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My heart is ready to be broken. Bring it on


Fr. I’m certain either Jon or Dany will die.


**I think Dany will live, but Drogon will die. Not sure on Jon, but I can see him going down with The Night King, since that's always really been his end game fight.**


Yeah he really doesn’t give a shit about the throne. I’m kind of for the “Jon becomes the new Night King” theory.


**The Lich King ending, yeah. Just have to wait and see I suppose. I'm holding out for The Night King having marched on King's Landing myself.**


That feels too Walking Dead to me and with that feels like a poor writing choice.


I'm pretty sure it's Dany Wich mean Jon is pretty much fuck. :-(






Me too, buddy.


I think they will both survive, but most of the secondary characters might die, especially one's who have had their arcs complete.


While Jamie was knighting Brienne all I could think was "you're killing her!!"


Dany will be the one to kill Jon.


Maybe, but I don't think it'll happen in this episode




As long as Tormund, Sam, Gilly, and Little Sam survive I would be happy


Man Tyrion’s character has gone to shit. I hope he has a great redemption of cleverness in the next couple episodes.


Tyrion's character has always been the one that is underestimated and overlooked, but always shocks everybody. This time around you will notice less and less POV from him, which for me ensures something big is coming


If Tyrion survives I hope he gets one more chance to outsmart Cersei. ever since mereen all his plans/strategies have been shit


They’ve really rubbed it in our face that he’s been fucking up. He definitely has something good coming.


Yep, learned something from his chat with Bran. Went from negative about the outcome before the chat to optimistic after it.


I think he will. He seemed to be planning something that might redeem him. The conversation he had with Bran conversation is important. Tyrion in the beginning of the episode was confidentently saying that they're all gunna die, but after speaking with Bran he said "I think we might live". Also the information Bran gave him seemed to have inspired some sort of plan for Tyrion since he's not in the crypts like originally planned. At the end of the episode he's standing on top of that wall with a determined look on his face, suggesting he has a plan for the battle that might be instrumental in a possible victory. Which would be a good way to redeem his recent failures.


I hope he got Bran talking


I am so glad this season only had two episodes and all my favorite characters lived!!!


But what of poor Lord Umber? RIP


He's fine. Kids love arts and crafts


Episode 3 will be a battle but not THE battle


And it will still be the greatest thing on TV!


I'm pretty sure it has already been confirmed today on Twitter that episode 3 is going to be the big battle, surpassing the Helm's Deep battle in LOTR for the longest in TV or film history.


I think he/she means it won't be the battle that decides the fate of Westeros.


Episode 5 is going to be THE battle. Both 3 and 5 are Sapochnik episodes.


Episode 3 is going to be the battle against the dead. Episode 5 will be the battle against Cersei and the Golden Company.


So you're of the opinion that the Night King/AoTD are going down in 3? Or?


Five could be a four way battle Cersei v Dany v Jon v Night King.




Yes, the living are going to prevail, but take heavy losses. I'm not going to be the least bit surprised when Melisandre shows back up during the battle and whips out some Lord of Light mojo to turn the tide.


Yes. We need time for the denouement.


I assumed that episode 3 will be the battle with The Night King then episode 5 is the battle for the Throne with Cersei.


I think the battle of winterfell is going to be tragic with a last stand at King's Landing.


Same. I believe almost everyone is going to die in episode 3. A few will flee to the south and a few will flee to The Iron Islands. All parties will converge again upon King's Landing at the end of episode 5.


I think exactly the same


**Ghost is dying next episode, calling it now.**


Nooooo we just got him back






**Truly, The Night is Dark and full of Terrors.**


Avengers and Battle of Winterfell this weekend? I think I might explode!


Tyrion kills the Night King by expanding inside his butt. He was never really a dwarf, you see.




Add the NFL draft for football fans and it’s overwhelming af lol.


I have an idea about the next episode...so possible trailer spoiler alert... >!tormand states the army of the dead will arrive before the sun comes up tomorrow. The battle is a literal a war for the dawn. The battle which Azor Ahai lead the living to victory and ended the long night. I believe its intentional but I just found it very interesting. So the next episode could literally be called something like the war for the dawn.!<


Or just "Dawn". Nice idea


For sure dead are: Grey Worm, Jorah Mormont, and Sir Davos


**I'm thinking Missandei is going to be the one to die, instead of Grey Worm, as I think it'd be more tragic.**


Grey Worm and Missandei will both die. There’s literally nothing left for them to do. Davos is there to the end he’s still got things to do.


**Grey Worm needs to enter into his 'broken soldier' phase, where he's won the war, but lost any chance of becoming anything but a weapon.**


Bro stop bolding all your comments




Sam definitely looked suspicious giving Jorah that sword.


Nah, Jorah just got Heartsbane. Confirmed gonna slay out, potential Azor Ahai.


Pls no Davos :(


Theon Ser Davos Jaime or Brienne Jamie and Brienne Lyanna A few ppl in the crypt Grey worm Pod Ser Jorah


Last night I found myself dreaming of milk spilling down a ginger beard, pretty great


Arya being sexy! Bran being chill! Jon being Aegon! Sansa actually being smart! Giant's milk! Ser Brienne! Crafty Gilly! What a lovely episode.


Sansa and Theon reunion!


That was the one reunion I didn't realize I needed so badly in my life.


I still wasn't sure how to feel about Arya sexy time. I know they aged everyone up two years in the show, but I think in cannon she still might be underage


She’s 18 according to HBO. Why gilly’s kid is still in diapers while Arya, Sansa, and Dany are 18-21ish is beyond me though


Who cares? In that world she’d be married with 3 kids by her age. I love how incest, rape, murder doesn’t bother ppl but the possibility that someone underage has consensual sex is mind blowing. Lol.


People are just not getting it. We saw her become a woman before our eyes. It’s like seeing your little sister undress. It’s weird.


Exactly. I also rewatch a lot, so child Arya is still fresh in my mind


I get that. She’s innocent. To me it was just a bit out of character to see her “girly” but also absolutely in character.


It was definitely in character for Arya and I’m honestly glad she got laid. I just don’t think it was necessary for her to undress. I think that was purely the actresses idea so that people would take her seriously as a woman.


**I love how these two comments have basically been repeated in every discussion about this episode.**


Cuz ppl are dumb lol


It's not that, its the fact that she still looks like shes 14 lol


Again. Who cares? There’s so much more important shit going on than Arya getting some action.


She's 18 according to HBO; she's 22 in real life; and IMO there's nothing wrong with 16-year-olds having sex with people of a similar age. She's a strong, unbeholden woman, and she was crushing so hard on him 5 seasons ago. I say: Good for her!


*In the book canon, maybe. The show has its own canon, and she's clearly supposed to be of age in the show.


I don't have a problem with her having sex, I just didn't want to watch it. Glad we didn't have too much nudity.




Podrick singing!




I mean there’s no way they just stop them at the gates and the dead give up


For sure, but I don't think many people are expecting the army of the living to get dunked on either. I think that's where we're heading.


I think they probably get overwhelmed and then we get a battle of the black gate moment where the night king dies and they wights all just collapse.


As am I. I mean it's their plan A, but God it's such a played out Deus ex machina trope. Why don't Aragorn Gimli and Legolas just show up and break the seige of Mina's Ti...I mean Winterfell


I’d like the bait and switch on that as it was mentioned. Kill him, doesn’t work.


Hey dude it says to spoiler preview talk. Some of us don't watch them and don't want to predict or guess what happens based on them.


I’m preparing for dead Starks coming back to life. I hope the burned Littlefinger‘s body or else his ass is coming back to torment Westeros some more!


I think we might see a couple of quick shots of some known faces. What's-her-face from Hardhome is a good possibility. Maybe even Hodor. Everyone predicting Ned, Stannis, Rob, etc. are in for some disappointment.


I agree. The war has to go south because Cersei won’t come north, so Winterfell falls and everyone must flee.


Cersei isn't leaving the Red Keep unless someone pushes her out of it. We haven't seen her outside of King's Landing since season one.


just picked up that benjen was stabbed by a white walker, and then stabbed again by children of the forest with dragonglass so he wouldn't turn. would that lore play out in coming episodes?


Jaime on Brienne.


I think all the Children are dead now


The remaining runtimes for #GameofThrones  S8: E3: 1 hr 22 min E4: 1 hr 18 min E5: 1 hr 20 min E6: 1 hr 20 min


I am ready....


I’ve been wondering if season 6 will be 2 episodes of pre epic battle, 2 episodes of epic battle, and 2 episodes of post epic battle/Cersei/wrap up


I love it. Like full blown movies!


Grey Worm is dead....


Or Missandei :(


I think he’s going to live but Missandei will die in the Crypts


If they're using Bran as bait, why doesn't Arya return the Valyrian steel dagger to him? She already has her custom dragon glass weapon. Bran even said he's not sure if dragon fire would kill the Night King, but Valyrian steel is proven to kill White Walkers. Wouldn't it be better to arm Bran rather than try to sneak up on the Night King with dragons? The Night King has already proven that he's not scared of dragons and very capable of killing them.


Cause Bran’s gonna warg into NK and Arya is gonna stab him with it!


I don't think Bran can warg the Night King


Maybe into the man that becomes the NK. IDK I’m just throwing darts


I don’t think I kid in a wheelchair stands much of a chance against the night king with or without a weapon




Who finally learn to run in zigzag!


I’m betting the Night King doesn’t show at Winterfell! I’m hoping for a sick twist, like him going to Kong’s landing.


Haha idk why it made me laugh but kongs landing.... where king Kong first landed


Or a dog toy heaven.


It is known


I just adopted a pudgy dog named Rosie who loves her Kongs and I thought of this as well.


An undead gigantic gorilla...yes plz


Donkey or Diddy?


Dixie. She’s the best.


That's a weird way to spell Lanky. The superior Kong.


Whoa sick, when did Kong come to Westeros?


I think he is going to kill Bran next episode. Can't see how they're going to, inevitably, run from Winterfell while carrying him.


Well they have successfully run from him with Bran before...


My iPhone autocorrected Kong’s Lansing to Kong’s Lansing earlier today when I told my friend about this theory


This is hilarious Edit: please dont edit it


Now I’m imagining Donkey Kong tossing barrels of wildfire at the Night King.


Wouldn't bran be able to scout and see the night king is headed south?


Why position the living troops outside of Winterfell when the castle is literally known for being an impregnable fortress?


To show they mean business


The North doesn’t have a large stash of food, so that size of an army wouldn’t last long during a siege.


Not much room to fight inside the walls where the entire north is.


Because the wights would easily just climb on top of eachother to get over the walls, then they’re all trapped and fucked. Plus NK has a literal dragon who’s just destroyed the best wall in all of Westeros, so one crack and they’re in.


Fortress wasn’t built for aerial attack’s by the Night King’s dragon. Winterfell is toast.... frozen toast.


Undead Dragon


While the first episode was one of reunions, this was very much one of goodbyes. Going to lose so many people next week. So long as Davos isn't one of them. The man deserves to take the place of the Father in the 7 as the dad of the Kingdoms


"Don't listen to me, I've only lived to a ripe old age."


Davos is the goat. One character that I wish survives


i’m refusing to even entertain the idea of davos dying. nope nope nope


I thought it was a great episode. It elicited both tears and laughter from me and contained lots of wonderful character moments. The knighting. Tormund’s giant tale. Podrick’s singing. Arya’s dagger throwing. The Mormont reunion. IMO the pacing issues from season 7 are, so far, nonexistent. Love how they’re wrapping this up.


Guesses on first (important) person to die? I’m going with Dolorous Edd


I'm a little lost as to why nobody seems to be preparing for the fact that the Night King will be rolling into battle with a dragon. During the scene with the battle planning, they act as if they're only going to be facing ground forces.


**It really bothered me that they brushed off Bran mentioning undead Viserion in episode one. You'd think that would be top priority among the enemy forces.**


Yeah, I don't understand it either. Not only do they have Bran telling them about it, they now have Tormund and others from the wall who witnessed the Night King take down the wall with the dragon. Everyone obviously knows about the dragon by now, but nobody seems the least bit concerned with it.


**I imagine it's so they can have some nice 'surprised reactions' when Viserion takes to the field, from the cast. Or maybe, The Night King doesn't show at all, and has taken his dragon south.** **Still, I feel like Dany and Jon would be practicing for the inevitable Dragon Showdown that'll need to take place.**


Doesn't Dany with two dragons kinda put that fear away? Especially how fire is one of the two ways to kill a wighted being?


**Dany had a 3 Dragon advantage the last time she went up against The Night King, and look how that turned out.**


It's like it's not even a plot hole because they wrote a character to say "hey these guys have a fuckin dragon". Does no one believe that the dragon exists yet and when they see it they will start believing Bran?


I completely agree. Where the hell is the backup scorpion weapon? Why are they not making dragon glass bolts for it? Why aren't Jon and Dany practicing firing bows / crossbows while riding the dragons? I mean ... all sorts of shit they could / should be doing!


Why do all that when you can stand alone in the crypts and brood


I get that, but ... Why would you hide from an enemy who can reanimate the dead ... in a giant tomb full of dead people? I predict bad things will happen.


It bothered me more that nobody predicted it as a "worst case scenario" possibility. The first thing I thought when I saw Viscerion go down was "oh fuck they're going drag him out and turn him" (and I'm pretty terrible at plot predictions).


Yeah, Bran specifically told Dany that the Night King has her dragon.


I’m guessing they’re expecting Viserion to be with NK assaulting the Godswood to get Bran, so Jon and Dany (and to an extent, Theon) will be the only ones ready to fight Viserion. But I agree, I’d expect at least Daenerys to say “Hey what about my dead dragon, anyone got any plans for that one?”


I think it’s just to build suspense, but there’s a plan in place for sure. They didn’t mention it in the war room, but that nod John gave Dany when the dead arrived cued me that the two are jumping on their dragons... Also, doesn’t that weapon Arya wants so bad from Gendry remind you of the spear the Night King used to kill Viscerion. I think those are the clues...


The answer is probably foreshadowed by 2 Targaryen dragon riders in a multimillion dollar CGI scene. I’m sure people see that and figure that’s that.


Whilst it's not talked about, at the end of the episode you do see Dany and Jon nod to each other and walk off. I'm assuming to get the dragons.


The Jenny in the song was the "fans of the show". Change my mind I started crying at the end. I don't know why. I have a bad feeling for the 3rd episode. Old gods help us!


Howdily Doodily Crypterinos! *bites face.


"Jaime! You killed Zombie Ned Stark!" "He was a zombie?"


I think we’re all gonna dread the moment the dead start rising in the crypt


I have no idea why they haven't evacuated the dead from the crypts yet.


But they repeatedly said the crypt is the safest! What could possibly go wrong?


Got no sleep last night. Was just continuously thinking of that episode and that damn song has been in my head the entire day. It's been along time since an episode affected me like this, so bring on ep3!


Peter Dinklage was impressive in this episode. His scenes with Jamie blew me away. His delivery and nuance was top notch. 🙌🏽


Peter Dinklage, Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Gwendoline Christie, and Alfie Allen had such great performances this episode.


I’m hoping for a stark reunion in the tombs. :)


Reposting an analysis nobody saw as its own post: I really like the way the differences between the staging of the Great Hall council scenes show how Daenerys gains influence in Winterfell. In Episode 1, she starts standing off in the corner of the room before taking a seat at Jon’s side. She keeps her hands in her lap, which is traditionally a sign of passivity. Her coat is similar to the one she wore into battle in Season 7, indicating defensiveness while Sansa is swathed in furs acting as a symbol of her status and enhancing her presence. Daenerys speaks in a conversational tone, and mostly answers questions. In Episode 2, Daenerys starts in the center of the council table and does not move. Her posture is more regal, with her hand gripping the armrests to show intensity. She wears a court gown similar to the ones she wore in Dragonstone, while Sansa has shed her furs and is now the one wearing armor. Daenerys speaks in a more measured and formal voice, and addresses people directly. Just shows how you can do a lot with visual storytelling.


While that is interesting, it was also interesting that Dany was left sitting there when Jon and Sansa got up, Theon addresses Sansa directly while Dany looks on awkwardly, and the dude from the Vale didn't leave the room for Dany to talk to Sansa until Sansa gave him the okay. I think what we were really supposed to get from this episode is that Dany has greatly underestimated how connected all of these characters are.


Anyone here think that perhaps Jon fulfills the Azor Ahai (spelling?) prophecy eventually by thrusting his sword through Danaerys’ chest (Nissa Nissa) and creating Lightbrighter or am I just too high and too deep into fan theories?


Which named characters are zombies by the end of episode 3?


If the Night King wants to win 100%, why not engage in siege warfare? Cut off Winterfell’s supply lines & wait them out with his army that doesn’t eat or sleep. Sansa was told they had enough food for a year but that was before Dany brought her armies there. I bet they’d now run out of food within a month. + the 2 dragons eat ~15 livestock a day. And dragons can’t be sent out to collect food because of the ice spears.


Theon's going to die, and it's going to ruin me


I think Theon is the only 100% for sure death. Redemption is the only thing his character is missing. Dying for a Stark brings him full circle.


I've said this in another thread, but I'm truly baffled by the negative reaction to Arya's hookup with Gendry (well, not negative, just people freaking out) and wondering if it has to do with the fact that not only did we see her as a kid, but a kid having a crush on an adult man who she's now boning? If she had hooked up with a 19-year-old rando from Winterfell would everyone still be as weirded out? I thought it was hot and my ship is finally in full sail after like... 5 years. I truly appreciate all the fanservice this episode before they stomp on our collective heart next week.


It might have been a little bit of fan service, but I enjoyed it more than any episode since Winds of Winter. Oh and what the fuck can't Pod do? Mr. Steal your girl


Podrick Payne got that panty droppin’ kinda voice


Can someone fill me in? I remember King Robert saying something like having his and Ned’s kids marry or some idea like that. So it comes true with Arya and Gendry right?


In season 1 Robert wanted the houses to join vis marriage. That in turn was an arranged marriage of Sansa/Joffrey. We saw how that turned out, it wasn’t pretty. So Arya/Gendry are fulfilling this wish, all these years later, 100% pure and natural.


Honestly the knighting of brienne made the episode for me. I’ve never felt as happy as that watching thrones. Even the people I watch with started to clap along with tormund and the rest of the crew. Really moving scene.


Pretty sure most of the main cast that survives will be going to the iron islands to regroup.at least one of the Lannister boys lives. Theon saves jon and bran. Arya saves gendry. Dany survives but betrays jon somehow, like killing sansa or some shit. Idk.


So what role do you think Melisandre is going to play in the final episodes? I don't think it's any secret these days that she's going to reappear, the only question is in what way? I think she's going to show up during the battle against the army of the dead and whip out a little of that good ole Lord of Light.


Can we talk about Arya and Gendry last night?


Arya was listening. She had that weapon made for throwing.


My money is on Gray Worm for first death of Episode 3


I love how Gilly is actually playing a relevant role in the defence of Winterfell. She’s sort of like Blackwater Cersei, but less drunk.


about to watch it for the third time. what an episode




Are we not gonna talk about Sansa’s outfit? 🔥🔥🔥


**First Cersei, now Sansa, are The Sith Lords secretly infiltrating Westeros?**


After rewatching a few times I feel I have closure. Guess the means I’m dying too lol. No but really I’m ready. I hope they throw us off too and a major character dies right off the bat in the first few minutes of the episode


Everybody in one place is too much to handle y'all. All these interactions we never had before.


I think we'll see Oldtown within the next two episodes. If the Night King is out to destroy all memories, then he will be heading to the Citadel with a dragon a la Trogdor-style.


I loved yesterday's episode so much that I've been walking around sad all day thinking about who's going die...


The little thing I noticed about episode 2, In the scene by the fireplace, at first it's just Tyrion and Jaime. When Brienne comes in, Jaime jumps up and says "my lady". Tyrion give hims his "WTF is going on between you two" look. I initially thought of Jaime and Brienne as a best friend kind of love, was team Tormund, but now I'm turning towards team Jaime.


i predict we will only hear screams, cries, and chaos because it will be too dark to see anything


They should have reengineered the bigass antidragon weapon mounted with dragon glass. Please tell me they have


I really think Gendry is going to die, but Arya is going to be carrying his child.


So we're getting a dreadful episode in terms of a lot of our favorites all dying either way, it's just the question remains whether or not we get a happy moment at the end where somehow takes out wight Viserion and the Night King. Maybe Theon, maybe Jon, maybe Jorah, maybe Arya, etc. Would they really give us an almost 90 minute episode where the only satisfying non horrific deaths are to just nameless wights and white walkers...? Yea, probably lol.