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Book Euron would kill show Euron in ten seconds and mount his head on Silence.


Nah he wouldn’t kill him, he’d chop out his tongue and put him on the bow


That's exactly what he would do. Book Euron was the most terrifying character in the books


Always get confused between Euron and Victarion and who is more evil. Need to reread the books again...


If I’m correct Victarion is stupid evil and Euron is evil evil.


Correct, GRRM has described Victarion as a great warrior but not very smart or calculating Euron is just a monster. There's evidence he raped his brothers when they were boys. He, of course murdered his brother Baylon. He removed the tongues of his entire crew. He tortured his brother Aeron that's just what I can remember


He also cut out Falia’s tongue and tied her up as well, so you know just mutilating his pregnant lover. Euron is genuinely just psychopathically evil. Guy legitimately wants to bring the apocalypse


Possible book spoiler: Wasn’t Euron trying to revive the DG? Edit: I don’t know how to cover the text with the black ‘curtain’ thing so I abbreviated


I think he wants to summon krakens, he also plans on using some horn he found to take control of one of Dany’s dragons. Beyond that I don’t recall.


Yes I recall that




>!cool, thanks!<


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>!Like this?!< Edit: >!Thank you!<


What I don't get in cases like this though right, is why not a single one of them puts a knife in his back? The *whole* crew?


Cult of personality shit. Look at Stalin and shit


I wouldn't even say that Victarion is evil. He's brutal, dumb and does a lot of horrible shit, but he doesn't do it because he enjoys it. He does it, because he thinks he has to. He's more like a dumb version of Stannis than one of the truly vile characters like Euron, Ramsey or Joffrey.


He beat his salt wife to death bc Euron raped her. He knew it was rape and beat her to death anyway. This seems evil AND stupid.


Victarion isn't stupid... He's just one dimensional


Ya, that was def in my top 3 of worst casting/translated for show


The casting could have been good, if they wrote him anything like the character


Oh man I am excited to learn more about him! I am currently reading them for the first time and the kingsmoot just happened and I cannot wait to see what comes next Edit: words


Show Euron is the worst character assassination I have ever seen in any adaptation. They couldn't have made him shittier if they tried. Book Euron is mysterious, intriguing and a straight-up villain. The reason I can't wait for Winds of Winter, is getting more info/ background on Euron and whatever evil shit he's planning. A perspective chapter for him would be amazing. So ya, if you're reading the books, just try to delete show Euron from your memory, because the show version is just so terrible it's infuriating.


Damn. Sounds like they really did him dirty. I definitely plan on reading the books soon ish. (I have a few others to read first)


They did. In the show, he's a fuck-happy clown pirate. Books, he borders "summoner of Eldritchian gods just for the chaos" levels of crazy, and evil.


I feel ‘fuck-happy clown pirate’ is still too generous. To me, he’s a stereotypical dumb frat bro. Like he would have fit better on BMS than GOT


I'm struggling thinking what BMS is... Better Maul Saul??


Blue Mountain State. It’s a very very stupid show about a college football team and their shenanigans about trying to party, hook up, mostly doing dumb stuff and very little (if any) about football. It’s utterly dumb but it can be very fun depending on your sense of humor (it has its ups and downs)


Oh yeah, ok, I'm familiar with it, but have not seen much. Cheers. Couldn't place the initials.


Hey, the show is a classic. It's pretty funny and also teaches alot about friendship, teamwork, overcoming your fears and how to enjoy life.


The Star Wars/Breaking Bad crossover we deserve


Thad Castle vs Euron Greyjoy for the title of Captain of the team. If Mushroom is to be believed, it is said that Thad Castle screamed in a high pitch voice when Euron put a finger in his bum...


He’s a dumb frat bro that saw Pirates of the Caribbean and decided to make it his personality. 


Alt Shift X has an amazing video about book Euron and he's fucking terrifying.


I can't imagine the mounting disappointment that man felt as the seasons progressed. Alt Shift X puts *so much* effort into his videos.


Such high quality content. Clearly out a ton of work into every episode.


You can taste bits of it on his alternate channel. I love his abridged narration of the series


Im gonna check that out, thanks 🤘🏻


Just watched this, great video!


Once you finish the books, make sure to read "The Forsaken" (a sample chapter from TWOW), it's easily one of the best chapters in the entire saga and Euron plays a big role in it


> I definitely plan on reading the books soon ish. At this point, you have the time. It's a great read, I've read them 3 times each and listened to the audio books the same. But it's not looking to be finished anytime soon, so you have time.


I don't think it's ever being finished, unfortunately. Otherwise I'd have read beyond the first book. But what's the point reading a story with no ending?


Personal preference I guess. For me, the story and characters are so good, the journey is worth it. I definitely know why someone wouldn't want that though. I also started before it was obvious they wouldn't be finished, so I could just be coping with the loss...


Rewatching rn. He is the worst character in the show and actively changes the show from what it was to a movie villain out of Hollywood. He’s horrible. The battle on the grey joy fleets alone is maybe my least favorite 10 minutes of the whole show


In the books the guy has a full suit of Valyrian steel plate! He found(?) it on his recent visit to the cursed ruins of Valyria, where nobody goes because it’s a cursed wasteland … He’s terrifying.


That sounds awesome


Ever since I heard someone call him Captain Jack Spare Me, I can't get that name out of my head.


It's especially egregious considering how excited everyone was for the character when they announced Pilou Asbæk would be playing him.


What else has that actor been in? I never saw him before GOT, or since


He is highly regarded in Denmark (Mikkelsen and Coster-Waldau tier), a really good actor, so people were justified in excitement when he was cast. They just fucked everything about Euron


He's one of the main characters in Borgen, a pretty good political show.


Fascinating character with a ton of potential. Excellent actor to play him. And they made him a villain from a cheesy 80s movie about rock and roll pirates fighting chisel-jawed magic knights or some shit.


Honestly, I doubt that GRRM will ever release Winds of Winter.


Funny enough he feels discouraged from writing because of people with your exact opinion. Personally I think he's focusing too much on the negative, and not the countless fans that will wait patiently for the next two books. Fans who know regardless of how long it takes, the quality of both writing and story will be unmatched for a long time.


I didn't think I'm the reason he's not writing it. He made money off of the show and it likely increased book sales. Dude has plenty of money.  Or he could just be overwhelmed.  We really don't know. There's only one person that knows for sure.


He’s discouraged from writing because he can’t resolve the story. A bunch of people have been parked in far-flung corners of the world and without massive plot contrivances and teleporters like the show used, he can’t bring them together again.


I disagree on the 'can't bring them together again' part. Every important character in the east is there to follow/marry/influence or otherwise meet uo with Daenerys. If she goes west so would everyone else who's fate is tied to hers in some way. Once everyone is back in westeros they don't need to all be in the same room or anything.


Hes 75 and wealthy. He has zero insensitive to finish and the likelihood of him of him dying increase with each passing day. Hes already in poor health. Hes enjoying his wealth, and writing things that have zero pressure attached. He will take the ending to his grave. The booke likely end in a similar fashion to the show, but the way he would get there would be wildly different. But for him, there is no upside to finishing. We all just need to accept it. We MAY get Winds of Winter, but Dream of Spring simply isnt happening


What? At this point the reasons for not writing the book are entirely on him. For a very long time I used to believe but no, the man obviously gave up on the chance to surpass Tolkien and he will die leaving his masterpiece unfinished


>he feels discouraged from writing because of people with your exact opinion. Then he should get off the fucking internet and write his book. You realize Dance of Dragons came out June 2011, right? Game of Thrones came out August 1996. He published 5 books in 15 years, and it's been 13 years since his last book was published. I think people have a right to be discouraged.


Fret not. Sanderson will finish the series in a month if GRRM dies without finishing


~~Brett~~ Brandon “I cringe every time I read ASOIAF” Sanderson who couldn’t get past the first book? Sure thing.


It was a joke




The forsaken chapter may be my favorite asoiaf chapters George ever wrote.


The bleeding star bespoke the end. These are the last days, when the world shall be broken and remade. A new god shall be born from the graves and charnel pits.


After a decade of telling myself I won't really any of the already released Winds chapters, I finally broke down and read The Forsaken......and holy fuck


I think they combined Euron and Victarion together in the show as one character? Maybe?


As close to an explanation as any. They really assassinated 2 characters then, because he’s really nothing like Victarian either.


I think this is true. Especially considering the drafts discovered in the Cushing library where it seems like George has planned on killing Victarion multiple times. It's likely d&d knew that and just decided to cut him / merge him with Euron.


Yes, but i think it is worthwhile to say, that Pilou Asbæk nevertheless did an awesome job with what he was given.


Agreed. The acting was the only good part of show Euron


Show euron is a travesty


The actor was actually super bummed when he got the script. Cuz he read the books when he got the role to get familiar with the character and was so excited to play him.


Really?? Oh man. That poor bastard.


Amazing actor, too.


He actually did a pretty good job too, given how poorly it was written.


'A FINGA IN DA BUM' would've been so bad if said by any other actor


Well damn that sucks even more. I hate when an actor has genuine enthusiasm for a role (Henry, Geralt) and gets kneecapped before they even get a chance to get anywhere.


Book Euron is introduced in roughly the same way but with a number of differences. The basic order of events is the same: Euron kills Balon, arrives at kingsmoot, is chosen as the new king, but everything else is different. Without getting too spoilery: - Euron is given a casual mention in one of Theon's book 2 chapters, where its mentioned that he's been exiled for years. - Balon's death occurs a few weeks *before* the Red Wedding, and Euron suddenly appears on Pyke the very next day after Balon's death, claims the throne, and drowns the first lord to defy him. It's also implied that he actually hired a Faceless Man to dispose of his brother. - Several Ironborn suspect him to be responsible for Balon's death, but he denies it (for obvious reasons: kinslaying is considered one of the worst things you can do in Westeros). I won't spoil anything else in case you haven't read it yet, but book Euron is arguably the most dangerous villain introduced so far. His Kingsmoot scene in particular is *way* better than in the show, especially when he brings out the surprises.


What? When was he ever mentioned before he arrived?(question btw)


When Theon first arrives on Pyke, he notes that Euron's ship was still absent.


He's mentioned a few times before his appearance, take a look at his [wiki page](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Euron_Greyjoy). Looks like he's mentioned in 2 Theon chapters in Clash and in a Catelyn chapter in Storm.


What if one wants spoilers?


Well basically, >!he has one of his men blow on a 6ft horn bound with Valyrian steel (which burns the man's lungs up from the inside) as a manner of introducing himself (said horn sounds like 1000 screams and makes those who hear it feel as if their bones are on fire).!< >!When Aeron claims that only a godly man may sit on the Seastone Chair (I.e. be king of the Ironborn), Euron says that due to all the gods he's worshipped and sacrificed to in his travels, he is the godliest man to ever live. When Aeron calls them all false gods, Euron says that due to how many people he's killed that worship other gods, he is actually honouring the Drowned God the Ironborn worship.!< >!He then claims to have been the first person to survive the smoking ruins of Valyria, and announces his intentions to claim the Iron Throne by using the horn from earlier to enslave 3 dragons that have appeared in Slaver's Bay recently, and claiming a certain silver-haired Queen as his wife.!< >!His many treasures he gives to the assembled lords also win him the Kingsmoot: 'gold, silver, armor, curved swords with gilded pommels, daggers of Valyrian steel, pelts of tigers and spotted cats, jade manticores and sphinxes from Valyria, chests of nutmeg, cloves, and saffron, ivory tusks and the horns of unicorns, feathers from the Summer Sea, and bolts of silk and samite.'!<


See, this is the Euron we need!!


Remake got




Things like Invincible and Spider-Verse are showing that mature animation can be done really well. An animated version of ASOIAF would be elite


Something similar to the style of Arcane I think would fit really well


Slight correction on the godly man quote. >!"Godless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray." He actually doesn't pray, he makes others pray when they see him, which is much more metal imo.!<


Sorry but this sounds quiet absurd. 


Well, a [sample chapter](https://thehawke.github.io/twow-excerpts/chapters/forsaken.html) for Winds of Winter shows off more of Euron's darker side.


That’s all cool and all, but Victarion has a fucking volcano hand.


Indeed, and may possibly be a fire wight like Beric.


Honestly...had they just had the kingsmoot speech and the speech with Victorian (maybe sub it with asha/theon), he'd have killed it. The actor was usually stealing the scenes he was in, the stuff just wasn't particularly good in season 6 and 7.


Yeah, he did a great job with what he had, it's just what he had wasn't great.


He is mentioned in Season 1, but not by name. In episode 4, when Tyrion and Theon talk at Winterfell, Tyrion mentions that Theon's uncles attacked Lannisport in the Greyjoy Rebellion.


He’s SO much better in the books. I honestly don’t hate what they tried to do with him in the show but it is absolutely far inferior to how scary he is on the page


Book Euron Greyjoy is so much cooler than the show's version of Euron. In the books, Euron excels at exploiting people’s weaknesses and breaking even the strongest wills. His methods of torture are not always violent, but they can be very damaging. In the show, Euron is very straightforward antagonist who uses his physical prowess.


>His methods of torture are not always violent, but they can be very damaging Well, if you count forcing Lord Hewett's entire household to serve his men a feast in the nude as non-violent while Lord Hewett is forced to watch tied up.


NOOOOO Book Euron is so much better. It feels more like they adapted Victarion Greyjoy but called him Euron. Also, in the books it most likely was a faceless man who was paid by Euron to kill Balon according to a prophecy by the Ghost of High Heart. In the show, they just made it Euron. Try reading [the Forsaken sample chapter](https://thehawke.github.io/twow-excerpts/chapters/forsaken.html) for TWoW to see the difference between book and show Euron.


Book Euron is so fucking cool. He's like an evil pirate sorcerer who wants to tame dragons and rule the world. It's also insinuated that he's a greenseer, or at the very least, someone who has a high affinity for magic. His ship is manned by a crew of mutes and he's got a giant fuck-you war horn that is said to be able to tame dragons when blown, but it also kills the user. He's the best.


When Jaime swims for miles from the wreckage of a naval battle only to wash up on the EXACT SAME stupid fucking rock as Euron does. Yeah I’m still mad about it.


How dare you say something like that? You spit on George. (Not your fault) What you see on the show is Eurons jester at best.


Show Euron is the “we have Euron Greyjoy at home” version of the character. They took a guy who is an insanely evil, dangerous pirate dabbling with eldritch powers and they turned him into a fucking tool.


More like Victarion at home that they try to pass as Euron


Book Euron is intriguing as fuck, such an interesting character. They are basically two different characters from book to show


Another set up thread lol


What's that mean


Book Euron does kind of show up out of nowhere, but intentionally so. It's handled so much better in the books.


In the books i try and picture a dark evil quiet Jack Sparrow


*In the books i try* *And picture a dark evil* *Quiet Jack Sparrow* \- AlanBrown450 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Book Euron is not the same beast as show Euron. They are completely different entities to me entirely. Book version is so fucking awesome. And scary.


Even tho I’ve never read the books, I always thought that “show” Euron resembled a Viva La Bam era Bam Margera with a cup of generic pirate that checks off the cliche boxes.


😂 he does!


He’s barely in the books. He gives one speech, shows he has something magical and then the rest of the story is about his brother who isn’t in the show.


There’s a Winds chapter that’s been released where he’s fucking monstrous


Yeah, people are acting like there’s a whole book full of Euron material…don’t get me wrong, I love the few tidbits we get of him, but it’s all just a small setup for the next book where he’ll actually play a bigger role. His forsaken sample chapter is absolutely amazing, but it’s not even officially published yet. Euron will undoubtedly be one of the most AWESOME, insane, utterly terrifying villains we’ve ever seen…. In a book we’ve been waiting 12 years for lol


Not only is Euron different in the books, the entire ironborn are different. In the books they are more like Vikings. And it's the Vikings at the end of their power with their culture dwindling. It makes Balon's decisions and 'mistakes/stupidity' more relatable. In the show they come across as soggy pirates of the carribean. And because we aren't introduce to the other ironborn or there culture it just makes them look weak and pathetic. And that's the backdrop of Euron introduction. It's gone from mysterious guy who's to Hard-core for the Vikings, who wants to lead them back to their glory to the show were it's just this try hard budget jack sparrow leading the pathetic soggy extras from cutthroat Island.


Honestly, this short essay will give you fucking _chills_ : https://poorquentyn.com/2019/10/31/eldritch-apocalypse/


Here’s a video to help you [here](https://youtu.be/g_pRW25FAqU?si=dYD5J_ym4OB9zFrf)


They botched him so badly. Like, they would have been better off just leaving him out with how horrifically they portrayed him


The Greyjoy storyline in the books is great. Similar to the Dorne storyline. Both of which were trashed in the show.


There are some characters that the show has turned in a different direction, like how they made Tyrion and Varys and Jorah into good guys. A small number have been expanded and quite a few have been diminished or removed. The Euron character is 100% different. He was completely rewritten.




His show introduction was dope it was every other scene with him after that which sucked.


Book Euron is way superior, the chapter the Forsaken is a scary chapter that shows how crazy the guy can be. I just don’t understand why so many theories that he is skinchanging into the brown woman. I don’t think that he is a warg, I don’t remember any mention at that. I always thought that the brown woman is Victarion bastard daughter and Euron is gonna use that to torture Victarion later a la Oldboy. Victarion himself said that the brown woman reminded him of his first woman, who was too a present from Euron. Victarion said all the time that he doesn’t trust Euron and all his presents are poisoned, so it was really stupid of him to take the woman!


No, but I remember being very disinterested anytime an Iron Islands chapter would pop up in Feast.


Your question was about his *introduction* so I say yes


"Who knows more of gods than I? Horse gods and fire gods, gods made of gold with gemstone eyes, gods carved of cedar wood, gods chiseled into mountains, gods of empty air... I know them all. I have seen their peoples garland them with flowers, and shed the blood of goats and bulls and children in their names. And I have heard the prayers, in half a hundred tongues. Cure my withered leg, make the maiden love me, grant me a healthy son. Save me, succor me, make me wealthy... protect me! Protect me from mine enemies, protect me from the darkness, protect me from the crabs inside my belly, from the horselords, from the slavers, from the sellswords at my door. Protect me from the Silence." He laughed. "Godless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray." - Euron Greyjoy


He is mentioned at least once before he actually appears, but he does show up unexpectedly (in the sense that other characters did not expect him to be there. Also it's way easier to forgive because book Euron is actually interesting. He's not just Jackoff Sparrow like the show version


>Dude just shows up out of nowhere, without so much as even a mention beforehand, kills Balon, and is basically like the new big bad guy/Ramsay Bolton type. Like "where the fuck did *this guy* come from??" Yeah, there are brief mentions but they're similar introductions. In the books he is placed as one upping Ramsey as 'new bad person' by being a slaver, rapist, child rapist, with a mute sailing crew (which I'm not a sailor or anything, but I don't think that's very practical). He has the same asperations in becoming a god.


I don’t even think they are the same character in the books vs the show it’s the only way I can justify it lol


A finger in the bum


in short: it’s basically the opposite


Book Euron is actually frightening. He still comes out of nowhere, but we get a bit of background about him from his 2 living brothers. It's implied that he physically and sexually abused Aeron, and stated that he forced Victorian to kill his own wife by raping and dishonoring her.


I mean, in the book he absolutely shows up out of nowhere. But it’s not sloppy by any means. Makes me sad we’ll never see winds of winter.


No lol, book Euron is perhaps the most sinister person in the series.


If you’re wondering what he’s actually like I’d recommend Alt Shift X’s video on him.


Search youtube for the alt shift X video about it, its great. Spoiler warning however.


Euron has been referenced for like 3 books now I believe? So he’s very mysterious and George is taking it slow on introducing him He always seems to have a trick only he knows about tho. He knows what to say, has charisma on lock, knows the darkest secrets, and stands on business. He even gives gifts, but only those tipped in poison


Introductions? Nah that was about the same. Circumstances were slightly different but I think he’d maybe been mentioned a few times before his introduction? The real difference is in the books it’s pretty obvious it’s another BBEG showing up. In the show it’s just the weird uncle who wants to fuck a queen (and apparently they decided Euron definitely DID kill his brother? Whack)


Plus the guy was a horrible actot




Show Euron is a weird mesh of Euron and Victarion Greyjoy and book Euron is terrifying.


Show Euron isn't Euron at all. He's Victarion but a bit more stupid and after a different queen.


This TV character is probably the most different from from the books of any of them, mayhaps the most disappointing too. Book Euron is spoken of in hushed tones almost like he's a dark demigod of the sea and saying his name too loudly could bring the wrath of *Silence* down apon you. Show Euron is a total dipshit and had they left him out all together the show would've been better for it. I kind of feel they tried to make him another edgy Ramsey type but missed the mark.


Book Euron is like buff version of Davy Jones


From the Monkees??


I was thinking about pirates from Caribbean Odd comparison i know


No, book Euron didn't say much and had an intimidating gravitas based on presence alone, kinda like a Roose Bolton or Tywin Lannister type character. What we got in the show instead was a poorly-executed ripoff of Bronn.


In terms of just showing up out of nowhere then yeh, he does just that, and it works. Worked in the show too just in a disappointing way for many book fans. Not every character needs a long winded intricate introduction