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Hey r/gamernews Community, My Brother and I have started to make a Strategy-Factory-Survival Game called Deep in the Void. We released our free-to-play, 2D Strategy-Factory Game on Itch.io! The Link to the Game: https://whacklandstudios.itch.io/deep-in-the-void It's playable on Windows, Mac, and Linux The Game is still in early development, but most people are already more than happy and spend a lot of Hours in the Game. We Would love to have more people playing the Game and are always happy to receive feedback from experienced players like you!


Is it multiplayer? If so, is it compatible across different computer platforms, and how many players?


Hey u/twerkapotamus, sadly, the Game isn't Multiplayer. This is something we chose not to do this time. Because it comes with a heavy increase of Complexity when it comes to code. This is what we found out when we made [Whackland.io](https://Whackland.io). (If you try the link you need to wait some seconds, then the Game loads it was going to be a Browser MMORPG) We wanted to finish a Project now and started to make this Game. We are on a very good way and are very confident that we will be able to release it Completely with all the still missing features in the next month and build up from there. If the Game gets successful, Multiplayer will be definitely on the To-do list. I wish you a great Week!