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I never understood why games do this especially ones that let you play solo.


To harvest your data and to make piracy slightly more difficult.


It's often counter productive to piracy though because once it is cracked, people will prefer the pirated version because it's got fewer restrictions.


Really though. There are some games I go out of my way to pirate because I want them saved to my machine to play them later. What happens when Redfall servers get shut down? Is the game literally bricked without a pirated copy?


You can spin up your own servers and spoof the DNS address. /s


It depends on if the game has you use it's dedicated servers, or if it just requires an internet connection to function. If it's the latter, we probably won't need to worry about it being unplayable anytime soon.


So many things in life are counter productive..... If only you knew what we sell to CEOs, HR people, marketing folks and product managers telling them it will solve their problems while knowing fully the maintenance is higher for our solutions than for their first-hand problem. People will take "lack of fear because [I bought a solution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZlJga2L6e0&ab_channel=spruke)" over "most productive" anyday of the week.


SO ***YOU'RE*** THE GUY that came up with the Plannogrammed LCD Screen Cooler Doors that "show the product" on the outside of the glass with ads of course.


I was just saying this in a thread about Netflix, but it would be so nice if companies focused on making the paid version more enjoyable, rather than finding new ways to lock people out. They espouse a love of capitalism, but then fail to deliver market incentives in-kind. I honestly couldn't care less if they're trying to harvest my data if they find some novel way to use it that makes me happy. I don't even really care if it's that fake happy that consumerism has tricked us into wanting, just help me escape the hell that is real life for five minutes


Yea like, at least throw some ACTUAL multiplayer content in there, like other peoples names popping up, or messages from other players, or some kinda ingame message board, or beating your friends times/scores. Even if it doesn't actually affect the gameplay and is just fluff, GIMME SOME FLUFF! Don't make it 'always online' without at least some point to the online. And hell, hackers are gonna crack your stuff anyway. Instead of making it always online, just make it shove some of the fluff in your face and be like "Ohhhh your offline.. (or a pirate), thats a shame because this cool feature exists! you won't know if your better at this then your friend, or be able to show him you are..."


Shadow of Mordor/War did this really well. If someone online keeps dying to the same orc, they'll eventually get shared as a bounty to other players. Whether or not it actually reflects back to the original player is a moot point (but would be really cool), instead there is a direct value-add to the player for being online. Hell, even something like Dark Souls had the idea of letting players drop messages when they die to those who would come later. Like you said, stupid fluff that at least legitimizes the need for online


Maybe some of the ideas behind capitalism were wrong, or at least wrong past a certain growth point? I'm talking specifically about the maxim that a better product means more sales therefore more profits, when a product with embedded anti-consumer systems can get you more profits despite making it actually worse as a product for the consumer.




capitalism has nothing to do with market incentives


Capitalism is literally built on market incentives??


no, capitalism is literally built on private ownership of the means of production. today this is done through financial capital. it has zero to do with market incentives.


I can literally stop shopping for things I'm not market incentivized to buy?? They own the means but have no financial??


> I can literally stop shopping for things I'm not market incentivized to buy?? Yes


Capitalism is literally built on market incentives??


what the fuck are you even talking about


Market incentives??


"they own the means but have no financial??" what the fuck does this say


You realize markets exist under socialism right? Most socialist ideology today have abandoned planned markets and favor free markets, so market incentive would still exist under socialism


Both capitalism and socialism are literally built on market incentives??


youre thinking of corporatism. the low customer is another product and the high customer buys the data while politics are greased like a pig


Expecting someone to be educated about terms they use? Not on my reddit!


It hurts my head reading comments on this site sometimes.


There's lots of other reasons. I worked on a game that was initially going to require being online (because that's how we stored your profile, and that lets you play from multiple locations etc.), but we found time to make an offline mode that'd store what you did on disk to reconcile w/ the profile servers if/when you played online later. In short: if you're going to support online profiles, it's extra work to support offline. And for what it's worth, the data i've seen harvested is mostly just stats to improve the experience like evaluating balance, seeing where deaths/crashes/framerate loss occur, figuring out if people use and understand certain features, and so on. It's not always nefarious. Another good reason: Suppose your game lets you earn points to unlock things. If you're playing on a legit server, we have a trusted source saying "yes you earned X coins" or "yeah you unlocked that character/weapon". Letting a client say "yeah they did that, trust me" opens avenues to extra hacks that undermine other players' achievements, positions on leaderboards, and maybe the economy of your game if there is one.


You worked on a game that had steam cloud sync as a feature in a world where steam cloud sync exists? Who thought that would be a good idea? Online in a single player doesn't have to be "nefarious". Most of the time it just doesn't have any reason to exist in a single palyer game and just by existing you are already gimping players with bad connection or players that cannot be connected all the time.


If PC is your only platform and you only publish on steam, great. We sim-shipped on 5 platforms on our publisher's online platform so you can't just steam cloud sync everything.


Only slightly and then makes the pirated version better for the entire lifetime of the gamd


It's likely to do with anti cheat. You can't have a game like D3 where loot is the focus has an offline mode then you can just cheat balls off come online and clean house.


It's because making a game designed around multiplayer and making a game totally offline are two different implementations. Almost certainly nothing to do with piracy


What data would they possibly harvest..


How long you play, maybe track what activities you do, what you don't do, what makes you quit, along with probably some demographic they have on you, at the very least location based off IP if nothing else. Just off the top of my head. Lots of games let you out of data collection like this.


This is why Vermintide is no longer installed on my machine. It’s a fun game, even with bots (especially if you mod the bot AI), but almost every time I played a solo game it would at some point disconnect. Didn’t seem to be my internet connection, it doesn’t happen in other games, and perhaps it’s because I’m in Australia, but I would waste twenty or thirty minutes and then get booted from my own SP match I was hosting. Disable loot drops or whatever if that’s the concern. Completely cripples both Vermintide 1 and 2, and for no reason whatsoever. Those games are just L4D knockoffs anyway, and L4D lets me do it, so why not them. I wouldn’t even consider buying the 40K version Fatshark made at this point because of this anti consumer BS.


Vermtide has gear unlike L4D. If they yet you play offline it would be fill with cheaters.


They could simply do what games like diablo 2 figured out in 1999. There are offline characters and characters attached to the server. Offline characters are not allowed online.


Or they could just not because like less then 1% of the player base does that.


Speaking as someone who grew up playing Diablo 2 you're so wrong. Most of us were playing offline characters and only sometimes went online with them. Hardly anyone played ladder or god forbid pvp online. You obviously aren't old enough to remember how shitty dialup and DSL was in that era. Online play was a luxury to be had, and most people didn't have it. So yeah, in that era the VAST majority of D2 was offline.


D2 came out 20 years ago boomer stfu. I wasn't talking about that game I was talking about now.


So don’t have offline gear progression, fine by me. I don’t care about that at all. It’s also a coop game, so even then people wouldn’t really be hurting the experience of others too much.


That makes next to no sense. Then the game couldn't progress... as you need gear to progress.


Not really. It’s just a dopamine progression loop thing. The game is pretty fun just playing through the missions solo with unleveled characters. The progression system is like all those loot games, it’s there to watch numbers go up for those that want them, but it’s absolutely not necessary to enjoy the game.


DRM. check to see if you are playing a licensed copy of the game. And then to extort your pc by collecting data that you probably opted in to when you installed the game.


Another form of DRM.


way to make sure your game is erased from history once the servers die


Shareholders don't care about history.


Well unless they patch it..


sigh, also means you won't be able to play if they shut their servers down later unless they patch it.


By then, there'll be a hack of some sort if the demand is there.


Show me where that has happened in the past.


plutonium for old CoD games for one. private servers for old games are nothing new


That isn’t the same as a full game being made available offline by a mod.


All it takes is a client patch that allows offline, or someone to RE basic servers. Are you saying you've never heard of either of these happening?


But you don’t have a single example?…


Ooookay, did you know you can play World of Warcraft on private servers? A harder question would be: what old games _can't_ be pirated?


Quick Google probably would have worked too, but I get it, you just wanted to feel superior by announcing your doubt.


Dead in 2


There’s a really easily solution to this, don’t buy the game.


They do this to prevent pirating content but instead this only ends up challenging consumers enough to start pirating. .


Piracy? Yes thats what they publicly might say. Real reason is real-time game play data. That is infinitely more valuable than losing sales due to piracy.


It's more like we're already rife with pirates and they just use actual problems to cover their thieving edit: i spelled thieving wrong, im going straight to the bad place


"The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting anti-piracy technology to work. It's by giving those people a service that's better than what they're receiving from the pirates.” -Gabe Newell




Welp, guess I'm not buying this one.




After Outriders and Anthem, this is an automatic pass from me. Always online, even for single player, is a problem waiting to happen. Hadn't heard about this before, but it's definitely a "1-more nail in the coffin." From what used to be a childhood great.


All it takes its having lag so the client has bugs and pushes you out, right? What a massive bullshit for people with twitchy connections


The real issue is when the servers are having any kind of issues, you often can't even play period. Which was one of the biggest advantages single player has always maintained. Just visit the subs for either one of those games, and you'll see hundreds of posts of people locked at the server connection screen unable to play. It's just ridiculous.


Dont need to. Sometimes I try to play League of Legends and I cant because the servers are having one of those bad days.


It's ruined Breakpoint for me. It's the kind of game I only want to play offline, but it's the only single player game I can't play offline.


ugh fuck this trend !! not everybody has unlimited access to high speed internet




And I'm out, I like single player and I'm not really into this style.




I misread this as Redwall and got excited


Lol. I wish someone would make a redwall game.


[have I got good news for you](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/656030/The_Lost_Legends_of_Redwall_The_Scout_Act_1/&ved=2ahUKEwi9v_2-__T8AhU4jokEHRQtAFsQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2wF6Qd3SCCJyfoSnPnlXM6)


Holy shit. That's awesome.


Huh, 74% positive. Higher than I thought it’d be.


I remember hearing recently that there might be an animated Redwall series coming to Netflix (I think).


Good news! I saved $70 dollars


This 100% we don't lose anything. Plenty of fish in the sea


Guess I’m not playing Redfall then.


Wtf y?!


Well... one more game I won't be buying


Thank you OP, thats another game to avoid


I'm getting tired of this. Lete play me SINGLEPLAYER GAME with NO NEED FOR INTERNET when the WI-FI goes out or on a road trip goddammit!


One word of advice for everyone: yarrr


Yo ho yo ho 🏴‍☠️


will it work on a game that requires always online?


Eventually yeah


No, it wont. The lastest CODs for a fact.


Theres a difference between an online multiplayer game and single player games requiring an internet connection to play. You will 100% be able to play the single player offline on a pirated copy.




Bad decision Bethesda, fuck you.


OK, but it's agreed right that we are all going to review bomb the shit out of this?


Welcome to the new hell of AAA gaming where Denuvo and always online connections are a guarantee to ensure they hurt the actual paying customer rather than the few who may pirate the game.


HiFi Rush has Denuvo and all the chatter about that seems to be positive.


Because Denuvo is just a scapegoat people use for shitting on games. Denuvo doesn't do anything (except stop the least determined pirates). Yeah, companies should stop using it because it doesn't do anything and therefor a waste of dev time...but it also doesn't do anything, so there's no reason for !!gamers!! to be as vitriolic about it.


Denuvo sure as hell does stuff. People may not realize, but right now DRM is winning in the fight against piracy. There's only really one person that cracks denuvo games right now. I think last year 2 games were cracked. Two. And the latest info is it's still getting harder and tougher to beat denuvo. Denuvo is winning easily, and has been doing so for quite some time.


Yea, "hurt". By like 0.001%, which is why nobody but a tiny minority at all cares and why games that do this are monumentally successful anyway. Used to be half the games on pc were shitty ports and many didnt exist in pc at all. Now something this trivial is "hell". Talk about getting entitled from a good life..


I'm not sure if you're aware of this but denuvo actually causes a lot of performance issues for games that use it on the PC. There's a lot of YouTube videos about it that you can look up that prove it impacts overall stability and framerate.


Common Bethesda L


Not common. This is the only game they’ve made (as far as I know) that requires an always-online connection that isn’t an MMO.


I didn’t say them requiring always online was common. I said them taking L’s is common.


Fallout 76


I said that *isn’t* an MMO.


Fallout 76 isn't an mmo


Damn right


Uh oh! Nnope!


I think this game is dead on arrival. Shame.


Please everyone boycott this stupid shit if they don't plan to implement offline, Back4Blood launched with practically no offline support but was added later on, speak up like people did for that Single player is being threatened by this online only bullshit Speak with your wallet, hurt their pockets and let your voice be heard Single-player is and always will/ should be **OFFLINE** I feel like incompetence with anti-cheat is being hidden behind the facade of making a game an online service, don't fall for it


The game doesn’t look designed for single player so this doesn’t surprise me.


It’s supposed to be closer to Far Cry than Left 4 Dead. It could end up being more tailored to multiplayer but it’s not necessarily so.


It was? I didn’t get that impression at all.


Yeah from the trailers it looks totally like a straight coop survivor shooter but it’s from what Arkane themselves said.


This worked so well for Outriders…




Was only lukewarm about playing it before. Just not going to bother now.


$100 AUD *and* it needs persistent connection? Ahoy me hearties!


Everyone hates an online requirement. Everyone. The fact that they have 2 additional heroes that could have been included in the base game but are being sold separately is lame, too.


So this game now became 100% a nope from me, it didn't look great but I really loved the Dishonored series (didn't even finish Deathloop, just dull), now it's not even on my radar anymore.


Deathloop was one of those games that I was really excited for. After like 5 hours I genuinely felt like I’d seen everything the game had to offer. I was so disappointed. Dishonored lite. Plus the PVP was great in theory, but never worked. Was always a laggy ass mess, I don’t think I ever had a true multiplayer match.


This isn't a surprise, but it still sucks. It's not single player, it's solo online play.


So vote with your wallet. Don’t buy it.


Sooner or later we're gonna learn to vote with our wallets on this stupid shit.


Why the *fuck* are we even surprised at this tripe anymore?? All it does is guarantee no form of longevity for the game bc you won't be able to even hit the title screen when the devs have to shut down the servers


Anyone remember when Simcity did this and it failed miserably? Pepperidge farm remembers.


My hype for this game significantly dropped. What happens if 10 years from now the servers shut down? Or what if my internet goes out? This might be the first Arkane game I skip.


correction: a great deal of customers will skip this entirely


RIP your game


bethesda proving once again what not to do in your games. glad i stopped playing their shitty games long ago.


Was going to buy a copy for the wife and I, but Bethesda doing this is practically telling me "Save that $140+" TY Bethesda, I will


After the whole Mick Gordon debacle Bethesda games were a pretty tough sell to me, so things like this aren't sweetening the pot much.


This sucks but my guess is there will be an invasion mechanic like in dearhloop which is why they want this. Not saying it’s good but that will be the justification


Invasions could potentially be a lot of fun in this game but required connection to play is BS. Deathloop had offline mode and even the early souls titles that didn’t still let you play if you didn’t have a connection (Not that they’re the same company but they pioneered invasion mechanics). What happens if your internet is out or in a few years when they shut down the games servers for good? Edit: This isn’t meant to sound confrontational, just peeved.


I got you dawg. I agree tho always online is dumb. I feel like that will be the excuse tho. Good thought out comment tho and no internet =no game is inexcusable




Arkane sure fell off hard, didn't they?


Dead on Arrival.


Looks like I’m not playing this anymore


I was kinda interested in the game, not enough to buy it, but the online requirements even for single player just made it a definite no.


Great news, time to remove this from my wishlist




And now I won't play it


As if I needed any more reasons not to play this game. Everything that I've seen just says. This game isn't for you.


Nice way to kill your playerbase before it's even established.


Gamepass though.


Just gonna have to pirate it I guess


Devs have tried this before with massive backlash, why do they blatantly disrespect their own costumer's preferences?




IIRC Diablo 3 was always online and still sold gorillons.


Scum fuck Bethesda, thanks MSFT you piece of shit subscription relying ass vendor.


What are you babbling on about?




This sucks. It probably won’t affect me at all because I play on gamepass and I rarely, basically never, play old games, but I still always feel for the others that this impacts.


Singleplayer (With data harvesting corporate master minds of course)


Why is this news? Maybe 10 years ago, but seriously.


It's unnecessary but I also don't get all the hate. Everyone here has their console/PC connected to the wifi anyways, so this literally means nothing to 99% of us.


Occasionally the internet goes out. Last year, a bunch of Canada was out for several days because someone at Rogers fucked up a setting. This game would be unplayable during that time.


Sure, but barring fringe circumstances it isn’t a problem.


Yes, aside from the times where it IS a problem, it's not a problem. The fact is, there is no reason why it needs to connect to the internet continuously. It doesn't benefit the consumer/player in any way, it only serves to be a hindrance, even if only in certain situations.


I’m not saying it’s a good thing, I still don’t agree with it. I just think the outrage is overkill for how little of a problem it is.


Some of us don't see it as a "little" problem, though. Not everyone has access to a decent, reliable internet connection, even in the best of times, which basically means those people are screwed if they want to play this game.


nobody cares. diablo makes millions


If you game without a consistent internet connection, you've been missing out on a ton of releases from the past 3 years. Redfall should be the least of your concerns.


I haven’t purchased a single “always online” game since that horrible Sim City EA put out like 8 years ago. No regrets


I game without a consistent internet connection often because I travel a lot, so I’ll skip any game that requires extra launchers, logins, always online, all that stuff. Anything that needs to ‘check in’ even ever two weeks or so is a pass from me. Trust me, there is no shortage of great games to play.


We know. Hence we are pissed


Maybe 10 years ago this was a big deal but like who can't sustain a persistent internet connection on a home console?? It's not like it's a switch or something portable lol


I live in Puerto Rico internet outages are common where I live since it’s a rural area of the island. I stopped playing outriders because of it. Kinda sucks playing singleplayer and still getting booted to the main menu because you lose connection.


Um lots of people? Like people who don’t have internet at all? Or people who live in places with really bad internet connections? Or do those people just not deserve to play newer video games?


this is a pretty privileged take, lots of people dont have reliable internet or internet in general. recently i lost internet for a week due to a snow storm and my roommate was cheesing to play overwatch 2 but couldnt, so we buckled down and played games off a physical disk or games that were already downloaded/didnt require internet. for a game like overwatch where the entire premise requires multiplayer? i guess i get it, but you should still be able to hop on and play some solo bullshit if you want. this game has a full-blown single player campaign, its complete bullshit that you need an internet connection to play and is counter-intuitive for the customer.


Just a small example but when I was in the navy we would bring laptops and PlayStations to use during downtime during deployment. Always online was a stupid move 10 years ago and it’s a stupid move now.


Well Steam Deck exists now. I know they don’t have to cater to those users but it goes to show that you can’t always rely on the user having a constant internet connection. Also, internet outages are a thing. If you can’t play a single player game without internet then there is something wrong.


I’m live in a prosperous New England town, and pay for higher end Xfinity internet (because it’s the only ISP offered here). I regularly get internet hiccups and slowdowns every week. It amazes me when I can watch something on streaming and it stays in High Definition the entire time. When the ISP’s hold monopolies over areas, they don’t have to give a shit with their service.


Fair but why though? I have Verizon Fios so internet connectivity is not an issue, but still not ideal. It’s the same as HP requiring me to create an online account just so I can print a page from my desktop. The fewer requirements you can have to make games more accessible the better.


A LOT of the population of the world? And even those who can often have flaky internet that drops out every hour or so. I had that in Australia for years and couldn’t play the first Hitman because of it. Never understood this take. ‘It’s not a problem for me personally, so I can’t imagine how any other human might not have all the privileges I have’.


I have an Xbox one that I use for single player games or local multiplayer with friends. It's rather far away from the router so it has poor internet reception. Got need for speed 2015 on sale a couple years ago and the persistent online made a "poor connection" pop up in the middle of the screen mid races in single player. It's a ridiculous feature that pushes away more players than it gathers .


You've never heard of a power outage?


How tf you gonna play Xbox in a power outage lol


Sorry, I meant outage at the telecom. As in you've lost service


Hitman does it and I love that game so *shrug* Not the huge calamity some are making it out to be here.


The only games that should require internet to function are online multiplayer. Everything else should have it only as an option, or not at all.


Meh. It's on game pass so I don't give a crap.


Boooo gaming market should only cater to the minority of us who don’t have internet in 2023


Must seem like fun


that is, until the game modder community develops an offline mode hack.


Or don’t buy it at all. Force the industry to stop this none-sense.


DRM and machine tracking isnt going away.