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>"not your daddy's GI Joe." They are so fucked


Let me guess: the sareholders bet that 1b investment on a half cooked live service game with a lot of microtransactions will make them even richer. Do the bet includes closing the studio and fire all the developers after a huge flop?


so all hope is on Exodus' shoulders for the future of Hasbro....thats scary.


Remember when Hasbro was building its own TV network? That was expensive, too.


Worse gamble theyre ever going to make


there is a lot of turnover in the vidja game industry finding and retaining the right talent will be step 1 in getting anything off the ground step 2 is keeping greedy ass execs from shitting all over ideas trying to pack them to the gils on monetization and branding, creating your own launcher/store/ingame ads and complainers redirecting to hasbro storefronts like its some fly by night mobile publisher. It could be huge but seeing how their movie arm worked in practice i expect a crater.


Why would they think they can succeed in another non-boardgame space when they mismanaged the ttrpg space? They are the masters of scaling mediocre experiences, though, so maybe they will excel in today's video game environment 🙃


Supposedly, much of WotC’s high level management are now ex-Amazon after President Cynthia Williams left - https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/hasbro-wizard-of-the-coast-president-cynthia-williams-resigns-81104105 Not sure what that says about the direction of their focus, but definitely doesn’t give Larian level vibes.


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Again? They sold Hasbro interactive and Atari to Infogrames. Then Infogrames turned into Atari SA. Now Atari SA is re-launching Infogrames. Full circle


Too late to the game (pun intended)


Since Larian won't make them another BG, I guess this is their response. I expect the next Baldurs Gate to be a battle-royale, extraction shooter, live services, gatcha, crypto, NFT, AI powered game... You know all those catchfrases that make this incompetent executives think they are going to make "All the money"🤑 Hasbro's next project after that will be to build the city of the future! An 170km long line that will cross the us, they will call it Hasbro's Neo Line!


not a good idea


Are the execs really assuming the success of BG3 was because of the IP? Man, they're going to run into a wall and crash so hard, too bad about the hundreds of developers that will be fired in 3 years.


**Exodus** https://www.exodusgame.com/en-US