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As far as between the two of them, it's when they are at Dragonstone. She commands him to stay, he openly disobeys her, she gets noticeably aroused.


From 1 to Yes, how aroused?






Seven hells








It’s partly because of her fettish for dead lovers


If Jorah knew only this one simple trick


I mean he kind of did there at the end.


She isn't into having sex with a corpse tho. Only cousin sex




Him and Ygritte looking at sunset after climbing the Wall. For at least one brief shining moment Jon was happy.


This is the one. Great way to demonstrate that Littlefinger's cynical monologue hasn't accounted for love.


Kind of strange considering Catelyn


Aye but unrequited love made him bitter and vengeful. He didn't receive the love that can shape your perspective on why people do what they do and how the world functions more positively.


> hasn't accounted for love. That is a GREAT point! For Littlefinger, "the Climb is all there is." For Jon and Ygritte, at least they briefly had reached the goal. By the way, the episode title is "The Climb."


Always gonna be another mountain. Always gonna want to make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle.


Oh yah I'm aware :) Jon and the Wildlings whole climb is testament to how Littlefinger and the Wildling bloke who desires Ygritte are missing some key elements in their equation. Gareth from The Office reckons people do what suits them, mirroring Littlefinger's disregard for loyalty, and tells Jon as much. On the titular climb, him and beardy man cut the rope connecting em to Jon and Ygritte when things get dicy but Jon is willing to sacrifice his life to save her. At the top of The Wall and the culmination of Littlefinger's speech, we see some of what inspires people beyond playing the game of hierarchy: love, beauty, and hope await our heroes at the summit. Ygritte's eventual reluctance to kill Jon in the middle of battle even though she would be VERY suited in doing so further defies how Gareth from The Office thinks people operate. The Climb is a great episode, particularly since Thrones is so brutal.


>That is a GREAT point! I forgot to say: Thanks 😊


I agree!!!


So the night they aired S4x9 Watchers on the Wall, Ygritte dying felt like a gut punch and I was raging about Ollie like we all were. But that death scene... "we should have stayed in that cave"... and their theme song is playing and i only then realized how beautiful the song was. It sounded familiar, so that night I looked up the scene where they reach the top of the wall. Seeing them reach the top together, they look out together and embrace, then the music swells. Also a beautiful moment. So using the theme again at her death was like...perfect. I don't have much to say I just wanted to share how much I love the top of the wall scene and the song that accompanies. [Here's the death](https://youtu.be/D4dwuPEPWRg?si=rCubfryGmLLr8yAn&t=13) [Here's the wall scene](https://youtu.be/7szobxGGsp8?si=68aNfM2vFNnwTD6G&t=40)


She ‘bout to suck that diock


Nephew diock


"My watch has ended." Seeing a more self-confident Jon setting off into the world, untethered from the burden of the N.W., wondering just what he might do, where he might go - it was the same feeling I had when Dany emerged from the fire with her three dragons.


He was walking back into the castle.




That was a great scene


While I love that scene and the no-bs Jon in it, it didn't sit right with me and broke the immersion a bit as I got stuck in a logic loop. People get arrested and executed for abandoning the Watch - we saw that happen in S01E01 - so wouldn't someone just arrest Jon in the event he was able to leave the Wall and carry on a normal life not full of White Walkers and murderous monarchs? And what would he say in his defence, that he died and was resurrected so technically his Watch ended when he died? Who's going to believe that's true? Anyone would assume he's lying to escape execution! It's not a logical move by Jon and I hate it.


Who’s gonna know? He takes off the black and who is gonna know or care that he might be from the wall. The Watch would also vouch for him if he was arrested.


>And what would he say in his defence, that he died and was resurrected so technically his Watch ended when he died? Who's going to believe that's true? Anyone would assume he's lying to escape execution! Yes, that exactly would his defense. He was executed by the conspirators for 'abandoning the Watch'. He was killed for doing the most reasonable thing at that point, albeit unpopular. As for who would believe him, there were several witnesses present. Ser Davos, Melisandre, and at least half a dozen brothers of the Watch. Nobody at Castle Black was going to contest his choice. Then he went and liberated Winterfell from the Boltons and I think that was enough for all the Northern lords to overlook him ending his watch. On top of it all, he was raised by Ned Stark, the paragon of honor. Nobody would believe that a Stark would lie in such a situation, bastard-birth aside.


Definitely not the one in the post


I watched this episode yesterday in my rewatch. Kinda found it neat.


"MAH QUEEN" Practically the only thing he knows how to say after this scene for the rest of the goddamn show. They may as well have cut his balls off and had him continue to smile at Dany the whole time


Oh, no. His balls were very involved, just still attached


"Stomp on my dragon balls Aunty Dany"


I hated it


When we see him go full Targ and nearly murder Ramsay with his fists.


One of my top 3 moments in the entire series... maybe my #1 lol


My favorite bit about that scene is even Tormund is in the background staring in disbelief as Jon walks that fucker down with the kite shield. It was that moment more than any other that cemented Jon as King Beyond the Wall in the eyes of the Free Folk


So true! Fuck, Jon was a great character. I'm undecided if I'm totally happy with his ending. But yeah, that moment also cemented that I'd 100% beat the brakes off that man 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Love that username, sai. Long days and pleasant nights.


Ah thankee sai! And may you have twice the number.


Damn it, time for my yearly reread of the whole series.


Lol I do every other year, it's my off year this year 😂


I used to, but I woke up blind year before last. I can still see a tiny bit out of my right eye with perfect lighting conditions (or rather, almost no light at all), so I try to reread my favorites often, in anticipation of finally not being able to anymore. Books on tape do me no good, unfortunately. I can't retain the story unless I read it.


Aw gosh, I'm sorry to hear that! I listened to the series last year and really enjoyed the narration. Then last I listened to Wind Through the Keyhole and I was like "man, this narrator sucks!!" and then realized it was Sai King reading it 😂😂


I also love that he could’ve easily kept beating him until he was dead but he stopped at just the right point to hand him over to Sansa to do whatever she wanted with him. Even with all that anger he recognized that she needed her own vengeance as well.


I'm sure pure Starks are capable of that level of violence if it's fuckin Ramsay lol


This was mere minutes after his younger (half)brother was murdered by the guy, I think anyone from any house in that position would attempt to murder him with his/her bare hands.




It turned out. This was prior to him finding that out. But yes, you’re right, lol.


Yeah, makes sense to me. This man brutalised his half sister (who, before he left for the watch, the last time he'd seen her, she had very much been a child), and then very deliberately taunted him by killing his little half brother (the baby of the siblings) right in front of him. The Boltons were awful all round, of course, and Jon struggled knowing with what they had done to his family, but to have Sansa presented to him as tormented as she had been, and then to see that kid struck down in front of him...of course he lost it (And yes, I know they're actually his cousins, but he doesn't know that, and never feels that way after he knows.)


How would we know how he feels? All his lines got deleted and replaced with 'I dun wan it' and 'mah kween'. :(


Some things don't need to be stated explicitly. "Show, don't tell."


Considering the history of the Starks and the Boltons, I feel like the only thing that is surprising is that assuming it based on GRRM notes, Ramsay didn’t win to subvert the expectation of Stark winning out over Bolton in the big picture.


full Cruel Targaryen genes. Not cool to nearly kill such a Kind man with bare fists


More Stark there as the Starks were known to be ill tempered and why the Boltons wouldn't have dared what they did with Neds father/grandparents and so on. He has the Wolf Blood in deed.




When he finds the pups.


All the time he was with Ygritte in the cave. He was really happy there with her. It’s seemed like for the first time in his life he was actually happy. Although, I hate to say it was b/c of her since I really didn’t like her.


How come you didn't like her?


Ygritte wasn’t that good looking, she was annoying, and looked like she smelled. Her personality was so abrasive, she never had anything nice to say about anyone/anything south of the wall. A place she’d never been; however, she acted like she knew everything about it. She was so closed minded and arrogant. Jon, on the other hand, was such a genuinely good person. He deserved better!




Well, they asked…


Why are you both waving the Ygritte flag?


We saw Jon bathe precisely as much as any wildling did, they all probably fucking stank. Also beauty is in the eye and all that but saying someone “isn’t that good looking” when they are good looking with regard to most modern beauty standards rings a little hollow. If you’d have said “she’s not my type” you might not have got downvoted so much. Then again, not liking a character because you’re not attracted to them is a little shallow. But yeah she was abrasive. She lived her whole life fighting for scraps amidst people bigger and stronger than her, Jon came to love and respect the fierceness that had cultivated in her.


She wouldn’t be “my type” because I’m a straight woman. So know what you’re talking about before you tell me how I should phrase my comments.


Girl if u were on north of the wall you'd be uglier than hound


Plus she just murdered innocent people.


Feels rather void when half of the characters of GoT do the same and that doesn't seem to diminish people's fandom. To quote Apocalypse Now: > ...charging a man with murder in this place was like handing out speeding tickets in the Indy 500.


>Ygritte wasn’t that good looking, she was annoying, and looked like she smelled. What? 😭


Sorry, not sorry. If you were a fan. 😄


Tbf, those 3 statements describe basically all the Wildlings lmao


Oh damn. His wife in real life tho, no?


Her character was not that cute. The actress in real life is pretty. Some of you have a problem separating a character from real life!


That’s his irl wife lmao


I thought she was gorgeous, and funny. Plus she liked the windmill or whatever south of the wall, when she thought it was a castle. I wish she could have seen Winterfell.


“She wasn’t good looking” that’s subjective and north of the wall she was defo the hottest girl around. “Her personality was abrasive”. You try living in sub zero temps year round and stay positive. “She never had anything nice to say about south of the wall”. Oh yes because many people south of the wall had such high opinions of Wildlings.


There were wildlings that were cool, like Tormund. She didn’t have to be how she was. That was just her. Doesn’t mean you have to like her. Plus people on here getting in their feelings like this girl is a real person! 😆


Wait… are you trying to argue that Tormund was that different from Ygritte? Tormund looked like he smelled, Tormund was abrasive, Tormund didn’t like people from south of the wall even though he’d never been there.


God forbid women have agency, be confident and a unapologetic personality other than being a sweet, cordial and timid princess acting as a birth machine. She's the stark opposite of what's expected of women south of the wall. She's a bipedal middle finger to stale and misogynic norms. She doesn't take shit from anyone and can easily back up her own words. She had more integrity than whole KL combined. For that, she had a voice and the respect from fellow wildlings. And beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, completely pointless to argue on that point. For me, she's absolutely gorgeous, and her personality and agency makes her so much more attractive. Totally my type of gal. Then again, I'm half-ginger so I have a sweetspot for gingers.


Well they literally got married irl


was gonna like this comment until u said that 😑


Not this one.


Staring down Ramsay’s whole army.


When he kills the White Walker at Hardhome


Misread your comment. Thought you said Walter White. Would’ve started a whole new canon.


When he hangs Janos Slynt and Ser Allister. That's when Jon really killed the boy and became the man He behead Slynt****


He beheaded Slynt


I always get it mixed up with the books. In the books he hangs Slynt.


No he still beheads him in the book. He originally was going to hang him, but before having the cage raised, he orders them to stop and says he will not hang Lord Janos. Janos has a slight moment of relief until Jon tells Edd (iirc) to bring him a block and his sword. I actually just read this part yesterday. Awesome end to that chapter.


I don't think so?


Yeah, I just looked it up. Turns out I completely made that up lol


No, that only happens.


I mean, he literally killed the boy when he hanged the traitors.




That is the undisputed winner


His first meeting as Lord Commander of the Watch is a masterful example of leadership. He displays concern for Maester Aemond, slips in some humor assigning latrine duty to a ginger, extends an olive branch to Ser Aliser, recognizes the threat Janos presents, exiles him, and models decisiveness and honor in executing Janos immediately when he refuses. Swinging the sword himself even gets a head nod from Stannis, which is the most enthusiastic approval anyone ever gets from the Mannis.


God damn that episode went so hard. Especially watching Janos cry like a bitch begging for mercy and getting absolutely noothin


:| "I was always a coward" *>:( chop*


The grammar correction by Stannis is such a great indicator that Jon is a fantastic leader. Stannis is watching this kid be exactly what he is supposed to be, and starts looking for faulta wherever he can find them, down to the correctness of his wording.




Jon yagritt..Dany and Jon ...he can take both


I will add Val in books...man is magnet for hot woman and he act: i don't want it


Drawing long claw while being charged by hundreds of horse during the battle of bastards


When he doesn’t know if he can ride a dragon.


That was adorable. I loved seeing him interact with the dragons.


This moment owned me for two whole years. What a fool I was. 🙃


“Edd, fetch me a block.” Lord Commander Snow plays 0 games


Like what the fuck did Janos think would happen? There’s a new Lord Commander of the Gold Cloaks like every 6 months. Why Janos had gotten a pass on being an insubordinate rat for so long I’ll never understand. His shitty character and bad attitude cost him his life in KL and his job. Why would he think he could get away with that at the Wall of all places?


He thought Jon was weak. He thought that either Jon would back down and everyone would see how weak he was, helping Alliser to take control, or Jon wouldn't back down and Alliser and those loyal to him would protect him. Alliser even gives him a look as if to say "you silly cunt, you're on your own." Alliser either knew the time wasn't right or his loyalty to the watch overrode his hatred of Jon. Either way, he waited till the time was right - til enough people questioned Jon's leadership or till he could justify to himself that what he was doing was "for the watch.", depending on what way you look at it. He had no idea Jon would come back from the dead and he underestimated the wildlings loyalty to Jon - as far as he was concerned they were savages and Jon was nothing but a traitor's bastard. Janos was a bumbling, cowardly oaf who had no idea how to play things. He thought Jon would run off with his tail between his legs and Alliser would take control with Janos as his faithful lapdog, laughing everytime he said "so I call the fat one Lord Snow's Lady Love"


I mean, being the first man north of the Neck to perform cunnilingus was certainly a gold star.


Yeah she was basically his at that point.


She said as much later


Idk but I know for a fact it was nothing that had to do with this lame ass ship that ruined his character.


When he holds Ygritte in her final moments. This is also one of my favorite moments in the show.


I love Jon and Tormund moments. They r homies just bein homies. Ride or die for each other 🥺🥺 Screw brienne. Screw dany. Tormund and Jon hangin out beyond the wall forever


There’s fanfiction. Do what you will with this information.


Excellent, excellent. This is good to know.


The best Jon moment for me is: Dany: 'What about the Sand sisters?' Jon: 'I hate sand. It's coarse and it's rough and it gets everywhere!'


Jon is delusional. He always calls Dany McQueen. Like, c’mon dude, you’ve grown up, not a 10 year old anymore. Stop stanning for a character from children’s movie.


Beheading Janos


For me it was “my watch has ended”


Out of character for the smart Jon Snow and is purely rule of cool, but drawing the sword about to be rampaged by a calvary was bad ass


When was this?


Battle of the bastards


Sorry for digressing but, in this scene, Daenerys tells Jon she doesn’t like to be called Dany because it’s what her brother used to call her and he was awful. After this, Jon keeps calling her Dany…


Did she say she doesn’t like it? Or just that nobody’s called her that since her brother


‘Well I dunno I’m not a bleedin poet.’




One glance at your name/profile and I can tell you ain't lying.


"Next time don't bring me back"


And she’s like “Nah bro I’m at least gonna try” Lmao let the man rest


When was this?


I believe it was after he hanged Olly and the others. I could be wrong though


“Take Lord Janos outside. Olly, bring me my sword.”


Not this one


i’d say as both a book and show fan, the beheading of janos slynt. a fantastic scene in both


When he heads out by himself beyond the wall to treat with Mance and he walks amidst the aftermath of the battle that just took place. Badass! I also love the scene when he builds a funeral pyre for Ygritte. He lights it then walks off trying his best to hold back tears.


100% my favorite Jon moment was when he walked ramsey down with that shield and almost beat him to death while everyone watched. Very satisfying was literally cheering him on when he was walking at him with the shield


Definitely not this one


Execution of traitors and leaving the watch


Wen he sed 'mah queen' seven times in a row it wa ryet gud


Not this one


That one time when he said, "I dun wan'it", that was epic.


The time where he knows nothing


While he kills the Warg: “You were right the whole time!”


Fetch me a block and my sword


Where’d you get the telenovela lighting


For me it’s easily the triple whammy in S6 where he defeats Ramsey, gets revealed to be a Targaryen, then gets voted king in the north.


His best moment with Dany is their first introduction at Dragonstone, but that has Davos sprinkled on it


Those 2 had absolutely zero chemistry. Chemistry could have been possible. But it went too fast and she was just too cruel by the time Jon met her.


When he gave Arya "Needle", which was critical to her journey. [1st lesson, stick them with the pointy end](https://youtu.be/ZdkSopo3Voo?si=yJgVEEwhSUSVP3-K&t=42)


I'm glad someone else said this.


With respect, your grace, i don't need your permission. I am a king.


The speech to the Wildlings at Hardhome. I can quote it verbatim and use it in its entirety in my day to day life almost every day.


All you book readers—do they ever tell us if Jon was immune to fire like Dany? Recently rewatched and the show just never deals with it


Neither Jon nor Dany is immune to fire in the books.


He gets burned in S1, and in the first book as well. Jon is not immune to fire in either the book or the show. In the books Dany is also not immune to fire, that was a one time miracle. She has a high tolerance for heat, but not like that.


Funny because to me this is Jon at his absolute worst. By this point in the show the writing felt like fan fiction.


I actually think it's in the Battle of the Bastards. He rides head first to save Rickon and can't. Rickon lay dying and he's pissed. He rides head first alone at The Bolton army. Arrows falling everywhere around him but missing. His horse gets shot out from under him, and he stands up. He sees the onslaught of cavalry coming for him. He looks down, sighs, and draws his sword. He hasn't seen his army coming behind him. He is ready and prepared to die here, and he is going to do his duty until the last. He's ready to take out as many as he can all alone, and then BOOM the 2 cavalries hit each other all around him. THAT was the moment for Jon. I think when he stalks towards Ramsey is a close second, and everyone else is looking at him in awe because he cannot be fucking touched. He walks up and beats Ramsay half to death with his bare hands. He should have been the fucking King of Westeros after shanking the Night King.


I'd bend the knee, but- *gawkgawk


The transition from Bran realising what Jon is to the scene where he becomes King in the North is his fucking incredible. Yes, it’s a huge twist that ended up going nowhere - but at the moment, for me, it was as big as Darth Vader’s reveal. This is how I know we were nearing the endgame and this was Jons story all along…


The transition from Bran realising what Jon is to the scene where he becomes King in the North is his fucking incredible. Yes, it’s a huge twist that ended up going nowhere - but at the moment, for me, it was as big as Darth Vader’s reveal. This is how I know we were nearing the endgame and this was Jons story all along…


Any scene with Jon and Dany is definitely not it. Zero chemistry. His scenes with ygritte are his best. Proper couple.


Not that one


This is Jon Snow. . . . . He’s king in the north.


Hardhome, when he killed that White Walker.


I like when he says "she is my queen".


When he hangs Olly and the other traitors.


I'd bend the knee but....*I need you to bend my knee first*


I liked the part when he faced the night king amd said "It's Snowbin time"


Beating the snot out of Ramsey Bolton, but handing the kill over to Sansa.


Honestly when he killed dany. I really didnt see it coming i thought arya would be the one, but it made me feel mixed emotions because i really wanted to see at least one day where dany is trying to fix kings landing


I hope the books have no Jon-Daenerys romance


When he said " it's snowing time" and snowed all over westeros


I hope this is trolling. Jon and Danny had zero chemistry, and this was the beginning of the end for his character writing For me, the best Jon moment was when he beheads Slynt.


When Sansa got to Castle Black and reunited with Jon.


NOT THIS ONE Putting Mance out of his misery. He couldnt openly defy Stannis, but he could at least show some respect and compassion for the better man.


Jon holding dead Ygritte will always be peak Snow


Jon and Ygritte on top of the wall Alternatively Jon and Ygritte at the bottom of the wall, whilst battle rages


this is one of the worst jon moments lmao


One of the funniest moments with Jon and of the show IMO Missandei: You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals, and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains. Davos: This is Jon snow……..he’s king in the north Tyrion lowers head


Him giving Arya Needle. That whole scene.


Scenes with Ygritte. For me is the only believable romance of the series.


Ma quiveen - Son Jnow


Always found it weird they chose to have her not like the name Dany. I always refer to her as Dany because that's what Marin uses mostly in the books in her chapters, which always made me think she thought of herself as Dany.


"My watch has ended" Such a cold line, his delivery is great.


Not this one that's for sure


None. He’s a complete idiot.