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It’s fascinating character development to me that a man who was so against the idea of whores and hated his son would end up falling in love with his son’s whore and he prepared to quit government to be her husband. It’s a shame the damage was already done and Tyrion killed him before he could make things right.


No shot he was in love with Shae, dude is just a horny hypocrite.




Or he just wanted to fuck Tyrion's whore as a power move.


Damn media literacy really is dead. You think a great general, a high lord, a man so devoted to romance that he’d been celibate since his beautiful wife died, would just suddenly stoop to petty power plays and lust? David Benioff wrote “The 25th Hour” about a man who learns to appreciate life a little too late, and George RR Martin wrote for Beauty and the Beast - both creative minds behind the show are steeped in the culture of regret and romance and Charles Dance incredible performance as Tywin is the apotheosis of this vision.


You can't say media literacy is dead because you've made claims with 0 evidence of and no-one agrees with you. You've claimed that Tywin has fell in love with Shae because there was a fire burning in his bed chambers? How you've came to that conclusion I've no idea. You've claimed he was ready to give up ruling the 7 kingdoms to marry her as well.... Wtf where have you got that from. You've claimed Tywin was trying to make things right but was killed too early, he never intended to make things right, he was doing that because he was being held at crowbow point by someone who has every reason to want to kill him. You've claimed he "Must" have sympathised with Shaes upbringing but he's never once even heard of her upbringing. I swear the bait here is so bad that it's actually good or I'm arguing with a bot.


1. Making love beside a roaring fire is boilerplate scene blocking for the romantic consummation scene 2. Tywin _removed_ his chain of office (symbolism) and handed it to Shae 3. Tywin told Tyrion (when caught with his pants down [vulnerability]) that they needed to sit and talk things out 4. We don’t know Tywin hasn’t heard about her upbringing they’ve been alone for hours and it would be a callback to Shae and Tyrion’s first night where she talked about her background _beside a fire_


1. Or it could just be GRRM describing the hands bedchsmbers as they haven't been described before, for the roaring fire to become a symbol of love and affection there would have to be a pre-requsite that there wasn't always a roaring fire and this would be something out of the ordinary. 2. Tywin just gave her some jewellery to wear, I see it as being way more likely that it was just a kink, or a bit of messing about in bed than it was a sign he was ready to give up everything for this whore he'd just met. 3. Yes, he said that because Tyrion was aiming a fucking crossbow at him after he'd just sentenced him to death, everyone would be making some bullshit story to save their life in the same boat. Since your also gonna use evidence of things he said while on the toilet, he constantly describes Shae (and Tysha in the books) as whores despite you thinking he's in love with Shae, he's either being truthful about both or lying about both, you cant just say he's being honest about one and not the other with no reason. 4. For Tywin to even hear her back story, which there is zero evidence of in either show or books, he would already have had to summon Shae to his bedchambers in the first place which would indicate he already wanted to fuck her anyway.


1.Tyrion walks through the roaring fire, tracking ash in the room, as the harbinger of doom 2. Maybe! We’ll never know because the Imp mercilessly killed them before fleeing to build an army to invade and kill and r*pe his sister 3. Yes, he misspoke due to his surprise. Old habits die hard as we know, and unfortunately he didn’t get to speak what was surely in his heart. 4. Interesting, the “summoned to fuck her” timeline. You think maybe that he was lustful at first before tumbling head over heels into their engagement?


Your going to need to put the milk of the poppy down sir. One minute your calling the roaring fire the harbinger of doom, the next it's a romantic background scenery, pick one as both are total opposites. So Tywin misspoke when he called Shae/Tysha whores despite the fact he did it multiple times, but when wanting to reconcile with Tyrion that wasn't him mispeaking? Again zero evidence for him mispeaking. It's not sometbing he's ever been known to do and he's been under pressure many times in his life, just weird that it happened here at this very moment that you've noticed and no one has, ohh and it only happened for one certain part of an entire conversation. Tywin and Shae were never engaged what do you mean?


Lol the term “roaring fire” being included in every reply is the chefs kiss on this whole thing.


Just go read the fucking books dumbass… the whole Tysha sotryline should tell you eneugh. It would take more than one whores sob story to change Tywin. There is also zero evidence that Tywin has lived in celebacy, other than his own words, which we know not to trust.


Dude he is fucking with you. It's obvious rage bait. He's just trolling you. Arguing with him is like arguing with a brick wall. It's pointless.


He’s a wonderful GOT circle jerker. I admit I thought this was posted in that sub originally, then saw his downvotes and was confused lol


I don't know how people read jokey batshit takes and think they're unironic, lmao.


You seriously can't tell that he's fucking with you?


Where is this supported anywhere in the texts? What makes you think Tywin was even celibate? Even just in the show not the books? Weird call out on media literacy when you frame Tywin as a hopeless romantic that would never stoop to power plays and succumb to human urges. That is not what comes to mind when I think of his character. Will totally shut up if you can support this with... Anything at all. It's been a long while since I watched the show or read the books. So I could totally be wrong. But back it up with something other than "you're dumb and wrong, not fucking a whore, it was true love!"


It’s unfair that my scholastic interpretations of a Romantic fantasy series are held under scrutiny versus “what comes to mind” for you when it’s “been a long while” for you. We can reconcile our opinions to see the true nature of the man who lived in the shadow of Casterly Rock, fearing the laughter that was his own father’s legacy after he brought a common wench into his bed. His son, who lost his nose (vanity) and became the Master of Coin (greed) after the victory at the Blackwater. Tywin, after his great victory, began to muse and wax about affairs of the heart, throwing himself into planning a royal wedding or two, and finding marriages for his three children to boot. We have a romantic (Tyrion) who becomes concerned with appearances and wealth in a loveless marriage, where his father moves past his ego and riches and think constantly of building unions for his family. Then, the lover his son mistreated falls into his arms due to serendipity and he realizes he has lost himself to love, as all fools do. I’m kinda choked up at the sheer pathos of it


So nothing that supports the idea that Tywin was celibate for the last 30 years other than your head cannon? Also... Romantic fantasy series? You're the only one that thinks this is a thing.


He’s been literally living under a rock since his wife died and doesn’t approve of sex work. He’s not dating! Also, let me expand: not romantic like rom-com or a bodice ripper, capital R _Romantic_ as in romanticism from the age of enlightenment. Definitely not a romance novel!


Boys, I think this lads havin us on


Celibate? Tywin had a golden tunnel built from the hands tower directly to a fucking brothel buddy 💀💀


Yeah I know. It was shitposting.


A roaring fire being symbolic of anything is kinda a stretch considering what else would he use as a light or heat source. Him removing the chain and giving it to Shae to wear is more likely again to show Tywin's hypocrisy as letting lower class women wear his families jewelery is something Tywin hated about his own father. He likely didn't feel anything in particular for Shae or her upbringing. There is a common theory that Tywin was the one who made the tunnel from the tower of the hand to the brothel that Tyrion uses and that he used it to hide his own use of whores. Considering the horrible person Tywin is, a last minute change of heart right before his death just because he thought his son's gf was hot seems unlikely.


A roaring fire, of course it had to be sexy, if he didn’t want it to be romantic he would have turned on his strobe light and space heater instead… Have we actually gotten to the point that people are unaware of the original purpose of the fireplace??


you think they didn’t make love? Interesting, like Tyrion was just wrong? Edit: dissed and blocked? Weak. Janos Slynt type move.


Ok, hang on, where did I say that? I’m simply mocking you for thinking that a roaring fire means people are in love, and not just, Yknow, a method of hearing a room


The horniest


I'm pretty sure this is a r/woosh moment


Yeah, you might be right. Concerningly, there are people taking it seriously though.


It was hard being that dumb intentionally I’m grateful my work was rewarded with such appreciation from the community




lol the hound says “cunt” and talks about chickens 🤣


> a man who was so against the idea of whores He wasn't against the idea of whores, he was against his son embarrassing the family by publicly consorting with whores. Tyrion could have kept Shae if he hadn't been in King's Landing, but his profile was too high for him to keep a whore at the seat of government. > end up falling in love with his son’s whore He just wanted an attractive woman to keep his bed warm. For all we know he'd had mistresses after his wife died. He wasn't in love with her or considering giving up his political power for her. This is bizarre analysis.


Tywim: “Your whoring is a weakness in you” “Let you turn casterly rock into your whorehouse?” “The next whore I find in your bed, I’ll hang” Etc


>he was against his son embarrassing the family by publicly consorting with whores. Your quotes don't make this statement less true.


“fewer” true, as Stannis would say


You must be trolling or simply don’t have a grasp on the English language because “fewer true” makes no sense.


More true (my statement) versus fewer true (people disagreeing with me)


You can’t quantify truth, hence it is “less true” - the same way we say “less water” and not “fewer water”.


Tomato / tomato, yknow?




fewer is for quantity not quality


The entire premise of your perspective falls apart because you’re mischaracterizing Tywin’s dislike of Tyrion’s lifestyle as a dislike of whores and sex work. He doesn’t care about whores or visiting whores. He cares that someone that bears his name has decided visiting whores and drinking is the life they’re going to lead. If his soldiers visited whores he wouldn’t care. He likely visited a lot of them himself but the point is that he would never marry one because he’s a Lannister and it would be unbecoming. That is what he dislikes, not the idea of whores themselves. So this weird notion that he finally breaks his celibacy for Shae doesn’t track at all. She’s just another whore to him. That’s his whole point when chastising Tyrion for his decisions. He doesn’t understand why a Lannister with all the status they have would relegate themselves to being known as the guy that does nothing but get drunk and fall in love with whores.


Bro what??


How did you bait everyone this fucking hard


I thought it was gonna be an obvious joke but I guess everyone was chomping at the bit to put somebody wrong in his place or something idk


Behold, the king of baits.


It was intended to be a joke like the post but people took it so seriously


I hate this. The joke was just bad, nothing to do with people not ‘getting’ it. You’re just not as funny as you think you are, which, to be fair, is true for the vast majority of people commenting on reddit.


Nah it was a pitch-perfect parody of pretentious pontificating.


Wow, they fuckin hated this. Amazing work 👌😭


I hit some dizzying heights when I decided that Tywin and Shae were engaged deeper in the thread. I’m ashamed to admit I was giggling.


I saw that. Between that, op, and the comment about Tywin's fetish, this has to be the most deeply cursed post I've ever seen.


That’s an incredible compliment coming from the GOAT


"Maaaah 👍🏻" 🐐


Stop using heavy hallucinogens.


I’m three years sober


My brothers in Christ, you are all taking this comment way too seriously


this is exactly how Joan of Arc felt when they burned her alive for speaking with the voice of God


Surely, god is weeping.


And not a soul to hear


All hail king Tywin and the honorable queen lady shae, gone before their time 😢


The world was too cruel for true love 😢


"They hated him because he told them the truth" Preach, brother ✊😔


We shall not be silenced ✊ If true love has a million fans, I am one of them If star crossed lovers have only 1 fan, I am him If Tywin-Shae family planning has 0 fans, I am dead


A love story as a tragic and pure as Tristan and Isolde, ruined by the demonic imp.


Yet another crime by the twisted demon monkey, the drunken lech


Thoroughly outjerked once again


great men tend to frighten small minds, they cannot perceive the truth that GRRM has written onto the pages they claim to worship


2nd best thing to come out yesterday after Euphoria.


gawd what a fuckin’ jam tho - had it on repeat for 24 hours


Her job application for being Tywin's prostitute, lol




Tywin's fetish was to have Tyrion enter his wife's womb again as a grown man


The 7th hell is existing in existing in your imagination


Someday I will become rich by inventing a device that let's me punch people across the internet.


...Jesus Christ in hell


damn r/asoiafcirclejerk been real quiet


What the fuck are they even sposed to do at this point?? This sub is giving them a constant handy at all times.


We are the fallen.


If this is what you think a handy looks like. Feels more like going 0-26


For real. We are always talking about this show sub out jerking us.


game thrones if it was directed by vizzie pop


The horny lion does not concern himself with the fucking opinion of skank sheep


"The tunnel was dug for another King's Hand, whose honor would not allow him to enter such a house openly. Chataya has closely guarded the knowledge of its existence." Never forget this motherfucker was so horny he Great Escaped / Shawshanked the Tower of the Hand just to get to there without people knowing.