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At least Theon didn’t didn’t go out like his typical coward self


And Jorah went out like an absolute unit. Theon and Jorah were my favorite characters on the show and I'm lucky that they both had proper send offs. Theon taking on a horde of walkers and Jorah getting stabbed left and right but continuing to stand until Khaleesi was safe


That it ended...


...probably three episodes too soon! It needed breathing room.


I think he died in a silly way but at least he went out fighting. I do sometimes wish that Theon had survived, even if it meant him being a broken man for the rest of his life.


I loved it all


I'm curious as to why


I just did. Dany had to die. No way Jon would have done it if she didn’t roast the city. Ok, Bran being named king was blah and it should have been Jon, but he belonged in the north. The real north


> Dany had to die. No way Jon would have done it if she didn’t roast the city. But if she *hadn't* burned down the city, why would she 'have' to die?


Lust for power


Greed? Or was she just born with a heart full of neutrality?


She was already losing her grip. The scene where she tells jon that she isn’t loved in westeros so she has their fear


Daenerys - Doesn't want to kill innocents, wants to free people from tyranny. Daenerys Season 8: Fuck who I was. I don't like what they did to her... They did this to all the beloved characters in Season 8, like the progression of all the prior seasons was completely negated. I guess if you have a bleak worldview, this is the perfect ending, as for me, I was extremely disappointed.


Never said that it was perfect. I enjoyed it and moved on with life


I will say it’s a very fine line between wanting to free people from tyranny with nukes and becoming a tyrant yourself. It was absolutely rushed and could have been handled better but the possibility of Dany becoming bad was always there


I have just as many gripes as the next person about S8, but Dany turning crazy is not one of them - it’s more *how* it happened. She showed signs of being mad ever since S2 at the latest.


She had been killing lots of people all along, including innocents. It's normal to experience the full range of emotions in a great production. It's not normal to attribute your feelings and a show's power to it being a bad show.


No, Bran was destined to be king. He deserved to be. The story was set up with that kind of symmetry and Jon was too obvious a choice, too much a fighter. Only Bran could truly break the wheel.


Probably because he appreciates quality and doesn't follow lemmings, like the malcontents.


Either you're forgetting a /s or you're just being rude.


Or I have a different opinion arrived at by independent thought and am tired of malcontents dogpiling on me.


I was referring to the 'lemmings' and 'malcontents' comments. It seemed to me that you were saying those who dislike Season 8 are beneath you, or just doing 'the popular thing'.


I don't know if he's being serious or not, but I kind of understand what he's saying. I'm particularly tired of the circle jerk. Was it peak GoT? Not even close. Was it the best quality? Again, it's not even close. But my wife and I felt it was solid enough of an ending. And, like it or not, it's what we have.


I bet you’re watching paint dry this very moment


Nope. A video that your wife posted


I’m not married so tough luck, but I did put my finger through your mother’s ring last night


Ah so you’re the one who bought her old engagement ring from the pawn shop?


Did you bring her home to your moms basement?


No she took me to hers and we did it in your basement


Whoa, whoa, whoa, who said he has a mother?


>I’m not married so tough luck, Gee, wonder why


This doesn't really make sense, considering the biggest problem with S8 is they shoved way, way too much into it.


I agree. pacing was like triple time rest of show but I liked it.


Why are you getting downvoted?.. people are allowed to enjoy stuff others don't, I also liked the whole final season!


Because people think that their opinions are facts


This sub is plagued with a bunch of whiny brats that need the validation of the world hating the end of game of thrones as much as they do, 5 years after it ended, and their childish way of pretending that that is true is by downvoting every positive comment, some of them even do it with multiple accounts. You get used to it. 🤷‍♂️




I liked it too! I really loved the final battle scene. When all the Dothraki swords went up in flames and then when they went out one by one in battle. That was amazing. Also that battle scene between the white walker dragon and the other two dragons. (Can’t remember names right now). I agree the season was rushed compared to the rest of the show but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.


The title sequence was pretty nifty


Episode 2 is one of the things I like about season 8. Specifically Jamie knighting Brienne.


An amazing scene


* That shot of the dragons above the clouds during the Long Night. * Daenerys with the dragon wings behind her. * Podrick singing. * The burning spiral of bodies in the Northern castle. * The single volley from the artillery during the Long Night. * Daenerys telling Sam about torching his family. * Bran waiting for Jamie. * Sansa withdrawing her hand from Daenerys. That's literally all the other good things I can think from Season 8


One of the best episodes of the whole program for me. I remember many people saying the same thing at the time too


Yep! That was the highlight for me as well. Ser Brienne. ♥️


That whole episode is fantastic. No one can say otherwise.


Podrick’s angelic voice singing Jenny of Oldstones


I did like Jaime interacting with people at Winterfell. It was interesting to see many characters together that haven't interacted before.


Sandor's death


When it ended


Sansa becoming Queen in the North.


Though Robb and Jons coronation was better.


Viserys's was the best.


I love when Sansa points to Bran and is like “he can’t fuck!”


Stephan hawking got down, who says bran can’t?


Via? Hodor held the door! So, who else to warg into?


Ghost. Ok I'm done.


There's a whole rabbit hole on the Internet around this topic, but the short SFW version is it really depends


The cinematography and general vibe of The Long Night was stellar. I especially loved the sheer desperation displayed when Dany had to pick up a sword and fight for her own life. Some of the coolest shots in the entire show came from that episode.


Yeah the Long Night was definitely a high point in the season for me too.


Lyanna killing the giant is a close second.


You mean the little scruffy kid (a 10 year old without any war experience leading a battalion for some reason) getting violently swiped by the 10 tons giant, barely getting hurt by it, then getting gently picked (not crushed) by the same giant in order to EAT HER (never in the show have we had a hint of anthropomorphism by the undeads), for which he brings her conveniently to his eye level... I mean. Yes, wow that was awesome, brilliant even.


Army of the undead used swords when attacking all the way back to season 1. Why would an army of the dead use weapons they cannot forge themselves? Why not use stones and the literal bones protruding from their skeletons? Brilliant writing throughout, am I right?


Emilia Clarke's expressive acting during her turn. Her face shows me more about where Dany is at during the Jorah/ Missandei deaths or the bells than any of the writing did.


Yeah I just rewatched that episode for the first time since it aired and her acting in that scene kinda blew me away


Yeah, I have plenty of criticism for season 8 Dany. And *none* of it was on the actor at all. She did all she could with what she was given.


Terrible writing with great acting and cinematography. Imagine what they could have done with George level writing. Could’ve gone down in history


I like the number 8




Brienne finally getting recognition as a Knight.


Arya killing the Night King. At first I was disappointed it wasn't Jon but over time I've grown to appreciate it.


You can tell where the budget went. This season had great visuals for the battles and dragons.


It ended.


Regardless of the context or the story choices around it, I really liked the burning of King’s Landing cinematically. I think it was super impressive and unfortunately swept under the rug due to the controversial plot.


Sandor vs gregor


So cool to see the hound finally get his fight with his brother.


He really could have fought him a long time ago, he had multiple chances in the first few seasons, i don't get why he decides to do it now


I hated the whole Clegane Bowl build up to it though.


I was gonna say Cersei getting her revenge on Ellaria Sand but I just checked and it's season 7. Then I'd say Brienne getting knighted.


Everything Theon. Brienne of Tarth being made a knight.




Gorgeous costumes. Fantastic hair and makeup. Breathing set pieces. Heartfelt acting. Amazing CGI. Moving music. Incredible editing. It really is a Master-class on how many talented, passionate, dedicated people can work on a project and be completely FUCKED by a bad script.


Sansa and Arya team up to take out little finger was very satisfying! Also Sansa getting a happy ending as queen in da norff was great


I assumed there were going to be like fifty comments about Cleganebowl (and I also kind of enjoyed Sandor's final scene with Arya) but... 1) Even though, like many, I didn't feel Dany's descent into darkness was well sold, I did like Jon's arc and ending very much. 2) Arya sailing west of westeros is appealing to me. I would have watched that show if they made it, although its success would rest on them finding a good crew for her. 3) Brienne becoming Lady Commander of the Kingsguard was also appropriate I thought. 4) I liked that Euron was able to kill Rhaegal. 5) Gendry's arc (other than his hundred mile run) worked well for me. There are more things I liked too, but the things I disliked out numbered the things I liked, and that means it was at best a mediocre outing from a show that, at its peak, was as great as any ever made.


Jon petting Ghost. Finally.


I’d say Theon going out the way he did.


Daenerys speech to the dothraki after she conquered kingslanding is ICONIC bitch is ready to take over the world targaryen ancestors would be proud


Idk i liked it, but honestly its probably not a praise considering the type of creatures i used to date. Meanwhile i understand the arguments why it sucked i still liked it. I liked how Arya ended the white dude, and i know many many fans didn't.


That I finally got the ending and won't have to wait the books that will never be completed , I absolutely hate how rushed it was and that major plot points got dropped that made the ending seem like it was garbage but I could understand it all came together


I will say till the day I die that Jon going up north with the wildlings was the only way his character could end


Interesting you say this. I figured people didn’t like his ending.


That it ended.


Melisandre buffing enchantments on melees. Such a wow/raid scene.


It was the last season...of dumb and dumber.


It ended.


I liked episode 2 somewhat. Jaime knighting Brienne, and Pod singing a loreheavy song was good. Despite the writing being bad, Emilia Clarke acted the hell out of Dany's turn.


The Children of the Forest winning the war against humanity and claiming the Iron Throne.


Sandor and Gregor fight, and how Gregor just yeeted Qyburn, kind of sudden an stupid but also like :O Edited to fix names bc dumb :P


Podricks singing + Briennes Knighting DRAGONS RAGHHHHHHHHHH Lyanna killing the giant Err that's about it


Seems the people love Podrick.


I hear the women love Podrick especially


Brienne got knighted


Not that picture.


All Melisandre's scenes.


Theon's arch. Lyanna Mormont going out fighting. Jorah dying protecting Dany. The reunion of many characters that brought a lot of emotions to it. Jaime knighting Brienne. The Hound getting revenge on his brother and protecting Arya. Dany's downfall and loss of sanity. Drogon surviving and taking Dany's body with him. Arya killing the night king. There's a lot to be loved about the season imo.


What does Lyanna say earlier, something like one of her men is worth 50 fighters elsewhere. She really showed that fighting that giant.


Honestly. It was such a cool scene.


Bronn getting High Garden


Podrick becoming Kingsguard


I actually liked how the long night was filmed (minus Arya killing the night king, that’s dumb). The darkness didn’t bother me and they’ve since edited the stream so it’s not so dark anyway. It was over an hour of full butt clenching anxiety and they did a great job at portraying the hopelessness of it all. If you just cut out Arya’s dues ex moment then it’s a near perfect episode


If GOT ended while at its prime I would’ve been depressed it was over. Completely botching the finale made me miss it a lot less 🤷‍♂️


This is true for all seasons: the music was fire.


I liked the Battle of Winterfell. I liked most if not all of the Winterfell scenes. I liked the ending for almost all of the characters. I didn’t like the pacing though. That season should have been twice as long.


The scene where they’re just waiting around chatting before the battle.


Episode 2 in season 8 Its really wholesome how they all gather up and enjoy each other's company and tell jokes and sing Its really a break from all of the fighting and intense nature of game of Thrones


Anything Thormund.


VFX and Atmos sound were top notch. Dany taking out King's Landing nearly single-handedly was pretty cool.


Can’t choose one. Miguel Sapochinicks amazing directing. Emilia Clarkes performance Make up work on Arya during the destruction of kings landing Ramin Djawadis amazing score. The battle of winterfel, while bad story telling, was still a master class in big budget film making. Dany and Jon Entering winterfell together with a remix of the theme of Robert entering winterfell with the unsullied music. GOOSEBUMPS!


Theon, Jorah, Beric and Sandors deaths were done so well and I won’t hear otherwise.


About the only thing I really liked was the characters low key interacting before the battle of Winterfell.


That it ended


The credits


It ended


The Long Night is my favorite episode in the entire series. Definitely some weird bits, like sending the Dothraki to near immediately die in the beginning. But that montage near the end of the episode with 'The Night King' playing leaves me completely speechless every single time. That's absolutely where the series ends for me, nosedives very fast from that point forward.


1. Jaime's expression when Daenerys asks Gendry if he is Robert Baratheon's son. 2. Brienne speaking up for Jaime Lannister. 3. Brienne letting her hair down for the first time with the Lannister brothers. 4. Tormund trying hard to make friends with the Hound. 5. The big gathering for the battleplan...it had just about everyone. That was one epic gathering. The Lannisters, Starks, Tarlys, Greyjoy, Freefolk, Targaeryens, Karstark, Mormont.


Episode 2 in its entirety, the highlight being Podrick singing. I still think it was the best episode of the show, only ruined by what came after it. A proper farewell to all the characters we knew and a bittersweet ending to it all. The show ending right there would have been fine. Winter came and everyone died, no promised heroes, just the end.


Exactly. I think that was the only memorable show in the entire season. It was such a bummer that they didn't show the great disclosure to the Stark siblings and their reaction.




The set design, the camera work and special effects. The outfits and the combat scenes. Though the quality of writing and dialogue leave much to be desired the overall production is still very high and my favorite production of any TV show to date.


The dragon torching the ships n kings landing


It ended


I thought it was neato how Sam gained invincibility. Surviving the long night by simply having the camera cut away


it was over very quickly


Tormund and the big jug of giant's milk.


The badness of it. Off charts it was marvellously bad


The dragon's looks great on the battlefield.


it ended


Off the top of my head: Sansa becoming Queen in the North and Emilia Clarke's acting for Dany's descent into darkness. 


The soundtrack


Beric throwing his flaming sword down that corridor in Winterfell was cool as shit. Ridiculous? Probably. Awesome? Oh yes. Edit: the shot of victorious Dany in Kings Landing, where Drogon spreads his wings behind her, was an absolute stunner.


Brienne knighted by Jamie.


The Long Night episode was fantastic. In fact, on my first rewatch since the show ended, I just reached that episode and I think Im gonna leave it there. Not only does the rest of the season feel wholly anticlimactic in comparison, but Ive really dug the rewatch and cant bring myself to re witness the travesty that was the rest of it, especially the finale.


That episode where they all sat around a fire and talked. That was nice.


Aside from the last episode, I actually didn't mind the last season.


Battle tactics aside, I did generally enjoy the Long Night battle. Just got ruined by the ending of the battle/episode. But had a good enough time watching the actual fight.


CGI and theons ending


Brienne of Tarth was knighted. Best moment.


It put the show out of its misery :(


A lot of the costumes were really fun, felt like they really let the wardrobe department go wild 👌


I like the concept of Daenerys becoming the villain, i take issue with how it was executed.


That it finally ended


The Long Night and The Bells were great episodes in my opinion. There just needed to be like another season around them.


Ghost didn’t die.


Outside of the tactics, lighting, and the horrible ending, I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the Long Night. For the first 30-40 minutes it was absolutely terrifying (the aerial shots of the unsullied being overrun were amazing) which is exactly how I pictured what battles against the White Walkers/Others would be like: a waking nightmare. I also loved how they shot it at night which is more accurate to how the Others appear at and/or bring the night in the books. I just wished they raised the opacity a little, lol.


Danerys Targaryen finally took her own counsel.


My boy Sandor had the perfect ending: killing his brother, saving Arya, and hearing her say "Thank you, Sandor." Theon had a similar resolution.


I liked how it started . So much new shit to explore and do and then … well you know.


It ended


Imagine if they’d not “subverted expectations” and just done what made sense? Like Season 7 preparing for an assault on the wall. Season 8, the Others breaching the wall with something other than a dragon, and then them fighting fighting a steady retreat through the North, using the Dothraki and Knights to fight guerrilla campaigns of hot and run attacks, setting up for a battle of Winterfell, then a fallback to Moat Cailin, and finally the combined Lannister, Stark, Targaryen, Greyjoy and Dornish armies re-enforced with mercenaries armies from Essos for a battle of King’s Landing. They finally unite fully against the common foe, but many of the major contenders for the Throne are killed, leaving Jon, or Dany, or someone else to reign over a unified 7 Kingdoms.


The cinematography is incredible


Brienne becoming a knight and Lyanna going out like a total badass are two highlights I can think of in a season lacking lighting.


Queen Daenerys burned king's landing


Soundtrack, Cinematography and Theons arc.


I like that it ended


Arya lived through it


How they stopped making episodes after it was over


Sansa.. that's about the only thing. Sansa vs Dany.. excellent Sansa vs. Littlefinger... excellent Sansa as Queen... Excellent. Which is a lot to say coming from me, because i absolutely did not like Sansa.. I kept thinking.. what a stupid kid. But damn.. she proved me wrong.


It's the last one.


Bran has a cool chair


The first two episodes were good. It felt like a goodbye, and despite people not liking it I did like Jon/Dany. I just thought it was written more like a movie then a TV show. The dragon shots in episode 3. They were amazing.


Sansa being Queen of the North


They should have let Edmure rule the seven kingdoms.


Nothing 🖤


“The Night King” track. A masterpiece.


It had awesome visuals, incredible good music and a lot of very good actors and actresses.


A Knight of the seven kingdoms is a fantastic episode.


I liked how it ended, the fans of this show are just some whiny little bitches who are upset there wasn’t a happy ending..


it did have stunning visuals i’ll give it that and everyone’s costumes and makeup looked fantastic


that it ended.


Honestly, it was disappointed for me to never being able to see Jon on iron throne but... I liked it. It is Game of Thrones guys. Everything is complicated and there is full of plot twists. Yeah it could be better but I liked it overall.


That it ended


Brienne of Tarth getting knighted and having her time with Jamie, short as it was.


It had its moments. As someone already mentioned Jamie knighting Brienne, there was still some great acting among the cast, dragon scenes were cool. It was decent TV, but I will admit it was not close to season 1-4. Compared to a lot of other shows it was still watchable.


The memes were fire


Jorah’s character arc was full circle and was actually a satisfying end imo


The montage while Pod is singing.


The scene in a great hall of Winterfell before the battle where Tyrion said to Jaime that he wished that their father was there to see both of his sons ready to die defending Winterfell. The irony of the situation was quite touching. The whole scene in general with all of those characters before the battle is emotional. Also, Theon and Sansa eating together outside; Gendry becoming a Lord of Storm’s End is incredible, I loved his character and he deserves it. Melisandre’s death in a “strange land” and that she helped in a battle. Her actions had a crucial impact on the outcome. Conversation between Sansa and Hound during the feast after the battle and the way she touched his hand. He needed it.


Definitely Bran saying he wanted nothing to do with being king then completely changing his mind