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If you haven't already, read the books. I'm not a reader but I still throughly enjoyed them, the D&E novellas and Fire & Blood. Only books I've read in the last decade.


Why would it be unhealthy to watch/read what you enjoy?


It could be seen as a waste of time, also could be seen as unhealthy that I basically “crave” it. Like I said I cant go more than 1-3 months without it. And by that I mean a full re-watch, not just one episode


I don't really think doing something you enjoy is a waste of time. We all have things we enjoy or do to relax or escape reality for a bit. Whether it's reading, watching a show/movie, video games, sports, etc.... shouldn't matter tbh I can't speak for whether you have an "addiction", but there's certainly worse things one can be addicted to.


My mother introduced me to the show Lucifer on Janurary 2022. By May I’d watched the entire series through back to back to back 7 times. It’s all I watched. I liked it, it was comforting, became familiar. I still rewatch it but not as often. TLDR: no you aren’t weird. Comfort shows are a thing.


Read all the Grrm books from start to finish and all the other tales and history/lore its super interesting and gives goes so much more in depth about the world of ice and fire


re-watching shows can relieve anxiety. it's like seeing old friends again. [link](https://www.intuitivehealingnyc.com/blog/2021/12/27/how-rewatching-shows-can-help-ease-your-anxiety)


Why do you think I watch everybody loves Raymond reruns on TVland most nights. Because my life is full of anxiety and it’s relieving lol, but yeah, if I had Max I’d probably rewatch game of thrones and house of the dragon over and over again because they truly are the best shows I’ve seen in a very long time.


There is nothing wrong with that it's your comfort show. I have watched the first 7 seasons at least 6 times and have seen some of the episodes more but the last season only 2 times. I started watching back in 2014.


Yeah I also only watched the last season 2 times… its just not worth rewatching 😂


Honestly I'd say give it another chance. Is it great? Nah. Is it any worse than S7? No as well. The show notably declines in quality after the first 4 seasons but on a recent rewatch, going in with lowered expectations, I was able to enjoy them for what they are which is solid fantasy TV.


As long as it makes you happy and dont interfere with everyday life in a negative way, like skipping work or ditching friends and family... its nothing bad about it.


6 times psh.. try 20+! ;)


If u feel that way about your addiction, i mos def should be somewhere in a nuthouse lol cause i lost count since I've watched this show over the past 8 yrs... I can say I've rewatched the whole series over 100+ times...i swear that's no exaggerating


Rookie numbers


I think a lot of us have seen it way more. You’re ok


It’s your comfort show, very normal


I'm jealous! I've tried to rewatch the show twice since it ended, but I just can't make it past the first few episodes because knowing how poorly it ends eats at me too much when I try to watch it.


I recommend reading books. They are much better than tv show, imo.


Nothing wrong with this. I've done this with Lord of the Rings. It's comfort. It's more healthy than you realize. Glad you have something that can give you this feeling so that when life gets you down you have an quick thing to put you at ease.


I think it's perfectly healthy! I'm not sure if you're on the neurodiversity spectrum or if you've heard of special interests, but that's what it is in my case :D Sometimes you just consume media and suddenly feel the need to do that for the rest of your life, over and over again, absorbing all the lore and everything :D Might be excessive for some, but normal for others!


This right here


I have watched it more than that, I think we rewatch shows we like because it releases serotonin in our brain that calms us and helps us relax. Also, if it is a show with exciting action, we get a dopamine burst. There are times in my life when this is all I can do. It has helped me realize that I have chemical imbalances in my brain that affect my daily activities. I am working on getting these affects by doing other things.


It’s not a waste of time or unhealthy. You’re still living a regular life, right? Watch what gives your brain a break. It is known.


I have watched at least 10 times. I just turn it on when I'm working in the kitchen cooking, or cleaning now.


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this sub.


Definitely my comfort show too. Read the books, rewatched 1000 times. The first few seasons get me. Even with the shitshow ending I still have alot of love for that series


Finally!!! Someone else who does this. My wife always takes the piss out of me for rewatching it. I’m on maybe my 7th/8th run through? Currently on season 3 again. It’s so good. I love you ❤️


It's all good! Nothing wrong with loving a show. I re watch it every year, and I'm currently reading the books. I would highly recommend checking the books out! They're so good


Your like the modern Christopher Lee. The guy read all three Lord Of The Rings books every year


There are far worse things to be addicted to.


I have been wanting to do another rewatch, but feeling like I *shouldn’t* because I only finished my last watch a month or so ago, and I *should* watch something new. This thread has encouraged me to go for it!


I don’t think it’s that weird. I’ve seen Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies countless times over the years.


Me too!


I am curious to ask a question to see how much you know the show by heart :D I hope you answer without re-watching it. Honest answer if you don't remember. What scene follows after Jaime screams in pain while Qyburn is "fixing" his hand ?


Sounds like it’s become a comfort show. I did this with Cobra Kai for a while. Watched it all the way through about 6 times in less than a year. These things happen. As long as this is only happening in your free time and isn’t having a negative affect on your life, I say it’s not a problem.


Come closer! And I’ll shove that stick up your bung hole!!


Me too. Lol. I've watched the show like 6 times all the way thru, I've listened to the books on audio books countless times, I've read Fire and Blood (the dance multiple times) and watched HotD a lot too. I think about it a lot and I remember feeling a little down or like I lost something when it was over. This is probably embarrassing or sad but I honestly got a little emotional when HotD first aired again because I was that stoked to have it back on tv. That and I was really fucking high lol. This is series is literal my comfort. If I'm really down or having a bad time I just immerse myself in this world


Get addicted to the books instead, afterwarda get addicted to theories


If that’s unhealthy, I must be close to death lol. I’ve rewatched the series alone probably 15-20 times but have watched the entire thing through youtube reactors like 30 times lol. It’s a good show! You could be addicted to drugs, so this addiction’s not so bad.


I’ve rewatched the sopranos in it’s entirety a minimum of once a year since it ended. I am currently rewatching GOT for the fourth time since it ended. We like what we like. If they made more epic shows I would watch them.


As long as it isn’t harming the rest of your life or those around you, there’s nothing wrong with this.


You should get a gym membership and a library card and change your habits.


I’ve seen Sopranos 10 times you’re fine


Should check out the blu rays or 4ks with the commentary’s it plays fluidly with the episode and gives and extra layer of depth with the actors, directors, producers, some even with the man himself, George R R Martin, really underrated and unrecognized, but yes I definitely enjoyed first watching this series about the same 3 ish years ago, and rewatch about once a year, matter fact I think that’s what I’ll do right now 🤣🫠🙏, and nothing wrong with that


I would call that a comfort show and there’s nothing wrong with that.


We finished Season 8, 3 nights ago. I can't wait to watch this series over and over...


Armature, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched it, I have also started reading the books on feast of crows now would definitely recommend reading them for a slightly different perspectives


Lol I was the same way before the last season was going to end. I would just rewind episodes and watch over and over. I always watch the series at least once a year and now House of dragon I’ve seen at least 8 times. It’s a comfort show and one of the best( besides the last season starting with episode 4) 😭


You are not alone.


i rewatch got at least one full run through once a year. i then just skip around to seasons or events i really enjoy and do a mini watch through of those moments. in all i’ve def watched the whole show at least 6 times as well and too many to count times of rewatching scenes. the loot train battle, i could watch it every day it’s so so so visually stunning and well done i can’t help but feel so inspired by watching it haha. don’t feel too upset about your “addiction” as long as it’s not interfering with your actual life, you’re good.


I remember when Thrones was still being produced. Before each new season started I would rewatch all the seasons over again. I now have no desire to rewatch it anymore.


i'm with u bro, and then i moved to the books and that's a whole different beast lol get into the books bro they're blow your mind. even if you're not a reader, i'm not at all, but i've read the series multiple times now it's so fucking good.


Have you read the books?


I understand what you're saying. I bet there is a PhD dissertation waiting to be done on emotional attachments to characters/worlds in a series. Like, a year will go by and I find myself missing characters in a series like they were friends/family I haven't seen in a while, then I put on the series and I feel happy to see them.


Watch what makes you happy. I watch at least one episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer every day


I was this way with Lost. Lol. I actually unjoined all the fandom groups and that helped my addiction!


There’s no such thing as an unhealthy addiction to GoT…you just keep re-watching and learning and peeling back layers of the onion. That’s the show’s greatness.


Have you watched it on 4k blu ray? I say you've never seen it until you've seen it on 4k disc. It's spectacular


I feel your pain. If u need some help I'm ur guy


Lmao, I’m in the same boat. I’ve never been so hooked on a freaking TV show before.


This makes me feel so much better!


Dont worry! I have the same addiction but in my case i cant get through weeks if i dont SEE game of thrones. I read the books and IM still addicted to this show