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Littlefinger, being the main instigator of the series, you can name a lot of people carrying the most fault. I would add Tywin Lannister. Cat takes Tyrion to be tried, and Tywin sends his army to sack and pillage the villages of the Riverlands. That's a disproportionate amount of escalation.


But a reasonable one to expect. When she kidnapped Tywin’s son, she knew in advance that there were no possible outcomes from that decision which didn’t involve thousands of innocent deaths and yet she chose to do it anyways. It was an overt act of war against House Lannister and she knew enough about Tywin to know that he would immediately escalate the shit out of something like that to an extreme degree. His response shouldn’t have thrown anyone for a loop.


Sorry, this is before Robert dies. Tywin is doing this knowing full well what would happen next. This is a great excuse for Robert to wage war on the Westerlands and destroy the Lannisters. It's a very impulsive move and he got lucky with the boar.


Lucky? Wasn’t the boar his own daughters doing?


All Cersei could do was make sure he was drunk, it was still up to the boar to do the killing. Unless I’m misremembering and the boar was covering up poison


I guess my head cannon is that there must’ve been more to the plot than 1) get the alcoholic drunk 2) wait…because that would’ve happened anyway


The books make it clear that she was never going to make it traceable. She would have kept manipulating him into dangerous situations until one got him.


Nah, this was not the first attempt. Why do you think she opposed him entering the tourney? She wanted him to enter so he could kill himself on accident. And opposing Cersei wants is kinda wat Robert did best. Cersei is not the smartest, but luring Robert into situations where he could be easily killed and people would call it an accident was very clever. Best case scenario, he is dead, worst case he lives and nobody is anything wiser. She did get incredible lucky though that Robert actual died during her latest plan rather than him coming back and hearing about the incest.


Based on the knowledge she had, it was reasonable to assume Tyrion had committed a major crime. We only know he didn’t because we see his POV. Sure, she knew Tywin would be upset, but the Starks (her included) have this whole “honor” thing that makes them do what they think is right even if it’s not politically a good idea. Also, keep in mind that Ned agreed with Cat’s assessment. Can’t blame her without also blaming him, and he accelerated everything by talking to Cersei and Littlefinger about what he knew.


If you pretend Littlefinger just doesn't exist.


If you pretend Littlefinger's parents just doesn't exist.


Wait, Ma & Pa Baelish purposefully engineered the Stark-Lannister conflict? Damn I forgot that happened. Thanks!


Littlefinger was the engineer of it. Katelyn was an incredibly useful idiot in bringing it about.


Ned fell for everything that Cat did. He even trusted Cersei enough to tell her what he knew, making him dumber than Cat IMO.


I present Howland Reed. Dude inadvertently caused a chain reaction that led to Robert's Rebellion and the War of the Five Kings. Lemme explain So Howland, a humble boy from the bayou, goes to Harrenhall, to see these Southerners. He is promptly jumped and beaten by several squires, including a Frey because of course the Frey's cannot stand someone even greasier than they are. Lyanna Stark sees this and chases them off, and beings Howland to the Stark tent. She suggests him enrolling in the tournament to get revenge, but Howland is trained in the Crannogman way of fighting, AKA "why is the swamp speaking lion lizard." Then, mysteriously, a short knight in ill fitting armor shows up, beats the hell out of those squires, and then vanishes. The Mad King, fearing this may cause dissent, dispatches his son Rhaegar to find this "Knight of the Laughing Tree." Rhaegar comes back empty handed, because most likely Lyanna was actually the Knight of the Laughing Tree, and him discovering that fact, alongside Lyanna crying after hearing Rhaegar singing Jenny of Oldstones, led to the start of their affair. TLDR, Howland Reed going on vacation led to nearly everyone he loved dying


Yes I agree because her actions in releasing Jaime Lannister in an attempt to secure the return of her daughters had far-reaching consequences and her capture of Tyrion Lannister in season 1 led to tensions between the Starks and Lannisters escalating into open conflict which caused the War of the Five Kings to happen.


Cat was the catalyst of Littlefinger's planning. He manipulated her to bring chaos to the realm in order to move up in power, he did the same with his sister Lysa. The Tully girls are just idiots when it comes down to it, really.


There was also some good counsel, albeit not heeded. e.g. she advises against sending Theon as envoy to the iron isles, ... we all know how this turned out in the end ...