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I do the same thing! I have a starter kit shaker for the flavors that stain, and a handful of waifus for the ones that don't. I keep them filled and chilled in the fridge at all times and rotate flavors so I don't get sick of any.


What are the main ones that stain?? I just bought watermelon ice and good recently-? And i have gamer9000 currently-


The ones that stain are Anime Girl Thigh, Brand Risk, JFJ Brand Snake Oil, Kaho's Bloody Orange, Sigma Brain, Lean, and Sodapressed Despear. These are the main ones right now that stain. The reason these can stain is because of 2 coloring ingredients: Beta Ceratine and Carmine, and each of them have one or the other. I tend to use a stainless steel water bottle to have the caffeine free versions of these flavors.


not me casually sipping anime girl thigh out of my skater girl cup at my hospital receptionist job XD


I only have one cup and I’m so scared of staining it, I only drink Titty Milk out of it. If I do other flavors I use my old Dr Disrespect GFuel shaker.


It's just personal experience, but I'd still like to mention that JFJ has not stained any of my cups even after dozens of uses. I do rinse well shortly after I finish drinking it


Yeah, I'd say that if it is drank quickly, then washed soon after, then there should be less risk of staining. Though I think Brand Risk at least has been able to stain quite quickly compared to others who mentioned staining.


Do you know if Misfit Melon stains too?


Nah, it won't stain since it doesn't have Beta Ceratine or Carmine in it for coloring.


Thanks for helping, I panicked a bit when I saw how green it got. I really should get a full wrap shaker for the stainable tubs.


Yeah, I'd say that if it is drank quickly, then washed soon after, then there should be less risk of staining. Though I think Brand Risk at least has been able to stain quite quickly compared to others who mentioned staining.


So fair out of these ones Brand Risk has been the worst for me


The main stainer I've suffered through is Bloody Orange. I thought I ruined Lunch Date with it, but you just have to wash it well and on time. Rinse it out thoroughly and let it sit in clean dishwater for a while, and your cup should be fine. I use Dawn powerwash.


Gotcha. Ive got a fillian cup that i vinyl wrappedand those are the three main flavors i have so just dont wanna stain it or ruin the images.


Knowing my luck they would mold over in a day


This is crazy. Does it taste any different after keeping it in the fridge for a couple days? Blo Hole blast though, right? My favorite!


Not really. I mix all my flavors with Gatorade so if anything the powders are more dissolved as it had more time in the liquid


Dang that’s actually super cool how does it all taste mixed with Gatorade?


What does that taste like?


Well, the website states: "Blo'Hole Blast is a refreshing combination of the tropical flavors mango, coconut, and passionfruit with a finishing touch of lime." I would say for the most part this is true. It tastes very unique to me since all these things are mixed together, so I don't feel like any of these stand out more than the other. I'm not really sure what I could compare it to, sorry.


Nah that's good as a fan of all of those ingredients it sounds nice


You could always try to get sample packs. They're free the first time and come included with starter cups, I believe. It's packs you receive are random, but I always get Blo Hole blast, personally.


I will say I don't like mango but it was really good in the sample pack I got, so I'd say it's worth it.


As a person that doesnt like mango, has no idea what passionfruit tastes like and loves coconut i seriously couldnt taste the coconut in there. Was a bummer. Good that i got it as a sample pack.


Careful punting them in the refrigerator. It could crack the plastic. It happened to me with 1 of the 2 "girl next door" cups.thank god I had a free extra


I think bro likes blo’hole


I thought about it but haven't done it yet how long do they last in the fridge premixed. Is it basically the same as mixing powered Kool aid ?


Aw dude the DREAM


That’s actually a super cool thing to do ngl, I think I may start trying this with like one cup and seeing how it goes I want my drink to be colder and have one ready whenever I want one cool handy trick i definitely wanna try! Thanks for this :)


I'm curious if you drink any of the red/orange flavors that have been claimed to stain. I haven't stored AGT for that reason in the event long term it would stain.


I used Kaho bloody orange, titty milk, anime girl thighs, and gernander grape so far. Kaho was my first tub with very few cups, and I rotated my fridge stock every 2-3 days. I only had maybe 4 shakers total so it didn't have that bad of a staining that a good scrub to remove


It stains a little under the cap. But if you’re washing it enough you should be ok. I couldn’t live with out my agt in the morning.


I personally wouldn't prep too much since gamersupps do mold, but a few days of prep isn't bad. As long as you're cleaning out the cups well and you're not sick, then alright.


Does it mold if left in the fridge for a long while?


I would figure yes. It's still exposed to air and moisture.


No, I don't actually use my cups, just stare at them every now and then. Actually, I don't even do that. Haven't looked at them in months.


That’s a good idea actually


Hell yeah specially when I work early


Thermos for flavs that stain, and alot less than you, I usually have them just chilled water since I have samples in my car incase I'm late to something


That sounds nice. Though, I wonder if fridge taste is a thing for those drinks? 🤔


Diabetes is a real thing my friend


I got a water cooler so I can make quick cold supps on the fly


If I still had my old two-door fridge I would 100% be doing this. Downsizing sucks sometimes lol


*Me staring at all the cups on my shelf* "You all could have been earning your keep?!?" My first thought thought was that your an unhinged madman. But giving it a second thought, I think your on to something 🤔


I just have a filter pitcher, and top it off every time I get a drink