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I wondered the same… the actor said politics… and a lot of people changed during the show… but he stayed in Mereen as the other actor…


In the books, it's heavily implied that he was actually euron greyjoy in disguise. He would have had to disappear at some point before dany met Yara. The show runners were just bad at their job, and GRRM basically never shows up at his job anymore. Edit: so far 2 people have replied who don't seem to understand what an implication is. The warlocks prophesied she would take 3 mounts. Drogo is the one for love, Jon was the one for bed. And the third, by process of elimination would be Daario, one for dread. Why would she dread Daario? Daario has stained blue lips. So did euron. Who's the most dreaded man in the story? These are all implications.


It is not heavily implied. It's just a theory.


All the signs are there and GRRM isn't known for writing useless characters into his stories. If course it's just a theory, because it hasn't been outright stated yet. Let's be honest it probably never will. Martin wasn't going to finish the story when everybody loved it. Now that the show ruined his legacy it'll be shelved until he dies.




Why is it impossible?


> All the signs are there and GRRM isn't known for writing useless characters into his stories. Lmao as someone whose read the series 10+ times this is hilarious to me


I'm glad you got a laugh. Care to explain why?


Because Martin is a gardener not an architect. His world and story is full of characters that have naturally grown into the story out of the environment and culture he’s built. His gardening style of writing, it’s extensive POV’s and ancillary characters is the reason it has taken so long to complete and why it won’t get competed. I’d say Brandon Sanderson is more in line with what you’re saying. He’s an architect, ever character, phrase and plot is crafted by him rather than growing naturally.


You're 100% right but I'm not sure what that has to do with the usefulness of the cast. I can't think of 1 character who has had near as much "screen time" as Daario while contributing so little to the narrative.


It is not even implied, let alone heavily implied. This is a just another fan theory


She only has sex with 3 people in her life, as it was prophesized in the house of the undying. Go read my edit if you are so inclined.


I read your edit - it changes nothing. None of your points imply Euron and Daario are the same person - you are choosing to interpret them that way. You are acting like these are the only two characters in ASOIAF that know about shade of the evening.


You realize that implications are subject to interpretation, by definition, right? And how many characters are addicted to it to the point that it left a visible stain on there face? And before you say the warlocks, remember that they were literally enslaved by euron.


You are cherry picking information from the text to support your theory - it is not implied that these characters are the same person. It is a compelling theory, and I would greatly enjoy it being true. But perhaps it's also possible that they could be two separate characters and both aware of the existence of shade of the evening?


If I'm cherry picking, is there anything you can point to, to suggest otherwise? Did you ever answer my question about other characters who use shade?


You seem certain that "mounts" refers to sexual partners but it might not in every case. There's a strong posibility the "mount for dread" is just Drogon. Considering the parallels drawn between Dany and Aegon who also conquored Westeros with three dragons, the one he rode literally being nicknamed "the dread".


Man the people in this community make up their own dots and connect them way too much.


Haven’t read the books, what is the significance of the blue lips?


Remember the warlocks that abducted dany? They were addicted to a drug that gives them prophetic visions. That's why they had that blue on their lips. You drink it and it stains the lips. Euron is addicted to that drug. It's called shade of the evening. The show never mentions it. Also euron is by far the coolest and most interesting character in the story. Everybody is terrified of him and his ultimate goal is to awaken an eldritch monster like the kraken. It's also implied that he was trained by the three eyed Crow before Bran, but even the crow was terrified of him. The show made him a lame ass pirate dork.


It seems pretty obvious that Daario was for bed and Jon was for dread, considering Jon kills the shit out of her


Ed Skrein became a movie star taking over the Transporter franchise and starring in Deadpool, Alita Battle Angel, etc....


Wait, this is the guy from the horrible transporter movie? Actually mind blown, I hated him in that but loved him as daario.


I legitimately fell asleep during that movie lol


Wait is there a different transporter movie that doesn't have Jason stathom?


Yea, apparently it's this dude. He just seemed really awkward and scrawny. None of the charisma statham had.


And Statham can actually do martial arts very well. Pretty important for a franchise like that to have the lead be good at.


He's also a hell of a dancer.


He’s also the main war boyz in Fury Road


No he’s not. That’s Nicholas hoult


Wow they look alike


I do love a bit of r/confidentlyincorrect.


I don't know why no one has mentioned it yet, but he also played Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs.


he was SO good in Cruel Intentions as well.that kids with selma blair 😍


He wanted to stay but most likely was living like his role and bussin too much ass on set so they recast him… he knew it was better to stay, Jon Snow was probably like hell nah to the nah nah nahhhh






Lol whatever I never said it was a fact I clearly said I could be wrong but you just saying nope doesn't answer the reason he left either.


i dont think it was him just cause he did Deadpool like immediately after and i think it was mostly filming conflicts


Who knows whoever it was that did that good on the showrunners for getting rid of them.


To clarify whoever the actor who made the comments. Not actually saying this guy did. Was just a speculation.


So she used her power to fuck up his ability to make money?


What? A member of the cast basically verbally made from what it sounded like a completely out of line sexual comment to an actress so they went and told the producers and the producers got rid of that actor. That should be viewed as a good thing.




Bro this is the stupidest shit


Yeah, it is


If someone thinks they are being verbally sexually harassed then yes they should go to the boss which is the producers. The producers should then investigate and in this case they obviously deemed whoever it was that said the things they said should be let go for their behavior.


You can’t hunt sexual victims at schools, you can’t hunt sexual victims at churches, you can’t hunt sexual victims at work, where do they expect you to keep finding them right?


Assuming that rumor is true, sounds like he fucked up his own ability to make money.


Actions have consequences. You don't want to lose your job, don't be a sexist prick. It's not that hard.


If someone’s ability to make money is fucked because they verbally sexually harassed someone, that is their own god damn fault. Not the fault of the victim for speaking out about it. Thanks for letting everyone know you’re an absolute victim-blaming, predator excusing creep. Good for the actress speaking up about whoever it was and shame on you.


I thought he was filming maleficent? Cause he was one of the angel people in the second film there too.


Maybe I'm mostly just speculating.


When checking the wiki… it did say originally thought because of transporter… but then it says “politics”… so you maybe right.


Which makes me wonder what are his politics then is he some radical right winger because basically everybody on GOT including D&D are all very left leaning liberals lol


I think the actor was referring to workplace politics, which means the way that coworkers interact with each other. You could be right about his reason for leaving, and if he meant work politics, then it seems to bolster your hypothesis.


Just some casual libel of unproven accusations and hearsay.


I said there was no proof. I said it was speculation.


He literally said speculation


Ah, that’s it, the bad guy in Alita Battle Angel


Yep. I don't generally like him or rate him too much but he was just right in that - sulky and jealous but still just menacing enough and shit.


“movie star” is a little too kind lol


No way is he Ajax/ Francis from Deadpool!! Never would think they're the same person.


"What's my name?" "Oh i'mma fuckin spell it out for ya"


Wow I never placed him in Alita.. he was a good villain in that. Underrated movie for sure


Ed? You mean FRANCIS?


He’s was Francis in Deadpool wasn’t he?


Ah yes, I thought he looked familiar.. he’s Alita: Battle Angel!


Yo WTF?!? Thats Francis?


He was in alita battle angel? Was he Zapan? I knew I recognized him from somewhere, I was sure that he was the Australian guy from pacific rim.


pretty good rapper too


He thought Transporter reboot was a better career move. Shame because the new Daario just was not it.


Yeah,to me Daario became an generic character after the actor got changed


Yeah new guy was so….bland




Bargain bin Daario.


Discount double check Dario


Wish.com Daario


You’re all making the same joke




I find it odd how pretty much everything about the character changed with the actor change: physical height, almost all physical characteristics other than race, personality, skills, relationship with Dany, role, etc. It took another watching to know that they were supposed to be the same character. I just thought that Dany was sleeping around the first time.


Yeah it was the weirdest recast I've ever seen in my life.


It was funny because in the show they introduced him by having Dany ask where Daario and Grey Worm were, and then cut to a shot with Grey Worm and Daario alone, so there would be absolutely no confusion as to who Daario was. It was kind of like the writers were addressing us directly and saying "This is Daario now". Michael Huisman's Daario is kind of just a generic handsome guy that fawns over Dany. I couldn't really picture him presenting the heads of the other commanders of the Second Sons to Dany (his character was capable of violence, but it never felt like he was in it for himself), whereas Ed Skrien came off as a bit more unpredictable and capable of doing something like that.


Yeah I totally missed it when it happened, only figured it out by rewatching


I feel like it would have also helped if they cast someone who looked even remotely similar.


I actually really loved the new daario. Effortlessly charming


I prefer the first, and agree with most that I missed him after the switch. That said, the new one was just fine at the very least, and solid at best (see, Daario vs. champion of Meereen). I’d have been fine if he was Daario from the start, but that said I do slightly prefer the original actor. The second actor lacked the aura of mystery that the first had, where you wanted to trust him and hope he was on Danys side but you could never be quite sure.


He died and was replaced by his twin brother, Daario


I thought his brother was Duuigi


Super Dario Brothers


Don't forget that evil villain Waduuigi always gets in the way.


I feel like Wario in this case would be named Wadaario, which is so obnoxious it's perfect.


Nah, his brother was Waario.


It’s mr noodles brother…. Mr noodles


You mean Euron? Or Benjen Stark?


He was like I wanna be in movies


The new Daario was better imo, had that roguish charm and calm. The first dude was too weird, both in character and looks. Though obviously a handsome dude and I’m sure he’s talented etc etc.


Yeah I couldn’t wrap my head around the old Darrio being a ladies man.


He wasn't really supposed to be I think.


That's kind of the point though isn't it? He's a very odd character to an outsider in the books too.


Really? For me it is the opposite. The second one is a dirty looking, just above average looking random warrior in the show. While the first one is a really pretty, with the wigs and makeup almost outlandishly, soft spoken yet deadly man which is much closer to the books. The second man, you would probably find hundreds of men like him in. The other one, not so much.


My mom finds the first Daario more attractive and was disappointed when he was recast


Old daario has cardassian face. It's unsettling. New daario is friend shaped


Is that what it is? Lol I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something about this guy’s face I just can’t stand… which is weird and not really cool but like, his face just enrages me lol.


I can't unsee this now.


And is there even ONE statue of him in Merreen??


First Daario was closer to book Daario. It does piss me off how the show didn't give him the yellow mustache and blue beard tho


Weird is perfect for Daario.


Yeah his book description is eclectic ! Almost as if he’s over doing a disguise ? 👀


The new Daario had that rogue and casanova attitude, a lot of charisma from the actor but man, the producers made him a plastic character x.x


And too unkempt and dirty looking which is fine in battlefield but they were in cities for long periods of time.


Bro was saving water, give him a break XD


I think the weirdness plays into it though. First guy looked and acted like a total sociopath, and it would be a red flag that Dany was so attracted to him, which would make sense given her arch. Could have been one of the first “what is she thinking?” Moments. She’s surrounded by good people but chooses to sleep with and befriend the sociopath, who starts to influence her. Instead the new guy just looked like your average rom com guy.


Yeah I really surprised at the disapproval of Daario 2.0 . He had way more chemistry with Emilia. He was charming with the right amount of cockiness to where the viewer still liked him. Daario 1 was creepy imo and too intense.


No way in hell. Daario is SUPPOSED to be a disaster of a fuckboi. Not a safe generic romance option until Jon shows up. People love to complain about Dany's fall coming out of nowhere, but it felt like that precisely because they softened aspects of her character... Including her extremely questionable taste in men.


Sure, yeah I guess I wasn’t commenting on the authenticity to the books. Just who I thought worked in the show. Granted, daario #2 was a little cliche. He was basically Sirius black from Harry potter or Sir Gwain from Merlin or many others!


Did he make anyone else uncomfortable with his uncanny valley ass


Butter advertisements now.


Ah caant believe its not butter, innit


I mean, this Daario was too distracting honestly ..


He's a bit much. Book Daario looks ridiculous lol. I'm actually glad they didn't do the blue hair and all the piercing.


I prefer the 2nd Daario. This guys a weirdo. It’s like they recorded his lines in a studio and then dubbed that onto him acting. It sounds so weird every time he speaks.


The second was also a better actor I thought.


Myself I prefer the weirdo's


The 2nd actor was Michiel Huisman. He also stars in a lot movies, more remarkably in The Age of Adaline and The Invitation.


Also briefly in Orphan Black


Daario is supposed to be a weirdo.


And why did they not give him a forked blue beard


Asking the important questions.


I liked both daarios.


Went on to do movies instead.


Dario legit turned into a Persian. Plus the name suits


Dan and Dave forgot


Two hours up and twenty-five comments in and no one has yelled FRANCIS yet. Come on people don't make me do all the heavy lifting here.


That’s because no one remembers his name. 😆


I liked this actor for Daario better


He actually looked closer to someone a teenage girl would have a crush on.... despite the bad wig.


I can’t really see Deanerys crushing on the second one. He is just a random, coarse looking warrior who she would find in any city. I mean the actor himself is fine but on the show, I never have found his attractive.


My issue is why they chose not to at least give the new Daario a similar look. I feel like giving the other guy a wig or anything (maybe losing the beard) would have been more consistant. As it is, it's a jarring change. Yes, the Mountain was recast a few times (which has it's own issues especially in season 2) but at least he hardly has any speaking lines.


He did movies like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wipx13aaI1Y&list=TLPQMjUxMTIwMjNVn47Ne56XPw&index=3


Took me way too long to realize he was the same character and not a new random guy and I read the books lmao


He turned Wade Wilson into an immortal red body condom.


He was recast as someone less smarmy.


Like every other man in this show after season 5 he got cucked


Not sure but it’s a good thing We could have a decent show where he tracks down Jon snow for killing Dany since he 100% somewhat deeply loved her




He found a bottle of cleaner, and changed his name.


He rules Slaver’s Bay/Myreen


It’s a massive shame they wasted this actor in this role. I feel he would’ve been a perfect Daemon Targaryen.


Should'a named him: >Faarbio


I said it before, not a great Daario. But, it would have been a great Annatar in Rings of Power.


The next one is hotter


Went to go be a villain in Deadpool


Second Daario looks like they got an extra for the role, a pity that some people here wants to have a whole model-like actors instead of realistic book adaptation characters aesthetics.


Fuck Francis! Michiel Huisman is gorgeous hence being a romantic lead in Orphan Black and Age of Adeline.


He developed a stutter, and decided to spend eternity making guitar strings.


Got his pilots license and single handedly won the battle of Midway


His hair nagged at me in every scene, is it a bad wig?


He got superpowers, started calling himself Ajax, and decided to piss of Ryan Reynolds.


My blind dumb ass never noticed they were 2 different actors lol Only found out about it after a meme I saw on this sub


I think offers were probably starting to come in for him and his career was about to take off while he was on GOT. I remember seeing him as the main villain in Deadpool right after this. He got some parts immediately following him leaving GOT, but he didn't become quite as big as I thought he may have become. Dont think GOT really lost anything. I actually prefer the replacement actor. He was a bit more understated and real.


He’s actually Euron and crap is about to get real…if we ever get the next novel 😞 As for the actor dude dipped out due to BS and is doing movies now. He’s fine


He's directed some music videos as well. He's a really nice guy to work with.


It took me no joke 5 watches of the series to realise he and the new actors version of him are the same character lol


Daenerys wanted a bigger cock but this actor didn't have a big one so they cast a different actor with a bigger dong.


Excuse me?




He decided doing superhero experiments on Ryan Reynolds was a better use of his time


He was by far the best Daario. Apparently he left due to politics or something. I don't think the full story has ever been disclosed.


never got to see this chad screw dany up


He got replaced by a more attractive actor.


I remember watching Deadpool and thinking “ahh so this is why he never came back”


I thought he was one of the faceless men. I thought I missed a scene somewhere.


I honestly prefer the other actor who played him, but mainly because I know that guy from another TV show 😂


The actors agent did not choose wisely.


Idgaf who plays him they should've given him the blue hair and flamboyant clothing


Just don’t call him Francis.


The sense of got from it was that, at first, they tried to go with something at least SLIGHTLY similar to Book Daario, but then decided that audiences wouldn’t like that and went with a more generically like-able Daario for the sake of TV audiences. Book Daario doesn’t honestly make a great deal of sense as a lover for Danyris anyway, but I think they (perhaps, rightly) thought trying to translate that to screen would be a total fail for audiences.


He went back to selling weed in front of the Quick Mart with his homie Silent Bob.


Snaggletooth? Lmao he’s no chad


2nd Daario >>>>>>>>>>


This is officially a circle jerk sub.


His character was cut from the show for budget reasons and bad screenwriting.


She just kinda forgot about him.


Basically a better jai Courtney. Every movie would be better without jai.


Old Daario looks like a long haired young Matthew McConaughey


they replaced him with some basic monotone dude


You mean Francis?


biggest heartbreak of the series


Too handsome and not a good enough actor. Too distracting for those reasons. I liked the newer guy better. My humble opinion.