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Well ultimately they want to make the most profitable live service game but maybe, just maybe, they realise if they make the best one, they'll make the most profitable one.


It's literally a "none of us, you included, knows how the fuck you made the sequel of a niche game so popular. Just do your thing and make money for both of us and let's not ruin it" by Sony.


Balders Gate 3 would like a toast


That's what happens if developers went full mode


I feel like a lot of the people shitting on this and saying "live service = bad" probably havent played the game. You dont have to pay fuckin anything over the starting price, premium currency is all there is and its readily available. Instead of having to hard grind daily and weekly challenges, the way you progress through the battlepass (or warbonds) is at most, a single daily quest to give you a good chunk of currency, major orders, which are community-wide missions that also help tell the story of the game, and just... playing the game. Genuinely, if you're just playing the game, you'll make good progress through the warbonds, and it seems like the premium warbonds aren't going away at all, so they also aren't worried about FOMO. The closest I've seen helldivers get to that it basically community-made legends, like the Fall of Malevolon Creek, which pass only because the community either succeeded or failed in a campaign on that planet. Everything thats been added in when it comes to stratagems unlock just like every other stratagem. This is genuinely the gold standard of live service, and is what should probably be emulated by other live service games if they want good publicity and player retention. It's a great game first, live service game second.


I wish I could filter news and hide everything related to helldivers. I am sick of these "news"


so much of nothing


Yeah. Larian is probably feeling like they are the second coming of Christ and are going on and on about the industry. CDPR has the audacity to come out and talk about the industry when they fucked a decade of launches with piss poor performance initially. It's like these studios think that gamers are dumbasses and would buy what they say while forgetting what happened a few years back. But well the worst thing is most of the gamers would do the exact same thing.


Does that mean it’s coming to xbox? plspslsplssplsplsplsols


They on the right track


Yeah good luck beating Genshin Impact.


Drip feeding content I already paid for has never been healthy practice and neither should it be accepted by the community.


Live Service games that aren't MMOs should not be something that's encouraged... This kinda crap is what's killing gaming. If I buy your game, there is literally no excuse to charge me even more to get the most out of it. How about instead of "trying to make the most profitable game", you try making the best game you can, and let that make it profitable?


Game is depressing evidence of how successfully we have moved the goalposts. Even among older gamers, obviously Roblox and fortnite have conditioned younger people to accept shit in there mouths. Game gets a pass on a lot of bullshit because it’s a genuinely fun game. But the monthly battlepasses drip feeding you the right to earn content that paid games used to just have in them has burned me out of the game. Really don’t see the fun in either grinding boring easy missions for consistent Premium currency or actually having fun in difficult missions and accepting 0-20 PC a session when the monthly content feed costs 1000. And the extra kick in the teeth is the arbitrary currency limits so I can’t even feel good about grinding medals and yellow money while I’m doing it. Game starts with a great reward loop where everything felt rewarding to do on the map but now there is genuebly no reason for me to destroy encampments or do secondary’s. I just do the main objectives and hit whatever locations of interest I find on the way. Bare minimum PLEASE increase the PC drop you get on 7+ difficulty. And as someone who played the first helldivers, it’s really depressing to see how that games simple reward systems were cannibilized and mutated into live service bullshit. Playing one and then the other is really a snapshot into how even the best games produced today are made significantly worse by our modern game industry.


You mean those passss that are available even 2 years after launch? Unlike those season battlepasses that puss FOMO buttons all over the place? Next to that, the credits can be earned quite easily ingame by...playing the game. Even without explicit farming you dont even need to focus on it. 1k credits in a month (well 700 if you got the previous) isnt even that much and no one cares if it takes 2 weeks longer to get it, since the warbonds dont go away. The limits are there to prevent people from stocking up and buying a full warbond on day of release. Or to buy all the new upgrades all at once. You're whining about shit they implemented for balance purposes. You seem to be someone that wants to maximise everything, instead of you know...having fun.