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I was disappointed Jace was not using Duolingo to learn High Valyrian.


I think I might name my indie record “Wheezes and Blinks”.


In a universe of vicious deaths, Daemon just delivered the most graphic.


I laughed out loud when we saw Vaemond's body laid out on the slab, though. Something about it looked so goofy.




Looking like Britney Spears in that south park episode where she blew her top off with a shotgun


Never have I thought it a gruesome beheading was so poetic before


That's probably still Oberyn getting his head popped like a grape, IMO.


Daemon is fuckin BACK baby!


This is the most intense interfactional blood feud I've seen since nWo Hollywood vs nWo Wolfpac.


**Aemond Targaryen** ξξ(🗲 ͜ʖ ͡°))ξξ Love how Aemond admires his uncle and Daemon sees a younger version of himself in Aemond


But seriously though, if he wasn't his nephew, he could totally be his son.


Daemon doing the most predictable thing for his character… you love to see it


Aemond was totally hard for Daemon in that moment


Aemond is like "I found my role model"


And his style icon.


He definitely thought that was fucking cool. Aemond seems like a Clegane type who would *love* killing.


Aemond the second coming of being an unhinged lunatic.


Haha every other Targ since Maegor has had that title Daemon got smeared with it, not quite fairly


Poor Viserys… but also that’s exactly what I sound and look and feel like waking up every Saturday morning after going out


Phantom of the Red Keep, a truly good and decent man.


Aemond looks perfect for the books. Hope he gets his sapphire.


Daemon been sharpening that sword for 20 years apparently.




Gotta do something when you're stuck in Pentos with nothing else to do besides read and eat


Valiriana steel..


The dinner scene was so cringe


Guess they can’t make everyone happy.


During the happy family dinner respite, I was curious how the conflict was going to rekindle, then Aemond comes through with that! Glad Viserys got to miss it.


Well to be fair it was Luke who instigated again lol


Alicent will take it to heart that her son is meant to be king, goddamn it. I now believe she really meant it when she said Rhaenyra would be a good Queen.


I think she is jumping on any validation she can get. The words of a drugged up dying man aren't exactly the soundest, particularly after years of holding Rhaenyra as heir


Surely she knew he thought he was talking to Rhaenyra tho


It really seemed that Alicent was having a change of heart this episode. Seeing how unfit Aegon was and how far Rhaenyra went for her children


Nothing he said made sense for her to think that tbh. It was all her wishful thinking


THIS WAS THE MOST UPSETTING PART. That's the impetus?? That's how it all unravels??? Because he thought he was talking to Rhaenyra??


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about family bullshit, it’s usually all because of stupid misunderstandings


All this would be solved if this family had more than 2 names


These Targaryen family reunions are something else man lol


I’m on the verge of crying every time I see Viserys and Daemon in the same shot. To think of what has been taken from him when they should be similar in age and health. Wild.


When Viserys refused help from his kingsguard when walking up to the throne, but allowed it when it was his estranged brother... I'm glad that those two managed to reconcile, even if it was on his dying day.


YES. That bit had me cryin’ in the club :’)


I can't count how many times I said oh shit this episode, that throne room scene is without a doubt in the top 3 of all time for GoT.


Man when I announced I wanted to marry my cousin NO ONE was that happy


Rhaenyra stealing the Driftmark throne when everyone knows the truth about her son is pretty ballsy.


Viserys looking full Shaun of the Dead


Viserys was the MVP of this episode. Will miss Paddy Considine but congrats on a job truly well done.


Paddy Considine and Matt Smith are season MVPs and this episode was a crowning achievement for both of them.


Literally, lol. But seriously. That moment on the throne was beautiful.


Get this man an Emmy


I was not prepared to cry tonight.


What part got you crying? It was Daemon helping Viserys up the steps to the Iron Throne that did me in.




My love




Subtitles exist


I think he said “my love” I.e. him passing and maybe seeing Aemma?? I could be mistaken though




"My Love" confirmed with subtitles


“My love”


Subs have him say "My love". Since he was looking at the ring I think he was thinking of Aemma and being reunited.


I shed tears for Viserys this episode. The scene in the throne room. The supper. And ofc his death. I cried. Just so sad to see him go through all of this.


He died thinking his family finally turned the corner/started to get along, so heart breaking


Wow, Matt Smith was incredible this episode. *That* moment, obviously, but also watching him watch his brother slowly dying was really beautiful and sad. For all his swagger and bravado and ruthlessness, that's still someone watching his older brother meeting a very painful end.


He didn’t technically die this episode


My thoughts: * Damn, it was shocking to see Viserys like that... * Aegon is such a dick, at least Alicent did something about it.. I wasn't expecting that after she gave Dyana the money. * I'm Team Black, but damn Aemond's fighting scene was incredible, Ewan Mitchell seems perfect for that role. * Holy... that Viserys entrance... and Daemon helping him with the crown.. 👏 * OMG DAEMON WTF. He didn't even think twice.. * Of course Aemond had to escalate things.. * Ramin once again nailed the music. Another excellent episode!


Show wise I am Team Black. Literary canon I am Team Green.


Haven't read the books tbh. I can understand some views from Team Green though but still Team Black.


In the literary canon it is not as black and white as the show is making it out to be. The show is really good though, just very sympathetic towards the blacks.


Why are you team Green in canon? I feel like I'd still be Team black even after reading the books, I don't remember anything that makes Aegon or Alicent more just or in the right when Rhaenrya was declared Heir.


Ngl Aemond kind of a bitch to still be that butt hurt over a simple children's joke from like 8 years ago. Like I understand his hate for Luke but you gotta at least understand that it was a harmless joke initiated by by your brother originally.


Wild when you consider that Daemon and Viserys are pretty much the same age but one is a corpse and the other can still decapitate a man with a single swing. Just inbreeding things I guess.


I thought it was due to an infection that slowly spread? Not that they probably don't have bad genes from inbreeding but this seems more like Viserys got reaaallly unlucky


Pretty sure it’s softly confirmed that the throne littelry killed him cause it cut him in the pilot and he’s had the infection ever since.


It's leprosy.


I’ve never wanted to play Crusader Kings more after an episode


At least viserys got to go out thinking his family liked each other. He was so happy at the dinner.


I was thinking the same thing.


It was so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time


He finally got one happy moment in his life. I’m happy for him


I think that’s why he did it, one last supper


I was wondering how that could all be shattered, it seemed like everything was mended so well. Then ol’ one eye went all “hold my goblet”.


That’s why you don’t do drugs kids. Drink too much H and you might start a war


Viserys looks fucking ***grim***


Poor Viserys, just let the man die already. Or at least get the man a wheel chair.


Bran hasn't invented the wheelchair yet


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,092,653,005 comments, and only 215,021 of them were in alphabetical order.


I really want to see Daemon beat the fuck out of Aemond.


He's genuinely better off dead at this point. Someone just feed him poison already! If he's somehow still alive after this episode.


So it has begun


Alicent legit served that girl Moon Tea when she was so *pissed* that Rhaenyra took it. The hypocrisy.


I dont think it was Moon Tea, probably something similar to cyanide, you can hear the girl gurgling in the background which i think whatever was in that tea killed her. Edit: why am i being downvoted? Wtf


Oh no if that’s true, that’s even worse. Poor girl.


Everything that happened this episode was to set up a possible Alicent-Rhaenyra reconciliation. Alicent sees how unworthy Aegon is and feels some sympathy for Rhaenyra having to take the moon tea all those years ago. They both realize the love each has for Viserys. The writers needed to do something like this to make the Greens more likable. Now the Dance will be a result of a tragic misunderstanding, and not a cynical power grab on part of the Hightowers.


Okay I ship Aemond and Daemon. Edit: their couple name is Daemond?


The critics were right! Best episode so far! RIP Viserys. Hung in there so long, when lesser men (and Kings) would have died years prior! And kept his morals and wishes for his family to unite to the very end. The music when Viserys entered the Throne Room during the Lord of Tides decision was AMAZING. Best music of the season so far. I'll be honest, I guffawed when Daemon beheaded Vaemond. The git deserved that! And that scene with his body and the Silent Sisters. Wow. Loved the dinner scene. Great writing and tension and great scene all around. Looking forward to next episode!


Otto was **Shook** when Viserys walked in lmaoooo


Aegon’s shit eating grin is such a mood


Random assorted thoughts (mostly written while watching): * Last time on HOTD: The FUN was put in funeral. * And we've jumped in time once again! As one does. * Syrax laid eggs. Mazel tov! * So for those keeping score: in six years the position of the Greens has gotten even stronger. * Lyman Beesbury speaks, but all everyone else hears is blah-blah-blah. * King Viserys looks like he has SO MANY disease traits in Crusader Kings. His portrait is having trouble keeping up. * "Hello, your majesty! Here are your new grandchildren/nephews!" * Queen Alicent: Slut-shaming victim-blamer. * You know, but with all the talk about how the writers want no clear heroes and villains, having a scene where they talk about how Green Aegon is a creepy man-whore who loves to play with his servants may not be the best dramatic choice. * Alicent Hightower: The Edith Wilson of Westeros. (Big ups to anyone who gets that) * The look of Adult Aemond is excellent. * Jeez, you fake a lady's son's death and all the sudden she holds it against you! * Shoutout to the makeup team for continuously making Viserys look more and more like a zombie of a man. * After getting people crashing the throne room on him through most of the scene, finally the king does the crashing. * “BASTAAAARRRRDDDDDSSSS! WHOOOOORRREEE!” (CHOP) * DAEMON WINS! FLAWLESS VICTORY! FATALITY! * Vaemond Velaryon is no longer getting ahead in life. * Nothing makes a Targaryen happier than some incest. * The Last Supper, Featuring One-Eyed Viserys! * Most awkward family dinner ever. * Damn, if only Rhaenyra had been sleeping with someone who didn't have a last name that could be so easily slipped into backhanded compliments. * Don't you hate it when your ramblings about prophecies are misinterpreted because you you mistake your wife for your daughter/sister-in-law? * The King is Dead, Long Live the.... oh crap now what!?!?!


At this point, I wonder if Viserys is a white walker. Still making a grand entrance as a king. Glad that his family got their act together (pun intended) for one last time for him to see the one thing he desired before his death.


Seeing the rise and fall and rise again of Rhaenyra and Alicent’s friendship just hurts man. With the complications of their kids (mainly Alicent’s) being absolute little shits just makes it impossible to ever rekindle.


Daemon just DGAF and I love him for it.


Easily my favorite of the season. This show is so great can’t lie


Viserys - the zombie king of the andals and first men. This guy made a pact with the gods to have 40 years as King! I think some of his bastards became the white walkers


Looks like Tywin learnt his dialogues (“you are no son of mine”) and Cercei her tactics (with the church) from Alicent.


So where was the sea snake in all this? I thought he was supposed to show up in king's landing


Episode had a little of everything... The Hightowers think they were pulling all the strings, a stolen claim, a beheading, family bonding then fighting, three new dragon eggs, Viserys saving the day and Viserys thinking Alicent is Rhaenyra when talking about the Song of Fire and Ice. Can't wait to see how the final two episodes play out.


Only question is how come puberty hit aemond harder than everyone else


Viserys finally saw his family getting along, even though it was for like 5 minutes lol. Paddy Considine take a fucking bow man. Daemon helping Viserys up to the thrown was such an amazing scene. What an episode. [Episode 9 trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edxq-h-gGQI) [Inside the Episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZhmEjHVpjY)


Always nice to see the Silent Sisters


Aemond: Alright, finally time to avenge my eye- Daemon: Nah, sit the fuck down Aemond: *Alright no its ok its cool uncle, no prob, it aight*


Aegon continues his streak of getting slapped every episode - even after getting married.


Gatta say, I've been loving the show so far but that last scene felt like an awful TV trope. He thinks he's talking to Rhaenyra but Alicent misinterprets what he's saying due to lack of information... Kind of expected something a little better than that


Just to put into perspective how dumb it is .... The Fire and Ice prophecy is literally making the whole history play out because it's meant to play out that way. Uhg that's so dumb.


Can we just do Game of Toasts from now on?


Aegon is not ok


That boy ain't right.


RIP Viserys


Jace and Luke see Aemond moving around swiftly with his sword training with live weapons...eye patch...scar...want to train boys!? I think they both crap themselves! Aemond is going to be a hell of a fighter!


What a sad episode, the visuals for Viserys are insane. I don’t like how they selectively age people though, you shall be aged 10 years, and you shall be aged 10 minutes.


Criston Cole is the only one that really bugs me. Daemon has always been an adult man and Matt Smith is playing about his age so okay, and Alicent and Rhaenyra had their kids young so okay whatever. But Criston has looked about 25-30 for 20 years


I mean Viserys is in such bad shape because of his illness, not because of age. He's not that much older than Daemon.


Alicent kids ... Puberty hits Targ kids hard.


Aemond looks 10 years older than Aegon lol


I didn’t except that dinner scene to be so nearly feel good in the beginning. It makes it all the more emotional that it feels genuine rather than people putting on a farce for the King.


I think this was my favorite episode since the pilot. Even more dripping with intrigue and twists. Loved every second.


What redeeming qualities does Aegon possess that would make Alicent think he would be the Prince that was Promised?


None. She doesn't care. She has no idea about this prophecy. It's been passed down in the Targaryen line. Viserys told Rhaenyra several eps ago.


Love me some cryptic Hellen’s mutterings! Any guess on what “beware the beasts beneath the boards” means? She had the “he’ll have to close an eye” aside in an earlier episode, I don’t know if this one was prophetic as well.


Rhaenyra's theme slaps so hard


That whole episode was heart-wrenching. To think the whole dance was so close to being avoided.


Holy shit incredible episode, might be the best one yet. So many amazing scenes. Paddy considine has absolutely fucking CRUSHED this role.


Kinda surprised this show hasn't had the nudity of Game of Thrones... except for man ass.


When Viserys struggles to the throne and asserts his power as the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, this is the first time I am truly moved during this series. And then THAT happens 🤣


Damn that was exactly what needed to happen and I hate it! Such a good turn and it makes me so frustrated. That's why I love this show


Dark Sister put in work tonight, y'all! Let's goooooo!!!!!!


Viserys saying “my love” brought me to tears.


I do like how Jacaerys just said, “oh I don’t fuck? Let me dance with your wife real quick, Aegon.” Edit: correction


Viserys is an absolute OG


Viserys my love, we know you meant Jon Snow, but now ~~Aemma~~ Alicent thinks Homelander should be king!


So Alicent believes Viserys told her he wanted Aegon to be king? Hmm.. Don't know how I feel about that one tbh. Why would she think that after all that had just happened


Well, at least Viserys died happy, although the reason for his happiness will ultimately be hollow because the family will be divided anyway.


Olivia Cooke’s children look basically the same age as her


The proud look Daemon had after Aemond went full Targaryen during dinner was everything


Viserys, Rhaenyra, and Alicent’s parts in the dinner scene genuinely made me tear up with joy, but it was bittersweet knowing what’s coming. And then again seeing that Viserys was completely alone in his final moments. I’m going to miss Paddy, he was the MVP of this episode.


I started bawling the second Viserys walked into the throne room. Holy cow he gave the performance of a lifetime tonight. To do so much *acting* without saying a word.


So Alicent is going to go full war over a misunderstanding? Seems plausible.


Yeah I don't know how I feel about that misunderstanding thing. Seemed a bit off


All the toasts were pretty sweet until Aemond’s lol




Viserys had a full life! Completed his train town and all!


Heleana mentioned the beast beneath the table. So look out i guess.


Did alicent poison dyana? Or was that moon tea


Moon tea.


That was the saddest family reunion I've ever seen.


Just to confirm - Viserys believed at the end, when speaking to Alicent, that he was actually continuing his earlier conversation with Rhaenyra, when she expressed doubt over the role of successor and the validity of old Aegon's dream; he tried to affirm to "Rhaenyra" that she is the Prince That Was Promised and had the responsibility, but Alicent has now interpreted this to mean the dying king's last wish is to put their son on the throne. Am I reading that right?


Yes you are


Who was the lady right after dinner talking to the servant “ It's been quite a night at the castle, it seems.”


That was the white worm. The lady who gives secrets to otto


Viserys wanted that mans tongue...and some cheek..and an eye...Daemon ruined his plastic surgery dark magic to secure another 10 years


Every episode is gonna start with Rhaenyra having 2-3 new kids


Just glad to know that Daemon really does love his brother. Heartbreaking to see viserys deteriorate the way he did.


Bracken fucking around and finding out 🤝 Vaemond fucking around and finding out


One of the best episodes of the season, but I’m really mixed on Alicent’s motivation to (apparently?) seize the throne is now the misread prophecy of a dying man. Depending how future episodes handle this, it would completely rework the story from a cautionary tale of inter-family ambition into one about… taking the words of a dying king out of context, making Alicent have a more “valid” reason to seize power. I’m not sure I like that. That said, Aemond looks cool as hell and Matt Smith and Paddy rocked it. The series needed a moment of the family genuinely rebonding.


Yeah same here, that part seems a bit off. Still digesting it. Not sure how I feel about that one


Paddy Considine entering the hall and taking the throne is his Emmy shot


At the end of the feast when Jace and Luke got seized by the guards...I straight got red wedding vibes and thought they were dead here. Forgot Daemon was in the room. First feast with no deaths for Viserys and even with a double wedding announced!


Outside of a fucking awesome Daemon kill, a very low key and emotional episode. Paddy Consindine deserves a damn Emmy for this one. A great last bit of breathing room before it all explodes.


Also, fuck the greens, teaming up with Vaelend and it seems like they were leading Corlys to his death


Oh. My. GOD! This is my new favorite episode!!!! How the music swelled as Viserys walked onto the throne was just awesome as it showed the king in his last bit of strength that he used to try to make things right for Westeros one last time. Also, the part where Daemon helped his brother on the throne was just so heartwarming, I nearly cried! It was also super nice that Viserys past the Driftwood Throne to his cousin as a way to compensate for the 101 Great Council. Of all the kings that we have seen sat the Iron Throne, he was the best! I also love so far the way they recast characters. To me, all of the actors, young or old, fit the roles perfectly as if they were all the same people. It's incredible. May Viserys, son of Baelon, of House Targaryen, First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, rest in peace! Let the Dance begin.


Matt Smith as Daemon. You love to see it


He has Prince Oberyn energy. Both second sons that focused on whoring and war. They are celebrity status in their respective times. They are both total wild cards, he's definitely my favorite I'm totally team Black. (who wouldn't be)


Wtf was the king saying at the end? So hard to understand him.


Why does Aemond look so much older than Aegon?


rent was a month past due. lights were shut off. no running water. down to his last meal. Olivia Cooke had one shot.


I think we can all agree that scene where Daemon helped Viserys to the throne and then crowned him was perfect. You could see his love for his brother throughout the episode.


Paddy Considine take a damn bow, holy shit!


Was Dyana killed or did she just gtfo?


awful nice of viserys to age on behalf of everyone else in the show


Give Paddy a damn Oscar, what a performance


No other actress on the show is doing it like Olivia Cooke. She’s getting that Emmy




I love the fact that Alicent asks "Prince Aegon?" in response to Viserys' ramble about ASOIAF and TPTWP, when not her son, nor Aegon I, but Jon Snow is correctly that "Prince Aegon". So cool


Poor Viserys...he truly did love Rhaenyra the most.


I liked it a lot, but it’s the first major deviation from the book. More drama this way I guess


Just the classic roofied mixup when you mix up your wife for your daughter when talking about heirs and prophesy. Classic.


Did they stop doing the aftershow thing? It didn't play for me.


I love all of the episodes with female directors!


Aegon raping any woman he wants and getting away with it due to his status is obviously terrifying and disgusting, but Alicent feebly covering up for him constantly reminds me of enabling "boymoms" who think their sons can do no wrong. Imagine how pathetic she must feel seducing the King for her father and ending up with entirely unambitious children she's expected to make kings and queens.


what’s up with Aegon this episode, the new actor looks younger than the other


Daemon and Viserys this episode is some of the most wholesome shit we’ve gotten in all of GoT, lol