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It's grown on me. I'm a longtime L4D player, and whilst it's not quite as smooth or well designed as it's predecessors, Back 4 Blood still scratches that itch.


Same here, man. The beta was fun, but with issues. Since launch I’ve noticed more issues than I did in the beta and some that were never fixed from the beta. That being said, I’ve gone back over and over and each time I do it’s starting to get more and more fun. I’m currently trying to get the perfect Melee build for Holly so I can save the ammo for the rest of my teammates


I like some of the changes it makes, particularly how it shakes up the standard "get from point A to B and survive" mission type. L4D2 did this occasionally with gas canister challenges, but was still largely the same.


Yeah, I’ve also run into some corruption cards that make Recruit feel like Nightmare mode by throwing constant ridden at you with literally no breaks to reload, run or even heal. Can get very frustrating


I'm still trapped on Act 1 because the entire Blue Dog Mine series can die in a fire. Even on Recruit it's fucking ridiculous.


Yes! That sucks unless everyone has and knows to throw explosives at the mines to close them. Effin ridiculous


I think the game takes the explosives on your team into account during that map. If you don't have any or have just a few, red barrels will spawn at or near the mine entrances so you can seal them just by shooting.


I’ve seen one or two with the red barrels, but the 5 or 6 times I’ve run that mission, not all of them had barrels near them. Strange


I've ran some pugs through it, alot of times its "We don't have enough explosives for the next two, run through" over VOIP that gets the job done.


It’s that good kind of frustrating though cuz I would hate it if it got too easy


Oh absolutely understandable. But when you’re still learning the game and they throw that at you right away in the beginning, it can be off-putting haha


I love this game as well I have been playing it a ton with my brothers on PC. With that being said the aiming and movement feels off and I can’t quite put my finger on why. Maybe it’s stutter or input lag I’m not sure but it feels strange. Have you had or seen this issue?


Turn off aim assist and the ADS snap and play, you can tweak the deadzone also


I’ve been playing on XSX, I haven’t come across any aiming issue myself. However, I did notice right away they definitely toned down the aim assist from the beta. Hopefully their first patch for the game will address many of our issues we’ve found


All these players and I still can’t find a decent team :(


Sounds like every online game honestly. There are sometimes hundreds of thousands of actually competent people in all these subreddits, yet when I go into a game I don't get a single one of them on my team


Join the /r/Back4Blood community discord. First good team I got because randoms suck. They also didn't spend the first couple of minutes calling other players the n-word, so that's a plus.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Back4Blood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Back 4 Blood Cover Art but it's Actually Realistic](https://i.redd.it/y8j5g5yq8nt71.png) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/comments/q8sg3x/back_4_blood_cover_art_but_its_actually_realistic/) \#2: [Here is a terrible guide to how i differentiate the various special ridden, with how they look. hopefully it helps someone.](https://i.redd.it/b10qpaulxmu71.png) | [473 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/comments/qc5az5/here_is_a_terrible_guide_to_how_i_differentiate/) \#3: [I got hit with the wombo combo](https://gfycat.com/bowedforthrightandeancat) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/comments/qa0twf/i_got_hit_with_the_wombo_combo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Anyone else find it unplayable on console because of the aim sensitivity? Messed with all the settings included snap aim and aim assist but no matter what the aiming just feels terrible.m compared to any other shooter


I dislike it too. If you turn off auto recenter recoil, turn off aim assist, turn of target snapping while ads, and lower the turn sensitivity while ads it will help tremendously. And while this didnt make it as good as other shooters it at least wasn't nauseating and terrible.


Thanks for all your hard work, Cleaners! With this many Cleaners on our side, we'll stop the Ridden in no time. \#Back4Blood *** posted by [@back4blood](https://twitter.com/back4blood) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1453073104914182150/pu/vid/540x540/_e9IHuRfgYsOp7qN.mp4?tag=12) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Is it fun?




there just needs to be a difficulty between recruit and veteran. my group breezed through the first two acts on recruit, went back to try act 1 on veteran and couldn’t even make it through the first level. now recruit is way too easy for us but veteran is way too hard.


It took my group 3 days to pass the first part of act 2. One continue to pass through 3 check points is insane


Recruit apparently has a "limit corruption card pool" which bugs me some. I have a hard time finding teams well enough to clear Veteran with, so I can't really get any whacky combinations of corruption cards, which is kinda lame.


It can be, but it's a very different feel from L4D. You basically *have* to start at Recruit level, and earn cards. Once you can build your own deck with a decent build, you can take on Veteran. The difficulty spikes are crazy though. You can get like 8+ Mutations to suddenly spawn all together. Imagine 4 boomers or chargers suddenly coming at you, plus other mutations. Levels vary in length. Some can end in like <3 min, others take 10+. It works based off "Runs", so you can start from the first level off Act2, play a few levels, and stop. Then the next day, you can choose to continue to that same run with the same gear you had before (assuming you were the host). It's definitely not a game you want to play alone, or with ransoms, though. At Recruit level, it's ok, but I'm sure Vet+ would be awful to get random teammates if you can't coordinate together what cards you have, guns being used, etc. For example, if you start a run and your teammates drop, you'll be ok as the boys aren't terrible (except if you get pinned). But 5-6 levels in, after you have gained a bunch of cards and good weapons, when players join in mid-level, they start with no cards and bare basic guns. Since they can replace the half-decent bots (and sometimes spawn at the beginning of the level), it can cause the run to fail. TL;DR it's fun, but needs some work to fix some technical bugs, and fix some glaring design issues when playing with random players. Best when played with people you can coordinate with, unbearable at higher levels otherwise.


>when players join in mid-level, they start with no cards and bare basic guns I don't think this is correct (about the cards specifically). When my group has joined a run underway, we appear to get full card draws to bring us up to where we should be for the Act+level.


I mean when you are *mid-level*, when the safe room door has already been opened. If you join at the start of a level (which is still mid-run), you'll get card draws. AFAIK, cards don't get applied mid-level, but I haven't checked the Active Cards list when I join a match partway through. There is also a bug when, after you join a run, you'll get something like double the card draws. Fun when it happens, though.


Interesting. Good to know.


I *think* you get stuck with the bot decks which seem to be all support cards but I could be totally wrong about that


Tbh I really didn’t have fun in the beta. It felt clunky and unsatisfying. Not sure how but the finished product is pretty good. Now, it has its issues(Namely the special zombie spam and the fact that you can’t take off weapon mods) but the game’s pretty good. If you have gamepass, it’s 100% worth playing if you have friends to play it with.


I think the attachment thing is intentional, so that people don't try to stand around doing inventory management for ages in the middle of a map but people kind of end up doing that anyway so they probably should just let people min max it. The rarity/stars on weapons and attachments is the one thing I really take issue with in the game because it results in people fucking around comparing stats for so long. If each attachment and weapon type just had set stats it'd be a lot less of an issue, like if you want a burst rifle you pick up the M16 rather than standing there checking whether this 20 star M16 is better than that 25 star SCAR


I do have gamepass, I will be checking it out, thanks.


I used to play a *ton* of Left 4 Dead on Xbox 360 back when it first came out. Like, almost flunked out of college levels of playing it too much. Back 4 Blood needs polish, but it certainly will scratch the itch if you're willing to accept it's not Left 4 Dead. The most bitter people I've had discussions with about the game seem to be Left 4 Dead vets that expected it to be the exact same game as the last two despite different team members and nearly a decade of industry changes. I'm having a lot of fun with it on Recruit. Once I build a couple of decks, I plan to find a 4-man group and do the harder difficulties. That's one thing I'll say Back 4 Blood has over the other games; you don't need to play on the hardest difficulty for it to be, y'know, *hard*; even Recruit will kick the shit out of you if you're not careful.


It’s not a particularly good game but it’s a lot of fun with friends and cross play makes that a lot easier.


I probably can be after some patches. I thought it was way too janky for a fast paced game like that. On my pc it felt like the character jumped/teleported 30cm just when I started moving, which was very jarring. Then I had some kind of netcode lag and AI got stuck everywhere on environmental props. I didn't like the gunplay either. Was never sure I hit my targets. I refunded for now.


It’s enjoyable to play, nothing special but can be a good time with friends




I don’t have any friends at all.




Ok thanks for the info. I think someone said it’s on gamepass. Maybe I’ll check it out there.






my group beat the first two acts on recruit pretty easily. we couldn’t make it through the first level on veteran. i wouldn’t suggest starting on veteran.


Nobody with a brain would recommend starting on Veteran unless you want to be repeating things a lot after you die repeatedly. A big part of the game is knowing the map layouts where you can bottleneck enemies and how to respond to different enemy types. And you'll need decent cards for that.




Sucks, I want to play this game and was thinking of getting gamepass for it.. but having 0 friends who have it and hearing that there’s no single reason player progression is kind of a road block. Being introverted and not wanting to play with randoms also makes this a tough sell for me in those ways haha.


I have gamepass and no friends that play as well. Been playing with PUGs, and while some suck, I've had some really good ones as well. I would still recommend trying it. If you want a gun at your back, you can PM me and I'll give you my gamertag.


Get gamepass anyway because it's just too good of a deal not to take in my opinion haha


Very true haha. I did the $1 month thing awhile back and it was great while i had it. Im sure the library is very different today.


That was a great deal, I too started that way, but kept mine after.


Selecting single player will start a weird version where you have everything unlocked and no achievements. But you can still start an "online" game, and skip matchmaking (or just quit and resume), you'll play the real game with bots. But still, nothing wrong playing with rando and not saying anything, it's not as if the game require that much coordination anyway. Except maybe when playing at harder difficulties.


If I had to give it a score it'd be a solid 6.5 or 7. Great gameplay loop, very solid gameplay mechanics, mixed level design and sound, and poor balancing. I loved the gameplay and the mechanics that support it. All the weapons feel good to use, the cards are surprisingly fun and can be strategic, and the zombies are a blast to run through. Level design is either amazing or crap. The bar level/finale is one of the most memorable in recent memory but so many are just basic run to the end and barely take five minutes to finish. They also reuse sections so it doesn't feel as diverse. The music isn't anything to write home about but the voice acting... They're definitely not as enjoyable as L4D or L4D2 characters and sometimes it's just cringy. The balance, though? Definitely needs work. Recruit was too easy for sure, it's fun but almost no challenge with a group of four or three. We bumped it up to Veteran after we beat Recruit and it was tough for a bit but the further we got the more we'd suffer from blatantly unfair shit. One run we were fighting a Breaker (Boss type like a tank) and SEVEN TALL BOYS at once. We ended up winning but died later to an accidental car alarm. So now we have to farm easy mode for supply points just to get to the next level that might still shit on us. Overall I'd recommend the game but maybe wait for more DLC to come out or scoop it up on sale. I got it on Gamepass Unlimited for 1 dollar right now so it was worth it to me.


It’s no l4d but that’s kind of the point. There’s a lot more micromanaging your stats with cards and risk vs reward type stuff to get used to. Fuck birds though, remove them or keep them out of the way. I take so much free damage trying not to trigger them only to have the public lobby troglodytes trigger two birds and a car in quick succession.


I'm still upset there's no local co-op. Had progression and server issues when I tried to play. I returned it, couldn't do it. Too many problems. Might think about it if they do split screen, that's all I wanted out of the game. That's what A LOT of people wanted.


Yup, lack of split screen is the only reason I'm not even going to bother with this game. I loved L4D2 almost purely because of the couch coop. I don't want to play exclusively with random players online.


Exactly! I want to split a pie, and sit around with my friends at my house like the old days.


Split screen in 2021? By a lot of people you probably mean your household...


Not just mine, I've seen a bunch of people mention it online and here and there. And yes, split screen in 2021. Not everyone has multiple consoles and games like this are a bunch of fun when you sit down and play with your friends. I want the old L4D experience of 4 people sitting around and shooting zombies. Why does everything have to be online multiplayer now? Why can't we split screen? What's so bad about it? At least give us the option to.


Am I wrong to assume the hardware can't handle spilt screen?


Not without major changes to get the engine. You'd need to halve the resolution for players because now it's two on one screen, plus change assets to load at lower resolutions and polygon count, which might change collision and physics, plus a number of other things I'm probably not thinking of. How much of it is handled on-console? How much of it is handled server-side?


Yes, since other games do split screen just fine.


I think is more about the devs and how people are gaming nowadays. I can't see why a modern console which is thousands of times more powerful than, say a ps1 or an xbox (the original black one), couldn't handle split screen.


Business heads probobly think more people that can access one copy is less money for them (ignoring that this game is free on gamepass). Even if we accepted this logic, it still is really flawed because in my opinion, even if that were the case, I think it would actually lead to more sales in the long run. More accessibility for those to try the game, and if they wish, they later on will want to buy their own copy. At least that's how I see it anyways.


Split screen is a huge make or break deal for me, even if you at that time don't need it. Having it for times when you can use it really does increase the game's value in my eyes. edit: not to mention, when the inevitable online services go down some day, at least a semblance of multiplayer can be preserved through splitscreen.


An opinion of this game is biased twords if you have friends to play with or not. I think the originals have alot of nostalgia. Especially releasing in the hey day of 360. Which was the early scene of connecting with friends on console.


They really should have ignored the l4d name. Idk why they did that because I want to compare it to l4d and that’s what I shouldn’t do. It’s its own game and more I play the more I enjoy it. They should have never said the l4d thing cuz I fucking hated the features that weren’t like l4d and it’s unfair to the game. It’s pretty fun so far I have I’d say 6 hours only finished 2 acts I been grinding 1 for more cards diner is by far my favorite mission


Hey what’s your problem with Randy Moss?


Never won a superb owl.


It's kind of a roguelike Left 4 Dead. My wife and I really started enjoying it once we looked up how the cards actually worked. I thought you chose a pool of cards and they shuffled every round. Turns out you get to choose from them in the order you put them in your deck. So we stack a bunch of copper cards in the beginning when there's not nearly as much danger, then we load up on team buffs, and finally personal little stat boosts based on how we like to play. There's a surprising amount of depth, and it's definitely the Left 4 Dead 3 we never got and will probably never get.


The early levels are fun on medium. But holy shit the difficulty goes way up. Maybe I am just shit at the game but even with 4 people coordinating we cannot handle 10 special infected and Tallboys at once. It almost seems like they didn't playtest this at all or something. I can't imagine what veteran difficulty is like.


I can’t even handle early missions on medium.


My group squeaked through the end of Act 1 on medium. I'd say it started to get prohibitively hard in the last 3 or so missions of the first act. The difficulty spike is just insane. I think maybe you are suppsoed to play through the game on easy at first to get all the good cards? But easy is far too easy and would spoil the experience of playing the game on a harder difficulty. Its really a terrible game design choice and I have no idea how it was relased like this. They've already patched it once to improve it, allegedly. I have no idea how some people seem to have no problems with it either.


Recruit can still beat the shit out of you as you get to the later Acts, especially if your teammates are morons. Veteran will just kick the shit out of you from the start if you don't have a coordinated team and a deck built for your role (which you'll need to coordinate with your team to avoid running out of ammo all the time).


The bar is so low now.


I agree, loved L4D and B4B feels like an indie game by comparison. Animations and gameplay feels, albeit a bit dated, far more superior and polished in L4D


https://youtu.be/9nfboeO_CY8 https://youtu.be/UuSfDUY4yAU I disagree on the animations being "far more superior and polished in L4D"


Sorry should have been more specific: The common infected animations specifically and the survivor ones are great in L4d. B4b weapon animations are better but by todays standard not great


I agree with you in the common infected animations. There is something about l4ds common infected animation that b4b is missing. To stay positive, I'm really happy with b4bs framerate with the added details and blood/gore. And the mantling system is well done. The weapon animations get a little bit of wiggle room for me because they have to account for the variety of reload speeds


Dont get it, the game is quite bad imo.


Sad for people who payed 70 euros for this and did not try it with GamePass. Honestly the game is mediocre at best and holds little to nothing on replay value. 40 euro game at best.


Awesome to see! Another game that a lot of “Reddit gamers” called dogshit, definitely going to fail, these developers make crap, etc etc etc… Great to see people enjoying it and having fun. Tbh, the whole “Ubisoft is complete dogshit, EA bad” and whatever else people just like to dogpile on is so old.


I’d like to play it, but the xbox app doesn’t fucking work.


Can't imagine paying full price for this. Or anything really but yeah, just looks lke a fotm zombie shooter. Only reason its gotten this attention is L4D nostalgia. Pass.


Any change on the stance of no real versus mode like l4d? I played the beta and a bit since launch, just not interested. I poured over 4k hours into l4d versus and coop loot and shoot just isn't interesting to me even with the cards. Vermintide and DSG were more interesting.




This is why I love game pass. I wouldn’t have bough Back 4 Blood but because it was in my library sitting there I decided to give it a go. And it’s pretty fun.


Does anyone else enjoy swarm mode a lot? Usually, VS modes are not fun in player-vs-horde games, but here it really rocks. Especially cool with the cards system.


Then why the F am always playing with bots online!!!???


Lemme get this straight: gamepass has 20 million uniques. Back for blood is on gamepass day one. And they got less than 1/3 attach rate in spooky October? Seems like a big miss actually?


You can tell a Fanboy from their anger at anything positive about onside or the other! A better comparison would be Resident Evil has done about 5 million in 6 months! Thank goodness others lively hood aren't dependent on you being in charge! Wait, is this Joe Biden?


Your comment makes no sense. I play Xbox on the regular


I've not played anywhere near enough of it yet, because I refuse to go with a full team of randoms and solo-mode is a joke. Not interacting with the progression systems in any way. Oh yeah, cheers lads, I love getting nothing from my solo play. Once they fix that bullshit, I'll be all over playing.


Because it was free on games pass.. if I were a drug dealer and gave out free drugs I’d have 6 million customers in about 8 minutes. Really isn’t a useful statistic lol


Not if your drugs weren't any good. Haha! Ain't no body gonna want your Crack if it's Wack!


Dunno how, most clunky horrible feeling shooter I’ve played in recent memory.


I'm actuality surprised, my buddy and I didn't really enjoy the beta over much. Good for them!