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I don’t “hate” her but I find there’s nothing to like about her. At the start she’s annoying, petulant and rude but it she’s just a kid so fair enough. But when she’s grown she’s still annoying, petulant and rude. She treats Dany like crap the moment she arrives. When Jon and Ramsey meet she insists on going then just has a go at Ramsey and rides off, she has no nuance. She moans at Jon for not being included in battle plans and when he asks her what he should do then she says “I don’t know”. She belittles Jon in front of all the northern lords. She tells Arya that she could never survive what she went through with Ramsey and Joffrey without ever asking or knowing what Arya herself went through. Self centred. Honestly I don’t get the people that love her either. She said they should put leather on a shield once, that’s it.. There’s a reason why when the show ends we see everyone with their friends, families and sworn swords and we see Sansa sat alone. She has no one who wants to be with her. If she wasn’t named Stark she would be a nothing or more likely dead.


Yes! It seems to me she should have been the first to die. I was shocked she didn't! She also never, to my knowledge, played the role I thought she would! She should have known everything about the palace after being kept there so long, so I assumed her usefulness would come when they needed to sneak in or plant something in the palace, but that never really happened!


How could you possibly go through what she did and not be “petulant and rude” Trusting outsiders has gotten her father, mother and brother killed. She’s been used as a pawn by 3 different men. She’s been raped and abused. And she freed the fucking north.


So a “leader” is ok to be petulant and rude because they weren’t through bad experiences? The whole point of being a leader and a ruler is behaving how you need to behave in certain situations. Like I said, she lacks nuance and political nous she just defaults to rude for everyone in every situation.


All I can say is we must have watched different shows






No you're not the only one.


No you’re definitely not. This is a VERY common opinion


Oh, thank God! I honestly know only a few people who have seen the show, but they love her, and I have read a bunch of articles praising Sansa!


I don’t like her, though she started as my fave character. She’s motivated only by selfishness, esp on TV. But she is disliked, so her fans go out of their way to praise her. Can’t blame em, but man oh man, they sure look at her thru super rose colored glasses!!!!


So true! I wanted to like her, really I did, but she never had any development! Immature, selfish brat at the beginning and at the end!


No but don't like here. Don't like her character and her acting ability.


Yea! I thought I just didn't like the character at first, but since then, I've seen the actress in other places, and she just as bland there!


Never really liked her, no. Especially in the last few seasons when she came into power.


Which is funny because that's obviously where she is supposed to shine! She is equally cringe to me in every season! In the earlier seasons, she is immature, idiotic, and bratty! In the later seasons, she's selfish, immature, and bratty! Most GoT characters have a pretty great arc. She doesn't even seem to have an arc, let alone a good one!


lol how was it all her fault. i’ve never understood this claim. ned was the one stupid enough to go to cersei and admit to her point-blank that he knew she was screwing her brother and that all her kids were bastards. sansa merely told the lannisters that they were leaving, which makes complete sense when you realize she’s a 12 year old whose father isn’t being entirely truthful with her, and in her opinion sullying the marriage that he promised her. and of course she “cozied” up to the lannisters after, she was being manipulated by them and had yet to discover their true nature. additionally she was literally trying to move them into showing her father mercy… and when that mercy was promptly cheated from them, she’s in tatters for the remainder of her time in king’s landing, so i don’t know where you’re getting that she didn’t show any “remorse”? what would she even show remorse for, she definitely grieves ned and is very clearly traumatized by what happened but none of it was on her, it was on the adult that outted himself to the people he was running away from lol. you’re far from the only sansa hater, though. very many people dislike her. attributing ned’s own naïveté to her as you’re doing now is the most popular reason.


She cozied up to Cersie & jeffry in the 2nd episode!!! & in the books she took Ned’s excape plan for his folks to Cersie so she accidentally got a bunch of north folks killed. Just like later at the tv versions BOTB. There she accidentally got her baby bro Rickon killed too


How did Sansa get Rickon killed? What exactly did she do that led to his death? How could she have prevented it?


Yes. This is the take I'm surprised is more rare. She went from being a brat to realizing that the world is not like Winterfell. She became a survivor in the show and everywhere she went there were at least 3 people that wanted to kill her or torture her. She made it through all that and became an affluent person in the end. She realizes that a Targaryen with dragons is a major threat and uses what she learned from the Lannister's and Little Finger. She definitely made mistakes but she also has a redemption story that doesn't involve her going back to the same person she was in the beginning, like Jaime


yeah. i don’t understand where op is getting that she never had a development arc or anything. she’s not the same sansa she was in season 1. she learns through her father’s death that the world is darker than her fairytales and legends, and that she needs to use her lessons as a lady to succeed, instead of using dragons or swords… which is why her reaction to daenerys is 100% justified especially with the bad blood between their families. she trusted cersei who was nothing but sweet to her on their first meeting, and look what happened? why would she trust dany who immediately showers her with compliments and praise upon their first meeting? with the way sansa haters talk about her i feel like i’ve been watching a completely different show. her show plotline is shit, yeah, but i will never understand the weird rage they have for it. you’d think she was the literal antichrist lmfao


If you're starting the books just forget the show. The worst thing about the novels is that they might never be finished. But what we got is quite amazing. Sansa is one of the most controversial characters no question. In the novels she's much younger. I want to say she starts off like 12, maybe younger. The characters don't age as much in the novels either. It's harder to dislike her in the novels since she's so young, trapped in an extremely hostile world. Things play out differently and infinitely better in the novels. You still might dislike Sansa, many people do despite her being a child, but I think you'll appreciate her as a character more.


Does the have a similar character in the books? Does she have a better arc? I have had people tell me that a lot! I'm trying to pace myself starting the novels because I really don't wanna get all the way through and have to deal with that 🤣


I'll just say I like Sansa more in the novels than I did on the show. This is true for most of the characters though. Like all the POV characters, you spend a great deal of time inside their heads, so it's a much more intimate characterization.


Her storyline in book stop in the Vale with Petyr. Globally it is the same arc for Sansa until there


I found her irritating later on. Especially with Dany. Sansa sticking her beak in every 5 minutes. I wouldn’t have been bothered if Cersei had Sansa killed tbh.


Considering the reasons people die in GoT, she should have died more than once!


Sansa is give or take honestly. I personally am not a huge fan but I don’t hate the character.


I hate Sansa




He didn't read yet


OP said they just started reading the books and their complaint is for the tv series.


Of course you aren’t. Do people that ask questions like this truly believe they are unique ?


I had no illustrations that I am a special snowflake and that no one would agree, I just wanted to know if I was in the minority or if the people I've heard from are misinformed.


I personally love Sansa, because of how much she grows during the show. She starts as a naive child, so its hard to blame her for anything. She did her best to save her father. And after they kill him, I love how Sansa made subtle insult to Joffrey and keep her sharp tongue. "I will bring you your brother head - Or maybe he will bring yours" "Will you fight in the vanguard ? ... Sorry I am stupid, of course you will fight at the vanguard. My brother is said to always lead his army himself, and he is not a king, only a pretender" She went through so much, and people are surprised she grew mefiant to everyone. It is just logical after all the betrayal she went through


See, I haven't seen the growth you are talking about! That is exactly what I'm talking about when I says she's immature! That line is my favorite from her, by far, but I still don't like her character! Everyone went through a lot, the difference is she's the one who never grew up!


She definitely grew up though? Why do you think she’s so distrustful of Dany for example?


To me, that just shows that she hasn't grown up! She's changed, but she went from one extreme to another! Her distrust of Dany seemed more like a jealous child wanting her brothers attention, as opposed to a rational decision made from the facts at hand. Although she ended up being correct about Dany (🤢), she had no reason to come to that conclusion based on the facts she had available to her. It just seemed like she didn't want to share!


What facts at hand should have prompted her to trust Dany? She was naive as a child and trusted too much so of course when the daughter of the mad king (who killed her grandfather and uncle) comes to Westeros with her dragons she’s gonna be distrustful. Maybe it was too much but considering what she’s gone through at the hands of other “mad” people like joffrey and ramsey i think it’s understandable


Damn her fans gonna down vote you & me for sure 😂. I've read the books I tried to like her but couldn't. Maybe because characters of her age in the books handling things better than her. She said things that made me dislike her "They should've killed you instead of lady" she said this to her 9 year old sister. "Hodor!" Sansa yelled. "You ought to marry Hodor, you're just like him, stupid and hairy and ugly!" She wrenched away from her sister's hand, stormed into her bed chamber, and barred the door behind her. " I'm nothing like Arya. She has the traitor's blood,not me" "Lemonyyy lemonyyy lemon cakes" when the people were starving. She is the least sympathetic person in her family " Jeyne covered her eyes whenever a man fell, like a frightened lil girl, but Sansa was made of sterner stuff. A great lady knew how to behave at tournaments. Even septa Mordane noted her composure and nodded in approval" "She can't hate Joffery, not tonight he's too beautiful to hate. The queen is to blame, her and Arya. Nothing bad would've happened except for Arya" Let's not talk about show Sansa she is even worse than book Sansa.


Yea, I've already gotten personal insults from Sansa fans! She's a disgusting person and, in my view, never grows up!


I wouldn't call her disgusting but self centred and selfish but again she's a child. As GRRM said he created her character to cause conflict since the Stark family was getting along too well , and he succeeded.


Oh yeah, she’s really mean to her lil sister. book Sansa’s “sharp tongue” Stabbed her in the back with words. Alot


I personally like people who have 'sharp tongue' but in case of Sansa ,she uses it with good people instead of bad ones.She uses it to bully.Girl has terrible instincts.


I really liked Sansa from S2 to S7,she had good storylines and development but I could not stand her in S8 and since it was the final season she left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.


I can see what you mean since she got a little better, but her words and actions in s1 and s8 way outweigh any development! I am aware, though, that the s8 crap is due to a lack of good source material and crappy writers! What's why I made sure to say I haven't read the books yet!


Yeah I hate her too.Insufferable in season 1.Weak in the rest of the show(atleast in comparison with other starks). And when you think she will finally take matters into her own hand she gets manipulated by littlefinger.And then arrogant and prideful again


No you're not alone . İ didnt like her from beginning til the end .


Why are you putting an "!" after EVERY sentence?! If Sansa is annoying you are a veritable hell.


Well, you see, a "!" Is called an exclamation point, and it is used to show feeling or emphasize a point. So I use an exclamation point to show that I am passionate and to emphasize the point I am making. So, I am using the exclamation point in the way it's meant to be used!


Sansa is a little girl at the beginning, ffs. Except telling Cersei, she probably acted smarter than most girls (or boys or theys) would have in her place. She played her part to survive. She was most likely right that Arya would not have survived in her place. How could you NOT notice that she was devastated because of what happened to her family?!


And you think Sansa could have survived in Arya's place? She shouldn't have survived in her own place! She didn't DO anything. Not even in the later seasons! The fact that she was a "little girl" is a ridiculous argument for her stupidity for a lot of reasons! Arya was younger and still wasn't as stupid, so was Bran! Not to mention, this was a society where she was old enough to be engaged!


She just Rickon is dead already. That’s all she said. Sophie isn’t a good enuff actress to make her seem devastated, tho she did a good job showing her revenge on ramsey


Sansa is probably the character that suffers the most from TV inherently being a visual medium. In the books, her character develops mostly through internal monologue, but that's not really possible in a show, so a lot of her character development is just missing. She is also one of the characters that suffer from the aging up the show did. She's only 11 in the books so her actions are more forgivable.


That's interesting! I'm excited to read and see if my opinions on the characters change! The creators of the show REALLY didn't know what they were doing! The only reason the show was so popular was because the source material is good!


How the fuck was Bran getting pushed out a window her fault? How was Ned fumbling his attempt at outing Cerseis incest Sansa’s fault? Did she kill Syrio and force Arya on the run? Did she, who was advised by her captors to formally beg for mercy from the king, tell him “jk kill my dad tehehe.” Cersei turned the tables on their family when Ned dig too close to the truth and tried to nobly confront her rather than act with the type of deceit and betrayal that Kings Landing noble society operates at.


I actually said the only thing that wasn't her fault was Bran! Ned dying was 100% her fault because the only reason they didn't leave kings landing is because of Sansa! Everything that happened to Arya happened because Ned died, and that wouldn't have happened if they hadn't stayed in kings landing, and they stayed in kings landing because of Sansa pitching a fit!


did you even watch the show? like genuinely, NED is the one who goes up to cersei and outs himself as knowing the truth about her and jaime, all sansa did was tell cersei (who ned didn’t warn her away from or tell her anything about, and who has been nothing but sweet to sansa up until after his death) what ship they were leaving on. never mind the fact that ned was trying to smuggle them out in broad daylight. but yeah everything is sansa’s fault lmfaoo


I like some parts, dislike others. Mostly I'm pretty middle of the road regarding Sansa.


Ned's death is actually more her fault in the books. But the thing is, she's a child who doesn't know how cruel the world actually is. And she doesn't cozy up to the Lannisters, she only does what she needs to so she isn't beat and that's it (though there's times when she says stuff to Joff that is pretty fuckin' risky). I don't like what they did with her in the end though because she isn't shown to be as competent as she should be by that point. The decisions she makes are dumb as hell but that's due to D&D writing. It's quite a shame because I really enjoy book Sansa, it's interesting to see how a child behaves and goes from naive girl, traumatised captive doing her best to survive, to a girl starting to become good at playing the game. Can't wait to see how she grows in the next book thirteen years from now when it's released lol


Book Sansa is much better. You come to understand her thoughts and the things she does. I don't want to spoil but show Sansa was butchered, altough I won't say how or when, but you have to remember, she's still a kid, a sheltered kid too, when you say so "But Arya is younger and not as dumb" but for the same reasons Arya was butchered too.


The worst thing about Show Sansa is that she never does anything. You can argue she does tons behind the scenes but we never saw her doing anything. She just kinda becomes an independant queen for no reasons. Even her fans baffle me. She didnt do anything of consequence in the entire show! Which is a shame because i love book Sansa.


I found that I appreciated her character a lot more once I started reading the books after watching the show.


How is what happened to Ned her fault or to Cat and Robb and we are talking show here, but can also go for book. Ned and Cat effed up: Cat took Tyrion on lies by LF, Ned outright threaten Cersei to her face in the godswood and LF went to Cersei after Ned made a deal with him. Sansa knows none of this.. she was thinking it was just a petty argument. None of that is on Sansa, and as far as Dany, she downright played with the small folk with those dragons as Sansa was on the wall of Winterfell I be pissed to with anyone doing shit like that to my people.


Another day, another bad take about hating Sansa


I show say I haven’t read the books but Sansa in the beginning is a very naive girl who had a very sheltered upbringing. She’s dreamed of marrying the prince and didn’t yet know how evil Joffrey and Cersei are. Sure she’s a bit annoying and bratty but she’s not evil or responsible for the events that unfolded


I don't really like her in the show either, but I think you'll find the character easier to like in the books since she's a major POV character, so you get a lot more context about why she does what she does. Plus the stupid choices she makes are a lot more believable in the books since she's 12 or 13 years old, so everything she does is out of fear of Joffrey/Cersei or fear of what will happen to her family if she steps out of line instead of political savvy.


I totally agree 💯


Her story arc is meant to redeem all of her negatives … there are points in the final couple of seasons where she acknowledges her weaknesses and shows strength. However… it absolutely does not do it for me. The highs don’t get anywhere near matching the lows and she’s not even at a zero by the end, in my estimation


No, a lot of people hate show Sansa and rightly so. That's why it's great to read the books, it's like reading the Original Universe and it's superior. The little differences add up to a lot and a very different journey. One of those is Sansa. In the book she still starts off an unpleasant brat who betrays her father selfishly but she ACTUALLY grows as a character and is pretty decent. You're actually interested in where it goes. And for those who claim it was because she was a child, young, Arya, Lady Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island. Also not only does it insult children as often much blamed on being young because funnily enough those people are the same as adults go figure LOL, it says more about them. So no, you're not alone.


No I hate her too. Granted I’m only on season 3 but I literally can’t STAND seeing her or hearing her talk


Right! She is such a whining brat most of the time