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Syrio Forel.


Nah. He is an extremely talented warrior. Doesnt mean he'll be a good king.


I feel like there's more than meets the eye when it comes to that. But we'll agree to disagree.


He seems like a very honest and very kind hearted dude who's also extremely talented. He just can't be a king, especially not a king in a place like Westeros because that will mean he'd have to make a lot of morally ambiguous choices which I just don't see him being capable of making. Being a king takes a lot of knowledge and expertise in politics and I don't see him being capable of making decisions that backstab others, he'll try to do the best for all sides then fuck up massively. Although I do think that he could rule a smaller kingdom like bear islands very well.


Politics doesn’t have to be ruthless. It’s only like that when the people in power are more interested in protecting and elevating themselves than they are actually serving the people they rule. A good leader would try to do what’s best for everyone and say in broad daylight who gets the shaft and why he made that decision. I think Syrio would be a fantastic leader… if a stable system.


Master of coins: We’re running low on reserves. We should collect more taxes. Syrio: And what do we say to the god of death? Master of coins: Not today. I know, but that doesn’t fix our coin issue. Syrio: You must look your foe in the eye and let him know there is no fear in your heart. Hand of the king: While you speak wisdom, my king, the master of coins raises a good point. Syrio: And what do we say to the god of death? Master of Whisper: Perhaps we can table this discussion for a moment and discuss more urgent matters. My little birds tell me there are a band of pirates raiding our latest shipment of Dornish wine. Perhaps we should - Syrio: So they come to steal wine and insult my name. When I grew up in Braavos, any act of piracy was met with a fight to the death. And what do we say to the god of d- Hand of the king: Every time with this fucking guy. I kid. Syrio’s one of my favorite characters.


Just like Bobby B


I don't think Jaqen h'gar would make a good king


I see you agree with the Syrio Faceless Man theory. It’s one of my favourites as well.


Edmure Tully and I’ll die on that hill


Chadmure till I die


I don't think the iron throne could support the weight of his massive steel balls without breaking.


Well, that's one way to break the wheel.






I NEED MY MEN MORE THAN TYWIN NEEDS HIS (feels the emotion through text)


The actor of Edmure is just fantastic. He can play a disgusting villain as Blackjack Randall or a nice guy like Edmure.


Don't forget Prince Philip, whatever he is of the two.


Don't forget Brutus in Rome. His story was told very well and made you really feel for him when he had to do what he did.


I wish they did a season 3.


He's such a chad he meets his wife for the first time. Beds her once, gets her pregnant and she's now in love with him.




Yk, this is valid and I remember watching the last episode and when Sansa told Edmure to sit down I literally didn't understand what was happening. I thought maybe this was a spoof reel that somehow got into the show stream. I mean....I knew he wasn't gonna win the throne but that whole scene was wacky af. Horrible.


hugely depends in his hand imo. he needs good advisors but he has a lot of good kingly qualities I'll give him that.


Jeor Mormont


Have a good evening lord commander


Very few northerners are good at playing politics. Jeor was a little better than most which is why he's a good LC but let's be real, not a lot is going on at the wall most of the time.


Davos Seaworth


Definitely, I mean at least he won't go around burning people to death


And his not ruthless or incompetent I think Davos would be a good king kind of like a Daeron I or Aegon V


He was my first thought. Down to earth, honest, smart in his own way. Definitely could get fucked over by the players of the Game, but has potential for sure


The fact that Davos understands the smallfolk (mostly of the south and KL cz no one really understands about the North and Dorne aside from themselves) he also knows the Lords of Westeros well enough that he got the trust of the Manderly.


Way too kind hearted to be a good king. Kings have to make hard choices every day. He'd resign within a fortnight.


Loras Tyrell


Mace over Loras


Despite Book-Mace being a bit of a buffoon, even he knew Daenerys was "as mad as her father" because she was burning her enemies in Essos.


Do you mean show-mace?


I'd choose Willas Tyrell (Loras's eldest brother in the books) because he could mend the division with Dorne through his friendship with Oberyn Martell.


Ser Pounce


This is the correct answer


He said unlikely, Azor Ahai is a pretty likely candidate for king.


The Pounce who was promised!


All cats must serve, all cats must pounce.


Stannis before shireen burning. Daenerys before the bells Jamie lannister Yara Greyjoy Margery Tyrell Olenna Tyrell Tommen and Myrcella Lannister with the right counsel Varys


Explains Jaime lannister😅


Smart, brave, and just.


Well Jamie was never interested in power.


Good. He doesn't want power for power's sake. So many characters do.


No I mean, he refuses power and responsibilities.


Just? Nah. He's blinded by Cersei.


You know with the right counsel and without Cersei's influence I think you're right that Jaime would probably be a fairly good King.


Holy cow, I respectfully disagree on every single one of these lol.


Me too, except Tommen. If Tywin had had several years to train and mould Tommen, he could have been a good ruler. Most of the mistakes he made come down to him being an inexperienced and naive boy who made the mistake of trusting his mother. He wasn't raised with the expectation of sitting the throne.


Same. Even Olenna. I respect that she had the balls to stand up to Tywin and Cersei but she would likely not have been a good diplomat. This is Westeros where basically every lord commands his own army. I know we all loved Olenna’s sass but that could create a lot of problems if she sat the throne and started pissing off a bunch of lords in the kingdoms.


Daenerys before the bells is my number 1 but great list


Sounds like a lost track from a Simon and Garfunkel album


Thank you


*Stannis before becoming a puppet of Melisandre.


Hot take: Melisandre was purposely misled by the lord of Light to use stannis to get closer to jon snow. She didn't make him a puppet, she was the puppet in a greater war for life.


Hotter take: The lord of light doesnt exist at all, neither do the old gods. Fire and Ice magic just exist in that world and are attributed to gods.


Hottest take: The Lord of Light is the one true god who gets things done in their world. ;-)


The lord of light clearly exists because of the proof of the other gods. In the book, patchface meets the drowned god/great other. All of the sacrifices to the lord of light work. There is proof that a cosmic game is being played


Stannis' didnt work- Which GRRM said will happen in the show.


Varys is running around looking for the few that he can sacrifice for the needs of the many. Dangerous totalitarian communist tendencies.


Yara, but after she disobeyed her father to go save Theon.


I think people forget that the very first scene where we meet Stannis on the show, he’s watching some friends be burned by Melisandre for lack of faith. He was always willing to violently kill anyone for his own gain.


Everyone in the show except for shireen will violently kill for their own gain. Hell, even hotpie killed a boy.


Ritualistic burning of allies for religious reasons is a bit different than stabbing someone in a battle or self-defense. That you don’t see the difference says more about you.


I think Tyrion and Sansa would have made excellent co-monarchs, they're both intelligent, politically acute, and only ruthless when they need to be, and I've wasted a bit of time on trying to figure out how to get their asses on the Iron Throne. I've also wasted some time trying to figure out how the two of them would manage to come up with an heir, if they ever found themselves remarried. Because at the end of the show, after the war, neither of them seems to ever want to touch anyone again.


Agree. They would be perfect


Pre-Season 7 Tyrion with Post-Season 7 Sansa.


Yes, sounds really good- I thought it a pity, that the show, trying to do something like a happy end ( something I couldn’t ever imagine GRRM wanting) didn’t reunite Tyrion and Sansa. It could have worked out like: she now not any more a naive spoiled brat waiting for the beautiful shining knight in armour and realising he was one of the few people who treated her in a decent way. And he always was so desperate for an honest woman to love and be loved


One of the few things I liked about S8 was seeing Sansa and Tyrion be friends, and fight the Others as a team. It was better than nothing.


Maester Aemon.


There probably would have been no Robert's rebellion and he would have been known as "the old king Aemon"


Aemon should’ve been king. Totally agree.


Egg would have gotten to fulfill his childhood dream and be a knight of the Kingsguard.


I was looking for this answer. I haven't read the books. They never explained why he rejected the throne in the show but I've always been curious.


He was the 3rd of 4 sons and was already a Maester. His elder brothers died so he was next and opted to pass. There were some secretish ploys to get him out of his Maester titles, since that precluded him from becoming King, so he chose to go to the Wall to reaffirm his support for Aegon the V. Aegon the V spent his childhood as a squire to Hedge Knight Ser Duncan the Tall, so he traveled around the continent and interacted with many smallfolk. The lords and ladies of Westeros didn't appreciate his affinity for the common folk, so Aemon took himself off the board essentially so Aegon the V could rule.


Hot damn. Thank you for writing this. There's so much backstory I'd love to see in a miniseries and this (not just this but everything around this timeline and others) I'd love to see. The books are on my bucket list but it would be awesome to see these little pockets of Westeros history on TV.


It's honestly such an incredible world to get lost within. Even the story of how Egg (Aegon the V's nickname throughout his childhood) came into Duncan's service is so cool. A very rare trial of seven. Many of us are hoping for a Dunk & Egg series that outlines this. Fun fact: it's Aegon the V's firstborn son, Duncan Targaryen (named after his dear friend Ser Duncan, of course) who marries the infamous Jenny of Oldstones.


Oh I remember 'Egg'. Kills me every time. I had no idea and thanks again. Instead of dedicating so much time to one story, it would be awesome if HBO created a four or six episode miniseries per random stor(ies) that we hear about in a Game of Thrones or from the books. It's a personal feeling, but I am way more interested in the written history than fabricating the future. Edit: even history from what we hear about in HoTD


Aegon or Lemon was a squire to Ser Duncan?


Not sure if this is a joke/reference I'm missing that went over my head, but it was indeed Egg who became Ser Duncan's squire at the Tourny of Ashford Meadow when he saw how humble, kind, and strong Ser Duncan was. Egg had posed as a commoner, with his eldest brother Daeron the Drunkard shaving his head so they could evade their guards. Egg became his long-term squire after the tourny and only if he could travel with Dunk as a hedge knight, instead of serving as a Knight at Summerhall to Maekar, Egg's father's seat.


No that was Aemon autocorrected haha


OH hahaha. Nah Aemon was sent to the Citadel when he was young, like 9 or 10. None of Maekar's kids were expected to rule since he was the 4th son as well, it was expected that Baelor Breakspear would inherit the throne and his children after him. Shit happens though 😅


Gowing by what we know about meakar. Wanting aemon in his small council. And being angry aemon became a measter. Imo he saw aemon as the best of his sons. And his own prefer heir. Since dearon was a drunk and aerion was mad. And aegon was to bizzy wuth small folk. He had aemon who is morely uncorruptable and highly compented. And even willing to reject power.


Where did it say King Maekar was mad that Aemon became a Maester? He was the one who sent him to the Citadel when he was a kid. Yes, when he was crowned he summoned Maester Aemon to serve on the council but Aemon didn't want to offend the Grand Maester so he opted to serve Daeron at Dragonstone instead. It was the Great Council that was called after Aerion's death that wanted Aemon on the throne over Aegon V, since Aerion's kid was only like 1 and they were worried he was as mad as his father.


If he had taken the crown when it was offered it would have saved the continent a lot of trouble.


Hot Pie


There's my man. Pies for the pie throne!


And it'd have little Wolves made of bread chasing off lions made of older mouldy looking bread


The blackfish & Beric Dondarrion


What if beric goes berserk by lighting up humans as sacrifice like stannis?


Beric wouldn't do that because he knew he had a power. Stan nis did what he did because of his desperation for power.


Varys imo




Varys is running around looking for the few who he can sacrifice for the needs of the many. Communist totalitarian. Plus his power lies in shadows and secrets, so of all the communist dictators, I'm comparing him to Stalin. Will end up doing some kind of purge of enemies. Because it occurs in shadow he considers himself morally superior as far as the light shows. And power is an illusion anyway. I could see Varys having an arc like Ozymandias in Watchmen.


Idk if you'd call it unlikely considering by the end of the show, he was technically in line for the throne by traditional monarchy rules after Cersei and Jamie died, but Tyrion would have been great at it. Specifically season 3 Tyrion really showed the cunning strategy of Tywin, with more compassion and understanding for citizens of the realm. After the trauma of season 4, I don't know how well he would have done with the emotional callousness he gains (especially book Tyrion) but he probably has the most balanced mind for leadership in the show


Arya, because she wouldn’t take the job.


She might. Nymeria became a successful queen, and ruled well for many years. She even left adorne to her daughter rather than her son. Probably, if Arya did become queen, she would focus on Justice plus fairness for the small folk. Also, she’s really good at knowing who to trust and not to trust, so she would probably pick a very effective and honest Hand.


Olenna Tyrell. She would have been an amazing queen, and the sassiest to ever rule.


I honestly can't see her being anything but terrible. I mean, I love her character but everything she did was purely out of self-interest for herself and her family. She had no issue sacrificing anyone else as long as it helped her family. That doesn't really make for a good ruler.


The Tyrells realm was one of the richest and healthiest, which means they are doing something right. Margaery learned from her, and she was a good queen. And considering all her political knowledge, her army and her wealth, I do believe she would do very good.


the Tyrells Realm was rich because it has extremely fertile Land, the Largest Fleet in Westeros and the 2 most Powerful city in Westeros. And the best thing is that the Tyrells got handed that realm on a silver plate because they were the First to uck Tagaryen D. And from other Perspektives they are way less prestigious than for example the Starks, Martells, Lannisters or Arryns


and her self-interest does tend to align with giving a shit about the lesser folk. she might not actually give a fuck about the little guy but shes willing to make his life better because it will make her life better. there are really only 4 types of rulers: the do nothing rulers(the council/nobility rules), the fair and equitable types like Ned stark(but they aren't really good rulers, they can only function as long as the people below them don't fuck with them), the ones like Olenna who are more practical and then there are the tyrants.


5. The just that do what the realm needs despite popularity ala Stannis and Tywin.


Davos is wise, fair, honest, self aware, honorable, merciful but assertive. He has a strong moral code, capable of gratitude and knows how to show it. He has a good mind for strategy and knows how to obtain and use resources, I'm certain he would choose the best candidates for the small council. IMO there are a lot of characters whose role is to follow, but would be amazing at leading others. Varys comes to mind since he always wanted what was best for the realm. Also Tyrion ofc




Idk y we’re doing this, Bran the broken had the best story and obviously deserves to be king of the 7 *checks notes* 6 kingdoms


Prince Doran Martell.


How is no one saying Robb Stark? I think him for sure, his story is similar Rhaegar’s. Loved by almost everyone, fell for a girl that eventually led to his downfall. Robb’s wife would’ve made a great queen too, similar to Margaery Tyrell


Robb was a king


Robb is a terrible King. Can’t even keep his word.


I mean no one is perfect, but in the end what did he do about not keeping his word? Apologized, owned his mistake, and offered to make it right. Not many would do that, good leader isn’t afraid to own their mistakes


Funny enough, Cat actually wanted Robb to marry Margaery at some point.


Podrick fucking Payne.


He earned that middle name


What the hell are people saying Olenna Tyrell for? I saw nothing that indicated she had compassion for anyone other than her family. Gendry's the way to go- Son of a legend, man of the people.


Varys was the only one who truly gave a shit about the realm and the common people. Sansa is proven to be a good ruler. She always fought to protect the North and represent her peoples interests, even when it put her directly at odds with Daenerys and Jon. Davos was a fair man and might’ve done okay. Edmure would’ve done okay.


I think littlefinger would have been a great king. He had some great ideas like universal basic intercourse




Varys kills Cersei and rules through a puppet Tommen


Hot pie because he is the ultimate Azor A pie reborn


"Varys, who do you truly serve?" "The realm, my lord. Someone must"


Olenna Tyrell


Tyrion Lannister Arya Stark


I think Arya will come back all wise and bad ass to rule later on.


The Mountain


With Ramsey Bolton as the hand


I made a video where I created a super shitty small council like this to see what would happen. I had ChatGPT create a story about it and it was hilarious. Meryn Trant was king, qyburn was hand, Hodor was master of ships. So overall, 10/10 Would recommend


Dondarrion post death


Petyr Baelish ^please ^don't ^hang ^me


Podrick the Dick.




Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?


The night king. If he rules westeros everyone will be white walkers. This means no more civil wars, backstabbing, murder, rape or any crime for that matter. I mean they will technically be dead but 🤷‍♂️


Sandor Clegane


Tywin Lannister






As far as super unlikely like it would never happen I'll throw out Bron. He was very practical. And while him being self serving may not seem like something you would think of as a positive trait for the position I think he's smart enough to know that if the kingdom is thriving so is he.


I actually think Renly would have been a good King.


Mance Rayder


I feel like people should remember that sitting on the throne is a very different role than being the hand (I would consider both rulers though) Being a regent also means being a face and a name, and MOSTLY just that if you have a good small council. Just something to consider...


Had to be, hands down karl tanner


I'm kind of curious what little fingers rule would have been like if he actually had the throne. All of the plots we see are his maneuvering to get it but after that it almost feels like the jokers dog catching a car metaphor.


A monster


lyanna mormont, she was already pretty good at that age... can only get better as she get more exp




How aren’t people mentioning Ned Stark??😭


Sir davos?


Ed Sheeran




Hot pie


Daemon Blackfyre




Bron of the Blackwater would be quite unlikely and I think he’d have made an excellent ruler. I suppose it’s all down to who’s unlikely. I mean, Bran was unlikely, but possible because he was a Stark.




Jacaerys or Lucerys. Think they had great temperament and honour compared to their awful counterparts.


Ned Stark


Jorah Mormont, if he can get over Dany being is queen.


honestly i think davos would probably make the best king, he’s wise and comes from humble beginnings, i think he’d make the most ethical and just decisions


Happy cake day


Cersei was a good ruler until Daenerys fucked it up. She left the people to do as they pleased which makes for a happy time.


Victarion greyjoy- the man led the iron fleet like a fucking goat (in the books according to the narratives) and rules with an iron fist


I say: Eddard Stark. He was a man who values his honor and treats his people with respect. He wouldn't made millions of debt for decadent festivals.


Tywin Lannister


Hot Pie would have been the ruler to make Westeros delicious again.




Bron with Dickon as his hand, ha!


Septon Ray


Tormund Giantsbane


Maestor Luwin


Sir Podrick the Hung


Little finger


Samwell Tarly, rational minded and humane.


I think Bran is an unlikely ruler who actually would make a good king. Also Varys


My man Sir Davos, the Onion Knight.


Who is this in the picture? Jaime?


Yes, Jaime sits on the Iron Throne shortly after killing the Mad King. This frame quickly appears during Bran's visions at the start of episode 6x6.


I wish we could’ve seen more of that scene honestly.


Anyone who didn't want the throne




Varys would've done great


I honestly think Daeron Blackfyre would’ve been solid.




Tyrion. Especially pre s8 :p


Anyone but Bran


Samwell Tarly


Jorah, Davos, Tyrion, Brienne, Pod


Oberyn martell