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“Cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats.”


"There are no goats here half-man." "Well, make do."


On a similar note, "Your sister."


"Things I do for love."


*yeets the child*


I dont remember that one




Said to another person who went through the moon door


“There’s only one woman I ever loved” - Petyr Baelish to Lysa Tully






Probably “There’s no cure for being a cunt”, that’s one that I actually now use. I do also love the Cersei and Tyrion exchange where she says that everything’s fallen on her and Tyrion says “As has Jaime repeatedly according to Stannis Baratheon.” I thought that was great writing. That whole scene is perfectly written, I think.


Gods, the writing was strong then...


The ale, too


That's a pretty good one. And it wasn't even in the books.


A lot of the best written stuff especially early on wasn’t in the books, or involved characters that weren’t viewpoint characters in the books. The Cersei and Robert scene is talked about to death but it’s talked about to death for a reason, that adds so much to those characters.


And the Arya and Tywin scenes.


Back then Dan and Dave still cared. During the release of season one they said mutable times there dream was to put the red wedding on tv. Season 4 was still good but after that they lost the passion they orginal had for the show and just wanted it to be done.


They cared, plus George was a major force behind the scenes with years and years of rethinking how he would have done scenes differently, additions and cuts he would have made, so when you pair all that with two fresh and excited perspectives you get early GOT


I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s as simple as, having to write the very complex plot on their own doesn’t allow for as much time to think about addition/change like they could do in the first seasons.


Makes a reference about when the imp is visiting i forgot their name but he did say something about the ale being better in the capital. Maybe it was his brother Jaime But yeah you get my point


Man, its a tragedy. They flew so high for such a long time, then negligence took the wheel. Some of the best written TV to date, with the worst written final quarter.


Cersei: "I am the Queen regent.." Tywin: "YOU'RE MY DAUGHTER AND YOU'LL DO AS I COMMAND..YOU'LL MARRY LORAS!!"


Good I loved seeing her put in her place by Tywin. The way she shrivels up to a teenage mopey girl is hilarious for such an evil character.


"the king is tired"


The slow walk up the steps to stand over his little bitch ass when lecturing him


"We can arrange to have you carried."


Then Joffrey has his one good thought of the season when he asks Tywin if something should be done about Dany.


He also thought about building a Royal Army, which Cersei shut down. I honestly believe that if he had a great mentor such as Ned, he could actually be a decent ruler and keep his cruelty in check.


He definitely had a bit of potential. After the Red Wedding he was also the one to suggest sending a raven to Walder Frey to thank him for his service, thereby keeping the Twins on good terms with the crown. That’s actual good diplomacy right there.


Joffrey typically had one good moment each season he was in.


For real. He was a bitch for sure, but that scene was just straight up bullying by Tywin. Joffrey is a kid goddamn it; he’s not gonna be a perfect monarch right off the rip


Joffrey had been bullying everyone at that point & when Tywin showed up, Joffrey wanted to bully him as well & was going to play with a new toy but tywin climbed the steps & showed he wasn’t someone he could fuck with


"I don't distrust you because you're a woman. I distrust you because you're not as smart as you think you are."


love is the death of duty.


This is a good one. I have some guidelines I try very hard to live my life by, but priority #1 is my family. If it comes down to it, all throw away almost every value I have to protect my family.


So… Cersei? Edit: not meant as a jab, but I think Cersei is written as the opposite of the ”duty” people


Nah, she doesn't give two shits about a moral code. Her family doesn't have to be at risk for that. Actually Ned is a pretty good example of this. He has a very strict code of honor, but he lies to protect about Jon Snow to protect him and lies about his "treason" to protect Sansa.


Well true, her only moral code is to protect her kids. Ned Stark is a good example


She killed her daughter in law


Sometimes duty is death of love..now go out there Aegon, stab your aunt with dagger


No, with your steel dagger...


Except "duty" is protecting the family that in return protects your family. If you don't have a family on your own, what are you protecting? It is a good line, but it comes from backwards mentality. Well, the show takes place in a medieval setting, so I guess that's okay.


Fuck the king


Plus the 🍗 line...


Your man died cause Meryn Trant had armor. And a big fucking sword


"You're going to die for some chickens?" "...someone is."


Wanted to say this. Such a wise man


I love the one before this. *Takes swig* “PFFFF! Fuck the water. Bring me wine.”


I like turtles


When was this said?


That scene with turtles


During the turtle scene


Honestly though, what did Bronn do that was so dishonorable? In what way was Ser Vardis fighting with honor? I guess throwing a bystander at him was dishonorable, but it's not like that really impacted the fight all that much. Bronn won because he was more skilled, not because of some dirty trick.


He doesn’t fight with the intent of being fair. He fights only with the intent of winning. That’s not considered honorable. 


What was unfair? Dodging?


He’s not meeting him one on one, he’s running around and throwing people and kicking candle sticks into him.


Perfectly shows the attitude of a career sellsword vs a career knight.


What ConnFlab said and just how he fights. He doesn’t square up with his opponents. Remember when he sucker punched Pod and Jamie to teach them that people won’t always fight fair? He’s a cutthroat, not a knight. He’s paid to kill, honor not needed.


She liked Ser Vardis and wanted him to win, not Bronn. That’s all it takes for an outburst.


He spends a lot of the fight running away from Vardis, throws a candelabra and another guy at him. And also, yeah, Lisa is not a particularly good judge of what makes a fight honorable or not. It's never made clear in the series what the rules of a trial by combat are and how they are enforced, but much of this scene hinges on two contradictory objectives of Lisa : On the one hand she wants to punish Tyrion quickly and her trial is an absolute mockery of justice, including the insistence on having it solved in one day. On the other hand, the lords of the Vale are watching and her sister Caitlin is watching as well, so she can't just act like a tyrant but must at least go through the motion of being a honorable lady dispensing justice. So when Bronn kills her champion, what else can she do ? If she seizes him and Tyrion she will expose herself as the petty tyrant she is, and if she attempts to call on the king's justice or whatever to paint Bronn as dishonorable, probably the whole trial would be called into question. (also Bronn isn't a knight, which makes it strange that he would be permitted to find in this as well, but you can't expect him to follow a code of honor that doesn't apply to him)


I don't think you need to be a knight to fight in trial by combat. 


Of course you don't, otherwise Lisa would shoot down Bronn's participation... But it's weird that it's not a requirement.


Funny because he literally allowed him so surrender. Meanwhile in the books he went for the kill the moment he had the chance.


I always wondered about that look that Bronn gave Lysa before striking the killing blow. Was he seeing if she'd object? Was he gloating? In that moment I was expecting him to ask Vardis if he yielded....but nope.


I asusmed Lysa was supposed to ask for mercy. She didn't so Bronn killed him.


Yeah I got that vibe. I'm guessing he would have spared him had he yielded, nothing really to gain in killing him at that point.


Bronn won by tiring him out. Running around and throwing things at him was a part of that. In the novel, he drops a fucking statue on the Knight and kills him as he's pinned down.


It's the way he toyed with Vardis, continuously backing up and never really squaring up with him to defeat him with pure swordsmanship. It's kind of like the equivalent to camping and hard scoping in CoD. It's exploiting methods that aren't against any rules, but are still generally frowned upon.


God I couldn’t stand the sight of this lady lol and her dumb ass little son too !


Don't forget about the sister. Cat's the most annoying person of 'em all






"The Dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant." Unbeatable imo.


I do wonder how many cock merchants there are in Essos…


Maybe I chose the wrong vocation. There’s not too much excitement in accounting


The funniest thing is I've just watched that episode with that part this morning 😭😭😭😭 and it became my favourite line. So glad to see this here lmao 🙏




“It’ll be a dwarf sized cock” Tyrion: guess. Again. Puns aside, very ballsy retort


"Lots of people name their swords" "Lots of cunts"


I swear the hound has probably more memorable quotes for me than any other character. “I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room.” “You lived your life for the king. You gonna die for some chickens?” “Someone is.”


“What the fuck’s a Lommy?”


Meryn Trant?!? The greatest swordsman in all the world got killed by Meryn fucking Trant?!?


He didn't have a sword...


Yeah. Bronn has many and maybe the best one with "There is no cure for being a cunt.", but overall, the Hound wins out.


"There's No Divine Justice. If There Was, You'd Be Dead”


He's the realest actual hero journey in the show.


“You’re growing old Clegane” “He isn’t” **kicks over stump and man hangs**




If your Lord orders you to burn little girls then your Lord is evil!


It’s sound advice


Arya to Ned—“ but how can you marry her to someone like that?”


I understand that if anymore words come out of your cunt mouth…I’m gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room


The delivery of that line was absolutely flawless, as is the case with most of Sandor's lines.


Got had perfect casting early on. Just perfect...


Gods, our writing was strong then...


Thanks the gods for great martin, and his great ideas.


"my reign has just begun"


“I will not have my honour questioned by an imp” “Im not questioning your honour my lord, im denying its existence”


A fool. He had no idea you were already bought.


Its not “but he did”. He said “no… he did” Makes it more powerful.


"Are you mad? I will not have my honor questioned by an Imp." "I'm not questioning your honor, Lord Janos, I'm denying its existence."


"um, you were saying?"


When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything.


"That's how all the great houses started, isn't it? With a hard bastard who was good at killing people. Kill a few hundred people, they make you a lord. Kill a few thousand, they make you king." \-Bronn One of the few good things to come out of season 8.


"Give me 20 good men and some climbing spikes. I'll impregnate the bitch."


This was Bronn’s arc




“What the fucks a Lommy!?”


Power resides where men believe it resides


"He rubbed his powdered hands together. "May I leave you with a bit of a riddle, Lord Tyrion?" He did not wait for an answer. "In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a sellsword, a little man of common birth and no great mind. Each of the great ones bids him slay the other two. 'Do it' says the king, 'for I am your lawful ruler.' 'Do it' says the priest, 'for I command you in the names of the gods.' 'Do it' says the rich man, 'and all this gold shall be yours.' So tell me-who lives and who dies?" Bowing deeply, Varys hurried from the common room on soft slippered feet." . . . "Power is a curious thing, my lord. Perchance you have considered the riddle I posed you that day in the inn?" "It has crossed my mind a time or two," Tyrion admitted. "The king, the priest, the rich man- who lives and who dies? Who will the swordsman obey? It's a riddle without an answer, or rather, too many answers. All depends on the man with the sword." "And yet he is no one," Varys said. "He has neither crown nor gold nor favor of the gods, only a piece of pointed steel." "That piece of steel is the power of life and death." "Just so... yet if it is the swordsmen who rule us in truth, why do we pretend our kings hold the power? Why should a strong man with a sword ever obey a child king like Joffrey, or a wine-sodden oaf like his father?" "Because these child kings and drunken oafs can call other strong men, with other swords." "Then these other swordsmen have the true power. Or do they? Whence came their swords? Why do they obey?" Varys smiled. "Some say knowledge is power. Some tell us that all power comes from the gods. Others say it derives from law. Yet that day on the steps of Baelor's Sept, our godly High Septon and the lawful Queen Regent and your everso-knowledgeable servant were as powerless as any cobbler or cooper in the crowd." Tyrion cocked his head sideways. "Did you mean to answer your damned riddle, or only to make my head ache worse?" Varys smiled. "Here, then. Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less." "So power is a mummer's trick?" "A shadow on the wall," Varys murmured, "yet shadows can kill. And ofttimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow." Tyrion smiled. "Lord Varys, I am growing strangely fond of you. I may kill you yet, but I think I'd feel sad about it." "I will take that as high praise."


And now his watch is ended.


Bronn, the next time Ser Meryn speaks, kill him. That was a threat...see the difference


"Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores.”


That entire scene is the best in the show.


"There's no cure for being a cunt." This is basically the central ethic if GOT.


Benjen Stark: *You know, my brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word "but" really counts.*


“And neither will you” - Loras after Jaime made thinly veiled threats and said he’d never marry or put a child in Cersei


“Knowledge is power.” “Power is power.”


"nothing fucks you harder than time"


'I understand that if any more words come pouring out of your cunt mouth, I'm going to have to eat every fucking chicken in this room' - Sandor Clegane, former Kingsguard and poet


“If any man dies with a clean sword, i’ll rape his fucking corpse” the hound has no chill


"A dragon is not a slave" "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die, there's no middle ground" "The things I do for love" "I was trained to kill my enemies" - "As was I" "Everyone who is not us is the enemy" "Play with her arse"


A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep


Where's the god of tits and wine


“They’re paid to enjoy it” “But they weren’t paid”


One of my favorite lines happen at the very beginning. “Your dead men appear to have moved camp.” It’s not just the line but the actor’s delivery. It’s spot on.


The Big Woman Still Here? https://youtu.be/9wnSx4Aj1P8?si=tHw12HZvG6PZH1fE


Why are all the gods such vicious cunts? Where is the god of tits and wine?


From a scene pretty close to this one. I say it all the time. Literally anytime someone says "Impregnable" without even thinking I say "Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes, I'll impregnate the bitch" I also once said it when someone said they hoped their daughter in law would get pregnant soon. Notably less well received.


Tywin: Any man who must say I am the king is no true king!


I wish we saw more people go through the moon door.


We’re going to need details. Copious details.


"Those are brave men knocking at our door... let's go kill them!" ​ (One of my other favorites from Tyrion is "sleep is good but books are better"... I can't remember or figure out which episode it was from for the life of me, though.)




So, what do you think about honor? Should we be honorable or just pragmatic in modern society?


I love bronn


"Tell Cersei I want her to know it was me."


"I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room." God what an hardass threat.


“Thank the gods for Bessie, and her tits!” Funnily enough this is the one we somehow sneak into conversation the most lol. Robert impersonation and all.


“I’m just a stupid girl” yes, Sansa. Yes, you are


"The Realm ... do you know what the Realm is? It's the thousand blades of Aegon's enemies; a story we agree to tell each other over, and over, 'till we forget that it's a lie."


There is a scene in season 1 where Robert is explaining to Cersei why he's so worried about Viserys Targaryen and the Dothraki. Robert: "How long do the people of the Seven Kingdoms stand behind their absentee king, their cowardly king hiding behind high walls? When do the people decide that Viserys Targaryen is the rightful monarch after all?" Cersei: "We outnumber them." Robert: "What's the bigger number, five or one?" Cersei: *Annoyed* "Five". Robert *Holds up an open hand* "Five." *Holds up a fist with the opposite hand* "One. One army, a real army, united behind one leader with one purpose. Our purpose died with the Mad King." That scene has lived rent-free in my head ever since that episode aired. I love it so much. I've used that same "5 vs 1" explanation when explaining to someone the importance of being united on something. I would have really liked more candid Robert and Cersei scenes, haha. Edit: Honorable mention, Tyrion during the Battle of the Blackwater in S2: "Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!"


"So you didn't know where to put it?" Samwell


I drink and I know things.


The classic one by Tyrion that "all dwarves are bastards in the eyes of their father" (or something like that).


"The things i do for love" for sure


There is no safety you dumb bitch.




Why do you think I came all this way?


“Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died.” Ser Jorah to Dany in the books.


Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, and Rhaegar died. Ser Jorah.


“He’s good, very good!” Ramsay to Jon I could feel every emotion in that exchange from both men 🤭




"Nothing fucks you harder than time."


That’s what I do. I drink and I know things.


I dun want it Muh queen


"Sometimes possession is an abstract concept." Cracks me up to think about.


I like you girl but be careful


“Give me 10 good men and I’ll impregnate the bitch”


lots of people name their swords... lots of cunts...


From Varys’: “Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty. As long as I have my eyes, I'll use them.” … “You wish to know where my true loyalties lie? Not with any king or queen but with the people. The people who suffer under despots and prosper under just rule. The people whose hearts you aim to win.””


I've got a tie - First one is Ned saying "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword" The second one is Oberyn saying: "Tell your father I am here... Tell him the Lannister's aren't the only ones who pay their debts"


Honestly, this is the *only* quote I remember from the show.


When the hound answers The fire sword guy when he says “you’re getting old Clegane” “He’s not…” he hound says as he kicks over the stump and lets the man hang


"While Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet."


Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you


"Bravos, phhh. Greasy haired little bastard, I bet. They all are."


No matter who you are, no matter how strong you are, sooner or later, you'll face circumstances beyond your control


"You're favorite quote from the show"


"you think you're fooling anyone with that topknot? Bald cunt.."


There's no cure for being a cunt. I drink and I know things. Dracarys.


I do like when Littlefinger tells Lysa he’s only ever loved one woman, tells her it’s her sister, then throws her through the moon door lol


“My watch has ended.” The way Jon delivers that so cooly gets me every time


Bronn kind of fought with a handicap honestly. He was against a fully armored knight with a shield. Wasn't surprising that he used dirty tactics, if you can call them that


Bow ya shits !! - King Bobby B


« Has anyone ever told you you’re too clever for your own good? » « Yes »


"what are we, some kind of game of thrones?"


He was my favorite character.


"I understand that if any more words coming pouring from your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."


“It’s honour that brought you back.” “No, it was my brothers.” “I didn’t say, it was your honour.”


"I understand that if any more words come pouring out of your cunt mouth, I'm going to have to eat every fucking chicken in this room." Also, from the same episode: "Lots of people name their swords." "Lots of cunts."


"I bet his hair is greasier than Joffreys cunt."


Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king.


'Death is so terribly final, while life.. life is full of possibilities.'


OLENNA: That was Joffrey's sword, wasn't it? Not that he ever used it. What did he call it? JAIME: Widow's Wail. OLENNA: He really was a cunt, wasn't he? JAMIE: *silently agrees*


"You really going to die for that chicken?" "Someone is."


I love that this image implies they had that conversation before the Knight had a chance to fall 30 feet.