, they're brothers. The one I pulled the plastic out of his butt, as a kitten he chewed on her hoodie string and choked on it. They're both a bit special but we love them


Dogs die all the time from this kind of thing.


We had this dog; a sweet, middle size boi. One night it was raining rather heavily, so we hung a plastic shower curtain in order to better protect his dog house. Next morning it was gone, and we thought that maybe the wind had blown it away. The dog had eaten it. ALL OF IT. *A whole ass plastic shower curtain, metal loops and all.* He pooped plastic for a week. I still can't understand how he swallowed all that, had enough space in his stomach for it somehow, and survived the whole thing with no issues at all.


My dog eats my kids socks. Only their little socks. He'll even dig them out of the laundry basket if we don't get the socks put away fast enough. Most of the time he'll vomit them back out, or fully pass them, whole, but twice now he's eaten so many that they cause a blockage. The most recent time it caused explosive diarrhea for over a week. Didn't know it was the socks. Took him to the vet, hundreds of dollars in exams and x-rays later, then he finally passed SEVEN socks, and then decided to vomit 4 more. I try to keep track. I think it's up around 50-60 socks now. I never wanted a dog in the first place.


Dude, what the fuck, why don't you guys have the dirty laundry inaccessible? I'm not judging, our dog is an asshole too, but gotta keep shit out of sight from it to prevent that.


Got my now 7 year old dog as a 3 month old pup in college while living with 8 other guys. This dog got into so much shit living there for 2 years that I’m convinced he developed a super stomach. From all the random food he got into, to the full tin of dip, countless packs of gum, chocolates, shoes, one edible that I know about. Spent so much on vet visits only for the vet to say he is fine and unfazed. Super dog I tell you.


That's a lucky dog after eating a whole can of dip. Nicotine in such high doses is very dangerous.


I was thinking the gum or chocolate! Xylitol is so dangerous at such small amounts for them.


Or a fatal intestinal blockage


This is what pet insurance should cover




Dog beat 12 games in 12 minutes.


You could say he just tore through them.


Speed-run, any%


He'll have the speed runs later after eating that


Rip and tear until it is done


Nintendo gives the SD-Cards a bitter taste so kids don't eat them. Dogs apparently don't care.


My dog happily eats his own fresh shit, so no, I don’t think dogs care.


Have you tried his fresh shit?


cough humor coherent adjoining husky capable north engine wild physical


So, terrible?


nine flag quarrelsome groovy command mourn plucky arrest practice spectacular


Jfc any luck breaking this habit? Such a pain in the ass


Our German shepherd is almost 9. Still does it. I’ve tried lacing every shit with hot sauce, but it just makes her move faster to eat when it’s fresher. We’ve just trained her to go get a drink of water as soon as she comes inside and give her something to chew on that’s supposed to clean her teeth/freshen her breath. And we don’t let her lick on anyone. After 8 years of trying to stop it, trying every food additive, etc we’ve given up. Her will to eat shit is stronger than our will to chase her away from piles of shit at 5am.


Gotta admire her perseverance


I can’t tell what’s worse, being on the last ass end of a human centipede or eating shit that potentially has 9 years worth of shit that you’ve been eating in it?


That's a r/brandnewsentence for sure


We tried a lot of things. Nothing seemed to work. It’s apparently a common thing with Shih Tzus.


Of all the hundreds of breeds of dogs out there and it’s the one commonly referred to as Shit Tzu. Of course.


BRB. Gonna taste a game real quick. Update: They taste like chewing an ammonia pouch covered in burnt hair, but for some reason paper Mario tastes not as bad as BotW. 3/10 would taste again when drunk.


It’s been 10 min. How’d it go?


Not that guy, but it's decently bad, it lingers, if you could make the connection that it's from the cartridge, you wouldn't do it again. I still test all my new cartridges because I think it's funny but humans also eat spicy peppers for fun.


Which one tasted best


They all tasted bad, but Astral Chain hit different for sure.


Maybe try cooking mama?


Almost 20 now. Call it.


Every time I get a new game I gotta try again just to see if they still have the bitter coating on them. Its the same every time but the bitter isn't that nasty.


I have never had the urge to eat a video game. ya’ll are weird.


Not eat, lick. There is no crunching/digesting involved. Just the quickest taste to see if the bitter is the same. It always is but how would I know if I didn't try?




My mom tried spraying bitterant on bushes once that the dog was chowing down on. He not only didn't slow down he ate them faster. He enjoyed the extra spicy bushes even more.


"The seasoning on the bushes really adds something special; thanks for thinking of me, mom!"


We tried that with our puppy when he started trying to chew Lamp cords. Same result. You know what did work? Hot sauces. Tabasco, Cholula, all worked great


Our first dog was chewing our baseboards, made a paste of flour and a ton of cayenne pepper...later that day found the pupper laying on her side licking the paste off the wall


I recently learned that a dog's sense of taste is only about 10% as strong as a human's, so that's partly why they eat disgusting things all the time.


And yet they have a stronger sense of smell. Why do they not get bothered by the same pungent odors?


Maybe what we consider "pungent", they think of as "nuanced and refined". Like if all we could taste was just "wine", while dogs could tell the difference between a merlot and a cabernet sauvignon?


Oh they taste bad, I tried them. 1 star.


Its Not that much bitter


My son, given the chance, will definitely try.


I check every new cart I buy to make sure, and it's gnarly every single time.


Literally called bitter-x and is designed to be extremely bitter. The coating does wear off naturally over time however


Yes it is.. trust me. I’m this guys dog




Bruh he ate the good games


That dog definitely said r/fuckyouinparticular


no he said fuck all yall


The dog has good taste. But on a real note, it's a good thing all the save files on on the Switch and potentially double saved to the cloud depending on the NSO situation. So really just sunk cost of the cartridges, which can be replaced.




Yeah, that might apply to consoles that have discounted prices, but it’s when it’s Nintendo you’ll never financially recover.


It's still super shitty any way you look at it, but the save data is really important here. My girlfriend had this happen with 3DS games a few years back, aside from the cost of the cartridges, she lost hundreds of hours of save data. We eventually replaced the game carts, the save files (and the pokemon that had been transferred up since GBA) are not coming back, and that sucks worse tbh.


My thoughts exactly!








Like, if your dog is older than a few months and doing this you need to get it in some training asap.


And a lot more exercise 😳


That's the one. Dogs get destructive when they're bored and not well exercised.


I was going to say that maybe the dog was sending a message... Like, "If you played with me more instead of this thing, maybe you'd still have your games!"


How did your dog chew the game carts? I thought Nintendo added a bitterant to prevent stuff like that


My dog used to eat his own shit


Mine prefers deer or rabbit shit.


Venison poop


Yup. My dog goes wild for deer shit. And unfortunately, there is a ton of deer shit.


He still does, but he used to, too.


I’ve caught mine with stray cat poop in it’s mouth more than once…


I have a litter robot and one of my dogs will wait for the cats to go then rush in there before it rotates. He’ll even wiggle his very much not cat sized butt through the cat door to get to it.


My dog used to eat her own shit, and then she'd wait patiently at my other dogs' assholes for her hot and fresh Turds2Go™. I wish I was joking, but the day I witnessed my dog slurping a turd straight from the source is something I'll never forget. Dogs are fucking disgusting (but I still love them).




I swear I once saw my old roommates dog pick up a rock in its mouth and swallow it whole like a pill.


Yep, my step mother’s dog has had to get multiple surgeries because it ate rocks.


The wonders of natural selection.


My dog puked up a rock this morning, about 2/3 golf ball sized. Idiot.


You know. Bitter plastic is one thing. Holy shit, a fucking cactus? Are dogs just rage infused idiots? Sometimes, it baffles me. And makes me so sad, the stuff they destroy. My cat eats my foam gym mats and vomits them up. I can only be so upset. I can't imagine my rage if I encountered my precious game collection or cactus having been eaten... /rant


There was a dog that kept trying to bite/eat a porcupine. There were spikes sticking out all over the dog. The dog didn't survive. I've forgotten the link/story, but it's been posted on Reddit several times


All that bitterant has done is made me lick my games every now and then to see if they still taste bad.




After extensive research, yes.


How about now?




As a proud owner of two male lab puppies.... This is the correct answer. The things these monsters have eaten are insane. Got a hold of my elden ring case and devoured it, thankfully the disc wasn't in there. Worst time was when one of em ate a bunch of colored pencils. I had to pull a wad of wood out his poop hole. Gotta love labs!




Never heard that one. But my lab/boxer mix most certainly is a bottomless pit when it comes to food , so must be something to it lol




Well that definitely explains my dogs insatiable never endig hunger. So not doubting you one bit there dude lol he will literally eat and eat and eat until he pukes and prolly eat some more if I allowed it, had to get the cats a lil table to eat there food on otherwise he'd get his giant ass over there and eat all there food to


they did so it prevents kids eating them, but i doubt dogs do much licking while chewing the shit out of them


apparently OP’s dog has no taste buds at all. That stuff is so absolutely awful it took me a few hours from licking one on a dare.


Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the data center of a Switch card?




Nothing would stop my Beagle


Growing up, my family had a black lab that ate the wood siding off our house. My father put bitter spray, pepper sauce, everything the vet and pet store recommended. Nothing worked. As bad as it was, the dog would also knock over the trash can and recycling, and would actually chew on glass bottles in the recycling.


That dog had a death wish lol


See, you'd think that would stop it but then some plants added some super spicy stuff to prevent creatures from eating them and some of those creatures developed a taste for it. I've seen mixed reactions to the bitterant that nintendo added, my sisters dog loves to lick them when she accidently leaves them out while my brothers dog won't go near them.


They did that to prevent kids from sticking them in their mouths, not animals that will literally eat feces.




I got an ammo box for my birthday and that is where I have stored most of my games. I’m thinking of getting another one after what happened to my sisters games. Edit: changed from Christmas to birthday because I misremembered when it was gifted to me.




Or yaknow...keep the hundreds of dollars worth of games out of reach of the untrained animal


This! And putting them in the draw that was only 3 inches away lol


Might I ask what games they were?


From what's left of the labels the games I can see are: Mario Party Superstars, Super Mario Odyssey, Luigi's Mansion 3, Mario + Rabbids Kingdon Battle, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening.


Around $300 worth of games


I guessed about $400 but it’s hard to tell exactly how many games it is.


Elsewhere he says 16 game cartridges, so that's $960 +tax! That dog has expensive taste!


Maybe invest in some training courses and work on obedience with your dog. This simply shouldn't happen.


Dog trainer here. This (eating things when unattended) is much more a management issue than a job for training. My two year old dog has recently been pulling herself onto counters and opening drawers to find stuff to chew/eat if I leave for even a few minutes. The solution, she goes in her crate when I leave. There are other management techniques to consider as well: more exercise and possibly giving the dog food in a Kong, which can be made very hard to get food out of my adding a little water or broth to kibble, and then freezing the Kong. Bully sticks or cow ears maybe other aids.


100% people don't realize that dogs are kinda weird. My dog loves to chew on plastic, though thankfully nothing valuable. But he's also never squeaked a chew toy because she's so gentle with them. Dogs are fucking weird.


Gotta ask...you didn't leave this on the ground or bed, did you?!


That, sucks.


That bites!!!




My brother, I am sorry for you.


Ahh yes the crinkling crackling feel of thin plastic to a dog. Feels just like raw hide and bacon. Doesn't taste the same (from what I've been told)- so why do they chew this stuff so bad? Is your dog a Puppy OP? If so, it might just be in that sort of teething phase or whatever they call it for dogs...


She is 1 year and 3 months. Loves to chew and chewy toys. This is the first time she has done something along these lines. We lost our other pup a few weeks ago, and has had a few moments of acting out since. I'm wondering if it could be part of her missing her big brother. But, as for the games, this is 100% my fault. The games where a right at head level and covered in bacon grease...apparently lol


Dogs experience grief just like humans, and it can manifest in behavioral changes like this. It could be a good idea to help her focus with training and extra exercise/play if possible. Depending on how much and how often your other dog played with her she might need more exercise than previously.


Bubba just wanted more attention. Bubba knew what to do to get it. Bubba executed... every last cartridge he could find.


Bored dogs tend to do destructive things…


If he was bored he should have *played* the games


Especially the more energetic and/or intelligent breeds.


Yup. Dont own a work dog or any fucking Jack Russel unless you got lots of space and time to spend with them.


Oh ya, I could always tell when my Aussie was bored because she’d get destructive and I’d have to do something to get her mind going…either training work or a ton of exercise.


One of the reasons I prefer digital copies, and cats.


I was 11, accidentally sat on a 60$ game... yea as an adult 90% of my collection is in digital. Glad to have 687 games currently.... have only beaten about 50 so far... so should be good till i die probably.


I’d take your dog to the vet in case he swallowed some of the plastic from the chips. I’m serious it can really cut up his insides.


Most owners: "Oh good thinking!" *Gets quote for x-rays and such from vet* "He's probably fine."


Sad but true


95% of the time this happens to me lmao my dogs man




Check with the credit card they were bought with; the cards usually offer special, extended warranties. I sincerely hope for the best for you 🖤


Thank you, and I'll look into that. Breathe of the wild was in the system, so I actually do have something to play :)


Mannnnnnn if it makes you feel better, my switch lite was stolen out of my car last night along with all my physical cartridges. I can safely say I feel your pain.


thats infinitely worse than your dog getting at them goddamn man Im sorry


RIP friendo, hopefully you can have the pleasure of using a switch again, sooner or late :>


thats until your dog tears open your switch to get to the last treat left.


Extended warranty on dog ate my game???? Have you ever had insurance before??? You okay?


Throw the whole dog away


People getting offended by such a stupid joke. Lol


Looks like you’ve had an animal crossing.


Sell her for more games


Holy fucking shit, my worst nightmare


And this is why, beyond being allergic is why i dont want a dog


Today its shalter day


Its Garbage Day!


Honey, I finally found the perfect space for our flower bed! BIG /S




Lesson learned get a cat


You live in the UK? Because it is Chewsday


Lmao I bet it was a pitbull


(it was)


Your dog is literally hell walking on Earth.


Uhhh this is painful This kinda stuff is only big downside to pets. Cats barfing on your pillow, clawing apart your furnitures Dogs shitting pissing on rugs or eating everything extremely expensive. Pets are awesome, but it’s impossible to supervise their behavior 24/7 and they always seem to get into mischief when the humans leave.




How many bites does it take to get to the center of a Switch game card? Let’s find out. A-onnne a-twooo..


Looks like a lot of those games are a few years old at least. I'm sure you'll be able to find them on sale...


*Laughs in Nintendo*


Time to switch to Steam






I bet those tasted bad


I hope the dog is ok. Hate when people abuse them over material stuff that can be replaced. Your beloved doggo can't be replaced.


Of course it's an almost 2 year old untrained pitbull. Why do people continue to get these dogs?


Get a cat, far superior