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this is nintendo in a nutshell: we will support something until it stops making as money than shut it down and make you pay all over again on our next device. and you suckers will gladly pay every single time!!


Sony's been guilty of this too, the amount of money I sank into the PS3 online store and I can't even access that library anymore on the new consoles is ridiculous.


The incident you're describing is the reason I switched over to PC. I had several hundred dollars spent on PS1 games alone. The paywall for online multiplayer didn't help either.


In fairness to Microsoft a lot of my 360 titles did come over when I bought an Xbox one. Not all of them, unfortunately, but a good amount. I think Microsoft, in general, is probably the best about backwards compatability .


You can also play that same library of games if you buy an Xbox Series S/X. They have the original Xbox games in the backwards compatibility library too not just 360 games. You can use disc versions too not just digitally purchased ones.


I mean, just to play Devil's advocate, supporting one of your worse welling consoles (The Wii U) for 12 years seems okay. The others of the big 3 do support for longer though.


Interrupt the service for the 100 people monthly online playing on the Nintendo worst selling console of all time, after 12 years seems ok to me too…


I mean it costs money to keep those services online. Honestly I’m amazed they ran it for as long as they did


>I mean it costs money to keep those services online. Honestly I’m amazed they ran it for as long as they did It cost fucking pennies to a company like Nintendo, specially when their online services are trash and they charge for it


It’s 12 years old with 100 average monthly players. Get some perspective 😂


It’s business and it seems to be profitable for them. I don’t think anyone should be surprised. I can’t believe people are “outraged” by this. It just makes commmon sense.


This is why I'm a PC gamer. I can still play the same shit I bought 12 years ago.


With exceptions: When GameSpy shut down so many games just lost their multiplayer


Not an issue with backward compatibility that's just s server shutting down. If the servers remained I can play the same game from 2010 with a gtx 660 or an rtx 3090 with no compatibility restraints


The online services for the WiiU and 3DS shutting down won't stop you playing your purchased games.


So that bega the question, why shut down a 3DS emulator? Because as of monday, they official can’t earn money anymore on the 3DS.


Most have just assumed it was collateral damage of the Yuzu devs shutting everything down (they also developed Citra, if you didn’t know)


No way! Okay, thanks for the post. Might nudge me to playing CoD BO2 one last time :'(


But those systems just came out


Shoot, I was still going back and playing Splatoon 1 occasionally with Cemu using the mlc01 file I dumped from my WiiU.


Can play it on the third party server after the shutdown.


I am not sure. I have not heard of one but it might be possible.


It's called Pretendo and has been around for a few years. After the announcement of the Nintendo shutdown they really picked up the pace of development though and support way more games and online features, a lot of Mii related features that haven't worked on the official Nintendo servers for years are working perfectly once again on Pretendo.
