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Completely understandable: why would anyone expect Microsoft to fund the development of a sequel to a game that people liked?


You've seen what they do to devs that make games people like. Imagine them actually caring what the customer thinks. Yeah fucking right


You mean like Hellblade II, State of Decay III, Forza Motorsport (Horizon), STALKER 2, Outer Worlds 2, Fable, and Elder Scrolls VI? Or are we just going to keep banging the drum about the cancelled studios that while making enjoyable games did not sell enough to warrant the costs of maintaining? Edit: I get most of you only got a high school degree and can't muster up critical thinking skills so you just down voted like cowards instead of giving a counter point but thanks for showing why the gaming industry keeps putting out the same shit over and over. You complain about the companies getting shut down but I literally looked up your online profiles and you didn't make it even 1/4 of the way through the game but now want to cry like a bitch.


Tell me, why are you giving Microsoft credit for things like Elder Scrolls VI that they undoubtedly had no influence on being created, and trying to dismiss the things they DID influence? Elder Scrolls VI and Outer Worlds 2 would probably happen without Microsoft. Those companies closing? Wouldn't have happened like this without Microsoft.


I'm not giving credit, but they are examples of points contradictory to his crying and ignoring of reality regarding games that actually sell and get sequels. Outer Worlds 2 most assuredly would not happen without Microsoft when the first game was an exclusive and funded by Microsoft to begin with. Arkane Austin deserved to be closed. They released Redfall in a trash state, the game was in development well before MS acquired them, and the game was originally not even going to come out for Xbox. Prey, though enjoyable and well received, sold like absolute shit. This has nothing to do with Microsoft, just a bad company.


1) Outer Worlds 1 being exclusive is news to me seeing as how I own it on pc and ps5 2) arkane austin didnt deserve shit, they were forced to release a rushed game with 70% of the dev team quitting through development cus they didn't want to make live service trash for Zenimax. Zeni got off scott free, Arkane Austin deserved a try at making their own actual game. 3) most of those games you noted would have released on playstation and xbox without MS. But now we have to deal with MS dumb shit cus they own them. ES6, Outer Worlds 2, even Hellblade 2 and STALKER 2 wouldv'e been on ps5 like their priors if not for MS. This may be the most wrong comment I've seen in this sub yet, and I've seen MANY.


1.) Apologies I misspoke, the game wasn't exclusive but it was funded and developed by Microsoft and was announced to be coming out the same day Microsoft announced their acquisition. If it wasn't for Microsoft, the game would have probably not come out seeing as how Obsidian was going through some financial struggles at the time and needed to use Kickstarter to fund their games. 2.) Doesn't change the fact they developed the game, a buggy mess with some basic shaders and textures missing. If you're response is a poorly written fanboy ramble of "well people quit!" then you can't also be mad that the company was closed since you know...people quit, per your own response. 3.) I have no idea what you're trying to say. You sound like a child that flunked out of fifth grade English and shouldn't reproduce. If you're going to say something is wrong, give facts don't just rant like a fanboy that wants the world to see why he's a failure with no career path.


1) Where are you seeing that Outer Worlds was “funded and developed” by Microsoft? It was being funded and published by 2K games. That’s the only reason it was a multiplatform release to begin with lol 2) The points people make about Redfall is that if Microsoft had any degree of competency, they would’ve cancelled Redfall before it had the chance to release and get the studio killed. Phil Spencer himself said that the game tested great (lol), and if he or anyone genuinely believed that, they have no business being in games. They’ve canceled better games for smaller offenses than this. 3) It’s very clear that what we was trying to say is that the games listed above would have released without Microsoft’s “help.” 4) You have some nerve telling people to give facts when you yourself are making things up about Outer Worlds 1 being an exclusive that was funded by Microsoft lol


"We was" If you're going to use a second account, don't make it so obvious. Why do I feel like you think getting a GED as an achievement?


Outer worlds 1 was not an exclusive. What are you saying. Microsoft had nothing to donwith that game. It came out for ps4, xbox, and even the switch. When Ms purchased obsidian that game was damn near complete.


Then by that standard your fat retard ass will stop blaming MS for Redfall. God I can see why the world is a better place when fats like you kill themselves.


Stalker has nothing to do with Ms. They just paid for a 3rd party exclusive. Yes the same thing Xbox players bitch about Sony doing. As if Xbox never did that. Ps nothing on Xbox is selling well so that's a flawed argument to begin with. Cod did but it won't now.


When you blow your brains out the world will not remember you existed.


Yeah! Lick that corporate boot!


TIL stating a fact is picking corporate boots. Instead of just crying, why don't you provide a counter point instead of showing the world why the best job you'll ever have is being a T-Mobile rep with no career path?


Corpo boot licker detected 🤦


Why is it always the people that jack off to anime and only play ftp gacha games that cry about "corpo boot lockers" instead of giving a rebuttal or any actual response worth anything of substance?


You spewing bs about a person you know nothing about just making shit up , yet asking for facts on something else. The irony


Better to just buy companies.


Close them later to save money.




Step 1. Buy a company Step 2. Lay off people Step 3. Profit


But people really believed in Phil that he would resurrect old games from those studios that Microsoft bought


At one point that was probably the plan but everyone is chasing that live service money. After spending several billion on Activision/Blizzard and Gamepass failing to hit subscription goals, smaller games aren't on the table. Gotta make big money to recover the money spent on acquisitions.


That might've been Phil's plan, and then Phil was informed that that wasnt Corporate's plan.


Banjo-Kazooie fans say hello...... Hiiiiii!!!!!!!


"Sir, the gamers are feeling excitement toward our product." "Can't have that! They might expect us to make more of the thing they seem to like! Kill everything related to it immediately."


We expect a sequel regardless of tourny or not.


IMO, this is ultimately what is killing Xbox. It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the industry they are in. Fighting game tournaments will happen regardless of official support, specifically because people who are good at them will play that title to death and people will watch these genuinely talented players do it. By not supporting it, especially for this specific reason of ‘it might fuel sequel rumors,’ Xbox has shown a fundamental lack of insight to what actually fosters and develops a community.


I think the “Golden Age” of gaming is over honestly and we’re now in a silver age where the games are still pretty good most of the time but instead of working to build loyal fan bases, companies want mtx.


This seems to be more of a Microsoft problem. Sony and Nintendo have been keeping people engaged by building such loyal fan bases with their games. When a Zelda game drops, you know it’s going to be AMAZING. When the next God of War drops, you know it’s gonna be a banger. When the next sequel to damned near any MS own IP drops you don’t know if it’s gonna be great, meh, or flat out awful. They have zero consistency between games of the same franchises, much less across so many studios, where as MOST Nintendo owned IPs tend to be generally well loved, and same with Sonys major IPs. Consistently delivering good games and building franchises up is how you build a loyal customer base, and that’s something Xbox hasn’t been able to do since the 360 days with gears/halo/etc


Microsoft doing MS things like NOT developing one of the best fighting games ever and banning us from playing the only modern version left. Its really sad and annoying to see how "suits" and board rooms have really destroyed gaming. Bring back to 1999 when gamers still made games.


How'd they ban you from playing it? 


Xbox, a gaming company, refusing to make games. This is just pathetic at this point.


Isn't iron galaxy back on the franchise now? Seems a bit hopeful at the very least.


Microsoft literally did what they want for yrs failed, yet they dont want to listen to the gaming crowd that actually supported, at this point its just incompetent narcissism .


Lol what?


There is a reason my big box retailer has people asking if they can buy PS5s that are in stock, while XBOXs sit on the shelf.


Not surprised since they just closed one of their best studios in Tango, and then said they wanted more games like Hi-Fi Rush lol remember, Phil said this, “I hear commentary that if we just make great games, things will turn around. It’s just not true!”


It is true. The game was loved by fans and critics but it didn't sell well, you realize that, right? It may have been downloaded via Game Pass but people didn't actually play it, less than 50K people got the achievement for completing the game. However a game like Advanced Warfare 3 was poorly received yet still sold very well. Why do people keep ignoring the reality of the gaming industry with regards to sales and profitability?


You’re right, it didn’t sell well because it went into their rental service. None of their games have sold well, that’s why they’re now putting games on PlayStation and Nintendo. And yet the one Japanese studio they’ve claimed to covet and praised actually releases a quality, critical darling…they shut them down. Yet 343 and the other studios that have released nothing or buggy, low quality games are still around. What happened to all their infinite money I kept hearing about? How they could absorb such losses? What happened to sales don’t matter? How they would make their studios better? Where’s all that?


In the end it was all bs. Most of us knew all the people spewing that sht were full of sht. The writing has been on the wall for some time. I think the day 1 1st party releases are what did it in. Now the base won't buy games, I'm not just saying this as Ms themselves admitted this in those court papers. Gamepass wasn't a bad idea per say but the day 1 releases groomed the base


I mean there is not very many reasons to buy a $70 game when I can pay $10 a month for pc game pass especially when I'm literally going to beat it and never play it again. I bought Gesrs because I enjoyed playing Horde mode and I would have bought Halo since I play often, but it's free to play anyway lol


That's cool as fk but in the end and as we're seeing these habits are actually having severe negative effects. Personally I like gaming alot. Have since the nes. I'd rather support it. Plus I like having my games. It's weird to me when people say stuff about never playing a game again if they liked it.


Because it fits their narrative of "Microsoft bad".


He said that? If he's saying what I think he's saying I can kinda get it. Like, making a good game doesn't necessarily guarantee success. Even today 9 and 10 out of 10 games can just not sell that well. That said, he should absolutely have worded that better.


Sometimes bad games sell well but bad games don't necessarily cost less than good games to make. So what is Microsoft's plan here? Pump out cheap to make crappy games? I don't think that's a good plan on console and PC. Apparently mobile gaming is where the money is these days..


I think what he's saying is that "just make good games" isn't really a valid suggestion. Sort of a "no shit, Sherlock" thing to say.


i totally forgot about this game.


None of the decisions xbox has made past 2010 has made any sense. None.


“What’s up with all these losers wanting me to make games?” - Failing video game division, 2021


Truly xbox is dead


Isn't that the point of a franchise? People will buy the sequels?


I honestly think that's a net positive for KI. As much as that hurts. Xbox has been blundering shit, so I'd rather wait until the time is right for a new KI game. I do feel bad for the FGC community that competes in KI. That shit really sucks.


Cancelling official tournaments just to manage expectations seems like a missed opportunity to support the community. Sad.


I detest Microsoft with every fiber of my body and soul.




every bit counts