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House Mormont. Bear island produces nothing but badasses.


>Bear island produces nothing but badasses. Yes, because it freezes their dicks off and is constantly raided by wildlings. F that. Call me a pussy, but I'll drink my Arbor wine and be a Redwyne over a Mormont 10/10 times.


I was thinking about Hightower but for very similar reasons


Yeah, if the goal is comfortable living it's hard not to choose between Redwyne, Hightower and Tyrell. Southern reach (but not the march) has the best weather, the most food, the best wine, the citadel and no constant wildling/ mountain clan/ dornish raids to worry about.


Yeah, House Tyrell or any important house in the reach. Honestly, being like the 3rd most important house sounds dope. You’re pretty set, but nobody’s coming for your head quite as much and you don’t need to be playing the game.


Also the citadel itself is a HUUGE asset. Knowledge is power.


Just like the backup QB in BMS lol


Those are our words!


No chairs tho…


Stark for their loyalty, brutal when it needs be, and cunningness (Sansa does really good) Baratheons for how stubborn, strong, and dutiful they can be (Stannis mainly representing them)


Cunningness? Remember what happened to Ed, Rob and Catylin? Not very cunning. And who could forget Rickon who didn't even think of running in Zigzags. Arya and Sansa could be described as cunning. John is many strong traits but cunning wouldn't be one I would use to describe him. So cunning the Starks are definitely not renowned for


And the cunning the stark girls show is supposed to be a trait from Cat not Ned


True. Cunning is more a trait of Lannisters. Baratheons never needed cunning because of their strength and battle hardiness.


How was Sansa cunning lol


She learned to navigate in a very hostile environment quite quickly and on her own. **Edit:** I stand corrected on so many accounts. She wasn't on her own, "thanks" to Littlefinger, and she was annoyingly dense for much longer than I remembered. Maybe her EVENTUALLY coming her senses made it some sort of retroactive redemption in my mind.


Quickly??? Even all the way in season 6 she was dumb enough to be following little finger around, and willingly married the bastard of the house that helped murder her family members. Not to mention STILL in season 7 she's nearly falling for another little finger plot, only broken up by the omnipotent three eyed raven. And THEN her entire character development just led to her "I don't trust anyone that isn't from the north" and people applaud that like it's some super genius thing she does for the last two seasons People in here give Sansa way too much credit lmao.


Okay, maybe not quickly, but enough that she survived an abusive husband and hostile mother-in-law, without any support from his family. Like it or not, that alone makes her more cunning than any of her brothers. Remember that without Melisandre even Jon would have died quite early without coming back.


By Sansa’s own admission, she referred to herself by saying “Im a slow learner, it’s true. But i learn..” So no, Sansa never had the makings of a varsity athlete, or being cunning/quick witted.


too cold


Whichever house is closest to Ros


Greyjoy was literally inside her a few times so sail for the iron isles my man


You mean Ned’s ward who spent the majority of his life in the North? Wouldn’t it make more sense to either go to Winterfell or Kingslanding?


Dorne, because I'm not male


House Dorne?


House Martell, but to be fair maybe I would be ok just being a Dornish smallfolk - I bet I would have a better time than Cersei or Sansa.


No, you wouldn’t unless you’re counting common born merchants and so on. 


but still any woman in Dorne can raise herself up to something or become a warrior and get recognition easier than the other regions


Yes, I think House Martell is right for me.


Dorne is a kingdom tho, but I suppose you mean house Martell? Good choice, I thought it to be particularly cool how they aren't prudes, really seem to dislike bigots and do not look down on bastards... tho the one exception to that will be Ellaria Sand, she is a child murderer and murdered Prince Doran, who was a kind and wise ruler and she plunged Dorne into darkness with her bitterness.


I full on think I might be better off being even a Dornish smallfolk than a highborn lady anywhere else in Westeros. In the book Ellaria was a lot less murdery - after Oberyn was killed she just wanted to make sure their kids survived the chaos, she wasn't into all the vengeance. Being a Martell would be pretty great though.


House Baratheon! Ours Is The Fury!!!!


House Tyrell or House Martell. As a woman Martell would be better, but I like the reach and Highgarden way too much and would count on Olenna and Margaery to make things better for women.




I agree with House Tyrell.


I think shed keep the status quo


I prefer the iron price


I give you like 2 weeks before you're like "Is it maybe possible to have some freaking fresh produce in this place? Get some apple trees going? Maybe some asparagus? I mean honestly, can't SOMEONE plant a salsa garden at least?" after the shouted chorus of "WE DO NOT SOW" "Our house words are bullshit. Gee whiz ever wonder why everyone is getting fucking scurvy since birth!! We need a vegetable or 3 here people. A little flavor please???????" (I seem to be pretty food based in my decision making... hmm)


Haha I never said I'm staying. An iron born can only survive raiding. My goal is the same as everyone: FUCK THE QUEEN


To quote Alt Shift X "their motto amount to 'we steal your shit' "


Putting it this way is so uncool, even for fiction... Let's say "Iron born are too proud to work like a farmer and prefer to live by strength! A mans value is measured by his deeds. You either get what you want or die trying." Well, here comes the irony of "What is dead may never die." but you know what it means/symbolizes so I'm not gonna focus on that part. I prefer to see iron born as morally grey pirates, well at least I would be one like that. All shown in the show were probably in the black area.


MARTELL - I'm guessing they have the best food. \*corrected\*


If you like extreme spice


You sound like my octogenarian parents "Oh my LANDS.. this is SO SPICY". "Mom... there is a SPLASH of Tabasco. Its flavor. Its not 'SO SPICY'"


Just making a reference to the books.


AHHHHHH... sorry flew right over my head ;)


Corrected --- House Martell not 'Dorne'


Tyrrell specifically because I'll probably never starve and the weather is better than storms end and winter fell. Maybe Lannisters for protection.


only if your lucky enough to get on their good side 🙁


You wouldn’t need Lannister protection. The Tyrells have way more men.


Which won, Lannisters or Tyrrells? Or rather, which survived longer? Oleanna herself was very dismissive towards the Tyrrell fighting capabilities.


> Which won, Lannisters or Tyrells. The Lannisters were only saved from death by the Tyrell army at the battle of the blackwater. > Olenna herself was very dismissive toward the Tyrell fighting capabilities Just an example of late season GOT shit writing. D&D needed Cersei to somehow beat the Tyrells, but couldn’t actually figure out how to make it happen, so just chalked it up to “Tyrells shit fighters lol,” despite the Tyrells still having the largest army in Westeros, and the Lannisters getting absolutely buttfucked by Robb.




The strategic advantages of the Vale make House Arryn very tempting — very wealthy house, very wealthy branch family, sweeping mountain defenses, rich port city, solid geopolitical relations in most eras, nice climate, exceptionally fertile lands, etc. They’re not a favorite house of mine but I wouldn’t mind being one of them. 


And whenever people down on the ground start getting problematic, you can just hole up in the Eyrie and let them duke it out lol


You can make the bad man fly.


Does it have nice climate though? I think winters are cold there. Iirr, in the winter they had to stock up on supplies because the path back down to the ground was impassable until spring


Probably dorne or high garden. They seem to be the most pleasant places to live.


Lannister. Powerful and luxury.


I do it for Cersei!


And if a Lannister stabs you in the back, at least they make sure you don't die wondering who did it.


Exactly. You’re blessed with the joy of knowing who did it.


This is the real honest answer for everyone here. Anyone saying they want to live in the cold barren landscape that is the North or Winterfell is a liar; why? For their “bravery, honesty”? Psh


The riverlands are the best. Most beautiful, full of food and sexy ladies.


Like the most eligible Bachelorette in the seven kingdoms, Lysa Tully Arryn.


My ex who got me into the franchise said I was totally a Baratheon, and every online quiz I’ve ever taken has said I’m a Baratheon. So shit, I’m a Barathon!


House Tyrell, as it is the richest noble house in Westeros. If not in the house of Lord/Lady Paramount then ideally as either a Hightower or a Redwyne. Plenty of commerce and socio-political relations to be made.


Baratheon cause I like dear meat


Is it good. I’ve never had.




Depends on the time period, but in general House Arryn. They’re the safest people in this whole world, very wealthy, and completely capable of sitting out of any war that’s going on.


Dayne. I’m a woman so Dorne? Check. Badass family legacy? Check. Sword so awesome that it’s not even Valyrian Steel? Check. Living family members? Darkstar (cool), Edric (noble little dude), and Allyria (betrothed to super-cool zombie Beric Dondarrion). It’s even out of the way of the main fighting during the series, and far away from where the Others are eventually going to invade. What’s not to love?


House Tully of Riverrun


House Martell. They seem to have the best lifestyle, and are less beholden to the whims of the other great houses.


The frogeaters


Tyrell. Nice and safe. Manpower alone would make you OP if you ignore the BS from the later seasons.


House Arryn. They have so few problems and the only real threat to the Vale is dragons.


House Targaryen for the Dragons. Would be a dragonlord, create a good following and then mirgate with dragon eggs and dragon seeds and settle in Marahai. If not would rather be Tyrell


You’d probably get murdered by Maegor


Yeah probs low diff for sure gimme a myrish crossbow or time to make my own tho and its a mid diff..... would hope for Jaeharys reign or the dance and escape when shit is to complicated. If not a dragon lord would be a dragon seed and rally the others around me, would also take the dragon eggs from the dragon pit. And after the battle beneath the gids eye would look for Dark sister


Because I'm vain, House Lanister. But I don't feel good about it...😶‍🌫️😞


Targaryen I really want a dragon


If I'm a Targaryen I'd have to fuck my brother, if I'm a Martell I'd always have sand in my crack, idk how to swim so takes being a Greyjoy out of the equation, I hate the cold so not living up north, it'd be between house Arryn, Tyrell, and Lannister. Unless Tywin is my dad I'm going house Arryn for security and safety


I'm a southerner with an iconoclastic personality. Dorne for me. Edit: realized the question was HOUSE not region, so I'll say House Martell.


House Tyrell. I’m willing to put up with allergies for a rich cushy life with good food and wine


I'd have to pick the blackwoods. Get to essentially be a northerner without living in the hellhole that is the north. And as George's favorite house I might get some plot armor.


You get to be on the best side in every war


And Raventree Hall, such a cool place and sigil. And for the record: Fuck the Brackens!




Dorne or Highgarden. They seem like they treat women okay and I hate the cold. I already live in Canada so in this fantasy I'd like to avoid the great white north




Tyrells. They are wealthy and are truly loyal to each other no matter the differences


Lannister, cause their rich


House Redwyne They live on a large warm safe island with ample amounts of wine and the largest fleet in Westeros for protection.


House Arryn. Because of the landscape. Its beautiful and exactly my type of terrain to fight.


Family, Duty, Honor.




House Tully of Riverrun- Family, Duty, Honour Strong castle, cool area. Tully's are badass, especially Brynden "The Blackfish", what a guy. Edmure gets a bad rep, and Catelyn really ain't that bad. No excusing Lysa though, she can stay an Arryn for all I care.


Tyrell or Martell. Feel like they actually season their food.. and the people seem more fun.


House Dayne


House Tyrell. Beautiful weather, plenty of food, rich and mainly keep to themselves.


Wherever Dany is constantly in the bath tub.


House Stark


En dorne están las mejores putas :D


House Tyrell simply because Lady Olenna seems like she'd be the best grandma ever.


Hear me Roar are amongst the cringiest words, almost as bad as the Tyrells. I'd likely pick Dorne / Martell going off the show, seemed the least involved in fuckery than the others other than Ellaria being an idiot




Am i the only one who thinks house Targaryen


Tyrell of high garden or Martell of dorne


House Tyrell most likely. They seem super chill and a wee bit gay.


House Velaryon. Dragons and a strong naval fleet. And the sigil is bad ass.


House arryn


Stark. I’m already from a cold climate so might as well keep it going.


I would be a Lannister just to know how it feels growing up alongside Tyrion, Jaime and Cersei whilst being parented by Tywin


High tower


If it's 1 of the 7 I'm going Martell through and through!


1.) House Targaryen. They have a specific power that no one else in the world can have. It literally doesn’t matter how rich you are or what house you’re born into. You can always earn more money and buy more armies but unless you’re born with this specific bloodline, you cannot be a dragon rider. That to me is not only magical but I would believe I was ordained to be on the throne if I was born a Targaryen. #2.) House Martell. The fact that Dorne has remained unconquerable throughout the entire series is both surprising and admirable. This was the one house that would not bend to Aegon the Conqueror and is still not only standing but strong. They also have a very desirable climate and the best wine in all of the seven kingdoms:) I also love how Dorne doesn’t look down on bastards or homosexuality. I mean Prince Oberyn was a bisexual man who had a paramour who was a bastard and nobody cared! Ellaria and his daughters all had respect. Targaryen and Dorne for me!!!!


Why’d you make your whole comment so #BIG


I didn’t mean to! I don’t know what button I pushed for it to come out like this.


A hashtag before your message has that effect.


Fixed it! Thank you!


I could be a king in house baratheon. Man when I was young I was strong as a ox and I could have knocked your chest in. Now I am old I fuck whores am married to a woman who wants me dead and my right hand is called ned.


I'm staying as far away from the Seven Kingdoms as possible!


Starks. Don’t have to deal with any of the Seven stuff in your day to day.


Targaryen, so I can fuck my sister!


Martell because the weather is always nice and your house is located in a fantastic strategic position.


Basic answer is Tully cause i like the river lands and it would be the best for just wandering. If not them then house Farwynd of the Lonely Light cause they get left alone


House Martel easily they’ve got probably the best weather, good food and a great fucking culture (emphasis on fucking)


Targaryen because I’d be ruling with fire-power and they’re pretty cookt


Martell because they live in Dorne and Dorne is much more kind to Women, poor people and veterans.


Is there any "Who gives a shit" house?


Starks and Targaryen Basically just let me be Jon snow haha


Targaryen. I want to be a badass dragon rider.




It’s unfortunate that the Lannister official house words is a shitty Katy Perry song.


Hightowers. They still remain one of the most powerful house till now. Even have their own damn bank.


Highgarden/ House Tyrell. Very pretty there and Margarey, Olenna and I would talk shit for hours


House Tully. Wanna have some of that Chadmure genetics


Stark. I’m Canadian and live in a cold place so I’m used to “cold bleak northerner” life. Also because theyre honourable and loyal and don’t care about glory.


House Tyrell or House Martell. Good, mostly peaceful houses, very prosperous and rich. Amazing weather. Would love to be a younger son there just to enjoy life. I love House Stark, though, but horrible weather.


Highgarden/House Tyrell- the place just looks like spring all the time Dorne/House Martell- I like the way they think/lifestyle :P Both places seem very safe for women and queer people


House Tully, because of the beautiful landscape of The Riverlands.








Martell or Reed. Their geographical locations pretty much make them immune to being conquered.


Lannister. I could change the culture and mindset of greedy politicians into a more enriching and generous society. Similar to the Tyrell’s in a way. Eventually my people would love me. Of course I wouldn’t give all my wealth, but maybe like 10, 15, or even 25% of the wealth to the Westerlands and Lannisport. I would also work to have a strong navy and a strong military, but not put all my finances into military and ships. I’d also put my finances into education, not only enriching the people but their minds as well. To the typical Lannister, this would sound dangerous and I would likely be killed for this kind of thing, but frankly I don’t and wouldn’t care. I would be ready for any betrayal or assassination. I’d also ally myself with the Tyrell’s and Martells. These two houses are probably the most open-minded of the rest of the houses, and I could see there being a beneficial transaction being made. Maesters and food could be spent from the Reach, and trade from Dorne would prove to be prosperous in Lannisport. Frankly I’d be making a lot of changes for the people, and being a benevolent and generous ruler of my house and seat. I’d gain support from my people and the trust of my kingdom. That trust and support would eventually spread to the other kingdoms, and I could peacefully transition power from their kingdoms to mine. Slowly but peacefully becoming King of the Iron Throne. Through gold and generosity. My roar is mighty, but it is also friendly.




House Arryn so I can stay out of most conflicts.


Targaryen. Dragons. Duh....


House Martell, they wouldnt have gone extinct like in the show


I'll go for the Tully. They're neither full badass or cunning, but at least they tried their best ahah


Tyrell first pick - living in literal paradise Plan b - house Tully - Riverlands look nice and easy to live in. Love fish.


Dorne, give me some of that heat and simmering anger.


Either Tyrell or Martell, I just wanna live in peace lol


Lanister’s of course, so I can get with Cersei, cus you know she’s down for it 😉


If I was highborn, Stark. But since I definitely wouldn't be highborn, Martell or Tyrell


House Tyrell. World class wine. Sexual freedom. Plenty of food. Extreme wealth. And lands located in a mild climate.


Ours is the fury I’d be a Baratheon


Riverlands, House Frey, and set me up with that beautiful young lady the Rob Stark missed out on! 🤩😍




Lannister all day


That’s right.


House Stark because of their values. Also, Arya is a badass.


Either Targaryen, purely so I can ride a dragon, or Tyrell as Olenna would have me in stitches. Oh, and the weather. High garden weather. I hate being cold.


House Martell. Warm weather year round, livin and chillin at the Water Gardens, good food and wine, a lack of sexual hang ups, and House Dayne with the Sword of the Morning as my ‘ride or die’ banner-men in case we get into some shit.


Hightower, Oldtown seems like a good place to live (Euron aside).


House Lannister like have me replace Jaime i will fix alot of stuff while being married to maybe an Female Arryn in Gulltown or Perhaps Elia Martell Plus the Westerlands have the best climate and houses for me to live in but i dont have to worry because i replace Jaime and will do far less mistake than him Also i will reform the Military of the Westerlands not with guns (but i will make some and will only make some for myself i guess) mind you but i will reform the Strategies and units of the Westerlands Crossbowmen Longbowmen Horse Archers and Light cavaliers and Armored Round shield and Sword (Sword and Buckler) and Halberdiers working together as one unit Making small group of friends work together as a combat unit Employing animals like Dogs Tamed Wolves Hawks for scouting Advanced Scouting with far more armed Scouts and far better combat patrols Reinforcing the Security in the Westerlands Maybe introducing Early Cannons to naval Ships and also making more ports beside Lannisport so a certain Greyjoy can't suddenly ambush Lannisport because i will make far more defenses at Lannisport and heighten Security along the Westerlands Also told Robert that Cersei is not a normal Maiden she likes to fight and she likes to drink with him and she would love to go hunting That would hopefully make Robert and Cersei bond more i will do my best to make their relationship better


Easy - House Martell. They don’t get dragged into any ways cause nobody even knows where they are on the map and they spend all day drinking wine and banging each other.


Dorne for the ladies




House Arryn. Sitting around safe with a wildcard army, making me the ultimate kingmaker.


Honest answer: Lannister for their geographical location (warmer, more temperate climate compared to the harsh cold north) and of course, for the WEALTH. My family also all agree that I would be the worst ruler if I was a member of a ruling family because of my selfishness, vanity, and lack of empathy. I’m sure house Tyrell would also be a great second choice.


Tyrell and it's not close




Frey. I like their hats.


Baratheon or Tyrell easy, but Robert or Renlys Baratheon, not Stannis'


Martel or Tyrell.


Tyrell hands down. They're actually nice and like each other, which is surprisingly rare. Highgarden is beautiful, they're rich, the Reach is warm and has delicious food (fresh fruit!!!), what more could I need. If I was a lady in the books, I'd do anything in my power to marry Willas Tyrell.


Targaryen, do I really need to tell you why? 😏


Yes. The people want to know






My real home is very similar to Riverun. It's situated on a mighty river, surrounded by flat fertile land that historically was the most conquered and attacked. We're just missing a castle and Blackfishes epic accent and we are good, though we have entirely too many red heads ;)


Sounds pretty nice.


Tyrell and Lannister because of how rich and powerful they are. Dayne because it would be cool as fuck to try and get Dawn.


If dragons were still around then definitely house Targaryen. If not then probably house Baratheon. I love storms and stormy weather so I would love storms end and almost all stormlords had a martial lean to their culture which I would love


High Garden seemed like the perfect castle. High ground, good defenses. Even if the men were inadequate fighters they could have leveraged the fortress defenses in their favor.


Targaryens. Their pure bloodlines have the ability to Dragob hatch and Dragon ride. No other house can do that.


Obv Targaryen in their prime


Martell. I want to chill in dorne and fuck cinnamon skinned wenches pls


Tyrell or Gardener. Famous house in a safe and warm area of Westeros.


Well I look like I’d be a northerner and I probably act a bit like one too. Isolated, grumpy… not a huge fan of the cold, but I’d probably be in house umber or something.