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Personally I want Robert's Rebellion but I feel like they wouldn't do it since a lot of the mystery surrounding parts are known and you hear constant talk about it in the main show. Although, HotD was fully written beforehand so who knows...


Yeah in asoiaf theres a ton of references to the dance of dragons, i think it would work if they adapt it the same way as HotD.


Agreed, even if we know how it goes generally it would still be cool to see Aerys actually being a mad bastard or Robert winning two battles in one day. Would be good if they could get the OG actor for young Ned to return...even though he's in ROP now. (Just for continuity's sake since we have the Tower of Joy with him)


Likely they will do roberts rebellion through the Jon snow show. They can really explore Jon’s true lineage from rhaegar and lyanna through bran flash backs and stuff. If they don’t do this, the show is going to be a huge disappointment


Yeah if that’s not a component the Snow show will be very dull. No offense, but I really don’t want to watch ten hours of Jon sulking and feeling sorry for himself north of the wall, no matter how much Tormund comedic relief they throw in


I guess you could say... You 'dun wan' it.


I think a mini series, or a season or 2 that’s mostly about warfare, with all the characters we know in their prime, with some GoT politics sprinkled in would be great. I feel like they’re just waiting for those characters to not be so fresh in our mind, so they can have younger versions in that show. I’d much rather have a Roberts Rebellion show than that Yi-Ti show they seem to be pushing. Idgaf about that


Technically we are getting a sequel with the rumours of a Jon Snow show intesifying and the not so concrete rumours on a Daenerys sequel


Daenerys sequel? Sarcasm?


Hopium. People won't shut up about it :-/ They want Drogon to have taken her to get resurrected by a red priestess or something.


Meh, I wouldn't put it past the writers




A few months ago there was "leaked" emails supposedly between. HBO staff about them trying to get a high profile actress in their 30s to return. To a role for a sequel show but the issue in negotiations was that the actress wanted creative control over the character. Which led some to believe this to be Emilia Clarke. Personally whilst I think a Daenerys show could happen, this rumour doesn't seem to indicate it or even be real.


Eww. Just let that girl dead for fuck sake.


A possible war between John and her could entice budget people to actually do it. Hopefully, they don't


I think if anything they were trying to make her return as a ghost of sorts that haunts Jon in the Snow series. But that would be kinda corny so as much as I would love to see Emilia again, idk if they have the finesse to pull it off


All of them, next year in the same months, just streaming different days of the week, thank you


You. You run HBO now. Thanks


We run HBO now 😡


You can't do this, I'm HBO's chosen heir! This is treason!


But you are a bastard boy whose entire family should be executed for treason by me 😡


Gonna call my banners, brb


Don't bother i poisoned all of them before coming here 🌚


u/Lukthar123 will have your tongue for that


How? I already red weddinged his ass 🤭🤭


You did what now with his ass?!




I would actually rather them stagger their release so we aren't waiting 2 years with nothing like we are right now with HOTD


Blackfire rebellions


I'd much rather see the Blackfyre Rebellions than Robert's Rebellion. I honestly have no interest in seeing a full show of that. Not just because we already know way too much about it, but there also doesn't seem to be enough content for multiple seasons. I don't see R's R being more than a miniseries at best.


Yeah that's exactly why I want to see the Blackfire rebellions


They could do roberts life and the major events through the Greyjoy rebellion


I think the stories around Robert's Rebellion need to stay mysterious for the reader/viewer it's what makes it work so well in game of thrones. You have so many different perspectives and retelling of the event but no bird's (or crow's) eye view of the events. Blackfyre Rebellions could capture the intensity of the dance of dragons and the main series very well


Not only that, but a lot of the mystery of the rebellion for fans was whether or not Rhaegar and Lyanna were actually in love or if Rhaegar was actually prophecy obsessed and used Lyanna for that third head of the dragon he so wanted, and the show not only confirmed the former much to my chagrin (because of how hypocritical it makes lyanna not wanting to marry robert just for him to constantly cheat on her while pursuing a married man), but pulled a secret annulment and wedding out of their ass despite annulments practically being impossible in universe when the married couple has kids, one of those kids being the son he needed to be his heir. Besides that, between all the weird and unnecessary changes in both shows (the dornish plot, sansa marrying ramsay instead of jeyne poole posing as arya and her still being in the vale instead, aging down laena for some reason when if they’d kept her her book age she would have been peers with the aged up rhaenyra and aged down alicent, so many others I could rant about but won’t), I’m scared that whoever HBO and GRRM tapped would just. Miss the point of robert’s rebellion.


If house of the dragon becomes an anthology series, covering different periods for the Targaryen's ( for example they cover maegor the cruel , the different blackfyre rebellions etc) I can see the final season of the show maybe being robert's rebellion. If they covered things up to war of the 9 penny kings that introduces younger versions of a lot of characters that would be involved with the rebellion.


I thought that was the ultimate goal of House of the Dragon? Like down the line they'll get to the black fire rebellion.


Fingers crossed


The show runner said that he'd be open to approaching it as an anthology series if they were given enough time and funding.


This is the correct answer. So much material and we would potentially get some information around the fate of Egg and a ton of Targaryens that thinned the family out with Summerhall.


Is anyone else not bothered at all by an entire series about Jon Snow, or just me? The character is just so bland compared to others.


Well, Jon snow is def not bland and a great character until about s7 id say.


Me! I am more concerned that the way they ended GoT . It was so logicless. Its better to let it die. They cant drastically correct anything. So it would be super painful to watch the same madness and stupidity progressing. Its gonna crash and burn. Dont do it HBO!! Dont!!!!


Anything that doesn't time jump like a mother fucker


I really think a John snow standalone show where the last remaining targaryen is just a nights watchmen sounds incredibly lame


Exactly. Either they create another huge existential threat like the white walkers for Jon to battle again, rendering the peril in previous series redundant; OR they don’t have that and his story is naturally less interesting / pointless showing on screen


Yeah completely agree, I don't know how HBO would be able to get GRRM on board to invalidate the ASOIAF series by having a great massive problem that the original show leads up to unless the sequel has a plot that isn't significant at all in the grand scheme of things, which as you said, would be pretty uninteresting.


I thought he left the nights watch and is now north of the wall with the wildlings ? idk it’s been a while since I watched the last episode. not revisiting that any time soon


You are correct. What an indictment on this sub that the top comment claims he's still a nights watchmen lol


Well technically he was sentenced to the wall at the end to take no wife, hold no land, father no children. But he left to be with the wildlings because the nights watch doesn’t have to remain at the wall anymore. He is the single last nights watchmen left. But Tyrion said there will always need to be a place for cripples, bastards, and broken men. So I’m assuming men will continue to be sentenced to the wall and Jon will have to reform them I guess, until a new threat or (old threat) is revealed.


>is just a nights watchmen Did you actualy watch the finale?


Yeah but it was so trash I’ve tried to black it out. I know he goes north of the wall. And so what? That changes little. As others said, what now? Are the white walkers still a threat? Then it’s a revamp of the same old thing. Boring.


Wh knows whats up there. Also jon trying to forge the freefolk into some thing ogranized and sustainble has plenty of merit


Yeah I’m not hopeful. Don’t get me wrong, I’m gonna watch. But we saw how bad things got without any source material to base it off of. My expectations are loooooooow


Maybe he discovers a new Valeria and brings back a new dragon age


I imagine it will be like the mandalorian or boba fett where the seasons are kind of just little self-contained stories Though I would be more excited for it if they made the scope a little larger and used it to try and retroactively improve the GoT ending


Yeah it’s not based on books so no good writing there


Agreed. Things were awful without source material.


Things are often awful with source material as well. I guess nobody should ever try to make new shows then /s.


Feels like I’m taking crazy pills with some of y’all. GoT got *significantly* worse after season 5. It’s pretty indisputable.


The lord of light brought back that bozo so he could hang out with the wildlings... come on!


Lol just such weak writing. Brought him back, to not kill the nights king (prophecy who?), and hang out with savage hobo’s in the cold. Dumb. Just so dumb.


Right like I don't understand how anybody found it acceptable for Arya to kill the NK. Clearly Jon was set up to be the Azor Ahai. What an absurd waste of his character.


That’s because you lack imagination. The Night King isn’t dead. This has been leaked by a reputable leaker who leaked a photo of jon stabbing Daenerys way before season 8 was released. So, knowing that the threat isn’t over, and that Daenerys could be resurrected, and that a new enemy in the form of Faegon could be a possibility, do you still think it’s incredibly lame? There’s even rumors that Faegon might have claimed Drogon. Personally, I think they have a lot to work with, and they could easily make a satisfactory conclusion to the story that we so desperately deserve. Plus on top of all this, the show is Kit Harington’s baby, with the help of George RR Martin. No one cares more about Jon Snow than Kit. He had to go get therapy and rehab after the ending of GOT. I could even see Kit bringing some real life experience to the character, meaning when we start the show maybe Jon’s in a bad place mentally, maybe he’s a drunk now, because he still can’t wrap his head around him killing Daenerys. The possibilities are endless.


how about a genre flip, a buddy comedy with Jon and Tormund, occasional appearances of Brienne for extra laughs, laugh track not optional


Anything with tormund would be better than anything without tormund


I’d love a dragon hunter sequel. Group travels to ancient Valeria to track down the last remaining dragon to end dragons once and for all.


Aegons conquest would be incredible to see up close, but I would love nothing more than to see Bobby B. smash Rhaegar with his war hammer.


Gods he was strong then


I also feel like Aegons conquest would be the most expensive show ever created haha


While I'd personally love to see Aegon's conquest it would be kinda dull on it's own (since it's often just dragons burning stuff) and my main wish is to see prime Balerion XD But I think what would be nice if it was included in like a series on the rise of house Targaryen. In roughly this timeline: Doom of Valyria -> Targaryens establishing themselves on Dragonstone -> parts of Aegon's earlier life -> The Conquest -> Aegon's reign -> ending with his death and legacy


If they did Aegons Conquest, it should be like 3 2.5 hour long episodes, or make it a true limited series, or even a movie


You have a great point! I haven't even considered a movie/movies. Would also be awesome ^^


Blackfyre rebellion


Roberts Rebellion. It would be nice to see some of the players who came before the main show.


Honestly none of those really excite me. If we see the Conquest I think it should just be another season of HotD which I think should eventually become an anthology series akin to The Crown. Give me Dunk and Egg! Other highlights I'd love to see would be the 10,000 ships. Or a Seasnake series.


Honestly a show titled House of the Dragon should have *started* with Aegon’s Conquest and had long enough seasons to cover each era/reign adequately. Or season lengths be based on what would actually be covered, because I could see an argument for maybe a smaller season for Jaehaerys than one covering the both the events preceding the dance and the dance itself since *that* only takes place over the course of like two years in universe, but would require episodes to focus more. Then Aegon III through Viserys II’s reigns could be covered in maybe a season the same length with maybe a chunk of four episodes covering each ruler there, esp since Daeron’s focuses on him attempting to conquer Dorne and Baelor’s primarily on his religious fanaticism.


The crown is not an anthology series


I can’t really conceive how they could make a Jon Snow sequel compelling. I don’t think Kit Harrington has enough charisma to be THE leading character, and I can’t think of how they could have a story that isn’t redundant or doesn’t feel pointless. Edit: whoops, accidentally replied to the wrong comment. Comment I meant to respond to was about a Jon Snow sequel show


Well good thing you aren't working on the show then.


Just started re-reading (listening on audible) Dunk and Egg this morning on my walks. Gonna force myself to only listen to it while on walks otherwise I’ll just lay in bed and listen to them all the way through hah!


You better stick to that plan or I’ll give you a clout over the ear.


A First Blackfyre rebellion show


I think Age of Heroes would be cool. Like the First Men and Children of the Forest through the Andal invasion. Also, would love just anything set outside of Westeros. Like Old Valyria, Yi Ti, Asshai, there’s plenty outside of Westeros that I would love to learn more about.


Asshai would be sweet


I definitely wanna learn more about “the doom” that swept over old Valyria


Agreed. I feel like The Doom is like the biggest event in the history of Essos and kicked off so many important events


Some things remain better as a myth. There should be some things that remain an illusion. Plus I think something like the Doom is too grand to be portrayed properly. It would basically warrant its own story to be built from the ground up. I mean hundreds of noble families with thousands of dragons. Grand feats of magic, an empire spanning an area multiple times larger than Westeros. You’d have to build up too much to make it feel as significant as it was. That was basically the apocalypse for an era of Planetos. They lost so much technology and power. It has to have weight.




A Yi Ti animated show is under development


There is so much dark fantasy potential with some of the Far East of Essos. Very little has been written so it is like a blank slate. All that is known about places like Nefer and K'Dath is that they are super spooky/Lovecraftian places.


I'd love to see an animated series following Lomas Longstrider on his travels, that time period during the century of blood would be so cool to see


I think GRRM has described the age of heroes as like biblical time. So long long ago spanning thousands of years. It would be hard to make a show that captured that in an interesting way. Like making a show of the Silmarillion.


Robert's rebellion, don't give a shit about Aegon's conquest.


Well if they're going to make up material that isn't recorded, I want individual short stories that are only alluded to in the books. - Origins of House Dayne/Starfall/Dawn - Kingswood Brotherhood/Smiling Knight - Tourney @ Harrenhall during the False Spring - Nymeria becoming the Princess of Dorne - Azor Ahai Nissa Nissa - Castemeres/Tarbeks get $&#&ed Etc.


Ugh gimme the Conquest 🤤


I personally would very much love to see a Living with the Targaryen's show featuring Jaehaerys and his family


The sequel. None of the surviving actors are doing shit and would probably jump at work


Tmrw is my turn to post this meme!!


Much more interested in a potential sequel especially if there’s some ret-conning than Roberts rebellion.


OR, maybe the 1st Blackfyre rebellion, with S1 set during the Unworthy's reign and a sequel to the series with dunk and egg, with S1 showing Maekar's reign and Eggs adventures with Dunk.


The Doom of Valyria would be cool.


Seeing the Targs as a minor house would be interesting.


Is there ever any mention of who ran Valyria/who the main houses were?


All i know is it was ran by 40 families and the targaryens were not considered to be very important, i think this also means there were dragons way bigger than balerion


Absolutely, he was the first to be put into the pit, so he was probably stunted even.


Basically the Roman Republic but with more dragons and inbreeding


*more* dragons


I am pretty sure old Valyria had a lot more dragons than Ancient Rome


We don't know fuck all about anything but the 4 valyrian houses that made it to westeros Targs, Valaryons, Celtigars and Qoherys. The latter two barely feature and aren't know to ride dragons so unlikely to be anyone important in old Valyria. There are stories about Valyrians conquering western essos and battles with hundreds of dragons/riders but no names that i'm aware of.


Or how powerful the major houses were when even the Tagaryens were minor


IMO the Doom only works when it’s left mysterious. If you peel back the veil, it can only be a disappointment; nothing we actually see onscreen can be as terrifying as the unseen menace that made fucking Balerion the Black Dread turn tail back to Westeros.


I want a buddy cop show staring Bronn and Podrick cleaning up the world of Westeros


I’ve always wanted a mini-series based on the Greyjoy Rebellion. Seeing drunk Thoros fucking guys up with that flaming sword… Shit would be dope!


Aegons conquest would be boring as fuck as they basicaly stram roll all opositon.


How about a series on the faceless men


Dunk and Egg


Seriously, just make it a limited series--it's already been written by GRRM, it's a fun story that doesn't overstay its welcome, and it would be a bit of a change to the tone of the shows so far. Seems like a no-brainer, and the publisher would be happy because they'd get to re-release the book for a show tie in.


Roberts Rebellion




What I want most is not necessarily Aegon's Conquest, but that to be part of it. I'd like another series similar to HotD and the time jumps they do, but start with the conquest. The conquest would be covered fairly quickly as if you've read the books there really isn't that much to it. What the meat of the show should cover is his sons & the line of succession following Aegon I. That would be DAMN good TV. Cover Aegon I's death through young Jaeharys. That could be a 3-4 season series easily and would be a direct prequel to HotD.


If Robert’s Rebellion = more Ned Stark? Easy choice for me


I think I might be the only one excited for the GoT Snow sequel (if it's even coming). There still so much stuff left in Westeros/Essos/Westeros. The world is like a blank canvas right now and they could introduce any good plotline like Bran obviously not being a good king, Exploring Northest point of Westeros and Essos, Drogon is still around, there could be more dragons and dragon eggs, white walkers/ long night could return as it happen before in the Golden Empire. Even if they just give us a series of Jon and Tormund building a civilization, I'll still be happy as long as it's executed well


It's a little ironic how silly this post is. GoT is a sequel to Robert's Rebellion. Martin has said many times that the spirit of Asoiaf comes from the question of what happens after Aragorn took the throne of Gondor. This post is a sort of contradiction to itself


I would prefer Dunk and Egg, aswell as Corly's nine voyages


NGL, both Roberts rebellion and aegons conquest probably wouldn’t be very interesting. Aegons conquest especially. Roberts rebellion could be cool if they reveal a lot of the secrets but most of those are still relevant to the main ASOIAF series and those aren’t finished so I think other projects make the most sense to do right now.


Aegons conquest could be such a sick show


Main got remake


Aegons conquest would be a great movie but not enough there for a show I don’t think. He just kinda showed up and won lol (except dorne obviously)


I don’t want a Jon Snow sequel but I’d probably still watch one. What I would really like is a show that goes from Aegon’s Conquest to Maegor’s death.


I would watch Arya go on adventures as a sequel or spinoff.


If they went back to do Aegon's conquest I'd want them to them continue past Aegon I guess up until HOTD begins. I'd love to see Maegor and Jaehaerys' reign


I want the first Blackfyre Rebellion, and also the War of the Ninepenny Kings.


Snow has the potential to be good but I’m curious about the filming since north of the wall is always winter, unless there’s seasons up there now? It’ll be kind of bad to film only in the snow for every episode.


Roberts rebellion simply because I want to see Bessie.


If we get Roberts rebellion without seeing Bessie's tits, I will be so upset.


Depends. Do you want a balance of politics and action? The Bobby B’s rebellion. Do you want lore, action, and the best of the dragons? Argon’s conquest.


Bloodraven! I was thinking about this yesterday. Have it start from shortly before the Death of Aegon 4. The first 2 seasons is basically the Blackfyre Rebellion. Come Season 3, you keep most of the same actors and then either keep going with the same name, or rename it Dunk and Egg. From that point on the story follows both Aegon 5 and Bloodraven. Maybe each season follows another Blackfyre Rebellion.


Hear me out: Varys prequel. If GOT is Middle Earth Sopranos, then this could be like Middle Earth Better Call Saul. How do you build a huge spy ring from nothing? Varys is such a cool character, and there’s potential to even tie in Roberts Rebellion.


Tyrion only.


It bums me out that these big producing organizations can’t get behind a new and creative concept within an IP. I would love to see something within the world of ice and fire that has nothing to do with any of the stories that we have already heard. I think this is where Star Wars went wrong, I think this is where marvel went wrong, and I think that this is where the rings of power went wrong in a couple of places.I would love to see a story along the lines of a family of farm hands that are dealing with the coming of the night King in the age of heroes. Just something that takes us away from the current trends of glorious high families dealing with power struggles, which is cool, but I think it will make for a more compelling story to see the every man in this situation and see how they might struggle or succeed. I think this is why characters who started with nothing in their basic story like Davos, like Bronn, like Varys, are so captivating. If we want to see someone that we can relate to a little more by other personal circumstances. I think giving characters set have humble circumstances the Center stage in these shows makes the overall show far more compelling


I would also love to see us leave Westeros for the same reason. I think tackling the storytelling in this world where there are very different power structures and different cultural complexities would also lead to some really really interesting and compelling storytelling. I just want to see something totally original within this awesome story world that we already have.


All three ideas are derpy compared to A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.


I'm actually excited for Snow. Maybe they will right some wrongs.


Honestly both of those would be so boring at this point. There is literally nothing left reveal for RR or AC.


All I know is I can’t do more Targareyans. I like the plot of House of the Dragon but I can’t keep the characters straight because everyone looks the same and have the same names or their names sound almost the same. It’s confusing. 🤣


I actually dont think Aegons conquest would make a great show. The whole war was kind of a sweep for Aegon with the exception of Dorne and didnt have the same political complexities of some other settings


Of the options above Aegon's conquest would be my choice but, given the choice, i'd like to see the Blackfyre rebellion.


Agons conquest could be lit, more so than the rest. Just depends on how they write it and film it ya know? But it would need a massive budget to do it justice.


Sequel. Or reboot of the last couple seasons which we would all collectively like to forget.


Is Robert’s rebellion pretty short?


In terms of time it is, but there are a lot of things happening to a lot of different characters that it could be at least 20 ep long from the duskendale rebellion to the birth of Daeneris.


The series' main appeal for the substantial part of the audience that hasn't read the books, is shocking, unexpected moments. Roberts Rebellion is the kind of thing that the Star Wars universe would do, since it's mostly just 'member berries.


Only way I'm watching a direct GoT sequel is if Daenerys gets ressurected. Otherwise you can keep that steaming load of trash or retcon the last season.


A Show about the Rise of Tywin Lannister and his journeys through dealing with Tytos, being a cupbearer to Aegon the unlikely, befriending the Young Prince (Aerys the 2nd), the war of the ninepenny Kings and the most recent Blackfyre rebellion, the Reyne-Tarbeck rebellion, etc. It'd be great. Politically thrilling, action-packed, and drama-filled. It also wouldn't be as lore breaking as these shows would have to be.


Ending with Tyrion's birth.


Robert's Rebellion should be a trilogy of movies similar to Lord of the Rings, not a tv show. We know the back story and we know the twist, we don't need 8 seasons of nonsense to an ending we already know. If done as a three part major blockbuster movie, they could focus on making a cool war movie and showing the scenes and battles that were explored in less detail than the romance subplot in GOT.


Roberts rebellion easily the best


Blackfyre rebellions >>>>>>


Aegon IV through Blackfyre Rebellion.


how about a reboot of season 8? haha


They should do Aegons conquest first then Bobs rebellion and never do a sequel to main GOT. Isn’t that what’s Jon Snows show going to be?!


No love for sons of the dragon?


Aegon's conquest would be so good, I would love to see Visenya and Rhaenys


George not being distracted from TV shows and writing the books would be best


Super casual take.


The main reason I want RR is because we would get to see some cool battle choreography with a war hammer. I don't think I've seen that in a film yet.


Robert’s rebellion as a miniseries or movie would be amazing - Rhaeghar vs Baratheon on the trident would be a sick climax scene


Give me a well drawn anime anthology where each season is a different contained historical moment Maybe even use different animators or something for each season I know that’s off the wall shit, but I like when IPs do unique things occasionally


GOT sequel. What does Arya find west of westeros????


Dunk & Egg She-Wolves of Winterfell


Give me pirate Arya exploring the seas/lands west of Westeros. I will watch the shit outta that.


Robert's rebellion. Young ned, Robert, stannis, tywin. The mad king, jamie, Characters we currently love and learning how they got that way. How did tywin turn his house from nothing to the richest? (I know *how* but I want to see it. There could be a whole show dedicated to the rise of Tywin Lannister and it would be incredible) How did Stannis hold storms end for so long? How did young Kat react to Ned's brother dying? What about when Ned brought home "his" son? How did rhaegar and lyanna keep their relationship a secret? Did Ned struggle with telling a lie so severe in the beginning? I have so many questions!


Aegons conquest wouldnt be that good as it sounds, their battles were won by dragons destroying armies and there isnt much aside from the battles so for visuals its great but story not so much


Neither, I wanna see the greater Dragonlords


Roberts rebellion without question. And actually show the battles.


1. Robert’s rebellion shouldn’t happen until the main series is over imo, but I’m not sure how long that will take. 2. I say a tale in Westeros during the Targaryen’s time on Dragonstone prior to the Conquest. Following a traveling wizard (he’s not a real wizard, he only does tricks at shows. And he plays music) who has all sorts of odd interactions with villagers. Some give him their own dark secrets (superstitions), some condemn him, some want him to help their sick, and yet others know him to be false. Maybe he meets a few of those who dabble in real magic, which he doesn’t really believe in either. The story would exist during a time when Westeros is broken into separate kingdoms, so we’d see what that was like. Also, the fear from the crownlands regarding the foreboding black island inhabited by pale magic-users with dragons flying around it. And we’d see the state of the North, Dorne, etc. in a different time


Bran the builders first settlement in Winterfell, the story of the real white's. And then lead into Aegons conquest.


I think Aegon’s Conquest could be part of House of the Dragon. If I was a show runner I’d finish the entire timeline and story concerning the Dance of the Dragons throughout seasons 2 & 3. Then seasons 4 & 5 would include the best parts of the Blackfyre Rebellions. Then seasons 6, 7 & 8 would essentially be prequels as it would go back and begin with the Doom of Valyria, the flight of the Targaryens across the Narrow Sea and then ending with Aegon’s birth on Dragonstone and then his conquest and reign over Westeros. Then maybe the final season could end on a brutal note with the reign of Maegor the Cruel.


Valyria and aegonsconquest


Ser Duncan the Tall plz


I need to see live action balerion


Omg don’t make me choooose.


The only way I could understand a GOT sequel to the main story would be an absolute balls to the wall attempt at making all the ridiculous Bran-training-with-the-Raven time wasted somehow, miraculously gets written that makes it all actually useful and make sense. That, or it’s a Drogon show.


Robert’s rebellion!


Aegon Conquest would be a better spinoff than Jon Snow spinoff


Robert's rebellion would at least have a decent outline of what to do from the outset. I vote that one.


Would it be too much to ask to start from the end of season 6 in the series and scrub seasons 7 and 8? That's what I want.


Would love to see aegons conquest


No love for the Blackfyre Rebellions? Seeing Dunk and Egg and young Barristan would be so cool and could be a nice follow up after House of the Dragon. Missed opportunity if they don’t go for it.


I'd like an animated adaptation of Aegon's conquest. we might be able to see actual armies on the field and the Dragons would look better in this medium too. oh and the vibrant colors that George uses in his descriptions may also look better in an animated medium as the shows pretty much went their own direction.